Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
Lou Perazzoli (Loup) 5-Nov-1993
User Mode.
Revision History:
Kshitiz K. Sharma (kksharma)
Using debugger type info.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define TAG 0
#define PAGED_ALLOC 3
#define PAGED_FREE 4
#define PAGED_USED 6
BOOL NewPool; ULONG SortBy;
typedef struct _FILTER { ULONG Tag; BOOLEAN Exclude; } FILTER, *PFILTER;
typedef struct _POOLTRACK_READ { ULONG64 Address; ULONG Key; ULONG NonPagedAllocs; ULONG NonPagedFrees; ULONG PagedAllocs; ULONG PagedFrees; LONG64 NonPagedBytes; LONG64 PagedBytes; } POOLTRACK_READ, *PPOOLTRACK_READ;
#define MAX_FILTER 64
ULONG64 SpecialPoolStart; ULONG64 SpecialPoolEnd; ULONG64 PoolBigTableAddress;
#define DecodeLink(Pool) ( (ULONG64) (Pool & (ULONG64) ~1))
// Size of a pool page.
// This must be greater than or equal to the page size.
#define POOL_PAGE_SIZE PageSize
#define MAX_POOL_HEADER_COUNT (PageSize/SizeOfPoolHdr)
// The smallest pool block size must be a multiple of the page size.
// Define the block size as 32.
#define SPECIAL_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE(PoolHeader_Ulong1) (PoolHeader_Ulong1 & (MI_SPECIAL_POOL_VERIFIER - 1))
NTSTATUS DiagnosePoolPage( ULONG64 PoolPageToDump );
#ifndef _EXTFNS_H
// GetPoolTagDescription
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PGET_POOL_TAG_DESCRIPTION)( ULONG PoolTag, PSTR *pDescription ); #endif
ULONG64 GetSpecialPoolHeader ( IN PVOID pDataPage, IN ULONG64 RealDataPage, OUT PULONG64 ReturnedDataStart );
int __cdecl ulcomp(const void *e1,const void *e2) { PPOOLTRACK_READ p1, p2; ULONG u1;
p1 = (PPOOLTRACK_READ) e1; p2 = (PPOOLTRACK_READ) e2; switch (SortBy) { case TAG:
u1 = ((PUCHAR)&p1->Key)[0] - ((PUCHAR)&p2->Key)[0]; if (u1 != 0) { return u1; } u1 = ((PUCHAR)&p1->Key)[1] - ((PUCHAR)&p2->Key)[1]; if (u1 != 0) { return u1; } u1 = ((PUCHAR)&p1->Key)[2] - ((PUCHAR)&p2->Key)[2]; if (u1 != 0) { return u1; } u1 = ((PUCHAR)&p1->Key)[3] - ((PUCHAR)&p2->Key)[3]; return u1;
case NONPAGED_ALLOC: if (p2->NonPagedAllocs == p1->NonPagedAllocs) { return 0; } if (p2->NonPagedAllocs > p1->NonPagedAllocs) { return 1; } return -1;
case NONPAGED_FREE: if (p2->NonPagedFrees == p1->NonPagedFrees) { return 0; } if (p2->NonPagedFrees > p1->NonPagedFrees) { return 1; } return -1;
case NONPAGED_USED: if (p2->NonPagedBytes == p1->NonPagedBytes) { return 0; } if (p2->NonPagedBytes > p1->NonPagedBytes) { return 1; } return -1;
case PAGED_USED: if (p2->PagedBytes == p1->PagedBytes) { return 0; } if (p2->PagedBytes > p1->PagedBytes) { return 1; } return -1;
default: break; } return 0; }
Routine Description:
Sets up generally useful pool globals.
Must be called in every DECLARE_API interface that uses pool.
Return Value:
LOGICAL PoolInitialized = FALSE;
LOGICAL PoolInitializeGlobals( VOID ) { if (PoolInitialized == TRUE) { return TRUE; }
SpecialPoolStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmSpecialPoolStart"); SpecialPoolEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd");
if (PageSize < 0x1000 || (PageSize & (ULONG)0xFFF)) { dprintf ("unable to get MmPageSize (0x%x) - probably bad symbols\n", PageSize); return FALSE; }
PoolInitialized = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Dump pool fragmentation
args - Flags
Return Value:
{ ULONG Flags; ULONG result; ULONG i; ULONG count; ULONG64 Pool; ULONG64 PoolLoc1; ULONG TotalFrag; ULONG TotalCount; ULONG Frag; ULONG64 PoolStart; ULONG PoolOverhead; ULONG64 PoolLoc; ULONG PoolTag, BlockSize, PreviousSize, PoolIndex; ULONG TotalPages, TotalBigPages; ULONG64 Flink, Blink; PCHAR pc; ULONG ListHeadOffset, ListEntryOffset; ULONG64 tmp;
#define PoolBlk(F,V) GetFieldValue(Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", #F, V)
if (PoolInitializeGlobals() == FALSE) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf("\n NonPaged Pool Fragmentation\n\n"); Flags = 0; PoolStart = 0;
if (GetExpressionEx(args, &tmp, &args)) { Flags = (ULONG) tmp; PoolStart = GetExpression (args); }
PoolOverhead = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER"); if (PoolStart != 0) { PoolStart += PoolOverhead;
Pool = DecodeLink(PoolStart); do {
Pool = Pool - PoolOverhead; if ( PoolBlk(k, PoolTag) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of pool block\n", Pool ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
PoolBlk(BlockSize,BlockSize); PoolBlk(PreviousSize,PreviousSize); ReadPointer(Pool + PoolOverhead, &Flink); ReadPointer(Pool + PoolOverhead + DBG_PTR_SIZE, &Blink);
dprintf(" %p size: %4lx previous size: %4lx %c%c%c%c links: %8p %8p\n", Pool, (ULONG)BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, (ULONG)PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP((PoolTag&~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24), #undef PP
Flink, Blink);
if (Flags != 3) { Pool = Flink; } else { Pool = Blink; }
Pool = DecodeLink(Pool);
if (CheckControlC()) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
} while ( (Pool & (ULONG64) ~0xf) != (PoolStart & (ULONG64) ~0xf) );
return E_INVALIDARG; }
PoolLoc1 = GetNtDebuggerData( NonPagedPoolDescriptor );
if (PoolLoc1 == 0) { dprintf ("unable to get nonpaged pool head\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
PoolLoc = PoolLoc1; GetFieldOffset("nt!_POOL_DESCRIPTOR", "ListHeads", &ListHeadOffset);
TotalFrag = 0; TotalCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < POOL_LIST_HEADS; i += 1) {
Frag = 0; count = 0;
// Get Offset of this entry
ListEntryOffset = ListHeadOffset + i * 2 * DBG_PTR_SIZE;
if (GetFieldValue(PoolLoc + ListEntryOffset, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink", Pool)) { dprintf ("Unable to get pool descriptor list entry %#lx, %p\n", i, PoolLoc1); return E_INVALIDARG; } // Pool = (PUCHAR)PoolDesc.ListHeads[i].Flink;
Pool = DecodeLink(Pool);
while (Pool != (ListEntryOffset + PoolLoc)) {
Pool = Pool - PoolOverhead; if ( PoolBlk(PoolTag, PoolTag) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of pool block\n", Pool ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
PoolBlk(BlockSize,BlockSize); PoolBlk(PreviousSize,PreviousSize); ReadPointer(Pool + PoolOverhead, &Flink); ReadPointer(Pool + PoolOverhead + DBG_PTR_SIZE, &Blink);
Frag += BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT; count += 1;
if (Flags & 2) { dprintf(" ListHead[%x]: %p size: %4lx previous size: %4lx %c%c%c%c\n", i, (ULONG)Pool, (ULONG)BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, (ULONG)PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP((PoolTag&~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24)); #undef PP
} Pool = Flink; Pool = DecodeLink(Pool);
if (CheckControlC()) { return E_INVALIDARG; } } if (Flags & 1) { dprintf("index: %2ld number of fragments: %5ld bytes: %6ld\n", i,count,Frag); } TotalFrag += Frag; TotalCount += count; }
dprintf("\n Number of fragments: %7ld consuming %7ld bytes\n", TotalCount,TotalFrag); GetFieldValue(PoolLoc, "nt!_POOL_DESCRIPTOR", "TotalPages",TotalPages); GetFieldValue(PoolLoc, "nt!_POOL_DESCRIPTOR", "TotalBigPages", TotalBigPages);
dprintf( " NonPagedPool Usage: %7ld bytes\n",(TotalPages + TotalBigPages)*PageSize); return S_OK; #undef PoolBlk
PRTL_BITMAP GetBitmap( ULONG64 pBitmap ) { PRTL_BITMAP p; ULONG Size, Result; ULONG64 Buffer=0;
if (!pBitmap || GetFieldValue(pBitmap, "nt!_RTL_BITMAP", "Buffer", Buffer)) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of bitmap\n", pBitmap ); return 0; } GetFieldValue(pBitmap, "nt!_RTL_BITMAP", "SizeOfBitMap", Size);
p = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof( *p ) + (Size / 8) ); if (p) { p->SizeOfBitMap = Size; p->Buffer = (PULONG)(p + 1); if ( !ReadMemory( Buffer, p->Buffer, Size / 8, &Result) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of bitmap buffer\n", Buffer ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, p ); p = NULL; } }
return p; }
VOID DumpPool( VOID ) { ULONG64 p, pStart; ULONG64 Size; ULONG BusyFlag; ULONG CurrentPage, NumberOfPages; PRTL_BITMAP StartMap; PRTL_BITMAP EndMap; ULONG64 PagedPoolStart; ULONG64 PagedPoolEnd; ULONG Result; UCHAR PgPool[] = "nt!_MM_PAGED_POOL_INFO"; ULONG64 PagedPoolInfoPointer; ULONG64 PagedPoolAllocationMap=0, EndOfPagedPoolBitmap=0;
if (PoolInitializeGlobals() == FALSE) { return; }
PagedPoolInfoPointer = GetNtDebuggerData( MmPagedPoolInformation );
if ( GetFieldValue( PagedPoolInfoPointer, PgPool, "PagedPoolAllocationMap", PagedPoolAllocationMap)) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of paged pool information\n", PagedPoolInfoPointer ); return; }
GetFieldValue( PagedPoolInfoPointer, PgPool, "EndOfPagedPoolBitmap", EndOfPagedPoolBitmap);
StartMap = GetBitmap( PagedPoolAllocationMap ); EndMap = GetBitmap( EndOfPagedPoolBitmap );
PagedPoolStart = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmPagedPoolStart ); PagedPoolEnd = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmPagedPoolEnd );
if (StartMap && EndMap) { p = PagedPoolStart; CurrentPage = 0; dprintf( "Paged Pool: %p .. %p\n", PagedPoolStart, PagedPoolEnd );
while (p < PagedPoolEnd) { if ( CheckControlC() ) { return; } pStart = p; BusyFlag = RtlCheckBit( StartMap, CurrentPage ); while ( ~(BusyFlag ^ RtlCheckBit( StartMap, CurrentPage )) ) { p += PageSize; if (RtlCheckBit( EndMap, CurrentPage )) { CurrentPage++; break; }
CurrentPage++; if (p > PagedPoolEnd) { break; } }
Size = p - pStart; dprintf( "%p: %I64x - %s\n", pStart, Size, BusyFlag ? "busy" : "free" ); } }
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, StartMap ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, EndMap ); }
void PrintPoolTagComponent( ULONG PoolTag ) { PGET_POOL_TAG_DESCRIPTION GetPoolTagDescription; PSTR TagComponent; #ifdef _EXTFNS_H
DEBUG_POOLTAG_DESCRIPTION Desc = {0}; Desc.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(DEBUG_POOLTAG_DESCRIPTION); GetPoolTagDescription = NULL; if ((GetExtensionFunction("GetPoolTagDescription", (FARPROC*) &GetPoolTagDescription) != S_OK) || !GetPoolTagDescription) { return; }
(*GetPoolTagDescription)(PoolTag, &Desc);
if (Desc.Description[0]) { dprintf("\t\tPooltag %4.4s : %s", &PoolTag, Desc.Description); if (Desc.Binary[0]) { dprintf(", Binary : %s",Desc.Binary); } if (Desc.Owner[0]) { dprintf(", Owner : %s", Desc.Owner); } dprintf("\n"); } else { dprintf("\t\tOwning component : Unknown (update pooltag.txt)\n"); }
GetPoolTagDescription = NULL; if ((GetExtensionFunction("GetPoolTagDescription", (FARPROC*) &GetPoolTagDescription) != S_OK) || !GetPoolTagDescription) { return; }
(*GetPoolTagDescription)(PoolTag, &TagComponent); if (TagComponent && (100 < (ULONG64) TagComponent)) { dprintf("\t\tOwning component : %s\n", TagComponent); } else { dprintf("\t\tOwning component : Unknown (update pooltag.txt)\n"); }
PSTR g_PoolRegion[DbgPoolRegionMax] = { "Unknown", // DbgPoolRegionUnknown,
"Special pool", // DbgPoolRegionSpecial,
"Paged pool", // DbgPoolRegionPaged,
"Nonpaged pool", // DbgPoolRegionNonPaged,
"Pool code", // DbgPoolRegionCode,
"Nonpaged pool expansion", // DbgPoolRegionNonPagedExpansion,
DEBUG_POOL_REGION GetPoolRegion( ULONG64 Pool ) { static ULONG64 PoolCodeEnd; static ULONG64 PagedPoolEnd; static ULONG64 NonPagedPoolEnd; static ULONG64 NonPagedPoolStart; static ULONG64 PagedPoolStart; static ULONG64 SessionPagedPoolStart; static ULONG64 SessionPagedPoolEnd; static ULONG64 NonPagedPoolExpansionStart; static ULONG64 PoolCodeStart; static BOOL GotAll = FALSE;
