Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ;/*
  2. ; * Microsoft Confidential
  3. ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991
  4. ; * All Rights Reserved.
  5. ; */
  6. ;===========================================================================
  7. ;
  9. ;
  10. ;===========================================================================
  11. ;===========================================================================
  12. ;Declaration of include files
  13. ;===========================================================================
  14. ;
  15. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. ;
  17. ; M024 : B#5495. Added "Insufficient memory" message when FORMAT cannot
  18. ; allocate memory for FAT, Directory... etc
  19. ;
  20. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. ;
  22. debug equ 0
  23. .xlist
  34. .list
  35. ;===========================================================================
  36. ; Data segment
  37. ;===========================================================================
  39. SECTORS_FOR_MIRROR EQU 7 ; # extra buffer sectors
  40. ; required by Mirror utility,
  41. ; apart from FAT & Root Dir
  42. ;===========================================================================
  43. ; Declarations for all publics in other modules used by this module
  44. ;===========================================================================
  45. ;Bytes
  46. EXTRN msgCrLF :BYTE
  47. EXTRN DriveToFormat :BYTE
  48. EXTRN ClustBound_Flag :BYTE
  49. EXTRN FileStat :BYTE
  50. EXTRN SystemDriveLetter :BYTE
  51. EXTRN SecPerClus :BYTE
  53. ;Words
  54. EXTRN SwitchMap :WORD
  55. EXTRN mSize :WORD
  56. EXTRN mStart :WORD
  57. EXTRN ClustBound_Buffer_Seg :WORD
  58. EXTRN Paras_per_fat :WORD
  59. ;Pointers and DWORDs
  60. EXTRN DirectorySector :DWORD
  61. EXTRN FatSpace :DWORD
  62. EXTRN FatSector :DWORD
  63. EXTRN DirBuf :DWORD
  64. EXTRN TotalClusters :DWORD
  65. ;Messages
  66. EXTRN msgFormatNotSupported :BYTE
  67. EXTRN msgCantZThisDrive :BYTE
  68. EXTRN msgCantZWithQ :BYTE
  69. EXTRN msgCantZFAT16 :BYTE
  70. EXTRN msgCantZFAT32 :BYTE
  71. EXTRN msgZFAT32Huge :BYTE
  72. EXTRN msgZFAT32TooHuge :BYTE
  73. EXTRN msgOutOfMemory :BYTE
  74. EXTRN msgInsufficientMemory :BYTE
  76. EXTRN msgNoSysSwitch :BYTE
  78. ;Structures
  79. EXTRN SavedParams :BYTE
  80. EXTRN DeviceParameters :BYTE
  82. EXTRN Bios :BYTE
  83. EXTRN dos :BYTE
  84. EXTRN Command :BYTE
  86. EXTRN DblSpaceBin :BYTE
  87. ENDIF
  88. PUBLIC FATNotAllInMem
  89. PUBLIC FATSecCntInMem
  90. FATNotAllInMem db 0
  91. FATSecCntInMem dd 0
  92. ifdef NEC_98
  93. AllocSectorSize DW ? ; fixed #16585
  94. endif
  96. ;===========================================================================
  97. ; Executable code segment
  98. ;===========================================================================
  101. ;===========================================================================
  102. ; Declarations for all publics in other modules used by this module
  103. ;===========================================================================
  104. ;Functions
  105. ;Labels
  106. EXTRN FatalExit :NEAR
  107. EXTRN ReadDos :NEAR
  108. EXTRN SysPrm :NEAR
  109. EXTRN exclusive_access_failed :NEAR
  110. EXTRN IsLockErr? :NEAR
  111. EXTRN Calc_Big32_Fat :NEAR
  112. EXTRN Calc_Big16_Fat :NEAR
  113. EXTRN GetTotalClusters :NEAR
  114. EXTRN Yes? :NEAR
  115. ;===========================================================================
  116. ; Declarations for all publics in this module
  117. ;===========================================================================
  118. PUBLIC Global_Init
  119. PUBLIC GetDeviceParameters
  120. PUBLIC ModifyDevPrmsForZSwich
  121. ; for debug
  122. PUBLIC Copy_Device_Parameters
  123. PUBLIC Alloc_Dir_Buf
  124. PUBLIC Alloc_Fat_Buf
  125. PUBLIC Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf
  126. PUBLIC Alloc_DirBuf2
  127. PUBLIC Alloc_Cluster_Buf
  129. PUBLIC Do_Switch_S
  131. ;===========================================================================
  132. ;
  133. ; Global_Init : This procedure first gets the default drive parameters.
