Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api for interpretting ACPI data structures Supports rsdt, fadt, facs, mapic, gbl and inf
Ported to 64 bit by Graham Laverty (t-gralav) 10-Mar-2000
Based on Code by: Stephane Plante (splante) 21-Mar-1997 Peter Wieland (peterwie) 16-Oct-1995 Ken Reneris (kenr) 06-June-1994
User Mode.
Revision History:
Ported to 64 bit by Graham Laverty (t-gralav) 10-Mar-2000
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop // Needed ? (what does it do?)
// Verbose flags (for device extensions)
#define VERBOSE_1 0x01
#define VERBOSE_2 0x02
// These need to be converted to enums in the ACPI Driver
#define DATAF_BUFF_ALIAS 0x00000001
#define DATAF_GLOBAL_LOCK 0x00000002
#define OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN 0x00
#define OBJTYPE_INTDATA 0x01
#define OBJTYPE_STRDATA 0x02
#define OBJTYPE_PKGDATA 0x04
#define OBJTYPE_DEVICE 0x06
#define OBJTYPE_EVENT 0x07
#define OBJTYPE_METHOD 0x08
#define OBJTYPE_MUTEX 0x09
#define OBJTYPE_DEBUG 0x10
// definition of FADT.flags bits
// this one bit flag indicates whether or not the WBINVD instruction works properly,if this bit is not set we can not use S2, S3 states, or
// C3 on MP machines
// this flag indicates if wbinvd works EXCEPT that it does not invalidate the cache
// this flag indicates that the C1 state is supported on all processors.
// this one bit flag indicates whether support for the C2 state is restricted to uniprocessor machines
#define P_LVL2_UP_ONLY_BIT 3
#define P_LVL2_UP_ONLY (1 << P_LVL2_UP_ONLY_BIT)
// this bit indicates whether the PWR button is treated as a fix feature (0) or a generic feature (1)
// this bit indicates whether the RTC wakeup status is reported in fix register space (0) or not (1)
#define RTC_WAKE_FROM_S4_BIT 7
// This bit indicates whether the machine implements a 24 or 32 bit timer.
#define TMR_VAL_EXT_BIT 8
#define TMR_VAL_EXT (1 << TMR_VAL_EXT_BIT)
// This bit indicates whether the machine supports docking
#define DCK_CAP_BIT 9
#define DCK_CAP (1 << DCK_CAP_BIT)
// This bit indicates whether the machine supports reset
#define RESET_CAP_BIT 10
#define RESET_CAP (1 << RESET_CAP_BIT)
#define CPU_SW_SLP_BIT 13
#define CPU_SW_SLP (1 << CPU_SW_SLP_BIT)
// Definition of FADT.boot_arch flags
#define I8042 2
// Verbose flags (for contexts)
#define VERBOSE_CONTEXT 0x01
#define VERBOSE_CALL 0x02
#define VERBOSE_HEAP 0x04
#define VERBOSE_OBJECT 0x08
#define VERBOSE_NSOBJ 0x10
#define VERBOSE_RECURSE 0x20
UCHAR Buffer[2048]; #define RSDP_SIGNATURE 0x2052545020445352 // "RSD PTR "
#define RSDT_SIGNATURE 0x54445352 // "RSDT"
#define FADT_SIGNATURE 0x50434146 // "FACP"
#define FACS_SIGNATURE 0x53434146 // "FACS"
#define APIC_SIGNATURE 0x43495041 // "APIC"
#define SRAT_SIGNATURE 0x54415253 // "SRAT"
#ifndef NEC_98
#define RSDP_SEARCH_RANGE_BEGIN 0xE0000 // physical address where we begin searching for the RSDP
#else // NEC_98
#define RSDP_SEARCH_RANGE_BEGIN 0xE8000 // physical address where we begin searching for the RSDP
#endif // NEC_98
#define RSDP_SEARCH_INTERVAL 16 // search on 16 byte boundaries
// FACS Stuff ************************************************************************************
// FACS Flags definitions
#define FACS_S4BIOS_SUPPORTED_BIT 0 // flag indicates whether or not the BIOS will save/restore memory around S4
// FACS.GlobalLock bit field definitions
#define GL_PENDING_BIT 0x00
#define GL_OWNER_BIT 0x01
#define GL_OWNER (1 << GL_OWNER_BIT)
// MAPIC Stuff ************************************************************************************
// Multiple APIC description table
// Multiple APIC structure flags
#define PCAT_COMPAT_BIT 0 // indicates that the system also has a dual 8259 pic setup.
// APIC Structure Types
#define IO_APIC 1
#define IO_NMI_SOURCE 3
#define IO_SAPIC 6
#define LOCAL_SAPIC 7
#define IO_APIC_LENGTH 12
#define IO_SAPIC_LENGTH 16
// Platform Interrupt Types
// Processor Local APIC Flags
// These defines come from the MPS 1.4 spec, section 4.3.4 and they are referenced as
// such in the ACPI spec.
#define PO_BITS 3
#define POLARITY_LOW 3
#define EL_BITS 0xc
#define EL_BIT_SHIFT 2
#define FADT_REV_1_SIZE 116
#define FADT_REV_2_SIZE 129
#define FADT_REV_3_SIZE 244
// SRAT Stuff
// GBL Stuff ************************************************************************************
// This structure lets us know the state of one entry in the RSDT
// INF Stuff ************************************************************************************
// descriptions of bits in ACPIInformation.ACPI_Flags
#define C2_SUPPORTED_BIT 3
#define C3_SUPPORTED_BIT 4
#define C3_PREFERRED_BIT 5
// descriptions of bits in ACPIInformation.ACPI_Capabilities
#define CSTATE_C1_BIT 4
#define CSTATE_C1 (1 << CSTATE_C1_BIT)
#define CSTATE_C2_BIT 5
#define CSTATE_C2 (1 << CSTATE_C2_BIT)
#define CSTATE_C3_BIT 6
#define CSTATE_C3 (1 << CSTATE_C3_BIT)
#define DUMP_FLAG_NO_INDENT 0x000001
#define DUMP_FLAG_NO_EOL 0x000002
#define DUMP_FLAG_SINGLE_LINE 0x000004
#define DUMP_FLAG_TABLE 0x000008
#define DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME 0x000010
#define DUMP_FLAG_SHORT_NAME 0x000020
#define DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT 0x000040
typedef struct _FLAG_RECORD { ULONGLONG Bit; PCCHAR ShortName; PCCHAR LongName; PCCHAR NotShortName; PCCHAR NotLongName; } FLAG_RECORD, *PFLAG_RECORD;
FLAG_RECORD PM1ControlFlags[] = { { 0x0001, "", "SCI_EN" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0002, "", "BM_RLD" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0004, "", "GBL_RLS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0400, "", "SLP_TYP0" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0800, "", "SLP_TYP1" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x1000, "", "SLP_TYP2" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x2000, "", "SLP_EN" , NULL, NULL }, };
FLAG_RECORD PM1StatusFlags[] = { { 0x0001, "", "TMR_STS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0010, "", "BM_STS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0020, "", "GBL_STS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0100, "", "PWRBTN_STS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0200, "", "SLPBTN_STS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0400, "", "RTC_STS" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x8000, "", "WAK_STS" , NULL, NULL }, };
FLAG_RECORD PM1EnableFlags[] = { { 0x0001, "", "TMR_EN" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0020, "", "GBL_EN" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0100, "", "PWRBTN_EN" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0200, "", "SLPBTN_EN" , NULL, NULL }, { 0x0400, "", "RTC_EN" , NULL, NULL }, };
ULONG64 AcpiRsdtAddress = 0; ULONG64 AcpiFadtAddress = 0; ULONG64 AcpiFacsAddress = 0; ULONG64 AcpiMapicAddress = 0;
// Local Function Prototypes
VOID dumpNSObject(IN ULONG64 Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel);
// Actual code
BOOL ReadPhysicalOrVirtual( IN ULONG64 Address, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Size, IN OUT PULONG ReturnLength, IN BOOL Virtual ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a way to abstract out the differences between ROM images and mapped memory
Address - Where (either physical, or virtual) the buffer is located Buffer - Address of where to copy the memory to Size - How many bytes to copy (maximum) ReturnLength - How many bytes where copied Virtual - False if this is physical memory
--*/ { BOOL status = TRUE; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS physicalAddress = { 0L, 0L };
if (Virtual) {
status = ReadMemory( Address, Buffer, Size, ReturnLength );
} else {
physicalAddress.QuadPart = Address; ReadPhysical( physicalAddress.QuadPart, Buffer, Size, ReturnLength );
if (ReturnLength && *ReturnLength != Size) {
// Didn't get enough memory
status = FALSE;
} return status; }
ULONG64 GetPointerFromAddressPhysicalOrVirtual( IN ULONG64 Address, IN BOOL Virtual ) { ULONG answer32 = 0; ULONG64 answer64 = 0; ULONG size; ULONG returnLength; BOOL status;
size = GetTypeSize("hal!ULONG_PTR");
if (size == 4) { status = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual(Address, &answer32, size, &returnLength, Virtual); answer64 = (ULONG64) answer32; } else { status = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual(Address, &answer64, size, &returnLength, Virtual); }
if ((status == FALSE) || (returnLength != size)) { return 0; }
return answer64; }
BOOLEAN findRSDT( IN PULONG64 Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This searchs the memory on the target system for the RSDT pointer
Address - Where to store the result
Return Value:
TRUE - If we found the RSDT
--*/ { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS address = { 0L, 0L }; UCHAR index; UCHAR sum; ULONG64 limit; ULONG returnLength = 0; ULONG64 start, initAddress; ULONGLONG compSignature; ULONG addr; int siz;
// Calculate the start and end of the search range
dprintf( "Searching for RSDP.");
// Loop for a while
for (; start <= limit; start += RSDP_SEARCH_INTERVAL) {
if (start % (RSDP_SEARCH_INTERVAL * 100 ) == 0) {
dprintf("."); if (CheckControlC()) { return FALSE; }
} //
// Read the data from the target
address.LowPart = (ULONG) start;
memset( Buffer, 0, GetTypeSize("hal!_RSDT_32") ); ReadPhysical( address.QuadPart, &Buffer, GetTypeSize("hal!_RSDP"), &returnLength);
if (returnLength != GetTypeSize("hal!_RSDP")) {
dprintf( "%#08lx: Read %#08lx of %#08lx bytes\n", start, returnLength, GetTypeSize("hal!_RSDP") ); return FALSE;
// Is this a match?
initAddress = InitTypeReadPhysical( address.QuadPart, hal!_RSDP );
if ( ReadField(Signature) != RSDP_SIGNATURE) {
// Check the checksum out
for (index = 0, sum = 0; index < GetTypeSize("hal!_RSDP"); index++) {
sum = (UCHAR) (sum + *( (UCHAR *) ( (ULONG64) &Buffer + index ) ) );
} if (sum != 0) {
// Found RSDP
dprintf("\nRSDP - %016I64x\n", start );
initAddress = InitTypeReadPhysical( address.QuadPart, hal!_RSDP ); // The following error message has been remarked out because the FIRST call to
// a InitTypeReadPhysical does NOT access the memory (and returns error 0x01:
// MEMORY_READ_ERROR. This is done when ReadField happens, so IT STILL WORKS.
