Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module implements more logging for setupapi
Gabe Schaffer (t-gabes) 25-Jun-1998
Revision History:
Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) Apr 11 2000 - added #xnnnn identifiers Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) Feb 2 2000 - cleanup Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) Aug 31 1998
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// global data used by logging
struct _GlobalLogData {
} GlobalLogData;
#define LogLock() EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalLogData.CritSec)
#define LogUnlock() LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalLogData.CritSec)
// process-wide log counter
// C = critical
// E = error
// W = warning
// I = information
// V = verbose
// T = timing
// * = currently undefined
static const TCHAR LogLevelShort[17] = TEXT("CEWIVTTV********"); #define LOGLEVELSHORT_MASK (0x0f)
#define LOGLEVELSHORT_INIT (0x100)
__inline // we want to always optimize this out
BOOL _WouldNeverLog( IN DWORD Level )
Routine Description:
Determines if at the current logging level and the required level, we would never log inline'd for optimization (used only in this file)
Level - only required to check for special case of 0.
Return Value:
TRUE if we know we would never log based on passed information
if (Level == 0) { //
// don't-log level
return TRUE; }
if (((GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= SETUP_LOG_NOLOG) &&((GlobalLogData.Flags & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= DRIVER_LOG_NOLOG)) { //
// Global flags indicate do no logging at all
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
__inline // we want to always optimize this out
BOOL _WouldLog( IN DWORD Level )
Routine Description:
Determines if at the current logging level and the required level, we would log inline'd for optimization (used only in this file)
Note that if _WouldNeverLog is TRUE, _WouldLog is always FALSE if _WouldLog is TRUE, _WouldNeverLog is always FALSE if both are FALSE, then we are on "maybe"
Level - bitmask indicating logging flags. See SETUP_LOG_* and DRIVER_LOG_* at the beginning of cntxtlog.h for details. It may also be a slot returned by AllocLogInfoSlot, or 0 (no logging)
Return Value:
TRUE if we know we would log
if (_WouldNeverLog(Level)) { //
// some simple tests (LogLevel==NULL is a not sure case)
return FALSE; }
if ((Level & SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT)!=0) { //
// context logging - ignored here (a not sure case)
return FALSE; }
// determine logability
if ((Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) > 0 && (Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= (GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK)) { //
// we're interested in logging - raw error level
return TRUE; } if ((Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) > 0 && (Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= (GlobalLogData.Flags & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK)) { //
// we're interested in logging - driver error level
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
VOID UnMapLogFile( IN PSTR baseaddr, IN HANDLE hLogfile, IN HANDLE hMapping, IN BOOL seteof )
Routine Description:
Unmap, possibly unlock, maybe set the EOF, and close a file. Note, setting EOF must occur after unmapping.
baseaddr - this is the address where the file is mapped. It must be what was returned by MapLogFile.
hLogfile - this is the Win32 handle for the log file.
hMapping - this is the Win32 handle to the mapping object.
seteof - Boolean value indicating whether the EOF should be set to the current file pointer. If the EOF is set and the file pointer has not been moved, the EOF will be set at byte 0, thus truncating the file to 0 bytes.
Return Value:
{ DWORD success;
// we brute-force try to close everything up
try { if (baseaddr != NULL) { success = UnmapViewOfFile(baseaddr); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// do nothing
try { if (hMapping != NULL) { //
// hMapping uses NULL to indicate a problem
success = CloseHandle(hMapping); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// do nothing
try { if (hLogfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && seteof) { success = SetEndOfFile(hLogfile); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// do nothing
try { if (hLogfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!(GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_NOFLUSH)) { FlushFileBuffers(hLogfile); } success = CloseHandle(hLogfile); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// do nothing
} //
// Win9x provides no way to wait for a file to become unlocked, so we
// have to poll. Putting this Sleep(0) allows others to have a chance
// at the file.
Sleep(0); }
VOID WriteLogFileHeader( IN HANDLE hLogFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Write general information at start of log file
[SetupAPI Log] OS Version = %1!u!.%2!u!.%3!u! %4!s! Platform ID = %5!u! Service Pack = %6!u!.%7!u! Suite = 0x%8!04x! Product Type = %9!u!
hLogfile - file to write header to
Return Value:
--*/ { #ifdef UNICODE
OSVERSIONINFOEX VersionInfo; #else
OSVERSIONINFO VersionInfo; #endif
DWORD count; DWORD written; PTSTR buffer; PSTR ansibuffer; ULONG_PTR args[14]; DWORD MessageId = MSG_LOGFILE_HEADER_OTHER;
ZeroMemory(&VersionInfo,sizeof(VersionInfo)); #ifdef UNICODE
VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if(!GetVersionEx((POSVERSIONINFO)&VersionInfo)) { VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if(!GetVersionEx((POSVERSIONINFO)&VersionInfo)) { return; } } #else
VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if(!GetVersionEx((POSVERSIONINFO)&VersionInfo)) { return; } #endif
args[1] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.dwMajorVersion; args[2] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.dwMinorVersion; args[4] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.szCSDVersion; // string
args[5] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.dwPlatformId; if(VersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { args[3] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.dwBuildNumber; #ifdef UNICODE
MessageId = MSG_LOGFILE_HEADER_NT; #endif
} else { args[3] = (ULONG_PTR)LOWORD(VersionInfo.dwBuildNumber); // Win9x re-uses high word
} #ifdef UNICODE
args[6] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.wServicePackMajor; args[7] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.wServicePackMinor; args[8] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.wSuiteMask; args[9] = (ULONG_PTR)VersionInfo.wProductType; args[10] = (ULONG_PTR)pszPlatformName; #endif
count = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER|FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY|FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, MyDllModuleHandle, MessageId, 0, (LPTSTR) &buffer, 0, (va_list*)(args+1)); if (count && buffer) { #ifdef UNICODE
ansibuffer = pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte(buffer,CP_ACP); if (ansibuffer) { WriteFile(hLogFile,ansibuffer,strlen(ansibuffer),&written,NULL); MyFree(ansibuffer); } #else
WriteFile(hLogFile,buffer,strlen(buffer),&written,NULL); #endif
LocalFree(buffer); } }
DWORD MapLogFile( IN PCTSTR FileName, OUT PHANDLE hLogfile, OUT PHANDLE hMapping, OUT PDWORD dwFilesize, OUT PSTR *mapaddr, IN DWORD extrabytes )
Routine Description:
Open the log file for writing and memory map it. On NT the file is locked, but Win9x doesn't allow memory mapped access to locked files, so the file is opened without FILE_SHARE_WRITE access. Since CreateFile won't block like LockFileEx, we have to poll once per second on Win9x until the file opens.