if (!GotAll) { PoolCodeEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MmPoolCodeEnd"); SpecialPoolEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd"); PagedPoolEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MmPagedPoolEnd"); NonPagedPoolEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MmNonPagedPoolEnd"); NonPagedPoolStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmNonPagedPoolStart"); SpecialPoolStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmSpecialPoolStart"); PagedPoolStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmPagedPoolStart"); SessionPagedPoolStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MiSessionPoolStart"); SessionPagedPoolEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MiSessionPoolEnd"); NonPagedPoolExpansionStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmNonPagedPoolExpansionStart"); PoolCodeStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmPoolCodeStart"); GotAll = TRUE; } if (!(PoolCodeStart || SpecialPoolStart || SpecialPoolEnd || PoolCodeEnd || NonPagedPoolExpansionStart || NonPagedPoolStart || NonPagedPoolEnd || SessionPagedPoolStart || SessionPagedPoolEnd || PagedPoolStart || PagedPoolEnd)) { GotAll = FALSE; return DbgPoolRegionUnknown; } if ( Pool >= SpecialPoolStart && Pool < SpecialPoolEnd) { return DbgPoolRegionSpecial; } else if ( Pool >= PagedPoolStart && Pool < PagedPoolEnd) { return DbgPoolRegionPaged; } else if ( Pool >= SessionPagedPoolStart && Pool < SessionPagedPoolEnd) { return DbgPoolRegionPaged; } else if ( Pool >= NonPagedPoolStart && Pool < NonPagedPoolEnd) { return DbgPoolRegionNonPaged; } else if ( Pool >= PoolCodeStart && Pool < PoolCodeEnd) { return DbgPoolRegionCode; } else if ( Pool >= NonPagedPoolExpansionStart) { return DbgPoolRegionNonPagedExpansion; } else { return DbgPoolRegionUnknown; } return DbgPoolRegionUnknown; }
void PrintPoolRegion( ULONG64 Pool ) { PSTR pszRegion; DEBUG_POOL_REGION Region;
Region = GetPoolRegion(Pool);
pszRegion = g_PoolRegion[Region]; if (pszRegion) { dprintf(pszRegion); dprintf("\n"); } else { dprintf("Region unkown (0x%I64X)\n", Pool); }
UCHAR DataPage[0x5000];
HRESULT ListPoolPage( ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, ULONG Flags, PDEBUG_POOL_DATA PoolData ) { LOGICAL QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock; ULONG64 PoolTableAddress; ULONG result; ULONG PoolTag; ULONG Result; ULONG64 StartPage; ULONG64 Pool; ULONG PoolBlockSize; ULONG PoolHeaderSize; ULONG64 PoolHeader; ULONG Previous; UCHAR c; PUCHAR p; ULONG64 PoolDataEnd; UCHAR PoolBlockPattern; PUCHAR DataStart; ULONG64 RealDataStart; LOGICAL Pagable; LOGICAL FirstBlock; ULONG BlockType; ULONG PoolWhere; ULONG i; ULONG j; ULONG ct; ULONG start; ULONG PoolBigPageTableSize; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr=GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
if (!SpecialPoolStart) { SpecialPoolStart = GetPointerValue("nt!MmSpecialPoolStart"); SpecialPoolEnd = GetPointerValue("nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd"); }
Pool = PAGE_ALIGN64 (PoolPageToDump); StartPage = Pool; Previous = 0;
if (PoolData) { ZeroMemory(PoolData, sizeof(DEBUG_POOL_DATA)); }
if (!(Flags & 0x80000000)) { dprintf("Pool page %p region is ", PoolPageToDump); PrintPoolRegion(PoolPageToDump); }
if (Pool >= SpecialPoolStart && Pool < SpecialPoolEnd) {
ULONG Hdr_Ulong=0;
// Pre read the pool
if ( !ReadMemory( Pool, &DataPage[0], min(PageSize, sizeof(DataPage)), &Result) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of special pool block\n", Pool ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "Ulong1", Hdr_Ulong)) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get nt!_POOL_HEADER\n", Pool ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Determine whether the data is at the start or end of the page.
// Start off by assuming the data is at the end, in this case the
// header will be at the start.
PoolHeader = GetSpecialPoolHeader((PVOID) &DataPage[0], Pool, &RealDataStart);
if (PoolHeader == 0) { dprintf("Block %p is a corrupted special pool allocation\n", PoolPageToDump); return E_INVALIDARG; } GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "Ulong1", Hdr_Ulong); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTag", PoolTag); PoolBlockSize = SPECIAL_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE(Hdr_Ulong);
if (Hdr_Ulong & MI_SPECIAL_POOL_PAGABLE) { Pagable = TRUE; } else { Pagable = FALSE; }
if (PoolData) { PoolData->Pool = RealDataStart; PoolData->PoolBlock = PoolPageToDump; PoolData->SpecialPool = 1; PoolData->Pageable = Hdr_Ulong & 0x8000 ? 1 : 0; PoolData->Size = PoolBlockSize; if (Flags & 0x80000000) { // do not print anything
return S_OK; } } dprintf("*%p size: %4lx %s special pool, Tag is %c%c%c%c\n", RealDataStart, PoolBlockSize, Hdr_Ulong & 0x8000 ? "pagable" : "non-paged", #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP(PoolTag >> 24) ); #undef PP
// Add code to validate whole block.
return S_OK; }
FirstBlock = TRUE; QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock = FALSE;
if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { if (GetExpression ("nt!ExGetPoolTagInfo") != 0) {
// This is a kernel where the quota process pointer is at the end
// of the pool block instead of overlaid on the tag field.
QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock = TRUE; } }
while (PAGE_ALIGN64(Pool) == StartPage) { ULONG BlockSize=0, PreviousSize=0, PoolType=0, AllocatorBackTraceIndex=0; ULONG PoolTagHash=0, PoolIndex=0; ULONG64 ProcessBilled=0;
if ( CheckControlC() ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSize) ) {
// If this is a large pool allocation the memory address at this address
// might still be DemandZero and we cannot read from it. This is not an error -
// we could still find the allocation in the large allocations table.
BlockType = 1;
goto TryLargePool; }
if (PoolPageToDump >= Pool && PoolPageToDump < (Pool + ((ULONG64) BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT)) ) { c = '*'; } else { c = ' '; }
GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize); GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolType", PoolType); GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTag", PoolTag); GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTagHash", PoolTagHash); GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolIndex", PoolIndex); GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "AllocatorBackTraceIndex", AllocatorBackTraceIndex);
BlockType = 0;
if ((BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT) >= POOL_PAGE_SIZE) { BlockType = 1; } else if (BlockSize == 0) { BlockType = 2; } else if (PreviousSize != Previous) { BlockType = 3; }
if (BlockType != 0) { ULONG BigPageSize = GetTypeSize ("nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES");
if (!BigPageSize) { dprintf("Cannot get _POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES type size\n"); break; }
// See if this is a big block allocation. Iff we have not parsed
// any other small blocks in here already.
if (FirstBlock == TRUE) {
if (!PoolBigTableAddress) { PoolBigTableAddress = GetPointerValue ("nt!PoolBigPageTable"); }
PoolTableAddress = PoolBigTableAddress;
if (PoolTableAddress) {
dprintf ("%p is not a valid small pool allocation, checking large pool...\n", Pool);
PoolBigPageTableSize = GetUlongValue ("nt!PoolBigPageTableSize"); //
// Scan the table looking for a match.
i = 0; ct = PageSize / BigPageSize;
while (i < PoolBigPageTableSize) { ULONG64 Va=0; ULONG Key=0, NumberOfPages=0;
if (PoolBigPageTableSize - i < ct) { ct = PoolBigPageTableSize - i; }
if ( GetFieldValue( PoolTableAddress, "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "Va", Va) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of pool block\n", PoolTableAddress ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
for (j = 0; j < ct; j += 1) {
if ( GetFieldValue( PoolTableAddress + BigPageSize*j, "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "Va", Va) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of pool block\n", PoolTableAddress ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (((Va & 0x1) == 0) && (Pool >= Va)) {
GetFieldValue( PoolTableAddress + BigPageSize*j, "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "NumberOfPages", NumberOfPages);
if (Pool < (Va + (NumberOfPages * PageSize))) { //
// Match !
GetFieldValue( PoolTableAddress + BigPageSize*j, "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "Key", Key); PoolTag = Key;
if (PoolData) { PoolData->Pool = PoolPageToDump; PoolData->Size = NumberOfPages*PageSize; PoolData->PoolTag = PoolTag; PoolData->LargePool = 1; PoolData->Free = (Pool & POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE) ? 1 : 0; if (Flags & 0x80000000) { // do not print anything
return S_OK; } } dprintf("*%p :%s large page allocation, Tag is %c%c%c%c, size is 0x%I64x bytes\n", (Pool & ~POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE), (Pool & POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE) ? "free " : "", #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP(PoolTag >> 24), (ULONG64)NumberOfPages * PageSize ); #undef PP
PrintPoolTagComponent(PoolTag); return S_OK; } } } i += ct; PoolTableAddress += (ct * BigPageSize); }
// No match in small or large pool, must be
// freed or corrupt pool
dprintf("%p is freed (or corrupt) pool\n", Pool);
return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf("unable to get pool big page table - either wrong symbols or pool tagging is disabled\n"); }
if (BlockType == 1) { dprintf("Bad allocation size @%p, too large\n", Pool); } else if (BlockType == 2) { dprintf("Bad allocation size @%p, zero is invalid\n", Pool); } else if (BlockType == 3) { dprintf("Bad previous allocation size @%p, last size was %lx\n", Pool, Previous); }
if (BlockType != 0) {
// Attempt to diagnose what is wrong with the pool page
} }
switch (TargetMachine) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "ProcessBilled", ProcessBilled); break; default: if (QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock == TRUE) {
ULONG SizeOfPvoid = 0; ULONG64 ProcessBillAddress;
SizeOfPvoid = DBG_PTR_SIZE;
if (SizeOfPvoid == 0) { dprintf ("Search: cannot get size of PVOID\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } ProcessBillAddress = Pool + ((ULONG64) BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT) - SizeOfPvoid; ProcessBilled = READ_PVOID (ProcessBillAddress); } else { GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "ProcessBilled", ProcessBilled); } break; }
GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTag", PoolTag);
if (!(Flags & 2) || c == '*') { if (PoolData) { PoolData->Pool = Pool; PoolData->PoolBlock = PoolPageToDump; PoolData->PoolTag = PoolTag & ~PROTECTED_POOL; PoolData->ProcessBilled = ProcessBilled; PoolData->PreviousSize = PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT; PoolData->Size = BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT; PoolData->Free = ((PoolType != 0) && (!NewPool ? (PoolIndex & 0x80) : (PoolType & 0x04))) ? 0 : 1; PoolData->Protected = (PoolTag&PROTECTED_POOL) ? 1 : 0; if (Flags & 0x80000000) { // do not print anything
return S_OK; } }
dprintf("%c%p size: %4lx previous size: %4lx ", c, Pool, BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT);
if (PoolType == 0) {
// "Free " with a space after it before the parentheses means
// it's been freed to a (pool manager internal) lookaside list.
// We used to print "Lookaside" but that just confused driver
// writers because they didn't know if this meant in use or not
// and many would say "but I don't use lookaside lists - the
// extension or kernel is broken".
