Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
For Internal use only!
Module Name:
INFSCAN globalscan.cpp
Global scanner class entry points GlobalScan::ParseArgs and GlobalScan::Scan are called from main()
Created July 2001 - JamieHun
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
GlobalScan::GlobalScan() /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize class variables
--*/ { InfFilter = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ThreadCount = 0; GeneratePnfs = false; GeneratePnfsOnly = false; Pedantic = false; Trace = false; IgnoreErrors = false; TargetsToo = false; DetermineCopySections = false; LimitedSourceDisksFiles = false; BuildChangedDevices = BUILD_CHANGED_DEVICES_DISABLED; SourceFileList = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; NewFilter = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeviceFilterList = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; NextJob = Jobs.end(); SpecifiedNames = false; }
GlobalScan::~GlobalScan() /*++
Routine Description:
Release any allocated data/files
--*/ { if(InfFilter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupCloseInfFile(InfFilter); } if(SourceFileList != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(SourceFileList); } if(NewFilter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(NewFilter); } if(DeviceFilterList != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(DeviceFilterList); } }
int GlobalScan::ParseVersion(LPCSTR ver) /*++
Routine Description:
Parse a version string into constituent parts
Arguments: ver - version string as passed into argv[]
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// <plat>.<maj>.<min>.<typ>.<suite>
PTSTR cpy = CopyString(ver); int res = Version.Parse(cpy); delete [] cpy; if(res == 4) { Usage(); return 2; } return res; }
int GlobalScan::ParseArgs(int argc,char *argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
Parse command line parameters
Arguments: argc/argv as passed into main
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ {
int i; int res; SafeString arg;
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if((argv[i][0] != TEXT('/')) && (argv[i][0] != TEXT('-'))) { break; }
if(!argv[i][1] || (argv[i][2] && !isdigit(argv[i][2]))) { Usage(); return 2; }
switch(*(argv[i]+1)) {
case 'B' : case 'b' : //
// Take supplied textfile as list of "unchanged" build files
// report a list of devices that use (copy) files that are not
// part of this unchanged list
// SP build special
// use in conjunction with /E
BuildChangedDevices = (DWORD)strtoul(argv[i]+2,NULL,0); if(!BuildChangedDevices) { BuildChangedDevices = BUILD_CHANGED_DEVICES_DEFAULT; } BuildChangedDevices |= BUILD_CHANGED_DEVICES_ENABLED; i++; if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } else { StringList list; res = LoadListFromFile(SafeStringA(argv[i]),list); if(res != 0) { return res; } StringList::iterator li; for(li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); li++) { BuildUnchangedFiles.insert(*li); } } break;
case 'C' : case 'c' : //
// Create Filter INF specified in the next argument
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } if(NewFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { NewFilter = CreateFileA(argv[i], GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(NewFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing\n",argv[i]); return 3; } Write(NewFilter,WRITE_INF_HEADER); } break;
case 'D' : case 'd' : //
// Determine other copy sections
DetermineCopySections = true; break;
case 'E' : case 'e' : //
// Create a list of device = inf
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } if(DeviceFilterList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DeviceFilterList = CreateFileA(argv[i], GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(DeviceFilterList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing\n",argv[i]); return 3; } } break;
case 'F' : case 'f' : //
// Filter the list based on the INF in the next argument
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } FilterPath = ConvertString(argv[i]); break;
case 'G': case 'g': //
// generate PNF's (see also Z)
GeneratePnfs = true; break;
case 'H' : case 'h' : case '?' : //
// Display usage help
Usage(); return 1;
case 'I' : case 'i' : //
// ignore
IgnoreErrors = true; break;
case 'N' : case 'n' : //
// named file
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } SpecifiedNames = true; _strlwr(argv[i]); arg = ConvertString(argv[i]); if(ExcludeInfs.find(arg) == ExcludeInfs.end()) { NamedInfList.push_back(arg); //
// make sure it appears only once
ExcludeInfs.insert(arg); } break;
case 'O' : case 'o' : //
// override path (if an INF is in this (relative) location,
// it's used instead
// multiple overrides can be given
// "/O ." is always assumed to be last unless explicitly given
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } arg = ConvertString(argv[i]); Overrides.push_back(arg); break;
