Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
String routines
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 03-Aug-2001
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
#include "commonp.h"
PSTR SzCopyA ( OUT PSTR Destination, IN PCSTR Source ) { while (*Source) { *Destination++ = *Source++; }
*Destination = 0;
return Destination; }
PWSTR SzCopyW ( OUT PWSTR Destination, IN PCWSTR Source ) { while (*Source) { *Destination++ = *Source++; }
*Destination = 0;
return Destination; }
PSTR SzNextCharA ( IN PCSTR CurrentPointer ) { PCSTR next;
next = _mbsinc (CurrentPointer); switch (next - CurrentPointer) {
case 3: if (CurrentPointer[2] == 0) { next = CurrentPointer + 2; break; } case 2: if (CurrentPointer[1] == 0) { next = CurrentPointer + 1; } break; }
return (PSTR) next; }
PSTR SzCopyBytesA ( OUT PSTR Destination, IN PCSTR Source, IN UINT MaxBytesToCopyIncNul ) { PCSTR maxEnd; PCSTR sourceEndPlusOne; PCSTR sourceEnd; UINT_PTR bytes;
if (!MaxBytesToCopyIncNul) { //
// Buffer can't fit anything
return Destination; }
// Find the nul terminator, or the last character that
// will fit in the buffer.
maxEnd = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) Source + MaxBytesToCopyIncNul); sourceEndPlusOne = Source;
do { sourceEnd = sourceEndPlusOne;
if (!(*sourceEndPlusOne)) { break; }
sourceEndPlusOne = SzNextCharA (sourceEndPlusOne);
} while (sourceEndPlusOne < maxEnd);
bytes = (PBYTE) sourceEnd - (PBYTE) Source; CopyMemory (Destination, Source, bytes);
Destination = (PSTR) ((PBYTE) Destination + bytes); *Destination = 0;
return Destination; }
PWSTR SzCopyBytesW ( OUT PWSTR Destination, IN PCWSTR Source, IN UINT MaxBytesToCopyIncNul ) { PCWSTR sourceMax; PCWSTR sourceEnd; UINT_PTR bytes;
if (MaxBytesToCopyIncNul < sizeof (WCHAR)) { //
// Buffer can't fit anything
return Destination; }
sourceMax = (PCWSTR) ((PBYTE) Source + (MaxBytesToCopyIncNul & (~1)) - sizeof (WCHAR)); sourceEnd = Source;
do { if (!(*sourceEnd)) { break; }
sourceEnd++; } while (sourceEnd < sourceMax);
bytes = (PBYTE) sourceEnd - (PBYTE) Source; CopyMemory (Destination, Source, bytes);
Destination = (PWSTR) ((PBYTE) Destination + bytes); *Destination = 0;
return Destination; }
PSTR SzCopyBytesABA ( OUT PSTR Destination, IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End, IN UINT MaxBytesToCopyIncNul ) { UINT width;
width = ((PBYTE) End - (PBYTE) Start) + sizeof (CHAR);
return SzCopyBytesA (Destination, Start, min (width, MaxBytesToCopyIncNul)); }
PWSTR SzCopyBytesABW ( OUT PWSTR Destination, IN PCWSTR Start, IN PCWSTR End, IN UINT MaxBytesToCopyIncNul ) { UINT width;
width = ((PBYTE) End - (PBYTE) Start) + sizeof (WCHAR);
return SzCopyBytesW (Destination, Start, min (width, MaxBytesToCopyIncNul)); }
PSTR SzCatA ( OUT PSTR Destination, IN PCSTR Source ) { Destination = SzGetEndA (Destination); return SzCopyA (Destination, Source); }
PWSTR SzCatW ( OUT PWSTR Destination, IN PCWSTR Source ) { Destination = SzGetEndW (Destination); return SzCopyW (Destination, Source); }
BOOL SzMatchA ( IN PCSTR String1, IN PCSTR String2 ) { while (*String1) { if (*String1++ != *String2++) { return FALSE; } }
return *String2 == 0; }
BOOL SzMemMatchA ( IN PCSTR Buffer1, IN PCSTR Buffer2, IN SIZE_T ByteCount ) { SIZE_T u; PCSTR end;
end = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) Buffer1 + ByteCount);
while (Buffer1 < end) {
if (*Buffer1 != *Buffer2++) { return FALSE; }
if (*Buffer1++ == 0) { return TRUE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL SzMemMatchW ( IN PCWSTR Buffer1, IN PCWSTR Buffer2, IN SIZE_T ByteCount ) { SIZE_T u; PCWSTR end;
end = (PCWSTR) ((PBYTE) Buffer1 + ByteCount);
while (Buffer1 < end) {
if (*Buffer1 != *Buffer2++) { return FALSE; }
if (*Buffer1++ == 0) { return TRUE; } }
return TRUE; }
INT SzCompareBytesA ( IN PCSTR String1, IN PCSTR String2, IN SIZE_T ByteCount ) { PCSTR end; INT bytesLeft; INT thisCharBytes; UINT ch1; UINT ch2; PCSTR maxString1; PCSTR maxString2;
if (!ByteCount) { return 0; }
bytesLeft = (INT) ByteCount; MYASSERT ((SIZE_T) bytesLeft == ByteCount);
maxString1 = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) String1 + ByteCount); maxString2 = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) String2 + ByteCount);
do { //
// Compute ch1. We use this code instead of _mbsnextc, so we can
// support mismatched code pages.