  134. ; It then allocates buffer space for the root directory
  135. ; sector, FAT,a fat sector, a file header and first
  136. ; root DIR sector based on these parameters. It
  137. ; then checks for the /s switch and if this is present,
  138. ; a buffer is allocated for the system files and these
  139. ; are read into memory. A prompt to insert the system
  140. ; disk will be given in the case of removable media.
  141. ;
  142. ;===========================================================================
  143. Global_Init proc near
  144. lea DX, DeviceParameters ; Get the default drive parameters
  145. mov DeviceParameters.DP_SpecialFunctions, 0
  147. call GetDeviceParameters
  148. jnc GotDeviceParameters
  149. call IsLockErr?
  150. jnc @f
  151. jmp exclusive_access_failed
  152. @@:
  153. Message msgFormatNotSupported
  154. stc ; Let the jump to FatalExit be made
  155. ret ; in the main routine, upon returning
  156. GotDeviceParameters:
  157. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  158. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_HARDDISK
  159. je @f
  160. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_OPTICAL
  161. je @f
  162. mov AllocSectorSize,0400h
  163. jmp short Set_ok
  164. @@:
  165. push bx
  166. mov bx, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  167. mov AllocSectorSize,bx
  168. pop bx
  169. Set_ok:
  170. endif ; fixed #16585
  171. call Copy_Device_Parameters ; Save the device parameters
  172. ; for when we exit
  173. cmp SecPerClus,0
  174. je NoZSwtch
  175. mov ax,1 ; Noisy version
  176. call ModifyDevPrmsForZSwich
  177. jc gi_err
  178. NoZSwtch:
  179. ifdef NEC_98
  180. ; If 3.5"MO, allcate memory after updating default BPB
  181. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_HARDDISK ; Hard disk?
  183. jne @F ; No
  184. test DeviceParameters.DP_DeviceAttributes, 1 ; Removable?
  186. jz $$IF100 ; Yes
  187. @@:
  188. endif
  189. call Alloc_Dir_Buf ; Allocate root directory buffer
  190. jc gi_memerr
  191. call Alloc_Fat_Buf ; Allocate FAT buffer
  192. jc gi_memerr
  193. call Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf ; Allocate fat sector buffer
  194. jc gi_memerr
  195. call Alloc_DirBuf2 ; Allocate 1-sector buffer DirBuf (general-
  196. ; purpose use)
  197. jc gi_memerr
  198. call Alloc_Cluster_Buf ; get room for retry buffer
  200. call Do_Switch_S ; Load system files if needed
  201. ELSE
  202. test SwitchMap,SWITCH_S
  203. jz NoS1 ; Carry clear if jump
  204. Message msgNoSysSwitch
  205. jmp short gi_err
  206. NoS1:
  208. ; carry flag determined by Do_Switch_S
  209. ifdef NEC_98
  210. $$IF100:
  211. endif
  212. ret
  213. gi_memerr:
  214. Message msgInsufficientMemory
  215. gi_err:
  216. stc
  217. ret
  218. Global_Init endp
  219. ; =========================================================================
  220. ;
  221. ; ModifyDevPrmsForZSwich:
  222. ; Modify the device parameters for a different sec/clus value
  223. ;
  224. ; Input:
  225. ; DeviceParameters set
  226. ; AX != 0 for noisy version (do the message thing)
  227. ; Output:
  228. ; carry set if problem.
  229. ;
  230. ; =========================================================================
  231. ModifyDevPrmsForZSwich proc near
  232. push ax ; Save noisy switch on stack
  233. .386
  234. movzx cx,SecPerClus
  235. .8086
  236. or cx,cx
  237. jz MFZDoneJ ; Carry clear if jump
  238. cmp CMCDDFlag, Yes
  239. jne DrvOk1
  240. DispErrMsg:
  241. mov dx,offset data:msgCantZThisDrive
  242. DispErrMsgSet:
  243. pop ax
  244. push ax
  245. or ax,ax
  246. jz MFZDoneErrJ
  247. call Display_Interface
  248. MFZDoneErrJ:
  249. stc
  250. MFZDoneJ:
  251. jmp MFZDone
  252. DrvOk1:
  253. ;;
  254. ;; This used to ignore things if you weren't actually making a change.