case 'P' : case 'p' : //
// pedantic mode - INF's must match expectations in filter
Pedantic = true; break;
case 'Q' : case 'q' : //
// output source+target files (used in conjunction with /S
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } if(SourceFileList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { TargetsToo = true; SourceFileList = CreateFileA(argv[i], GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(SourceFileList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing\n",argv[i]); return 3; } } break;
case 'R' : case 'r' : //
// trace
Trace = true; break;
case 'S' : case 's' : //
// output source file
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } if(SourceFileList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SourceFileList = CreateFileA(argv[i], GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(SourceFileList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing\n",argv[i]); return 3; } } break;
case 'T': case 't': //
// specify number of threads
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } ThreadCount = atoi(argv[i]); break;
case 'V' : case 'v' : //
// version
if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } res = ParseVersion(argv[i]); if(res != 0) { return res; } break;
case 'W' : case 'w' : //
// include, alternative to 'N'
i++; if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } else { SpecifiedNames = true;
StringList list; res = LoadListFromFile(SafeStringA(argv[i]),list); if(res != 0) { return res; } StringList::iterator li; for(li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); li++) { if(ExcludeInfs.find(*li) == ExcludeInfs.end()) { NamedInfList.push_back(*li); //
// insert only once
// stop a 2nd/subsequent insert
ExcludeInfs.insert(*li); } } } break;
case 'X' : case 'x' : //
// exclude, mask out future files added to list
i++; if(i == argc) { Usage(); return 2; } else { StringList list; res = LoadListFromFile(SafeStringA(argv[i]),list); if(res != 0) { return res; } StringList::iterator li; for(li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); li++) { ExcludeInfs.insert(*li); } } break;
case 'Y': case 'y': LimitedSourceDisksFiles = true; break;
case 'Z': case 'z': //
// generate PNF's only
GeneratePnfs = true; GeneratePnfsOnly = true; break;
default: //
// Display usage help
Usage(); return 2; } }
if(i < argc) { SourcePath = ConvertString(argv[i]); i++; } if(i != argc) { Usage(); return 2; }
return 0; }
int GlobalScan::Scan() /*++
Routine Description:
Do the actual scanning
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { int res; StringList ParseInfList; StringList LayoutInfList;
if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Obtaining list of INF files\n")); } Overrides.push_back(TEXT(".")); if (!SpecifiedNames) { //
// enumerate all the INF's if none were explicitly mentioned
StringList::iterator dir; for (dir = Overrides.begin(); dir != Overrides.end(); dir++) { //
// for each directory
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE findHandle;
ZeroMemory(&findData,sizeof(findData)); SafeString mask; res = ExpandFullPath(*dir,TEXT("*.INF"),mask); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Scanning %s\n"),mask.c_str()); } findHandle = FindFirstFile(mask.c_str(),&findData);
if(findHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; }
do { if(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } if(findData.nFileSizeHigh != 0) { continue; } if(findData.nFileSizeLow == 0) { continue; } _tcslwr(findData.cFileName); SafeString name = findData.cFileName; // saves lots of automatics
if(ExcludeInfs.find(name) != ExcludeInfs.end()) { //
// not allowed to process an INF with this name
// (previously obtained or specifically excluded)
continue; } //
// make a note of the filename so we effectively override it
ExcludeInfs.insert(name); //
// make the final name
SafeString fullname; res = ExpandFullPath(*dir,name,fullname); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(name.compare(TEXT("layout.inf")) == 0) { //
// looks like a (the) layout file
// these are parsed ahead of other INF's
LayoutInfList.push_back(fullname); } else { ParseInfList.push_back(fullname); }
} while (FindNextFile(findHandle,&findData)); FindClose(findHandle); } } else { //
// INF's were manually specified, find where they are located
StringList::iterator name; StringList::iterator dir; for(name = NamedInfList.begin(); name != NamedInfList.end(); name++) { SafeString fullname; res = ExpandFullPathWithOverride(*name,fullname); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(_tcsicmp(GetFileNamePart(name->c_str()),TEXT("layout.inf"))==0) { //
// looks lie a layout file
// parse ahead of other INF's
LayoutInfList.push_back(fullname); } else { ParseInfList.push_back(fullname); } } }
if(ParseInfList.empty() && LayoutInfList.empty()) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#*** No files\n")); return 1; }
