Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains: ScCheckServiceConfigParms
John Rogers (JohnRo) 14-Apr-1992
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
14-Apr-1992 JohnRo Created. 20-May-1992 JohnRo Use CONST where possible. 09-Dec-1996 AnirudhS Added SC_LOG printouts to help diagnose the annoying ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER and ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNT return codes.
#include <scpragma.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h> // Needed by <scdebug.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // wcsicmp
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h> // GetCurrentThreadId, for SC_LOG
#include <scdebug.h> // SC_ASSERT().
#include <sclib.h> // My prototype.
#include <valid.h> // ERROR_CONTROL_INVALID(), SERVICE_TYPE_INVALID(), etc.
#include <winerror.h> // NO_ERROR and ERROR_ equates.
#include <winsvc.h> // SERVICE_ equates.
DWORD ScCheckServiceConfigParms( IN BOOL Change, IN LPCWSTR lpServiceName, IN DWORD dwActualServiceType, IN DWORD dwNewServiceType, IN DWORD dwStartType, IN DWORD dwErrorControl, IN LPCWSTR lpBinaryPathName OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR lpLoadOrderGroup OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR lpDependencies OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwDependSize )
Routine Description:
This routine checks parameters for a CreateService() or a ChangeServiceConfig() API.
Change - TRUE if this is the result of a ChangeServiceConfig API. (This flag is used to determine whether other parameters may be SERVICE_NO_CHANGE or NULL pointers.)
dwActualServiceType - For ChangeServiceConfig, contains the current service type associated with this service. Otherwise, this is the same value as dwNewServiceType.
dwNewServiceType - SERVICE_NO_CHANGE or the service type given by app.
(Other parameters same as CreateService and ChangeServiceConfig APIs.)
Return Value:
NO_ERROR or error code.
{ DWORD dwFinalServiceType;
#define PARM_MISSING( ws ) ( ((ws)==NULL) || ((*(ws)) == L'\0') )
if ( !Change ) {
// Almost all fields must be present for creating a service.
// (Exceptions are dependencies and password.)
if ( (dwNewServiceType == SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) || (dwStartType == SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) || (dwErrorControl == SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) || PARM_MISSING(lpBinaryPathName) ) {
SC_LOG0(ERROR, "ServiceType, StartType, ErrorControl or BinPath missing\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
} }
// Validate actual and desired service types.
if (dwNewServiceType != SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) { if ( SERVICE_TYPE_INVALID( dwNewServiceType ) ) { SC_LOG0(ERROR, "ServiceType invalid\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Not allowed to change the service type from Win32 to Driver
// or Driver to Win32.
if ( ((dwNewServiceType & SERVICE_DRIVER) && (dwActualServiceType & SERVICE_WIN32)) || ((dwNewServiceType & SERVICE_WIN32) && (dwActualServiceType & SERVICE_DRIVER)) ) { SC_LOG0(ERROR, "Can't change service type between Win32 and Driver\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } if (dwActualServiceType == SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) { SC_LOG0(ERROR, "Current ServiceType missing\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Validate start type (if that was given).
if (dwStartType != SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) {
if ( START_TYPE_INVALID( dwStartType ) ) { SC_LOG0(ERROR, "StartType invalid\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// A boot-start or system-start service must be a driver
if (dwStartType == SERVICE_BOOT_START || dwStartType == SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) {
if (dwNewServiceType == SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) {
if (dwActualServiceType != SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER && dwActualServiceType != SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER) {
SC_LOG0(ERROR, "StartType is boot or system but service is not a driver\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } else { if (dwNewServiceType != SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER && dwNewServiceType != SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER) {
SC_LOG0(ERROR, "StartType is boot or system but ServiceType is not driver\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } } }
// Validate error control...
if (dwErrorControl != SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) { if ( ERROR_CONTROL_INVALID( dwErrorControl ) ) { SC_LOG0(ERROR, "ErrorControl invalid\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } }
// Path type depends on final service type.
if (dwNewServiceType == SERVICE_NO_CHANGE) { dwFinalServiceType = dwActualServiceType; } else { dwFinalServiceType = dwNewServiceType; } SC_ASSERT( dwFinalServiceType != SERVICE_NO_CHANGE );
// Validate binary path name.
if (lpBinaryPathName != NULL) {
// Check path name syntax and make sure it matches service type.
// Path type depends on final service type.
if ( !ScIsValidImagePath( lpBinaryPathName, dwFinalServiceType ) ) { SC_LOG0(ERROR, "ImagePath invalid for this service type\n"); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } }
// Check for trivial cases of circular dependencies:
// 1) Service is dependent on itself
// 2) Service is dependent on a group it is a member of
LPWSTR DependPtr = (LPWSTR) lpDependencies;
if (DependPtr != NULL && (*DependPtr != L'\0')) { DWORD dwError = ScValidateMultiSZ(DependPtr, dwDependSize);
if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { SC_LOG(ERROR, "ScCheckServiceConfigParms: Invalid dependencies %d\n", dwError);
return dwError; }
while (*DependPtr != 0) {
if (*DependPtr == SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIERW) {
if ((lpLoadOrderGroup != NULL) && (*lpLoadOrderGroup != 0)) {
if (_wcsicmp(DependPtr + 1, lpLoadOrderGroup) == 0) {
// Service depends on the group it is in
SC_LOG0(ERROR, "Service depends on the group it is in\n"); return (ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY); } } } else {
if (_wcsicmp(DependPtr, lpServiceName) == 0) {
// Service depends on itself
SC_LOG0(ERROR, "Service depends on itself\n"); return (ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY); } }
DependPtr += (wcslen(DependPtr) + 1); } }
// Start name is checked and canonicalized in ScValidateAndSaveAccount
// if service type is Win32. If service type is driver, it's up to
// the I/O system to validate the driver name (it can be NULL and the
// I/O system will use the default driver name).
return (NO_ERROR); }