FileName - supplies path name to the log file.
hLogfile - receives the Win32 file handle for the log file.
hMapping - receives the Win32 handle to the mapping object.
dwFileSize - receives the size of the file before it is mapped, because mapping increases the size of the file by extrabytes.
mapaddr - receives the address of where the log file is mapped.
extrabytes - supplies the number of extra bytes (beyond the size of the file) to add to the size of the mapping object to allow for appending the new log line and possibly a section header.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR if the file is successfully opened and mapped. The caller must call UnMapLogFile when finished with the file.
Win32 error code if the file is not open.
{ HANDLE logfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE mapping = NULL; DWORD filesize = 0; DWORD lockretrywait = 1; DWORD wait_total = 0; PSTR baseaddr = NULL; DWORD retval = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// wrap it all up in a nice big try/except, because you just never know
try {
// give initial "failed" values
// this also validates the pointers
*hLogfile = logfile; *hMapping = mapping; *dwFilesize = filesize; *mapaddr = baseaddr;
do { //
// retry here, in case lock fails
logfile = CreateFile( FileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // access mode
FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // security
OPEN_ALWAYS, // open, or create if not already there
//FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, // flags - ensures that if machine crashes in the next operation, we are still logged
0, NULL); // template
if (logfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { retval = GetLastError(); if (retval != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) { MYTRACE((DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: Could not create file %s. Error %d\n"), FileName, retval)); leave; } if(wait_total >= MAX_LOG_WAIT) { MYTRACE((DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: Given up waiting for log file %s.\n"), FileName)); leave; } //
// don't want to wait more than a second at a time
if (lockretrywait < MAX_LOG_INTERVAL) { lockretrywait *= 2; } MYTRACE((DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: Could not open file. Error %d; waiting %ums\n"), GetLastError(), lockretrywait));
Sleep(lockretrywait); wait_total += lockretrywait; } } while (logfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
// this will NOT work with files >= 4GB, but it's not supposed to
filesize = GetFileSize(logfile,NULL);
if (filesize == 0) { //
// fill some OS information into file
WriteLogFileHeader(logfile); filesize = GetFileSize(logfile,NULL); }
// make the mapping object with extra space to accomodate the new log entry
mapping = CreateFileMapping( logfile, // file to map
NULL, // security
PAGE_READWRITE, // protection
0, // maximum size high
filesize + extrabytes, // maximum size low
NULL); // name
if (mapping != NULL) { //
// NULL isn't a bug, CreateFileMapping returns this
// to indicate error, instead of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
// now we have a section object, so attach it to the log file
baseaddr = (PSTR) MapViewOfFile( mapping, // file mapping object
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // desired access
0, // file offset high
0, // file offset low
0); // number of bytes to map (0 = whole file)
} else { retval = GetLastError(); MYTRACE((DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: Could not create mapping. Error %d\n"), retval)); leave; }
if (baseaddr == NULL) { //
// either the mapping object couldn't be created or
// the file couldn't be mapped
retval = GetLastError(); MYTRACE((DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: Could not map file. Error %d\n"), retval)); leave; }
// now put everything where the caller can see it, but make sure we clean
// up first
*hLogfile = logfile; *hMapping = mapping; *dwFilesize = filesize; *mapaddr = baseaddr;
retval = NO_ERROR;
// something bad happened, probably an AV, so just dump everything
// and return an error meaning "Attempt to access invalid address."
if (retval != NO_ERROR) { //
// an error occurred, cleanup what we need to
UnMapLogFile(baseaddr, logfile, mapping, FALSE); }
return retval; }
BOOL IsSectionHeader( IN PCSTR Header, IN DWORD Size, IN PCSTR Beginning )
Routine Description:
Determines whether a given string starts with a section header. This is the routine that essentially defines what a valid section header is.
Header - supplies a pointer to what may be the first character in a header.
Size - supplies the length of the string passed in, which is NOT the size of the header.
Beginning - supplies a pointer to the beginning of the file.
Return Value:
BOOL indicating if Header points to a valid section header.
{ //
// assume a header looks like [foobar]\r\n
DWORD i; //
// state holds the value we're looking for
UINT state = '[';
// a section header must always be either at the start of a line or at
// the beginning of a file
if (Header != Beginning && Header[-1] != '\n') return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { switch (state) { case '[': if (Header[i] == '[') { state = ']'; } else { return FALSE; } break;
case ']': if (Header[i] == ']') { state = '\r'; } break;
case '\r': if (Header[i] == '\r') { state = '\n'; //
// allow for the case where a line has a linefeed, but no CR
} else if (Header[i] == '\n') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } break;
case '\n': if (Header[i] == '\n') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } //
// break; -- commented out to avoid unreachable code error
default: MYTRACE((DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: Invalid state! (%d)\n"), state)); MYASSERT(0); } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL IsEqualSection( IN PCSTR Section1, IN DWORD Len1, IN PCSTR Section2, IN DWORD Len2 )
Routine Description:
Says whether two ANSI strings both start with the same section header. One of the strings must be just a section header, while the other one may be anything, such as the entire log file.
Section1 - supplies the address of the first string.
Len1 - supplies the length of the first string.
Section2 - supplies the address of the second string.
Len2 - supplies the length of the second string.
Return Value:
BOOL indicating if the longer string starts with the shorter string.
{ //
// maxlen is the maximum length that both strings could be, and still be
// the same section name
DWORD maxlen = Len2;
if (Len1 < Len2) { maxlen = Len1; }
if (_strnicmp(Section1, Section2, maxlen) == 0) { //
// they're the same (ignoring case)
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
DWORD AppendLogEntryToSection( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN PCSTR Section, IN PCSTR Entry, IN BOOL SimpleAppend )
Routine Description:
Opens the log file, finds the appropriate section, moves it to the end of the file, appends the new entry, and closes the file.
FileName - supplies the path name of the log file.
Section - supplies the ANSI name of the section to be logged to.
Entry - supplies the ANSI string to be logged.
SimpleAppend - specifies whether entries will simply be appended to the log file or appended to the section where they belong.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR if the entry gets written to the log file.
Win32 error or exception code if anything went wrong.
