#include <windows.h>
#include <fusenetincludes.h>
#include <msxml2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <md5.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "manifestnode.h"
#include "xmlutil.h"
#include "version.h"
#define ASSEMBLY L"assembly"
#define NAMESPACE_TITLE L"xmlns:asm_namespace_v1"
#define NAMESPACE_VALUE L"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
#define MANIFEST_VERSION_TITLE L"manifestVersion"
#define DESCRIPTION L"description"
#define ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY L"assemblyIdentity"
#define DEPENDENCY L"dependency"
#define DEPENDENCY_QUERY L"/assembly/dependency"
#define DEPENDANT_ASSEMBLY L"dependentAssembly"
#define INSTALL L"install"
#define CODEBASE L"codebase"
#define APPLICATION L"application"
#define SHELL_STATE L"shellState"
#define ACTIVATION L"activation"
#define FILE L"file"
#define FILE_NAME L"name"
#define FILE_HASH L"hash"
class __declspec(uuid("f6d90f11-9c73-11d3-b32e-00c04f990bb4")) private_MSXML_DOMDocument30;
#define HASHLENGTH 32
// FowardSlash
VOID FowardSlash(LPWSTR pwz) { LPWSTR ptr = pwz;
while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == L'\\') *ptr = L'/'; ptr++; } }
// GetHash
HRESULT GetHash(LPCWSTR pwzFilename, LPWSTR *ppwzHash) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwLength = 0; // cblength
// BUGBUG - heap allocate large buffers like this.
unsigned char buffer[16384]; MD5_CTX md5c; int i; WCHAR* p;
if(!pwzHash) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); printf("Open file error during hashing\n"); goto exit; }
ZeroMemory(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
// BUGBUG - error checking here.
while(ReadFile(hFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &dwLength, NULL) && dwLength) MD5Update(&md5c, buffer, (unsigned) dwLength);
CloseHandle(hFile); MD5Final(&md5c);
// convert hash from byte array to hex
p = pwzHash; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(md5c.digest); i++) { wsprintf(p, L"%02X", md5c.digest[i]); p += 2; }
*ppwzHash = pwzHash; pwzHash = NULL;
exit: SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzHash); return hr; }
// CreateXMLElement
HRESULT CreateXMLTextNode(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, LPWSTR pwzText, IXMLDOMNode **ppNode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IXMLDOMNode *pNode = NULL; BSTR bstrText = NULL;
bstrText = ::SysAllocString(pwzText); if (!bstrText) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
if(FAILED(pXMLDoc->createTextNode(bstrText, (IXMLDOMText**)&pNode))) goto exit;
*ppNode = pNode; (*ppNode)->AddRef();
exit: if (bstrText) ::SysFreeString(bstrText);
SAFERELEASE (pNode); return hr; }
// CreateXMLComment
HRESULT CreateXMLComment(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, LPWSTR pwzComment, IXMLDOMComment **ppComment) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; BSTR bstrComment = NULL; IXMLDOMComment *pComment = NULL;
bstrComment = ::SysAllocString(pwzComment); if (!bstrComment) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
if(FAILED(hr = pXMLDoc->createComment(bstrComment, &pComment))) goto exit;
*ppComment = pComment; (*ppComment)->AddRef(); exit:
if (bstrComment) ::SysFreeString(bstrComment);
SAFERELEASE(pComment); return hr; }
// AddMgVersionAsComment
HRESULT AddMgVersionAsComment(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, IXMLDOMNode **ppRoot) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString sComment; IXMLDOMComment *pComment = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pNewNode = NULL;
// ASSERT(pXMLDoc && ppRoot);
sComment.Assign(L"Created using mg version "); sComment.Append(VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR_L);
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLComment(pXMLDoc, sComment._pwz, &pComment))) goto exit;
if(*ppRoot) { if (FAILED(hr = (*ppRoot)->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pComment, &pNewNode))) goto exit; } else { if (FAILED(hr = pXMLDoc->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pComment, ppRoot))) goto exit; }
SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pComment); return hr; }
// CreateXMLElement
HRESULT CreateXMLElement(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, LPWSTR pwzElementName, IXMLDOMElement **ppElement) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; BSTR bstrElementName = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pElement = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pNode =NULL, *pNewNode = NULL;
bstrElementName = ::SysAllocString(pwzElementName); if (!bstrElementName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
// NOTENOTE - createElement doesn't append the node to the doc
// so we're just using pXMLDoc for convenience of calling create.