// The false error message is a kd bug, and will be fixed in a later build.
// Once this has been done, feel free to unremark it.
// if (initAddress) {
// dprintf("Failed to initialize hal!_RSDP. Error code: %d.", initAddress);
// }
initAddress = ReadField(Signature); memset( Buffer, 0, 2048 ); memcpy( Buffer, &initAddress, GetTypeSize("ULONGLONG") ); dprintf(" Signature: %s\n", Buffer ); dprintf(" Checksum: %#03x\n", (UCHAR) ReadField(Checksum) );
initAddress = ReadField(OEMID); GetFieldOffset( "hal!_RSDP", "OEMID", &addr); memset( Buffer, 0, GetTypeSize("ULONGLONG") ); ReadPhysical( (address.QuadPart + (ULONG64) addr), &Buffer, 6, &returnLength); if (returnLength != 6) { // 6 is hard-coded in the specs
dprintf( "%#08lx: Read %#08lx of 6 bytes in OEMID\n", (address.QuadPart + (ULONG64)addr), returnLength ); return FALSE; } dprintf(" OEMID: %s\n", Buffer ); dprintf(" Reserved: %#02x\n", ReadField(Reserved) ); dprintf(" RsdtAddress: %016I64x\n", ReadField(RsdtAddress) );
// Done
*Address = ReadField(RsdtAddress);//rsdp.RsdtAddress;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
PUCHAR ReadPhysVirField( IN ULONG64 Address, IN PUCHAR StructName, IN PUCHAR FieldName, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN Physical ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function returns a text string field from physical or virtual memory into Buffer, then returns Buffer
Address - Where the table is located StructName - Structure name FieldName - Field name Length - Length (number of characters) in field Physical - Read from Physical (TRUE) or Virtual Memory
Return Value:
String containing contents
{ ULONG addr; ULONG returnLength; memset( Buffer, 0, Length + 1); GetFieldOffset( StructName, FieldName, &addr); if (Physical) { ReadPhysical( (Address + (ULONG64) addr), &Buffer, Length, &returnLength); } else { ReadMemory( (Address + (ULONG64) addr), &Buffer, Length, &returnLength); } return Buffer; }
VOID dumpHeader( IN ULONG64 Address, IN BOOLEAN Verbose, IN BOOLEAN Physical ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function dumps out a table header
Address - Where the table is located Header - The table header Verbose - How much information to give
Return Value:
--*/ { if (Physical) { InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); }
if (Verbose) {
dprintf( "HEADER - %016I64x\n" " Signature: %s\n" " Length: 0x%08lx\n" " Revision: 0x%02x\n" " Checksum: 0x%02x\n", Address, ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "Signature", sizeof(ULONG), Physical), (ULONG) ReadField(Length), (UCHAR) ReadField(Revision), (UCHAR) ReadField(Checksum) );
dprintf(" OEMID: %s\n", ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMID", 6, Physical) ); dprintf(" OEMTableID: %s\n", ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMTableID", 8, Physical) ); dprintf(" OEMRevision: 0x%08lx\n", ReadField(OEMRevision) ); dprintf(" CreatorID: %s\n", ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "CreatorID", 4, Physical) ); dprintf(" CreatorRev: 0x%08lx\n", ReadField(CreatorRev) );
} else {
dprintf( " %s @(%016I64x) Rev: %#03x Len: %#08lx", ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "Signature", sizeof(ULONG64), Physical), Address, (UCHAR) ReadField(Revision), (ULONG) ReadField(Length) ); dprintf(" TableID: %s\n", ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMTableID", 8, Physical) ); } return; }
VOID dumpRSDT( IN ULONG64 Address, IN BOOLEAN Physical ) /*++
Routine Description:
This search the dumps the RSDT table
Pointer to the table
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL status; ULONG64 index; ULONG64 numEntries; ULONG addr; ULONG returnLength = 0; ULONG64 a;
dprintf("RSDT - ");
if (Physical) { // The following do NOT have their status read as a bug in the return value would give us errors when none exist. The signature check would catch them, anyway.
InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); }
if (ReadField(Signature) != RSDT_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "dumpRSDT: Invalid Signature 0x%08lx != RSDT_SIGNATURE\n", ReadField(Signature) ); dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, Physical ); return; }
dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, Physical ); dprintf("RSDT - BODY - %016I64x\n", Address + GetTypeSize("hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER") ); numEntries = ( ReadField(Length) - GetTypeSize("hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER") ) / sizeof(ULONG); GetFieldOffset( "hal!_RSDT_32", "Tables", &addr);
for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
// Note: unless things radically change, the pointers in the
// rsdt will always point to bios memory!
if (Physical) { ReadPhysical(Address + index + (ULONG64) addr, &a, 4, &returnLength); } else { ReadPointer(Address + index + (ULONG64) addr, &a); } dumpHeader( a, FALSE, TRUE ); }
return; }
VOID dumpFADT( IN ULONG64 Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps the FADT at the specified address
The address where the FADT is located at
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG fadtLength; ULONG addr; ULONG flags; UCHAR Revision; UCHAR AddressSpaceID; ULONG64 reset_reg_addr; PCHAR addressSpace; BOOLEAN Physical = FALSE;
// First check to see if we find the correct things
dprintf("FADT -- %p", Address);
if (Physical) { InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); }
if (ReadField(Signature) != FADT_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "dumpRSDT: Invalid Signature 0x%08lx != FADT_SIGNATURE\n", ReadField(Signature) ); dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, Physical ); return; }
Revision = (UCHAR)ReadField(Revision);
if (Revision == 1) { fadtLength = FADT_REV_1_SIZE; } else if (Revision == 2) { fadtLength = FADT_REV_2_SIZE; } else if (Revision == 3) { fadtLength = FADT_REV_3_SIZE; } else { dprintf("FADT revision is %d, which is not understood by this debugger\n", Revision); fadtLength = FADT_REV_3_SIZE; }
// Do we have a correctly sized data structure
if ((ULONG) ReadField(Length) < fadtLength) {
dprintf( "dumpFADT: (%016I64x) Length (%#08lx) is not the size of the FADT (%#08lx)\n", Address, (ULONG) ReadField(Length), fadtLength ); dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, Physical ); return;
// Dump the table
dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, Physical );
if (Physical) { // Physical/Virtual should have been established above
InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_FADT); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_FADT); }
dprintf( "FADT - BODY - %016I64x\n" " FACS: 0x%08lx\n" " DSDT: 0x%08lx\n" " Int Model: %s\n" " SCI Vector: 0x%03x\n" " SMI Port: 0x%08lx\n" " ACPI On Value: 0x%03x\n" " ACPI Off Value: 0x%03x\n" " SMI CMD For S4 State: 0x%03x\n" " PM1A Event Block: 0x%08lx\n" " PM1B Event Block: 0x%08lx\n" " PM1 Event Length: 0x%03x\n" " PM1A Control Block: 0x%08lx\n" " PM1B Control Block: 0x%08lx\n" " PM1 Control Length: 0x%03x\n" " PM2 Control Block: 0x%08lx\n" " PM2 Control Length: 0x%03x\n" " PM Timer Block: 0x%08lx\n" " PM Timer Length: 0x%03x\n" " GP0 Block: 0x%08lx\n" " GP0 Length: 0x%03x\n" " GP1 Block: 0x%08lx\n" " GP1 Length: 0x%08lx\n" " GP1 Base: 0x%08lx\n" " C2 Latency: 0x%05lx\n" " C3 Latency: 0x%05lx\n" " Memory Flush Size: 0x%05lx\n" " Memory Flush Stride: 0x%05lx\n" " Duty Cycle Index: 0x%03x\n" " Duty Cycle Index Width: 0x%03x\n" " Day Alarm Index: 0x%03x\n" " Month Alarm Index: 0x%03x\n" " Century byte (CMOS): 0x%03x\n" " Boot Architecture: 0x%04x\n" " Flags: 0x%08lx\n", Address + GetTypeSize("hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER"), (ULONG) ReadField(facs), (ULONG) ReadField(dsdt), (ReadField(int_model) == 0 ? "Dual PIC" : "Multiple APIC" ), (USHORT) ReadField(sci_int_vector), (ULONG) ReadField(smi_cmd_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(acpi_on_value), (UCHAR) ReadField(acpi_off_value), (UCHAR) ReadField(s4bios_req), (ULONG) ReadField(pm1a_evt_blk_io_port), (ULONG) ReadField(pm1b_evt_blk_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(pm1_evt_len), (ULONG) ReadField(pm1a_ctrl_blk_io_port), (ULONG) ReadField(pm1b_ctrl_blk_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(pm1_ctrl_len), (ULONG) ReadField(pm2_ctrl_blk_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(pm2_ctrl_len), (ULONG) ReadField(pm_tmr_blk_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(pm_tmr_len), (ULONG) ReadField(gp0_blk_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(gp0_blk_len), (ULONG) ReadField(gp1_blk_io_port), (UCHAR) ReadField(gp1_blk_len), (UCHAR) ReadField(gp1_base), (USHORT) ReadField(lvl2_latency), (USHORT) ReadField(lvl3_latency), #ifndef _IA64_ // XXTF
(USHORT) ReadField(flush_size), (USHORT) ReadField(flush_stride), (UCHAR) ReadField(duty_offset), (UCHAR) ReadField(duty_width), #endif