end = SzNextCharA (String1); if (end > maxString1) { end = maxString1; }
ch1 = 0; do { ch1 = (ch1 << 8) | *String1++; } while (String1 < end);
// Compute ch2.
end = SzNextCharA (String2); if (end > maxString2) { end = maxString2; }
ch2 = 0; do { ch2 = (ch2 << 8) | *String2++; } while (String2 < end);
// Compare
if (ch1 != ch2) { return (INT) ch1 - (INT) ch2; }
} while (String1 < maxString1 && String2 < maxString2);
// One or both strings terminated
if (String1 < maxString1) { return -1; }
if (String2 < maxString2) { return 1; }
return 0; }
INT SzICompareBytesA ( IN PCSTR String1, IN PCSTR String2, IN SIZE_T ByteCount ) { PCSTR end; INT bytesLeft; INT thisCharBytes; UINT ch1; UINT ch2; PCSTR maxString1; PCSTR maxString2;
if (!ByteCount) { return 0; }
bytesLeft = (INT) ByteCount; MYASSERT ((SIZE_T) bytesLeft == ByteCount);
maxString1 = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) String1 + ByteCount); maxString2 = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) String2 + ByteCount);
do { //
// Compute ch1. We use this code instead of _mbsnextc, so we can
// support mismatched code pages.
end = SzNextCharA (String1); if (end > maxString1) { end = maxString1; }
ch1 = 0; do { ch1 = (ch1 << 8) | (*String1++); } while (String1 < end);
ch1 = tolower (ch1);
// Compute ch2.
end = SzNextCharA (String2); if (end > maxString2) { end = maxString2; }
ch2 = 0; do { ch2 = (ch2 << 8) | (*String2++); } while (String2 < end);
ch2 = tolower (ch2);
// Compare
if (ch1 != ch2) { return (INT) ch1 - (INT) ch2; }
// If this is the end of the string, then we're done
if (!ch1) { return 0; }
} while (String1 < maxString1 && String2 < maxString2);
// One or both strings terminated
if (String1 < maxString1) { return -1; }
if (String2 < maxString2) { return 1; }
return 0; }
PSTR SzUnsignedToHexA ( IN ULONG_PTR Number, OUT PSTR String ) { PSTR p;
*String++ = '0'; *String++ = 'x';
p = String + (sizeof (Number) * 2); *p = 0;
while (p > String) { p--; *p = ((CHAR) Number & 0x0F) + '0'; if (*p > '9') { *p += 'A' - ('9' + 1); }
Number >>= 4; }
return String + (sizeof (Number) * 2); }
PWSTR SzUnsignedToHexW ( IN ULONG_PTR Number, OUT PWSTR String ) { PWSTR p;
*String++ = L'0'; *String++ = L'x';
p = String + (sizeof (Number) * 2); *p = 0;
while (p > String) { p--; *p = ((WCHAR) Number & 0x0F) + L'0'; if (*p > L'9') { *p += L'A' - (L'9' + 1); }
Number >>= 4; }
return String + (sizeof (Number) * 2); }
PSTR SzUnsignedToDecA ( IN ULONG_PTR Number, OUT PSTR String ) { UINT digits; ULONG_PTR temp; PSTR p;
temp = Number; digits = 1;
while (temp > 9) { digits++; temp /= 10; }
p = String + digits; *p = 0;
while (p > String) { p--; *p = (CHAR) (Number % 10) + '0'; Number /= 10; }
return String + digits; }
PWSTR SzUnsignedToDecW ( IN ULONG_PTR Number, OUT PWSTR String ) { UINT digits; ULONG_PTR temp; PWSTR p;
temp = Number; digits = 1;
while (temp > 9) { digits++; temp /= 10; }
p = String + digits; *p = 0;
while (p > String) { p--; *p = (WCHAR) (Number % 10) + L'0'; Number /= 10; }
return String + digits; }
PSTR SzSignedToDecA ( IN LONG_PTR Number, OUT PSTR String ) { if (Number < 0) { *String++ = '-'; Number = -Number; }
return SzUnsignedToDecA (Number, String); }
PWSTR SzSignedToDecW ( IN LONG_PTR Number, OUT PWSTR String ) { if (Number < 0) { *String++ = L'-'; Number = -Number; }
return SzUnsignedToDecW (Number, String); }
