// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// copyfile.c
// Description:
// This file has the dlgproc for the copy files page.
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define DAYS_IN_A_WEEK 7
#define MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR 12
// This struct and is used to pack the input args passed to the tree
// copy thread.
typedef struct { TCHAR lpSourceBuffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR lpDestBuffer[MAX_PATH]; HWND hwnd; } COPY_THREAD_PARAMS;
// String constants loaded from resource
static TCHAR *StrBuildingList; static TCHAR *StrCopyingFiles; static TCHAR *StrFileAlreadyExists; static TCHAR *StrModified; static TCHAR *StrBytes;
static TCHAR *StrJanuary; static TCHAR *StrFebruary; static TCHAR *StrMarch; static TCHAR *StrApril; static TCHAR *StrMay; static TCHAR *StrJune; static TCHAR *StrJuly; static TCHAR *StrAugust; static TCHAR *StrSeptember; static TCHAR *StrOctober; static TCHAR *StrNovember; static TCHAR *StrDecember;
static TCHAR *StrSunday; static TCHAR *StrMonday; static TCHAR *StrTuesday; static TCHAR *StrWednesday; static TCHAR *StrThursday; static TCHAR *StrFriday; static TCHAR *StrSaturday;
static TCHAR *rgMonthsOfYear[MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR]; static TCHAR *rgDaysOfWeek[DAYS_IN_A_WEEK + 1];
// Messages for the dialog procedure
// Global counters
HDSKSPC ghDiskSpaceList; int gnFilesCopied = 0; int gnTotalFiles = 0;
// Misc constants
#define ONE_MEG ( 1024 * 1024 )
// Confirm File replace constants
#define YES 1
#define YESTOALL 2
#define NO 3
#define NOTOALL 4
#define CANCEL 5
#define MAX_DAY_OF_WEEK_LEN 64
static TCHAR g_szFileAlreadyExistsText[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); static TCHAR g_szSrcFileDate[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); static TCHAR g_szDestFileDate[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); static TCHAR g_szSrcFileSize[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); static TCHAR g_szDestFileSize[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); static BOOL g_SetFocusYes;
// Dialog proc that runs in the copying thread's context
INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfirmFileReplaceDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam);
// This section of code runs in the context of a spawned thread. We do the
// NT source copy work in a separate thread so that the dialog repaints
// and such.
// Function: CountSpaceNeeded
// Purpose: Routine that walks a tree and counts how many files there are
// and how much diskspace is needed at the dest drive.
// Returns: VOID
VOID CountSpaceNeeded(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR SrcRootPath, LPTSTR DestRootPath) { LPTSTR SrcRootPathEnd = SrcRootPath + lstrlen(SrcRootPath); LPTSTR DestRootPathEnd = DestRootPath + lstrlen(DestRootPath);
LONGLONG llFileSize; HANDLE FindHandle;
// Look for * in this dir
if ( ! ConcatenatePaths(SrcRootPath, _T("*"), NULL) ) return;
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(SrcRootPath, &FindData);
if ( FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return;
do {
*SrcRootPathEnd = _T('\0'); *DestRootPathEnd = _T('\0');
if (lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName, _T(".") ) == 0 || lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName, _T("..") ) == 0 ) continue;
if ( ! ConcatenatePaths(SrcRootPath, FindData.cFileName, NULL) || ! ConcatenatePaths(DestRootPath, FindData.cFileName, NULL) ) continue;
// If a file, increment space and TotalFile counters else
// recurse down
if ( ! (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
llFileSize = (((LONGLONG) FindData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | FindData.nFileSizeLow;
SetupAddToDiskSpaceList(ghDiskSpaceList, DestRootPath, llFileSize, FILEOP_COPY, NULL, 0);
} else {
CountSpaceNeeded(hwnd, SrcRootPath, DestRootPath); }
} while ( FindNextFile(FindHandle, &FindData) );
*SrcRootPathEnd = _T('\0'); *DestRootPathEnd = _T('\0');
FindClose(FindHandle); }
// Function: BuildTimeString
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
VOID BuildTimeString( IN FILETIME *FileTime, OUT TCHAR *szTimeString, IN DWORD cbSize ) {
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- should probably strip all of this low-level Time stuff out of here
// and put in supplib
FILETIME LocalTime; SYSTEMTIME LastWriteSystemTime; HRESULT hrPrintf;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( FileTime, &LocalTime);
FileTimeToSystemTime( &LocalTime, &LastWriteSystemTime );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szTimeString, cbSize, _T("%s: %s, %s %d, %d, %d:%.2d:%.2d"), StrModified, rgDaysOfWeek[LastWriteSystemTime.wDayOfWeek], rgMonthsOfYear[LastWriteSystemTime.wMonth-1], LastWriteSystemTime.wDay, LastWriteSystemTime.wYear, LastWriteSystemTime.wHour, LastWriteSystemTime.wMinute, LastWriteSystemTime.wSecond );
// Function: CheckIfCancel
// Purpose: Ask user "You sure you want to cancel the file copy"?