(UCHAR) ReadField(day_alarm_index), (UCHAR) ReadField(month_alarm_index), (UCHAR) ReadField(century_alarm_index), (USHORT) ReadField(boot_arch), (ULONG) ReadField(flags) ); flags = (ULONG) ReadField(flags); if (flags & WRITEBACKINVALIDATE_WORKS) {
dprintf(" Write Back Invalidate is supported\n");
dprintf(" Write Back Invalidate doesn't invalidate the caches\n");
} if (flags & SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_C1) {
dprintf(" System supports C1 Power state on all processors\n");
} if (flags & P_LVL2_UP_ONLY) {
dprintf(" System supports C2 in MP and UP configurations\n");
} if (flags & PWR_BUTTON_GENERIC) {
dprintf(" Power Button is treated as a generic feature\n");
} if (flags & SLEEP_BUTTON_GENERIC) {
dprintf(" Sleep Button is treated as a generic feature\n");
} if (flags & RTC_WAKE_GENERIC) {
dprintf(" RTC Wake is not supported in fixed register space\n");
} if (flags & RTC_WAKE_FROM_S4) {
dprintf(" RTC Wake can work from an S4 state\n");
} if (flags & TMR_VAL_EXT) {
dprintf(" TMR_VAL implemented as 32-bit value\n");
} if (Revision > 1) {
if (!(ReadField(boot_arch) & LEGACY_DEVICES)) {
dprintf(" The machine does not contain legacy ISA devices\n"); } if (!(ReadField(boot_arch) & I8042)) {
dprintf(" The machine does not contain a legacy i8042\n"); } if (flags & RESET_CAP) {
dprintf(" The reset register is supported\n"); dprintf(" Reset Val: %x\n", ReadField(reset_val));
GetFieldOffset("hal!_FADT", "reset_reg", &addr); GetFieldValue(Address + (ULONG64)addr, "hal!_GEN_ADDR", "AddressSpaceID", AddressSpaceID); switch (AddressSpaceID) { case 0: addressSpace = "Memory"; break; case 1: addressSpace = "I/O"; break; case 2: addressSpace = "PCIConfig"; break; default: addressSpace = "undefined"; } GetFieldOffset("hal!_GEN_ADDR", "Address", &addr); GetFieldValue(Address + (ULONG64)addr, "hal!_LARGE_INTEGER", "QuadPart", reset_reg_addr);
dprintf(" Reset register: %s - %016I64x\n", addressSpace, reset_reg_addr );
if (flags & DCK_CAP_BIT) { dprintf(" The machine has the docking capable attribute.\n"); }
if (flags & SEALED_CASE_CAP_BIT) { dprintf(" The machine has the sealed case system attribute.\n"); }
if (flags & HEADLESS_CAP_BIT) { dprintf(" The machine is reported has the sealed case system attribute.\n"); }
if (flags & CPU_SW_SLP_BIT) { dprintf(" The machine has the CPU_SW_SLP_BIT set.\n"); }
return; }
BOOL GetUlongPtr ( IN PCHAR String, IN PULONG64 Address ) { ULONG64 Location;
Location = GetExpression( String ); if (!Location) {
dprintf("Sorry: Unable to get %s.\n",String); return FALSE;
return ReadPointer(Location, Address); }
DECLARE_API( rsdt ) {
BOOLEAN Physical = FALSE; if (args != NULL) {
AcpiRsdtAddress = GetExpression( args ); // Should work
} if (AcpiRsdtAddress == 0) {
UINT64 status; // formerly BOOL
ULONG64 address;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address );
if (status == TRUE) { status = GetFieldValue(address,"ACPI!_ACPIInformation","RootSystemDescTable",AcpiRsdtAddress); }
} if (AcpiRsdtAddress == 0) {
if (!findRSDT( &AcpiRsdtAddress) ) {
dprintf("Could not locate the RSDT pointer\n"); return E_INVALIDARG;
} Physical = TRUE;
dumpRSDT( AcpiRsdtAddress, Physical ); return S_OK;
} DECLARE_API( fadt ) {
if (args != NULL && *args != '\0') {
AcpiFadtAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (AcpiFadtAddress == 0) { AcpiFadtAddress = GetExpression( "HAL!HalpFixedAcpiDescTable" ); }
if (AcpiFadtAddress == 0) {
dprintf("fadt <address>\n"); return E_INVALIDARG;
} dumpFADT( AcpiFadtAddress ); return S_OK;
VOID dumpFACS( IN ULONG64 Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps the FADT at the specified address
The address where the FADT is located at
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN Physical = FALSE;
// Read the data
dprintf("FACS - %016I64x\n", Address);
if (Physical) { InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_FACS); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_FACS); }
if (ReadField(Signature) != FACS_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "dumpFACS: Invalid Signature 0x%08lx != FACS_SIGNATURE\n", (ULONG) ReadField(Signature) ); return; }
// Dump the table
dprintf( " Signature: %s\n" " Length: %#08lx\n" " Hardware Signature: %#08lx\n" " Firmware Wake Vector: %#08lx\n" " Global Lock : %#08lx\n", ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_FACS", "Signature", sizeof(ULONG), Physical), ReadField(Length), ReadField(HardwareSignature), ReadField(pFirmwareWakingVector), ReadField(GlobalLock) );
if ( (ReadField(GlobalLock) & GL_PENDING) ) {
dprintf(" Request for Ownership Pending\n");
} if ( (ReadField(GlobalLock) & GL_OWNER) ) {
dprintf(" Global Lock is Owned\n");
} dprintf(" Flags: %#08lx\n", (ULONG) ReadField(Flags) ); if ( (ReadField(Flags) & FACS_S4BIOS_SUPPORTED) ) {
dprintf(" S4BIOS_REQ Supported\n");
} return; }
DECLARE_API( facs ) {
if (args != NULL) {
AcpiFacsAddress = GetExpression( args ); }
if (AcpiFacsAddress == 0) {
BOOL status; UINT64 address;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == TRUE) { status = GetFieldValue(address,"ACPI!_ACPIInformation","FirmwareACPIControlStructure",AcpiFacsAddress); } }
if (AcpiFacsAddress == 0) {
dprintf("facs <address>\n"); return E_INVALIDARG;
dumpFACS( AcpiFacsAddress ); return S_OK;
} // ReturnXxx Functions - these are just a few functions I wrote that simplify
// dealing with certain types of Symbols
UCHAR ReturnUCHAR( IN ULONG64 Address, IN PUCHAR StructName, IN PUCHAR FieldName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return char using GetFieldValue --*/ { UCHAR returnChar;
if (GetFieldValue(Address, StructName, FieldName, returnChar)){
// Failed. try just the base symbols name before giving up
for(i=strlen(StructName); i > 0 && StructName[i] != '!'; i--); i++; symName = StructName + i;
// Try again
GetFieldValue(Address, symName, FieldName, returnChar);
} return returnChar; }
ULONG ReturnUSHORT( IN ULONG64 Address, IN PUCHAR StructName, IN PUCHAR FieldName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return USHORT using GetFieldValue --*/ { USHORT returnUSHORT;
if (GetFieldValue(Address, StructName, FieldName, returnUSHORT)){
// Failed. try just the base symbols name before giving up
for(i=strlen(StructName); i > 0 && StructName[i] != '!'; i--); i++; symName = StructName + i;
// Try again
GetFieldValue(Address, symName, FieldName, returnUSHORT);
} return returnUSHORT; }
ULONG ReturnULONG( IN ULONG64 Address, IN PUCHAR StructName, IN PUCHAR FieldName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return ULONG using GetFieldValue --*/ { ULONG returnULONG;
if (GetFieldValue(Address, StructName, FieldName, returnULONG)){
// Failed. try just the base symbols name before giving up
for(i=strlen(StructName); i > 0 && StructName[i] != '!'; i--); i++; symName = StructName + i;
// Try again
GetFieldValue(Address, symName, FieldName, returnULONG);
} return returnULONG; }
ULONG64 ReturnULONG64( IN ULONG64 Address, IN PUCHAR StructName, IN PUCHAR FieldName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return ULONG64 using GetFieldValue --*/ { ULONG64 returnULONG64;
if (GetFieldValue(Address, StructName, FieldName, returnULONG64)){
// Failed. try just the base symbols name before giving up
for(i=strlen(StructName); i > 0 && StructName[i] != '!'; i--); i++; symName = StructName + i;
// Try again
GetFieldValue(Address, symName, FieldName, returnULONG64);
} return returnULONG64; }
VOID dumpMAPIC( IN ULONG64 Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps the multiple apic table
Address of the table
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL hasMPSFlags; BOOL status; BOOL virtualMemory; ULONG mapicLength; ULONG64 iso; // interruptSourceOverride
USHORT isoFlags; ULONG64 buffer; ULONG64 limit; ULONG index; ULONG returnLength; ULONG flags; ULONG get_value; BOOLEAN Physical = FALSE;
// First check to see if we find the correct things
dprintf("MAPIC - ");
if (Physical) { InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); }
if (ReadField(Signature) != APIC_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "dumpFACS: Invalid Signature 0x%08lx != APIC_SIGNATURE (%x)\n", (ULONG) ReadField(Signature), APIC_SIGNATURE ); return; }
mapicLength = (ULONG)ReadField(Length);
dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, FALSE ); dprintf("MAPIC - BODY - %016I64x\n", Address + GetTypeSize("hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER") ); dprintf(" Local APIC Address: %#08lx\n", ReturnULONG(Address, "hal!_MAPIC","LocalAPICAddress")); GetFieldValue(Address,"hal!_MAPIC","Flags",get_value); dprintf(" Flags: %#08lx\n", get_value ); if (get_value & PCAT_COMPAT) { // Check the flags
dprintf(" PC-AT dual 8259 compatible setup\n"); }
GetFieldOffset( "hal!_MAPIC", "APICTables", &get_value);
buffer = Address + get_value; limit = ( Address + ReadField(Length) );
while (buffer < limit) {
if (CheckControlC()) { break; }
// Assume that no flags are set
hasMPSFlags = FALSE;
// Lets see what kind of table we have?
iso = (ULONG64) buffer;
// Is it a localApic?