// "Free" with no space after it before the parentheses means
// it is not on a pool manager internal lookaside list and is
// instead on the regular pool manager internal flink/blink
// chains.
// Note to anyone using the pool package, these 2 terms are
// equivalent. The fine distinction is only for those actually
// writing pool internal code.
dprintf(" (Free)");
#define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c%c\n", c, PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP((PoolTag&~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24) ); #undef PP
if (c=='*') { PrintPoolTagComponent(PoolTag & ~PROTECTED_POOL); } } else {
if (!NewPool ? (PoolIndex & 0x80) : (PoolType & 0x04)) { dprintf(" (Allocated)"); } else { //
// "Free " with a space after it before the parentheses means
// it's been freed to a (pool manager internal) lookaside list.
// We used to print "Lookaside" but that just confused driver
// writers because they didn't know if this meant in use or not
// and many would say "but I don't use lookaside lists - the
// extension or kernel is broken".
// "Free" with no space after it before the parentheses means
// it is not on a pool manager internal lookaside list and is
// instead on the regular pool manager internal flink/blink
// chains.
// Note to anyone using the pool package, these 2 terms are
// equivalent. The fine distinction is only for those actually
// writing pool internal code.
dprintf(" (Free )"); } if ((PoolType & POOL_QUOTA_MASK) == 0) { /*
ULONG Key=0; if (AllocatorBackTraceIndex != 0 && AllocatorBackTraceIndex & POOL_BACKTRACEINDEX_PRESENT ) { if ( GetFieldValue( PoolTrackTable + ( PoolTagHash&~(PROTECTED_POOL >> 16) )*GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_TRACKER_TABLE"), "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_TABLE", "Key", Key) ) { PoolTag = 0; } else { PoolTag = Key; }
if (PoolTagHash & (PROTECTED_POOL >> 16)) { PoolTag |= PROTECTED_POOL; }
} else { PoolTag = PoolTag; }*/
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c%c%s\n", c, #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP((PoolTag&~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24), (PoolTag&PROTECTED_POOL) ? " (Protected)" : "" #undef PP
if (c=='*') { PrintPoolTagComponent(PoolTag & ~PROTECTED_POOL); } } else { if ((QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock == TRUE) || (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386)) {
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c%c%s", c, #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(PoolTag), PP(PoolTag >> 8), PP(PoolTag >> 16), PP((PoolTag&~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24), (PoolTag&PROTECTED_POOL) ? " (Protected)" : "" #undef PP
if (ProcessBilled != 0) { dprintf(" Process: %0p\n", ProcessBilled ); } else { dprintf("\n"); }
if (c=='*') { PrintPoolTagComponent(PoolTag & ~PROTECTED_POOL); } } else { if (ProcessBilled != 0) { dprintf(" Process: %0p", ProcessBilled ); } dprintf("\n"); } } }
if (Flags & 1) {
PULONG Contents; ULONG Size;
Size = BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
// the blocksize includes the size of the header,
// so we want to account for the header size
// when we determine how much data to display
Size -= SizeOfPoolHdr;
if (Size > 0) {
Contents = malloc(Size);
if (Contents) {
ULONG64 m; ULONG64 q;
q = Pool + SizeOfPoolHdr;
ReadMemory(q, Contents, Size, &i);
for (m = 0; m < (Size / sizeof(Contents[0])); m++) {
if (m % 4 == 0) {
if (m > 0) { dprintf("\n"); }
dprintf(" %0p ", q + (m * sizeof(Contents[0])));
dprintf(" %08lx", Contents[m]);
} } else { dprintf("\n"); } }
Previous = BlockSize; Pool += ((ULONG64) Previous << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT); FirstBlock = FALSE; } return S_OK; }
Routine Description:
Dump kernel mode heap
args - Page Flags
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 PoolPageToDump; ULONG Flags; HRESULT Hr;
INIT_API(); if (PoolInitializeGlobals() == FALSE) { Hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { PoolPageToDump = 0; Flags = 0; if (GetExpressionEx(args, &PoolPageToDump, &args)) { Flags = (ULONG) GetExpression (args); }
if (PoolPageToDump == 0) { DumpPool(); Hr = S_OK;; } else { Hr = ListPoolPage(PoolPageToDump, Flags, NULL); }
return Hr;
// header info meta information
#define HEADER_BACK_LINK (0x1 << 0) // node has a valid backward link
#define HEADER_FORWARD_LINK (0x1 << 1) // node has a valid forward link
#define HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK (0x1 << 2) // an attempt was made to correct the backward link
#define HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK (0x1 << 3) // an attempt was made to correct the forward link
#define HEADER_FIRST_LINK (0x1 << 4) // node is the first of a contiguous linked list
#define HEADER_LAST_LINK (0x1 << 5) // node is the last of a contiguous linked list
#define HEADER_START_PAGE_BLOCK (0x1 << 6) // node is at the start of the pool page
#define HEADER_END_PAGE_BLOCK (0x1 << 7) // node refers to the end of the pool page - implies LAST_LINK
typedef struct _VALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO { UCHAR Info; ULONG Pass; UINT64 Node; UINT64 ForwardLink; UINT64 BackLink; UINT64 FixedPreviousSize; UINT64 FixedBlockSize; } VALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO, *PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO;
#define IS_VALID_PASS(_x) ((_x > 0) && (_x < 0xff))
#define VERBOSE_SHOW_LISTS (0x1 << 0) //
#define VERBOSE_SHOW_HEADER_INFO (0x1 << 1) //
#define VERBOSE_DUMP_HEADERS (0x1 << 2) //
#define VERBOSE_SHOW_ALL (0x1 << 7)
UCHAR ValidatePoolHeaderBackLink( IN ULONG64 Pool ) /*++
This routine determines if the back link of a given pool header as valid
Pool - header (node) to analyze
Header info for the node
--*/ { UCHAR HeaderInfo; ULONG64 StartPage; ULONG64 p; ULONG tmpBlockSize; ULONG PreviousSize;
// find where the page starts
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(Pool);
// clear the header info
HeaderInfo = 0;
// get the previous size for the current node
GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize);
// Validate Back link
if (Pool == StartPage) {
// ensure that the PreviousSize is 0 before
// we declare we have a valid back link
if (PreviousSize == 0) {
// the page always begins with a block
// and the back link is not used (0)
} else {
p = Pool - ((ULONG64)PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT);
if (PAGE_ALIGN64(p) == StartPage) {
GetFieldValue( p, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", tmpBlockSize);
if ((tmpBlockSize == PreviousSize) && (tmpBlockSize != 0)) {
return HeaderInfo; }
UCHAR ValidatePoolHeaderForwardLink( IN ULONG64 Pool ) /*++
This routine determines if the forward link of a given pool header as valid
Pool - header (node) to analyze
Header info for the node
--*/ { UCHAR HeaderInfo; ULONG64 StartPage; ULONG64 p; ULONG tmpPreviousSize; ULONG BlockSize;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(Pool);
HeaderInfo = 0;
GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSize);
// Validate Forward link
p = Pool + ((ULONG64)BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT);
// If p is still on the same page,
// then see if the block we point to has its
// previousblocksize == blocksize
if (PAGE_ALIGN64(p) == StartPage) {
GetFieldValue( p, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", tmpPreviousSize);
if ((tmpPreviousSize == BlockSize) && (tmpPreviousSize != 0)) {
} else {
// if p points to the beginning of the next page,
// then the block Pool refers to *may* be the last block
// on the page
if (p == (StartPage + POOL_PAGE_SIZE)) {
return HeaderInfo; }
UCHAR ValidatePoolHeader( IN ULONG64 Pool ) /*++
This routine determines if a given pool header as valid forward and backward links.
Pool - header (node) to analyze
Header info for the node
--*/ { UCHAR HeaderInfo;
HeaderInfo = 0; HeaderInfo |= ValidatePoolHeaderBackLink(Pool); HeaderInfo |= ValidatePoolHeaderForwardLink(Pool);
return HeaderInfo; }
NTSTATUS ScanPoolHeaders( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToEnumerate, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataSize ) /*++
This routine does the first pass analysis of the pool page headers. The net result of this routine is that we end up with a set of pool header meta information, where the information describes the health of a node - if the forward and back links exist, etc.
PoolPageToEnumerate - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG64 StartPage; ULONG64 StartHeader; ULONG64 Pool; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr; ULONG PoolIndex; PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO p; ULONG Pass; BOOLEAN Done; BOOLEAN Tracing;
// default
SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER"); Pool = PAGE_ALIGN64 (PoolPageToEnumerate); StartPage = Pool; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PoolIndex = 0; p = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; StartHeader = StartPage; Pass = 0; Done = FALSE;
// iterate through the page and validate the headers
dprintf("DataSize = %d, DataLength = %d\r\n", DataSize, DataSize / sizeof(VALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)); #endif
// algorithm:
// Consider each possible node in the pool page to be
// the start of a linked list. For each start node (head),
// attempt to follow the list by tracing forward links.
// All nodes that are part of a single list, are assigned
// the same pass value - they were all traced on the same pass.
// The net result is a set of linked lists grouped by pass.
// We skip nodes that have already been marked as being part
// of another linked list
while ((PAGE_ALIGN64(StartHeader) == StartPage) && !Done) {
// each iteration is a new pass
Pass += 1;
// start scanning from the new first node
Pool = StartHeader; PoolIndex = (ULONG)((Pool - StartPage) / SizeOfPoolHdr); //
// default: we have not found the start of a linked list
Tracing = FALSE;
// while we are still on the correct page
while ((PAGE_ALIGN64(Pool) == StartPage)) {
dprintf("Pass = %d, PoolIndex = %d, Pool = %p\r\n", Pass, PoolIndex, Pool); #endif
ASSERT(PoolIndex < (DataSize/sizeof(VALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)));
if ( CheckControlC() ) { Done = TRUE; break; }
dprintf("p[PoolIndex].Pass = %d\r\n", p[PoolIndex].Pass); #endif
// Skip nodes that have already been marked as being part
// of another linked list
if (p[PoolIndex].Pass == 0) {
// determine the link info for this header
p[PoolIndex].Info = ValidatePoolHeader(Pool);
dprintf("p[PoolIndex].Info = %d\r\n", p[PoolIndex].Info); #endif
// if the node has any chance of being valid,
// then consider it
// otherwise mark it invalid
if ((p[PoolIndex].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) || (p[PoolIndex].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK) || (p[PoolIndex].Info & HEADER_START_PAGE_BLOCK) ) {
// if we are not already tracing,
// then we have found the first node of a linked list
if (!Tracing) {
// we have found a valid node,
// so we now consider ourselves tracing
// the links of a list
Tracing = TRUE;
// mark the current node as the start of the list
p[PoolIndex].Info |= HEADER_FIRST_LINK;
// the node has a valid link,
// so it is part of this pass
// if the back link is good and the forward link is bad
// then this is the end of a list
// if the back link is bad and the forward link is good
// then this is the start of a list
// if both are good,
// then this is the middle node of a list
p[PoolIndex].Pass = Pass;
// keep track of the node's address
p[PoolIndex].Node = Pool;
// keep track of what may or may not be a valid back link
// we use this value later when/if we need to correct broken links
{ ULONG PreviousSize;
// calculate the backward node
GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize);
p[PoolIndex].BackLink = Pool - ((ULONG64)PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT);
// keep track of what may or may not be a valid forward link
// we use this value later when/if we need to correct broken links
{ ULONG BlockSize;
// calculate the forward node
GetFieldValue( Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSize);
// keep track of the forward node
p[PoolIndex].ForwardLink = Pool + ((ULONG64)BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT);
// if the node has a valid forward link,
// then follow it as part of this pass
if (p[PoolIndex].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) {
// calculate the forward node
Pool = p[PoolIndex].ForwardLink;
// calculate the pool info index of the forward node
PoolIndex = (ULONG)((Pool - StartPage) / SizeOfPoolHdr);
} else {
// the forward link is broken,
// hence we are at the end of a list
p[PoolIndex].Info |= HEADER_LAST_LINK;
} else {
// assert: if we got here and are tracing a list
// then the forward link of the previous node
// pointed to a node with no valid links
// this is impossible and probably implies
// that the code to determine the forward link
// is broken
if (Tracing) { dprintf("error: forward link lead to invalid node! header = %p\r\n", Pool); } ASSERT(!Tracing);
// mark this as a NULL pass
p[PoolIndex].Pass = 0xff;
// assert: we should only reach here if we havent started
// tracing a list, otherwise we have landed on
// a node which we already explored!
if (Tracing) { dprintf("error: two lists share a node! header = %p\r\n", Pool); } ASSERT(!Tracing);
Pool = Pool + SizeOfPoolHdr; PoolIndex += 1;
// if we never started tracing a linked list,
// then we should bail because no further searches
// will yield a list
if (!Tracing) { #if DBG_SCAN
dprintf("no new valid headers found: giving up poolheader scanning\n"); #endif
break; }
StartHeader += SizeOfPoolHdr;
return Status; }
NTSTATUS ResolvePoolHeaders( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength ) /*++
This routine does the main work of resolving broken links in the pool header meta information. Given the raw pool header info, this routine tries to fix broken forward and back links. It also determines contiguous linked lists (passes) as well as marking various pool header attributes.