// And if user says YES, jump the wizard to the unsucessful
// completion page.
// Returns:
// TRUE - wizard is now canceled, quit copying files
// FALSE - user wants to keep trying
BOOL CheckIfCancel(HWND hwnd) { UINT iRet;
if ( iRet == IDYES ) { PostMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_SETCURSELID, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) IDD_FINISH2); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Function: CopySingleFile
// Purpose: Copies a file, does all error reporting and interacting with
// the user.
// If there are copy errors and the user cancels, this routine
// cancels the whole wizard by jumping to the cancel page. In
// that case it returns FALSE.
// After a file is successfully copied, gnFilesCopied will be
// incremented and the gas-guage dlgproc will be notified.
// Note that this code runs in the spawned thread.
// Returns:
// TRUE if file was copied
// FALSE if file was not copied (user canceled)
BOOL CopySingleFile(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR Src, LPTSTR Dest) { BOOL bRetry = TRUE; UINT iRet, iRet2; static iOverwriteFiles = YES; HRESULT hrPrintf;
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- I think this is actually going to have to be resolved so
// it doesn't mess up copies on an edit, when a distrib folder is
// already there, they just want to add files to it.
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- POSTPONED
// When we CopyFile from the CD, the readonly attribute is set on the
// dest. So we call SetFileAttributes and reset it. If the user has
// to redo the copy, he doesn't get a 1000 "Access Denied" errors.
// If the user cancels on the main wizard page, that thread jumps to
// IDD_FINISH2. This thread keeps running.
// When the user finally clicks the Finish button, this thread gets
// terminated the hard way because WinMain() in thread0 exits.
// Due to this, there will frequently be a file at the dest that still
// has the readonly bit set when user cancels on the main wizard page.
// To fix this, we would need to synchronize with the wizard having
// been canceled and back out gracefully (before the user has time to
// push the Finish button).
// Note that when the wizard is canceled because a copy error already
// ocurred, thread1 (this thread) does the popping up and it is this
// thread that jumps to IDD_FINISH2. In this case we do back out
// gracefully. This bug only happens when the user presses Cancel
// on the wizard page while the gas-guage is happily painting.
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- this function needs to be cleaned up. To many if statements
// scattered. Don't make if conditional so long.
if( iOverwriteFiles != YESTOALL ) {
if( DoesFileExist( Dest ) ) {
INT_PTR iRetVal; HANDLE hSrcFile; HANDLE hDestFile; DWORD dwSrcSize; DWORD dwDestSize; FILETIME LastWriteTimeSrc; FILETIME LastWriteTimeDest; SYSTEMTIME LastWriteSystemTime;
if( iOverwriteFiles == NOTOALL ) {
// Give the illusion the file was copied
SendMessage( hwnd, WMX_FILECOPIED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0 );
return( TRUE );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( g_szFileAlreadyExistsText, AS(g_szFileAlreadyExistsText), StrFileAlreadyExists, MyGetFullPath( Dest ) );
// Open the files
GetFileTime( hSrcFile, NULL, NULL, &LastWriteTimeSrc ); GetFileTime( hDestFile, NULL, NULL, &LastWriteTimeDest );
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- need to display AM or PM, but what about other countries
BuildTimeString( &LastWriteTimeSrc, g_szSrcFileDate, AS(g_szSrcFileDate) ); BuildTimeString( &LastWriteTimeDest, g_szDestFileDate, AS(g_szSrcFileDate) );
// Default to NO if file times are equal
if( CompareFileTime( &LastWriteTimeSrc, &LastWriteTimeDest ) < 0 ) { g_SetFocusYes = FALSE; } else { g_SetFocusYes = TRUE; }
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- doesn't handle file sized > 2^32 bytes, need to catch
// 2nd parameter value
dwSrcSize = GetFileSize( hSrcFile, NULL ); dwDestSize = GetFileSize( hDestFile, NULL );
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- need to insert commas into size so it looks pretty
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( g_szSrcFileSize,AS(g_szSrcFileSize), _T("%d %s"), dwSrcSize, StrBytes ); hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( g_szDestFileSize,AS(g_szDestFileSize), _T("%d %s"), dwDestSize, StrBytes );
CloseHandle( hSrcFile ); CloseHandle( hDestFile );
iRetVal = DialogBox( FixedGlobals.hInstance, (LPCTSTR) IDD_CONFIRM_FILE_REPLACE, hwnd, ConfirmFileReplaceDlgProc );
if( iRetVal == NO ) {
// Give the illusion the file was copied
SendMessage( hwnd, WMX_FILECOPIED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0 );
return( TRUE );
} else if( iRetVal == YESTOALL ) {
iOverwriteFiles = YESTOALL;
} else if( iRetVal == NOTOALL ) {
iOverwriteFiles = NOTOALL; } else if( iRetVal == CANCEL ) {
return( FALSE );
} //
// Not handling the YES case because that is the default, let this
// function proceed and overwrite the file.
