Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module contains security-related utility routines.
GetUserSid GetInteractiveSid
IsClientLocal IsClientUsingLocalConsole IsClientInteractive
James G. Cavalaris (jamesca) 31-Jan-2002
User-mode only.
Revision History:
31-Jan-2002 Jim Cavalaris (jamesca)
Creation and initial implementation.
// includes
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "umpnpi.h"
#include "umpnpdat.h"
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4214)
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#include <winsta.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <syslib.h>
PSID GetUserSid( IN HANDLE hUserToken )
Routine Description:
Retrieves the corresponding user SID for the specified user access token.
hUserToken -
Specifies a handle to a user access token.
Return Value:
If successful, returns a pointer to an allocated buffer containing the SID for the specified user access token. Otherwise, returns NULL.
If successful, it is responsibility of the caller to free the the returned buffer from the ghPnPHeap with HeapFree.
{ BOOL bResult; DWORD cbBuffer, cbRequired; PTOKEN_USER pUserInfo = NULL; PSID pUserSid = NULL;
// Determine the size of buffer we need to store the TOKEN_USER information
// for the supplied user access token. The TOKEN_USER structure contains
// the SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES information for the User.
cbBuffer = 0;
bResult = GetTokenInformation( hUserToken, TokenUser, NULL, cbBuffer, &cbRequired);
ASSERT(bResult == FALSE);
if (bResult) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto Clean0; } else if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto Clean0; }
ASSERT(cbRequired > 0);
// Allocate a buffer for the TOKEN_USER data.
cbBuffer = cbRequired;
pUserInfo = (PTOKEN_USER)HeapAlloc( ghPnPHeap, 0, cbBuffer);
if (pUserInfo == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto Clean0; }
// Retrieve the TOKEN_USER data.
bResult = GetTokenInformation( hUserToken, TokenUser, pUserInfo, cbBuffer, &cbRequired);
if (!bResult) { goto Clean0; }
ASSERT(pUserInfo->User.Sid != NULL);
// Check that the returned SID is valid.
// Note - calling GetLastError is not valid for IsValidSid!
if (!IsValidSid(pUserInfo->User.Sid)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto Clean0; }
// Make a copy of the User SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.
cbBuffer = GetLengthSid(pUserInfo->User.Sid);
ASSERT(cbBuffer > 0);
pUserSid = (PSID)HeapAlloc( ghPnPHeap, 0, cbBuffer);
if (pUserSid == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto Clean0; }
bResult = CopySid( cbBuffer, pUserSid, pUserInfo->User.Sid);
if (!bResult) { HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pUserSid); pUserSid = NULL; goto Clean0; }
// Check that the returned SID is valid.
// Note - calling GetLastError is not valid for IsValidSid!
if (!IsValidSid(pUserSid)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pUserSid); pUserSid = NULL; goto Clean0; }
if (pUserInfo != NULL) { HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pUserInfo); }
return pUserSid;
} // GetUserSid
PSID GetInteractiveSid( VOID )
Routine Description:
Retrieves the Interactive Group SID.
Return Value:
If successful, returns a pointer to an allocated buffer containing the SID for the Interactive Group. Otherwise, returns NULL.
If successful, it is responsibility of the caller to free the the returned buffer from the ghPnPHeap with HeapFree.
// Create the Interactive Group SID
bResult = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 1, SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pInteractiveSid);
if (!bResult) { goto Clean0; }
ASSERT(pInteractiveSid != NULL);
// Check that the returned SID is valid.
// Note - calling GetLastError is not valid for IsValidSid!
if (!IsValidSid(pInteractiveSid)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto Clean0; }
// Make a copy of the Interactive Group SID.
cbBuffer = GetLengthSid(pInteractiveSid);
ASSERT(cbBuffer > 0);
pSid = (PSID)HeapAlloc( ghPnPHeap, 0, cbBuffer);
if (pSid == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto Clean0; }
bResult = CopySid( cbBuffer, pSid, pInteractiveSid);
if (!bResult) { HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pSid); pSid = NULL; goto Clean0; }
// Check that the returned SID is valid.
