// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// lang.c
// Description:
// This file contains the dialog procedure for language settings page.
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
// This variable determines whether the user just moved here from another
// page or has remained on this page
static bHasMovedOffThisPage = TRUE;
// Function: GetLangGroupFromLocale
// Purpose: Takes a locale string Id and finds the language group node that
// corresponds to that locale.
// Arguments: IN LPTSTR lpLocaleId- the locale Id to find the language
// group of
// Returns: LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE* - language group node the locale corresponds to
LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE* GetLangGroupFromLocale( IN LPTSTR lpLocaleId ) {
// Sweep through the local list until the locale is found and return
// the language group
for( CurrentLocale = FixedGlobals.LanguageLocaleList; CurrentLocale != NULL; CurrentLocale = CurrentLocale->next ) {
if( lstrcmp( lpLocaleId, CurrentLocale->szLanguageLocaleId ) == 0 ) {
return( CurrentLocale->pLanguageGroup );
// If we get to here, then the locale was not found
AssertMsg( FALSE, "The locale was not found." );
// return the first language group so there is at least something to return
return( FixedGlobals.LanguageLocaleList->pLanguageGroup );
// Function: GetLangGroupFromKeyboardLayout
// Purpose: Takes a keyboard layout string Id and finds the language group
// node that corresponds to that keyboard layout.
// Arguments: IN LPTSTR lpKeyboardLayoutId- the keyboard layout Id to find
// the language group of
// Returns: LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE* - language group node the keyboard layout
// corresponds to
LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE* GetLangGroupFromKeyboardLayout( IN LPTSTR lpKeyboardLayoutId ) {
return( GetLangGroupFromLocale( lpKeyboardLayoutId ) );
// Function: AddLocalesLangGroup
// Purpose: Takes the a locale and finds its corresponding language group
// and adds it to the language group list.
// Arguments: IN LPTSTR pLocale - the locale to find and add the language
// group of
// Returns: VOID
VOID AddLocalesLangGroup( IN LPTSTR pLocale ) {
pLangGroup = GetLangGroupFromLocale( pLocale );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups, pLangGroup->szLanguageGroupId );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &GenSettings.LanguageFilePaths, pLangGroup->szLangFilePath );
// Function: AddKeyboardLocaleLangGroup
// Purpose: Takes the a keyboard layoutand finds its corresponding language
// group and adds it to the language group list.
// Arguments: IN LPTSTR pLocale - the locale to find and add the language
// group of
// Returns: VOID
VOID AddKeyboardLocaleLangGroup( IN LPTSTR pKeyboardLocale ) {
pLangGroup = GetLangGroupFromKeyboardLayout( pKeyboardLocale );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups, pLangGroup->szLanguageGroupId );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &GenSettings.LanguageFilePaths, pLangGroup->szLangFilePath );
// Function: OnLanguageSettingsInitDialog
// Purpose: Fills the Language Group box with the languages.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog box
// Returns: VOID
VOID OnLanguageSettingsInitDialog( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// Fill the list box with the data from the Language Group list
for( pLangEntry = FixedGlobals.LanguageGroupList; pLangEntry != NULL; pLangEntry = pLangEntry->next ) {
// Add language group to the list box
iListBoxIndex = SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupName ); //
// Associate the Language Group struct with its entry in the list box
SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_SETITEMDATA, iListBoxIndex, (LPARAM) pLangEntry );
// Function: OnLanguageSettingsSetActive
// Purpose: If they just moved here from another page, it makes sure for the
// locales they have selected that there corresponding language
// groups are selected.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog box
// Returns: VOID
VOID OnLanguageSettingsSetActive( IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT i; INT_PTR iListBoxCount; BOOL bIsAnAdditionLangGroup; BOOL bIsAnUserChosenLangGroup; LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE *pLangEntry;
// The variable AdditionalLangGroups holds those language groups that need
// to be installed because the user has already picked a locale that needs
// it. We need to force those Language groups to automatically be
// installed so we auto-select them.