{ DWORD retval = NO_ERROR; DWORD fpoff; HANDLE hLogfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hMapping = NULL; DWORD filesize = 0; PSTR baseaddr = NULL; DWORD sectlen = lstrlenA(Section); DWORD entrylen = lstrlenA(Entry); DWORD error; BOOL seteof = FALSE; BOOL mapped = FALSE; PSTR eof; PSTR curptr; PSTR lastsect = NULL;
try { MYASSERT(Section != NULL && Entry != NULL);
sectlen = lstrlenA(Section); entrylen = lstrlenA(Entry); if (sectlen == 0 || entrylen == 0) { //
// not an error as such, but not useful either
retval = NO_ERROR; leave; }
error = MapLogFile( FileName, &hLogfile, &hMapping, &filesize, &baseaddr, sectlen + entrylen + 8);// add some extra space to the mapping
// to take into account the log entry
// +2 to terminate unterminated last line
// +2 to append CRLF or ": " after section
// +2 to append CRLF after entrylen if req
// +2 for good measure
if (error != NO_ERROR) { //
// could not map file
retval = error; leave; }
mapped = TRUE;
eof = baseaddr + filesize; // end of file, as of now
curptr = eof;
while (curptr > baseaddr && (curptr[-1]==0 || curptr[-1]==0x1A)) { //
// eat up trailing Nul's or ^Z's
// the former is a side-effect of mapping
// the latter could be introduced by an editor
curptr --; eof = curptr; } if (eof > baseaddr && eof[-1] != '\n') { //
// make sure file already ends in LF
// if it doesn't, append a CRLF
memcpy(eof, "\r\n", 2); eof += 2; } if (SimpleAppend) { //
// instead of having a regular section header, the section name is
// placed at the beginning of each log line followed by a colon.
// this is particularly only of interest when debugging the logging functions
memcpy(eof, Section, sectlen); eof += sectlen; memcpy(eof, ": ", 2); eof += 2;
} else { //
// the entry must be appended to the correct section in the log,
// which requires finding the section and moving it to the end of
// the file if required.
// search backwards in the file, looking for the section header
if (eof == baseaddr) { //
// truncated (empty) file
curptr = NULL; } else { curptr = eof - 1;
while(curptr > baseaddr) { //
// scan for section header a line at a time
// going backwards, since our section should be near end
if (curptr[-1] == '\n') { //
// speed optimization: only bother checking if we think we're at the beginning of a new line
// this may find a '\n' that is part of a MBCS char,
// but should be eliminated by IsSectionHeader check
if (IsSectionHeader(curptr, (DWORD)(eof - curptr), baseaddr)) { //
// looks like a section header, now see if it's the one we want
if (IsEqualSection(curptr, (DWORD)(eof - curptr), Section, sectlen)) { //
// yep - done
break; } else { //
// will eventually be the section after the one of interest
lastsect = curptr; } } } curptr --; } if (curptr == baseaddr) { //
// final check if we got to the beginning of the file (no find)
if (IsSectionHeader(curptr, (DWORD)(eof - curptr), baseaddr)) { //
// the first line should always be a section header
if (!IsEqualSection(curptr, (DWORD)(eof - curptr), Section, sectlen)) { //
// first section isn't the one of interest
// so therefore we couldn't find it
curptr = NULL; } } } } if (curptr == NULL) { //
// no matching section found (or file was empty)
// copy the section header to the end of the file
// eof is known to be actual end of file
memcpy(eof, Section, sectlen); eof += sectlen; memcpy(eof, "\r\n", 2); eof += 2;
} else if (lastsect != NULL) { //
// we have to rearrange the sections, as we have a case as follows:
// ....
// ....
// (curptr) [section A] = section of interest
// ....
// ....
// (lastsect) [section B] = section after section of interest
// ....
// ....
// we want to move the text between curptr and lastsect to end of file
PSTR buffer = MyMalloc((DWORD)(lastsect - curptr));
if (buffer) { // first copy the important section to the buffer
memcpy(buffer, curptr, (size_t)(lastsect - curptr)); //
// now move the rest of the thing back
memcpy(curptr, lastsect, (size_t)(eof - lastsect)); //
// put the important section at the end where it belongs
memcpy(curptr - lastsect + eof, buffer, (size_t)(lastsect - curptr));
} else { //
// For some reason, we cannot allocate enough memory.
// There are 4 options here:
// 1. Do nothing; this will cause the entry to be appended to
// the file, but as part of the wrong section.
// 2. Bail; this will cause the log entry to get lost.
// 3. Create a second file to contain a temporary copy of the
// section; this will require creating another file, and
// then deleting it.
// 4. Extend the mapping of the current file to be big enough
// to hold another copy of the section; this will cause the
// file to have a lot of 0s or possibly another copy of the
// section, should the machine crash during the processing.
// we do option 2 - BAIL!
retval = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; } } }
// now append the log entry
memcpy(eof, Entry, entrylen); eof += entrylen; if (eof[-1] != '\n') { //
// entry did not supply en end of line, so we will
memcpy(eof, "\r\n", 2); eof += 2; } //
// because of the memory mapping, the file size will not be correct,
// so set the pointer to where we think the end of file is, and then
// the real EOF will be set after unmapping, but before closing
fpoff = SetFilePointer( hLogfile, // handle of file
(LONG)(eof - baseaddr), // number of bytes to move file pointer
NULL, // pointer to high-order DWORD of
// distance to move
FILE_BEGIN); // how to move
if (fpoff == (DWORD)(-1) && (error = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR) { MYTRACE((DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("Setup: SFP returned %u; eof = %u\n"), error, (eof - baseaddr))); retval = error; leave; } seteof = TRUE; retval = NO_ERROR;
// invalid data
// unmap
if (mapped) { UnMapLogFile(baseaddr, hLogfile, hMapping, seteof); }
return retval; }
VOID WriteLogSectionEntry( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN PCTSTR Section, IN PCTSTR Entry, IN BOOL SimpleAppend )
Routine Description:
Convert parameters to ANSI, then append an entry to a given section of the log file.
FileName - supplies the path name of the log file.
Section - supplies the name of section.
Entry - supplies the string to append to section.
SimpleAppend - specifies whether entries will simply be appended to the log file or appended to the section where they belong.
Return Value:
{ PCSTR ansiSection = NULL; PCSTR ansiEntry = NULL;
try { MYASSERT(Section != NULL && Entry != NULL);
#ifdef UNICODE
ansiSection = pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte(Section, CP_ACP); ansiEntry = pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte(Entry, CP_ACP);
if(!ansiSection || !ansiEntry) { leave; } #else
ansiSection = Section; ansiEntry = Entry; #endif
AppendLogEntryToSection( FileName, ansiSection, ansiEntry, SimpleAppend);
// invalid data
} #ifdef UNICODE
if (ansiSection != NULL) { MyFree(ansiSection); } if (ansiEntry != NULL) { MyFree(ansiEntry); } #endif
DWORD MakeUniqueName( IN PCTSTR Component, OPTIONAL OUT PTSTR * UniqueString )
Routine Description:
Create a section name that's unique by using a timestamp. If Component is supplied, append that to the timestamp.