if(FilterPath.length() && !GeneratePnfsOnly) { GetFullPathName(FilterPath,FilterPath); InfFilter = SetupOpenInfFile(FilterPath.c_str(),NULL,INF_STYLE_WIN4,NULL); if(InfFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#*** Cannot open filter\n")); return 3; } if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Loading filter %s\n"),FilterPath.c_str()); } LoadFileDispositions(); LoadOtherCopySections(); } if((NewFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && !DetermineCopySections) { FileDisposition & disp = GetGuidDisposition(NULL_GUID); if(!disp.Filtered) { //
// default disposition for NULL guid's
disp.FilterAction = ACTION_IGNOREINF; } }
StringList::iterator i;
if(GeneratePnfsOnly) { //
// do nothing special with layout files because all we'll be doing
// is generating PNF's
// so merge them into ParseInfList
for(i = LayoutInfList.begin(); i != LayoutInfList.end() ; i++) { ParseInfList.push_back(*i); }
} else { if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Scanning Layout.Inf file(s) sequentially\n")); } for(i = LayoutInfList.begin(); i != LayoutInfList.end() ; i++) { SafeString &full_inf = *i;
if(GeneratePnfs) { GeneratePnf(full_inf); } //
// this stuff has to be done sequentially
GetFileDisposition(full_inf).FilterAction |= ACTION_EARLYLOAD; // override
InfScan *pInfScan = new InfScan(this,full_inf); // may throw bad_alloc
SerialJobs.push_back(pInfScan); pInfScan->ThisIsLayoutInf = true; res = pInfScan->Run(); if(res == 0) { //
// parse [SourceDisksFiles*]
pInfScan->PrimaryInf->Locked = true; LayoutInfs.push_back(pInfScan->PrimaryInf); if(pInfScan->PrimaryInf->LooksLikeLayoutInf) { //
// parse [WinntDirectories]
// (only makes sense if layout.inf extended syntax detected)
res = pInfScan->PrimaryInf->LoadWinntDirectories(GlobalDirectories); } if(NewFilter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// ensure we indicate this INF should always be processed
// at some point we can handle this flag specially
GetFileDisposition(full_inf).FilterAction |= ACTION_EARLYLOAD; } } pInfScan->PartialCleanup(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } }
if(GeneratePnfs) { //
// process Pnf's either now
// or add them to Job list
if(Trace) { if(ThreadCount) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Adding Pnf generation Jobs\n")); } else { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Generating Pnf's sequentially\n")); } }
for(i = ParseInfList.begin(); i != ParseInfList.end() ; i++) { SafeString &full_inf = *i;
if(ThreadCount) { //
// add to job list
PnfGen *pJob = new PnfGen(full_inf); // may throw bad_alloc
Jobs.push_back(pJob); } else { //
// do now
GeneratePnf(full_inf); } } //
// limit threads to # of INF's
if(Jobs.size() < ThreadCount) { ThreadCount = Jobs.size(); } } if(!GeneratePnfsOnly) { //
// process Inf's either now or queue for job processing
if(Trace) { if(ThreadCount) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Adding Inf scanning Jobs\n")); } else { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Scanning Inf's sequentially\n")); } }
for(i = ParseInfList.begin(); i != ParseInfList.end() ; i++) { SafeString &full_inf = *i;
InfScan *pJob = new InfScan(this,full_inf); // may throw bad_alloc
if(ThreadCount) { //
// add to job list
Jobs.push_back(pJob); } else { //
// do now
res = pJob->Run(); pJob->PartialCleanup(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } } }
if(ThreadCount) { //
// use worker threads
// see if #jobs > #threads
if(Jobs.size() < ThreadCount) { ThreadCount = Jobs.size(); } if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Spinning %u threads\n"),ThreadCount); } //
// generate the thread objects
res = GenerateThreads(); if(res != 0) { return res; } //
// start the threads
// they will start picking up the jobs
if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Starting threads\n")); } res = StartThreads(); if(res != 0) { return res; } //
// wait for all threads to finish
if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Waiting for Jobs to finish\n")); } res = FinishThreads(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } //
// merge any results
if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Merge results\n")); } res = FinishJobs(); if(res != 0) { return res; }
if(GeneratePnfsOnly) { return 0; }
// post operations
if(res == 0) { res = BuildNewInfFilter(); } if(res == 0) { res = BuildDeviceInfMap(); } if(res == 0) { res = BuildFinalSourceList(); } if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Finish\n")); }
return res;
int GlobalScan::GenerateThreads() /*++
Routine Description:
Create required number of Job threads Threads are initially stopped
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { int c; for(c=0; c< ThreadCount;c++) { JobThreads.push_back(JobThread(this)); } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::StartThreads() /*++
