#pragma once
class CAssemblyIdentity { public: typedef CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair CStringPair; CAssemblyIdentity(); ~CAssemblyIdentity();
CEnv::StatusCode SetAttribute(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, const CStringPair &Value, bool fReplace = true); CEnv::StatusCode SetAttribute(const CStringPair &Name, const CStringPair& Value, bool fReplace = true) { return SetAttribute(CStringPair(), Name, Value, fReplace); } CEnv::StatusCode DeleteAttribute(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name);
// The const version will do a linear or a bsearch depending on the sorted state. The non-const
// version will sort the internal attribute list first if necessary before looking up the value.
// These two are also a little dangerous because they return pointers directly into the data structures
// (const of course), which if you hold onto them might get invalidated. If you plan on caching the
// data for a while, consider using the next two.
CEnv::StatusCode FindAttribute(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, CStringPair& Value) const; CEnv::StatusCode FindAttribute(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, CStringPair& Value);
CEnv::StatusCode FindAttribute(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, CEnv::CStringBuffer &Target) const; CEnv::StatusCode FindAttribute(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, CEnv::CStringBuffer &Target); unsigned long IdentityHash() const; unsigned long IdentityHash(); unsigned long long IdentityHashV2() const; unsigned long long IdentityHashV2();
// Maintainence stuff
CEnv::StatusCode Freeze(); CEnv::StatusCode DeleteAllValues();
// This is an all-in-one allocation blob
class CIdentityValue { CIdentityValue(const CIdentityValue&); void operator=(const CIdentityValue&); public: CIdentityValue() { } SIZE_T cbAllocationSize; bool HashV1Valid; unsigned long HashV1; CStringPair Namespace; CStringPair Name; CStringPair Value;
CEnv::StatusCode WriteValues(const CStringPair& Namespace, const CStringPair& Name, const CStringPair& Value); CEnv::StatusCode Compare(const CIdentityValue &Other, int &iResult) const; };
SIZE_T m_cIdentityValues; SIZE_T m_cAvailableIdentitySlots; CIdentityValue** m_IdentityValues;
bool m_fFrozen; bool m_fSorted; bool m_fHashDirtyV1; unsigned long m_ulHashV1;
bool m_fHashDirtyV2; unsigned char m_IdentityShaHash[20]; CEnv::StatusCode RegenerateHash(); CEnv::StatusCode SortIdentityAttributes(); static int __cdecl SortingCallback(const CIdentityValue **left, const CIdentityValue **right); CEnv::StatusCode InternalFindValue(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, SIZE_T &cIndex) const; CEnv::StatusCode InternalFindValue(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, SIZE_T &cIndex); CEnv::StatusCode InternalCreateValue(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, const CStringPair &Value); CEnv::StatusCode InternalAllocateValue(const CStringPair &Namespace, const CStringPair &Name, const CStringPair &Value, CIdentityValue* &Allocated); CEnv::StatusCode InternalInsertValue(CIdentityValue* NewValue); CEnv::StatusCode InternalDestroyValue(CIdentityValue* Victim); };
static CEnv::StatusCode CreateIdentityFromCookedData( CAssemblyIdentity& Target, PMANIFEST_COOKED_IDENTITY IdentityData );
class COSAssemblyCache { public: enum UninstallResult { UResult_NotPresent, UResult_RemovedPayload, UResult_RemovedManifest, UResult_RemovedReference, };
virtual ~COSAssemblyCache() { }
virtual CEnv::StatusCode Initialize() = 0; virtual CEnv::StatusCode InstallAssembly( ULONG Flags, PMANIFEST_COOKED_DATA ManifestData, const CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair &FilePath ) = 0;
virtual CEnv::StatusCode UninstallAssembly( ULONG Flags, PMANIFEST_COOKED_DATA ManifestData, UninstallResult &Result ) = 0; };
class CDotNetSxsAssemblyCache : public COSAssemblyCache { CDotNetSxsAssemblyCache(ULONG ulFlags); CDotNetSxsAssemblyCache(const CDotNetSxsAssemblyCache&); void operator=(const CDotNetSxsAssemblyCache&);
static const CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair s_PoliciesPath; static const CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair s_ManifestsPath; static const CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair s_InstallTemp; static const CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair s_BaseDirectory;
CEnv::StatusCode EnsurePathsAvailable(); CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair m_WindowsDirectory;
CEnv::StatusCode IdentityToTargetPath(const CAssemblyIdentity& Ident, CEnv::CStringBuffer &PathSegment);
virtual ~CDotNetSxsAssemblyCache();
virtual CEnv::StatusCode Initialize(); virtual CEnv::StatusCode InstallAssembly( ULONG Flags, PMANIFEST_COOKED_DATA ManifestData, const CEnv::CConstantUnicodeStringPair &FilePath );
virtual CEnv::StatusCode UninstallAssembly( ULONG Flags, PMANIFEST_COOKED_DATA ManifestData, UninstallResult &Result );
const static GUID CacheIdentifier;
static COSAssemblyCache *CreateSelf(ULONG, const GUID *); };
typedef struct { const GUID *CacheIdent; COSAssemblyCache* (*pfnCreator)(ULONG ulFlags, const GUID *Ident); } ASSEMBLY_CACHE_LISTING;