if(FAILED(hr = pXMLDoc->createElement(bstrElementName, &pElement))) goto exit;
*ppElement = pElement; (*ppElement)->AddRef(); exit:
if (bstrElementName) ::SysFreeString(bstrElementName);
SAFERELEASE(pNode); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pElement); return hr; }
// SetXMLElementAttribute
HRESULT SetXMLElementAttribute(IXMLDOMElement *pElement, LPWSTR pwzAttributeName, LPWSTR pwzAttributeValue) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; BSTR bstrAttributeName = NULL, bstrAttributeValue = NULL; VARIANT varAttributeValue;
bstrAttributeName = ::SysAllocString(pwzAttributeName); bstrAttributeValue = ::SysAllocString(pwzAttributeValue); if (!bstrAttributeName || (!bstrAttributeValue && pwzAttributeValue)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
VariantInit(&varAttributeValue); varAttributeValue.vt = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&varAttributeValue) = bstrAttributeValue;
hr = pElement->setAttribute(bstrAttributeName, varAttributeValue);
if (bstrAttributeName) ::SysFreeString(bstrAttributeName);
if (bstrAttributeValue) ::SysFreeString(bstrAttributeValue); return hr; }
// CreateXMLAssemblyIdElement
HRESULT CreateXMLAssemblyIdElement(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, IAssemblyIdentity *pAssemblyId, IXMLDOMElement **ppElement) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IXMLDOMElement *pASMIdElement = NULL; LPWSTR pwzBuf = NULL; DWORD ccBuf = 0; CString sBuffer;
//Create assemblyIdentity Element
if(FAILED(hr=CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY, &pASMIdElement))) goto exit;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // BUGBUG - eventually, when we add support for type the only guy which
// is optional is the public key token.
if (FAILED(hr = pAssemblyId->GetAttribute(rpwzAttrNames[i], &pwzBuf, &ccBuf)) && hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) goto exit; else if (hr == S_OK) { sBuffer.TakeOwnership(pwzBuf, ccBuf); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pASMIdElement, rpwzAttrNames[i], sBuffer._pwz); } else hr = S_OK; }
*ppElement = pASMIdElement; (*ppElement)->AddRef();
exit: SAFERELEASE(pASMIdElement); return hr; }
// CreateDependantAssemblyNode
HRESULT CreateDependantAssemblyNode(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, ManifestNode*pManifestNode, IXMLDOMNode **ppDependantAssemblyNode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR pwzBuf = NULL; DWORD dwType; IAssemblyIdentity *pAssemblyId = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pDependantAssemblyNode = NULL, *pElement = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pNewNode = NULL; CString sCodeBase; //Get ASMId for Unique Dependency
if(FAILED(hr = pManifestNode->GetAssemblyIdentity(&pAssemblyId))) goto exit;
//Get the type of manifest
// - Private or GAC, for GACs you don't put the codebase.
if(FAILED(hr = pManifestNode->GetManifestType(&dwType))) goto exit;
//Get Codebase of the Unique Dependancy
if(FAILED(hr = pManifestNode->GetManifestFilePath(&pwzBuf))) goto exit; sCodeBase.TakeOwnership(pwzBuf);
//Create a dependentAssembly node
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, DEPENDANT_ASSEMBLY, &pDependantAssemblyNode))) goto exit;
//Create the AssemblyId for the Dependant Assembly
if (FAILED(CreateXMLAssemblyIdElement(pXMLDoc, pAssemblyId, &pElement))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pDependantAssemblyNode->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; // Node is added and element, node can be released.