do {
if ( CopyFile( Src, Dest, FALSE ) ) {
SetFileAttributes(Dest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
SendMessage(hwnd, WMX_FILECOPIED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0);
bRetry = FALSE;
} else {
if ( iRet != IDRETRY ) { if ( CheckIfCancel(hwnd) ) return FALSE; } }
} while ( bRetry );
return TRUE; }
// Function: CopyTheFiles
// Purpose: Recursive routine to oversee the copying of the bits.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the whole tree was copied,
// FALSE if user bailed on the tree copy
// Note that in the FALSE case CopySingleFile would have caused
// thread0 to the FINISH2 wizard page (unsuccessful completion)
// and thread1 (this code) will back out without further copies.
BOOL CopyTheFiles(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR SrcRootPath, LPTSTR DestRootPath) { LPTSTR SrcRootPathEnd = SrcRootPath + lstrlen(SrcRootPath); LPTSTR DestRootPathEnd = DestRootPath + lstrlen(DestRootPath); HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
// Look for * in this dir
if ( ! ConcatenatePaths(SrcRootPath, _T("*"), NULL) ) return bRet;
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(SrcRootPath, &FindData);
if ( FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return bRet;
do {
*SrcRootPathEnd = _T('\0'); *DestRootPathEnd = _T('\0');
// Don't copy the . and .. files (obviously)
// If we run across an unattend.txt, don't copy it
if ( ( lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName, _T(".") ) == 0 ) || ( lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName, _T("..") ) == 0 ) || ( LSTRCMPI( FindData.cFileName, _T("unattend.txt") ) == 0 ) ) continue;
if ( ! ConcatenatePaths(SrcRootPath, FindData.cFileName, NULL) || ! ConcatenatePaths(DestRootPath, FindData.cFileName, NULL) ) continue;
if ( ! (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
if ( ! CopySingleFile(hwnd, SrcRootPath, DestRootPath) ) { bRet = FALSE; goto CleanupAndReturn; }
} else {
// Create the dir and recurse
if ( ! EnsureDirExists(DestRootPath) ) {
UINT iRet;
if ( iRet != IDRETRY ) { if ( CheckIfCancel(hwnd) ) { bRet = FALSE; goto CleanupAndReturn; } } }
if ( ! CopyTheFiles(hwnd, SrcRootPath, DestRootPath) ) { bRet = FALSE; goto CleanupAndReturn; } }
} while ( FindNextFile(FindHandle, &FindData) );
CleanupAndReturn: *SrcRootPathEnd = _T('\0'); *DestRootPathEnd = _T('\0'); FindClose(FindHandle);
return bRet; }
// Function: AsyncTreeCopy
// Purpose: The real thread entry
// Args: VOID *Args - really COPY_THREAD_PARAMS *
// Returns: 0
TCHAR *CopySrc = InputArgs->lpSourceBuffer; TCHAR *CopyDest = InputArgs->lpDestBuffer; HWND hwnd = InputArgs->hwnd;
BOOL bRet; LONGLONG llSpaceNeeded, llSpaceAvail;
// Figure out how much disk space is needed to copy the CD.
ghDiskSpaceList = SetupCreateDiskSpaceList(0, 0, 0); if (ghDiskSpaceList == NULL) { TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } CountSpaceNeeded(hwnd, CopySrc, CopyDest);
// Is there enough free space?
// NOTE:
// We give the user a retry_cancel, hopefully user can free up space
// on the drive.
// We could popup and let them change the destpath. However, we may
// have copied files on the AdditionalDirs page. So allowing them to
// change the path means you need to check diskspace requirements for
// OemFilesPath and treecopy it as well. If we ever allow changing
// OemFilesPath, then the script would have to be updated as well,
// and it has already been written out.