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info
--*/ {
PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG i; ULONG j; ULONG Pass; BOOLEAN Found; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr; UINT64 StartPage; NTSTATUS Status;
// default: we were successful
SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER"); StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump);
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
Pass = 0;
// while we continue to find linked lists,
// continue to process them.
// when the pool page was scanned, we marked each unique linked list
// with the pass # that it was found/traced on. Here, we
// are looking for all the nodes - i.e., the list which belong
// to our current pass.
// If we do not find (Found == FALSE) a linked list, then
// we have processed all the scanned lists.
do {
dprintf("ResolvePoolHeaders: Pass = %d\n", Pass); #endif
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
// advance to the next pass
Pass += 1; //
// default: there is no linked list in this pass
Found = FALSE;
// for every header in the pool page
// find the beginning of the linked list belonging to our pass
// if necessary, attempt to repair any broken nodes.
for (i = 0; i < PoolHeaderInfoLength; i++) {
dprintf("ResolvePoolHeaders: PoolHeaderInfo[%d].Info = %d\n", i, PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info); #endif
// Look for all the nodes which belong to our current pass
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass == Pass) {
// we found a linked list - of atleast 1 node
Found = TRUE;
// if the node is the head of a list
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIRST_LINK) {
// start of list
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK) {
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_START_PAGE_BLOCK) {
// back link is valid
} else {
// invalid condition:
// this implies that the node is the first node of a list,
// it has a valid back link, but is not the first
// node of a pool page.
dprintf("\n"); dprintf("error: Inconsistent condition occured while resolving @ %p.\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node); dprintf("error: Node is the first node of a list and it has a valid back link,\n"); dprintf("error: but the node is not at the start of the page\n"); dprintf("\n");
} else {
ULONG k; ULONG target; BOOLEAN bHaveTarget;
bHaveTarget = FALSE;
// node does not have a valid back link
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_START_PAGE_BLOCK) {
PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info |= HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK; PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize = 0;
// validate the forward link of the previous node:
// assume the back link of the current node (i) is broken:
// attempt to find a node that has a forward
// link that refers to this node
for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
// see if the forward link refers to our node
bHaveTarget = (PoolHeaderInfo[k].ForwardLink == PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node);
// make sure the node has a broken forward link
bHaveTarget = bHaveTarget && (! (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK));
if (bHaveTarget) { target = k; break; }
} if (bHaveTarget) {
// we have found a node whose forward link refers to
// the current node.
// therefore, the current node's previous size is corrupted
// we can correct it using the previous node's blocksize
PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info |= HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK; PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize = (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node - PoolHeaderInfo[k].Node) >> POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
// we now know the forward link of the target node is correct
PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info |= HEADER_FORWARD_LINK;
// validate back link of this node:
// assume the forward link of a previous node (k) is broken:
// determine if the node that this node's back link
// refers to is valid
for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
// see if the current node's back link refers to any previous node
bHaveTarget = (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Node == PoolHeaderInfo[i].BackLink);
// make sure the node has a broken forward link
bHaveTarget = bHaveTarget && (! (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK));
if (bHaveTarget) { target = k; break; }
} if (bHaveTarget) {
// we have found a node that the current node's backlink refers to.
// therefore, the current node's previous size is valid
// we can correct it using the previous node's blocksize
PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info |= HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK; PoolHeaderInfo[k].FixedBlockSize = (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node - PoolHeaderInfo[k].Node) >> POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
// we now know the back link of our current node is correct
PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info |= HEADER_BACK_LINK;
// otherwise:
// the back link of this node is broken
// the forward link of the previous known good
// node is broken
// hence there is a corrupt region between
// and possibly including portions of these nodes
// if the node is the tail of a list
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_LAST_LINK) {
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_END_PAGE_BLOCK) {
// the forward link of this node is valid
} else {
ULONG k; ULONG target; BOOLEAN bHaveTarget;
bHaveTarget = FALSE;
// the last link of a list should always point
// to the page end, hence
// the forward link of this node is INVALID/corrupt
// validate the back link of the next node:
// assume the forward link for the current node (i) is bad:
// attempt to find a node that has a back
// link that refers to this node
for (k = i+1; k < PoolHeaderInfoLength; k++) {
// see if the a following node refers to the current node
bHaveTarget = (PoolHeaderInfo[k].BackLink == PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node);
// make sure the following node is missing it's back link
bHaveTarget = bHaveTarget && (! (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK));
if (bHaveTarget) { target = k; break; }
} if (bHaveTarget) {
// we have found a node whose forward link refers to
// the current node.
// therefore, the current node's previous size is corrupted
// we can correct it using the previous node's blocksize
PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info |= HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK; PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedBlockSize = (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Node - PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node) >> POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
// we now know the back link of our target node is correct
PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info |= HEADER_BACK_LINK;
// validate forward link of this node:
// assume the back link for a following node (k) is bad:
// determine if the node that this node's forward link
// refers to is valid
for (k = i+1; k < PoolHeaderInfoLength; k++) {
// see if the a following node refers to the current node
bHaveTarget = (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Node == PoolHeaderInfo[i].ForwardLink);
// make sure the following node is missing it's back link
bHaveTarget = bHaveTarget && (! (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK));
if (bHaveTarget) { target = k; break; }
} if (bHaveTarget) {
// we have found a node whose forward link refers to
// the current node.
// therefore, the current node's previous size is corrupted
// we can correct it using the previous node's blocksize
PoolHeaderInfo[k].Info |= HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK; PoolHeaderInfo[k].FixedPreviousSize = (PoolHeaderInfo[k].Node - PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node) >> POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
// we now know the back link of our target node is correct
PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info |= HEADER_FORWARD_LINK;
// otherwise:
// the forward link of this node is broken
// the back link of the next known good
// node is broken
// hence there is a corrupt region between
// and possibly including portions of these nodes
} else {
// Node was not part of linked list belonging to this pass
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; }
} while ( Found );
return Status;
VOID DumpPoolHeaderInfo( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, IN ULONG i, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
Debug utility
dump a SINGLE pool header meta info structure that has been collected
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info i - the structure to dump
--*/ {
PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; UINT64 StartPage; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
{ BOOLEAN First;
First = TRUE;
dprintf("[ %p ]:", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr));
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIRST_LINK) { dprintf("%s FIRST_LINK", !First ? " |" : ""); First = FALSE; } if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_LAST_LINK) { dprintf("%s LAST_LINK", !First ? " |" : ""); First = FALSE; } if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_START_PAGE_BLOCK) { dprintf("%s START_PAGE_BLOCK", !First ? " |" : ""); First = FALSE; } if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_END_PAGE_BLOCK) { dprintf("%s END_PAGE_BLOCK", !First ? " |" : ""); First = FALSE; } if (First) { dprintf(" interior node"); } dprintf("\n");
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK) {
dprintf( "[ %p ]: back link [ %p ]\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, PoolHeaderInfo[i].BackLink );
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) {
dprintf( "[ %p ]: forward link [ %p ]\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, PoolHeaderInfo[i].ForwardLink );
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK) {
ULONG PreviousSize;
GetFieldValue( PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize);
dprintf( "[ %p ]: invalid previous size [ %d ] should be [ %d ]\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, PreviousSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK) {
ULONG BlockSize;
GetFieldValue( PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSize);
dprintf( "[ %p ]: invalid block size [ %d ] should be [ %d ]\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, BlockSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedBlockSize );
VOID DiagnosePoolHeadersDumpInfo( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
Debug utility
dump all of the pool header meta info that has been collected
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info
--*/ {
PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG64 i; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; UINT64 StartPage; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
for (i = 0; i < PoolHeaderInfoLength; i++) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
if (! IS_VALID_PASS(PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass)) { continue; }
DumpPoolHeaderInfo( PoolPageToDump, Data, DataLength, (ULONG)i, Verbose );
BOOLEAN DiagnosePoolHeadersIsValid( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength ) /*++
Determines if a pool page is corrupt
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info
TRUE - page is corrupt FALSE - page is NOT corrupt
--*/ {
PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG64 i; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; BOOLEAN IsValid; UINT64 StartPage; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
IsValid = TRUE;
i=0; while ( i < PoolHeaderInfoLength ) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
if (IS_VALID_PASS(PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass)) {
// if both links are valid,
// then follow the forward link
// else the list is invalid
if ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK) && (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK)) {
i = (PoolHeaderInfo[i].ForwardLink - StartPage) / SizeOfPoolHdr;
} else {
IsValid = FALSE;
} else {
IsValid = FALSE;
return IsValid;
VOID DiagnosePoolHeadersDisplayLists( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
This routine displays all of the linked lists in a given pool page
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info
--*/ {
PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG i; ULONG j; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; UINT64 StartPage; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
for (i = 0; i < PoolHeaderInfoLength; i++) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
if (IS_VALID_PASS(PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass)) {
#if 0
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_HEADER_INFO) { dprintf("[ headerinfo = %02x @ %p ]: ", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info, StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } else { dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); }
for (j = 0; j < PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass; j++) {
dprintf(" ");
dprintf("%02d\r\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass);
DumpPoolHeaderInfo( PoolPageToDump, Data, DataLength, (ULONG)i, Verbose );
dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr));
for (j = 0; j < PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass; j++) {
dprintf(" ");
dprintf("%02d\r\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass);
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_HEADER_INFO) { dprintf("\n"); }
NTSTATUS FindLongestList( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, OUT PULONG PassStart ) /*++
Find the longest contiguous linked list in the pool page
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info PassStart - List # we think is the start of the longest list
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG64 i; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; BOOLEAN InCorruptedRegion; UINT64 CorruptedRegionStart; ULONG CorruptedRegionPassStart; UINT MaxListPassStart; UINT MaxListLength; BOOLEAN Found; ULONG Pass; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr; ULONG64 StartPage; ULONG ListLength; ULONG ListPassStart;
// default: we were successful
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
MaxListPassStart = 0; MaxListLength = 0; *PassStart = 0;
Pass = 0;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
do {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
InCorruptedRegion = FALSE;
ListLength = 0; ListPassStart = Pass;
Found = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < PoolHeaderInfoLength; i++) { if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass == Pass) { Found = TRUE; break; } }
while (i < PoolHeaderInfoLength) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
// make sure we arent in an infinite loop
// if we are, then we could be looking at memory
// that is not available - mini dump and PoolPageToDump = 0
if (ListLength > MAX_POOL_HEADER_COUNT) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; }
if (IS_VALID_PASS(PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass)) {
// if we are in a corrupt region,
// then determine if where we are in the region.
if (InCorruptedRegion) {
// ignore nodes that are clearly part of another
// linked list
// if we are tracing the longest list,
// then these nodes are considered spurious
if ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK) || (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK)) {
// we've hit the middle of another linked list so
// continue until we find the beginning of a
// list
} else {
// we've found the beginning of a new list
// and are no longer in a Corrupt region
InCorruptedRegion = FALSE;
if ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) || (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK)) {
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) {
i = (PoolHeaderInfo[i].ForwardLink - StartPage) / SizeOfPoolHdr;
} else if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK) {
UINT64 offset;
offset = PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedBlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
i = ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node + offset) - StartPage ) / SizeOfPoolHdr;
} else {
CorruptedRegionStart = PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node; CorruptedRegionPassStart = PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass;
InCorruptedRegion = TRUE;
// if pool header was not valid,
// then increment by one header
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; }
if (ListLength > MaxListLength) { MaxListLength = ListLength; MaxListPassStart = ListPassStart; }
} while ( Found );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// send back the max list start point
*PassStart = MaxListPassStart; } return Status; }
NTSTATUS AnalyzeLongestList( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, IN ULONG PassStart, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
Attempt to diagnose the longest linked list.
