Microsoft Confidential Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999 All rights reserved
Logging API source file for use in the OPK tools.
08/00 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN) Added this new source file to Whistler for common logging functionality across all the OPK tools.
// Include File(s):
#include <pch.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Defines
#endif // CHR_NEWLINE
#define CHR_NEWLINE _T('\n')
#ifdef CHR_CR
#undef CHR_CR
#endif // CHR_CR
#define CHR_CR _T('\r')
// Global logging info handle.
PLOG_INFO g_pLogInfo = NULL;
// Exported Function(s):
INT LogFileLst(LPCTSTR lpFileName, LPTSTR lpFormat, va_list lpArgs) { INT iChars = 0; HANDLE hFile;
// Make sure we have the required params and can create the file.
if ( ( lpFileName && lpFileName[0] && lpFormat ) && ( hFile = _tfopen(lpFileName, _T("a")) ) ) { // Print the debug message to the end of the file.
iChars = _vftprintf(hFile, lpFormat, lpArgs);
// Close the handle to the file.
fclose(hFile); }
// Return the number of chars written from the printf call.
return iChars; }
INT LogFileStr(LPCTSTR lpFileName, LPTSTR lpFormat, ...) { va_list lpArgs;
// Initialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start().
va_start(lpArgs, lpFormat);
// Return the return value of the MessageBox() call. If there was a memory
// error, 0 will be returned. This is all
return LogFileLst(lpFileName, lpFormat, lpArgs); }
INT LogFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, UINT uFormat, ...) { va_list lpArgs; INT nReturn; LPTSTR lpFormat = NULL;
// Initialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start().
va_start(lpArgs, uFormat);
// Get the format and caption strings from the resource.
if ( uFormat ) lpFormat = AllocateString(NULL, uFormat);
// Return the return value of the MessageBox() call. If there was a memory
// error, 0 will be returned.
nReturn = LogFileLst(lpFileName, lpFormat, lpArgs);
// Free the format and caption strings.
// Return the value saved from the previous function call.
return nReturn; }
// Function Implementations
Routine Description:
This routine ckecks the specified ini file for settings for logging. Logging is enabled by default if nothing is specified in the ini file. Disables logging by setting pLogInfo->szLogFile = NULL. Arguments:
Return Value:
BOOL OpkInitLogging(LPTSTR lpszIniPath, LPTSTR lpAppName) { TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR; LPTSTR lpszScratch; BOOL bWinbom = ( lpszIniPath && *lpszIniPath ); PLOG_INFO pLogInfo = NULL;
pLogInfo = MALLOC(sizeof(LOG_INFO));
if ( NULL == pLogInfo ) { return FALSE; } if ( lpAppName ) { pLogInfo->lpAppName = MALLOC((lstrlen(lpAppName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); lstrcpy(pLogInfo->lpAppName, lpAppName); } // First check if logging is disabled in the WinBOM.
if ( ( bWinbom ) && ( GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_LOGGING, INI_KEY_LOGGING, _T("YES"), szScratch, AS(szScratch), lpszIniPath) ) && ( LSTRCMPI(szScratch, INI_VAL_NO) == 0 ) ) { // FREE macro sets pLogInfo to NULL.
FREE(pLogInfo->lpAppName); FREE(pLogInfo); } else { // All these checks can only be done if we have a winbom.
if ( bWinbom ) { // Check for quiet mode. If we are in quiet mode don't display any MessageBoxes.
if ( ( GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_LOGGING, INI_KEY_QUIET, NULLSTR, szScratch, AS(szScratch), lpszIniPath) ) && ( 0 == LSTRCMPI(szScratch, INI_VAL_YES) ) ) { SET_FLAG(pLogInfo->dwLogFlags, LOG_FLAG_QUIET_MODE); }
/* // See if they want to turn on perf logging.
szScratch[0] = NULLCHR; if ( ( GetPrivateProfileString(WBOM_FACTORY_SECTION, INI_KEY_WBOM_LOGPERF, NULLSTR, szScratch, AS(szScratch), lpszIniPath) ) && ( 0 == lstrcmpi(szScratch, WBOM_YES) ) ) { SET_FLAG(pLogInfo->dwLogFlags, FLAG_LOG_PERF); } */ // Set the logging level.
