Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Module that contains code to convert a multibyte file to unicode.
Ted Miller (tedm) 17-June-1993
Revision History:
#include "unitext.h"
VOID MultibyteTextFileToUnicode( IN LPWSTR SourceFileName, IN LPWSTR TargetFileName, IN HANDLE SourceFileHandle, IN HANDLE TargetFileHandle, IN DWORD SourceFileSize, IN UINT SourceCodePage )
Routine Description:
Convert an open multibyte text file to a unicode text file, interpreting the data in the multibyte text file as a stream of characters in a given codepage.
SourceFileName - name of source (multibyte) text file.
TargetFileName - name of target (unicode) text file.
SourceFileHandle - win32 handle to the open source file. The file pointer should be fully rewound.
TargetFileHandle - win32 handle to the open target file. The file pointer should be fully rewound.
SourceFileSize - size in bytes of the source file.
SourceCodePage - codepage for the source file.
Return Value:
None. Does not return if error.
{ HANDLE SourceMapping,TargetMapping; LPSTR SourceView; LPWSTR TargetView; int CharsConverted; DWORD MaxTargetSize; DWORD EndOfFile; DWORD err;
// Tell the user what we're doing.
// Create a file mapping object that maps the entire source file.
SourceMapping = CreateFileMapping( SourceFileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, SourceFileSize, NULL );
if(SourceMapping == NULL) { ErrorAbort(MSG_CANT_MAP_FILE,SourceFileName,GetLastError()); }
// Calculate the maximum target file size. This is twice the
// source file size, plus one wchar for the byte order mark.
// The file could be smaller if there are double-byte characters
// in the source file.
MaxTargetSize = (SourceFileSize+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
// Create a file mapping object that maps the maximum size of
// the target file.
TargetMapping = CreateFileMapping( TargetFileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MaxTargetSize, NULL );
if(TargetMapping == NULL) { CloseHandle(SourceMapping); ErrorAbort(MSG_CANT_MAP_FILE,TargetFileName,GetLastError()); }
// Map views of the two files.
SourceView = MapViewOfFile( SourceMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0,0, SourceFileSize );
if(SourceView == NULL) { CloseHandle(SourceMapping); CloseHandle(TargetMapping); ErrorAbort(MSG_CANT_MAP_FILE,SourceFileName,GetLastError()); }
TargetView = MapViewOfFile( TargetMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0,0, MaxTargetSize );
if(TargetView == NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile(SourceView); CloseHandle(SourceMapping); CloseHandle(TargetMapping); ErrorAbort(MSG_CANT_MAP_FILE,TargetFileName,GetLastError()); }
// Write the byte-order mark into the target file.
*TargetView++ = BYTE_ORDER_MARK;
// Do the conversion in one fell swoop.
CharsConverted = MultiByteToWideChar( SourceCodePage, MB_PRECOMPOSED, SourceView, SourceFileSize, TargetView, MaxTargetSize );
if(!CharsConverted) { err = GetLastError(); }
// Do some cleanup.
UnmapViewOfFile(SourceView); UnmapViewOfFile(TargetView); CloseHandle(SourceMapping); CloseHandle(TargetMapping);
// Check for error in conversion.
if(!CharsConverted) { ErrorAbort(MSG_CONVERT_FAILED,err); }
// We know how many characters there are in the target file now,
// so set the target file size accordingly.
EndOfFile = (CharsConverted+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
if(SetFilePointer(TargetFileHandle,EndOfFile,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) != EndOfFile) { ErrorAbort(MSG_SEEK_ERROR,TargetFileName,GetLastError()); }
if(!SetEndOfFile(TargetFileHandle)) { ErrorAbort(MSG_ERROR_SET_EOF,TargetFileName,GetLastError()); }