Routine Description:
Kick off the job threads to start processing the jobs
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// this is the first job in the list
NextJob = Jobs.begin();
// now kick off the threads to start looking for
// and processing jobs
JobThreadList::iterator i; for(i = JobThreads.begin(); i != JobThreads.end(); i++) { if(!i->Begin()) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#*** Could not start thread\n")); return 3; } } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::FinishThreads() /*++
Routine Description:
Wait for all job threads to finish
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { JobThreadList::iterator i; for(i = JobThreads.begin(); i != JobThreads.end(); i++) { int res = (int)(i->Wait()); if(res != 0) { return res; } } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::FinishJobs() /*++
Routine Description:
Do finish processing on each job sequentially this includes any serialized jobs
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { JobList::iterator i; //
// two passes
// first PreResults to do any final prep's
for(i = SerialJobs.begin(); i != SerialJobs.end(); i++) { int res = i->PreResults(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } for(i = Jobs.begin(); i != Jobs.end(); i++) { int res = i->PreResults(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } //
// now actual Results phase
for(i = SerialJobs.begin(); i != SerialJobs.end(); i++) { int res = i->Results(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } for(i = Jobs.begin(); i != Jobs.end(); i++) { int res = i->Results(); if(res != 0) { return res; } } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::ExpandFullPath(const SafeString & subdir,const SafeString & name,SafeString & target) /*++
Routine Description:
Expand full path taking into account specified SourcePath
Arguments: subdir - subdirectory of SourcePath if not "" name - filename (may be wildcard and may include a subdirectory) target - generated full path name
Return Value: 0
--*/ { SafeString given = PathConcat(SourcePath,PathConcat(subdir,name)); GetFullPathName(given,target); return 0; }
int GlobalScan::ExpandFullPathWithOverride(const SafeString & name,SafeString & target) /*++
Routine Description:
Expand full path taking into account Overrides look for each SourcePath\<override>\name and take first found converting it into full path
Arguments: name - filename (may include a subdirectory) target - generated full path name
Return Value: 0
--*/ { StringList::iterator dir; int res; for(dir = Overrides.begin(); dir != Overrides.end(); dir++) { res = ExpandFullPath(*dir,name,target); if(res != 0) { return res; } DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(target.c_str()); if((attr == (DWORD)(-1)) || (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //
// the named file doesn't exist in this particular
// override directory
continue; } //
// we found an override match
return 0; } //
// since the last overrides entry is ".", just return
// last generated name
return 0; }
int GlobalScan::SaveForCrossInfInstallCheck(const SafeString & desc,const SafeString & src) /*++
Routine Description:
Not thread safe, called during PreResults
Save description->src mapping for later call to CheckCrossInfInstallCheck (we can't do the check here else we'd randomly pick one inf over another to report the conflict and we want to fail both inf's)
Arguments: desc - lower-case device description src - full name of INF currently being checked
Return Value: 0
--*/ { StringToStringset::iterator i; i = GlobalInfDescriptions.find(desc); if(i == GlobalInfDescriptions.end()) { //
// description doesn't exist
// create a new entry desc->src
StringSet s; s.insert(src); GlobalInfDescriptions.insert(StringToStringset::value_type(desc,s)); } else { //
// description exists
// add this src (if it doesn't already exist)
i->second.insert(src); } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::SaveForCrossInfDeviceCheck(const SafeString & hwid,const SafeString & src) /*++
Routine Description:
Not thread safe, called during PreResults
Save hwid->src mapping for later call to CheckCrossInfInstallCheck (we can't do the check here else we'd randomly pick one inf over another to report the conflict and we want to fail both inf's)
Arguments: hwid - lower-case hardware ID src - full name of INF currently being checked
Return Value: 0
--*/ { StringToStringset::iterator i; i = GlobalInfHardwareIds.find(hwid); if(i == GlobalInfHardwareIds.end()) { //
// hwid doesn't exist
// create a new entry desc->src
StringSet s; s.insert(src); GlobalInfHardwareIds.insert(StringToStringset::value_type(hwid,s)); } else { //
// hwid exists
// add this src (if it doesn't already exist)
i->second.insert(src); } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::CheckCrossInfInstallConflict(const SafeString & desc,const SafeString & src, bool & f,SafeString & others) /*++