// We could check way back on the DistFolder page. But then we
// would have to find the SourcePath before we know if it's a CD
// or netpath and we couldn't know how much they might copy on the
// AdditionalDirs page.
llSpaceNeeded = MySetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDrive(ghDiskSpaceList, CopyDest);
llSpaceAvail = MyGetDiskFreeSpace(CopyDest);
if ( llSpaceAvail < llSpaceNeeded ) {
UINT iRet;
iRet = ReportErrorId( hwnd, MSGTYPE_RETRYCANCEL, IDS_ERR_INSUFICIENT_SPACE, CopyDest, // ISSUE-2002-02-28-stelo-
(UINT) (llSpaceNeeded / ONE_MEG), (UINT) (llSpaceAvail / ONE_MEG));
if ( iRet != IDRETRY ) { if ( CheckIfCancel(hwnd) ) goto CleanupAndReturn; } }
// Update the message on the wizard page and start copying the files
SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_TEXT, StrCopyingFiles);
if ( CopyTheFiles(hwnd, CopySrc, CopyDest) ) { SendMessage(hwnd, WMX_ENDCOPYING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0); }
// Cleanup and return
CleanupAndReturn: SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(ghDiskSpaceList); return 0; }
// This section of code runs in thread0.
// Function: TreeCopyNtSources
// Purpose: Entry point for copying the NT sources (either from CD or
// a net path).
// The dialog proc calls this one, and it takes care of the
// details of spawning the thread.
// Arguments:
// HWND hwnd - window to receive copy notifications (the dlgproc)
// UINT Message - message to send on copy notifications (to dlgproc)
// LPTSTR lpSource - root of copy source
// LPTSTR lpDest - root of copy dest
// Returns: void
// Notes:
// - Input strings will not be modified.
VOID TreeCopyNtSources(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpSource, LPTSTR lpDest) { DWORD dwThreadId; HANDLE hCopyThread;
static COPY_THREAD_PARAMS ThreadParams;
// Fill in the ThreadParams and spawn it
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551874-2002/02/27-stelo,swamip - CreateDistFolder, ShareTheDistFolder should use the code from OEM mode, reduce attack surface
lstrcpyn(ThreadParams.lpSourceBuffer, lpSource,AS(ThreadParams.lpSourceBuffer)); lstrcpyn(ThreadParams.lpDestBuffer, lpDest, AS(ThreadParams.lpDestBuffer));
MyGetFullPath(ThreadParams.lpSourceBuffer); MyGetFullPath(ThreadParams.lpDestBuffer);
ThreadParams.hwnd = hwnd;
hCopyThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, AsyncTreeCopy, &ThreadParams, 0, &dwThreadId); }
// Function: BuildCopyDestPath
// Purpose:
// DestPath is assumed to be of MAX_PATH length
// Arguments:
// Returns: VOID
VOID BuildCopyDestPath( IN TCHAR *DestPath, IN DWORD cbSize ) { HRESULT hrCat;
// If the dist folder begins with a drive letter, just use that
// If it is a UNC, then build the computer and share name and use that
if( WizGlobals.UncDistFolder[0] != _T('\\') ) {
lstrcpyn( DestPath, WizGlobals.UncDistFolder, cbSize );
} else {
GetComputerNameFromUnc( WizGlobals.UncDistFolder, DestPath, cbSize );
hrCat=StringCchCat( DestPath, cbSize, _T("\\") ); hrCat=StringCchCat( DestPath, cbSize, WizGlobals.DistShareName );
} hrCat=StringCchCat( DestPath, cbSize, _T("\\") ); hrCat=StringCchCat( DestPath, cbSize, WizGlobals.Architecture ); }
// Function: OnCopyFilesInitDialog
// Purpose:
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog
// Returns: VOID
static VOID OnCopyFilesInitDialog( IN HWND hwnd ) { StrBuildingList = MyLoadString( IDS_COPYMSG1 );
StrCopyingFiles = MyLoadString( IDS_COPYMSG2 );
StrFileAlreadyExists = MyLoadString( IDS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS );
StrModified = MyLoadString( IDS_MODIFIED );
StrBytes = MyLoadString( IDS_BYTES );
SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_TEXT, StrBuildingList);
// Load Months
StrJanuary = MyLoadString( IDS_JANUARY ); StrFebruary = MyLoadString( IDS_FEBRUARY ); StrMarch = MyLoadString( IDS_MARCH ); StrApril = MyLoadString( IDS_APRIL ); StrMay = MyLoadString( IDS_MAY ); StrJune = MyLoadString( IDS_JUNE ); StrJuly = MyLoadString( IDS_JULY ); StrAugust = MyLoadString( IDS_AUGUST ); StrSeptember = MyLoadString( IDS_SEPTEMBER ); StrOctober = MyLoadString( IDS_OCTOBER ); StrNovember = MyLoadString( IDS_NOVEMBER ); StrDecember = MyLoadString( IDS_DECEMBER );
