#include "stdinc.h"
HRESULT SxspExtractPathPieces( _bstr_t bstSourceName, _bstr_t &bstPath, _bstr_t &bstName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCWSTR cwsOriginal = static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstSourceName); PWSTR cwsSlashSpot; cwsSlashSpot = wcsrchr( cwsOriginal, L'\\' ); if ( cwsSlashSpot ) { *cwsSlashSpot = L'\0'; bstName = _bstr_t( cwsSlashSpot + 1 ); bstPath = cwsSlashSpot; } else { bstPath = L""; bstName = bstSourceName; } return hr; }
HRESULT SxspSimplifyPutAttribute( ISXSManifestPtr Document, ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> Attributes, const wstring AttribName, const wstring Value, const wstring NamespaceURI ) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pAttribNode; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMAttribute> pAttribActual; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pTempNode; HRESULT hr; //
// Get the attribute from our namespace
hr = Attributes->getQualifiedItem( _bstr_t(AttribName.c_str()), _bstr_t(NamespaceURI.c_str()), &pAttribNode); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { //
// If we had success, but the attribute node is null, then we have to
// go create one, which is tricky.
if ( pAttribNode == NULL ) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_INT; vt.intVal = NODE_ATTRIBUTE; //
// Do the actual creation part
hr = Document->createNode( vt, _bstr_t(AttribName.c_str()), _bstr_t(NamespaceURI.c_str()), &pTempNode); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"Can't create the new attribute node ") << AttribName; ReportError( ErrorFatal, ss ); goto lblGetOut; } //
// Now we go and put that item into the map.
if ( FAILED( hr = Attributes->setNamedItem( pTempNode, &pAttribNode ) ) ) goto lblGetOut; } hr = pAttribNode->put_text( _bstr_t(Value.c_str()) ); } lblGetOut: // SAFERELEASE( pAttribNode );
// SAFERELEASE( pTempNode );
return hr; }
HRESULT SxspSimplifyGetAttribute( ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> Attributes, wstring AttribName, wstring &Destination, wstring NamespaceURI ) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> NodeValue; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR _bst_pretemp; Destination = L""; if ( FAILED( hr = Attributes->getNamedItem( _bstr_t(AttribName.c_str()), &NodeValue ) ) ) { goto lblBopOut; } else if ( NodeValue == NULL ) { goto lblBopOut; } else { if ( FAILED( hr = NodeValue->get_text( &_bst_pretemp ) ) ) { goto lblBopOut; } Destination = _bstr_t(_bst_pretemp,FALSE); } lblBopOut: return hr; }
wostream& operator<<( wostream& ost, const CPostbuildProcessListEntry& thing ) { ost << wstring(L"(path=") << thing.manifestFullPath.c_str() << wstring(L" name=")<< thing.name.c_str() << wstring(L" version=") << thing.version.c_str() << wstring(L" language=") << thing.language.c_str() << wstring(L")"); return ost; }
bool g_bDisplaySpew = false, g_bDisplayWarnings = true;
bool FileExists( const wstring& str ) { return (GetFileAttributesW(str.c_str()) != -1) && ((GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)); }
wstring JustifyPath( const wstring& str ) { vector<WCHAR> vec; DWORD dwCount = GetLongPathNameW( str.c_str(), NULL, 0 ); if (dwCount == 0) { wstringstream ws; dwCount = ::GetLastError(); ws << wstring(L"Unable to get the length of the 'long name' of ") << str << wstring(L" error ") << dwCount; ReportError( ErrorFatal, ws); exit(1); } vec.resize( dwCount ); GetLongPathNameW( str.c_str(), &vec.front(), vec.size() ); return wstring( &vec.front() ); }
void CPostbuildProcessListEntry::setManifestLocation( wstring root, wstring where ) { manifestFullPath = root + L"\\" + where; manifestPathOnly = manifestFullPath.substr( 0, manifestFullPath.find_last_of( L'\\' ) ); manifestFileName = manifestFullPath.substr( manifestFullPath.find_last_of( L'\\' ) + 1 ); if ( !FileExists( manifestFullPath ) ) { wstringstream ss; ss << wstring(L"Referenced manifest ") << where << wstring(L" does not exist."); ReportError(ErrorSpew, ss); } }
// Converts a series of strings, foo=bar chunklets, space-seperated, into a map
// from 'foo' to 'bar'
StringStringMap MapFromDefLine(const wstring& source, wchar_t wchBreakValue) { wstring::const_iterator here = source.begin(); StringStringMap rvalue; //
// The tricky bit is that there could be spaces in quoted strings...