Routine Description:
Not thread safe, called during PreResults
given a "description" return f=true if found in some INF other than 'src' return f=false if not found (INF added)
Arguments: desc - lower-case device description src - full name of INF currently being checked f - return true if exists in another inf others - descriptive list of conflicting INF's
Return Value: 0
--*/ { f = false;
StringToStringset::iterator i; i = GlobalInfDescriptions.find(desc); if(i == GlobalInfDescriptions.end()) { //
// shouldn't happen, but do right thing
return 0; } StringSet & s = i->second; StringSet::iterator ii;
// report any conflicts other than self
for(ii = s.begin(); ii != s.end(); ii++) { SafeString & str = *ii; if(str == src) { continue; } if(f) { others += TEXT(" & ") + str; } else { f = true; others = str; } } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::CheckCrossInfDeviceConflict(const SafeString & hwid,const SafeString & src, bool & f,SafeString & others) /*++
Routine Description:
Not thread safe, called during PreResults
given a "hardwareId" return f=true if found in some INF other than 'src' return f=false if not found (INF added)
Arguments: hwid - lower-case hardware ID src - full name of INF currently being checked f - return true if exists in another inf others - descriptive list of conflicting INF's
Return Value: 0
--*/ { f = false;
StringToStringset::iterator i; i = GlobalInfHardwareIds.find(hwid); if(i == GlobalInfHardwareIds.end()) { //
// shouldn't happen, but do right thing
return 0; } StringSet & s = i->second; StringSet::iterator ii;
// report any conflicts other than self
for(ii = s.begin(); ii != s.end(); ii++) { SafeString & str = *ii; if(str == src) { continue; } if(f) { others += TEXT(" & ") + str; } else { f = true; others = str; } } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::AddSourceFiles(StringList & sources) /*++
Routine Description:
Add the list 'sources' to the known set of source files
Arguments: sources - list of source files to add
Return Value: 0
--*/ { if(SourceFileList != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { StringList::iterator i; for(i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++) { GlobalFileSet.insert(*i); } } return 0; }
JobEntry * GlobalScan::GetNextJob() /*++
Routine Description:
Get next job safely
Arguments: none
Return Value: next job or NULL
--*/ { ProtectedSection ThisSectionIsA(BottleNeck);
if(NextJob == Jobs.end()) { return NULL; } JobEntry * Job = &*NextJob; NextJob++; return Job; }
int GlobalScan::LoadFileDispositions() /*++
Routine Description:
Load global error dispositions from filter Load file/guid top-level dispositions (actual error tables for these are loaded on demand)
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// load filter tables
int res; INFCONTEXT filterContext;
if(InfFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } //
// load top-level filter table
if(SetupFindFirstLine(InfFilter,SECTION_FILEFILTERS,NULL,&filterContext)) { do { SafeString filename; FileDisposition disp; if(!MyGetStringField(&filterContext,FILEFILTERS_KEY_FILENAME,filename)) { continue; } if(FileDispositions.find(filename) != FileDispositions.end()) { continue; } if(!SetupGetIntField(&filterContext,FILEFILTERS_FIELD_ACTION,&disp.FilterAction)) { disp.FilterAction = ACTION_DEFAULT; } MyGetStringField(&filterContext,FILEFILTERS_FIELD_SECTION,disp.FilterErrorSection); MyGetStringField(&filterContext,FILEFILTERS_FIELD_GUID,disp.FileGuid); disp.Filtered = true; FileDispositions.insert(FileDispositionMap::value_type(filename,disp));
} while (SetupFindNextLine(&filterContext,&filterContext)); } if(SetupFindFirstLine(InfFilter,SECTION_GUIDFILTERS,NULL,&filterContext)) { do { SafeString guid; FileDisposition disp; if(!MyGetStringField(&filterContext,GUIDFILTERS_KEY_GUID,guid)) { continue; } if(GuidDispositions.find(guid) != GuidDispositions.end()) { continue; } if(!SetupGetIntField(&filterContext,GUIDFILTERS_FIELD_ACTION,&disp.FilterAction)) { disp.FilterAction = ACTION_DEFAULT; } MyGetStringField(&filterContext,GUIDFILTERS_FIELD_SECTION,disp.FilterErrorSection); disp.Filtered = true; GuidDispositions.insert(FileDispositionMap::value_type(guid,disp));
} while (SetupFindNextLine(&filterContext,&filterContext)); }
// preload global error table
GlobalErrorFilters.LoadFromInfSection(InfFilter,SECTION_ERRORFILTERS); return 0; }
int GlobalScan::LoadOtherCopySections() /*++
Routine Description:
Load copy filters Load file/guid top-level dispositions (actual error tables for these are loaded on demand)
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// load filter tables
int res; INFCONTEXT filterContext;
if(InfFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } //
// load top-level filter table
if(SetupFindFirstLine(InfFilter,SECTION_INSTALLS,NULL,&filterContext)) { //
// file = install[,install....]