if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "Type") == PROCESSOR_LOCAL_APIC) {
buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "Length");
dprintf( " Processor Local Apic\n" " ACPI Processor ID: 0x%02x\n" " APIC ID: 0x%02x\n" " Flags: 0x%08lx\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "ACPIProcessorID"), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "APICID"), ReturnULONG(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "Flags") ); if (ReturnULONG(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "Flags") & PLAF_ENABLED) { dprintf(" Processor is Enabled\n"); } if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "Length") != PROCESSOR_LOCAL_APIC_LENGTH) { dprintf( " Local Apic has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_PROCLOCALAPIC", "Length"), PROCESSOR_LOCAL_APIC_LENGTH ); break; } } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "Type") == IO_APIC) {
buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "Length");
dprintf( " IO Apic\n" " IO APIC ID: 0x%02x\n" " IO APIC ADDRESS: 0x%08lx\n" " System Vector Base: 0x%08lx\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "IOAPICID"), ReturnULONG(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "IOAPICAddress"), ReturnULONG(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "SystemVectorBase") ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "Length") != IO_APIC_LENGTH) { dprintf( " IO Apic has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOAPIC", "Length"), IO_APIC_LENGTH ); break; } } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_ISA_VECTOR","Type") == ISA_VECTOR_OVERRIDE) { buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_ISA_VECTOR", "Length"); GetFieldValue(iso, "hal!_ISA_VECTOR", "Flags", isoFlags); dprintf( " Interrupt Source Override\n" " Bus: 0x%02x\n" " Source: 0x%02x\n" " Global Interrupt: 0x%08lx\n" " Flags: 0x%04x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_ISA_VECTOR", "Bus"), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_ISA_VECTOR", "Source"), ReturnULONG(iso, "hal!_ISA_VECTOR", "GlobalSystemInterruptVector"), isoFlags ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_ISA_VECTOR","Length") != ISA_VECTOR_OVERRIDE_LENGTH) { dprintf( " Interrupt Source Override has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_ISA_VECTOR", "Length"), ISA_VECTOR_OVERRIDE_LENGTH ); break; } hasMPSFlags = TRUE; flags = isoFlags; } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso,"acpi!_IO_NMISOURCE","Type") == IO_NMI_SOURCE) { buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_IO_NMISOURCE", "Length"); GetFieldValue(iso, "acpi!_IO_NMISOURCE", "Flags", isoFlags); dprintf( " Non Maskable Interrupt Source - on I/O APIC\n" " Flags: 0x%02x\n" " Global Interrupt: 0x%08lx\n", isoFlags, ReturnULONG(iso, "acpi!_IO_NMISOURCE", "GlobalSystemInterruptVector") ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso,"acpi!_IO_NMISOURCE","Length") != IO_NMI_SOURCE_LENGTH) { dprintf( " Non Maskable Interrupt source has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "acpi!_IO_NMISOURCE", "Length"), IO_NMI_SOURCE_LENGTH ); break; } hasMPSFlags = TRUE; flags = isoFlags; } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE","Type") == LOCAL_NMI_SOURCE) { buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE", "Length"); GetFieldValue(iso, "hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE", "Flags", isoFlags); dprintf( " Non Maskable Interrupt Source - local to processor\n" " Flags: 0x%04x\n" " Processor: 0x%02x %s\n" " LINTIN: 0x%02x\n", isoFlags, ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE", "ProcessorID"), ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE","ProcessorID") == 0xff ? "(all)" : "", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE", "LINTIN") ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE","Length") != LOCAL_NMI_SOURCE_LENGTH) { dprintf( " Non Maskable Interrupt source has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_LOCAL_NMISOURCE", "Length"), IO_NMI_SOURCE_LENGTH ); break; }
hasMPSFlags = TRUE; flags = isoFlags; } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "Type") == LOCAL_SAPIC) { buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "Length"); dprintf( " Processor Local SAPIC\n" " ACPI Processor ID: 0x%02x\n" " APIC ID: 0x%02x\n" " APIC EID: 0x%02x\n" " Flags: 0x%08lx\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "ACPIProcessorID"), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "APICID"), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "APICEID"), ReturnULONG(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "Flags") ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "Length") != PROCESSOR_LOCAL_SAPIC_LENGTH) { dprintf( " Processor Local SAPIC has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PROCLOCALSAPIC", "Length"), PROCESSOR_LOCAL_SAPIC_LENGTH ); break; } } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOSAPIC", "Type") == IO_SAPIC) { buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOSAPIC", "Length"); dprintf( " IO SApic\n" " IO SAPIC ADDRESS: 0x%016I64x\n" " System Vector Base: 0x%08lx\n", ReturnULONG64(iso, "hal!_IOSAPIC", "IOSAPICAddress"), ReturnULONG(iso, "hal!_IOSAPIC", "SystemVectorBase") ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOSAPIC", "Length") != IO_SAPIC_LENGTH) { dprintf( " IO SApic has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_IOSAPIC", "Length"), IO_SAPIC_LENGTH ); break; } } else if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "Type") == PLATFORM_INTERRUPT_SOURCE) {
UCHAR InterruptType = ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "InterruptType");
buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "Length"); dprintf( " Platform Interrupt Source\n" " Flags: 0x%04x\n" " Interrupt Type: %s\n" " APICID: 0x%02x\n" " APICEID: 0x%02x\n" " IOSAPICVector: 0x%02x\n" " GlobalVector: 0x%08x\n", ReturnUSHORT(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "Flags"), InterruptType == PLATFORM_INT_PMI ? "PMI" : (InterruptType == PLATFORM_INT_INIT ? "INIT" : (InterruptType == PLATFORM_INT_CPE ? "CPE" : "UNKNOWN")), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "APICID"), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "APICEID"), ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "IOSAPICVector"), ReturnULONG(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "GlobalVector") ); if (ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "Length") != PLATFORM_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_LENGTH) { dprintf( " Platform Interrupt Source has length 0x%x instead of 0x%x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso, "hal!_PLATFORM_INTERRUPT", "Length"), PLATFORM_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_LENGTH ); break; } } else { dprintf(" UNKNOWN RECORD (%p)\n", iso); dprintf(" Type: 0x%08x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_IOAPIC","Type")); dprintf(" Length: 0x%08x\n", ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_IOAPIC","Length"));
// Dont spin forever if we encounter an known with zero length
if ((ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_IOAPIC","Length")) == 0) { break; }
buffer += ReturnUCHAR(iso,"hal!_IOAPIC","Length");
} //
// Do we have any flags to dump out?
if (hasMPSFlags) { switch (flags & PO_BITS) { case POLARITY_HIGH: dprintf(" POLARITY_HIGH\n"); break; case POLARITY_LOW: dprintf(" POLARITY_LOW\n"); break; case POLARITY_CONFORMS_WITH_BUS: dprintf(" POLARITY_CONFORMS_WITH_BUS\n"); break; default: dprintf(" POLARITY_UNKNOWN\n"); break; } switch (flags & EL_BITS) { case EL_EDGE_TRIGGERED: dprintf(" EL_EDGE_TRIGGERED\n"); break; case EL_LEVEL_TRIGGERED: dprintf(" EL_LEVEL_TRIGGERED\n"); break; case EL_CONFORMS_WITH_BUS: dprintf(" EL_CONFORMS_WITH_BUS\n"); break; default: dprintf(" EL_UNKNOWN\n"); break; } } } return; }
DECLARE_API( mapic ) { if (args != NULL) {
AcpiMapicAddress = GetExpression( args ); }
if (AcpiMapicAddress == 0) {
BOOL status; ULONG64 address;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == TRUE) { status = GetFieldValue(address,"ACPI!_ACPIInformation","MultipleApicTable",AcpiMapicAddress); } }
if (AcpiMapicAddress == 0) { dprintf("mapic <address>\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dumpMAPIC( AcpiMapicAddress ); return S_OK;
VOID dumpSRAT( IN ULONG64 Address, IN BOOLEAN Physical ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps the static resource affinity table
Address -- Address of the table
Physical -- TRUE indicates a physical address, FALSE indicates a virtual address
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL status; ULONG sratLength; ULONG64 sratEnd; ULONG64 current;
// First check to see if we find the correct things
dprintf("SRAT - ");
if (Physical) { InitTypeReadPhysical( Address, hal!_ACPI_SRAT); } else { InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_ACPI_SRAT); }
if (ReadField(Header.Signature) != SRAT_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "dumpSRAT: Invalid Signature 0x%08lx != SRAT_SIGNATURE (%x)\n", (ULONG) ReadField(Signature), SRAT_SIGNATURE ); return; }
dumpHeader( Address, TRUE, Physical ); current = Address + GetTypeSize("hal!_ACPI_SRAT"); dprintf("SRAT - BODY - %016I64x\n", current); dprintf(" Table Revision: %d\n", (ULONG) ReadField(TableRevision));
sratEnd = Address + (ULONG)ReadField(Length);
while (current < sratEnd) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } if (Physical) { InitTypeReadPhysical( current, hal!_ACPI_SRAT_ENTRY); } else { InitTypeRead( current, hal!_ACPI_SRAT_ENTRY); }
dprintf("ENTRY:\n\tType: 0x%02X\n\tLength: 0x%02X\n\tProximityId: 0x%02X\n", (ULONG) ReadField(Type), (ULONG) ReadField(Length), (ULONG) ReadField(ProximityDomain));
switch (ReadField(Type)) {
case SRAT_ENTRY_TYPE_PROCESSOR: dprintf("\tProcessor:\n"); dprintf("\t\tEnabled: %s\n", ReadField(ApicAffinity.Flags.Enabled) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); dprintf("\t\tAPIC ID: 0x%02X", (ULONG) ReadField(ApicAffinity.ApicId)); if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) { dprintf(" SAPIC EID 0x%02X\n", (ULONG) ReadField(ApicAffinity.SApicEid)); } else { dprintf("\n"); } break; case SRAT_ENTRY_TYPE_MEMORY: dprintf("\tMemory:\n"); dprintf("\t\tEnabled: %s\n\t\tHotPlug: %s\n", ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Flags.Enabled) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Flags.HotPlug) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); dprintf("\t\tBase: %016I64X\tLength: %016I64X\n", ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Base), ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Length)); dprintf("\t\t (%016I64X - %016I64X)\n", ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Base), ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Base) + ReadField(MemoryAffinity.Length) - 1); break; default: dprintf("\tUNKNOWN SRAT ENTRY TYPE\n"); }
