Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module contains functions for managing device objects.
Adrian J. Oney - April 21, 2002
Revision History:
#include "WlDef.h"
#include "IopDevObj.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IoDevObjCreateDeviceSecure)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IopDevObjAdjustNewDeviceParameters)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IopDevObjApplyPostCreationSettings)
NTSTATUS IoDevObjCreateDeviceSecure( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN ULONG DeviceExtensionSize, IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName OPTIONAL, IN DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType, IN ULONG DeviceCharacteristics, IN BOOLEAN Exclusive, IN PCUNICODE_STRING DefaultSDDLString, IN LPCGUID DeviceClassGuid OPTIONAL, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine creates a securable named device object. The security settings for the device object are retrieved from the registry or constructed using the passed in defaults if registry overrides are not available.
It should be used 1. To secure legacy device objects 2. To secure raw PnP PDOs
It should not be used to create FDOs, non-raw PDOs, or any unnamed objects. For those operations, IoCreateDevice should be used.
DriverObject - A pointer to the driver object for this device.
DeviceExtensionSize - Size, in bytes, of extension to device object; i.e., the size of the driver-specific data for this device object.
DeviceName - Optional name that should be associated with this device. If the DeviceCharacteristics has the FILE_AUTOGENERATED_DEVICE_NAME flag set, this parameter is ignored.
DeviceType - The type of device that the device object should represent. Possibly overriden by registry.
DeviceCharacteristics - The characteristics for the device. Additional flags may be supplied by the registry.
Exclusive - Indicates that the device object should be created with using the exclusive object attribute. Possibly overriden by registry.
NOTE: This flag should not be used for WDM drivers. Since only the PDO is named, it is the only device object in a devnode attachment stack that is openable. However, since this device object is created by the underlying bus driver (which has no knowledge about what type of device this is), there is no way to know whether this flag should be set. Therefore, this parameter should always be FALSE for WDM drivers. Drivers attached to the PDO (e.g., the function driver) must enforce any exclusivity rules.
DefaultSDDLString - In the absense of registry settings, this string specifies the security to supply for the device object.
Only the subset of the SDDL format is currently supported. The format is: D:P(ACE)(ACE)(ACE), where (ACE) is (AceType;;Access;;;SID)
AceType - Only Allow ("A") is supported. Access - Rights specified in either hex format (0xnnnnnnnn), or via the SDDL Generic/Standard abbreviations SID - Abbreviated security ID (WD, BA, SY, IU, RC, AU, NU, AN, BG, BU, LS, NS) The S-w-x-y-z form for SIDs is not supported
The unimplemented ace fields are:
AceFlags - Describes features such as inheritance for sub-objects (ie files) and containers (ie keys/folders). An example SDDL AceFlag string would be ("OICI"). While control over inheritance is crucial for registry keys and files, it's irrelevant for device objects. As such, this function supports no ACE flags.
ObjectGuid - Used for describing rights that transcent the 32bit mask supplied by the OS. Typically used for Active Directory objects.
InheritObjectGuid - - Used for describing rights that transcent the 32bit mask supplied by the OS. Typically used for Active Directory objects.
Example - "D:P(A;;GA;;;SY)" which is Allow System to have Generic All access.
DeviceClassGuid - Supplies a device install class GUID. This class is looked up in the registry to see if any potential overrides exist. For legacy device objects, the caller may need to invent an appropriate class GUID (see IoCreateDeviceSecure documention on how to properly install a full class).
Note that if no registry override exists, the registry will automatically be updated to *reflect* the default SDDL string. Therefore it is a very bad idea to use the same device class GUID with different DefaultSDDLString values (objects needing different default security should have different classes, or be secured via INFs where possible).
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object pointer this routine will return.
Return Value:
--*/ { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR securityDescriptor; STACK_CREATION_SETTINGS stackSettings, updateSettings; PDEVICE_OBJECT newDeviceObject; UNICODE_STRING classKeyName; DEVICE_TYPE finalDeviceType; ULONG finalCharacteristics; BOOLEAN finalExclusivity; ULONG disposition; NTSTATUS status;
// Preinit for failure
*DeviceObject = NULL; newDeviceObject = NULL;
// The device object is securable only if it has a name. Therefore, we fail
// the create call if the device doesn't have a name.
if (!(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(DeviceName) || (DeviceCharacteristics & FILE_AUTOGENERATED_DEVICE_NAME))) {
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(DeviceClassGuid)) {
// Try to find the appropriate security descriptor for the device. First
// look for an override in the registry using the class GUID. We will
// create a section in the registry if one doesn't exist as well. This is
// a clue to the system administrator that there is something to lock down
// in the system.
status = PpRegStateReadCreateClassCreationSettings( DeviceClassGuid, DriverObject, &stackSettings );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status; }
} else {
PpRegStateInitEmptyCreationSettings(&stackSettings); }
// If a registry setting wasn't specified, parse the default SDDL string.