  255. ;; This is now out as it is important to poke Mr. User if he is making
  256. ;; a huge FAT drive.
  257. ;;
  258. ;; cmp cl,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster
  259. ;; je MFZDoneJ ; Carry clear if jump
  260. ;;;;
  261. mov dx,offset data:msgCantZWithQ
  262. test SwitchMap,SWITCH_Q ; Check for quick format
  263. jnz DispErrMsgSet
  264. mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster,cl
  265. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerFAT,0
  266. je IsFAT32
  267. call Calc_Big16_Fat
  268. mov dx,0002h
  269. xor ax,ax ; DX:AX = 128k bytes
  270. mov cx,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  271. div cx ; AX = Sectors in 128k
  272. cmp ax,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerFAT
  273. jb Bad16
  274. .386
  275. ja MFZDone ; Carry clear if jump
  276. .8086
  277. call GetTotalClusters
  278. .386
  279. cmp TotalClusters,0000FFF0h
  280. .8086
  281. cmc ; Change "JB Is-OK" to "JNC Is-OK"
  282. jnc MFZDone
  283. Bad16:
  284. mov dx,offset data:msgCantZFAT16
  285. jmp short DispErrMsgSet
  286. IsFAT32:
  287. call Calc_Big32_Fat
  288. call GetTotalClusters
  289. .386
  290. cmp TotalClusters,65536-10
  291. .8086
  292. mov dx,offset data:msgCantZFAT32
  293. jb DispErrMsgSet
  294. .386
  295. mov eax,TotalClusters
  296. inc eax ; EAX now count including clus 0 and 1
  297. ;
  298. ; GUI SCANDISK is a 16-bit windows app. GlobalAlloc in 16-bit windows is
  299. ; limited to 16Meg-64k per block. Check if we have made a drive with a huge FAT
  300. ; that may result in slow disk util perf.
  301. ;
  302. cmp eax, ((16 * 1024 * 1024) - (64 * 1024)) / 4
  303. je short MFZDone ; carry clear if jump
  304. cmc ; Turn carry around so clear if below limit
  305. jnc short MFZDone
  306. .8086
  307. pop ax
  308. push ax
  309. or ax,ax ; Noisy?
  310. jz MFZDone ; No, Carry clear if jump
  311. Message msgZFAT32Huge
  312. call Yes? ; Carry clear if YES, set if NO
  313. pushf
  314. Message msgCrlf
  315. popf
  316. MFZDone:
  317. pop ax
  318. ret
  319. ModifyDevPrmsForZSwich endp
  320. ; =========================================================================
  321. ;
  322. ; GetDeviceParameters:
  323. ; Get the device parameters
  324. ;
  325. ; Input:
  326. ; DriveToFormat
  327. ; DX - pointer to device parameters
  328. ; =========================================================================
  329. GetDeviceParameters proc near
  330. mov AX, (IOCTL shl 8) or GENERIC_IOCTL
  331. mov bl, DriveToFormat
  332. inc bl
  334. int 21H
  335. jc TryOldForm
  336. mov IsExtRAWIODrv,1
  337. DoRet:
  338. jc realdoret
  339. push bx
  340. mov bx,dx
  341. cmp [bx.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_TotalSectors],0
  342. je realdoretP
  343. ;
  344. ; the WORD total sectors field is non-zero, make sure the DWORD
  345. ; total sectors field is 0. Having BigTotalSectors be a DWORD
  346. ; version of TotalSectors in this case is SUPPOSED to be perfectly
  347. ; ok but it turns out that several apps (mostly SETUP apps) get
  348. ; upset about this (on floppies in particular).
  349. ;
  350. mov [bx.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BigTotalSectors],0
  351. mov [bx.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BigTotalSectors+2],0
  352. realdoretP:
  353. pop bx
  354. clc
  355. realdoret:
  356. return
  357. TryOldForm:
  358. mov IsExtRAWIODrv,0
  359. mov AX, (IOCTL shl 8) or GENERIC_IOCTL
  360. mov bl, DriveToFormat
  361. inc bl
  362. mov CX, (RAWIO shl 8) or GET_DEVICE_PARAMETERS
  363. int 21H
  364. jmp short DoRet
  365. GetDeviceParameters endp
  366. ;==========================================================================
  367. ;
  368. ; Copy_Device_Parameters : This procedure saves a copy of the original
  369. ; device parameters in the structure
  370. ; SavedParams.