current += ReadField(Length); } }
DECLARE_API( srat ) { ULONG64 acpiSRATAddress = 0; BOOLEAN Physical = FALSE;
if (args != NULL) {
acpiSRATAddress = GetExpression( args ); Physical = TRUE; }
if (acpiSRATAddress == 0) {
BOOL status; ULONG64 address;
status = GetUlongPtr("hal!HalpAcpiSrat", &acpiSRATAddress ); if ((status == TRUE) && acpiSRATAddress) { dprintf("Retrieved srat address from HAL NUMA code\n"); Physical = FALSE; } }
if (acpiSRATAddress == 0) { dprintf("srat [<physical address>]\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dumpSRAT(acpiSRATAddress, Physical); return S_OK; }
DECLARE_API(numa_hal) { ULONG64 numaConfig; ULONG64 memoryRanges; ULONG64 ushortPtr; ULONG64 ucharPtr; ULONG64 range, lastRange; ULONG64 endMarker; ULONG offset; ULONG numaNodeCount; ULONG processorCount; ULONG i; ULONG returnLength; USHORT apicId; UCHAR proximityId; BOOL status; BOOL virtual;
status = GetUlongPtr("hal!HalpNumaConfig", &numaConfig ); if (status == FALSE) { dprintf("The target's HAL does not support NUMA\n"); return S_OK; }
if (numaConfig == 0) { dprintf("The target is either not a NUMA machine or has not\n"); dprintf("proceeded far enough for the HAL to build the HAL's\n"); dprintf("NUMA datastructures\n"); return S_OK; }
endMarker = (GetTypeSize("hal!ULONG_PTR") == 4) ? (ULONG64) ~0UL : ~0I64;
if (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) { InitTypeRead( numaConfig, hal!_STATIC_NUMA_CONFIG); virtual = TRUE; } else { InitTypeReadPhysical( numaConfig, hal!_STATIC_NUMA_CONFIG); virtual = FALSE; }
numaNodeCount = (UCHAR) ReadField(NodeCount); processorCount = (UCHAR) ReadField(ProcessorCount);
dprintf("HAL NUMA Summary\n----------------\n");
dprintf(" Node Count : %d\n", (ULONG) numaNodeCount); dprintf(" Processor Count : %d\n", (ULONG) processorCount);
GetFieldOffset( "hal!_STATIC_NUMA_CONFIG", "ProximityId", &offset); ucharPtr = numaConfig + offset;
dprintf("\n Node ProximityId\n ----------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < numaNodeCount; i++) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } status = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual(ucharPtr + GetTypeSize("hal!UCHAR") * i, &proximityId, sizeof(UCHAR), &returnLength, virtual); if ((status == FALSE) || (returnLength != sizeof(UCHAR))) { dprintf("numa_hal: unable to retrieve HAL state\n"); return S_OK; } dprintf(" 0x%02X 0x%02X\n", (ULONG) i, (ULONG) proximityId); }
GetFieldOffset( "hal!_STATIC_NUMA_CONFIG", "ProcessorApicId", &offset); ushortPtr = numaConfig + offset;
GetFieldOffset( "hal!_STATIC_NUMA_CONFIG", "ProcessorProximity", &offset); ucharPtr = numaConfig + offset;
dprintf("\n Proc Domain APIC Id\n ----------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < processorCount; i++) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; }
status = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual(ushortPtr + GetTypeSize("hal!USHORT") * i, &apicId, sizeof(USHORT), &returnLength, virtual); if ((status == FALSE) || (returnLength != sizeof(USHORT))) { dprintf("numa_hal: unable to retrieve HAL state\n"); return S_OK; } status = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual(ucharPtr + GetTypeSize("hal!UCHAR") * i, &proximityId, sizeof(UCHAR), &returnLength, virtual); if ((status == FALSE) || (returnLength != sizeof(UCHAR))) { dprintf("numa_hal: unable to retrieve HAL state\n"); return S_OK; } dprintf(" 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%04X\n", (ULONG) i, (ULONG) proximityId, (ULONG) apicId); }
(VOID) GetUlongPtr("hal!HalpNumaMemoryRanges", &memoryRanges); (VOID) GetUlongPtr("hal!HalpNumaMemoryNode", &ucharPtr);
dprintf("\n Node Range\n ---------------\n"); for (;;) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; }
lastRange = GetPointerFromAddressPhysicalOrVirtual(memoryRanges, virtual); status = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual(ucharPtr, &proximityId, sizeof(UCHAR), &returnLength, virtual); if ((status == FALSE) || (returnLength != sizeof(UCHAR))) { dprintf("numa_hal: unable to retrieve HAL state\n"); return S_OK; } memoryRanges += GetTypeSize("hal!ULONG_PTR"); ucharPtr += GetTypeSize("hal!UCHAR"); range = GetPointerFromAddressPhysicalOrVirtual(memoryRanges, virtual);
dprintf(" 0x%02X 0x%016I64X -> 0x%016I64X\n", (ULONG) proximityId, lastRange * PageSize, range == endMarker ? ~0I64 : range * PageSize);
if (range == endMarker) { break; } }
return S_OK; }
VOID dumpGBLEntry( IN ULONG64 Address, IN ULONG Verbose ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine actually prints the rule for the table at the specified address
Address - where the table is located
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL status; UCHAR tableId[7]; UCHAR entryId[20];
// Read the header for the table
InitTypeRead( Address, hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); //
// Don't print out a table unless its the FACP or we are being verbose
if (!(Verbose & VERBOSE_2) && ReadField(Signature) != FADT_SIGNATURE) {
return; }
// Initialize the table id field
memset( tableId, 0, 7 ); tableId[0] = '\"'; memcpy( &tableId[1], ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "Signature", sizeof(ULONG), FALSE), sizeof(ULONG) ); strcat( tableId, "\"" );
// Get the entry ready for the OEM Id
memset( entryId, 0, 20 ); entryId[0] = '\"'; memcpy( &entryId[1], ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMID", 6, FALSE), 6 ); strcat( entryId, "\""); dprintf("AcpiOemId=%s,%s\n", tableId, entryId );
// Get the entry ready for the OEM Table Id
memset( entryId, 0, 20 ); entryId[0] = '\"'; memcpy( &entryId[1], ReadPhysVirField(Address, "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMTableID", 8, FALSE), 8 ); strcat( entryId, "\""); dprintf("AcpiOemTableId=%s,%s\n", tableId, entryId );
// Get the entry ready for the OEM Revision
dprintf("AcpiOemRevision=\">=\",%s,%x\n", tableId, (ULONG)ReadField(OEMRevision) );
// Get the entry ready for the ACPI revision
if (ReadField(Revision) != 1) {
dprintf("AcpiRevision=\">=\",%s,%x\n", tableId, (UCHAR)ReadField(Revision) ); }
// Get the entry ready for the ACPI Creator Revision
dprintf("AcpiCreatorRevision=\">=\",%s,%x\n", tableId, (ULONG)ReadField(CreatorRev) ); }
VOID dumpGBL( ULONG Verbose ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reads in all the system tables and prints out what the ACPI Good Bios List Entry for this machine should be
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL status; ULONG64 dateAddress; PUCHAR tempPtr; ULONG i; ULONG numElements; ULONG returnLength; ULONG64 address; ULONG64 address2; ULONG addr; ULONG64 addroffset;
// Remember where the date address is stored
dateAddress = 0xFFFF5;
// Make sure that we can read the pointer
address2 = GetExpression( "ACPI!RsdtInformation" ); if (!address2) { dprintf("dumpGBL: Could not find RsdtInformation\n"); return; }
status = ReadPointer(address2, &address); if (status == FALSE || !address) { dprintf("dumpGBL: No RsdtInformation present\n"); return; }
// Read the ACPInformation table, so that we know where the RSDT lives
address2 = GetExpression( "ACPI!AcpiInformation" ); if (!address2) { dprintf("dumpGBL: Could not find AcpiInformation\n"); return; } status = ReadPointer(address2, &address2); if (status == FALSE || !address2) { dprintf("dumpGBL: Could not read AcpiInformation\n"); return; }
InitTypeRead( address2, ACPI!_ACPIInformation);
// Read in the header for the RSDT
address2 = ReadField(RootSystemDescTable);
// The number of elements in the table is the first entry
// in the structure
//status = ReadMemory(address, &numElements, GetTypeSize("acpi!_ULONG"), &returnLength);
status = ReadMemory(address, &numElements, sizeof(ULONG), &returnLength); //if (status == FALSE || returnLength != GetTypeSize("acpi!_ULONG") ) {
if (status == FALSE || returnLength != sizeof(ULONG) ) {
dprintf("dumpGBL: Could not read RsdtInformation\n"); return;
// If there are no elements, then return
if (numElements == 0) {
dprintf("dumpGBL: No tables the RsdtInformation\n"); return;
// Dump a header so that people know what this is
memset( Buffer, 0, 2048 ); ReadPhysical( dateAddress, Buffer, 8, &returnLength ); dprintf("\nGood Bios List Entry --- Machine BIOS Date %s\n\n", Buffer); memset( Buffer, 0, 2048 ); GetFieldOffset( "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMID", &addr); ReadMemory( (address2 + (ULONG64) addr), &Buffer, 6, &returnLength); tempPtr = Buffer; while (*tempPtr) { if (*tempPtr == ' ') { *tempPtr = '\0'; break; } tempPtr++; } GetFieldOffset( "hal!_DESCRIPTION_HEADER", "OEMTableID", &addr); ReadMemory( (address2 + (ULONG64) addr), tempPtr, 8, &returnLength); while (*tempPtr) { if (*tempPtr == ' ') { *tempPtr = '\0'; break; } tempPtr++; } ReadPhysical( dateAddress, tempPtr, 8, &returnLength ); while (*tempPtr) { if (*tempPtr == ' ') { *tempPtr = '\0'; break; } tempPtr++; }
// This is the entry name
dprintf("[%s]\n", Buffer );
// Dump all the tables that are loaded in the RSDT table
GetFieldOffset( "ACPI!_RSDTINFORMATION", "Tables", &addr); // Get Tables offset
for (i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
addroffset = address + (ULONG64)addr + (ULONG64)(GetTypeSize("ACPI!RSDTELEMENT") * i);
InitTypeRead(addroffset, ACPI!RSDTELEMENT); if (!(ReadField(Flags) & RSDTELEMENT_MAPPED) ) { continue; }
dumpGBLEntry( ReadField(Address), Verbose );
// Dump the entry for the RSDT
dumpGBLEntry( address2, Verbose );
// Add some whitespace
// Done
return; }
DECLARE_API( gbl ) { ULONG verbose = VERBOSE_1;
if (args != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(args, "-v")) {
verbose |= VERBOSE_2; } }
dumpGBL( verbose );
return S_OK; } /*************************** INF Starts Here ********************************/ ULONG dumpFlags( IN ULONGLONG Value, IN PFLAG_RECORD FlagRecords, IN ULONG FlagRecordSize, IN ULONG IndentLevel, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine dumps the flags specified in Value according to the description passing into FlagRecords. The formating is affected by the flags field
Value - The values FlagRecord - What each bit in the flags means FlagRecordSize - How many flags there are IndentLevel - The base indent level Flags - How we will process the flags
Return Value:
ULONG - the number of characters printed. 0 if we printed nothing
--*/ #define STATUS_PRINTED 0x00000001
#define STATUS_INDENTED 0x00000002
#define STATUS_NEED_COUNTING 0x00000004
#define STATUS_COUNTED 0x00000008
{ PCHAR string; UCHAR indent[80]; ULONG column = IndentLevel; ULONG currentStatus = 0; ULONG fixedSize = 0; ULONG stringSize; ULONG tempCount; ULONG totalCount = 0; ULONG64 i, j, k;
IndentLevel = (IndentLevel > 79 ? 79 : IndentLevel); memset( indent, ' ', IndentLevel ); indent[IndentLevel] = '\0';
// Do we need to make a table?
