// RegDataItem.cpp: implementation of the CRegDataItem class.
#include "RegDataItem.h"
#include "RegFile.h"
#include <tchar.h>
// Construction/Destruction
CRegDataItem::CRegDataItem() : m_DataLen(0), m_NameLen(0), m_pDataBuf(NULL), m_Type(0),m_bIsEmpty(true), m_bDontDeleteData(false) {
CRegDataItem::~CRegDataItem() { if (!m_bDontDeleteData) delete m_pDataBuf;
// delete m_pName;
int CRegDataItem::CompareTo(const CRegDataItem &r) { if ((m_bIsEmpty) && (r.m_bIsEmpty)) return 0; else if ((m_bIsEmpty) && (!r.m_bIsEmpty)) return 2; else if ((!m_bIsEmpty) && (r.m_bIsEmpty)) return -1; else { int code = _tcscmp(m_Name, r.m_Name);
if (code == 0) //names are the same, so compare item's data
{ if ((m_Type == r.m_Type) && (m_DataLen == r.m_DataLen) && (memcmp(m_pDataBuf, r.m_pDataBuf, m_DataLen) == 0)) return 0; else return 1; } else if (code > 0) return 2; else return -1; }
LPTSTR GetCopy(LPCTSTR str) { if (str == NULL) return NULL;
int len = _tcsclen(str) + 1; LPTSTR temp = new TCHAR[len]; if (temp == NULL) { LOG0(LOG_ERROR,"Couldn't allocate buffer in GetCopy(LPCTSTR)"); return NULL; } else { _tcscpy(temp, str); return temp; }
void CRegDataItem::WriteToInfFile(CRegFile &file, bool bWriteValueData) { LPTSTR RootKeyName; LPTSTR SubKeyName;
SplitString(m_KeyName, RootKeyName, SubKeyName, TEXT('\\')); file.WriteString(RootKeyName);
file.WriteString(TEXT(",")); file.WriteString(SubKeyName);
delete[] RootKeyName; delete[] SubKeyName;
if (m_Name != NULL) { LPTSTR Name = GetQuotedString(m_Name); file.WriteString(TEXT(",")); file.WriteString(Name); delete[] Name;
if (bWriteValueData) { file.WriteString(TEXT(",")); WriteDataString(file); } } file.WriteNewLine(); }
LPTSTR CRegDataItem::GetQuotedString(LPCTSTR str) { int i=0, specialchars=0;
TCHAR quote = TEXT('\"');
if (str == NULL) return NULL;
while (str[i] != 0) { if (str[i] == quote) specialchars++;
i++; }
LPTSTR temp = new TCHAR[i+specialchars+3]; //include the chars of original string,
// the escape characters needed for each specialchar
// 1 char for the NULL
// 2 chars for the quotes (") at the beginning and end of string
int k=1;
for (int j=0; j<i; j++) { if (str[j] == quote) { temp[k] = quote; k++; }
temp[k] = str[j]; k++; }
temp[0] = quote; temp[k] = quote; temp[k+1] = NULL;
return temp; }
void CRegDataItem::SplitString(LPCTSTR source, LPTSTR& first, LPTSTR& last, TCHAR separator) { LPTSTR str=GetCopy(source);
if (str == NULL) { LOG0(LOG_ERROR, "Could not get copy of string in CRegDataItem::SplitString"); return; }
for (int i=0; str[i] != NULL; i++) { if (str[i] == separator) break; }
if (str[i] == separator) { last = GetQuotedString(str+i+1); str[i]=NULL; } else { str[i]=NULL; last = GetQuotedString(str+i); }
first = GetQuotedString(str);
delete[] str; }
void CRegDataItem::WriteDataString(CRegFile& file) { //10 chars - hex type string
//1 char - comma
//x chars - data string
// case String -
DWORD InfCode = 1; LPTSTR DataString = NULL; TCHAR TypeStr[20];
switch (m_Type) { case REG_BINARY: InfCode = 0x00000001; DataString=GetBinaryString(); break;
case REG_DWORD: InfCode = 0x00010001; DataString = GetDwordString(); break; // case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: break;
case REG_EXPAND_SZ: InfCode = 0x00020000; DataString=GetQuotedString((LPCTSTR)m_pDataBuf); break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: WriteInfCode(file,0x00010000); WriteMultiString(file); return; case REG_SZ: InfCode = 0x00000000; DataString=GetQuotedString((LPCTSTR)m_pDataBuf); break;
// case REG_LINK: break;
case REG_NONE: InfCode = 0x00020001; DataString = GetBinaryString(); break;
// case REG_QWORD: break;
// case REG_RESOURCE_LIST: break;
default: { //The code will contain the bits of m_Type in its highword, and
//0x0001 in its low word. This is how we specify a custom type
//for an inf file.