  371. ;
  372. ;==========================================================================
  373. Copy_Device_Parameters proc near
  374. lea SI, DeviceParameters
  375. lea DI, SavedParams
  376. mov CX, size EA_DeviceParameters
  377. push DS
  378. pop ES
  379. rep movsb
  380. ret
  381. Copy_Device_Parameters endp
  382. ;==========================================================================
  383. ;
  384. ; Alloc_Dir_Buf : This procedure allocates a memory block for the root
  385. ; directory buffer, based on the device parameters only.
  386. ;
  387. ; Inputs : DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  388. ; Outputs : CY CLEAR - DirectorySector pointer to buffer
  389. ; CY SET - failure
  390. ; Modifies : AX, BX, DirectorySector
  391. ;
  392. ;==========================================================================
  393. Alloc_Dir_Buf proc near
  394. ; DirectorySector =
  395. ; malloc( Bytes Per Sector )
  396. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  397. mov BX, AllocSectorSize
  398. else
  399. mov BX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  400. endif
  401. .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB
  402. add BX, 0fH
  403. .386
  404. shr bx, 4 ; Divide by 16 to get #paragraphs
  405. .8086
  406. mov AH, Alloc
  407. int 21h
  408. jc Exit_Alloc_Dir_Buf
  409. ; Base address of newly allocated
  410. ; block is AX:0000
  411. mov WORD PTR DirectorySector+2,AX
  412. xor AX,AX
  413. mov WORD PTR DirectorySector,AX
  414. Exit_Alloc_Dir_Buf:
  415. ret
  416. Alloc_Dir_Buf endp
  417. ;==========================================================================
  418. ;
  419. ; Alloc_Fat_Buf : This procedure allocates a memory block for the FAT
  420. ; buffer, based on the device parameters only. In order
  421. ; to ensure there is enough buffer space for the Mirror
  422. ; utility, the FatSpace buffer is initially allocated
  423. ; with size:
  424. ; FAT + RootDir + 6 sectors + 1 surplus sector
  425. ; which is all the buffer space required by Mirror.
  426. ;
  427. ; Inputs : DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  428. ; DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerFat
  429. ; DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BGBPB_BigSectorsPerFat
  430. ; DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_RootEntries
  431. ;
  432. ; Outputs : CY CLEAR - FatSpace pointer to buffer
  433. ; CY SET - failure
  434. ;
  435. ; Modifies : AX, BX, DX, FatSpace
  436. ;
  437. ;==========================================================================
  438. Alloc_Fat_Buf proc near
  439. xor ax,ax
  440. mov FATNotAllInMem,al ; Assume FAT will fit in mem
  441. .386
  442. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  443. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_3INCH1440KB
  444. jne short $$IF101
  445. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_TotalSectors, 0
  446. je short $$IF101
  447. movzx EAX, AllocSectorSize
  448. jmp short $$EN101
  449. $$IF101:
  450. movzx EAX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  451. $$EN101:
  452. else
  453. movzx EAX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  454. endif
  455. .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB
  456. add EAX, 0fH ; round up for next para
  457. shr eax, 4 ; convert to paras
  458. movzx ebx,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerFat
  459. or bx,bx
  460. jnz short GotFSz
  461. mov ebx,dword ptr DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BGBPB_BigSectorsPerFat
  462. GotFSz:
  463. mul ebx
  464. or edx,edx
  465. jz short NotHi
  466. GotBigFat:
  467. mov FATNotAllInMem,1
  468. mov eax,128*1024
  469. movzx ebx,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  470. xor edx,edx
  471. div ebx
  472. mov FATSecCntInMem,eax
  473. mov ax,(128*1024)/16
  474. jmp short SetRestFatBuf
  475. NotHi:
  476. cmp eax,(128*1024)/16 ; FAT bigger than 128k?
  477. ja short GotBigFat ; Yes
  478. SetRestFatBuf:
  479. .8086
  480. mov BX,AX ; Save FAT size in paras in BX
  481. mov Paras_per_fat,BX ; Set paras_per_fat here, to
  482. ; avoid having to calculate it later
  483. ; Now add on root dir + extra sectors
  484. mov AX,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_RootEntries
  485. ;; shl ax,5 ; * 32 bytes per dor entry
  486. ;; shr ax,4 ; / 16 bytes per para
  487. ;; Combine above two shifts....