if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_TABLE) && !(Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SINGLE_LINE) ) {
currentStatus |= STATUS_NEED_COUNTING;
currentStatus |= STATUS_INDENTED;
// loop over all the steps that we need to do
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
k = ((ULONG64) 1 << i); for (j = 0; j < FlagRecordSize; j++) {
if (!(FlagRecords[j].Bit & Value) ) {
// Are we looking at the correct bit?
if (!(FlagRecords[j].Bit & k) ) {
// Yes, we are, so pick the not-present values
if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME && FlagRecords[j].NotLongName == NULL) || (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHORT_NAME && FlagRecords[j].NotShortName == NULL) ) {
if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME) ) {
string = FlagRecords[j].NotLongName;
} else if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHORT_NAME) ) {
string = FlagRecords[j].NotShortName;
} else {
// Are we looking at the correct bit?
if (!(FlagRecords[j].Bit & k) ) {
// Yes, we are, so pick the not-present values
if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME && FlagRecords[j].LongName == NULL) || (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHORT_NAME && FlagRecords[j].ShortName == NULL) ) {
if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME) ) {
string = FlagRecords[j].LongName;
} else if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHORT_NAME) ) {
string = FlagRecords[j].ShortName;
if (currentStatus & STATUS_NEED_COUNTING) {
stringSize = strlen( string ) + 1; if (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT) {
stringSize += (4 + ( (ULONG) i / 4)); if ( (i % 4) != 0) {
} if (stringSize > fixedSize) {
fixedSize = stringSize;
} continue;
if (currentStatus & STATUS_COUNTED) {
stringSize = fixedSize;
} else {
stringSize = strlen( string ) + 1; if (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT) {
stringSize += (4 + ( (ULONG) i / 4)); if ( (i % 4) != 0) {
if (!(Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SINGLE_LINE) ) {
if ( (stringSize + column) > 79 ) {
dprintf("\n%n", &tempCount); currentStatus &= ~STATUS_INDENTED; totalCount += tempCount; column = 0;
} } if (!(Flags & DUMP_FLAG_NO_INDENT) ) {
if (!(currentStatus & STATUS_INDENTED) ) {
dprintf("%s%n", indent, &tempCount); currentStatus |= STATUS_INDENTED; totalCount += tempCount; column += IndentLevel;
} if ( (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT) ) {
dprintf("%I64x - %n", k, &tempCount); tempCount++; // to account for the fact that we dump
// another space at the end of the string
totalCount += tempCount; column += tempCount;
} else {
tempCount = 0;
// Actually print the string
dprintf( "%.*s %n", (stringSize - tempCount), string, &tempCount ); if (Flags & DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT) {
dprintf(" ");
totalCount += tempCount; column += tempCount;
// Change states
if (currentStatus & STATUS_NEED_COUNTING) {
currentStatus &= ~STATUS_NEED_COUNTING; currentStatus |= STATUS_COUNTED; continue;
if (!(Flags & DUMP_FLAG_NO_EOL) && totalCount != 0) {
dprintf("\n"); totalCount++;
// Done
return totalCount;
VOID dumpPM1ControlRegister( IN ULONG Value, IN ULONG IndentLevel ) {
// Dump the PM1 Control Flags
dumpFlags( (Value & 0xFF), PM1ControlFlags, sizeof(PM1ControlFlags) / sizeof(FLAG_RECORD), IndentLevel, (DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME | DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT | DUMP_FLAG_TABLE) );
VOID dumpPM1StatusRegister( IN ULONG Value, IN ULONG IndentLevel ) { //
// Dump the PM1 Status Flags
dumpFlags( (Value & 0xFFFF), PM1StatusFlags, (sizeof(PM1StatusFlags) / sizeof(FLAG_RECORD)), IndentLevel, (DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME | DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT | DUMP_FLAG_TABLE) );
// Switch to the PM1 Enable Flags
Value >>= 16;
// Dump the PM1 Enable Flags
dumpFlags( (Value & 0xFFFF), PM1EnableFlags, (sizeof(PM1EnableFlags) / sizeof(FLAG_RECORD)), IndentLevel, (DUMP_FLAG_LONG_NAME | DUMP_FLAG_SHOW_BIT | DUMP_FLAG_TABLE) ); }
VOID dumpAcpiInformation( VOID ) { BOOL status; ULONG64 address; ULONG returnLength; ULONG size; ULONG value; ULONG addr; ULONG i; ULONG64 getValue; ULONG64 getValue2;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == FALSE) {
dprintf("dumpAcpiInformation: Could not read ACPI!AcpiInformation\n"); return;
} InitTypeRead(address, ACPI!_ACPIInformation);
dprintf("ACPIInformation (%p)\n", address); dprintf( " RSDT - %p\n", ReadField(RootSystemDescTable) ); dprintf( " FADT - %p\n", ReadField(FixedACPIDescTable) ); dprintf( " FACS - %p\n", ReadField(FirmwareACPIControlStructure) ); dprintf( " DSDT - %p\n", ReadField(DiffSystemDescTable) ); dprintf( " GlobalLock - %p\n", ReadField(GlobalLock) ); dprintf( " GlobalLockQueue - F - %p B - %p\n", ReadField(GlobalLockQueue.Flink), ReadField(GlobalLockQueue.Blink) ); dprintf( " GlobalLockQueueLock - %p\n", ReadField(GlobalLockQueueLock) ); dprintf( " GlobalLockOwnerContext - %p\n", ReadField(GlobalLockOwnerContext) ); dprintf( " GlobalLockOwnerDepth - %p\n", ReadField(GlobalLockOwnerDepth) ); dprintf( " ACPIOnly - %s\n", (ReadField(ACPIOnly) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ) ); dprintf( " PM1a_BLK - %p", ReadField(PM1a_BLK) ); if (ReadField(PM1a_BLK)) {
size = 4; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(PM1a_BLK), &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%04x) (%04x)\n", (value & 0xFFFF), (value >> 16) ); dumpPM1StatusRegister( value, 5 );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " PM1b_BLK - %p", ReadField(PM1b_BLK) ); if (ReadField(PM1b_BLK)) {
size = 4; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(PM1b_BLK), &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%04x) (%04x)\n", (value & 0xFFFF), (value >> 16) ); dumpPM1StatusRegister( value, 5 );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} dprintf( " PM1a_CTRL_BLK - %p", ReadField(PM1a_CTRL_BLK) ); if (ReadField(PM1a_CTRL_BLK)) {
size = 2; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(PM1a_CTRL_BLK), &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%04x)\n", (value & 0xFFFF) ); dumpPM1ControlRegister( value, 5 );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} dprintf( " PM1b_CTRL_BLK - %p", ReadField(PM1b_CTRL_BLK) );
if (ReadField(PM1b_CTRL_BLK)) {
size = 2; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(PM1b_CTRL_BLK), &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%04x)\n", (value & 0xFFFF)); dumpPM1ControlRegister( value, 5 );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n" );
} dprintf( " PM2_CTRL_BLK - %p", ReadField(PM2_CTRL_BLK) ); if (ReadField(PM2_CTRL_BLK)) {
size = 1; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(PM2_CTRL_BLK), &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%02x)\n", (value & 0xFF) ); if (value & 0x1) {
dprintf(" 0 - ARB_DIS\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " PM_TMR - %p", ReadField(PM_TMR) ); if (ReadField(PM_TMR)) {
size = 4; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(PM_TMR), &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%08lx)\n", value );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " GP0_BLK - %p", ReadField(GP0_BLK) ); if (ReadField(GP0_BLK)) {
for(i = 0; i < ReadField(Gpe0Size); i++) {
size = 1; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(GP0_BLK) + i, &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%02x)", value );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)" );
} dprintf("\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " GP0_ENABLE - %p", ReadField(GP0_ENABLE) ); if (ReadField(GP0_ENABLE)) {
for(i = 0; i < ReadField(Gpe0Size); i++) {
size = 1; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(GP0_ENABLE) + i, &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%02x)", value );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)" );
} dprintf("\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " GP0_LEN - %p\n", ReadField(GP0_LEN) ); dprintf( " GP0_SIZE - %p\n", ReadField(Gpe0Size) ); dprintf( " GP1_BLK - %p", ReadField(GP1_BLK) ); if (ReadField(GP1_BLK)) {
for(i = 0; i < ReadField(Gpe0Size); i++) {
size = 1; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(GP1_BLK) + i, &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%02x)", value );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)" );
} dprintf("\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " GP1_ENABLE - %p", ReadField(GP1_ENABLE) ); if (ReadField(GP1_ENABLE)) {
for(i = 0; i < ReadField(Gpe0Size); i++) {
size = 1; value = 0; ReadIoSpace64( (ULONG) ReadField(GP1_ENABLE) + i, &value, &size ); if (size) {
dprintf(" (%02x)", value );
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)" );
} dprintf("\n");
} else {
dprintf(" (N/A)\n");
} dprintf( " GP1_LEN - %x\n", ReadField(GP1_LEN) ); dprintf( " GP1_SIZE - %x\n", ReadField(Gpe1Size) ); dprintf( " GP1_BASE_INDEX - %x\n", ReadField(GP1_Base_Index) ); dprintf( " GPE_SIZE - %x\n", ReadField(GpeSize) ); dprintf( " PM1_EN_BITS - %04x\n", ReadField(pm1_en_bits) ); dumpPM1StatusRegister( ( (ULONG) ReadField(pm1_en_bits) << 16), 5 ); dprintf( " PM1_WAKE_MASK - %04x\n", ReadField(pm1_wake_mask) ); dumpPM1StatusRegister( ( (ULONG) ReadField(acpiInformation.pm1_wake_mask) << 16), 5 ); dprintf( " C2_LATENCY - %x\n", ReadField(c2_latency) ); dprintf( " C3_LATENCY - %x\n", ReadField(c3_latency) ); dprintf( " ACPI_FLAGS - %x\n", ReadField(ACPI_Flags) ); if (ReadField(ACPI_Flags) & C2_SUPPORTED) {