SAFERELEASE(pElement); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); //read the codebase for this DependantAssembly
// GACs don't have a codebase.
if (1) // we need codebase for all assemblies (dwType == PRIVATE_ASSEMBLY)
{ if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, INSTALL, &pElement))) goto exit;
FowardSlash(sCodeBase._pwz); if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, CODEBASE, sCodeBase._pwz))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pDependantAssemblyNode->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); }
*ppDependantAssemblyNode = pDependantAssemblyNode; (*ppDependantAssemblyNode)->AddRef();
exit: SAFERELEASE(pAssemblyId); SAFERELEASE(pDependantAssemblyNode); return hr; }
// GetNode
HRESULT GetNode(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, LPCWSTR pwzNode, IXMLDOMNode **ppNode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrtQueryString;
IXMLDOMNode *pNode=NULL; IXMLDOMNodeList *pNodeList = NULL; LONG nNodes = 0; bstrtQueryString = ::SysAllocString(pwzNode); if (!bstrtQueryString) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
if ((hr = pXMLDoc->selectNodes(bstrtQueryString, &pNodeList)) != S_OK) goto exit;
// NOTENOTE - nNodes > 1 should never happen because only one root node in doc.
hr = pNodeList->get_length(&nNodes); if (nNodes > 1) { // multiple file callouts having the exact same file name/path within a single source assembly
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); goto exit; } else if (nNodes < 1) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; }
if ((hr = pNodeList->get_item(0, &pNode)) != S_OK) { hr = S_FALSE ? E_FAIL : hr; goto exit; }
*ppNode=pNode; (*ppNode)->AddRef(); exit: if(bstrtQueryString) ::SysFreeString(bstrtQueryString);
SAFERELEASE(pNodeList); SAFERELEASE(pNode); return hr; }
// FormatXML
// Called recursively.
// BUGBUG - t-peterf to document why selectNodes should not be used when
// adding nodes to an existing document.
HRESULT FormatXML(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, IXMLDOMNode *pRootNode, LONG dwLevel) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IXMLDOMNode *pNode=NULL, *pNewNode=NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pTextNode1=NULL, *pTextNode2=NULL; CString sWhiteSpace1, sWhiteSpace2; BOOL bHasChildren = FALSE; int i = 0;
sWhiteSpace1.Assign(L"\n"); for (i = 0; i < (dwLevel-1); i++) sWhiteSpace1.Append(L"\t");
sWhiteSpace2.Assign(L"\n"); for (i = 0; i < dwLevel; i++) sWhiteSpace2.Append(L"\t"); hr = pRootNode->get_firstChild(&pNode); while(pNode != NULL) { bHasChildren = TRUE;
// create whitespace with one extra tab.
if(FAILED(CreateXMLTextNode(pXMLDoc, sWhiteSpace2._pwz, &pTextNode2))) goto exit; VARIANT varRefNode; VariantInit(&varRefNode); varRefNode.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; V_UNKNOWN(&varRefNode) = pNode;
if (FAILED(hr = pRootNode->insertBefore(pTextNode2, varRefNode, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pTextNode2); // Recursively call format on the node.
if (FAILED(FormatXML(pXMLDoc, pNode, dwLevel+1))) goto exit; pNode->get_nextSibling(&pNewNode);
SAFERELEASE(pNode); pNode = pNewNode;
if (bHasChildren) { if(FAILED(CreateXMLTextNode(pXMLDoc, sWhiteSpace1._pwz, &pTextNode1))) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr = pRootNode->appendChild(pTextNode1, &pNewNode))) goto exit; }
exit: return hr; }
// CreateManifestFromAssembly
HRESULT CreateAppManifestTemplate(LPWSTR pwzTempFile) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pElement=NULL, *pChildElement=NULL, *pChildElement2=NULL, *pChildElement3=NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pNewNode=NULL, *pRoot=NULL, *pTextNode = NULL;
if(FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(private_MSXML_DOMDocument30), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument2, (void**)&pXMLDoc))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = AddMgVersionAsComment(pXMLDoc, &pRoot))) goto exit; */
//create the root assembly node and add the default properties
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, ASSEMBLY, &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, NAMESPACE_TITLE, NAMESPACE_VALUE))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, MANIFEST_VERSION_TITLE, MANIFEST_VERSION_VALUE))) goto exit;
//append the root to the DOMDocument
if (FAILED(hr = pXMLDoc->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pRoot))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement);
//create the tempate assemblyIdentity node with blank attributes
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY, &pElement))) goto exit;
hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"type", L"application"); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"name", L""); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"version", L""); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"processorArchitecture", L""); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"publicKeyToken", L""); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"language", L""); //append this to the root node
if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode);
//create a sample description
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, DESCRIPTION, &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLTextNode(pXMLDoc, L"Put a description of your application here", &pTextNode))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pElement->appendChild(pTextNode, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pTextNode); if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
//Create the shellState tag and enter in default information