PSTR SzFindPrevCharA ( IN PCSTR StartStr, IN PCSTR CurrPtr, IN MBCHAR SearchChar ) { PCSTR ptr = CurrPtr;
while (ptr > StartStr) {
ptr = _mbsdec (StartStr, ptr); if (!ptr) { ptr = StartStr; }
if (_mbsnextc (ptr) == SearchChar) { return (PSTR) ptr; } }
return NULL; }
PWSTR SzFindPrevCharW ( IN PCWSTR StartStr, IN PCWSTR CurrPtr, IN WCHAR SearchChar ) { PCWSTR ptr = CurrPtr;
while (ptr > StartStr) { ptr--;
if (*ptr == SearchChar) { return (PWSTR) ptr; } }
return NULL; }
INT pGetHexDigit ( IN INT c ) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return (c - '0'); }
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return (c - 'a' + 10); }
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return (c - 'A' + 10); }
return -1; }
ULONG SzToNumberA ( IN PCSTR String, OUT PCSTR *EndOfNumber OPTIONAL ) { ULONG d = 0; INT v;
if (_mbsnextc (String) == '0' && tolower (_mbsnextc (SzNextCharA (String))) == 'x' ) { //
// Get hex value
String = SzNextCharA (String); String = SzNextCharA (String);
for (;;) { v = pGetHexDigit ((INT) _mbsnextc (String)); if (v == -1) { break; } d = (d * 16) + v;
String = SzNextCharA (String); }
} else { //
// Get decimal value
while (_mbsnextc (String) >= '0' && _mbsnextc (String) <= '9') { d = (d * 10) + (_mbsnextc (String) - '0'); String = SzNextCharA (String); } }
if (EndOfNumber) { *EndOfNumber = String; }
return d; }
ULONG SzToNumberW ( IN PCWSTR String, OUT PCWSTR *EndOfNumber OPTIONAL ) { ULONG d = 0; INT v;
if (String[0] == L'0' && towlower (String[1]) == L'x') { //
// Get hex value
String += 2;
for (;;) { v = pGetHexDigit ((INT) (*String)); if (v == -1) { break; } d = (d * 16) + v;
String++; }
} else { //
// Get decimal value
while (*String >= L'0' && *String <= L'9') { d = (d * 10) + (*String - L'0'); String++; } }
if (EndOfNumber) { *EndOfNumber = String; }
return d; }
if (_mbsnextc (String) == '0' && tolower (_mbsnextc (SzNextCharA (String))) == 'x' ) { //
// Get hex value
String = SzNextCharA (String); String = SzNextCharA (String);
for (;;) { v = pGetHexDigit ((INT) _mbsnextc (String)); if (v == -1) { break; } d = (d * 16) + (ULONGLONG) v;
String = SzNextCharA (String); }
} else { //
// Get decimal value
while (_mbsnextc (String) >= '0' && _mbsnextc (String) <= '9') { d = (d * 10) + (ULONGLONG) (_mbsnextc (String) - '0'); String = SzNextCharA (String); } }
if (EndOfNumber) { *EndOfNumber = String; }
return d; }
if (String[0] == L'0' && tolower (String[1]) == L'x') { //
// Get hex value
String += 2;
for (;;) { v = pGetHexDigit ((INT) (*String)); if (v == -1) { break; } d = (d * 16) + (ULONGLONG) v;
String++; }
} else { //
// Get decimal value
while (*String >= L'0' && *String <= L'9') { d = (d * 10) + (ULONGLONG) (*String - L'0'); String++; } }
if (EndOfNumber) { *EndOfNumber = String; }
return d; }
if (_mbsnextc (String) == '-') { String = SzNextCharA (String);
// Get decimal value
l = 0;
while (_mbsnextc (String) >= '0' && _mbsnextc (String) <= '9') { l = (l * 10) + (LONGLONG) (_mbsnextc (String) - '0'); String = SzNextCharA (String); }
l = -l;
if (EndOfNumber) { *EndOfNumber = String; }
return l;
} else { return (LONGLONG) SzToULongLongA (String, EndOfNumber); } }
if (*String == L'-') { String++;
// Get decimal value
l = 0;
while (*String >= L'0' && *String <= L'9') { l = (l * 10) + (LONGLONG) (*String - L'0'); String++; }
l = -l;
if (EndOfNumber) { *EndOfNumber = String; }