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info PassStart - the list # that we think is the beginning of the longest list Verbose - the level of spew
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG64 i; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; BOOLEAN InCorruptedRegion; UINT64 CorruptedRegionStart; ULONG CorruptedRegionPassStart; ULONG Pass; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr; ULONG64 StartPage;
// default: we were successful
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
Pass = PassStart;
if (PassStart > 0) { Pass--; }
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
InCorruptedRegion = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < PoolHeaderInfoLength; i++) { if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass == Pass) { break; } }
while (i < PoolHeaderInfoLength) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
if (IS_VALID_PASS(PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass)) {
// if we are in a corrupt region,
// then determine if where we are in the region.
if (InCorruptedRegion) {
// ignore nodes that are clearly part of another
// linked list
// if we are tracing the longest list,
// then these nodes are considered spurious
if ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_BACK_LINK) || (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK)) {
// we've hit the middle of another linked list so
// continue until we find the beginning of a
// list
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_ALL) { dprintf("[ %p ]: found middle node in Corrupt region\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node); }
} else {
// we've found the beginning of a new list
// and are no longer in a Corrupt region
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_ALL) { dprintf("[ %p ]: Corrupt region stopped\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node); }
dprintf("[ %p --> %p (size = 0x%x bytes)]: Corrupt region\n", CorruptedRegionStart, PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node - CorruptedRegionStart );
InCorruptedRegion = FALSE;
// emit
if (Verbose) {
// emit the current node info
{ ULONG j;
#if 1
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_HEADER_INFO) { dprintf("[ headerinfo = 0x%02x @ %p ]: ", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info, StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } else { dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } #else
dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); #endif
for (j = 0; j < PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass; j++) {
dprintf(" ");
dprintf("%02d\r\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass);
// if the back link is corrected,
// then display the correction
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK) {
ULONG PreviousSize;
GetFieldValue( PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize);
dprintf( "[ %p ]: invalid previous size [ 0x%x ] should be [ 0x%x ]\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, PreviousSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
if ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) || (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK)) {
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FORWARD_LINK) {
// dprintf("using good forward link: %p\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].ForwardLink);
i = (PoolHeaderInfo[i].ForwardLink - StartPage) / SizeOfPoolHdr;
} else if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK) {
UINT64 offset; ULONG BlockSize;
GetFieldValue( PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSize);
dprintf( "[ %p ]: invalid block size [ 0x%x ] should be [ 0x%x ]\n", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, BlockSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedBlockSize );
offset = PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedBlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT;
i = ((PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node + offset) - StartPage ) / SizeOfPoolHdr;
} else {
CorruptedRegionStart = PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node; CorruptedRegionPassStart = PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass;
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_ALL) { dprintf("[ %p ]: Corrupt region started\n", CorruptedRegionStart); }
InCorruptedRegion = TRUE;
// if pool header was not valid,
// then increment by one header
return Status;
NTSTATUS DiagnosePoolHeadersAnalyzeLongestList( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
Determines the longest contiguous linked list in the pool page.
We make the conclusion that the longest list is likely to be the original, uncorrupted list.
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info Verbose - level of verbosity
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG PassStart;
do {
// first, find the longest list
Status = FindLongestList( PoolPageToDump, Data, DataLength, &PassStart );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; }
// once we have found the longest list
// we then try to analyze it
Status = AnalyzeLongestList( PoolPageToDump, Data, DataLength, PassStart, Verbose ); } while ( FALSE );
return Status; }
ULONG GetHammingDistance( ULONG a, ULONG b ) { ULONG x; ULONG r;
x = a ^ b;
x -= ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555); x = (((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333)); x = (((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f0f0f); x += (x >> 8); x += (x >> 16);
r = (x & 0x0000003f);
// dprintf("a = %d, b = %d, r = %d\n", a, b, r);
return(r); }
VOID DiagnosePoolHeadersSingleBitErrors( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN OUT PVOID Data, IN ULONG DataLength, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
Determins if & where there are any single bit errors in the pool headers.
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Data - the pool header info DataLength - the # of entries in the header info
--*/ {
PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; ULONG i; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; UINT64 StartPage; BOOLEAN Found; ULONG SizeOfPoolHdr;
StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump); SizeOfPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
PoolHeaderInfo = (PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO)Data; PoolHeaderInfoLength = DataLength;
Found = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < PoolHeaderInfoLength; i++) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
if (IS_VALID_PASS(PoolHeaderInfo[i].Pass)) {
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_BACK_LINK) {
ULONG PreviousSize; ULONG HammingDistance;
GetFieldValue( PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize);
HammingDistance = GetHammingDistance( PreviousSize, (ULONG)PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
if (HammingDistance == 1) {
Found = TRUE;
#if 0
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_HEADER_INFO) { dprintf("[ headerinfo = 0x%02x @ %p ]: ", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info, StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } else { dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } dprintf( "previous size [ 0x%x ] should be [ 0x%x ]\n", PreviousSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); dprintf( "previous size [ 0x%x ] should be [ 0x%x ]\n", PreviousSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
if (PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info & HEADER_FIXED_FORWARD_LINK) {
ULONG BlockSize; ULONG HammingDistance;
GetFieldValue( PoolHeaderInfo[i].Node, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSize);
HammingDistance = GetHammingDistance( BlockSize, (ULONG)PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
if (HammingDistance == 1) {
Found = TRUE;
#if 0
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_HEADER_INFO) { dprintf("[ headerinfo = 0x%02x @ %p ]: ", PoolHeaderInfo[i].Info, StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } else { dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); } dprintf( "previous size [ 0x%x ] should be [ 0x%x ]\n", PreviousSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedPreviousSize );
dprintf("[ %p ]: ", StartPage + (i*SizeOfPoolHdr)); dprintf( "block size [ 0x%x ] should be [ 0x%x ]\n", BlockSize, PoolHeaderInfo[i].FixedBlockSize );
if (!Found) {
dprintf("\n"); dprintf("None found\n");
NTSTATUS ValidatePoolPage( IN ULONG64 PoolPageToDump, IN UCHAR Verbose ) /*++
Provides the core, high level, functionality of analyzing the pool page
PoolPageToDump - page to analyze Verbose - diagnostic level
--*/ { PVALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO PoolHeaderInfo; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoSize; ULONG PoolHeaderInfoLength; ULONG SizeofPoolHdr; ULONG64 StartPage; BOOLEAN IsValid;
SizeofPoolHdr = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER"); StartPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump);
PoolHeaderInfo = NULL; PoolHeaderInfoSize = 0;
do {
// Allocate the pool header info array
PoolHeaderInfoLength = (POOL_PAGE_SIZE / SizeofPoolHdr); PoolHeaderInfoSize = sizeof(VALIDATE_POOL_HEADER_INFO) * PoolHeaderInfoLength; PoolHeaderInfo = malloc(PoolHeaderInfoSize);
if (PoolHeaderInfo == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; }
RtlZeroMemory(PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoSize);
// Construct the first layer of meta info:
// determine the link status for each pool header
// in the page
Status = ScanPoolHeaders( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoSize );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; }
// Construct the second layer of meta info:
// attempt to resolve the linked lists found
// in the pool page
Status = ResolvePoolHeaders( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoLength );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } //
// begin diagnosis output
IsValid = DiagnosePoolHeadersIsValid( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoLength );
dprintf("Pool page [ %p ] is %sVALID.\n", StartPage, IsValid ? "" : "IN" );
if (! IsValid) {
dprintf("\n\n"); dprintf("Displaying all POOL_HEADER meta info...\n");
DiagnosePoolHeadersDumpInfo( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoLength, Verbose );
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_LISTS) {
dprintf("\n"); dprintf("Displaying linked lists...\n");
DiagnosePoolHeadersDisplayLists( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoLength, Verbose );
if (Verbose & VERBOSE_SHOW_LISTS) { dprintf("Analyzing longest linked list...\n"); } else { dprintf("Analyzing linked list...\n"); }
Status = DiagnosePoolHeadersAnalyzeLongestList( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoLength, Verbose );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } //
dprintf("\n\n"); dprintf("Scanning for single bit errors...\n");
DiagnosePoolHeadersSingleBitErrors( PoolPageToDump, PoolHeaderInfo, PoolHeaderInfoLength, Verbose );
} else {
} while ( FALSE );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { dprintf("\n"); dprintf("Failed to diagnose pool page\n"); dprintf("\n"); }
if (PoolHeaderInfo) { free(PoolHeaderInfo); }
return Status;
NTSTATUS DiagnosePoolPage( ULONG64 PoolPageToDump ) /*++
Routine Description:
Diagnose a pool page for the !pool command. This routine is called if the !pool command detects an error while traversing a pool page.
PoolPageToDump - the page !pool was examining
Return Value:
// determine the pool region
Region = GetPoolRegion(PoolPageToDump); //
// we only try to diagnose known pool regions
// you can manually diagnose using !poolval
// Note: if someone passes us a 0 pool address,
// then we proactively fail the diagnosis process
if ((Region == DbgPoolRegionUnknown) || (PoolPageToDump == 0)) { dprintf("\n"); dprintf("***\n"); dprintf("*** An error (or corruption) in the pool was detected;\n"); dprintf("*** Pool Region unkown (0x%I64X)\n", PoolPageToDump); dprintf("***\n"); dprintf("*** Use !poolval %p for more details.\n", PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump)); dprintf("***\n"); dprintf("\n");
} else { dprintf("\n"); dprintf("***\n"); dprintf("*** An error (or corruption) in the pool was detected;\n"); dprintf("*** Attempting to diagnose the problem.\n"); dprintf("***\n"); dprintf("*** Use !poolval %p for more details.\n", PAGE_ALIGN64(PoolPageToDump)); dprintf("***\n");
Status = ValidatePoolPage( PoolPageToDump, VERBOSE_SHOW_ERRORS_ONLY ); }
return Status;
DECLARE_API( poolval )
Routine Description:
Provide in-depth heap diagnosis.
Given a suspect pool page, the primary purpose of this command is to analyze the page and determine:
1. where in the page the corruption exists. 2. single bit errors in page headers (previous/block sizes) 3. what the correct link list should be
args - the page to analyze
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 PoolPageToDump; ULONG Flags; HRESULT Hr;
if (PoolInitializeGlobals() == FALSE) { Hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else {
PoolPageToDump = 0; Flags = 0; if (GetExpressionEx(args, &PoolPageToDump, &args)) { Flags = (ULONG) GetExpression (args); }
if (PoolPageToDump == 0) { Hr = S_OK;; } else {
UCHAR Verbose;
dprintf("Pool page %p region is ", PoolPageToDump); PrintPoolRegion(PoolPageToDump);
dprintf("\n"); dprintf("Validating Pool headers for pool page: %p\n", PoolPageToDump);
case 1: Verbose |= VERBOSE_SHOW_LISTS; default: break; }
// Attempt to Analyze and Diagnose the specified poolpage
Status = ValidatePoolPage( PoolPageToDump, Verbose );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Hr = S_OK; } else { Hr = E_FAIL; }
return Hr;
DECLARE_API( poolused )
Routine Description:
Dump usage by pool tag
args -
Flags : Bitfield with the following meaning:
0x1: Dump both allocations & frees (instead of the difference) 0x2: Sort by nonpaged pool consumption 0x4: Sort by paged pool consumption 0x8: Dump session space consumption
Return Value:
{ ULONG PoolTrackTableSize; ULONG PoolTrackTableSizeInBytes; ULONG PoolTrackTableExpansionSize; ULONG PoolTrackTableExpansionSizeInBytes; PPOOLTRACK_READ p; PPOOLTRACK_READ pentry; PPOOLTRACK_READ PoolTrackTableData; ULONG Flags; ULONG i; ULONG result; ULONG ct; ULONG TagName; CHAR TagNameX[4] = {'*','*','*','*'}; ULONG SizeOfPoolTracker; ULONG64 PoolTableAddress; ULONG64 PoolTrackTable; ULONG64 PoolTrackTableExpansion; ULONG NonPagedAllocsTotal,NonPagedFreesTotal,PagedAllocsTotal,PagedFreesTotal; ULONG64 NonPagedBytesTotal, PagedBytesTotal; ULONG Processor, MaxProcessors; ULONG64 ExPoolTagTables; POOLTRACK_READ PoolTrackEntry; ULONG64 Location;
ExPoolTagTables = GetExpression("nt!ExPoolTagTables");
if (PoolInitializeGlobals() == FALSE) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
Flags = 0; if (!sscanf(args,"%lx %c%c%c%c", &Flags, &TagNameX[0], &TagNameX[1], &TagNameX[2], &TagNameX[3])) { Flags = 0; }
TagName = TagNameX[0] | (TagNameX[1] << 8) | (TagNameX[2] << 16) | (TagNameX[3] << 24);
PoolTrackTableExpansionSize = 0;
if (!(SizeOfPoolTracker = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_TRACKER_TABLE"))) { dprintf("Unable to get _POOL_TRACKER_TABLE : probably wrong symbols.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (Flags & 0x8) { Location = GetExpression ("ExpSessionPoolTrackTable"); if (!Location) { dprintf("Unable to get ExpSessionPoolTrackTable\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ReadPointer(Location, &PoolTrackTable); PoolTrackTableSize = 0; PoolTrackTableSize = GetUlongValue ("nt!ExpSessionPoolTrackTableSize"); } else { PoolTrackTable = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( PoolTrackTable ); PoolTrackTableSize = GetUlongValue ("nt!PoolTrackTableSize"); PoolTrackTableExpansionSize = GetUlongValue ("nt!PoolTrackTableExpansionSize"); }
if (PoolTrackTable == 0) { dprintf ("unable to get PoolTrackTable - "); if (GetExpression("nt!PoolTrackTable")) { dprintf ("pool tagging is disabled, enable it to use this command\n"); dprintf ("Use gflags.exe and check the box that says \"Enable pool tagging\".\n"); } else { dprintf ("symbols could be worng\n"); } return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (Flags & 2) { SortBy = NONPAGED_USED; dprintf(" Sorting by %s NonPaged Pool Consumed\n", Flags & 0x8 ? "Session" : ""); } else if (Flags & 4) { SortBy = PAGED_USED; dprintf(" Sorting by %s Paged Pool Consumed\n", Flags & 0x8 ? "Session" : ""); } else { SortBy = TAG; dprintf(" Sorting by %s Tag\n", Flags & 0x8 ? "Session" : ""); }
dprintf("\n Pool Used:\n"); if (!(Flags & 1)) { dprintf(" NonPaged Paged\n"); dprintf(" Tag Allocs Used Allocs Used\n");
} else { dprintf(" NonPaged Paged\n"); dprintf(" Tag Allocs Frees Diff Used Allocs Frees Diff Used\n"); }
// Allocate a temp buffer, read the data, then free the data.