while ( here != source.end() ) { wstring tag, value; wchar_t end_of_value = L' '; wstring::const_iterator equals; //
// Look for an equals first
equals = find( here, source.end(), L'=' ); //
// If there is no equals sign, stop.
if (equals == source.end()) break; tag.assign( here, equals ); //
// Hop over the equals
here = equals; here++; //
// If the equals sign was the last character in the wstring, stop.
if (here == source.end()) break; //
// Is 'here' at an open quote? Then extract everything to the next
// quote, remembering to skip this quote as well
if ( *here == L'\"' ) { end_of_value = L'\"'; here++; //
// If the quote was the last character in the wstring, stop.
if (here == source.end()) break; } //
// Now go and look for the end of the wstring, or a quote or a space.
wstring::const_iterator fullstring = find( here, source.end(), end_of_value ); value.assign( here, fullstring ); //
// If it was a quote or a space, skip it. If end of wstring, stay put.
if (fullstring != source.end()) here = fullstring + 1; rvalue.insert( pair<wstring,wstring>( tag, value ) ); //
// Skip whitespace, but stop if we hit the end of the wstring.
while (here != source.end() && (*here == L' ' || *here == L'\t' || *here == '\n' || *here == '\r' || iswspace(*here))) here++; } return rvalue; }
const wstring c_wsp_usage = wstring(L"-?"); const wstring c_wsp_nologo = wstring(L"-nologo"); const wstring c_wsp_verbose = wstring(L"-verbose"); const wstring c_wsp_manifest = wstring(L"-manifest"); const wstring c_wsp_hashupdate = wstring(L"-hashupdate"); const wstring c_wsp_makecdfs = wstring(L"-makecdfs"); const wstring c_wsp_razzle = wstring(L"-razzle"); const wstring c_wsp_binplacelog = wstring(L"-binplacelog"); const wstring c_wsp_asmsroot = wstring(L"-asmsroot"); const wstring c_wsp_cdfpath = wstring(L"-cdfpath"); const wstring c_wsp_version = wstring(L"-version"); const wstring c_wsp_name = wstring(L"-name"); const wstring c_wsp_language = wstring(L"-language"); const wstring c_wsp_type = wstring(L"-type"); const wstring c_wsp_pkt = wstring(L"-publickeytoken"); const wstring c_wsp_procarch = wstring(L"-processorarchitecture"); const wstring c_wsp_depends = wstring(L"-dependency"); const wstring c_wsp_freshassembly = wstring(L"-freshassembly");
CParameters::CParameters() : m_fVerbose(false), m_fNoLogo(false), m_fUpdateHash(false), m_fUsage(false), m_fCreateCdfs(false), m_fDuringRazzle(false), m_fSingleItem(false), m_fCreateNewAssembly(false) { }
bool CParameters::ChunkifyParameters(UINT uiP, WCHAR** ppwszParams) { for (UINT i = 0; i < uiP; i++) { this->m_Parameters.push_back(wstring(ppwszParams[i])); } return true; }
bool CParameters::ParseDependentString(const wstring & ws, CSimpleIdentity & target) { wstring::const_iterator here = ws.begin(); wstring::const_iterator i; target.wsLanguage = wstring(L"*"); target.wsProcessorArchitecture = wstring(L"*"); target.wsName = target.wsPublicKeyToken = target.wsType = target.wsVersion = wstring(L""); //
// Find the name part of the identity
if ((i = find(ws.begin(), ws.end(), L',')) == ws.end()) return false; target.wsName = wstring(ws.begin(), i); here = i + 1; //
// Now, let's look for the name:namespace= part of the name-value pair
while (here != ws.end()) { std::wstring wsThisAttributePart; std::wstring wsValueName; std::wstring wsValueValue; std::wstring wsValueNamespace; std::wstring::const_iterator close_quote; i = std::find(here, ws.end(), L'='); if (i == ws.end()) return false; wsThisAttributePart = wstring(here, i++); //
// The cursor had better not be at the end of the string yet.
if (i == ws.end()) return false; // No namespace thing in this string, so we can skip it
if (find(wsThisAttributePart.begin(), wsThisAttributePart.end(), L':') == wsThisAttributePart.end()) { wsValueName = wsThisAttributePart; } //
// i should be at the quote right after the =. Make sure of that.