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, APPLICATION, &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, SHELL_STATE, &pChildElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"friendlyName", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"entryPoint", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"entryImageType", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"showCommand", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"hotKey", L""))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pChildElement);
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, ACTIVATION, &pChildElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"assemblyName", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"assemblyClass", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"assemblyMethod", L""))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement, L"assemblyMethodArgs", L""))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pChildElement); if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
//Create the dependency platform tag and enter in default information
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"dependency", &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"platform", &pChildElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"osVersionInfo", &pChildElement2))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"os", &pChildElement3))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement3, L"majorVersion", L"5"))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement3, L"minorVersion", L"1"))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement3, L"buildNumber", L"2600"))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement3, L"servicePackMajor", L"0"))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement3, L"servicePackMinor", L"0"))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pChildElement2->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement3, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pChildElement3);
if (FAILED(hr=pChildElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement2, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pChildElement2);
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"platformInfo", &pChildElement2))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement2, L"friendlyName", L"Microsoft Windows XP"))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement2, L"href", L"http://www.microsoft.com/windows"))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pChildElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement2, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pChildElement2);
if (FAILED(hr=pElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pChildElement);
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"platform", &pChildElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"dotNetVersionInfo", &pChildElement2))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"supportedRuntime", &pChildElement3))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement3, L"version", L"v1.0.3705"))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pChildElement2->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement3, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pChildElement3);
if (FAILED(hr=pChildElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement2, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pChildElement2);
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"platformInfo", &pChildElement2))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement2, L"friendlyName", L"Microsoft .Net Frameworks"))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pChildElement2, L"href", L"http://www.microsoft.com/net"))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pChildElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement2, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE (pChildElement2);
if (FAILED(hr=pElement->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pChildElement, NULL))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pChildElement); if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, NULL))) goto exit;
//Format and save the document
if(FAILED(hr = FormatXML(pXMLDoc, pRoot, 1))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SaveXMLDocument(pXMLDoc, pwzTempFile))) goto exit;
printf("\nTemplate file created succesfully\n%ws\n", pwzTempFile); exit:
return hr; }
// CreateSubscriptionManifest
HRESULT CreateXMLSubscriptionManifest(LPWSTR pwzSubscriptionPath, IAssemblyIdentity *pApplictionAssemblyId, LPWSTR pwzUrl, LPWSTR pwzPollingInterval) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pElement=NULL, *pChildElement=NULL, *pDependantAssemblyNode=NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pNewNode=NULL, *pRoot=NULL, *pTextNode = NULL, *pDependancyNode = NULL; CString sSubscriptionPath, sSubscriptionName;
sSubscriptionPath.Assign(pwzSubscriptionPath); sSubscriptionPath.LastElement(sSubscriptionName); sSubscriptionPath.Append(L".manifest"); if(FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(private_MSXML_DOMDocument30), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument2, (void**)&pXMLDoc))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = AddMgVersionAsComment(pXMLDoc, &pRoot))) goto exit;
//create the root assembly node and add the default properties
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, ASSEMBLY, &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, NAMESPACE_TITLE, NAMESPACE_VALUE))) goto exit; if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, MANIFEST_VERSION_TITLE, MANIFEST_VERSION_VALUE))) goto exit;
//append the root to the DOMDocument
if (FAILED(hr = pXMLDoc->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pRoot))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement);
//Create the AssemblyId for the Subscription
//Use the AssemblyId of the application, but change the name and type
if (FAILED(CreateXMLAssemblyIdElement(pXMLDoc, pApplictionAssemblyId, &pElement))) goto exit; // bugbug - check return code for consistency.
hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"type", L"subscription"); hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"name", sSubscriptionName._pwz); if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
//create a sample description
//bugbug, should grab description for original manifest and paste it here
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"description", &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLTextNode(pXMLDoc, L"Put a description of your application here", &pTextNode))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pElement->appendChild(pTextNode, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pTextNode); if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
//Create the Dependancy Node
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, DEPENDENCY, &pElement))) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pDependancyNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement);
//Create a dependentAssembly node
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, DEPENDANT_ASSEMBLY, &pDependantAssemblyNode))) goto exit;
//Create the AssemblyId for the Dependant Assembly
if (FAILED(CreateXMLAssemblyIdElement(pXMLDoc, pApplictionAssemblyId, &pElement))) goto exit;
//Append the AssemblyId to the dependantAssemblyNode
if (FAILED(hr=pDependantAssemblyNode->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
//Add the install codebase to the dependantAssemblyNode
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, INSTALL, &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, CODEBASE, pwzUrl))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"type", L"required"))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pDependantAssemblyNode->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode);
//Add the install codebase to the dependantAssemblyNode
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, L"subscription", &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"synchronizeInterval", pwzPollingInterval))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"intervalUnit", L"hours"))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"synchronizeEvent", L"onApplicationStartup"))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, L"eventDemandConnection", L"no"))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pDependantAssemblyNode->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode);
//Append the dependantAssemblyNode to the dependancy node
if (FAILED(hr=pDependancyNode->appendChild(pDependantAssemblyNode, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
SAFERELEASE(pDependantAssemblyNode); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode);
//Format and save the document
hr = FormatXML(pXMLDoc, pRoot, 1); if(FAILED(hr = SaveXMLDocument(pXMLDoc, sSubscriptionPath._pwz))) goto exit;
printf("Subscription manifest succesfully created\n%ws\n", sSubscriptionPath._pwz);
return hr; }
// CreateXMLAppManifest
// Creates the app manifest - may want to rename.
// NOTENOTE: rename pList -> pAsmList ?
HRESULT CreateXMLAppManifest(LPWSTR pwzAppBase, LPWSTR pwzTemplateFilePath, List<ManifestNode *> *pList, List<LPWSTR> *pFileList) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cc = 0, cb = 0, ccName = 0; LPWSTR pwz=NULL, pwzCodeBase = NULL, pwzName = NULL; IAssemblyIdentity *pASMId= NULL; IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc=NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pElement=NULL, *pAssemblyIdElement = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pRoot=NULL, *pDependancyNode = NULL, *pNewNode = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pAssemblyIdNode = NULL, *pDependantAssemblyNode=NULL; BSTR bstrAttribute = NULL; VARIANT varAttribute; ManifestNode *pManNode = NULL; CString sAppName, sFileName, sFileHash, sAbsoluteFilePath, sManifestFilePath; LISTNODE pos = NULL;
VariantInit(&varAttribute); //Load the template
if(FAILED(hr = LoadXMLDocument(pwzTemplateFilePath, &pXMLDoc))) goto exit;
//grab the first child(the only child) as the root node
if(FAILED(hr = GetNode(pXMLDoc, ASSEMBLY, &pRoot))) goto exit;
if (hr == S_FALSE) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
//Get the name from the assemblyId, this will be the manifests file name
if(FAILED(hr = pRoot->get_firstChild(&pAssemblyIdNode))) goto exit;
//Query for the Element interface
if (FAILED(hr = pAssemblyIdNode->QueryInterface(IID_IXMLDOMElement, (void**) &pAssemblyIdElement))) goto exit;