  488. shl AX,1 ; AX = para size of root dir
  489. add BX,AX ; BX = FAT + root dir
  490. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  491. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_3INCH1440KB
  492. jne $$IF102
  493. cmp DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_TotalSectors, 0
  494. je $$IF102
  495. mov AX, AllocSectorSize
  496. jmp short $$EN102
  497. $$IF102:
  498. mov AX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  499. $$EN102:
  500. else
  501. mov AX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  502. endif
  503. add AX, 0fH ; round up for next para
  504. .386
  505. shr AX, 4 ; convert to paras
  506. .8086
  507. mov CX,SECTORS_FOR_MIRROR ; CX = # additional sectors needed by Mirror
  508. mul CX ; AX = total extra sector size in paras
  509. add BX,AX ; BX = FAT + root dir + extra sectors
  510. ; in paras
  511. mov AH,Alloc
  512. int 21h
  513. jc Exit_Alloc_Fat_Buf
  514. mov WORD PTR FatSpace+2,AX
  515. xor AX,AX
  516. mov WORD PTR FatSpace,AX
  517. Exit_Alloc_Fat_Buf:
  518. ret
  519. Alloc_Fat_Buf endp
  520. ;==========================================================================
  521. ;
  522. ; Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf : This procedure allocates a memory block for the fat
  523. ; sector buffer which is used when copying chains from
  524. ; the old FAT to the new FAT.
  525. ;
  526. ; Inputs : DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  527. ; Outputs : CY CLEAR - FatSector pointer to buffer
  528. ; CY SET - failure
  529. ; Modifies : AX, BX, FatSector
  530. ;
  531. ;==========================================================================
  532. Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf proc near
  533. ; FatSector =
  534. ; malloc( Bytes Per Sector )
  535. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  536. mov BX, AllocSectorSize
  537. else
  538. mov BX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  539. endif
  540. .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB
  541. add BX, 0fH
  542. .386
  543. shr BX, 4 ; Divide by 16 to get #paragraphs
  544. .8086
  545. mov AH, Alloc
  546. int 21h
  547. jc Exit_Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf
  548. ; Base address of newly allocated
  549. ; block is AX:0000
  550. mov WORD PTR FatSector+2,AX
  551. xor AX,AX
  552. mov WORD PTR FatSector,AX
  553. Exit_Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf:
  554. ret
  555. Alloc_Fat_Sec_Buf endp
  556. ;==========================================================================
  557. ;
  558. ; Alloc_DirBuf2 : This procedure allocates a memory block for a 1-sector
  559. ; buffer. This buffer is used when reading in the boot
  560. ; sector in Phase1.
  561. ;
  562. ; Inputs : DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  563. ; Outputs : CY CLEAR - DirBuf pointer to buffer
  564. ; CY SET - failure
  565. ; Modifies : AX, BX, DirBuf
  566. ;
  567. ;==========================================================================
  568. Alloc_DirBuf2 proc near
  569. ; DirBuf =
  570. ; malloc( Bytes Per Sector )
  571. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  572. mov BX, AllocSectorSize
  573. else
  574. mov BX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  575. endif
  576. .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB
  577. add BX, 0fH
  578. .386
  579. shr BX, 4 ; Divide by 16 to get #paragraphs
  580. .8086
  581. mov AH, Alloc
  582. int 21h
  583. jc Exit_Alloc_DirBuf2
  584. ; Base address of newly allocated
  585. ; block is AX:0000
  586. mov WORD PTR DirBuf+2,AX
  587. xor AX,AX
  588. mov WORD PTR DirBuf,AX
  589. Exit_Alloc_DirBuf2:
  590. ret
  591. Alloc_DirBuf2 endp
  592. ;=========================================================================
  593. ; Alloc_Cluster_Buf : This routine will allocate a buffer
  594. ; based on a cluster's size. If enough
  595. ; space does not exist, a cluster will
  596. ; be redefined to a smaller size for
  597. ; purposes of sector retries.
  598. ; Note: This buffer is used only for bad
  599. ; tracks on hard disks.
