Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
Ramon J San Andres (ramonsa) 8-Nov-1993
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
DECLARE_API( logonsession )
Routine Description
This extension will dump all logon sessions in the system, or the specified session.
!logonsession LUID InfoLevel where luid is the session to dump (or 0 for all sessions) and levels are 1-4.
Return Value
{ //
// Arguments
ULONG64 LogonId = 0; ULONG Level = 0; BOOLEAN bAll = FALSE;
// ntoskrnl globals
ULONG64 NtBuildNumber = 0; ULONG64 SepLogonSessions = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakTracking = 0;
// for manipulating the LogonSessions tables
ULONG64 SessionList = 0; ULONG64 CurrentSession = 0; ULONG64 NextSession = 0;
// for manipulating a particular session
ULONG64 TokenListHead = 0; ULONG64 NextTokenLink = 0; ULONG64 CurrentTokenLink = 0; ULONG64 Token = 0; ULONG References = 0; ULONG TokenCount = 0; ULONG SessionCount = 0; LUID SessionLuid = {0};
#define DUMP_TOKENS 0x1
#define VALID_SESSION_ADDRESS(x) (SepLogonSessions <= (x) && (x) <= (SepLogonSessions + 0xf * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)))
if (strlen(args) < 1) { dprintf("usage: !logonsession LogonId [InfoLevel 1-4]\n"); dprintf("\tuse LogonId = 0 to list all sessions\n"); dprintf("\n\texample: \"!logonsession 3e7 1\" displays system session and all system tokens.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (!GetExpressionEx( args, &LogonId, &args)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (args && *args) { Level = (ULONG) GetExpression(args); }
if (LogonId == 0) { bAll = TRUE; dprintf("\nDumping all logon sessions.\n\n"); } else { dprintf("\nSearching for logon session with ID = 0x%x\n\n", LogonId); }
// read in relevant variables
SepLogonSessions = GetPointerValue("nt!SepLogonSessions"); NtBuildNumber = GetPointerValue("nt!NtBuildNumber");
// This is bad but I don't know the right way to figure this out.
if ((SepLogonSessions & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0xffffffff00000000) { PointerSize = 4; } else { PointerSize = 8; }
// See if this is a checked build.
if (((ULONG)NtBuildNumber & 0xF0000000) == 0xC0000000) { bChecked = TRUE;
// It is a checked build, so see the value of SepTokenLeakTracking (valid symbol only on chk)
SepTokenLeakTracking = GetPointerValue("nt!SepTokenLeakTracking");
if (SepTokenLeakTracking) { dprintf("TokenLeakTracking is ON. Use !tokenleak to view settings.\n\n"); } }
SessionList = SepLogonSessions;
if (!bAll) { //
// we want a particular index into the table
SessionList += PointerSize * (LogonId & 0xf); }
// SessionList currently points at the beginning of a list indexed in SepLogonSessions.
// Dump it out, printing either all of the entries or only one with a matching LUID.
do { if (CheckControlC()) { return S_OK; }
CurrentSession = GetPointerFromAddress(SessionList);
while (0 != CurrentSession) { if (CheckControlC()) { return S_OK; }
// Get the LUID for the CurrentSession
GetFieldValue(CurrentSession, "SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES", "LogonId", SessionLuid);
// if caller wants all sessions, or this one, print it.
if (bAll || SessionLuid.LowPart == LogonId) { Found = TRUE; GetFieldValue(CurrentSession, "SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES", "ReferenceCount", References);
if (bAll) { dprintf("** Session %3d = 0x%x\n", SessionCount, CurrentSession); } else { dprintf("** Session = 0x%x\n", CurrentSession); }
dprintf(" LogonId = {0x%x 0x%x}\n", SessionLuid.LowPart, SessionLuid.HighPart); dprintf(" References = %d\n", References);
// If Level dictates then print out lots more stuff.