return l;
} else { return (LONGLONG) SzToULongLongW (String, EndOfNumber); } }
PSTR SzCopyNextCharA ( OUT PSTR Dest, IN PCSTR Source ) { PCSTR nextSrc;
nextSrc = SzNextCharA (Source); switch (nextSrc - Source) { case 3: *Dest++ = *Source++; case 2: *Dest++ = *Source++; case 1: *Dest++ = *Source; break; }
return Dest; }
PSTR SzTrimLastCharA ( IN OUT PSTR String, IN MBCHAR LogChar ) { PSTR end;
end = SzGetEndA (String); end = _mbsdec (String, end);
if ((end >= String) && (_mbsnextc (end) == LogChar)) { do { *end = 0; end = _mbsdec (String, end); } while ((end >= String) && (_mbsnextc (end) == LogChar));
return end < String ? String : end; }
return NULL; }
PWSTR SzTrimLastCharW ( IN OUT PWSTR String, IN WCHAR LogChar ) { PWSTR end;
end = SzGetEndW (String); end--;
if ((end >= String) && (*end == LogChar)) { do { *end = 0; end--; } while ((end >= String) && (*end == LogChar));
return end < String ? String : end; }
return NULL; }
PSTR SzAppendWackA ( IN PSTR String ) { PCSTR last;
if (!String) { return NULL; }
last = String;
while (*String) { last = String; String = SzNextCharA (String); }
if (_mbsnextc (last) != '\\') { *String = '\\'; String++; *String = 0; }
return String; }
PWSTR SzAppendWackW ( IN PWSTR String ) { PCWSTR last;
if (!String) { return NULL; }
if (*String) { String = SzGetEndW (String); last = String - 1; } else { last = String; }
if (*last != '\\') { *String = L'\\'; String++; *String = 0; }
return String; }
PCSTR SzGetFileNameFromPathA ( IN PCSTR Path ) { PCSTR p;
p = _mbsrchr (Path, '\\'); if (p) { p = SzNextCharA (p); } else { p = Path; }
return p; }
PCWSTR SzGetFileNameFromPathW ( IN PCWSTR Path ) { PCWSTR p;
p = wcsrchr (Path, L'\\'); if (p) { p++; } else { p = Path; }
return p; }
PCSTR SzGetFileExtensionFromPathA ( IN PCSTR Path ) { PCSTR p; MBCHAR ch; PCSTR returnPtr = NULL;
p = Path;
while (*p) { ch = _mbsnextc (p);
if (ch == '.') { returnPtr = SzNextCharA (p); } else if (ch == '\\') { returnPtr = NULL; }
p = SzNextCharA (p); }
return returnPtr; }
PCWSTR SzGetFileExtensionFromPathW ( IN PCWSTR Path ) { PCWSTR p; PCWSTR returnPtr = NULL;
p = Path;
while (*p) { if (*p == L'.') { returnPtr = p + 1; } else if (*p == L'\\') { returnPtr = NULL; }
p++; }
return returnPtr; }
PCSTR SzGetDotExtensionFromPathA ( IN PCSTR Path ) { PCSTR p; MBCHAR ch; PCSTR returnPtr = NULL;
p = Path;
while (*p) { ch = _mbsnextc (p);
if (ch == '.') { returnPtr = p; } else if (ch == '\\') { returnPtr = NULL; }
p = SzNextCharA (p); }
if (!returnPtr) { return p; }
return returnPtr; }
PCWSTR SzGetDotExtensionFromPathW ( IN PCWSTR Path ) { PCWSTR p; PCWSTR returnPtr = NULL;
p = Path;
while (*p) { if (*p == L'.') { returnPtr = p; } else if (*p == L'\\') { returnPtr = NULL; }
p++; }
if (!returnPtr) { return p; }
return returnPtr; }
PCSTR SzSkipSpaceA ( IN PCSTR String ) { if (!String) { return NULL; }
while (_ismbcspace (_mbsnextc (String))) { String = SzNextCharA (String); }
return String; }
PCWSTR SzSkipSpaceW ( IN PCWSTR String ) { if (!String) { return NULL; }
while (iswspace (*String)) { String++; }
return String; }
PCSTR SzSkipSpaceRA ( IN PCSTR BaseString, IN PCSTR String OPTIONAL ) { if (!String) { String = SzGetEndA (BaseString); }
if (*String == 0) { String = _mbsdec (BaseString, String); }
while (String >= BaseString) {
if (!_ismbcspace (_mbsnextc (String))) { return String; }
String = _mbsdec (BaseString, String); }