Component - supplies a string to be included in the unique name. UniqueString - supplies a pointer to be set with return string
Return Value:
Error status
try { if (UniqueString == NULL) { //
// invalid param
status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } *UniqueString = NULL;
if (Component == NULL) { //
// treat as empty string
Component = TEXT(""); }
UID = InterlockedIncrement(&(GlobalLogData.UID)); // returns a new ID value whenever called, ensures uniqueness per process
// calculate how big string is going to be, be generous (see wsprintf below)
sz = /*[] and padding*/ 4 /*date*/ +5+3+3 /*time*/ +3+3+3 /*PID*/ +12 /*UID*/ +12 /*Component*/ +1+lstrlen(Component); buffer = MyTaggedMalloc(sz * sizeof(TCHAR),MEMTAG_LCSECTION); if (buffer == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; }
wsprintf(buffer, TEXT("[%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %u.%u%s%s]"), now.wYear, now.wMonth, now.wDay, now.wHour, now.wMinute, now.wSecond, (UINT)GetCurrentProcessId(), (UINT)UID, (Component[0] ? TEXT(" ") : TEXT("")), Component);
*UniqueString = buffer; buffer = NULL;
status = NO_ERROR;
// status remains ERROR_INVALID_DATA
if (buffer != NULL) { MyTaggedFree(buffer,MEMTAG_LCSECTION); }
return status; }
DWORD CreateLogContext( IN PCTSTR SectionName, OPTIONAL IN BOOL UseDefault, OUT PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT *LogContext )
Routine Description:
Creates and initializes a SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT struct.
SectionName - supplies an initial string to be used as part of the section name.
LogContext - supplies a pointer to where the pointer to the allocated SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT should be stored.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR in case of successful structure creation.
Win32 error code in case of error.
try {
if (LogContext == NULL) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; }
*LogContext = NULL;
if (UseDefault) { lc = GetThreadLogContext(); RefLogContext(lc); } if (!lc) { lc = (PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT) MyTaggedMalloc(sizeof(SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT),MEMTAG_LOGCONTEXT); if (lc == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; } //
// all fields start out at 0
ZeroMemory(lc, sizeof(SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT)); lc->RefCount = 1; lc->ContextInfo = NULL; lc->ContextIndexes = NULL; lc->ContextBufferSize = 0; lc->ContextLastUnused = -1; lc->ContextFirstUsed = -1; lc->ContextFirstAuto = -1;
rc = MakeUniqueName(SectionName,&(lc->SectionName)); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { status = rc; leave; } } *LogContext = lc;
status = NO_ERROR;
// status remains ERROR_INVALID_DATA
if (status != NO_ERROR) { if (lc != NULL) { DeleteLogContext(lc); lc = NULL; } }
return status; }
DWORD AllocLogInfoSlotOrLevel( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext, IN DWORD Level, IN BOOL AutoRelease ) /*++
Routine Description:
Obtain a new context stack entry for a context string only if current logging level is less verbose than specified Eg, if we specified DRIVER_LOG_VERBOSE, we will either return DRIVER_LOG_VERBOSE (if we would log it) or a slot if we would not normally log it.
LogContext - supplies a pointer to the SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT to use Level - logging level we want to always log the information at AutoRelease - if set, will release the context when dumped
Return Value:
Slot value to pass to logging functions, or a copy of Level note that if there is an error, 0 is returned return value can always be passed to ReleaseLogInfoSlot
--*/ { if((LogContext == NULL) || _WouldNeverLog(Level)) { //
// when 0 get's passed to logging functions, it will exit out very quickly
return 0; } if(_WouldLog(Level)) { //
// Level specifies a verbosity level that would cause logging
return Level; } else { //
// interestingly enough, we will also get here if Level is a slot
// this is what we want
return AllocLogInfoSlot(LogContext,AutoRelease); } }
DWORD AllocLogInfoSlot( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext, IN BOOL AutoRelease ) /*++
Routine Description:
Obtain a new context stack entry for a context string
LogContext - supplies a pointer to the SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT to use AutoRelease - if set, will release the context when dumped
Return Value:
Slot value to pass to logging functions note that if there is an error, 0 is returned which may be safely used (means don't log)
--*/ { DWORD retval = 0; LPVOID newbuffer; int newsize; int newitem; BOOL locked = FALSE;
if (LogContext == NULL) {
// if they pass no LogContext - duh!
return 0; }
if (((GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= SETUP_LOG_NOLOG) &&((GlobalLogData.Flags & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= DRIVER_LOG_NOLOG)) { //
// no logging, period! Don't waste time in locked code
return 0; }
try { LogLock(); locked = TRUE;
if (LogContext->ContextLastUnused < 0) { //
// need to allocate more
if (LogContext->ContextBufferSize >= SETUP_LOG_CONTEXTMASK) { //
// too many contexts
leave; } //
// need to (re)alloc buffer
newsize = LogContext->ContextBufferSize+10;
if (LogContext->ContextInfo) { newbuffer = MyTaggedRealloc(LogContext->ContextInfo,sizeof(PTSTR)*(newsize),MEMTAG_LCINFO); } else { newbuffer = MyTaggedMalloc(sizeof(PTSTR)*(newsize),MEMTAG_LCINFO); } if (newbuffer == NULL) { leave; } LogContext->ContextInfo = (PTSTR*)newbuffer;
if (LogContext->ContextIndexes) { newbuffer = MyTaggedRealloc(LogContext->ContextIndexes,sizeof(UINT)*(newsize),MEMTAG_LCINDEXES); } else { newbuffer = MyTaggedMalloc(sizeof(UINT)*(newsize),MEMTAG_LCINDEXES); } if (newbuffer == NULL) { leave; } LogContext->ContextIndexes = (UINT*)newbuffer; LogContext->ContextLastUnused = LogContext->ContextBufferSize; LogContext->ContextBufferSize ++; while(LogContext->ContextBufferSize < newsize) { LogContext->ContextIndexes[LogContext->ContextBufferSize-1] = LogContext->ContextBufferSize; LogContext->ContextBufferSize ++; } LogContext->ContextIndexes[LogContext->ContextBufferSize-1] = -1; }
newitem = LogContext->ContextLastUnused; LogContext->ContextLastUnused = LogContext->ContextIndexes[newitem];
if(AutoRelease) { if (LogContext->ContextFirstAuto<0) { //
// first auto-release context item
LogContext->ContextFirstAuto = newitem; } else { int lastitem = LogContext->ContextFirstAuto; while (LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem]>=0) { lastitem = LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem]; } LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem] = newitem; } } else { if (LogContext->ContextFirstUsed<0) { //
// first context item
LogContext->ContextFirstUsed = newitem; } else { int lastitem = LogContext->ContextFirstUsed; while (LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem]>=0) { lastitem = LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem]; } LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem] = newitem; } } LogContext->ContextIndexes[newitem] = -1; // init
LogContext->ContextInfo[newitem] = NULL;
retval = (DWORD)(newitem) | SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT;