do { SafeString filename; SafeString section; int c; if(!MyGetStringField(&filterContext,0,filename)) { continue; } StringSet & sects = GlobalOtherInstallSections[filename]; for(c=1; MyGetStringField(&filterContext,c,section);c++) { sects.insert(section); } } while(SetupFindNextLine(&filterContext,&filterContext)); }
return 0;
int GlobalScan::GetCopySections(const SafeString & filename,StringSet & target) /*++
Routine Description:
Return cached list of copy sections from filter
Arguments: filename (without path) target - merged with list of install sections
Return Value: 0 = success
--*/ { StringToStringset::iterator i; i = GlobalOtherInstallSections.find(filename); if(i == GlobalOtherInstallSections.end()) { return 0; } StringSet & sects = i->second; StringSet::iterator ii; for(ii = sects.begin(); ii != sects.end(); ii++) { target.insert(*ii); } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::SetCopySections(const SafeString & filename,const StringSet & sections) /*++
Routine Description:
Not thread safe upgrade global table with extra copy sections
Arguments: filename (without path) sections - list of install sections to merge in
Return Value: 0 = success
--*/ { StringSet::iterator i; StringSet & sects = GlobalOtherInstallSections[filename]; for(i = sections.begin(); i != sections.end(); i++) { sects.insert(*i); } return 0; }
FileDisposition & GlobalScan::GetFileDisposition(const SafeString & pathname) /*++
Routine Description:
Return a file disposition entry for specified file Note that the returned structure may be modified However the table itself is shared
Arguments: full path or filename
Return Value: modifiable entry
--*/ { //
// assume filename is lower-case
// we need to get just the actual name
SafeString filename = GetFileNamePart(pathname); FileDispositionMap::iterator i;
ProtectedSection ThisSectionIsA(BottleNeck);
i = FileDispositions.find(filename); if(i == FileDispositions.end()) { //
// create and return
return FileDispositions[filename]; } return i->second; }
FileDisposition & GlobalScan::GetGuidDisposition(const SafeString & guid) /*++
Routine Description:
Return a guid disposition entry for specified guid Note that the returned structure may be modified However the table itself is shared
Arguments: full guid {...}
Return Value: modifiable entry
--*/ { FileDispositionMap::iterator i; //
// assume guid-string is lower-case
ProtectedSection ThisSectionIsA(BottleNeck);
i = GuidDispositions.find(guid); if(i == GuidDispositions.end()) { //
// create and return
return GuidDispositions[guid]; } return i->second; }
int GlobalScan::BuildFinalSourceList() /*++
Routine Description:
If requested, build a complete list of source files
Arguments: NONE
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { if(SourceFileList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Build source list\n")); } StringSet::iterator i; for(i = GlobalFileSet.begin(); i != GlobalFileSet.end(); i++) { Write(SourceFileList,*i); Write(SourceFileList,"\r\n"); } return 0; }
int GlobalScan::BuildNewInfFilter() /*++
Routine Description:
If requested, complete a filter INF
Arguments: NONE
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { if(NewFilter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } if(Trace) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("#### Build filter\n")); } FileDispositionMap::iterator i; //
// File Dispositions table
Write(NewFilter,TEXT("\r\n[") SECTION_FILEFILTERS TEXT("]\r\n")); for(i = FileDispositions.begin(); i != FileDispositions.end(); i++) { if(i->second.Filtered) { basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> line; line << QuoteIt(i->first) << TEXT(" = "); line << TEXT("0x") << setfill(TEXT('0')) << setw(8) << hex << i->second.FilterAction << setfill(TEXT(' ')) << TEXT(","); line << QuoteIt(i->second.FilterErrorSection) << TEXT(","); line << QuoteIt(i->second.FileGuid); line << TEXT("\r\n"); Write(NewFilter,line.str()); } } //
// Guid Dispositions