pLogInfo->dwLogLevel = (DWORD) GetPrivateProfileInt(INI_SEC_LOGGING, INI_KEY_LOGLEVEL, (DWORD) pLogInfo->dwLogLevel, lpszIniPath); }
#ifndef DBG
if ( pLogInfo->dwLogLevel >= LOG_DEBUG ) pLogInfo->dwLogLevel = LOG_DEBUG - 1; #endif
// Check to see if they have a custom log file they want to use.
if ( ( bWinbom ) && ( lpszScratch = IniGetExpand(lpszIniPath, INI_SEC_LOGGING, INI_KEY_LOGFILE, NULL) ) ) { TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR; LPTSTR lpFind = NULL;
// Turn the ini key into a full path.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551266-2002/03/27-acosma,robertko - Buffer overrun possibility.
lstrcpy(pLogInfo->szLogFile, lpszScratch); if (GetFullPathName(pLogInfo->szLogFile, AS(szFullPath), szFullPath, &lpFind) && szFullPath[0] && lpFind) { // Copy the full path into the global.
lstrcpyn(pLogInfo->szLogFile, szFullPath, AS(pLogInfo->szLogFile));
// Chop off the file part so we can create the
// path if it doesn't exist.
*lpFind = NULLCHR;
// If the directory cannot be created or doesn't exist turn off logging.
if (!CreatePath(szFullPath)) pLogInfo->szLogFile[0] = NULLCHR; }
// Free the original path buffer from the ini file.
FREE(lpszScratch); } else // default case
{ // Create it in the current directory.
GetCurrentDirectory(AS(pLogInfo->szLogFile), pLogInfo->szLogFile); // NTRAID#NTBUG9-551266-2002/03/27-acosma - Buffer overrun possibility.
AddPath(pLogInfo->szLogFile, _T("logfile.txt")); }
// Check to see if we have write access to the logfile. If we don't turn off logging.
// If we're running in WinPE we'll call this function again once the drive becomes
// writable.
// Write an FFFE header to the file to identify this as a Unicode text file.
if ( pLogInfo->szLogFile[0] ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwWritten = 0; WCHAR cHeader = 0xFEFF; SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != (hFile = CreateFile(pLogInfo->szLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL))) { if ( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError() ) WriteFile(hFile, &cHeader, sizeof(cHeader), &dwWritten, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); } else { // There was a problem opening the file. Most of the time this means that the media is not writable.
// Disable logging in that case. Macro sets variable to NULL.
FREE(pLogInfo->lpAppName); FREE(pLogInfo); } } }
g_pLogInfo = pLogInfo; return TRUE; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551266-2002/03/27-acosma,robertko - Buffer overrun possibilities in this function. Use strsafe functions.
DWORD OpkLogFileLst(PLOG_INFO pLogInfo, DWORD dwLogOpt, LPTSTR lpFormat, va_list lpArgs) { LPTSTR lpPreOut = NULL; LPTSTR lpOut = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 1024; TCHAR szPreLog[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwWritten = 0; DWORD cbAppName = 0; DWORD dwLogLevel = (DWORD) (dwLogOpt & LOG_LEVEL_MASK); if ( ( dwLogLevel <= pLogInfo->dwLogLevel) && lpFormat ) { // Build the output string.
if ( pLogInfo->lpAppName ) { // Create the prefix string
lstrcpy(szPreLog, pLogInfo->lpAppName); lstrcat(szPreLog, _T("::")); } // This is for skipping the App Name prefix when printing to the log file
cbAppName = lstrlen(szPreLog); if ( GET_FLAG(dwLogOpt, LOG_ERR) ) { if ( 0 == dwLogLevel ) lstrcat(szPreLog, _T("ERROR: ")); else swprintf(szPreLog + cbAppName, _T("WARN%d: "), dwLogLevel); } if ( GET_FLAG(dwLogOpt, LOG_TIME) ) { TCHAR szTime[100] = NULLSTR;
GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, NULL, _T("'['HH':'mm':'ss'] '"), szTime, AS(szTime)); lstrcat(szPreLog, szTime); }
// Replace all the parameters in the Error string. Allocate more memory if necessary.
