#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
typedef struct _RTL_GROWING_LIST_CHUNK {
// Pointer back to the parent list
struct _RTL_GROWING_LIST *pGrowingListParent;
// Pointer to the next chunk in the list
struct _RTL_GROWING_LIST_CHUNK *pNextChunk;
#define GROWING_LIST_FLAG_IS_SORTED (0x00000001)
typedef struct _RTL_GROWING_LIST {
// Any flags about this list?
ULONG ulFlags;
// How many total elments are in this growing list?
ULONG cTotalElements;
// How big is each element in this list?
SIZE_T cbElementSize;
// How many to allocate per list chunk? As each piece of the growing list
// fills up, this is the number of elements to allocate to the new chunk
// of the list.
ULONG cElementsPerChunk;
// How many are in the initial internal list?
ULONG cInternalElements;
// Pointer to the intial "internal" list, if specified by the caller
PVOID pvInternalList;
// The allocation-freeing context and function pointers
// First chunk
// Last chunk (quick access)
NTSTATUS RtlInitializeGrowingList( PRTL_GROWING_LIST pList, SIZE_T cbElementSize, ULONG cElementsPerChunk, PVOID pvInitialListBuffer, SIZE_T cbInitialListBuffer, PRTL_ALLOCATOR Allocator );
NTSTATUS RtlIndexIntoGrowingList( PRTL_GROWING_LIST pList, ULONG ulIndex, PVOID *ppvPointerToSpace, BOOLEAN fGrowingAllowed );
NTSTATUS RtlDestroyGrowingList( PRTL_GROWING_LIST pList );
// The growing list control structure can be placed anywhere in the allocation
// that's optimal (on cache boundaries, etc.)
NTSTATUS RtlInitializeGrowingListEx( ULONG ulFlags, PVOID pvBlob, SIZE_T cbBlobSpace, SIZE_T cbElementSize, ULONG cElementsPerChunk, PRTL_ALLOCATOR Allocator, PRTL_GROWING_LIST *ppBuiltListPointer, PVOID pvReserved );
NTSTATUS RtlCloneGrowingList( ULONG ulFlags, PRTL_GROWING_LIST pDestination, PRTL_GROWING_LIST pSource, ULONG ulCount );
NTSTATUS RtlAllocateGrowingList( PRTL_GROWING_LIST *ppGrowingList, SIZE_T cbThingSize, PRTL_ALLOCATOR Allocator );
typedef NTSTATUS (__cdecl *PFN_LIST_COMPARISON_CALLBACK)( PRTL_GROWING_LIST HostList, PVOID Left, PVOID Right, PVOID Context, int *Result );
NTSTATUS RtlSortGrowingList( PRTL_GROWING_LIST pGrowingList, ULONG ItemCount, PFN_LIST_COMPARISON_CALLBACK SortCallback, PVOID SortContext );
NTSTATUS RtlSearchGrowingList( PRTL_GROWING_LIST TheList, ULONG ItemCount, PFN_LIST_COMPARISON_CALLBACK SearchCallback, PVOID SearchTarget, PVOID SearchContext, PVOID *pvFoundItem );
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; // extern "C"