bstrAttribute = ::SysAllocString(L"name"); if (!bstrAttribute) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } if ((hr = pAssemblyIdElement->getAttribute(bstrAttribute, &varAttribute)) != S_OK) goto exit;
ccName = ::SysStringLen(varAttribute.bstrVal) + 1; pwzName = new WCHAR[ccName]; if (!pwzName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } memcpy(pwzName, varAttribute.bstrVal, ccName * sizeof(WCHAR));
if((*pwzName)== NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; printf("Invalid Template Format. Template must have a name attribute in the assemblyIdentity tag\n"); goto exit; }
::SysFreeString(varAttribute.bstrVal); ::SysFreeString(bstrAttribute); SAFERELEASE(pAssemblyIdElement); SAFERELEASE(pAssemblyIdNode);
if(FAILED(hr = AddMgVersionAsComment(pXMLDoc, &pRoot))) goto exit;
// Add all the raw files to the manifest
pos = pFileList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { pwz = pFileList->GetNext(pos); sFileName.Assign(pwz);
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, FILE, &pElement))) goto exit;
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, FILE_NAME, sFileName._pwz))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
//Get Absolute File Path of file
sAbsoluteFilePath.Assign(pwzAppBase); sAbsoluteFilePath.Append(sFileName);
//get the hash of the file
if(FAILED(hr = GetHash(sAbsoluteFilePath._pwz, &pwz))) goto exit; sFileHash.TakeOwnership(pwz);
if(FAILED(hr = SetXMLElementAttribute(pElement, FILE_HASH, sFileHash._pwz))) goto exit;
// Get Dependency Node if exists
if (FAILED(hr = GetNode(pXMLDoc, DEPENDENCY_QUERY, &pDependancyNode))) goto exit;
if (hr == S_FALSE) { //Create the Dependancy Node
if(FAILED(hr = CreateXMLElement(pXMLDoc, DEPENDENCY, &pElement))) goto exit; if (FAILED(hr=pRoot->appendChild((IXMLDOMNode *)pElement, &pDependancyNode))) goto exit; SAFERELEASE(pElement); }
//Walk thorugh the list of dependant assemblies and add them to the App Manifest
pos = pList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { //Get next Dependant Assembly from list
pManNode = pList->GetNext(pos); if (FAILED(hr = CreateDependantAssemblyNode(pXMLDoc, pManNode, &pDependantAssemblyNode))) goto exit;
if (FAILED(hr=pDependancyNode->appendChild(pDependantAssemblyNode, &pNewNode))) goto exit;
SAFERELEASE(pDependantAssemblyNode); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); }
//Indent the manifest
hr = FormatXML(pXMLDoc, pRoot, 1);
// Save the manifest to a file
sManifestFilePath.Assign(pwzAppBase); sManifestFilePath.Append(pwzName); sManifestFilePath.Append(L".manifest");
if(FAILED(hr = SaveXMLDocument(pXMLDoc, sManifestFilePath._pwz))) goto exit;
printf("\nManifest created succesfully\n%ws\n", sManifestFilePath._pwz); exit: if (varAttribute.bstrVal) ::SysFreeString(varAttribute.bstrVal);
SAFERELEASE(pXMLDoc); SAFERELEASE(pElement); SAFERELEASE(pAssemblyIdElement); SAFERELEASE(pNewNode); SAFERELEASE(pAssemblyIdNode); SAFERELEASE(pRoot); SAFERELEASE(pDependancyNode); SAFERELEASE(pDependantAssemblyNode);
return hr; }
// SaveXMLDocument
HRESULT SaveXMLDocument(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc, LPWSTR pwzDocumentName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString sDocumentName; BSTR bstrFileName = NULL; VARIANT varFileName; // Save the manifest to a file
bstrFileName = ::SysAllocString(sDocumentName._pwz); if (!bstrFileName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
VariantInit(&varFileName); varFileName.vt = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&varFileName) = bstrFileName;
hr = pXMLDoc->save(varFileName);
exit: if(bstrFileName) ::SysFreeString(bstrFileName);
return hr; }
HRESULT LoadXMLDocument(LPWSTR pwzDocumentPath, IXMLDOMDocument2 **ppXMLDoc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IXMLDOMDocument2 *pXMLDoc; VARIANT varFileName; VARIANT_BOOL varBool; BSTR bstrFileName = NULL;
bstrFileName = ::SysAllocString(pwzDocumentPath); if (!bstrFileName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
VariantInit(&varFileName); varFileName.vt = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&varFileName) = bstrFileName; if(FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(private_MSXML_DOMDocument30), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument2, (void**)&pXMLDoc))) goto exit;
// Load synchronously
if (FAILED(hr = pXMLDoc->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE))) goto exit;
if ((hr = pXMLDoc->load(varFileName, &varBool)) != S_OK) { if(!varBool) hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } *ppXMLDoc=pXMLDoc; (*ppXMLDoc)->AddRef();
exit: if(bstrFileName) ::SysFreeString(bstrFileName); SAFERELEASE(pXMLDoc); return hr; }