rgMonthsOfYear[0] = StrJanuary; rgMonthsOfYear[1] = StrFebruary; rgMonthsOfYear[2] = StrMarch; rgMonthsOfYear[3] = StrApril; rgMonthsOfYear[4] = StrMay; rgMonthsOfYear[5] = StrJune; rgMonthsOfYear[6] = StrJuly; rgMonthsOfYear[7] = StrAugust; rgMonthsOfYear[8] = StrSeptember; rgMonthsOfYear[9] = StrOctober; rgMonthsOfYear[10] = StrNovember; rgMonthsOfYear[11] = StrDecember;
// Load Days of Week
StrSunday = MyLoadString( IDS_SUNDAY ); StrMonday = MyLoadString( IDS_MONDAY ); StrTuesday = MyLoadString( IDS_TUESDAY ); StrWednesday = MyLoadString( IDS_WEDNESDAY ); StrThursday = MyLoadString( IDS_THURSDAY ); StrFriday = MyLoadString( IDS_FRIDAY ); StrSaturday = MyLoadString( IDS_SATURDAY );
rgDaysOfWeek[0] = StrSunday; rgDaysOfWeek[1] = StrMonday; rgDaysOfWeek[2] = StrTuesday; rgDaysOfWeek[3] = StrWednesday; rgDaysOfWeek[4] = StrThursday; rgDaysOfWeek[5] = StrFriday; rgDaysOfWeek[6] = StrSaturday; rgDaysOfWeek[7] = StrSunday;
// Function: DlgCopyFilesPage
// Purpose: This is the dialog procedure the copy files page
INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgCopyFilesPage( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam) { UINT nPercent; BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
switch (uMsg) {
OnCopyFilesInitDialog( hwnd );
if ( WizGlobals.bCopyFromPath ) SrcPath = WizGlobals.CopySourcePath; else SrcPath = WizGlobals.CdSourcePath;
SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS1, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0);
BuildCopyDestPath( DestPath, AS(DestPath) );
TreeCopyNtSources(hwnd, SrcPath, DestPath); } break;
SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS1, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) 100, 0);
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hwnd), PSWIZB_NEXT);
// The CD is done copying so Auto-Advance to the next page
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- this works, but I should really go through
// RouteToProperPage or send a NEXT message but neither work
PostMessage( GetParent(hwnd), PSM_SETCURSELID, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) IDD_FINISH );
case WMX_FILECOPIED: nPercent = (gnFilesCopied * 100) / gnTotalFiles; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS1, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) nPercent, 0); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR)lParam; switch( pnmh->code ) {
case PSN_QUERYCANCEL: CancelTheWizard(hwnd); break;
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hwnd), 0); PostMessage(hwnd, WMX_BEGINCOPYING, 0, 0); break;
// Can't go back in the wizard from here
case PSN_WIZBACK: break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: break;
default: bStatus = FALSE; break; } } break;
default: bStatus = FALSE; break; } return bStatus; }
// Function: ConfirmFileReplaceDlgProc
// Purpose: Confirm file replace dialog proc. Allows the user to chose to
// overwrite the file, overwrite all files, do not overwrite or cancel the
// copy all together. Runs in the copying thread's context
// Arguments: standard Win32 dialog proc arguments
// Returns: the button the user pressed(Yes, Yes to All, No, Cancel)
INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfirmFileReplaceDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) {
BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
switch( uMsg ) {
SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_REPLACE_FILE_TEXT), g_szFileAlreadyExistsText );
SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_SRC_FILE_DATE), g_szSrcFileDate );
SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_SRC_FILE_SIZE), g_szSrcFileSize );
SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_DEST_FILE_DATE), g_szDestFileDate );
SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_DEST_FILE_SIZE), g_szDestFileSize );
if( g_SetFocusYes ) { SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_YES_BUTTON ) ); } else { SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_NO_BUTTON ) ); }
case WM_COMMAND: {
int nButtonId = LOWORD( wParam );
switch ( nButtonId ) {
case IDC_YES_BUTTON: { EndDialog( hwnd, YES );
break; }
case IDC_YESTOALL: { EndDialog( hwnd, YESTOALL );
break; }
case IDC_NO_BUTTON: { EndDialog( hwnd, NO );
break; }
case IDC_NOTOALL: { EndDialog( hwnd, NOTOALL );
break; }
case IDCANCEL: { if( CheckIfCancel( hwnd ) ) { EndDialog( hwnd, CANCEL ); }
break; }
default: bStatus = FALSE; break;
return( bStatus );