// (KD will cache the data).
PoolTrackTableSizeInBytes = PoolTrackTableSize * SizeOfPoolTracker;
PoolTrackTableExpansionSizeInBytes = PoolTrackTableExpansionSize * SizeOfPoolTracker;
PoolTrackTableData = malloc (PoolTrackTableSizeInBytes); if (PoolTrackTableData == NULL) { dprintf("unable to allocate memory for tag table.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
PoolTableAddress = PoolTrackTable; if ( !ReadMemory( PoolTableAddress, &PoolTrackTableData[0], PoolTrackTableSizeInBytes, &result) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of pool block\n", PoolTableAddress ); dprintf("\nThe current process probably is not a session process.\n"); dprintf("Note the system, idle and smss processes are non-session processes.\n"); free (PoolTrackTableData); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ct = PageSize / SizeOfPoolTracker; i = 0; PoolTableAddress = PoolTrackTable;
free (PoolTrackTableData);
// Create array of POOL_TRACKER_TABLE addresses and sort the addresses
PoolTrackTableData = malloc ((PoolTrackTableSize + PoolTrackTableExpansionSize) * sizeof(POOLTRACK_READ)); if (PoolTrackTableData == NULL) { dprintf("unable to allocate memory for tag table.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (Flags & 0x8) { MaxProcessors = 1; } else { MaxProcessors = (UCHAR) GetUlongValue ("KeNumberProcessors"); }
Processor = 0; NonPagedAllocsTotal = 0; NonPagedFreesTotal = 0; NonPagedBytesTotal = 0;
PagedAllocsTotal = 0; PagedFreesTotal = 0; PagedBytesTotal = 0; p = PoolTrackTableData;
do {
pentry = &PoolTrackEntry;
for (i = 0; i < PoolTrackTableSize; i += 1) {
if (Processor == 0) { pentry->Address = PoolTableAddress + i * SizeOfPoolTracker; } else { pentry->Address = PoolTrackTable + i * SizeOfPoolTracker; }
#define TrackFld(Fld) GetFieldValue(pentry->Address, "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_TABLE", #Fld, pentry->Fld)
TrackFld(Key); TrackFld(NonPagedAllocs); TrackFld(NonPagedBytes); TrackFld(PagedBytes); TrackFld(NonPagedFrees); TrackFld(PagedAllocs); TrackFld(PagedFrees);
#undef TrackFld
#if 0
if (pentry->Key != 0) { dprintf("%c%c%c%c %8x %8x %8I64x %8x %8x %8I64x\n", #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(pentry->Key), PP(pentry->Key >> 8), PP(pentry->Key >> 16), PP(pentry->Key >> 24), pentry->NonPagedAllocs, pentry->NonPagedFrees, pentry->NonPagedBytes, pentry->PagedAllocs, pentry->PagedFrees, pentry->PagedBytes); } #endif
if (Processor == 0) { p[i].Address = pentry->Address; p[i].Key = pentry->Key;
p[i].NonPagedAllocs = pentry->NonPagedAllocs; p[i].NonPagedFrees = pentry->NonPagedFrees; p[i].NonPagedBytes = pentry->NonPagedBytes;
p[i].PagedAllocs = pentry->PagedAllocs; p[i].PagedBytes = pentry->PagedBytes; p[i].PagedFrees = pentry->PagedFrees; }
if ((pentry->Key != 0) && (CheckSingleFilter ((PCHAR)&pentry->Key, (PCHAR)&TagName))) {
if (Processor != 0) { p[i].NonPagedAllocs += pentry->NonPagedAllocs; p[i].NonPagedFrees += pentry->NonPagedFrees; p[i].NonPagedBytes += pentry->NonPagedBytes;
p[i].PagedAllocs += pentry->PagedAllocs; p[i].PagedFrees += pentry->PagedFrees; p[i].PagedBytes += pentry->PagedBytes; }
if (!IsPtr64()) { p[i].NonPagedBytes &= (LONG64) 0xFFFFFFFF; p[i].PagedBytes &= (LONG64) 0xFFFFFFFF; } }
Processor += 1;
if (Processor >= MaxProcessors) { break; }
if (ExPoolTagTables == 0) { break; }
ReadPointer (ExPoolTagTables+DBG_PTR_SIZE*Processor, &PoolTrackTable);
} while (TRUE);
// Add the expansion table too (if there is one).
if (PoolTrackTableExpansionSize != 0) {
// Allocate a temp buffer, read the data, then free the data.
// (KD will cache the data).
pentry = malloc (PoolTrackTableExpansionSizeInBytes); if (pentry == NULL) { dprintf("unable to allocate memory for expansion tag table.\n"); } else { PoolTrackTableExpansion = GetPointerValue("nt!PoolTrackTableExpansion"); PoolTableAddress = PoolTrackTableExpansion; if ( !ReadMemory( PoolTableAddress, pentry, PoolTrackTableExpansionSizeInBytes, &result) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of expansion tag table\n", PoolTableAddress ); } else {
PoolTrackTableSize += PoolTrackTableExpansionSize;
ct = 0; for ( ; i < PoolTrackTableSize; i += 1, ct += 1) {
p[i].Address = PoolTableAddress + ct * SizeOfPoolTracker;
#define TrackFld(Fld) GetFieldValue(p[i].Address, "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_TABLE", #Fld, p[i].Fld)
TrackFld(Key); TrackFld(NonPagedAllocs); TrackFld(NonPagedBytes); TrackFld(PagedBytes); TrackFld(NonPagedFrees); TrackFld(PagedAllocs); TrackFld(PagedFrees);
#if 0
if (p[i].Key != 0) { dprintf("%c%c%c%c %8x %8x %8I64x %8x %8x %8I64x\n", #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(p[i].Key), PP(p[i].Key >> 8), PP(p[i].Key >> 16), PP(p[i].Key >> 24), p[i].NonPagedAllocs, p[i].NonPagedFrees, p[i].NonPagedBytes, p[i].PagedAllocs, p[i].PagedFrees, p[i].PagedBytes); } #endif
} } free (pentry); } }
qsort((void *)PoolTrackTableData, (size_t)PoolTrackTableSize, (size_t)sizeof(POOLTRACK_READ), ulcomp);
i = 0; p = PoolTrackTableData; for ( ; i < PoolTrackTableSize; i += 1) {
if ((p[i].Key != 0) && (CheckSingleFilter ((PCHAR)&p[i].Key, (PCHAR)&TagName))) {
if (!(Flags & 1)) {
if ((p[i].NonPagedBytes != 0) || (p[i].PagedBytes != 0)) {
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c %8ld %8I64ld %8ld %8I64ld\n", #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(p[i].Key), PP(p[i].Key >> 8), PP(p[i].Key >> 16), PP(p[i].Key >> 24), p[i].NonPagedAllocs - p[i].NonPagedFrees, p[i].NonPagedBytes, p[i].PagedAllocs - p[i].PagedFrees, p[i].PagedBytes);
NonPagedAllocsTotal += p[i].NonPagedAllocs; NonPagedFreesTotal += p[i].NonPagedFrees; NonPagedBytesTotal += p[i].NonPagedBytes;
PagedAllocsTotal += p[i].PagedAllocs; PagedFreesTotal += p[i].PagedFrees; PagedBytesTotal += p[i].PagedBytes; } } else {
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c %8ld %8ld %8ld %8I64ld %8ld %8ld %8ld %8I64ld\n", PP(p[i].Key), PP(p[i].Key >> 8), PP(p[i].Key >> 16), PP(p[i].Key >> 24), p[i].NonPagedAllocs, p[i].NonPagedFrees, p[i].NonPagedAllocs - p[i].NonPagedFrees, p[i].NonPagedBytes, p[i].PagedAllocs, p[i].PagedFrees, p[i].PagedAllocs - p[i].PagedFrees, p[i].PagedBytes); #undef PP
NonPagedAllocsTotal += p[i].NonPagedAllocs; NonPagedFreesTotal += p[i].NonPagedFrees; NonPagedBytesTotal += p[i].NonPagedBytes;
PagedAllocsTotal += p[i].PagedAllocs; PagedFreesTotal += p[i].PagedFrees; PagedBytesTotal += p[i].PagedBytes; } } }
if (!(Flags & 1)) { dprintf(" TOTAL %8ld %8I64ld %8ld %8I64ld\n", NonPagedAllocsTotal - NonPagedFreesTotal, NonPagedBytesTotal, PagedAllocsTotal - PagedFreesTotal, PagedBytesTotal); } else { dprintf(" TOTAL %8ld %8ld %8ld %8I64ld %8ld %8ld %8ld %8I64ld\n", NonPagedAllocsTotal, NonPagedFreesTotal, NonPagedAllocsTotal - NonPagedFreesTotal, NonPagedBytesTotal, PagedAllocsTotal, PagedFreesTotal, PagedAllocsTotal - PagedFreesTotal, PagedBytesTotal); }
free (PoolTrackTableData); return S_OK; }
#define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
BOOLEAN WINAPI CheckSingleFilterAndPrint ( PCHAR Tag, PCHAR Filter, ULONG Flags, ULONG64 PoolHeader, ULONG64 BlockSize, ULONG64 Data, PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback to check a piece of pool and print out information about it if it matches the specified tag.
Tag - Supplies the tag to search for.
Filter - Supplies the filter string to match against.
Flags - Supplies 0 if a nonpaged pool search is desired. Supplies 1 if a paged pool search is desired. Supplies 2 if a special pool search is desired. Supplies 4 if a pool is a large pool
PoolHeader - Supplies the pool header.
BlockSize - Supplies the size of the pool block in bytes.
Data - Supplies the address of the pool block.
Context - Unused.
Return Value:
TRUE for a match, FALSE if not.
--*/ { ULONG UTag = *((PULONG)Tag); ULONG HdrUlong1=0, HdrPoolSize ; LOGICAL QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock = FALSE;
if (CheckSingleFilter (Tag, Filter) == FALSE) { return FALSE; }
HdrPoolSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER"); if ((BlockSize >= (PageSize-2*HdrPoolSize)) || (Flags & 0x8)) { dprintf("*%p :%slarge page allocation, Tag %3s %c%c%c%c, size %3s 0x%I64x bytes\n", (Data & ~POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE), (Data & POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE) ? "free " : "", (Data & POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE) ? "was" : "is", PP(UTag), PP(UTag >> 8), PP(UTag >> 16), PP(UTag >> 24), (Data & POOL_BIG_TABLE_ENTRY_FREE) ? "was" : "is", BlockSize ); } else if (Flags & 0x2) { GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "Ulong1", HdrUlong1); dprintf("*%p size: %4lx %s special pool, Tag is %c%c%c%c\n", Data, BlockSize, HdrUlong1 & MI_SPECIAL_POOL_PAGABLE ? "pagable" : "non-paged", PP(UTag), PP(UTag >> 8), PP(UTag >> 16), PP(UTag >> 24) ); } else { ULONG BlockSizeR, PreviousSize, PoolType, PoolIndex, AllocatorBackTraceIndex; ULONG PoolTagHash, PoolTag; ULONG64 ProcessBilled;
GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", BlockSizeR); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolType", PoolType); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTagHash", PoolTagHash); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTag", PoolTag); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolIndex", PoolIndex); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PreviousSize", PreviousSize); if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { if (GetExpression ("nt!ExGetPoolTagInfo") != 0) {
// This is a kernel where the quota process pointer is at
// the end of the pool block instead of overlaid on the
// tag field.
QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock = TRUE; if (QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock == TRUE) {
ULONG SizeOfPvoid = 0; ULONG64 ProcessBillAddress;
SizeOfPvoid = DBG_PTR_SIZE;
if (SizeOfPvoid == 0) { dprintf ("Search: cannot get size of PVOID\n"); return FALSE; } ProcessBillAddress = PoolHeader + ((ULONG64) BlockSizeR << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT) - SizeOfPvoid; ProcessBilled = READ_PVOID (ProcessBillAddress); } } else { GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "ProcessBilled", ProcessBilled); } } else { GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "ProcessBilled", ProcessBilled); }
GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "AllocatorBackTraceIndex", AllocatorBackTraceIndex);
dprintf("%p size: %4lx previous size: %4lx ", Data - HdrPoolSize, BlockSizeR << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, PreviousSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT);
if (PoolType == 0) { //
// "Free " with a space after it before the parentheses means
// it's been freed to a (pool manager internal) lookaside list.
// We used to print "Lookaside" but that just confused driver
// writers because they didn't know if this meant in use or not
// and many would say "but I don't use lookaside lists - the
// extension or kernel is broken".
// "Free" with no space after it before the parentheses means
// it is not on a pool manager internal lookaside list and is
// instead on the regular pool manager internal flink/blink
// chains.
// Note to anyone using the pool package, these 2 terms are
// equivalent. The fine distinction is only for those actually
// writing pool internal code.
dprintf(" (Free)"); dprintf(" %c%c%c%c\n", PP(UTag), PP(UTag >> 8), PP(UTag >> 16), PP(UTag >> 24) ); } else {
if (!NewPool ? (PoolIndex & 0x80) : (PoolType & 0x04)) { dprintf(" (Allocated)"); } else { //
// "Free " with a space after it before the parentheses means
// it's been freed to a (pool manager internal) lookaside list.
// We used to print "Lookaside" but that just confused driver
// writers because they didn't know if this meant in use or not
// and many would say "but I don't use lookaside lists - the
// extension or kernel is broken".
// "Free" with no space after it before the parentheses means
// it is not on a pool manager internal lookaside list and is
// instead on the regular pool manager internal flink/blink
// chains.
// Note to anyone using the pool package, these 2 terms are
// equivalent. The fine distinction is only for those actually
// writing pool internal code.
dprintf(" (Free )"); } if ((PoolType & POOL_QUOTA_MASK) == 0) {
UTag = PoolTag;
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c%s\n", PP(UTag), PP(UTag >> 8), PP(UTag >> 16), PP((UTag &~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24), (UTag & PROTECTED_POOL) ? " (Protected)" : "" );
} else {
if ((QuotaProcessAtEndOfPoolBlock == TRUE) || (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386)) {
UTag = PoolTag;
dprintf(" %c%c%c%c%s", PP(UTag), PP(UTag >> 8), PP(UTag >> 16), PP((UTag &~PROTECTED_POOL) >> 24), (UTag & PROTECTED_POOL) ? " (Protected)" : "" ); }
if (ProcessBilled != 0) { dprintf(" Process: %08p\n", ProcessBilled ); } else { dprintf("\n"); } } } }
return TRUE; } // CheckSingleFilterAndPrint
#undef PP
ULONG64 GetNextResidentAddress ( ULONG64 VirtualAddress, ULONG64 MaximumVirtualAddress ) { ULONG64 PointerPde; ULONG64 PointerPte; ULONG SizeOfPte; ULONG Valid;
// Note this code will need to handle one more level of indirection for
// WIN64.
if (!(SizeOfPte=GetTypeSize("nt!_MMPTE"))) { dprintf("Cannot get MMPTE type.\n"); return 0; }
PointerPde = DbgGetPdeAddress (VirtualAddress);
while (GetFieldValue(PointerPde, "nt!_MMPTE", "u.Hard.Valid", Valid) || (Valid == 0)) {
// Note that on 32-bit systems, the PDE should always be readable.
// If the PDE is not valid then increment to the next PDE's VA.
PointerPde = (PointerPde + SizeOfPte);
VirtualAddress = DbgGetVirtualAddressMappedByPte (PointerPde); VirtualAddress = DbgGetVirtualAddressMappedByPte (VirtualAddress);
if (VirtualAddress >= MaximumVirtualAddress) { return VirtualAddress; }
if (CheckControlC()) { return VirtualAddress; } continue; }
PointerPte = DbgGetPteAddress (VirtualAddress);
while (GetFieldValue(PointerPde, "nt!_MMPTE", "u.Hard.Valid", Valid) || (Valid == 0)) {
// If the PTE cannot be read then increment by PAGE_SIZE.
VirtualAddress = (VirtualAddress + PageSize);
if (CheckControlC()) { return VirtualAddress; }
PointerPte = (PointerPte + SizeOfPte); if ((PointerPte & (PageSize - 1)) == 0) { goto top; }
if (VirtualAddress >= MaximumVirtualAddress) { return VirtualAddress; } }
return VirtualAddress; }
VOID SearchPool( ULONG TagName, ULONG Flags, ULONG64 RestartAddr, POOLFILTER Filter, PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Engine to search the pool.
TagName - Supplies the tag to search for.
Flags - Supplies 0 if a nonpaged pool search is desired. Supplies 1 if a paged pool search is desired. Supplies 2 if a special pool search is desired. Supplies 4 if a session pool search is desired.
RestartAddr - Supplies the address to restart the search from.
Filter - Supplies the filter routine to use.
Context - Supplies the user defined context blob.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 Location; LOGICAL PhysicallyContiguous; ULONG64 PoolBlockSize; ULONG64 PoolHeader; ULONG PoolTag; ULONG Result; ULONG64 PoolPage; ULONG64 StartPage; ULONG64 Pool; ULONG Previous; ULONG64 PoolStart; ULONG64 PoolPteAddress; ULONG64 PoolEnd; ULONG64 ExpandedPoolStart; ULONG64 ExpandedPoolEnd; ULONG InitialPoolSize; ULONG SkipSize; BOOLEAN TwoPools; ULONG64 DataPageReal; ULONG64 DataStartReal; LOGICAL Found; ULONG i; ULONG j; ULONG ct; ULONG PoolBigPageTableSize; ULONG64 PoolTableAddress; UCHAR FastTag[4]; ULONG TagLength; ULONG SizeOfBigPages; ULONG PoolTypeFlags = Flags & 0x7; ULONG Ulong1; ULONG HdrSize;
if (PoolInitializeGlobals() == FALSE) { return; }
if (PoolTypeFlags == 2) {
if (RestartAddr && (RestartAddr >= SpecialPoolStart) && (RestartAddr <= SpecialPoolEnd)) { Pool = RestartAddr; } else { Pool = SpecialPoolStart; }
dprintf("\nSearching special pool (%p : %p) for Tag: %c%c%c%c\r\n\n", Pool, SpecialPoolEnd, TagName, TagName >> 8, TagName >> 16, TagName >> 24);
Found = FALSE; SkipSize = PageSize;
if (SpecialPoolStart && SpecialPoolEnd) {
// Search special pool for the tag.
while (Pool < SpecialPoolEnd) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf("\n...terminating - searched pool to %p\n", Pool); return; }
DataStartReal = Pool; DataPageReal = Pool; if ( !ReadMemory( Pool, &DataPage[0], min(PageSize, sizeof(DataPage)), &Result) ) { ULONG64 PteLong=0, PageFileHigh;
if (SkipSize != 2 * PageSize) {
// dprintf("SP skip %x", Pool);
PoolPteAddress = DbgGetPteAddress (Pool);
if (!GetFieldValue(PoolPteAddress, "nt!_MMPTE", "u.Soft.PageFileHigh", PageFileHigh) ) {
if ((PageFileHigh == 0) || (PageFileHigh == MI_SPECIAL_POOL_PTE_PAGABLE) || (PageFileHigh == MI_SPECIAL_POOL_PTE_NONPAGABLE)) {
// Found a NO ACCESS PTE - skip these from
// here on to speed up the search.
// dprintf("SP skip double %p", PoolPteAddress);
SkipSize = 2 * PageSize; Pool += PageSize; // dprintf("SP skip final %p", Pool);
continue; } } }
Pool += SkipSize; continue; }
// Determine whether this is a valid special pool block.
PoolHeader = GetSpecialPoolHeader (DataPage, DataPageReal, &DataStartReal);
if (PoolHeader != 0) {
GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTag", PoolTag); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "Ulong1", Ulong1); PoolBlockSize = SPECIAL_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE(Ulong1);
Found = Filter( (PCHAR)&PoolTag, (PCHAR)&TagName, Flags, PoolHeader, PoolBlockSize, DataStartReal, Context ); } else { dprintf( "No pool header for page: 0x%p\n", Pool ); } Pool += SkipSize; } }
if (Found == FALSE) { dprintf("The %c%c%c%c tag could not be found in special pool.\n", #define PP(x) isprint(((x)&0xff))?((x)&0xff):('.')
PP(TagName), PP(TagName >> 8), PP(TagName >> 16), PP(TagName >> 24) ); #undef PP
} return; }
if (PoolTypeFlags == 0) { PhysicallyContiguous = TRUE; } else { PhysicallyContiguous = FALSE; }
__try { TwoPools = FALSE;
if (((PoolTypeFlags & 0x4)== 0) || (BuildNo <= 2600)) { PoolBigTableAddress = GetPointerValue ("nt!PoolBigPageTable"); PoolBigPageTableSize = GetUlongValue ("nt!PoolBigPageTableSize"); } else { PoolBigTableAddress = GetPointerValue ("ExpSessionPoolBigPageTable"); PoolBigPageTableSize = GetUlongValue ("ExpSessionPoolBigPageTableSize"); }
PoolTableAddress = PoolBigTableAddress;
if (PoolTableAddress) {
ULONG VaOffset; ULONG NumPagesOffset; ULONG PtrSize; ULONG KeyOffset;
// Scan the table looking for a match. We read close to a page at a time
// physical page / sizeof ( pool_tracker_big_page ) * sizeof ( pool_tracker_big_page )
// on x86 this works out to ffc
i = 0; SizeOfBigPages = GetTypeSize ("nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES"); if (!SizeOfBigPages) { dprintf("Cannot get _POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES type size\n"); __leave; } ct = PageSize / SizeOfBigPages;
dprintf( "\nScanning large pool allocation table for Tag: %c%c%c%c (%p : %p)\n\n\r", TagName, TagName >> 8, TagName >> 16, TagName >> 24, PoolBigTableAddress, PoolBigTableAddress + PoolBigPageTableSize * SizeOfBigPages );
GetFieldOffset( "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "Va", &VaOffset ); GetFieldOffset( "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "NumberOfPages", &NumPagesOffset ); GetFieldOffset( "nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES", "Key", &KeyOffset ); PtrSize = IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4;
while (i < PoolBigPageTableSize) {
if (PoolBigPageTableSize - i < ct) { ct = PoolBigPageTableSize - i; }
if ( !ReadMemory( PoolTableAddress, &DataPage[0], min(ct * SizeOfBigPages, sizeof(DataPage)), &Result) ) {
dprintf( "%08lx: Unable to get contents of big pool block\r\n", PoolTableAddress ); break; }
for (j = 0; j < ct; j += 1) { ULONG64 Va = 0;
memcpy( &Va, (PCHAR)DataPage + (SizeOfBigPages * j) + VaOffset, PtrSize );
Filter( ((PCHAR)DataPage + (SizeOfBigPages * j) + KeyOffset), (PCHAR)&TagName, Flags | 0x8, // To assist filter routine to recognize this as large pool
PoolTableAddress + SizeOfBigPages * j, (ULONG64)(*((PULONG)((PCHAR)DataPage + (SizeOfBigPages * j) + NumPagesOffset))) * PageSize, Va, Context ); if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf("\n...terminating - searched pool to %p\n", PoolTableAddress + j * SizeOfBigPages); __leave; } } i += ct; PoolTableAddress += (ct * SizeOfBigPages); if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf("\n...terminating - searched pool to %p\n", PoolTableAddress); __leave; }
} } else { dprintf("unable to get large pool allocation table - either wrong symbols or pool tagging is disabled\n"); }
if (PoolTypeFlags == 0) { PoolStart = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmNonPagedPoolStart );
if (0 == PoolStart) { dprintf( "Unable to get MmNonPagedPoolStart\n" ); }
PoolEnd = PoolStart + GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes );
ExpandedPoolEnd = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmNonPagedPoolEnd );
if (PoolEnd != ExpandedPoolEnd) { InitialPoolSize = (ULONG)GetUlongValue( "MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes" ); PoolEnd = PoolStart + InitialPoolSize;
ExpandedPoolStart = GetPointerValue( "MmNonPagedPoolExpansionStart" ); TwoPools = TRUE; } for (TagLength = 0;TagLength < 3; TagLength++) { if ((*(((PCHAR)&TagName)+TagLength) == '?') || (*(((PCHAR)&TagName)+TagLength) == '*')) { break; } FastTag[TagLength] = *(((PCHAR)&TagName)+TagLength); }
} else if (PoolTypeFlags == 1) { PoolStart = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmPagedPoolStart ); PoolEnd = PoolStart + GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes ); } else { Location = GetExpression ("MiSessionPoolStart"); if (!Location) { dprintf("Unable to get MiSessionPoolStart\n"); __leave; }
ReadPointer(Location, &PoolStart);
Location = GetExpression ("MiSessionPoolEnd"); if (!Location) { dprintf("Unable to get MiSessionPoolEnd\n"); __leave; }
ReadPointer(Location, &PoolEnd); }
if (RestartAddr) { PoolStart = RestartAddr; if (TwoPools == TRUE) { if (PoolStart > PoolEnd) { TwoPools = FALSE; PoolStart = RestartAddr; PoolEnd = ExpandedPoolEnd; } } }
dprintf("\nSearching %s pool (%p : %p) for Tag: %c%c%c%c\r\n\n", (PoolTypeFlags == 0) ? "NonPaged" : PoolTypeFlags == 1 ? "Paged": "SessionPaged", PoolStart, PoolEnd, TagName, TagName >> 8, TagName >> 16, TagName >> 24);
PoolPage = PoolStart; HdrSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_POOL_HEADER");
while (PoolPage < PoolEnd) {
// Optimize things by ioctl'ing over to the other side to
// do a fast search and start with that page.