Write(NewFilter,TEXT("\r\n[") SECTION_GUIDFILTERS TEXT("]\r\n")); for(i = GuidDispositions.begin(); i != GuidDispositions.end(); i++) { if(i->second.Filtered) { basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> line; line << QuoteIt(i->first) << TEXT(" = "); line << TEXT("0x") << setfill(TEXT('0')) << setw(8) << hex << i->second.FilterAction << setfill(TEXT(' ')) << TEXT("\r\n"); Write(NewFilter,line.str()); } } //
// other copy sections
if(GlobalOtherInstallSections.size()) { Write(NewFilter,TEXT("\r\n[") SECTION_INSTALLS TEXT("]\r\n")); StringToStringset::iterator s; for(s = GlobalOtherInstallSections.begin(); s != GlobalOtherInstallSections.end(); s++) { StringSet & sects = s->second; StringSet::iterator ss; for(ss = sects.begin(); ss != sects.end(); ss++) { basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> line; line << QuoteIt(s->first) << TEXT(" = "); line << QuoteIt(*ss) << TEXT("\r\n"); Write(NewFilter,line.str()); } } }
return 0; }
bool GlobalScan::IsFileChanged(const SafeString & file) const { SafeString fnp = GetFileNamePart(file); //
// appears to have changed
return BuildUnchangedFiles.find(fnp) == BuildUnchangedFiles.end(); }
int GlobalScan::BuildDeviceInfMap() /*++
Routine Description:
Create a list of "hardwareId" = "file" to DeviceFilterList
Return Value: 0
--*/ { if(DeviceFilterList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } StringToStringset::iterator i; for(i = GlobalInfHardwareIds.begin(); i != GlobalInfHardwareIds.end(); i++) { const SafeString &hwid = i->first; StringSet &s = i->second; Write(DeviceFilterList,QuoteIt(hwid));
bool f = false; StringSet::iterator ii;
// report all INF's hwid appears in
for(ii = s.begin(); ii != s.end(); ii++) { SafeString & str = *ii;
if(f) { Write(DeviceFilterList,","); } else { Write(DeviceFilterList," = "); f = true; } Write(DeviceFilterList,QuoteIt(*ii)); }
} return 0;
int GlobalScan::LoadListFromFile(const SafeStringA & file,StringList & list) /*++
Routine Description:
Load a list of strings from a text file (ANSI filename)
file - name of file to load list - returned list of strings
Return Value: 0
--*/ { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(file.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading\n",file.c_str()); return 3; } int res = LoadListFromFile(hFile,list); CloseHandle(hFile); if(res!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Failure reading file \"%s\"\n",file.c_str()); } return res; }
int GlobalScan::LoadListFromFile(const SafeStringW & file,StringList & list) /*++
Routine Description:
Load a list of strings from a text file (Unicode filename)
file - name of file to load list - returned list of strings
Return Value: 0
--*/ { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(file.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Cannot open file \"%S\" for reading\n",file.c_str()); return 3; } int res = LoadListFromFile(hFile,list); CloseHandle(hFile); if(res!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"#*** Failure reading file \"%S\"\n",file.c_str()); } return res; }
int GlobalScan::LoadListFromFile(HANDLE hFile,StringList & list) /*++
Routine Description:
Load a list of strings from a text file (handle)
file - name of file to load list - returned list of strings
Return Value: 0
--*/ { DWORD sz = GetFileSize(hFile,NULL); if(sz == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { return 3; } if(sz==0) { //
// nothing to read
return 0; } LPSTR buffer = new CHAR[sz+1]; DWORD actsz; if(!ReadFile(hFile,buffer,sz,&actsz,NULL)) { delete [] buffer; return 3; } buffer[actsz] = 0; while(actsz>0 && buffer[actsz-1] == ('Z'-'@')) { actsz--; buffer[actsz] = 0; } LPSTR linestart = buffer;
while(*linestart) { LPSTR lineend = strchr(linestart,'\n'); if(lineend==NULL) { lineend += strlen(linestart); } else if(lineend == linestart) { linestart = lineend+1; continue; } else { if(lineend[-1] == '\r') { lineend[-1] = '\0'; } if(*lineend) { *lineend = '\0'; lineend++; } } _strlwr(linestart); list.push_back(ConvertString(linestart)); linestart = lineend; } delete [] buffer; return 0; }