// Note - calling GetLastError is not valid for IsValidSid!
if (!IsValidSid(pSid)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pSid); pSid = NULL; goto Clean0; }
if (pInteractiveSid != NULL) { FreeSid(pInteractiveSid); }
return pSid;
} // GetInteractiveSid
// RPC client attributes and group membership routines
BOOL IsClientLocal( IN handle_t hBinding )
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the client associated with hBinding is on the local machine.
hBinding RPC Binding handle
Return value:
The return value is TRUE if the client is local to this machine, FALSE if not or if an error occurs.
{ RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; UINT ClientLocalFlag;
// If the specified RPC binding handle is NULL, this is an internal call so
// we assume that the privilege has already been checked.
if (hBinding == NULL) { return TRUE; }
// Retrieve the ClientLocalFlags from the RPC binding handle.
RpcStatus = I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal( hBinding, &ClientLocalFlag);
if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal failed, RpcStatus=%d\n", RpcStatus)); return FALSE; }
// If the ClientLocalFlag is not zero, RPC client is local to server.
if (ClientLocalFlag != 0) { return TRUE; }
// Client is not local to this server.
return FALSE;
} // IsClientLocal
BOOL IsClientUsingLocalConsole( IN handle_t hBinding )
Routine Description:
This routine impersonates the client associated with hBinding and checks if the client is using the current active console session.
hBinding RPC Binding handle
Return value:
The return value is TRUE if the client is using the current active console session, FALSE if not or if an error occurs.
{ RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// First, make sure the client is local to the server.
if (!IsClientLocal(hBinding)) { return FALSE; }
// Impersonate the client to retrieve the impersonation token.
rpcStatus = RpcImpersonateClient(hBinding);
if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: RpcImpersonateClient failed, error = %d\n", rpcStatus)); return FALSE; }
// Compare the client's session with the currently active Console session.
if (GetClientLogonId() == GetActiveConsoleSessionId()) { bResult = TRUE; }
rpcStatus = RpcRevertToSelf();
if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: RpcRevertToSelf failed, error = %d\n", rpcStatus)); ASSERT(rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK); }
return bResult;
} // IsClientUsingLocalConsole
BOOL IsClientInteractive( IN handle_t hBinding )
Routine Description:
This routine impersonates the client associated with hBinding and checks if the client is a member of the INTERACTIVE well-known group.
hBinding RPC Binding handle
Return value:
The return value is TRUE if the client is interactive, FALSE if not or if an error occurs.
{ RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; BOOL bIsMember; HANDLE hToken; PSID pInteractiveSid; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// First, make sure the client is local to the server.
if (!IsClientLocal(hBinding)) { return FALSE; }
// If the specified RPC binding handle is NULL, this is an internal call so
// we assume that the privilege has already been checked.
if (hBinding == NULL) { return TRUE; }
// Retrieve the Interactive Group SID
pInteractiveSid = GetInteractiveSid();
if (pInteractiveSid == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// Impersonate the client to retrieve the impersonation token.
rpcStatus = RpcImpersonateClient(hBinding);
if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: RpcImpersonateClient failed, error = %d\n", rpcStatus)); HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pInteractiveSid); return FALSE; }
if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hToken)) {
if (CheckTokenMembership(hToken, pInteractiveSid, &bIsMember)) { if (bIsMember) { bResult = TRUE; } } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: CheckTokenMembership failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError())); } CloseHandle(hToken);
} else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: OpenThreadToken failed, error = %d\n", GetLastError())); }
HeapFree(ghPnPHeap, 0, pInteractiveSid);
rpcStatus = RpcRevertToSelf();
if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_PNPMGR_ID, DBGF_ERRORS, "UMPNPMGR: RpcRevertToSelf failed, error = %d\n", rpcStatus)); ASSERT(rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK); }
return bResult;
} // IsClientInteractive