  600. ;
  601. ; Inputs : DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  602. ; DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster
  603. ;
  604. ; Outputs : ClustBound_Flag - True (space available)
  605. ; False(not enough space)
  606. ; ClustBound_Buffer_Seg - Pointer to buffer
  607. ;=========================================================================
  608. Procedure Alloc_Cluster_Buf
  609. push AX ; Save regs
  610. push BX
  611. mov AX,(Alloc shl 8) ; Allocate memory
  612. mov BX,0ffffh ; Get available memory
  613. int 21h
  614. ifdef NEC_98 ; fixed #16585
  615. mov AX, AllocSectorSize
  616. else
  617. mov AX, DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector
  618. endif
  619. .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB
  620. add AX, 0fH
  621. .386
  622. shr AX, 4
  623. .8086
  624. mul DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster
  625. cmp BX,AX ; Enough room
  626. jna $$IF137 ; Yes
  627. mov BX,AX ; Allocate needed memory
  628. mov AX,(Alloc shl 8)
  629. int 21h
  630. mov ClustBound_Buffer_Seg,AX ; Save pointer to buffer
  631. mov ClustBound_Flag,True ; Signal space available
  632. jmp SHORT $$EN137 ; Not enough room
  633. $$IF137:
  634. mov ClustBound_Flag,False ; Signal not enough space
  635. $$EN137:
  636. pop BX ; Restore regs
  637. pop AX
  638. ret
  639. Alloc_Cluster_Buf ENDP
  641. ;=========================================================================
  642. ;
  643. ; DO_SWITCH_S : This procedure will load the system files into
  644. ; memory (if there's space) if the /s switch is
  645. ; specified.
  646. ;
  647. ; CALLS : ReadDos
  648. ; SysPrm
  649. ; CALLED BY : Global_Init
  650. ; STRATEGY : The largest block of memory available is first
  651. ; determined. The program is aborted if this is zero.
  652. ; This block is then allocated, and the system files
  653. ; are read into it. A prompt for the system disk
  654. ; will be given if the system files are not found.
  655. ;
  656. ;=========================================================================
  657. Do_Switch_S proc near
  658. test SwitchMap,SWITCH_S
  659. .386
  660. jz End_Do_Switch_S ; System files not required
  661. ; allocate memory for system files
  662. .8086
  663. mov BX,0ffffh ; This call will actually fail
  664. mov AH,Alloc ; so that BX returns max block avlbl
  665. int 21h
  666. or BX,BX
  667. jz MemErr ; No memory
  668. mov [mSize],BX ; Now allocate the largest block
  669. mov AH,alloc
  670. int 21h
  671. jnc Mem_OK
  672. MemErr:
  673. mov AX, seg data ; Check for memory allocation error
  674. mov DS, AX
  675. Message msgOutOfMemory ; call PrintString
  676. stc ; Let the jump to FatalExit be made
  677. jmp End_Do_Switch_S ; in the main routine, upon returning
  678. Mem_OK:
  679. mov [mStart],AX ; Save the starting paragraph
  680. ; =========================================================================
  681. ; This call to ReadDos may not be able to read in all of the DOS files if
  682. ; there is insufficient memory available. In that case the files will
  683. ; be read in after the disk is formatted. If the Drive being formatted is
  684. ; also the boot Drive this function will read the files from that
  685. ; Drive if there is enough memory. If there is insufficent memory it will
  686. ; force the files to be read from Drive A: if the Drive being formatted
  687. ; is also the boot Drive
  688. ; M011; Wrong: Try Boot, Then Default, Then sysprm (usually "A").
  689. ; If not enough memory at boot time, we fail.
  690. ; =========================================================================
  691. RdFrst:
  692. mov AH,GET_DEFAULT_Drive ; Find out default Drive
  693. int 21h
  694. push AX ; save default Drive
  695. mov ax, 3305h ; get startup drive
  696. int 21h
  697. mov al,dl
  698. add AL,40h ; Make it ASCII
  699. pop BX ; restore default Drive
  700. ifndef NEC_98
  701. cmp AL,41h ; Q: Booted from Drive A?
  702. jnz go_get_Bios ; N: Not a special case
  703. cmp bl,1 ; Q: is B: current Drive
  704. jnz go_get_Bios ; N: Not a special case
  705. jmp short check_default ; check default Drive
  706. endif
  707. go_get_Bios: ; Here to check booted
  708. call Get_Host_Drive ; Translate to DblSpace host
  709. mov SystemDriveLetter,AL ; (if necessary)
  710. call ReadDos
  711. jnc CheckAllFilesIn
  712. check_default: ; Here to check default
  713. mov AH,GET_DEFAULT_Drive ; Find out default Drive
  714. int 21h
  715. add AL,41h ; Make it ASCII, 1 based
  716. call Get_Host_Drive ; Translate to DblSpace host
  717. mov SystemDriveLetter,AL
  718. TryThisOne:
  719. call ReadDos ; Read BIOS and DOS
  720. jnc CheckAllFilesIn ; Files read in OK
  721. NeedSys:
  722. call SysPrm ; Prompt for system disk
  723. jmp TryThisOne ; Try again
  724. CheckAllFilesIn:
  725. ; abort program here if all system files
  726. ; have not been read into memory, since
  727. ; program fails when trying to read them
  728. ; in after formatting is complete
  729. and FileStat,3fh ; zero out 2 msb
  730. cmp FileStat,22h ; BIOS and COMMAND in memory?
