MAIN.C / Mass Storage Device Installer Tool (MSDINST.EXE)
Microsoft Confidential Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2001 All rights reserved
Main source file for the MSD Installation stand alone tool.
07/2001 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
Added this new source file for the new MSD Isntallation project.
// Include File(s):
#include "pch.h"
#include "res.h"
#include <winbom.h>
#include <msdinst.h>
#include <spapip.h>
// Local Define(s):
#define REG_KEY_WINPE _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MiniNT")
#define STR_MUTEX_MSDINST _T("{97e6e509-16e5-40b8-91fd-c767306853a9}")
// Local Type Definition(s):
typedef struct _GAPP { TCHAR szInfPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szWinDir[MAX_PATH]; } GAPP, *LPGAPP;
// Internal Global Variable(s):
GAPP g_App = {0};
// Local Prototype(s):
static BOOL ParseCmdLine( LPGAPP lpgApp );
// Internal function(s):
static BOOL ParseCmdLine( LPGAPP lpgApp ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; DWORD dwArgs, dwArg, dwOption, dwOther = 0; LPTSTR *lpArgs, lpArg, lpOption, lpOptions[] = { _T("FORCE") // 0
// Call our function to process the command line and put it
// into a nice list we can go through.
if ( (dwArgs = GetCommandLineArgs(&lpArgs) ) && lpArgs ) { // We want to skip over the first argument (it is the path
// to the command being executed).
if ( dwArgs > 1 ) { dwArg = 1; lpArg = *(lpArgs + dwArg); } else { lpArg = NULL; }
// Loop through all the arguments.
while ( lpArg && bRet ) { // Now we check to see if the first char is a dash/slash or not.
if ( ( _T('-') == *lpArg ) || ( _T('/') == *lpArg ) ) { lpOption = CharNext(lpArg); for ( dwOption = 0; ( ( dwOption < AS(lpOptions) ) && ( 0 != lstrcmpi(lpOption, lpOptions[dwOption]) ) ); dwOption++ );
// This is where you add command line options that start
// with a dash (-) or a slash (/). You add them in the static
// array of pointers at the top of the function declaration and
// you case off the index it is in the array (0 for the first one,
// 1 for the second and so on).
switch ( dwOption ) { case 0: // -FORCE
// If the force switch is specified... set the flag.
SetOfflineInstallFlags( GetOfflineInstallFlags() | INSTALL_FLAG_FORCE ); break;
default: bRet = FALSE; } } // Otherwise if there is something there it is just another argument.
else if ( *lpArg ) { // This is where you add any command line options that don't
// start with anything special. We keep track of how many of
// these guys we find, so just add a case for each one you want
// to handle starting with 0.
switch ( dwOther++ ) { case 0: lstrcpyn(lpgApp->szInfPath, lpArg, AS(lpgApp->szInfPath)); break;
case 1:
lstrcpyn(lpgApp->szWinDir, lpArg, AS(lpgApp->szWinDir)); break;
default: bRet = FALSE; } }
// Setup the pointer to the next argument in the command line.
if ( ++dwArg < dwArgs ) { lpArg = *(lpArgs + dwArg); } else { lpArg = NULL; } }
// Make sure to free the two buffers allocated by the GetCommandLineArgs() function.
FREE(*lpArgs); FREE(lpArgs); }
// If there were no unrecognized arguments, then we return TRUE. Otherwise
// we return FALSE.
return bRet; }
// Main Fuction:
int __cdecl wmain(DWORD dwArgs, LPTSTR lpszArgs[]) { int nErr = 0; HANDLE hMutex; TCHAR szInfFile[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR, szWindows[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR; LPTSTR lpDontCare, lpszErr; HKEY hkeySoftware, hkeySystem; DWORD dwRet; // Initialize logging library.
OpkInitLogging(NULL, _T("MSDINST") ); // Allways start with a line feed.
// This tool is current only supported on WinPE.
if ( !RegExists(HKLM, REG_KEY_WINPE, NULL) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_WINPE) ) { _putts(lpszErr); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
return 1; }
// Need to have two args, the full path to the inf file
// with the controlers to install, and the path to the
// windows direcotry of the offline image.
if ( (dwArgs < 3) || !ParseCmdLine( &g_App) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ARGS) ) { _putts(lpszErr); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
return 1; }
// Copy the command line parameters to our own buffers.
if ( !( GetFullPathName(g_App.szInfPath, AS(szInfFile), szInfFile, &lpDontCare) && szInfFile[0] ) || !( GetFullPathName(g_App.szWinDir, AS(szWindows), szWindows, &lpDontCare) && szWindows[0] ) ) { //
// Get the system text for "The specified path is invalid."
// If the string was formatted, then let the user know something went wrong...
if ( dwRet && lpszErr ) { _putts( lpszErr ); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); LocalFree( lpszErr ); lpszErr = NULL; }
return 1; }
// Make sure the inf file exists.
if ( !FileExists(szInfFile) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_MISSING_INF_FILE) ) { _tprintf(lpszErr, szInfFile); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
return 1; }
// Make sure the inf file contains the section we need.
if ( !IniSettingExists(szInfFile, INI_SEC_WBOM_SYSPREP_MSD, NULL, NULL) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_MISSING_INF_SECTION) ) { _tprintf(lpszErr, szInfFile, INI_SEC_WBOM_SYSPREP_MSD); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
return 1; }
// Make sure the image directory exists.
if ( !DirectoryExists(szWindows) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_NOWINDOWS) ) { _tprintf(lpszErr, szWindows); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
return 1; }
// Only let one of this guy run.
hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, STR_MUTEX_MSDINST); if ( hMutex == NULL ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_ONEONLY) ) { _putts(lpszErr); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
return 1; }
// We have to be able to load the offline image to do anything.
if ( !RegLoadOfflineImage(szWindows, &hkeySoftware, &hkeySystem) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_LOADIMAGE) ) { _tprintf(lpszErr, szWindows); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
CloseHandle(hMutex); return 1; }
// Now try to install the MSD into the offline image.
if ( !SetupCriticalDevices(szInfFile, hkeySoftware, hkeySystem, szWindows) ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_CDD) ) { _putts(lpszErr); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); }
nErr = 1; }
// Unload the offline image.
RegUnloadOfflineImage(hkeySoftware, hkeySystem);
// Release the mutex.
if ( 0 == nErr ) { if ( lpszErr = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_ERR_SUCCESS) ) { _putts(lpszErr); _tprintf(_T("\n\n")); FREE(lpszErr); } } return nErr; }