This file details an interface to be used to supply locale/language-specific function for display, keyboard handling, etc, within text setup.
The goals are as follows:
1) Provide a straightforward means for supporting fully localized text display, keyboard handling, and other features, in various locales, especially Far Eastern ones.
2) Avoid impacting setupdd.sys's size or performance when such function is not required.
To this end features such as DBCS font support, locale-specific keyboard detection, and various other features are to be removed and placed into an export driver. Setupdd.sys will be linked such that this driver is automatically referenced and loaded when setupdd.sys is loaded. Setupdd.sys will itself export a set of routines for use by the language-specific driver when carrying out its function.
Language-specific drivers will be built in the setup\textmode\spddlang directory. Such drivers are logically part of setupdd.sys. No special set of include files will be created for the interfaces below; they will be contained in various header files in setup\textmode\kernel. Language-specific drivers' SOURCES files should be set up so they include setup\textmode\kernel in their INCLUDES and #include spprecmp.h.
The functions listed below must be exported from every language-specific driver.
NTSTATUS SplangInitializeFontSupport( IN PCWSTR BootDevicePath, IN PCWSTR DirectoryOnBootDevice );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to allow the language-specific font support to be initialized. The language-specific driver should load any font it requires and perform any additioanl initialization.
BootDevicePath - supplies the path of the device from which the system booted. This is a full NT-style path that includes a directory spec.
DirectoryOnBootDevice - supplies directory relative to root of boot device.
Return Value:
NT Status code indicating outcome. If this routine returns a non-success status code, then setupdd.sys will not switch into non-US character mode. The implementation of this routine is free to call SpBugCheck or otherwise inform the user of any errors if it wishes to halt setup if font initialization fails.
NTSTATUS SplangTerminateFontSupport( VOID );
Routine Description:
This routine may be called in certain conditions to cause font support for a particular language to be terminated. The implementation should clean up any resources allocated during SplangInitializeFontSupport().
Return Value:
NT Status code indicating outcome.
PVIDEO_FUNCTION_VECTOR SplangGetVideoFunctionVector( IN SpVideoType VideoType, IN PSP_VIDEO_VARS VideoVariableBlock );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys upon successful return from SplangInitializeFontSupport, to request a pointer to a vector of language-specific display support routines for a given display type (vga or frame buffer).
VideoType - a value from the SpVideoType enum indicating which display vector is requested. Currently one of SpVideoVga or SpVideoFrameBuffer.
VideoVariableBlock - supplies a pointer to a block of video variables that are shared between the high-level code in setup\textmode\spvideo.c and the display-specific code.
Return Value:
Pointer to the language-specific video functions vector to use for displaying text. NULL if the requested type is not supported. In this case the display will not be switched into non-US character mode.
ULONG SplangGetColumnCount( IN PCWSTR String );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to determine how many columns on the screen a particular string will occupy. This may be different than the number of characters in the string due to full/half width characters in the character set, etc. Full width chars occupy two columns whereas half-width chars occupy one column. If the font in use is fixed-pitch or does not support DBCS, the number of columns is by definition equal to the number of characters in the string.
String - points to unicode string whose width in columns is desired.
Return Value:
Number of columns occupied by the string.
PWSTR SplangPadString( IN int Size, IN PCWSTR String );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to generate a padded string appropriate for SBCS or DBCS as appropriate.
Size - specifies the length to which to pad the string.
String - points to unicode string that needs to be padded.
Return Value:
Pointer to padded string. Note that this is a static buffer and thus the caller must duplicate the string if it is needed across multiple calls to this routine.
VOID SplangSelectKeyboard( IN BOOLEAN UnattendedMode, IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PHARDWARE_COMPONENT *HwComponents );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to allow language-specific processing for the keyboard selection. The implementation can confirm a keyboard type at this time.
UnattendedMode - supplies a flag indicating whether we are running in unattended mode. If so, the implementation may wish to do nothing, since the user will not be entering any paths.
SifHandle - supplies handle to open setup information file (txtsetup.sif).
HwComponents - supplies the address of the master hardware components array.
Return Value:
None. If a failure occurs, it is up to the implementation to decide whether to continue or to SpBugCheck.
VOID SplangReinitializeKeyboard( IN BOOLEAN UnattendedMode, IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PWSTR Directory, OUT PVOID *KeyboardVector, IN PHARDWARE_COMPONENT *HwComponents );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to allow language-specific processing for the keyboard. The implementation can reinitialize the keyboard layout at this time.
This routine will be called before the user is asked to enter any paths or other text that includes typing anything other than keys such as ENTER, function keys, backspace, escape, etc.
UnattendedMode - supplies a flag indicating whether we are running in unattended mode. If so, the implementation may wish to do nothing, since the user will not be entering any paths.
SifHandle - supplies handle to open setup information file (txtsetup.sif).
Directory - supplies the directory on the boot device from which the new layout dll is to be loaded.
KeyboardVector - supplies the address of a pointer to the keyboard vector table. The implementation should overwrite this value with whatever is returned from SpLoadKbdLayoutDll().
HwComponents - supplies the address of the master hardware components array.
Return Value:
None. If a failure occurs the implementation must leave the currently active keybaord in place.
WCHAR SplangGetLineDrawChar( IN LineCharIndex WhichChar );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to retreive the unicode value for a particular line drawing character. An implementation must make these characters available in the character set somehow.
WhichChar - supplies the index of the character desired.
Return Value:
Unicode value for the character in question. Because the character will be displayed using the language-specific module, the implementation can materialize this character by playing whatever tricks it needs to, such as overlaying a hardcoded glyph into the character set, etc.
WCHAR SplangGetCursorChar( VOID );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to retreive the unicode value of a character to be used as the cursor when the user is asked to enter text.
Return Value:
Unicode value for the character to be used as the cursor.
NTSTATUS SplangSetRegistryData( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN HANDLE ControlSetKeyHandle, IN PHARDWARE_COMPONENT *HwComponents );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to cause language-specific information to be written into the current control set in the registry.
SifHandle - supplies a handle to the open setup information file (txtsetup.sif).
ControlSetKeyHandle - supplies a handle to the current control set root in the registry (ie, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet).
HwComponents - supplies the address of the master hardware components array.
Return Value:
NT Status value indicating outcome. A non-success status is considered critical and causes Setup to abort.
BOOLEAN SplangQueryMinimizeExtraSpacing( VOID );
Routine Description:
This routine is called by setupdd.sys to determine whether to eliminate uses of extra spacing on the screen to set off things like menus and lists from text. Languages whose text takes up a lot of room on the screen might opt to eliminate such spacing to allow menus to display more than a couple of items at a time, etc.
The return value affects numerous screens, such as the partition menu, upgrade lists, etc.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether the implementation wants unnecessary spaces eliminated when text, menu, etc, are displayed.
The functions listed below are exported from setupdd.sys for use by language-specific drivers. Such drivers are free to use any NT API normally available to NT device drivers in addition to the routines listed below.