NAMELIST AdditionalLangGroups = { 0 };
// Make sure language groups are selected for the locals they chose on the
// regional settings page but only do this if they moved from another page
// onto this page. If this is just another SetActive message but they
// haven't left the page then do nothing.
if( bHasMovedOffThisPage ) {
bHasMovedOffThisPage = FALSE;
// Find out what language groups we have to install
if( GenSettings.iRegionalSettings == REGIONAL_SETTINGS_SPECIFY ) {
if( GenSettings.bUseCustomLocales ) {
pLangEntry = GetLangGroupFromLocale( GenSettings.szMenuLanguage );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &AdditionalLangGroups, pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupId );
pLangEntry = GetLangGroupFromLocale( GenSettings.szNumberLanguage );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &AdditionalLangGroups, pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupId );
pLangEntry = GetLangGroupFromKeyboardLayout( GenSettings.szLanguageLocaleId );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &AdditionalLangGroups, pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupId );
} else {
pLangEntry = GetLangGroupFromLocale( GenSettings.szLanguage );
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &AdditionalLangGroups, pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupId );
// Select the language groups in the AdditionalLangGroups list
iListBoxCount = SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < iListBoxCount; i++ ) {
pLangEntry = (LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE *) SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0 );
if( FindNameInNameList( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups, pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupId ) != -1 ) { bIsAnUserChosenLangGroup = TRUE; } else { bIsAnUserChosenLangGroup = FALSE; }
if( FindNameInNameList( &AdditionalLangGroups, pLangEntry->szLanguageGroupId ) != -1 ) { bIsAnAdditionLangGroup = TRUE; } else { bIsAnAdditionLangGroup = FALSE; }
if( bIsAnUserChosenLangGroup || bIsAnAdditionLangGroup ) {
SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_SETSEL, TRUE, i );
// Function: OnWizNextLanguageSettings
// Purpose: Stores the language groups that are selected. Also, stores the
// the language groups that are not selected but are needed by one
// of the locales they chose.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog box
// Returns: VOID
VOID OnWizNextLanguageSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT_PTR i; INT_PTR iNumberSelected; UINT rgiCurrentSelections[MAX_SELECTIONS]; LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE *pLangGroupEntry;
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- going to have to force whatever locale choices they made on the
// previous page for the those language groups to automatically get
// installed
iNumberSelected = SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_GETSELITEMS, MAX_SELECTIONS, (LPARAM) rgiCurrentSelections );
ResetNameList( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups ); ResetNameList( &GenSettings.LanguageFilePaths );
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) { //
// Set this to true so we know to write out the key to specify the path
// to the language files
GenSettings.bSysprepLangFilesCopied = TRUE; }
for( i = 0; i < iNumberSelected; i++ ) {
pLangGroupEntry = (LANGUAGEGROUP_NODE *) SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, IDC_LANGUAGES, LB_GETITEMDATA, rgiCurrentSelections[i], 0 );
// store the language group ID in the namelist
AddNameToNameList( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups, pLangGroupEntry->szLanguageGroupId );
// store the path to the language files
AddNameToNameList( &GenSettings.LanguageFilePaths, pLangGroupEntry->szLangFilePath );
// Force whatever language groups to be installed that are needed for the
// locales they chose
if( GenSettings.iRegionalSettings == REGIONAL_SETTINGS_SPECIFY ) {
if( GenSettings.bUseCustomLocales ) {
AddLocalesLangGroup( GenSettings.szMenuLanguage );
AddLocalesLangGroup( GenSettings.szNumberLanguage );
AddKeyboardLocaleLangGroup( GenSettings.szLanguageLocaleId );
} else {
AddLocalesLangGroup( GenSettings.szLanguage );
// Function: DlgLangSettingsPage
// Purpose: Dialog procedure for the Language Settings page
// Arguments: standard Win32 dialog proc arguments
// Returns: standard Win32 dialog proc return value -- whether the message
// was handled or not
INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgLangSettingsPage( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) {
BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
switch( uMsg ) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: { OnLanguageSettingsInitDialog( hwnd );
break; }
case WM_NOTIFY: {
LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR)lParam;
switch( pnmh->code ) {
WIZ_CANCEL(hwnd); break;
case PSN_SETACTIVE: { g_App.dwCurrentHelp = IDH_LANGS;
OnLanguageSettingsSetActive( hwnd );
bHasMovedOffThisPage = TRUE;
bStatus = FALSE; break;
OnWizNextLanguageSettings( hwnd );
bStatus = FALSE; break;
case PSN_HELP: WIZ_HELP(); break;
break; }
default: bStatus = FALSE; break;
return( bStatus );