dprintf(" %2d - C2_SUPPORTED\n", C2_SUPPORTED_BIT);
} if (ReadField(ACPI_Flags) & C3_SUPPORTED) {
dprintf(" %2d - C3_SUPPORTED\n", C3_SUPPORTED_BIT);
} if (ReadField(ACPI_Flags) & C3_PREFERRED) {
dprintf(" %2d - C3_PREFERRED\n", C3_PREFERRED_BIT);
} dprintf( " ACPI_CAPABILITIES - %x\n", ReadField(ACPI_Capabilities) ); if (ReadField(ACPI_Capabilities) & CSTATE_C1) {
dprintf(" %2d - CSTATE_C1\n", CSTATE_C1_BIT );
} if (ReadField(ACPI_Capabilities) & CSTATE_C2) {
dprintf(" %2d - CSTATE_C2\n", CSTATE_C2_BIT );
} if (ReadField(ACPI_Capabilities) & CSTATE_C3) {
dprintf(" %2d - CSTATE_C3\n", CSTATE_C3_BIT );
} }
DECLARE_API( acpiinf ) { dumpAcpiInformation( ); return S_OK; }
VOID dumpObject( IN ULONG64 Object, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
This dumps an Objdata so that it can be understand --- great for debugging some of the AML code
Object - Address of OBJDATA structure
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 s; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR buffer[2048]; UCHAR indent[80]; ULONG64 max; ULONG64 pbDataBuffoffset = 0; ULONG64 offset = 0; UCHAR StrBuffer[2048];
// Init the buffers
IndentLevel = (IndentLevel > 79 ? 79 : IndentLevel); memset( indent, ' ', IndentLevel ); indent[IndentLevel] = '\0';
// Get the offset to pbDataBuff
InitTypeRead (Object, acpi!_ObjData); pbDataBuffoffset = ReadField (pbDataBuff);
dprintf("%sObject Data - %016I64x Type - ", indent, Object);
// First step is to read whatever the buffer points to, if it
// points to something
switch( ReadField (dwDataType) ) { case OBJTYPE_INTDATA: dprintf( "%02I64x <Integer> Value=%016I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (uipDataValue) ); break;
if (ReadField (pbDataBuff) != 0) {
max = (ReadField (dwDataLen) > 2047 ? 2047 : ReadField (dwDataLen) );
} buffer[max] = '\0';
ReadMemory (pbDataBuffoffset, StrBuffer, (ULONG) max, NULL);
dprintf( "%02I64x <String> String=%s\n", ReadField (dwDataType), StrBuffer ); break;
case OBJTYPE_BUFFDATA: dprintf( "%02I64x <Buffer> Ptr=%016I64lx Length = %2I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (pbDataBuff), ReadField (dwDataLen) ); break;
ULONG64 i = 0; ULONG64 j = 0; ULONG64 datatype = ReadField (dwDataType);
InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_PackageObj); j = ReadField (dwcElements);
dprintf( "%02I64x <Package> NumElements=%016I64x\n", datatype, j );
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_OBJECT) {
for (; i < j; i++) {
GetFieldOffset ("acpi!_PackageObj", "adata", (ULONG*) &offset); offset += (GetTypeSize ("acpi!_ObjData") * i);
dumpObject(offset + pbDataBuffoffset, Verbose, IndentLevel+ 2 );
dprintf( "%02I64x <Field Unit> ", ReadField (dwDataType) );
InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_FieldUnitObj);
dprintf( "Parent=%016I64x Offset=%016I64x Start=%016I64x Num=%x Flags=%x\n", ReadField (pnsFieldParent), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwByteOffset), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwStartBitPos), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwNumBits), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwFieldFlags) );
} case OBJTYPE_DEVICE: dprintf( "%02I64x <Device>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break; case OBJTYPE_EVENT: dprintf( "%02I64x <Event> PKEvent=%016I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (pbDataBuff) ); break; case OBJTYPE_METHOD: {
ULONG64 size;
offset = 0; GetFieldOffset ("acpi!_MethodObj", "abCodeBuff", (ULONG *) &offset); size = ReadField (dwDataLen) - GetTypeSize ("acpi!_MethodObj") + ANYSIZE_ARRAY;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Method>", ReadField (dwDataType) );
InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_MethodObj);
dprintf( "Flags=%016I64x Start=%016I64x Len=%016I64x\n", ReadField (bMethodFlags), offset + pbDataBuffoffset, size );
dprintf( "%02I64x <Mutex> Mutex=%016I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (pbDataBuff) ); break;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Operational Region>", ReadField (dwDataType) );
InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_OpRegionObj);
dprintf( "RegionSpace=%02x OffSet=%016I64x Len=%016I64x\n", ReadField(bRegionSpace), ReadField(uipOffset), ReadField(dwLen) );
dprintf( "%02I64x <Power Resource> ", ReadField (dwDataType) );
InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_PowerResObj);
dprintf( "SystemLevel=S%d Order=%x\n", ReadField (bSystemLevel), ReadField (bResOrder) );
dprintf( "%02I64x <Processor> ", ReadField (dwDataType) );
if (InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_ProcessorObj)) { dprintf ("Error reading acpi!_ProcessorObj\n"); return; }
dprintf( "AcpiID=%016I64x PBlk=%016I64x PBlkLen=%016I64x\n", ReadField (bApicID), ReadField (dwPBlk), ReadField (dwPBlkLen) );
dprintf( "%02I64x <Thermal Zone>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Buffer Field>", ReadField (dwDataType) );
InitTypeRead (pbDataBuffoffset, acpi!_BuffFieldObj);
dprintf( "Ptr=%016I64x Len=%0164I64x Offset=%0164I64x Start=%016I64x NumBits=%x Flags=%x\n", ReadField (pbDataBuff), ReadField (dwBuffLen), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwByteOffset), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwStartBitPos), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwNumBits), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwFieldFlags) );
case OBJTYPE_DDBHANDLE: dprintf( "%02I64x <DDB Handle> Handle=%016I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (pbDataBuff) ); break; case OBJTYPE_DEBUG: dprintf( "%02I64x <Internal Debug>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break; case OBJTYPE_OBJALIAS:
dprintf( "%02I64x <Internal Object Alias> NS Object=%016I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (uipDataValue) ); dumpNSObject( ReadField (uipDataValue), Verbose, IndentLevel + 2 ); break;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Internal Data Alias> Data Object=%016I64x\n", ReadField (dwDataType), ReadField (uipDataValue) );
dumpObject( ReadField (uipDataValue), Verbose, IndentLevel + 2 ); break;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Internal Bank Field>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Internal Field>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break;
dprintf( "%02I64x <Index Field>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break;
case OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN: default:
dprintf( "%02I64x <Unknown>\n", ReadField (dwDataType) ); break; } }
DECLARE_API( nsobj ) { ULONG64 address = 0;
if (!strlen(args)) {
ReadPointer(GetExpression ("acpi!gpnsnamespaceroot"), &address);
} else {
address = UtilStringToUlong64 ((UCHAR *)args); }
if (!address) {
dprintf ("nsobj: Error parsing arguments\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf ("nsobj: dumping object at %I64x\n", address);
dumpNSObject( address, 0xFFFF, 0 );
return S_OK; }
VOID dumpNSObject( IN ULONG64 Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function dumps a Name space object
Address - Where to find the object Verbose - Should the object be dumped as well? IndentLevel - How much to indent
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 s; UCHAR buffer[5]; UCHAR indent[80]; ULONG offset = 0;
// Init the buffers
IndentLevel = (IndentLevel > 79 ? 79 : IndentLevel); memset( indent, ' ', IndentLevel ); indent[IndentLevel] = '\0'; buffer[4] = '\0';
// First step is to read the root NS
s = InitTypeRead (Address, acpi!_NSObj);
if (s) {
dprintf("%sdumpNSObject: could not read %x(%I64x)\n", indent,Address,s); return;
s = ReadField (dwNameSeg);
if (ReadField(dwNameSeg) != 0) {
memcpy( buffer, (UCHAR *) &s, 4 );
} else {
sprintf( buffer, " ");
dprintf( "%sNameSpace Object %s (%016I64x) - Device %016I64x\n", indent, buffer, Address, ReadField (Context) );
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_NSOBJ) {
dprintf( "%s Flink %016I64x Blink %016I64x\n%s Parent %016I64x Child %016I64x\n", indent, ReadField (list.plistNext), ReadField (list.plistPrev), indent, ReadField (pnsParent), ReadField (pnsFirstChild) );
dprintf( "%s Value %016I64x Length %016I64x\n%s Buffer %016I64x Flags %016I64x\n", indent, ReadField (ObjData.uipDataValue), ReadField (ObjData.dwDataLen), indent, ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), ReadField (ObjData.dwfData) );
if (ReadField (ObjData.dwfData) & DATAF_BUFF_ALIAS) {
dprintf(" Alias" );
} if (ReadField (ObjData.dwfData) & DATAF_GLOBAL_LOCK) {
dprintf(" Lock");
} dprintf("\n");
GetFieldOffset ("acpi!_NSObj", "ObjData", (ULONG *) &offset);
dumpObject(Address + offset, Verbose, IndentLevel + 4); }
VOID dumpNSTree( IN ULONG64 Address, IN ULONG Level ) /*++
Routine Description:
This thing dumps the NS tree
Address - Where to find the root node --- we start dumping at the children
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL end = FALSE; ULONG64 s; UCHAR buffer[5]; ULONG64 next; ULONG back; ULONG64 m1 = 0; ULONG64 m2 = 0; ULONG reason; ULONG64 dataBuffSize; UCHAR StrBuffer[2048]; ULONG64 r = 0;
buffer[4] = '\0'; memset( StrBuffer, '0', 2048 );