  731. jne MemErr ; no - abort program
  732. ;
  733. ; Now we have all of the files in memory, SETBLOCK the allocation
  734. ; block down to the amount required.
  735. ;
  736. .386
  737. mov bx,[dos.fileStartSegment]
  738. mov eax,[dos.fileSizeInBytes]
  739. cmp bx,[bios.fileStartSegment]
  740. ja short Skip1
  741. mov bx,[bios.fileStartSegment]
  742. mov eax,[bios.fileSizeInBytes]
  743. Skip1:
  744. cmp bx,[command.fileStartSegment]
  745. ja short Skip2
  746. mov bx,[command.fileStartSegment]
  747. mov eax,[command.fileSizeInBytes]
  748. Skip2:
  750. cmp bx,[DblSpaceBin.fileStartSegment]
  751. ja short Skip3
  752. mov bx,[DblSpaceBin.fileStartSegment]
  753. mov eax,[DblSpaceBin.fileSizeInBytes]
  754. Skip3:
  755. ENDIF
  756. add eax,15
  757. shr eax,4 ; AX = # of paras from SEG BX
  758. .8086
  759. add bx,ax ; SEG after end of sys files
  760. sub bx,[mStart] ; SIZE of sys area
  761. mov es,[mStart]
  762. mov AH,setblock
  763. int 21h
  764. clc ; yes
  765. End_Do_Switch_S:
  766. ret
  767. Do_Switch_S ENDP
  768. ;******************* START OF SPECIFICATIONS ***********************************
  769. ;Routine name: Get_Host_Drive
  770. ;*******************************************************************************
  771. ;
  772. ;Description: Given a drive letter in AL, check to see if it is a dblspace
  773. ; drive, and if so, translate the drive letter to the host
  774. ; drive letter.
  775. ;
  776. ;Called Procedures: None
  777. ;
  778. ;Input: ASCII drive letter in AL
  779. ;
  780. ;Output: drive letter in AL
  781. ;
  782. ;Change History: Created 11/21/92 MD
  783. ; Cut and paste from SYS command 12/07/92 JEM
  784. ;
  785. ;******************* END OF SPECIFICATIONS *************************************
  786. public Get_Host_Drive
  787. Get_Host_Drive PROC NEAR
  788. push ax
  789. mov ax,4a11h ; DBLSPACE multiplex number
  790. xor bx,bx ; inquire version number
  791. int 2fh
  792. or ax,ax ; error?
  793. jnz not_dblspace
  794. cmp bx,'DM' ; stamp returned correctly?
  795. jnz not_dblspace
  796. ; DBLSPACE.BIN is loaded. At this time:
  797. ;
  798. ; (dx & 0x7fff) == driver internal version number
  799. ; high bit of DH set of driver has not yet been permanently placed
  800. ; cl == first disk letter reserved for DBLSPACE
  801. ; ch == number of disk letters reserved for DBLSPACE
  802. mov ax,4a11h ; DBLSPACE multiplex number
  803. mov bx,1 ; inquire drive map
  804. pop dx
  805. push dx
  806. sub dl, 'A' ; convert drv letter to 0 based drv number
  807. int 2fh
  808. test bl,80h ; COMPRESSED bit true?
  809. jz not_dblspace
  810. ; Drive is compressed. At this time:
  811. ;
  812. ; (bl & 0x7f) == host drive's CURRENT drive number
  813. ; bh == CVF extension number
  814. ;
  815. mov al,bl
  816. and al,7Fh
  817. add al, 'A' ; convert drv number to drv letter
  818. cbw
  819. pop dx
  820. push ax
  821. not_dblspace:
  822. pop ax
  823. ret
  824. Get_Host_Drive ENDP
  826. CODE ENDS
  827. END