if (Level != 0) { if (bChecked == FALSE) { dprintf("\nNo InfoLevels are valid on free builds.\n"); } else { TokenCount = 0;
// retrieve the token list from the session
if (0 == GetFieldValue( CurrentSession, "SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES", "TokenList", TokenListHead )) {
CurrentTokenLink = TokenListHead;
do { if (CheckControlC()) { return S_OK; }
GetFieldValue( CurrentTokenLink, "SEP_LOGON_SESSION_TOKEN", "Token", Token );
GetFieldValue( CurrentTokenLink, "SEP_LOGON_SESSION_TOKEN", "ListEntry", NextTokenLink );
if (NextTokenLink != TokenListHead) { if (TokenCount == 0) {
ULONG DefaultOwnerIndex = 0; ULONG64 UserAndGroups = 0; UNICODE_STRING SidString = {0}; ULONG64 SidAttr = 0; ULONG64 pSid = 0; ULONG ActualRead = 0; UCHAR Buffer[256];
GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "DefaultOwnerIndex", DefaultOwnerIndex); GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "UserAndGroups", UserAndGroups);
SidAttr = UserAndGroups + (DefaultOwnerIndex * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES));
GetFieldValue(SidAttr, "_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES", "Sid", pSid);
dprintf(" Usersid = 0x%x ", pSid);
ReadMemory(pSid, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &ActualRead);
Status = RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&SidString, (PSID)Buffer, TRUE);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { dprintf("(%S)\n", SidString.Buffer); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SidString); } else { dprintf("!! RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString failed 0x%x\n", Status); }
dprintf(" Tokens:\n"); }
TokenCount++; CurrentTokenLink = NextTokenLink; dprintf(" 0x%x ", Token);
if (Level > DUMP_TOKENS) { UCHAR ImageFileName[16]; ULONG BodyOffset = 0; ULONG64 ProcessCid = 0; ULONG64 ObjectHeader = 0; ULONG64 HandleCount = 0; ULONG64 PointerCount = 0;
GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "ImageFileName", ImageFileName); GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "ProcessCid", ProcessCid);
dprintf(": %13s (%3x) ", ImageFileName, ProcessCid);
GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &BodyOffset); ObjectHeader = Token - BodyOffset; GetFieldValue(ObjectHeader, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "PointerCount", PointerCount); GetFieldValue(ObjectHeader, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "HandleCount", HandleCount);
dprintf(": HandleCount = 0x%I64x PointerCount = 0x%I64x ", HandleCount, PointerCount); }
ULONG CreateMethod = 0;
GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "CreateMethod", CreateMethod);
switch (CreateMethod) { case 0xD: dprintf(": SepDuplicateToken "); break; case 0xC: dprintf(": SepCreateToken "); break; case 0xF: dprintf(": SepFilterToken "); break; default: dprintf(": Unknown Method "); break; }
if (Level > DUMP_LOTS_OF_TOKEN_INFO) { ULONG TokenType = 0; ULONG ImpersonationLevel = 0; ULONG SessionId = 0; ULONG Count = 0;
GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "TokenType", TokenType); GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "ImpersonationLevel", ImpersonationLevel); GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "SessionId", SessionId); GetFieldValue(Token, "nt!_TOKEN", "Count", Count);
dprintf(": Type %d ", TokenType); dprintf(": Level %d ", ImpersonationLevel); dprintf(": SessionId %d ", SessionId); if (SepTokenLeakTracking) { dprintf(": MethodCount = %3x ", Count); }
} }
} while (NextTokenLink != TokenListHead);
dprintf(" %d Tokens listed.\n\n", TokenCount); } } } }
GetFieldValue(CurrentSession, "SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES", "Next", NextSession); CurrentSession = NextSession; }
if (bAll) { SessionList += sizeof(ULONG_PTR); }
} while (bAll && VALID_SESSION_ADDRESS(SessionList));
if (bAll) { dprintf("%d sessions in the system.\n", SessionCount); }
if (!bAll && !Found) { dprintf("Session not found.\n"); }
return S_OK; }
DECLARE_API( tokenleak )
Routine Description
!tokenleak displays or sets the Se globals that facilitate tracking and finding token leaks.
usage: !tokenleak [1 | 0 ProcessCid BreakCount MethodWatch] where 1 activates and 0 disables token leak tracking where ProcessCid is Cid of process to monitor (in hex) where BreakCount specifies which numbered call to Method to break on (in hex) where MethodWatch specifies which token method to watch (C D or F)
{ //
// Nt Globals.