if ((PoolTypeFlags == 0) && PhysicallyContiguous && (TagLength > 0)) {
Search.SearchAddress = PoolPage; Search.SearchLength = PoolEnd-PoolPage; Search.PatternLength = TagLength; Search.Pattern = FastTag; Search.FoundAddress = 0; if ((Ioctl(IG_SEARCH_MEMORY, &Search, sizeof(Search))) && (Search.FoundAddress != 0)) { //
// Got a hit, search the whole page
PoolPage = PAGE_ALIGN64(Search.FoundAddress); } else { //
// The tag was not found at all, so we can just skip
// this chunk entirely.
PoolPage = PoolEnd; goto skiprange; } }
Pool = PAGE_ALIGN64 (PoolPage); StartPage = Pool; Previous = 0;
while (PAGE_ALIGN64(Pool) == StartPage) {
ULONG HdrPoolTag, BlockSize, PreviousSize, AllocatorBackTraceIndex, PoolTagHash; ULONG PoolType;
if ( GetFieldValue(Pool, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "PoolTag", HdrPoolTag) ) {
PoolPage = GetNextResidentAddress (Pool, PoolEnd);
// If we're half resident - half non-res then we'll get back
// that are starting address is the next resident page. In that
// case just go on to the next page
if (PoolPage == Pool) { PoolPage = PoolPage + PageSize; }
goto nextpage; }
GetFieldValue(Pool,"nt!_POOL_HEADER","PoolTag",HdrPoolTag); GetFieldValue(Pool,"nt!_POOL_HEADER","PoolType", PoolType); GetFieldValue(Pool,"nt!_POOL_HEADER","BlockSize",BlockSize); GetFieldValue(Pool,"nt!_POOL_HEADER","PoolTagHash",PoolTagHash); GetFieldValue(Pool,"nt!_POOL_HEADER","PreviousSize",PreviousSize); GetFieldValue(Pool,"nt!_POOL_HEADER","AllocatorBackTraceIndex",AllocatorBackTraceIndex);
if ((BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT) > POOL_PAGE_SIZE) { //dprintf("Bad allocation size @%lx, too large\n", Pool);
break; }
if (BlockSize == 0) { //dprintf("Bad allocation size @%lx, zero is invalid\n", Pool);
break; }
if (PreviousSize != Previous) { //dprintf("Bad previous allocation size @%lx, last size was %lx\n",Pool, Previous);
break; }
PoolTag = HdrPoolTag;
Filter((PCHAR)&PoolTag, (PCHAR)&TagName, Flags, Pool, (ULONG64)BlockSize << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT, Pool + HdrSize, Context );
Previous = BlockSize; Pool += ((ULONG64) Previous << POOL_BLOCK_SHIFT); if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf("\n...terminating - searched pool to %p\n", PoolPage); __leave; } } PoolPage = (PoolPage + PageSize);
nextpage: if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf("\n...terminating - searched pool to %p\n", PoolPage); __leave; }
skiprange: if (TwoPools == TRUE) { if (PoolPage == PoolEnd) { TwoPools = FALSE; PoolStart = ExpandedPoolStart; PoolEnd = ExpandedPoolEnd; PoolPage = PoolStart; PhysicallyContiguous = FALSE;
dprintf("\nSearching %s pool (%p : %p) for Tag: %c%c%c%c\n\n", "NonPaged", PoolStart, PoolEnd, TagName, TagName >> 8, TagName >> 16, TagName >> 24); } } } } __finally { }
return; } // SearchPool
DECLARE_API( poolfind )
Routine Description:
flags == 0 means finds a tag in nonpaged pool. flags == 1 means finds a tag in paged pool. flags == 2 means finds a tag in special pool. flags == 4 means finds a tag in session pool.
args -
Return Value:
{ ULONG Flags; CHAR TagNameX[4] = {' ',' ',' ',' '}; ULONG TagName; ULONG64 PoolTrackTable;
Flags = 0; if (!sscanf(args,"%c%c%c%c %lx", &TagNameX[0], &TagNameX[1], &TagNameX[2], &TagNameX[3], &Flags)) { Flags = 0; }
if (TagNameX[0] == '0' && TagNameX[1] == 'x') { if (!sscanf( args, "%lx %lx", &TagName, &Flags )) { TagName = 0; } } else { TagName = TagNameX[0] | (TagNameX[1] << 8) | (TagNameX[2] << 16) | (TagNameX[3] << 24); }
PoolTrackTable = GetNtDebuggerDataPtrValue( PoolTrackTable ); if (PoolTrackTable == 0) { dprintf ("unable to get PoolTrackTable - probably pool tagging disabled or wrong symbols\n"); }
SearchPool( TagName, Flags, 0, CheckSingleFilterAndPrint, NULL );
return S_OK; }
BOOLEAN CheckSingleFilter ( PCHAR Tag, PCHAR Filter ) { ULONG i; UCHAR tc; UCHAR fc;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { tc = (UCHAR) *Tag++; fc = (UCHAR) *Filter++; if ( fc == '*' ) return TRUE; if ( fc == '?' ) continue; if (i == 3 && (tc & ~(PROTECTED_POOL >> 24)) == fc) continue; if ( tc != fc ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
ULONG64 GetSpecialPoolHeader ( IN PVOID pDataPage, IN ULONG64 RealDataPage, OUT PULONG64 ReturnedDataStart )
Routine Description:
Examine a page of data to determine if it is a special pool block.
pDataPage - Supplies a pointer to a page of data to examine.
ReturnedDataStart - Supplies a pointer to return the start of the data. Only valid if this routine returns non-NULL.
Return Value:
Returns a pointer to the pool header for this special pool block or NULL if the block is not valid special pool.
{ ULONG PoolBlockSize; ULONG PoolHeaderSize; ULONG PoolBlockPattern; PUCHAR p; PUCHAR PoolDataEnd; PUCHAR DataStart; ULONG64 PoolHeader; ULONG HdrUlong1;
PoolHeader = RealDataPage; GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "Ulong1", HdrUlong1); //
// Determine whether the data is at the start or end of the page.
// Start off by assuming the data is at the end, in this case the
// header will be at the start.
PoolBlockSize = SPECIAL_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE(HdrUlong1);
if ((PoolBlockSize != 0) && (PoolBlockSize < PageSize - POOL_OVERHEAD)) {
PoolHeaderSize = POOL_OVERHEAD; if (HdrUlong1 & MI_SPECIAL_POOL_VERIFIER) { PoolHeaderSize += GetTypeSize ("nt!_MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER"); }
GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", PoolBlockPattern);
DataStart = (PUCHAR)pDataPage + PageSize - PoolBlockSize; p = (PUCHAR)pDataPage + PoolHeaderSize;
for ( ; p < DataStart; p += 1) { if (*p != PoolBlockPattern) { break; } }
if (p == DataStart || p >= (PUCHAR)pDataPage + PoolHeaderSize + 0x10) {
// For this page, the data is at the end of the block.
// The 0x10 is just to give corrupt blocks some slack.
// All pool allocations are quadword aligned.
DataStart = (PUCHAR)pDataPage + ((PageSize - PoolBlockSize) & ~(sizeof(QUAD)-1));
*ReturnedDataStart = RealDataPage + (ULONG64) ((PUCHAR) DataStart - (PUCHAR) pDataPage); return PoolHeader; }
// The data must be at the front or the block is corrupt.
// Try for the data at the front. Checks are necessary as
// the page could be corrupt on both ends.
PoolHeader = (RealDataPage + PageSize - POOL_OVERHEAD); GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "Ulong1", HdrUlong1); PoolBlockSize = SPECIAL_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE(HdrUlong1);
if ((PoolBlockSize != 0) && (PoolBlockSize < PageSize - POOL_OVERHEAD)) { PoolDataEnd = (PUCHAR)PoolHeader;
if (HdrUlong1 & MI_SPECIAL_POOL_VERIFIER) { PoolDataEnd -= GetTypeSize ("nt!_MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER"); }
GetFieldValue(PoolHeader, "nt!_POOL_HEADER", "BlockSize", PoolBlockPattern); DataStart = (PUCHAR)pDataPage;
p = DataStart + PoolBlockSize; for ( ; p < PoolDataEnd; p += 1) { if (*p != PoolBlockPattern) { break; } } if (p == (PUCHAR)PoolDataEnd || p > (PUCHAR)pDataPage + PoolBlockSize + 0x10) { //
// For this page, the data is at the front of the block.
// The 0x10 is just to give corrupt blocks some slack.
// All pool allocations are quadword aligned.
*ReturnedDataStart = RealDataPage + (ULONG64)( (PUCHAR)DataStart - (PUCHAR) pDataPage); return PoolHeader; } }
// Not valid special pool.
return 0; }
#define BYTE(u,n) ((u & (0xff << 8*n)) >> 8*n)
#define LOCHAR_BYTE(u,n) (tolower(BYTE(u,n)) & 0xff)
#define REVERSE_ULONGBYTES(u) (LOCHAR_BYTE(u,3) | (LOCHAR_BYTE(u,2) << 8) | (LOCHAR_BYTE(u,1) << 16) | (LOCHAR_BYTE(u,0) << 24))
*PoolData = GetPoolRegion(Pool);
EXIT_API(); return S_OK; }
if (!PoolInitializeGlobals()) { EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
Hr = ListPoolPage(Pool, 0x80000002, PoolData);
if (Hr != S_OK) { EXIT_API(); return Hr; }
GetPoolTagDescription = NULL; #ifndef _EXTFNS_H
if (!GetExtensionFunction("GetPoolTagDescription", (FARPROC*) &GetPoolTagDescription)) { EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; } (*GetPoolTagDescription)(PoolData->PoolTag, &Desc); if (Desc) { ULONG strsize = strlen(Desc); if (strsize > sizeof(PoolData->PoolTagDescription)) { strsize = sizeof(PoolData->PoolTagDescription); } strncpy(PoolData->PoolTagDescription, Desc, strsize); PoolData->PoolTagDescription[strsize] = 0; } #endif
EXIT_API(); return Hr; }