return NULL; }
PCWSTR SzSkipSpaceRW ( IN PCWSTR BaseString, IN PCWSTR String // can be any char along BaseString
) { if (!String) { String = SzGetEndW (BaseString); }
if (*String == 0) { String--; }
while (String >= BaseString) {
if (!iswspace (*String)) { return String; }
return NULL; }
PSTR SzTruncateTrailingSpaceA ( IN OUT PSTR String ) { PSTR end; MBCHAR ch;
end = String;
while (*String) { ch = _mbsnextc (String); String = SzNextCharA (String);
if (!_ismbcspace (ch)) { end = String; } }
*end = 0;
return end; }
PWSTR SzTruncateTrailingSpaceW ( IN OUT PWSTR String ) { PWSTR end; WCHAR ch;
end = String;
while (*String) { ch = *String++;
if (!iswspace (ch)) { end = String; } }
*end = 0;
return end; }
BOOL SzIsPrintA ( IN PCSTR String )
{ while (*String && _ismbcprint (_mbsnextc (String))) { String = SzNextCharA (String); }
return *String == 0; }
BOOL SzIsPrintW ( IN PCWSTR String )
{ while (*String && iswprint (*String)) { String++; }
return *String == 0; }
PCSTR SzIFindSubStringA ( IN PCSTR String, IN PCSTR SubString )
{ PCSTR start; PCSTR middle; PCSTR subStrMiddle; PCSTR end;
end = (PSTR) ((PBYTE) String + SzByteCountA (String) - SzByteCountA (SubString));
for (start = String ; start <= end ; start = SzNextCharA (start)) { middle = start; subStrMiddle = SubString;
while (*subStrMiddle && _mbctolower (_mbsnextc (subStrMiddle)) == _mbctolower (_mbsnextc (middle)) ) { middle = SzNextCharA (middle); subStrMiddle = SzNextCharA (subStrMiddle); }
if (!(*subStrMiddle)) { return start; } }
return NULL; }
PCWSTR SzIFindSubStringW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN PCWSTR SubString )
{ PCWSTR start; PCWSTR middle; PCWSTR subStrMiddle; PCWSTR end;
end = (PWSTR) ((PBYTE) String + SzByteCountW (String) - SzByteCountW (SubString));
for (start = String ; start <= end ; start++) { middle = start; subStrMiddle = SubString;
while (*subStrMiddle && (towlower (*subStrMiddle) == towlower (*middle))) { middle++; subStrMiddle++; }
if (!(*subStrMiddle)) { return start; } }
return NULL; }
UINT SzCountInstancesOfLcharA ( IN PCSTR String, IN MBCHAR LogChar ) { UINT count;
if (!String) { return 0; }
count = 0; while (*String) { if (_mbsnextc (String) == LogChar) { count++; }
String = SzNextCharA (String); }
return count; }
UINT SzCountInstancesOfLcharW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN WCHAR LogChar ) { UINT count;
if (!String) { return 0; }
count = 0; while (*String) { if (*String == LogChar) { count++; }
String++; }
return count; }
UINT SzICountInstancesOfLcharA ( IN PCSTR String, IN MBCHAR LogChar ) { UINT count;
if (!String) { return 0; }
LogChar = _mbctolower (LogChar);
count = 0; while (*String) { if (_mbctolower (_mbsnextc (String)) == LogChar) { count++; }
String = SzNextCharA (String); }
return count; }
UINT SzICountInstancesOfLcharW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN WCHAR LogChar ) { UINT count;
if (!String) { return 0; }
LogChar = towlower (LogChar);
count = 0; while (*String) { if (towlower (*String) == LogChar) { count++; }
String++; }
return count; }
BOOL SzReplaceA ( IN OUT PSTR Buffer, IN SIZE_T MaxSize, IN PSTR ReplaceStartPos, // within Buffer
IN PSTR ReplaceEndPos, IN PCSTR NewString ) { BOOL result = FALSE; SIZE_T oldSubStringLength; SIZE_T newSubStringLength; SIZE_T currentStringLength; SIZE_T offset; SIZE_T bytesToMove;
// Check assumptions.