InfCode = m_Type; InfCode = InfCode << 16; InfCode +=1;
DataString = GetBinaryString(); } break; };
LPTSTR result;
if (m_DataLen > 0) { int len = _tcsclen(DataString);
result = new TCHAR[len + 20];
_stprintf(result,TEXT("0x%08X,%s"), InfCode, DataString); } else { result = new TCHAR[20];
_stprintf(result,TEXT("0x%08X"), InfCode); }
delete[] DataString;
delete[] result; }
LPTSTR CRegDataItem::GetBinaryString() { if (m_DataLen == 0) return NULL;
int len = m_DataLen*3+1;
LPTSTR result = new TCHAR[len]; LPTSTR temp = result;
for (DWORD i=0; i<m_DataLen; i++) { DWORD val = (DWORD)m_pDataBuf[i]; _stprintf(temp,TEXT("%02X,"), val); temp+=3; } result[len-2]=NULL;
return result; //return GetCopy("Binary String Data");
LPTSTR CRegDataItem::GetDwordString() { LPTSTR result = new TCHAR[20];
_stprintf(result,TEXT("0x%08X"), *((DWORD*)m_pDataBuf));
return result;
void CRegDataItem::WriteMultiString(CRegFile& file) { /* for (DWORD i=0; i <m_DataLen; i++)
{ if (m_pData[i] == NULL) NumBlanks++; } */ if (m_DataLen == 1) //no multistrings - only one NULL character
return file.WriteString(TEXT(",\"\"")); else {
LPTSTR buf = (LPTSTR)m_pDataBuf;
while (true) { file.WriteString(TEXT(",")); LPTSTR temp = GetQuotedString(buf);
if (temp == NULL) { LOG0(LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate quoted string in 'WriteMultiString'"); return; }
file.WriteString(temp); delete[] temp;
while(*buf != NULL) buf++;
if (*(buf+1) == NULL) break; else buf++; } }
/* DWORD NumBlanks=0;
for (DWORD i=0; i <m_DataLen; i++) { if (m_pData[i] == NULL) NumBlanks++; }
if (NumBlanks == 1) //no multistrings - only one NULL character
return GetQuotedString((LPCTSTR)m_pData); else { CSmartBuffer<LPTSTR> multi;
LPCTSTR temp = (LPCTSTR)m_pData; multi.AddElement(GetQuotedString(temp));
int memneeded=0;
for (DWORD i=0; i <m_DataLen; i++) { if ((m_pData[i] == NULL) && (i < (m_DataLen-2))) { multi.AddElement(GetQuotedString((LPCTSTR)m_pData+i+1); memneeded += multi. } } }*/
void CRegDataItem::WriteInfCode(CRegFile &file, DWORD InfCode) { TCHAR result[20];
_stprintf(result,TEXT("0x%08X"), InfCode);
file.WriteString(result); }
void CRegDataItem::WriteToFile(CRegFile &file) { if (!m_bIsEmpty) { if (m_KeyName != NULL) { file.WriteString(m_KeyName); file.WriteNewLine(); }
if (m_Name != NULL) //this data item contains a registry data value
{ TCHAR t;
switch(m_Type) { case REG_BINARY: t=L'B'; break;
case REG_DWORD: t=L'd'; break; case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: t=L'D'; break;
case REG_EXPAND_SZ: t=L'E'; break; case REG_MULTI_SZ: t=L'M'; break; case REG_SZ: t=L'S'; break;
case REG_LINK: t=L'L'; break; case REG_NONE: t=L'N'; break; case REG_QWORD: t=L'Q'; break; case REG_RESOURCE_LIST: t=L'R'; break;
default: t=L'Z'; break; //unknown type! it does occur in the registry! HKLM
int NameLen = _tcsclen(m_Name); TCHAR* temp = new TCHAR[NameLen+100];
_stprintf(temp, TEXT("S%u:%s = %c(%u)%u:"), NameLen, (LPCTSTR)m_Name, t, m_Type, m_DataLen);
delete [] temp;
//unicode ***********************************
if ((m_DataLen %2) != 0) { BYTE nullByte=0; file.WriteData(&nullByte, 1); } // ***********************************
file.WriteData(m_pDataBuf, m_DataLen); file.WriteNewLine(); } } }