if (!(stackSettings.Flags & DSIFLAG_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)) {
// Parse the SDDL string into a security descriptor, and mark it
// "default" as well. SE_DACL_DEFAULT means the DACL came from a
// "default" mechanism, typically implying parental inheritance or
// object default security. In our case, the "default source" is the
// library as opposed to the user or an INF.
status = SeSddlSecurityDescriptorFromSDDL( DefaultSDDLString, TRUE, &securityDescriptor );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
goto Exit; }
PpRegStateLoadSecurityDescriptor( securityDescriptor, &stackSettings );
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(DeviceClassGuid)) {
// Update the registry with the default SDDL string so that the
// admin knows what settings are being used for this class. Note
// that we don't free updateSettings, as the security descriptor
// is also used by stackSettings.
PpRegStateLoadSecurityDescriptor( securityDescriptor, &updateSettings );
status = PpRegStateUpdateStackCreationSettings( DeviceClassGuid, &updateSettings );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
goto Exit; } } }
// Fill out the default values
finalDeviceType = DeviceType; finalCharacteristics = DeviceCharacteristics; finalExclusivity = Exclusive;
// Adjust the parameters based on the registry overrides
IopDevObjAdjustNewDeviceParameters( &stackSettings, &finalDeviceType, &finalCharacteristics, &finalExclusivity );
// Create the device object. The newly created object should have the
// DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING flag on it, meaning it cannot be opened. We
// therefore still have an opportunity to apply security.
status = IoCreateDevice( DriverObject, DeviceExtensionSize, DeviceName, finalDeviceType, finalCharacteristics, finalExclusivity, &newDeviceObject );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
goto Exit; }
status = IopDevObjApplyPostCreationSettings( newDeviceObject, &stackSettings );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
IoDeleteDevice(newDeviceObject); goto Exit; }
*DeviceObject = newDeviceObject;
// Clean up the security descriptor as appropriate.
return status; }
VOID IopDevObjAdjustNewDeviceParameters( IN PSTACK_CREATION_SETTINGS StackCreationSettings, IN OUT PDEVICE_TYPE DeviceType, IN OUT PULONG DeviceCharacteristics, IN OUT PBOOLEAN Exclusive ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adjusts a newly created device object to reflect the passed in stack creation settings.
StackCreationSettings - Information reflecting the settings to apply.
DeviceType - On input, the device type specified by the caller. This field is updated to reflect any changes specified in the registry.
DeviceCharacteristics - On input, the characteristics specified by the caller. This field is updated to reflect any changes specified in the registry.
Exclusive - On input, the exclusivity specified by the caller. This field is updated to reflect any changes specified in the registry.
Return Value:
--*/ { PAGED_CODE();
if (StackCreationSettings->Flags & DSIFLAG_DEVICE_TYPE) {
*DeviceType = StackCreationSettings->DeviceType; }
if (StackCreationSettings->Flags & DSIFLAG_CHARACTERISTICS) {
*DeviceCharacteristics = StackCreationSettings->Characteristics; }
if (StackCreationSettings->Flags & DSIFLAG_EXCLUSIVE) {
*Exclusive = (BOOLEAN) StackCreationSettings->Exclusivity; } }
NTSTATUS IopDevObjApplyPostCreationSettings( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PSTACK_CREATION_SETTINGS StackCreationSettings ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adjusts a newly created device object to reflect the passed in stack creation settings.
DeviceObject - Device object who's settings to adjust.
StackCreationSettings - Information reflecting the settings to apply.
Return Value:
--*/ { SECURITY_INFORMATION securityInformation; ACCESS_MASK desiredAccess; BOOLEAN fromDefaultSource; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE handle;
if (!(StackCreationSettings->Flags & DSIFLAG_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)) {
// Get the corresponding securityInformation from the descriptor.
status = SeUtilSecurityInfoFromSecurityDescriptor( StackCreationSettings->SecurityDescriptor, &fromDefaultSource, &securityInformation );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status; }
status = ObSetSecurityObjectByPointer( DeviceObject, securityInformation, StackCreationSettings->SecurityDescriptor );
// Since ObSetSecurityObjectByPointer isn't available on Win2K, we have to
// use a rather sneaky trick. The device technically isn't openable yet.
// However, ObOpenObjectByPointer doesn't bother doing any parse stuff.
// Therefore, we can get a quick handle to the object, set the security
// descriptor, and then dump the handle without the driver being any wiser.
SeSetSecurityAccessMask(securityInformation, &desiredAccess);
status = ObOpenObjectByPointer( DeviceObject, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, desiredAccess, *IoDeviceObjectType, KernelMode, &handle );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status; }
status = ZwSetSecurityObject( handle, securityInformation, StackCreationSettings->SecurityDescriptor );
return status; }