MYASSERT(Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceStartPos && ReplaceStartPos >= Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceEndPos && ReplaceEndPos >= ReplaceStartPos); //lint !e613
MYASSERT(ReplaceEndPos <= Buffer + MaxSize); //lint !e613
// Compute sizes.
oldSubStringLength = (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos - (PBYTE) ReplaceStartPos; newSubStringLength = SzByteCountA (NewString); currentStringLength = SzSizeA (Buffer); offset = newSubStringLength - oldSubStringLength;
// Make sure there is enough room in the buffer to perform the replace
// operation.
if (currentStringLength + offset > MaxSize) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "ERROR: Buffer to small to perform string replacement.")); } else {
// Shift the rest of the buffer to adjust it to the size of the new string.
if (offset != 0) {
// Shift right side of string to make room for new data.
bytesToMove = currentStringLength; bytesToMove -= (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos - (PBYTE) Buffer;
MoveMemory ( (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos + offset, (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos, bytesToMove ); }
// Now, copy in the string.
CopyMemory (ReplaceStartPos, NewString, newSubStringLength); //lint !e668
// String replacement completed successfully.
result = TRUE; }
return result;
BOOL SzReplaceW ( IN OUT PWSTR Buffer, IN SIZE_T MaxSize, IN PWSTR ReplaceStartPos, // within Buffer
IN PWSTR ReplaceEndPos, IN PCWSTR NewString ) { BOOL result = FALSE; SIZE_T oldSubStringLength; SIZE_T newSubStringLength; SIZE_T currentStringLength; SIZE_T offset; SIZE_T bytesToMove;
// Check assumptions.
MYASSERT(Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceStartPos && ReplaceStartPos >= Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceEndPos && ReplaceEndPos >= ReplaceStartPos); //lint !e613
MYASSERT(ReplaceEndPos <= Buffer + MaxSize); //lint !e613
// Compute sizes.
oldSubStringLength = (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos - (PBYTE) ReplaceStartPos; newSubStringLength = SzByteCountW (NewString); currentStringLength = SzSizeW (Buffer); offset = newSubStringLength - oldSubStringLength;
// Make sure there is enough room in the buffer to perform the replace
// operation.
if (currentStringLength + offset > MaxSize) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "ERROR: Buffer to small to perform string replacement.")); } else {
// Shift the rest of the buffer to adjust it to the size of the new string.
if (offset != 0) {
// Shift right side of string to make room for new data.
bytesToMove = currentStringLength; bytesToMove -= (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos - (PBYTE) Buffer;
MoveMemory ( (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos + offset, (PBYTE) ReplaceEndPos, bytesToMove ); }
// Now, copy in the string.