// do nothing special; this just allows us to catch errors
retval = 0; }
if(locked) { LogUnlock(); }
// returns a logging flag (SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT | n) or 0
return retval; }
VOID ReleaseLogInfoSlot( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext, DWORD Slot ) /*++
Routine Description:
Releases (non auto-release) slot previously obtained
LogContext - supplies a pointer to the SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT to use Slot - supplies Slot value returned by AllocLogInfoSlot
Return Value:
--*/ { int item; int lastitem; BOOL locked = FALSE;
if ((Slot & SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT) == 0) { //
// GetLogContextMark had failed, value wasn't set, or not a context log
return; } MYASSERT(LogContext != NULL);
try { LogLock(); locked = TRUE; //
// log context must have been supplied
item = (int)(Slot & SETUP_LOG_CONTEXTMASK);
MYASSERT(item >= 0); MYASSERT(item < LogContext->ContextBufferSize); MYASSERT(LogContext->ContextFirstUsed >= 0);
// remove item out of linked list
if (item == LogContext->ContextFirstUsed) { //
// removing first in list
LogContext->ContextFirstUsed = LogContext->ContextIndexes[item]; } else { lastitem = LogContext->ContextFirstUsed; while (lastitem >= 0) { if (LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem] == item) { LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem] = LogContext->ContextIndexes[item]; break; } lastitem = LogContext->ContextIndexes[lastitem]; } }
// drop a string that hasn't been output
if (LogContext->ContextInfo[item] != NULL) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->ContextInfo[item],MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); LogContext->ContextInfo[item] = NULL; }
// add item into free list
LogContext->ContextIndexes[item] = LogContext->ContextLastUnused; LogContext->ContextLastUnused = item;
// do nothing special; this just allows us to catch errors
if(locked) { LogUnlock(); }
VOID ReleaseLogInfoList( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext, IN OUT PINT ListStart ) /*++
Routine Description:
Releases whole list of slots Helper function. Caller must have exclusive access to LogContext
LogContext - supplies a pointer to the SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT to use ListStart - pointer to list index
Return Value:
--*/ { int item;
try { if (*ListStart < 0) { //
// list is empty
leave; }
// log context must have been supplied
MYASSERT(LogContext != NULL);
while (*ListStart >= 0) { item = *ListStart; // item we're about to release
MYASSERT(item < LogContext->ContextBufferSize); *ListStart = LogContext->ContextIndexes[item]; // next item on list (we're going to trash this index)
if (LogContext->ContextInfo[item] != NULL) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->ContextInfo[item],MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); // release string if still allocated
LogContext->ContextInfo[item] = NULL; }
// add to free list
LogContext->ContextIndexes[item] = LogContext->ContextLastUnused; LogContext->ContextLastUnused = item; }
// do nothing special; this just allows us to catch errors
} }
VOID DeleteLogContext( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext )
Routine Description:
Decrement ref count of LogContext, and delete if zero.
LogContext - supplies a pointer to the SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT to be deleted.
Return Value:
{ BOOL locked = FALSE;
if (!LogContext) { return; }
try { LogLock(); locked = TRUE;
// check ref count
MYASSERT(LogContext->RefCount > 0); if (--LogContext->RefCount) { leave; }
// we can unlock now, since we have exclusive access to this context (it is unowned)
// and we don't want to hold global lock longer than needed
LogUnlock(); locked = FALSE; ReleaseLogInfoList(LogContext,&LogContext->ContextFirstAuto); ReleaseLogInfoList(LogContext,&LogContext->ContextFirstUsed);
if (LogContext->SectionName) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->SectionName,MEMTAG_LCSECTION); }
if (LogContext->Buffer) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->Buffer,MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); }
if (LogContext->ContextInfo) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->ContextInfo,MEMTAG_LCINFO); }
if (LogContext->ContextIndexes) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->ContextIndexes,MEMTAG_LCINDEXES); }
// now deallocate the struct
// cleanup below
} //
// if we have not yet released global lock, release it now
if(locked) { LogUnlock(); }
return; }
DWORD RefLogContext( // increment reference count
Routine Description:
Increment the reference count on a SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT object.
LogContext - supplies a pointer to a valid SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT object. If NULL, this is a NOP.
Return Value:
DWORD containing old reference count.
{ DWORD ref = 0; BOOL locked = FALSE;
if (LogContext == NULL) { return 0; }
try { LogLock(); locked = TRUE;
ref = LogContext->RefCount++; MYASSERT(LogContext->RefCount);
// do nothing; this just allows us to catch errors
if(locked) { LogUnlock(); }
return ref; }
VOID SendLogString( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext, IN PCTSTR Buffer )
Routine Description:
Send a string to the logfile and/or debugger based on settings.
It's expected that LogLock has been called prior to calling this function LogLock causes per-process thread synchronisation
LogContext - supplies a pointer to a valid SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT object.
Buffer - supplies the buffer to be sent to the logfile/debugger.
Return Value:
{ int len;
try { MYASSERT(LogContext); MYASSERT(Buffer);
if (Buffer[0] == 0) { //
// useless call
leave; }
if (GlobalLogData.FileName) { WriteLogSectionEntry( GlobalLogData.FileName, LogContext->SectionName, Buffer, (GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_SIMPLE) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
// do debugger output here
if (GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_DEBUGOUT) { DebugPrintEx(DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("SetupAPI: %s: %s"), LogContext->SectionName, Buffer); len = lstrlen(Buffer); if (Buffer[len-1] != TEXT('\n')) { DebugPrintEx(DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, TEXT("\r\n")); } } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// do nothing; this just allows us to catch errors
} }
Routine Description:
Write a log entry to a file or debugger. If MessageId is 0 and MessageStr is NULL, the LogContext's buffer will be flushed.
LogContext - optionally supplies a pointer to the SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT to be used for logging. If not supplied, a temporary one is created just for a single use.
Level - bitmask indicating logging flags. See SETUP_LOG_* and DRIVER_LOG_* at the beginning of cntxtlog.h for details. It may also be a slot returned by AllocLogInfoSlot, or 0 (no logging)
MessageId - ID of string from string table. Ignored if MessageStr is supplied. The string may contain formatting codes for FormatMessage.
MessageStr - optionally supplies string to be formatted with FormatMessage. If not supplied, MessageId is used instead.