// Indent
for (m1 = 0; m1 < Level; m1 ++) {
dprintf("| ");
// First step is to read the root NS
InitTypeRead (Address, acpi!_NSObj);
if (ReadField (dwNameSeg) != 0) {
s = ReadField (dwNameSeg); memcpy( buffer, (UCHAR*) &s, 4 ); dprintf("%4s ", buffer );
} else {
dprintf(" " );
} dprintf( "(%016I64x) - ", Address );
if (ReadField (Context) != 0) {
dprintf("Device %016I64x\n", ReadField (Context) );
} else {
// We need to read the pbDataBuff here
switch(ReadField (ObjData.dwDataType)) { default: case OBJTYPE_UNKNOWN: dprintf("Unknown\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_INTDATA:
dprintf("Integer - %016I64x\n", ReadField (ObjData.uipDataValue)); break;
dataBuffSize = (ReadField (ObjData.dwDataLen) > 2047 ? 2047 : ReadField (ObjData.dwDataLen));
//dprintf ("blah:%016I64x, %lx\n", ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), dataBuffSize);
ReadMemory( ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), StrBuffer, (ULONG) dataBuffSize, NULL );
if (!s) {
dprintf( "dumpNSTree: could not read %x\n", ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff) ); return;
StrBuffer[dataBuffSize+1] = '\0';
dprintf( "String - %s\n", StrBuffer ); break;
dprintf( "Buffer - %08lx L=%04x\n", ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), ReadField (ObjData.dwDataLen) ); break;
InitTypeRead (ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), acpi!_PackageObj);
dprintf("Package - NumElements %x\n", ReadField (dwcElements)); break;
InitTypeRead (ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), acpi!_FieldUnitObj);
dprintf( "FieldUnit - Parent %016I64x Offset %016I64x Start %016I64x " "Num %016I64x Flags %016I64x\n", ReadField (pnsFieldParent), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwByteOffset), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwStartBitPos), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwNumBits), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwFieldFlags) );
dprintf("Device\n"); break;
dprintf("Event - PKEvent %016I64x\n", ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff)); break;
ULONG64 size, offset, pbdatabuff;
pbdatabuff = ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff); size = ReadField (ObjData.dwDataLen); GetFieldOffset ("acpi!_MethodObj", "abCodeBuff", (ULONG*) &offset);
InitTypeRead (pbdatabuff, acpi!_MethodObj);
dprintf( "Method - Flags %016I64x Start %016I64x Len %016I64x\n", ReadField (bMethodFlags), offset + pbdatabuff, size - GetTypeSize ("acpi!_MethodObj") + ANYSIZE_ARRAY );
InitTypeRead (ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), acpi!_OpRegionObj);
dprintf( "Opregion - RegionsSpace=%02x OffSet=%016I64x Len=%016I64x\n", ReadField (bRegionSpace), ReadField (uipOffset), ReadField (dwLen) ); break;
InitTypeRead (ReadField (ObjData.pbDataBuff), acpi!_BuffFieldObj);
dprintf( "Buffer Field Ptr=%x Len=%x Offset=%x Start=%x" "NumBits=%x Flgas=%x\n", ReadField (pbDataBuff), ReadField (dwBuffLen), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwByteOffset), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwStartBitPos), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwNumBits), ReadField (FieldDesc.dwFieldFlags) ); break;
dprintf("Field\n"); break;
} case OBJTYPE_INDEXFIELD: dprintf("Index Field\n"); break;
case OBJTYPE_MUTEX: dprintf("Mutex\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_POWERRES: dprintf("Power Resource\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_PROCESSOR: dprintf("Processor\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_THERMALZONE: dprintf("Thermal Zone\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_DDBHANDLE: dprintf("DDB Handle\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_DEBUG: dprintf("Debug\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_OBJALIAS: dprintf("Object Alias\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_DATAALIAS: dprintf("Data Alias\n"); break; case OBJTYPE_BANKFIELD: dprintf("Bank Field\n"); break;
} m1 = next = ReadField (pnsFirstChild);
while (next != 0 && end == FALSE) {
if (CheckControlC()) {
dumpNSTree( next, Level + 1); InitTypeRead (next, acpi!_NSObj);
// Do the end check tests
if ( m2 == 0) {
m2 = ReadField (list.plistPrev);
} else if (m1 == ReadField (list.plistNext)) {
end = TRUE; reason = 1;
} else if (m2 == next) {
end = TRUE; reason = 2; }
next = ReadField (list.plistNext);
DECLARE_API( nstree ) { ULONG64 address = 0;
if (!strlen(args)) {
ReadPointer(GetExpression ("acpi!gpnsnamespaceroot"), &address);
} else {
address = UtilStringToUlong64 ((UCHAR *)args); }
if (!address) {
dprintf ("nstree: Error parsing arguments\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf ("nstree: dumping object at %I64x\n", address);
dumpNSTree( address, 0 );
return S_OK; }
// Flags for interrupt vectors
#define VECTOR_MODE 1
#define VECTOR_LEVEL 1
#define VECTOR_EDGE 0
// Vector Type:
// VECTOR_SIGNAL = standard edge-triggered or
// level-sensitive interrupt vector
// VECTOR_MESSAGE = an MSI (Message Signalled Interrupt) vector
#define VECTOR_TYPE 4
#define IS_LEVEL_TRIGGERED(vectorFlags) \
(vectorFlags & VECTOR_LEVEL)
#define IS_EDGE_TRIGGERED(vectorFlags) \
!(vectorFlags & VECTOR_LEVEL)
#define IS_ACTIVE_LOW(vectorFlags) \
(vectorFlags & VECTOR_ACTIVE_LOW)
#define IS_ACTIVE_HIGH(vectorFlags) \
!(vectorFlags & VECTOR_ACTIVE_LOW)
#define TOKEN_VALUE 0x57575757
#define EMPTY_BLOCK_VALUE 0x58585858
VOID dumpHashTableEntry( IN ULONG64 VectorBlock ) { InitTypeRead (VectorBlock, acpi!_VECTOR_BLOCK);
dprintf("%04x Count/temp: %02d/%02d ", ReadField (Entry.Vector), ReadField (Entry.Count), ReadField (Entry.TempCount));
dprintf("Flags: (%s %s) TempFlags(%s %s)\n", (ReadField (Entry.Flags) & VECTOR_MODE) == VECTOR_LEVEL ? "level" : "edge", (ReadField (Entry.Flags) & VECTOR_POLARITY) == VECTOR_ACTIVE_LOW ? "low" : "high", (ReadField (Entry.TempFlags) & VECTOR_MODE) == VECTOR_LEVEL ? "level" : "edge", (ReadField (Entry.TempFlags) & VECTOR_POLARITY) == VECTOR_ACTIVE_LOW ? "low" : "high");
VOID dumpIrqArb( IN ULONG64 IrqArb ) { ULONG64 Address; ULONG64 Flink; LIST_ENTRY64 ListEntry; ULONG64 nextNode; ULONG64 ListHead; ULONG64 linkNode; ULONG64 attachedDevs; ULONG attachedDevOffset; ULONG64 hashTable, hashTablePtr; ULONG64 hashEntry; ULONG hashEntrySize; ULONG i,j; ULONG64 retVal;
retVal = InitTypeRead (IrqArb, nt!_ARBITER_INSTANCE); if (retVal) { dprintf("Failed to get symbol nt!_ARBITER_INSTANCE\n"); return; }
Address = ReadField(Extension); dprintf("ACPI IRQ Arbiter: %016I64x Extension: %016I64x\n", IrqArb, Address);
retVal = InitTypeRead (Address, acpi!ARBITER_EXTENSION); if (retVal) { dprintf("Failed to get symbol acpi!ARBITER_EXTENSION\n"); return; }
ListHead = ReadField(LinkNodeHead); dprintf("\nLink nodes in use: (list head at %016I64x )\n", ListHead);
ListEntry.Flink = ReadField(LinkNodeHead.Flink); ListEntry.Blink = Address;
//dprintf("%016I64x, %016I64x\n", ListEntry.Flink, ListEntry.Blink);
if (ListHead == ListEntry.Flink) { dprintf("\tNone.\n"); }
if (GetFieldOffset("acpi!LINK_NODE", "AttachedDevices", &attachedDevOffset)) { dprintf("symbol lookup acpi!LINK_NODE failed\n"); return; }
nextNode = ListEntry.Flink;
while (nextNode != ListEntry.Blink) {
//dprintf("nextNode: %016I64x\n", nextNode);
retVal = InitTypeRead (nextNode, acpi!LINK_NODE); if (retVal) { dprintf("Failed to get type acpi!LINK_NODE\n"); break; }
dprintf("\n"); dumpNSObject( ReadField(NameSpaceObject), 0xFFFF, 3 ); InitTypeRead (nextNode, acpi!LINK_NODE); dprintf("\n\tVector/temp: (%x/%x) RefCount/temp: (%d/%d) Flags: %x\n", (ULONG)(ReadField(CurrentIrq) & 0xffffffff), (ULONG)(ReadField(TempIrq) & 0xffffffff), ReadField(ReferenceCount), ReadField(TempRefCount), ReadField(Flags));
attachedDevs = ReadField(AttachedDevices.Next); //dprintf("attachedDevs: %p nextNode: %p attachedDevOffset: %x\n",
// attachedDevs, nextNode, attachedDevOffset);
while (attachedDevs != (nextNode + attachedDevOffset)) {
InitTypeRead(attachedDevs, acpi!LINK_NODE_ATTACHED_DEVICES);
//dprintf("\t\tAttached PDO: %016I64x\n", ReadField(Pdo));
attachedDevs = ReadField(List.Next);
if (CheckControlC()) { break; } }
InitTypeRead (nextNode, acpi!LINK_NODE); nextNode = ReadField(List.Flink);
if (CheckControlC()) { break; } }
hashTablePtr = GetExpression( "acpi!irqhashtable" ); if (!hashTablePtr) { dprintf("couldn't read symbol acpi!irqhashtable\n"); return; }
retVal = ReadPointer(hashTablePtr, &hashTable); if (!retVal) { return; }
hashEntrySize = GetTypeSize("acpi!_VECTOR_BLOCK");
dprintf("\n\nIRQ Hash Table (at %016I64x ):\n", hashTable);
for (i = 0; i < VECTOR_HASH_TABLE_LENGTH; i++) {
hashEntry = hashTable + (i * VECTOR_HASH_TABLE_WIDTH * hashEntrySize);
DumpVectorTableStartRow: for (j = 0; j < VECTOR_HASH_TABLE_WIDTH; j++) {
InitTypeRead(hashEntry, acpi!_VECTOR_BLOCK);
if (ReadField(Chain.Token) == TOKEN_VALUE) {
hashEntry = ReadField(Chain.Next);
goto DumpVectorTableStartRow; }
if (ReadField(Entry.Vector) != EMPTY_BLOCK_VALUE) {
dumpHashTableEntry(hashEntry); }
hashEntry += hashEntrySize; if (CheckControlC()) { break; } }
if (CheckControlC()) { break; } } }
DECLARE_API( acpiirqarb ) { ULONG64 irqArbiter;
irqArbiter = GetExpression( "acpi!acpiarbiter" );
if (!irqArbiter) { dprintf("failed to find address of arbiter\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
return S_OK; }