CopyMemory (ReplaceStartPos, NewString, newSubStringLength); //lint !e668
// String replacement completed successfully.
result = TRUE; }
return result;
UINT SzCountInstancesOfSubStringA ( IN PCSTR SourceString, IN PCSTR SearchString ) { PCSTR p; UINT count; UINT searchTchars;
count = 0; p = SourceString; searchTchars = SzTcharCountA (SearchString);
if (!searchTchars) { return 0; }
while (p = SzFindSubStringA (p, SearchString)) { //lint !e720
count++; p += searchTchars; }
return count; }
UINT SzCountInstancesOfSubStringW ( IN PCWSTR SourceString, IN PCWSTR SearchString ) { PCWSTR p; UINT count; UINT searchTchars;
count = 0; p = SourceString; searchTchars = SzTcharCountW (SearchString);
if (!searchTchars) { return 0; }
while (p = SzFindSubStringW (p, SearchString)) { //lint !e720
count++; p += searchTchars; }
return count; }
UINT SzICountInstancesOfSubStringA ( IN PCSTR SourceString, IN PCSTR SearchString ) { PCSTR p; UINT count; UINT searchTchars;
count = 0; p = SourceString; searchTchars = SzTcharCountA (SearchString);
if (!searchTchars) { return 0; }
while (p = SzIFindSubStringA (p, SearchString)) { //lint !e720
count++; p += searchTchars; }
return count; }
UINT SzICountInstancesOfSubStringW ( IN PCWSTR SourceString, IN PCWSTR SearchString ) { PCWSTR p; UINT count; UINT searchTchars;
count = 0; p = SourceString; searchTchars = SzTcharCountW (SearchString);
if (!searchTchars) { return 0; }
while (p = SzIFindSubStringW (p, SearchString)) { //lint !e720
count++; p += searchTchars; }
return count; }
BOOL MszEnumFirstA ( OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMA MultiSzEnum, IN PCSTR MultiSzStr ) { ZeroMemory (MultiSzEnum, sizeof (MULTISZ_ENUMA)); MultiSzEnum->Buffer = MultiSzStr;
if ((MultiSzStr == NULL) || (MultiSzStr [0] == 0)) { return FALSE; }
MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = MultiSzStr;
return TRUE; }
BOOL MszEnumFirstW ( OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMW MultiSzEnum, IN PCWSTR MultiSzStr ) { ZeroMemory (MultiSzEnum, sizeof (MULTISZ_ENUMA)); MultiSzEnum->Buffer = MultiSzStr;
if ((MultiSzStr == NULL) || (MultiSzStr [0] == 0)) { return FALSE; }
MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = MultiSzStr;
return TRUE; }
BOOL MszEnumNextA ( IN OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMA MultiSzEnum ) { BOOL result = FALSE;
if (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString && (*MultiSzEnum->CurrentString)) { MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = SzGetEndA (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString) + 1; result = (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString [0] != 0);
if (!result) { MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = NULL; } }
return result; }
BOOL MszEnumNextW ( IN OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMW MultiSzEnum ) { BOOL result = FALSE;
if (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString && (*MultiSzEnum->CurrentString)) { MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = SzGetEndW (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString) + 1; result = (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString [0] != 0);
if (!result) { MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = NULL; } }
return result; }
PCSTR MszFindStringA ( IN PCSTR MultiSz, IN PCSTR String ) { MULTISZ_ENUMA multiSzEnum;
ZeroMemory (&multiSzEnum, sizeof (multiSzEnum)); if (!String || *String == 0) { return NULL; }
if (MszEnumFirstA (&multiSzEnum, MultiSz)) { do { if (SzMatchA (String, multiSzEnum.CurrentString)) { break; } } while (MszEnumNextA (&multiSzEnum)); }
return multiSzEnum.CurrentString; }
PCWSTR MszFindStringW ( IN PCWSTR MultiSz, IN PCWSTR String ) { MULTISZ_ENUMW multiSzEnum;
ZeroMemory (&multiSzEnum, sizeof (multiSzEnum)); if (!String || *String == 0) { return NULL; }
if (MszEnumFirstW (&multiSzEnum, MultiSz)) { do { if (SzMatchW (String, multiSzEnum.CurrentString)) { break; } } while (MszEnumNextW (&multiSzEnum)); }
return multiSzEnum.CurrentString; }
PCSTR MszIFindStringA ( IN PCSTR MultiSz, IN PCSTR String ) { MULTISZ_ENUMA multiSzEnum;
ZeroMemory (&multiSzEnum, sizeof (multiSzEnum)); if (!String || *String == 0) { return NULL; }
if (MszEnumFirstA (&multiSzEnum, MultiSz)) { do { if (SzIMatchA (String, multiSzEnum.CurrentString)) { break; } } while (MszEnumNextA (&multiSzEnum)); }
return multiSzEnum.CurrentString; }
PCWSTR MszIFindStringW ( IN PCWSTR MultiSz, IN PCWSTR String ) { MULTISZ_ENUMW multiSzEnum;
ZeroMemory (&multiSzEnum, sizeof (multiSzEnum)); if (!String || *String == 0) { return NULL; }
if (MszEnumFirstW (&multiSzEnum, MultiSz)) { do { if (SzIMatchW (String, multiSzEnum.CurrentString)) { break; } } while (MszEnumNextW (&multiSzEnum)); }
return multiSzEnum.CurrentString; }
PCSTR SzConcatenatePathsA ( IN OUT PSTR PathBuffer, IN PCSTR PathSuffix, OPTIONAL IN UINT BufferTchars )
Routine Description:
Concatenate two path strings together, supplying a path separator character (\) if necessary between the two parts.