ULONG64 SepTokenLeakTracking = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakMethodWatch = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakMethodCount = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakBreakCount = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakProcessCid = 0;
ULONG64 SepTokenLeakTrackingAddr = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakMethodWatchAddr = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakMethodCountAddr = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakBreakCountAddr = 0; ULONG64 SepTokenLeakProcessCidAddr = 0;
ULONG64 NtBuildNumber = 0; BOOLEAN bModify = TRUE;
ULONG64 InputOn = 0; ULONG64 InputCid = 0; ULONG64 InputMethodWatch = 0; ULONG64 InputBreakCount = 0;
if (strlen(args) < 1) { dprintf("usage: !tokenleak [1 | 0 ProcessCid BreakCount MethodWatch]\n"); dprintf("\t where 1 activates and 0 disables token leak tracking\n"); dprintf("\t where ProcessCid is Cid of process to monitor (in hex)\n"); dprintf("\t where BreakCount specifies which numbered call to Method to break on (in hex)\n"); dprintf("\t where MethodWatch specifies which token method to watch (C D or F)\n\n"); bModify = FALSE; }
NtBuildNumber = GetPointerValue("nt!NtBuildNumber");
if (((ULONG)NtBuildNumber & 0xf0000000) == 0xF0000000) { dprintf("This extension only works on checked builds.\n"); return S_OK; }
if (bModify) { SepTokenLeakTrackingAddr = GetExpression("SepTokenLeakTracking"); SepTokenLeakMethodWatchAddr = GetExpression("SepTokenLeakMethodWatch"); SepTokenLeakMethodCountAddr = GetExpression("SepTokenLeakMethodCount"); SepTokenLeakBreakCountAddr = GetExpression("SepTokenLeakBreakCount"); SepTokenLeakProcessCidAddr = GetExpression("SepTokenLeakProcessCid");
if (!GetExpressionEx( args, &InputOn, &args)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
WritePointer(SepTokenLeakTrackingAddr, InputOn);
if (InputOn != 0) { dprintf("\nToken leak tracking is ON.\n\n");
while (args && (*args == ' ')) { args++; }
if (!GetExpressionEx( args, &InputCid, &args)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
while (args && (*args == ' ')) { args++; }
if (!GetExpressionEx( args, &InputBreakCount, &args)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
while (args && (*args == ' ')) { args++; }
if (!GetExpressionEx( args, &InputMethodWatch, &args)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
WritePointer(SepTokenLeakProcessCidAddr, InputCid); WritePointer(SepTokenLeakBreakCountAddr, InputBreakCount); WritePointer(SepTokenLeakMethodCountAddr, 0); WritePointer(SepTokenLeakMethodWatchAddr, InputMethodWatch); } }
// Print out the current settings.
SepTokenLeakTracking = GetPointerValue("SepTokenLeakTracking"); SepTokenLeakMethodWatch = GetPointerValue("SepTokenLeakMethodWatch"); SepTokenLeakMethodCount = GetPointerValue("SepTokenLeakMethodCount"); SepTokenLeakBreakCount = GetPointerValue("SepTokenLeakBreakCount"); SepTokenLeakProcessCid = GetPointerValue("SepTokenLeakProcessCid");
if (SepTokenLeakTracking) {
dprintf(" Currently watched method = "); switch (SepTokenLeakMethodWatch) { case 0xD: dprintf("SepDuplicateToken\n"); break; case 0xC: dprintf("SepCreateToken\n"); break; case 0xF: dprintf("SepFilterToken\n"); break; default: dprintf("???\n"); } dprintf(" Currently watched process = 0x%x\n", SepTokenLeakProcessCid); dprintf(" Method call count = 0x%x\n", SepTokenLeakMethodCount); dprintf(" Will break at count = 0x%x\n", SepTokenLeakBreakCount); } else { dprintf("\nToken leak tracking is OFF\n"); } return S_OK; }