... - supply optional parameters based on string to be formatted.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
{ PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT lc = NULL; DWORD retval = NO_ERROR; DWORD error; DWORD flags; DWORD context = 0; DWORD logmask; DWORD count; LPVOID source = NULL; PTSTR buffer = NULL; PTSTR locbuffer = NULL; PTSTR buffer2 = NULL; va_list arglist; BOOL logit = FALSE; BOOL timestamp = FALSE; BOOL endsync = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME now; TCHAR scratch[1024]; int logindex; int thisindex; int numeric=0;
try { //
// return immediately if we know we'll never log
if (_WouldNeverLog(Level)) { retval = NO_ERROR; leave; }
if ((Level & SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT)!=0) { //
// write to context slot
// don't treat as context - log it anyway
Level = 0; logit = TRUE; } else if (LogContext) { //
// determine which slot
context = Level & SETUP_LOG_CONTEXTMASK; Level = SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT; // effective log level, we've stripped out log context
logit = TRUE; } else { //
// can't write something to slot if there's no LogContext
leave; } }
if(!logit) { //
// we're still not sure if we'll end up logging this, let's see if we should log this based on level rules
logit = _WouldLog(Level); if (!logit) { leave; } }
if (LogContext == NULL) { //
// if they pass no LogContext and they want buffering, this call's a nop
if (Level & SETUP_LOG_BUFFER) { retval = NO_ERROR; leave; }
// now make a temporary context
error = CreateLogContext(NULL, TRUE, &lc); if (error != NO_ERROR) { lc = NULL; retval = error; leave; }
LogContext = lc; }
// after this point, we know we're going to log something, and we know we have a LogContext
// note that going down this path is a perf hit.
// anything we can do in reducing number of times we go down here for "context" information is good
// hold the lock through to cleanup. It is needed for ReleaseLogInfoList,
// LogContext modifications and will reduce conflicts when actually writing to the log file
LogLock(); endsync = TRUE; // indicate we need to release later
timestamp = (GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_TIMESTAMP) || ((Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) >= DRIVER_LOG_TIME) || ((Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) >= SETUP_LOG_TIME) || (((Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) > 0) && (SETUP_LOG_TIMEALL <= (GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK))) || (((Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) > 0) && (DRIVER_LOG_TIMEALL <= (GlobalLogData.Flags & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK)));
if ((Level & SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT) == FALSE) { //
// only do this if we're about to do REAL logging
// if this is the first log output in the section, we will give the
// command line and module to help the user see what's going on
if (LogContext->LoggedEntries==0) { //
// recursively call ourselves to log what the command line is
// note that some apps (eg rundll32) will go and trash command line
// if this is the case, try and do the right thing
// we're willing to spend a little extra time in this case, since we know we're going to
// log something to the section, and we'll only do this once per section
PTSTR CmdLine = GetCommandLine();
LogContext->LoggedEntries++; // stop calling this code when we do the pSetupWriteLogEntry's below
if (CmdLine[0] == TEXT('\"')) { CmdLine++; } if(_tcsnicmp(ProcessFileName,CmdLine,_tcslen(ProcessFileName))==0) { //
// commandline is prefixed with process file name
// chance is it's good
pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, AllocLogInfoSlot(LogContext,TRUE), // delayed slot
MSG_LOG_COMMAND_LINE, NULL, GetCommandLine()); } else { //
// it appears that the command line has been modified somewhat
// so show what we have
pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, AllocLogInfoSlot(LogContext,TRUE), // delayed slot
MSG_LOG_BAD_COMMAND_LINE, NULL, ProcessFileName, GetCommandLine());
#ifdef UNICODE
{ //
// UNICODE only
// now see if we can get something more useful by looking at the ANSI command line buffer
PSTR AnsiProcessFileName = pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte(ProcessFileName,CP_ACP); PSTR AnsiCmdLine = GetCommandLineA(); if (AnsiCmdLine[0] == '\"') { AnsiCmdLine++; } if(AnsiProcessFileName && _mbsnicmp(AnsiProcessFileName,AnsiCmdLine,_mbslen(AnsiProcessFileName))==0) { //
// well, the Ansi version appears ok, let's use that
pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, AllocLogInfoSlot(LogContext,TRUE), // delayed slot
MSG_LOG_COMMAND_LINE_ANSI, NULL, GetCommandLineA()); } else { //
// appears that both Unicode and Ansi might be bad
AnsiCmdLine = pSetupUnicodeToMultiByte(GetCommandLine(),CP_ACP); if (AnsiCmdLine && _mbsicmp(AnsiCmdLine,GetCommandLineA())!=0) { //
// also log ansi as reference, since it's different
pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, AllocLogInfoSlot(LogContext,TRUE), // delayed slot
MSG_LOG_BAD_COMMAND_LINE_ANSI, NULL, GetCommandLineA()); } if (AnsiCmdLine) { MyFree(AnsiCmdLine); } } if (AnsiProcessFileName) { MyFree(AnsiProcessFileName); } } #endif // UNICODE
} #ifdef UNICODE
#ifndef _WIN64
// we're running 32-bit setupapi
if (IsWow64) { //
// we're running it under WOW64
pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, AllocLogInfoSlot(LogContext,TRUE), // delayed slot
MSG_LOG_WOW64, NULL, GetCommandLine()); } #endif
#endif // UNICODE
} }
// if MessageStr is supplied, we use that; otherwise use a
// string from a string table
if (MessageStr) { flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING; source = (PTSTR) MessageStr; // cast away const
} else if (MessageId) { //
// the message ID may be an HRESULT error code
if (MessageId & 0xC0000000) { flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; //
// Some system messages contain inserts, but whomever is calling
// will not supply them, so this flag prevents us from
// tripping over those cases.
flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; } else { flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; source = MyDllModuleHandle; numeric = (int)(MessageId-MSG_LOG_FIRST); } }
if (MessageStr || MessageId) { va_start(arglist, MessageStr); count = FormatMessage( flags, source, MessageId, 0, // LANGID
(LPTSTR) &locbuffer, 0, // minimum size of buffer
} else { //
// There is no string to format, so we are probably just
// flushing the buffer.
count = 1; }
if (count > 0) { //
// no error; prefix string with a code and place into a MyMalloc allocated buffer
// we don't want to prefix string with a code if we're appending to an existing message
if (locbuffer) { if ((numeric > 0) && (LogContext->Buffer==NULL)) { //
// determine level code, which indicates severity for why we logged this
// and machine readable ID
if (Level & SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT) { //
// if this is context information, use #-xxxx
_stprintf(scratch,TEXT("#-%03d "),numeric); } else { logindex = LOGLEVELSHORT_INIT; // maps to 0. after >>4&0x0f.
