Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<VisualStudioProject> <VisualBasic ProjectType = "Local" ProductVersion = "7.0.9254" SchemaVersion = "1.0" ProjectGuid = "{F4776E99-7D53-4FE6-9BDA-2AAB30D01345}" > <Build> <Settings ApplicationIcon = "" AssemblyKeyContainerName = "" AssemblyName = "File List to SLX" AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile = "" AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode = "None" DefaultClientScript = "JScript" DefaultHTMLPageLayout = "Grid" DefaultTargetSchema = "IE50" DelaySign = "false" OutputType = "WinExe" OptionCompare = "Binary" OptionExplicit = "On" OptionStrict = "Off" RootNamespace = "File_List_to_SLX" StartupObject = "File_List_to_SLX.Form1" > <Config Name = "Debug" BaseAddress = "285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile = "" DefineConstants = "" DefineDebug = "true" DefineTrace = "true" DebugSymbols = "true" IncrementalBuild = "true" Optimize = "false" OutputPath = "bin\" RegisterForComInterop = "false" RemoveIntegerChecks = "false" TreatWarningsAsErrors = "false" WarningLevel = "1" /> <Config Name = "Release" BaseAddress = "285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile = "" DefineConstants = "" DefineDebug = "false" DefineTrace = "true" DebugSymbols = "false" IncrementalBuild = "false" Optimize = "false" OutputPath = "bin\" RegisterForComInterop = "false" RemoveIntegerChecks = "false" TreatWarningsAsErrors = "false" WarningLevel = "1" /> <Config Name = "Debug (Vulcan)" BaseAddress = "285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile = "" DefineConstants = "" DefineDebug = "true" DefineTrace = "true" DebugSymbols = "true" IncrementalBuild = "true" Optimize = "false" OutputPath = "bin\" RegisterForComInterop = "false" RemoveIntegerChecks = "false" TreatWarningsAsErrors = "false" WarningLevel = "1" /> </Settings> <References> <Reference Name = "System" AssemblyName = "System" /> <Reference Name = "System.Data" AssemblyName = "System.Data" /> <Reference Name = "System.Drawing" AssemblyName = "System.Drawing" /> <Reference Name = "System.Windows.Forms" AssemblyName = "System.Windows.Forms" /> <Reference Name = "System.XML" AssemblyName = "System.Xml" /> <Reference Name = "CMI" Guid = "{7A22BC1E-15C6-46AB-BE3E-E0E334AAD737}" VersionMajor = "1" VersionMinor = "0" Lcid = "0" WrapperTool = "tlbimp" /> </References> <Imports> <Import Namespace = "Microsoft.VisualBasic" /> <Import Namespace = "System" /> <Import Namespace = "System.Collections" /> <Import Namespace = "System.Data" /> <Import Namespace = "System.Drawing" /> <Import Namespace = "System.Diagnostics" /> <Import Namespace = "System.Windows.Forms" /> </Imports> </Build> <Files> <Include> <File RelPath = "AssemblyInfo.vb" SubType = "Code" BuildAction = "Compile" /> <File RelPath = "CDRes.dll" Link = "..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Windows Embedded\bin\CDRes.dll" BuildAction = "Content" /> <File RelPath = "ComponentPropertiesForm.vb" SubType = "Form" BuildAction = "Compile" /> <File RelPath = "ComponentPropertiesForm.resx" DependentUpon = "ComponentPropertiesForm.vb" BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource" /> <File RelPath = "Empty.ico" BuildAction = "Content" /> <File RelPath = "FL2C_form.vb" SubType = "Form" BuildAction = "Compile" /> <File RelPath = "FL2C_form.resx" DependentUpon = "FL2C_form.vb" BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource" /> <File RelPath = "Group.ico" BuildAction = "Content" /> <File RelPath = "licenses.licx" BuildAction = "Content" /> <File RelPath = "ListForm.vb" SubType = "Form" BuildAction = "Compile" /> <File RelPath = "ListForm.resx" DependentUpon = "ListForm.vb" BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource" /> </Include> </Files> </VisualBasic> </VisualStudioProject>