// In case something goes seriously wrong here, cap memory allocation at 1 megabyte.
for ( lpPreOut = (LPTSTR) MALLOC((dwSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)); lpPreOut && ( -1 == _vsnwprintf(lpPreOut, dwSize, lpFormat, lpArgs)) && dwSize < (1024 * 1024); FREE(lpPreOut), lpPreOut = (LPTSTR) MALLOC((dwSize *= 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)) );
// We now have the Error string and the prefix string. Copy this to the final
// string that we need to output.
if ( lpPreOut ) { // Allocate another string that will be the final output string.
// We need 1 extra TCHAR for NULL terminator and 2 extra for
// an optional NewLine + Linefeed TCHAR pair that may be added.
dwSize = lstrlen(szPreLog) + lstrlen(lpPreOut) + 3; lpOut = (LPTSTR) MALLOC( (dwSize) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( lpOut ) { lstrcpy(lpOut, szPreLog); lstrcat(lpOut, lpPreOut); // Make sure that string is terminated by NewLine unless the caller doesn't want to.
if ( !GET_FLAG(dwLogOpt, LOG_NO_NL) ) { LPTSTR lpNL = lpOut; TCHAR szCRLF[] = _T("\r\n"); BOOL bStringOk = FALSE; // Find the end of the string.
lpNL = lpNL + lstrlen(lpNL); // Make sure the string is terminated by "\r\n".
// There are three cases here:
// 1. The string is already terminated by \r\n. Leave it alone.
// 2. String is terminated by \n. Replace \n with \r\n.
// 3. String is not terminated by anything. Append string with \r\n.
if ( CHR_NEWLINE == *(lpNL = (CharPrev(lpOut, lpNL))) ) { if ( CHR_CR != *(CharPrev(lpOut, lpNL)) ) { *(lpNL) = NULLCHR; } else { bStringOk = TRUE; } } // If there is a need to, fix up the string
if ( !bStringOk ) { lstrcat( lpOut, szCRLF ); } }
// Write the error to the file and close the file.
// Skip the "AppName::" at the beginning of the string when printing to the file.
if ( pLogInfo->szLogFile[0] && ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != (hFile = CreateFile(pLogInfo->szLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL))) ) { if ( INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER != SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_END) ) { WriteFile(hFile, (lpOut + cbAppName), lstrlen(lpOut + cbAppName) * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); } CloseHandle(hFile); }
// Output the string to the debugger and free it.
OutputDebugString(lpOut); FREE(lpOut); } // Put up the MessageBox if specified. This only allows message boxes
// to be log level 0.
if ( !GET_FLAG(pLogInfo->dwLogFlags, LOG_FLAG_QUIET_MODE) && GET_FLAG(dwLogOpt, LOG_MSG_BOX) && (0 == dwLogLevel) ) MessageBox(NULL, lpPreOut, pLogInfo->lpAppName, MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | (GET_FLAG(dwLogOpt, LOG_ERR) ? MB_ICONERROR : MB_ICONWARNING) );
// Free the error string
FREE(lpPreOut); } }
// Return the number of bytes written to the file.
return dwWritten; }
DWORD OpkLogFile(DWORD dwLogOpt, UINT uFormat, ...) { va_list lpArgs; DWORD dwWritten = 0; LPTSTR lpFormat = NULL; if ( g_pLogInfo ) {
// Initialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start().
va_start(lpArgs, uFormat);
if ( lpFormat = AllocateString(NULL, uFormat) ) { dwWritten = OpkLogFileLst(g_pLogInfo, dwLogOpt, lpFormat, lpArgs); }
// Free the format string.
FREE(lpFormat); } // Return the value saved from the previous function call.
return dwWritten; }
DWORD OpkLogFileStr(DWORD dwLogOpt, LPTSTR lpFormat, ...) { va_list lpArgs; DWORD dwWritten = 0; if ( g_pLogInfo ) { // Initialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start().
va_start(lpArgs, lpFormat); dwWritten = OpkLogFileLst(g_pLogInfo, dwLogOpt, lpFormat, lpArgs); } // Return the value saved from the previous function call.
return dwWritten; }