#pragma once
#include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4511)
#pragma warning(disable: 4512)
#pragma warning(disable: 4663)
#include <yvals.h>
#pragma warning(disable: 4663)
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <algorithm>
#include "sxsapi.h"
#include "fusionlastwin32error.h"
#include "fusionbuffer.h"
#define SxStressToolGetCurrentProcessId() (HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess))
#define SxStressToolGetCurrentThreadId() (HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread))
// Conserve memory.
//typedef CGenericStringBuffer<1, CUnicodeCharTraits> CTinyUnicodeStringBuffer;
typedef CTinyUnicodeStringBuffer CTinyStringBuffer;
#include "fusiontrace.h"
#include "fusiondeque.h"
extern CEvent ResumeThreadsEvent; extern CEvent StopEvent; extern LONG ThreadsWaiting; extern LONG TotalThreads; extern CStringBuffer BaseDirectory;
void ReportFailure(const char szFormat[], ...);
BOOL InitializeMSIInstallTest(); void WaitForMSIInstallTestThreads(); void CleanupMSIInstallTest(); void RequestShutdownMSIInstallTestThreads(); DWORD WINAPI MSIInstallTestThreadProc(LPVOID);
BOOL InitializeInstall(); void WaitForInstallThreads(); void CleanupInstall(); DWORD WINAPI InstallThreadProc(LPVOID);
BOOL InitializeCreateActCtx(); void WaitForCreateActCtxThreads(); void CleanupCreateActCtx(); DWORD WINAPI CreateActCtxThreadProc(LPVOID);
DWORD WINAPI InstallThreadProc( LPVOID pvData );
void RequestShutdownInstallThreads(); void RequestShutdownCreateActCtxThreads();
// std::string has specialized find_first_not_of that uses integral positions,
// and globally there is only find_first_of. Here we provide the expected
// iterator-based find_first_not_of, based on the std::string code.
// Find the first occurence in [first1, last1) of an element in [first2, last).
// eg:
// find_first_not_of("abc":"12;3", ":;");
// ^
// find_first_not_of(":12;3", ":;");
// ^
// find_first_not_of("3", ":;");
// ^
template <typename Iterator> inline Iterator FindFirstNotOf(Iterator first1, Iterator last1, Iterator first2, Iterator last2) { if (first2 == last2) return last1; for ( ; first1 != last1 ; ++first1) { if (std::find(first2, last2, *first1) == last2) { break; } } return first1; }
template <typename Iterator> inline Iterator FindFirstOf(Iterator first1, Iterator last1, Iterator first2, Iterator last2) { return std::find_first_of(first1, last1, first2, last2); }
class SxStressToolUnicodeString_t: public UNICODE_STRING { public: typedef PCWSTR const_iterator; typedef PWSTR iterator;
SxStressToolUnicodeString_t(PCWSTR s) { RtlInitUnicodeString(this, s); }
SxStressToolUnicodeString_t(PCWSTR s, PCWSTR t) { this->Buffer = const_cast<PWSTR>(s); const USHORT Length = static_cast<USHORT>(t - s) * sizeof(WCHAR); this->Length = Length; this->MaximumLength = Length; }
SIZE_T size() const { return Length / sizeof(Buffer[0]); } SIZE_T length() const { return size(); } PCWSTR begin() const { return Buffer; } PCWSTR end() const { return begin() + size(); } PWSTR begin() { return Buffer; } PWSTR end() { return begin() + size(); } };
template <typename String_t> inline void SxStressToolSplitString( const String_t& String, const String_t& Delim, std::vector<String_t>& Fields ) { String_t::const_iterator FieldBegin; String_t::const_iterator FieldEnd = String.begin();
while ((FieldBegin = FindFirstNotOf(FieldEnd, String.end(), Delim.begin(), Delim.end())) != String.end()) { FieldEnd = FindFirstOf(FieldBegin, String.end(), Delim.begin(), Delim.end()); Fields.push_back(String_t(FieldBegin, FieldEnd)); } }
BOOL SxStressToolExtractFlagsFromString( ULONG Flags, PCFUSION_FLAG_FORMAT_MAP_ENTRY FlagData, ULONG NumberOfFlagData, PCWSTR FlagString, ULONG& FlagOut );
LONG StringToNumber(PCWSTR s); PCWSTR StringToResourceString(PCWSTR s);
BOOL SxStressToolGetStringSetting( ULONG Flags, PCWSTR IniFilePath, PCWSTR Section, PCWSTR Key, PCWSTR Default, CBaseStringBuffer& Buffer, PCWSTR* DumbPointer OPTIONAL = 0 );
BOOL SxStressToolGetFlagSetting( ULONG Flags, PCWSTR IniFilePath, PCWSTR Section, PCWSTR Key, ULONG& FlagsOut, PCFUSION_FLAG_FORMAT_MAP_ENTRY FlagData, ULONG NumberOfFlagData );
BOOL SxStressToolGetResourceIdSetting( ULONG FutureFlags, PCWSTR IniFilePath, PCWSTR Section, PCWSTR Key, CBaseStringBuffer& Buffer, PCWSTR* DumbPointer );
BOOL WaitForThreadResumeEvent();
BOOL SxspGetPrivateProfileIntW( PCWSTR pcwszSection, PCWSTR pcwszKeyName, INT defaultValue, INT &Target, PCWSTR pcwszFilename ); BOOL SxspGetPrivateProfileStringW( PCWSTR pcwszSection, PCWSTR pcwszKeyName, PCWSTR pcwszDefault, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &buffTarget, PCWSTR pcwszFileName ); BOOL SxspIsPrivateProfileStringEqual( PCWSTR pcwszSection, PCWSTR pcwszKeyName, PCWSTR pcwszTestValue, BOOL &rfIsEqual, PCWSTR pcwszFileName );