Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Wrappers and functions for fusionizing SetupAPI without effecting 3rd party DLL's and without dll-load overhead
Jamie Hunter (JamieHun) 12/4/2000
Revision History:
// redirect these API's to our internal implementation
// that initializes fusion if needed
#undef CreateWindow
#undef CreateWindowEx
#undef CreateDialogParam
#undef CreateDialogIndirectParam
#undef DialogBoxParam
#undef DialogBoxIndirectParam
#undef MessageBox
#undef PropertySheet
#undef CreatePropertySheetPage
#undef DestroyPropertySheetPage
#undef ImageList_Create
#undef ImageList_Destroy
#undef ImageList_GetImageCount
#undef ImageList_SetImageCount
#undef ImageList_Add
#undef ImageList_ReplaceIcon
#undef ImageList_SetBkColor
#undef ImageList_GetBkColor
#undef ImageList_SetOverlayImage
#undef GetOpenFileName
#undef GetSaveFileName
#undef ChooseColor
#undef ChooseFont
#undef CommDlgExtendedError
#undef FindText
#undef GetFileTitle
#undef PageSetupDlg
#undef PrintDlg
#undef PrintDlgEx
#undef ReplaceText
#define CreateWindow spFusionCreateWindow
#define CreateWindowEx spFusionCreateWindowEx
#define CreateDialogParam spFusionCreateDialogParam
#define CreateDialogIndirectParam spFusionCreateDialogIndirectParam
#define DialogBoxParam spFusionDialogBoxParam
#define DialogBoxIndirectParam spFusionDialogBoxIndirectParam
#define MessageBox spFusionMessageBox
#define PropertySheet spFusionPropertySheet
#define CreatePropertySheetPage spFusionCreatePropertySheetPage
#define DestroyPropertySheetPage spFusionDestroyPropertySheetPage
#define ImageList_Create spFusionImageList_Create
#define ImageList_Destroy spFusionImageList_Destroy
#define ImageList_GetImageCount spFusionImageList_GetImageCount
#define ImageList_SetImageCount spFusionImageList_SetImageCount
#define ImageList_Add spFusionImageList_Add
#define ImageList_ReplaceIcon spFusionImageList_ReplaceIcon
#define ImageList_SetBkColor spFusionImageList_SetBkColor
#define ImageList_GetBkColor spFusionImageList_GetBkColor
#define ImageList_SetOverlayImage spFusionImageList_SetOverlayImage
#define GetOpenFileName spFusionGetOpenFileName
BOOL spFusionInitialize(); BOOL spFusionUninitialize(BOOL Full);
HWND spFusionCreateWindow( LPCTSTR lpClassName, // registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName, // window name
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
int x, // horizontal position of window
int y, // vertical position of window
int nWidth, // window width
int nHeight, // window height
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent or owner window
HMENU hMenu, // menu handle or child identifier
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
LPVOID lpParam // window-creation data
HWND spFusionCreateWindowEx( DWORD dwExStyle, // extended window style
LPCTSTR lpClassName, // registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName, // window name
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
int x, // horizontal position of window
int y, // vertical position of window
int nWidth, // window width
int nHeight, // window height
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent or owner window
HMENU hMenu, // menu handle or child identifier
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
LPVOID lpParam // window-creation data
HWND spFusionCreateDialogParam( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to module
LPCTSTR lpTemplateName, // dialog box template
HWND hWndParent, // handle to owner window
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, // dialog box procedure
LPARAM dwInitParam // initialization value
HWND spFusionCreateDialogIndirectParam( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to module
LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpTemplate, // dialog box template
HWND hWndParent, // handle to owner window
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, // dialog box procedure
LPARAM lParamInit // initialization value
INT_PTR spFusionDialogBoxParam( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to module
LPCTSTR lpTemplateName, // dialog box template
HWND hWndParent, // handle to owner window
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, // dialog box procedure
LPARAM dwInitParam // initialization value
INT_PTR spFusionDialogBoxIndirectParam( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to module
LPCDLGTEMPLATE hDialogTemplate, // dialog box template
HWND hWndParent, // handle to owner window
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, // dialog box procedure
LPARAM dwInitParam // initialization value
int spFusionMessageBox( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCTSTR lpText, IN LPCTSTR lpCaption, IN UINT uType );
int spNonFusionMessageBox( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCTSTR lpText, IN LPCTSTR lpCaption, IN UINT uType );
INT_PTR spFusionPropertySheet( LPCPROPSHEETHEADER pPropSheetHeader );
HPROPSHEETPAGE spFusionCreatePropertySheetPage( LPPROPSHEETPAGE pPropSheetPage );
BOOL spFusionDestroyPropertySheetPage( HPROPSHEETPAGE hPropSheetPage );
// from commctrl.h
HIMAGELIST spFusionImageList_Create(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow); BOOL spFusionImageList_Destroy(HIMAGELIST himl); int spFusionImageList_GetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl); BOOL spFusionImageList_SetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl, UINT uNewCount); int spFusionImageList_Add(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask); int spFusionImageList_ReplaceIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HICON hicon); COLORREF spFusionImageList_SetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl, COLORREF clrBk); COLORREF spFusionImageList_GetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl); BOOL spFusionImageList_SetOverlayImage(HIMAGELIST himl, int iImage, int iOverlay);
// from commdlg.h
BOOL spFusionGetOpenFileName(LPOPENFILENAME lpofn);
// private stuff
HANDLE spFusionContextFromModule( IN PCTSTR ModuleName );
BOOL spFusionKillContext( IN HANDLE hContext );
BOOL spFusionEnterContext( IN HANDLE hContext, OUT PSPFUSIONINSTANCE pInst );
BOOL spFusionLeaveContext( IN PSPFUSIONINSTANCE pInst );
// dummy structure/API's that do nothing
__inline HANDLE spFusionContextFromModule( IN PCTSTR ModuleName ) { ModuleName = ModuleName; return NULL; }
__inline BOOL spFusionKillContext( IN HANDLE hContext ) { hContext = hContext; return TRUE; }
__inline BOOL spFusionEnterContext( IN HANDLE hContext, OUT PSPFUSIONINSTANCE pInst ) { hContext = hContext; pInst->Acquired = TRUE; return TRUE; }
__inline BOOL spFusionLeaveContext( IN PSPFUSIONINSTANCE pInst ) { pInst->Acquired = FALSE; return TRUE; }