if ((Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) > 0 && (Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= (GlobalLogData.Flags & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK)) { thisindex = (Level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) >> SETUP_LOG_SHIFT; if (thisindex < logindex) { logindex = thisindex; } } if ((Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) > 0 && (Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) <= (GlobalLogData.Flags & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK)) { thisindex = (Level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) >> DRIVER_LOG_SHIFT; if (thisindex < logindex) { logindex = thisindex; } } //
// #Cxxxx #Vxxxx etc
_stprintf(scratch,TEXT("#%c%03d "),LogLevelShort[(logindex>>LOGLEVELSHORT_SHIFT)&LOGLEVELSHORT_MASK],numeric); } } else { scratch[0] = TEXT('\0'); } buffer = (PTSTR)MyTaggedMalloc((lstrlen(scratch)+lstrlen(locbuffer)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR),MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); if (buffer) { lstrcpy(buffer,scratch); lstrcat(buffer,locbuffer); } LocalFree(locbuffer); } else { buffer = NULL; }
// Check to see if the buffer has anything in it. If so, the newest
// string needs to be appended to it.
if (LogContext->Buffer) { //
// in case of a flush, buffer == NULL
if (buffer!=NULL) { int blen = lstrlen(LogContext->Buffer); int pad = 0; TCHAR lastchr = *CharPrev(LogContext->Buffer,LogContext->Buffer+blen);
if (lastchr != TEXT(' ')) { //
// silently correct any errors in the message text (which should end in a space)
while((lastchr == TEXT('\t')) || (lastchr == TEXT('\r')) || (lastchr == TEXT('\n'))) { blen--; // these characters are always sizeof(TCHAR)
lastchr = *CharPrev(LogContext->Buffer,LogContext->Buffer+blen); } LogContext->Buffer[blen] = TEXT('\0'); if (lastchr != TEXT(' ')) { //
// we want to insert a space padding
pad++; } } buffer2 = MyTaggedRealloc(LogContext->Buffer, (blen + pad + lstrlen(buffer) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR), MEMTAG_LCBUFFER );
// if the realloc was successful, add the new data, otherwise
// just drop it on the floor
if (buffer2) { if (pad) { lstrcat(buffer2,TEXT(" ")); } lstrcat(buffer2, buffer); LogContext->Buffer = buffer2; buffer2 = NULL; }
MyTaggedFree(buffer,MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); buffer = NULL; } buffer = LogContext->Buffer; LogContext->Buffer = NULL; }
if (Level & SETUP_LOG_BUFFER) {
LogContext->Buffer = buffer; buffer = NULL;
} else if (Level & SETUP_LOG_IS_CONTEXT) {
PTSTR TempDupeString;
// replace the string indicated
if(buffer) { if (LogContext->ContextInfo[context]) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->ContextInfo[context],MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); } LogContext->ContextInfo[context] = buffer; buffer = NULL; }
} else { int item; //
// actually do some logging
if (!LogContext->SectionName) { error = MakeUniqueName(NULL,&(LogContext->SectionName)); }
// first dump the auto-release context info
item = LogContext->ContextFirstAuto;
while (item >= 0) { if (LogContext->ContextInfo[item]) { //
// dump this string
SendLogString(LogContext, LogContext->ContextInfo[item]); MyTaggedFree (LogContext->ContextInfo[item],MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); LogContext->ContextInfo[item] = NULL; } item = LogContext->ContextIndexes[item]; }
// now dump any strings set in currently allocated slots
item = LogContext->ContextFirstUsed;
while (item >= 0) { if (LogContext->ContextInfo[item]) { //
// dump this string
SendLogString(LogContext, LogContext->ContextInfo[item]); MyTaggedFree (LogContext->ContextInfo[item],MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); LogContext->ContextInfo[item] = NULL; } item = LogContext->ContextIndexes[item]; }
// we have built up a line to send
if (buffer != NULL) { if(timestamp) { //
// this is the point we're interested in prefixing with timestamp
// this allows us to build up a string, then emit it prefixed with stamp
_stprintf(scratch, TEXT("@ %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d "), now.wHour, now.wMinute, now.wSecond, now.wMilliseconds);
buffer2 = MyTaggedMalloc((lstrlen(scratch)+lstrlen(buffer)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR),MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); if (buffer2) { lstrcpy(buffer2,scratch); lstrcat(buffer2,buffer); MyTaggedFree(buffer,MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); buffer = buffer2; buffer2 = NULL; } }
SendLogString(LogContext,buffer); } }
} else { //
// the FormatMessage failed
retval = GetLastError(); if(retval == NO_ERROR) { retval = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
// do nothing special; this just allows us to catch errors
// cleanup
if (endsync) { LogUnlock(); }
if (buffer) { MyTaggedFree(buffer,MEMTAG_LCBUFFER); } if (lc) { DeleteLogContext(lc); } return retval; }
VOID SetLogSectionName( IN PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT LogContext, IN PCTSTR SectionName )
Routine Description:
Sets the section name for the log context if it hasn't been used.
LogContext - supplies pointer to SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT.
SectionName - supplies a pointer to a string to be included in the section name.
Return Value:
{ DWORD rc; PTSTR NewSectionName = NULL; BOOL locked = FALSE;
MYASSERT(LogContext); MYASSERT(SectionName);
try { LogLock(); locked = TRUE;
// make sure the entry has never been used before
if (LogContext->LoggedEntries==0 || LogContext->SectionName==NULL) { //
// get rid of any previous name
rc = MakeUniqueName(SectionName,&NewSectionName); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (LogContext->SectionName) { MyTaggedFree(LogContext->SectionName,MEMTAG_LCSECTION); } LogContext->SectionName = NewSectionName; } } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
if(locked) { LogUnlock(); } }
#undef InheritLogContext // defined again below
Routine Description:
Copies a log context from one structure to another, deleting the one that gets overwritten. If Source and Dest are both NULL, a new log context is created for Dest.
Source - supplies pointer to source SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT. If NULL, this creates a new log context for Dest.
Dest - supplies the location to receive a pointer to the log context.
Return Value:
try { MYASSERT(Dest); Old = *Dest; if (Old == NULL && Source == NULL) { //
// this is a roundabout way of saying we want to create a context
// used when the source logcontext is optional
rc = CreateLogContext(NULL, TRUE, Dest); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { status = rc; leave; } } else if (Source != NULL && (Old == NULL || Old->LoggedEntries == 0)) { //
// We can replace Dest, since it hasn't been used yet
*Dest = Source; RefLogContext(Source); if (Old != NULL) { //
// now delete old
DeleteLogContext(Old); } }
status = NO_ERROR;
// do nothing; this just allows us to catch errors
return status; }
#define InheritLogContext(a,b) InheritLogContext(TRACK_ARG_CALL,a,b)
Routine Description:
Bidirectional inherit
Primary - preferred source
Secondary - preferred target
Return Value:
any potential error
try { MYASSERT(Primary); MYASSERT(*Primary); MYASSERT(Secondary); MYASSERT(*Secondary);
if((*Secondary)->LoggedEntries) { //
// secondary has already been used, so see if we can update primary
rc = InheritLogContext(*Secondary,Primary); } else { //
// else behave exactly like InheritLogContext
rc = InheritLogContext(*Primary,Secondary); } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //
// do nothing; this just allows us to catch errors
} return rc; }
Routine Description:
Logs an error code and an error message on the same line.