if (*i++ != L'\'') return false; close_quote = find(i, ws.end(), L'\''); if (close_quote == ws.end()) return false; wsValueValue = wstring(i, close_quote); static const std::wstring c_ws_version = wstring(L"version"); static const std::wstring c_ws_language = wstring(L"language"); static const std::wstring c_ws_publicKeyToken = wstring(L"publicKeyToken"); static const std::wstring c_ws_type = wstring(L"type"); static const std::wstring c_ws_processorArchitecture = wstring(L"processorArchitecture"); if (wsValueNamespace.length() == 0) { if (wsValueName == c_ws_version) { target.wsVersion = wsValueValue; } else if (wsValueName == c_ws_language) { target.wsLanguage = wsValueValue; } else if (wsValueName == c_ws_publicKeyToken) { target.wsPublicKeyToken = wsValueValue; } else if (wsValueName == c_ws_type) { target.wsType = wsValueValue; } else if (wsValueName == c_ws_processorArchitecture) { target.wsProcessorArchitecture = wsValueValue; } else { return false; } } else { target.OtherValues.push_back( CSimpleIdentity::CUnknownIdentityThing( wsValueNamespace, wsValueName, wsValueValue)); } here = close_quote + 1; if (here == ws.end()) break; else if (*here != L',') return false; here++; } return true; }
CParameters::SetParametersResult CParameters::SetComandLine(UINT uiParameters, WCHAR** wszParameters) { std::vector<wstring>::const_iterator ci; class CMatching { public: const wstring &wsparam; wstring &wstarget; CMatching(const wstring& p, wstring &t) : wsparam(p), wstarget(t) { } }; CMatching SingleParamThings[] = { CMatching(c_wsp_binplacelog, m_BinplaceLog), CMatching(c_wsp_cdfpath, m_CdfOutputPath), CMatching(c_wsp_asmsroot, m_AsmsRoot), CMatching(c_wsp_manifest, m_SingleEntry.wsManifestPath), CMatching(c_wsp_version, m_SingleEntry.wsVersion), CMatching(c_wsp_name, m_SingleEntry.wsName), CMatching(c_wsp_language, m_SingleEntry.wsLanguage), CMatching(c_wsp_procarch, m_SingleEntry.wsProcessorArchitecture), CMatching(c_wsp_type, m_SingleEntry.wsType), CMatching(c_wsp_pkt, m_SingleEntry.wsPublicKeyToken) }; if (!ChunkifyParameters(uiParameters, wszParameters)) { return eCommandLine_usage; } for (ci = m_Parameters.begin(); ci != m_Parameters.end(); ci++) { wstring ws = *ci; m_fVerbose |= (*ci == c_wsp_verbose); m_fNoLogo |= (*ci == c_wsp_nologo); m_fUpdateHash |= (*ci == c_wsp_hashupdate); m_fCreateCdfs |= (*ci == c_wsp_makecdfs); m_fDuringRazzle |= (*ci == c_wsp_razzle); m_fCreateNewAssembly |= (*ci == c_wsp_freshassembly); //
// Things that have a single parameter
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF(SingleParamThings); i++) { if (SingleParamThings[i].wsparam == *ci) { std::vector<wstring>::const_iterator cinext = ci + 1; if ((cinext == m_Parameters.end()) || ((*cinext).at(0) == L'-')) { std::wstringstream wss; wss << *ci << wstring(L" requires an extra parameter"); ReportError(ErrorFatal, wss); return eCommandLine_usage; } SingleParamThings[i].wstarget = *cinext; } } //
// Injecting a dependency gathers up a 'textual identity' string that's
// turned into an assemblyIdentity statement and added to the dependency
if (*ci == c_wsp_depends) { CSimpleIdentity Dependent; if ((ci + 1) == m_Parameters.end() || ((*(ci+1)).at(0) == L'-')) { std::wstringstream wss; wss << *ci << wstring(L" needs a parameter blob"); ReportError(ErrorFatal, wss); return eCommandLine_usage; } // These can be defaulted
Dependent.wsLanguage = Dependent.wsProcessorArchitecture = wstring(L"*"); if (ParseDependentString(*++ci, Dependent)) { this->m_InjectDependencies.push_back(Dependent); } else { std::wstringstream wss; wss << *ci << wstring(L" isn't a valid dependency statement"); ReportError(ErrorFatal, wss); return eCommandLine_usage; } } } //
// Was there a single manifestish thing?