PathBuffer - Specifies the base path, which can end with a backslash. Receives the joined path.
PathSuffix - Specifies the suffix to concatinate to the base path specified by PathBuffer. It can start with a backslash. If NULL is specified, then PathBuffer will be terminated with a backslash.
BufferTchars - Specifies the size, in CHARs (ANSI) or WCHARs (Unicode), of PathBuffer. The inbound PathBuffer string must fit within this size. If the result is truncated, it will fill the buffer as much as possible.
Return Value:
A pointer to the end of the string in PathBuffer.
{ PSTR p; PSTR q; PSTR end; PSTR lastChar; PCSTR srcEnd; PCSTR nextChar; PCSTR srcMax;
if (!PathBuffer || !BufferTchars) { return NULL; }
MYASSERT (BufferTchars > 128); // BUGBUG -- temporary porting aide
p = SzGetEndA (PathBuffer); end = PathBuffer + BufferTchars;
MYASSERT (p < end); // inbound string must always fit in the buffer
end--; if (p == end) { return p; // inbound path fills buffer completely
lastChar = _mbsdec (PathBuffer, p); if ((lastChar < PathBuffer) || (*lastChar != '\\')) { *p++ = '\\'; }
if (PathSuffix) { if (*PathSuffix == '\\') { PathSuffix++; }
srcEnd = PathSuffix; srcMax = PathSuffix + (end - p);
while (*srcEnd) { nextChar = SzNextCharA (srcEnd); if (nextChar > srcMax) { break; }
srcEnd = nextChar; }
while (PathSuffix < srcEnd) { *p++ = *PathSuffix++; } }
*p = 0; return p; }
PCWSTR SzConcatenatePathsW ( IN OUT PWSTR PathBuffer, IN PCWSTR PathSuffix, OPTIONAL IN UINT BufferTchars )
Routine Description:
Concatenate two path strings together, supplying a path separator character (\) if necessary between the two parts.
PathBuffer - Specifies the base path, which can end with a backslash. Receives the joined path.
PathSuffix - Specifies the suffix to concatinate to the base path specified by PathBuffer. It can start with a backslash. If NULL is specified, then PathBuffer will be terminated with a backslash.
BufferTchars - Specifies the size, in CHARs (ANSI) or WCHARs (Unicode), of PathBuffer. The inbound PathBuffer string must fit within this size. If the result is truncated, it will fill the buffer as much as possible.
Return Value:
A pointer to the end of the string in PathBuffer.
{ PWSTR p; PWSTR q; PWSTR end; PWSTR lastChar; PCWSTR srcEnd; PCWSTR srcMax;
if (!PathBuffer || !BufferTchars) { return NULL; }
MYASSERT (BufferTchars > 128); // BUGBUG -- temporary porting aide
p = SzGetEndW (PathBuffer); end = PathBuffer + BufferTchars;
MYASSERT (p < end); // inbound string must always fit in the buffer
end--; if (p == end) { return p; // inbound path fills buffer completely
lastChar = p - 1; if ((lastChar < PathBuffer) || (*lastChar != L'\\')) { *p++ = L'\\'; }
if (PathSuffix) { if (*PathSuffix == L'\\') { PathSuffix++; }
srcEnd = SzGetEndW (PathSuffix); srcMax = PathSuffix + (end - p); srcEnd = min (srcEnd, srcMax);
while (PathSuffix < srcEnd) { *p++ = *PathSuffix++; } }
*p = 0; return p; }