LogContext - supplies a pointer to a valid SETUP_LOG_CONTEXT object. If NULL, this is a NOP.
Level - supplies a log level as defined by pSetupWriteLogEntry.
Error - supplies the Win32 error, HRESULT, or SETUPAPI error code to log.
Return Value:
{ DWORD err;
if (!LogContext) { //
// error is meaningless without context
goto final; }
if (Error == NO_ERROR) { pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, Level, MSG_LOG_NO_ERROR, NULL); goto final; }
pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, Level | SETUP_LOG_BUFFER, //
// print HRESULTs in hex, Win32 errors in decimal
(Error & 0xC0000000 ? MSG_LOG_HRESULT_ERROR : MSG_LOG_WIN32_ERROR), NULL, Error);
// If it's a Win32 error, we convert it to an HRESULT, because
// pSetupWriteLogEntry only knows that it's an error code by the fact
// that it's an HRESULT. However, we don't want the user to
// get an HRESULT if we can help it, so just do the conversion
// after converting to a string. Also, SETUPAPI errors are not
// in proper HRESULT format without conversion
// writing the error message may fail...
err = pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, Level, Error, NULL);
if (err != NO_ERROR) { pSetupWriteLogEntry( LogContext, Level, MSG_LOG_UNKNOWN_ERROR, NULL); }
final: SetLastError(Error); }
BOOL ContextLoggingTlsInit( IN BOOL Init ) /*++
Routine Description:
Init = TRUE Initializes per-thread data for logging Init = FALSE releases memory on cleanup
Init - set to initialize
Return Value:
TRUE if initialized ok.
pTLS = SetupGetTlsData(); MYASSERT(pTLS); pLogTLS = &pTLS->SetupLog;
if (Init) { pLogTLS->ThreadLogContext = NULL; b = TRUE; } else { //
// ISSUE-JamieHun-2001/05/01 ASSERT when thread terminated
// thread might not have terminated cleanly
// causing this assert to fire
// MYASSERT(!pLogTLS->ThreadLogContext);
b = TRUE; } return b; }
Routine Description:
Modify current thread log context
LogContext new log context (expected to be apropriately ref counted) PrevContext if set, filled with previous context
Return Value:
TRUE if set ok.
pTLS = SetupGetTlsData(); if(!pTLS) { return FALSE; } pLogTLS = &pTLS->SetupLog;
if (PrevContext) { *PrevContext = pLogTLS->ThreadLogContext; } pLogTLS->ThreadLogContext = LogContext; return TRUE; }
PSETUP_LOG_CONTEXT GetThreadLogContext( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return thread's default log context
Return Value:
Current LogContext or NULL
pTLS = SetupGetTlsData(); if(!pTLS) { return NULL; } return pTLS->SetupLog.ThreadLogContext; }
BOOL InitializeContextLogging( IN BOOL Attach ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes structures/data for logging or releases allocated memory.
Attach - set when called at attach time as opposed to detach time
Return Value:
TRUE if initialized ok.
--*/ { BOOL Successful = FALSE;
if (Attach) {
LONG error; HKEY key; HKEY loglevel; DWORD len; DWORD level = 0; DWORD type; PTSTR PathName = NULL; TCHAR testchar; BOOL isdir = FALSE;
GlobalLogData.FileName = NULL; GlobalLogData.Flags = 0; GlobalLogData.UID = 0; GlobalLogData.DoneInitCritSec = FALSE;
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&GlobalLogData.CritSec); GlobalLogData.DoneInitCritSec = TRUE; error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_SETUP REGSTR_KEY_SETUP, 0, // reserved
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if(QueryRegistryDwordValue(key,SP_REGKEY_LOGLEVEL,&level) != NO_ERROR) { level = 0; }
if(QueryRegistryValue(key,SP_REGKEY_LOGPATH,&PathName,&type,&len) != NO_ERROR) { PathName = NULL; }
// Allow a user to override the log level for a particular program
error = RegOpenKeyEx( key, SP_REGKEY_APPLOGLEVEL, 0, // reserved
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &loglevel);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DWORD override; if(QueryRegistryDwordValue(loglevel,pSetupGetFileTitle(ProcessFileName),&override) == NO_ERROR) { level = override; }
RegCloseKey(loglevel); }
RegCloseKey(key); }
// if they don't supply a valid name, we use the Windows dir
if (!(PathName && PathName[0])) { if(PathName) { MyFree(PathName); } PathName = DuplicateString(WindowsDirectory); if(!PathName) { leave; } isdir = TRUE; // we know this should be a directory
} else { //
// see if we're pointing at a directory
testchar = CharPrev(PathName,PathName+lstrlen(PathName))[0]; if(testchar == TEXT('\\') || testchar == TEXT('/')) { //
// explicit directiory
isdir = TRUE; } else { DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(PathName); if (isdir || (attr != (DWORD)(-1) && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0 )) { //
// implicit directory
isdir = TRUE; } } }
if (isdir) { //
// if they gave a directory, add a filename
LPTSTR NewPath; if(!pSetupAppendPath(PathName,SP_LOG_FILENAME,&NewPath)) { MyFree(PathName); PathName = NULL; leave; } MyFree(PathName); PathName = NewPath; } pSetupMakeSurePathExists(PathName);
// validate level flags
// handle defaults
if((level & SETUP_LOG_LEVELMASK) == 0) { //
// level not explicitly set
if((level & DRIVER_LOG_LEVELMASK) == 0) { //
// level not explicitly set
level |= DRIVER_LOG_DEFAULT; } GlobalLogData.Flags = level;
GlobalLogData.FileName = PathName; PathName = NULL; if (GlobalLogData.FileName == NULL) { leave; }
Successful = TRUE;
// Successful remains FALSE
} else {
if (GlobalLogData.FileName) { MyFree(GlobalLogData.FileName); GlobalLogData.FileName = NULL; } if(GlobalLogData.DoneInitCritSec) { DeleteCriticalSection(&GlobalLogData.CritSec); } Successful = TRUE; }
return Successful; }