Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Quick and not-so-dirty user-mode dh for heap.
Silviu Calinoiu (SilviuC) 06-Feb-00
Revision History:
SilviuC 06-Feb-00 Initial version --*/
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "miscellaneous.h"
GLOBALS Globals;
PVOID Xalloc ( PCHAR File, ULONG Line, SIZE_T Size ) { PSIZE_T Result;
Result = (PSIZE_T) malloc (Size + sizeof (SIZE_T));
if (Result == NULL) {
// We will never return from this call.
Comment( "malloc(%p) failed %s:%d",Size-sizeof(SIZE_T),File,Line); return NULL; }
Globals.CurrentHeapUsage += Size;
if (Globals.CurrentHeapUsage > Globals.MaximumHeapUsage) { Globals.MaximumHeapUsage = Globals.CurrentHeapUsage; }
ZeroMemory (Result, Size + sizeof(SIZE_T)); *Result = Size;
return (PVOID)(Result + 1); }
VOID Xfree ( PVOID Object ) { PSIZE_T Block;
if (Object) {
Block = (PSIZE_T)Object; Block -= 1;
Globals.CurrentHeapUsage -= *Block;
free (Block); } }
PVOID Xrealloc ( PCHAR File, ULONG Line, PVOID Object, SIZE_T Size ) { PVOID Block; SIZE_T OldSize;
Block = Xalloc (File, Line, Size);
if (Block == NULL) { return NULL; } OldSize = *((PSIZE_T)Object - 1); CopyMemory (Block, Object, (Size > OldSize) ? OldSize : Size); Xfree (Object); return Block;; }
VOID ReportStatistics ( ) { Comment ("UMDH version: %s", Globals.Version); Comment ("Peak heap usage: %p bytes", Globals.MaximumHeapUsage); }
VOID Info ( PCHAR Format, ... ) { va_list Params;
va_start (Params, Format);
vfprintf (Globals.OutFile, Format, Params); fprintf (Globals.OutFile, "\n"); fflush( Globals.OutFile ); }
VOID Comment ( PCHAR Format, ... ) { va_list Params;
va_start (Params, Format);
fprintf (Globals.OutFile, "// "); vfprintf (Globals.OutFile, Format, Params); fprintf (Globals.OutFile, "\n"); fflush( Globals.OutFile ); }
VOID Warning ( PCHAR File, ULONG Line, PCHAR Format, ... ) { va_list Params;
va_start (Params, Format);
if (File) { fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "Warning: %s: %u: ", File, Line); } else { fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "Warning: "); }
vfprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, Format, Params); fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "\n"); fflush( Globals.ErrorFile ); }
VOID Error ( PCHAR File, ULONG Line, PCHAR Format, ... ) { va_list Params;
va_start (Params, Format);
if (File) { fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "Error: %s: %u: ", File, Line); } else { fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "Error: "); }
vfprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, Format, Params); fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "\n"); fflush( Globals.ErrorFile ); }
VOID Debug ( PCHAR File, ULONG Line, PCHAR Format, ... ) { va_list Params;
va_start (Params, Format);
if (Globals.Verbose) {
if (File) { fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "Debug: %s: %u: ", File, Line); } else { fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "Debug: "); }
vfprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, Format, Params); fprintf (Globals.ErrorFile, "\n"); fflush( Globals.ErrorFile ); } }
BOOL UmdhReadAtVa( IN PCHAR File, IN ULONG Line, IN HANDLE Process, IN PVOID Address, IN PVOID Data, IN SIZE_T Size ) /*++
Routine Description:
Address - address in the target process at which we begin reading; Data - pointer to the buffer (in our process) to be written to the with data read from the target process; Size - number of bytes to be read.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the write was successful, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { BOOL Result; SIZE_T BytesRead = 0;
Result = ReadProcessMemory(Process, Address, Data, Size, &BytesRead);
if (Result == FALSE) {
Error (File, Line, "ReadProcessMemory (%p for %d) failed with winerror %u (bytes read: %d)", Address, Size, GetLastError(), BytesRead);
// Try to give more information about why we failed.
Bytes = VirtualQueryEx (Process, Address, &MemoryInfo, sizeof MemoryInfo);
if (Bytes != sizeof MemoryInfo) { Error (NULL, 0, "VirtualQueryEx (%p) failed with error %u", Address, GetLastError()); }
Error (NULL, 0, " BaseAddress %p", MemoryInfo.BaseAddress); Error (NULL, 0, " AllocationBase %p", MemoryInfo.AllocationBase); Error (NULL, 0, " RegionSize %p", MemoryInfo.RegionSize); Error (NULL, 0, " State %08X", MemoryInfo.State); Error (NULL, 0, " Protect %08X", MemoryInfo.Protect); Error (NULL, 0, " Type %08X", MemoryInfo.Type);
if (MemoryInfo.State == MEM_RESERVE) { Error (NULL, 0, " Uncommitted memory area"); } }
return FALSE; } else { if( Globals.InfoLevel > 0 ) { Comment( "ReadProcessMemory( %p for % d)",Address,BytesRead); }
return TRUE; } }
BOOL SetSymbolsPath ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
SetSymbolsPath tries to set automatically the symbol path if _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable is not already defined.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the symbols path seems to be ok, that is _NT_SYMBOL_PATH was defined or we managed to define it to a meaningful value. --*/ { TCHAR Buffer [MAX_PATH]; DWORD Length; BOOL Result;
Length = GetEnvironmentVariable (TEXT("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH"), Buffer, MAX_PATH);
if (Length == 0) { Warning (NULL, 0, "_NT_SYMBOL_PATH variable is not defined. Will be set to %%windir%%\\symbols.");
Length = GetEnvironmentVariable (TEXT("windir"), Buffer, MAX_PATH);
if (Length == 0) { Error (NULL, 0, "Cannot get value of WINDIR environment variable."); return FALSE; }
strcat (Buffer, TEXT("\\symbols"));
Result = SetEnvironmentVariable (TEXT("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH"), Buffer);
if (Result == FALSE) {
Error (NULL, 0, "Failed to set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH to `%s'", Buffer);
return FALSE; }
Comment ("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH set by default to %s", Buffer); }
return TRUE; }