if (this->m_SingleEntry.wsManifestPath.length() != 0) { WCHAR wchBlob[MAX_PATH]; this->m_fSingleItem = TRUE; GetCurrentDirectoryW(NUMBER_OF(wchBlob), wchBlob); m_SinglePostbuildItem.setManifestLocation(wstring(wchBlob), m_SingleEntry.wsManifestPath); m_SinglePostbuildItem.language = m_SingleEntry.wsLanguage; m_SinglePostbuildItem.version = m_SingleEntry.wsVersion; m_SinglePostbuildItem.name = m_SingleEntry.wsName; } return m_fNoLogo ? eCommandLine_nologo : eCommandLine_normal; }
std::string ConvertWString(const wstring& src) { vector<CHAR> chBuffer; int iChars; iChars = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, src.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (iChars > 0) { chBuffer.resize(iChars); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, src.c_str(), -1, &chBuffer.front(), chBuffer.size(), NULL, NULL); } return std::string(&chBuffer.front()); }
std::wstring ConvertString(const std::string& source) { std::vector<WCHAR> wch; wch.resize( MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, source.data(), source.size(), NULL, 0 ) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, source.data(), source.size(), &wch.front(), wch.size() ); return std::wstring( wch.begin(), wch.end() ); }
bool AllWhitespace(const wstring& ws) { return (ws.find_first_not_of(L"\r\n \t") == wstring::npos); }
// Strip out all whitespace
HRESULT UglifyXmlNode(::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> Parent) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> Iterator; HRESULT hr; Parent->get_firstChild(&Iterator); while (Iterator != NULL) { DOMNodeType NodeType; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> ThisNode; ThisNode = Iterator; Iterator = NULL; //
// Move the iterator forward one, but keep ThisNode put
if (FAILED(hr = ThisNode->get_nextSibling(&Iterator))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = ThisNode->get_nodeType(&NodeType))) return hr; if (NodeType == NODE_TEXT) { BSTR bst;
if (FAILED(hr = ThisNode->get_text(&bst))) return hr;
if (AllWhitespace(wstring(_bstr_t(bst, false)))) { if (FAILED(hr = Parent->removeChild(ThisNode, NULL))) return hr; } } else if (NodeType == NODE_ELEMENT) { if (FAILED(hr = UglifyXmlNode(ThisNode))) return hr; } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT UglifyXmlDocument(ISXSManifestPtr DocumentPtr) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> RootElement; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> RootNode; HRESULT hr; //
// Clean up all adjacent-whitespace chunklets
if (FAILED(hr = DocumentPtr->get_documentElement(&RootElement))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = RootElement->normalize())) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = RootElement.QueryInterface(&RootNode))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = UglifyXmlNode(RootNode))) return hr;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT PrettyFormatXmlNode(::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> ThisNode, int iLevel) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> Document; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pIterator; bool fHasChildren = false; DOMNodeType NodeType = NODE_INVALID; HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = ThisNode->get_ownerDocument(&Document))) return hr; ThisNode->get_firstChild(&pIterator); while (pIterator != NULL) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMText> CreatedNode; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNext; fHasChildren = true; wstring ws = wstring(L"\r\n"); ws.append(iLevel * 2, L' '); if (FAILED(hr = pIterator->get_nodeType(&NodeType))) return hr;
if (NodeType != NODE_TEXT) { if (FAILED(hr = Document->createTextNode(_bstr_t(ws.c_str()), &CreatedNode))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = ThisNode->insertBefore(CreatedNode, _variant_t(pIterator), NULL))) return hr; if (FAILED(PrettyFormatXmlNode(pIterator, iLevel + 1))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = pIterator->get_nextSibling(&pNext))) return hr; }
pIterator = pNext; } if (fHasChildren && (NodeType != NODE_TEXT)) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMText> CreatedNode; wstring ws = wstring(L"\r\n"); ws.append((iLevel - 1) * 2, L' '); if (FAILED(hr = Document->createTextNode(_bstr_t(ws.c_str()), &CreatedNode))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = ThisNode->appendChild(CreatedNode, NULL))) return hr; } return hr; }
HRESULT PrettyFormatXmlDocument(ISXSManifestPtr DocumentPtr) { ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> RootElement; ::ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> RootNode; HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = DocumentPtr->get_documentElement(&RootElement))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = RootElement.QueryInterface(&RootNode))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = PrettyFormatXmlNode(RootNode, 1))) return hr; return hr; }