Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation */ #include "stdinc.h"
#define dllimport /* nothing */
#include "debmacro.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "fusionntdll.h"
#include "win32simplelock.h"
// ISSUE:2002-03-14:jonwis - Wow, this is bogus. We should fix this so that we error out
// on large input strings (ie: numerical overflow, etc.) As it is, we'll either
// wrap around when comparing, or we'll do something else equally gross and maybe
// miscompare strings. (Consider "foo" vs. "[32k of whatever]foo" - they should
// compare equal in this case.) We really should revamp this so that the comparison
// result is an OUT, and so this can 'fail' on bad input parameters.
int FusionpCompareStrings( PCWSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, PCWSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive ) { UNICODE_STRING s1, s2;
s1.Buffer = const_cast<PWSTR>(psz1); s1.Length = static_cast<USHORT>(cch1 * sizeof(WCHAR)); s1.MaximumLength = s1.Length;
s2.Buffer = const_cast<PWSTR>(psz2); s2.Length = static_cast<USHORT>(cch2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); s2.MaximumLength = s2.Length;
return ::FusionpRtlCompareUnicodeString(&s1, &s2, fCaseInsensitive); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-05-16:Jaykrell
int FusionpCompareStrings( const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff1, PCWSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive ) { return ::FusionpCompareStrings(rbuff1, rbuff1.Cch(), psz2, cch2, fCaseInsensitive); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-05-16:Jaykrell
int FusionpCompareStrings( PCWSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff2, bool fCaseInsensitive ) { return ::FusionpCompareStrings(psz1, cch1, rbuff2, rbuff2.Cch(), fCaseInsensitive); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-05-16:Jaykrell
int FusionpCompareStrings( const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff1, const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuff2, bool fCaseInsensitive ) { return ::FusionpCompareStrings(rbuff1, rbuff1.Cch(), rbuff2, rbuff2.Cch(), fCaseInsensitive); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-05-16:Jaykrell
// FUTURE:2002-03-14:jonwis - Consider removing the I versions of these functions entirely.
bool FusionpEqualStringsI( const CGenericBaseStringBuffer<CUnicodeCharTraits> &rbuff1, PCWSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2 ) { return ::FusionpEqualStringsI(static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuff1), rbuff1.Cch(), psz2, cch2); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-05-16:Jaykrell
bool FusionpEqualStringsI( PCWSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, const CGenericBaseStringBuffer<CUnicodeCharTraits> &rbuff2 ) { return ::FusionpEqualStringsI(psz1, cch1, static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuff2), rbuff2.Cch()); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-05-16:Jaykrell
bool FusionpEqualStringsI( const CGenericBaseStringBuffer<CUnicodeCharTraits> &rbuff1, const CGenericBaseStringBuffer<CUnicodeCharTraits> &rbuff2 ) { return ::FusionpEqualStringsI(static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuff1), rbuff1.Cch(), static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuff2), rbuff2.Cch()); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-06-18:Jaykrell
bool FusionpEqualStrings( PCWSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, const CGenericBaseStringBuffer<CUnicodeCharTraits> &rbuff2, bool fCaseInsensitive ) { return ::FusionpEqualStrings(psz1, cch1, static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuff2), rbuff2.Cch(), fCaseInsensitive); }
// This is not inline in the headers because CGenericBaseStringBuffer
// is not defined early enough; it is only forward declared.
// 2002-06-18:Jaykrell
bool FusionpEqualStrings( const CGenericBaseStringBuffer<CUnicodeCharTraits> &rbuff1, PCWSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive ) { return ::FusionpEqualStrings(static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuff1), rbuff1.Cch(), psz2, cch2, fCaseInsensitive); }
#define INIT_WITH_DOWNLEVEL(rettype, calltype, api, argsin, argsout) \
rettype calltype Fusionp ## api ## _Init argsin; \ rettype calltype Fusionp ## api ## _DownlevelFallback argsin; \ rettype (calltype * g_Fusionp ## api) argsin = &::Fusionp ## api ## _Init; \ rettype \ calltype \ Fusionp ## api ## _Init argsin \ { \ InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *) &g_Fusionp ## api, ::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleW(L"NTDLL.DLL"), #api)); \ if (g_Fusionp ## api == NULL) \ InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *) &g_Fusionp ## api, &::Fusionp ## api ## _DownlevelFallback); \ return (*g_Fusionp ## api) argsout; \ }
__declspec(noreturn) void FusionpFailNtdllDynlink(const char* s) { DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); char buf[64]; buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; ::_snprintf(buf, NUMBER_OF(buf) - 1, "SXS2000: Ntdll dynlink %s failed\n", s); ::OutputDebugStringA(buf); ::TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), dwLastError); }
#define INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(rettype, calltype, api, argsin, argsout) \
rettype calltype Fusionp ## api ## _Init argsin; \ rettype (calltype * g_Fusionp ## api) argsin = &::Fusionp ## api ## _Init; \ rettype \ calltype \ Fusionp ## api ## _Init argsin \ { \ InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *) &g_Fusionp ## api, ::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleW(L"NTDLL.DLL"), #api)); \ if (g_Fusionp ## api == NULL) \ ::FusionpFailNtdllDynlink(#api); \ return (*g_Fusionp ## api) argsout; \ }
INIT_WITH_DOWNLEVEL(WCHAR, NTAPI, RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar, (WCHAR wch), (wch)) INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(WCHAR, NTAPI, RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar, (WCHAR wch), (wch)) INIT_WITH_DOWNLEVEL(NTSTATUS, NTAPI, NtQueryDebugFilterState, (ULONG ComponentId, ULONG Level), (ComponentId, Level)) INIT_WITH_DOWNLEVEL(LONG, NTAPI, RtlCompareUnicodeString, (PCUNICODE_STRING String1, PCUNICODE_STRING String2, BOOLEAN CaseInSensitive), (String1, String2, CaseInSensitive)) INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(LONG, NTAPI, RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter, (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo), (ExceptionInfo)) INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(NTSTATUS, NTAPI, NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId, (PLUID Luid), (Luid)) INIT_WITH_DOWNLEVEL(ULONG, NTAPI, vDbgPrintExWithPrefix, (PCSTR Prefix, IN ULONG ComponentId, IN ULONG Level, IN PCSTR Format, va_list arglist), (Prefix, ComponentId, Level, Format, arglist)) INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(DWORD, NTAPI, RtlNtStatusToDosError, (NTSTATUS st), (st)) INIT_WITH_DOWNLEVEL(NTSTATUS, NTAPI, RtlHashUnicodeString, (const UNICODE_STRING *String, BOOLEAN CaseInSensitive, ULONG HashAlgorithm, PULONG HashValue), (String, CaseInSensitive, HashAlgorithm, HashValue)) INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(NTSTATUS, NTAPI, RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U, (PVOID Environment, PUNICODE_STRING Source, PUNICODE_STRING Destination, PULONG ReturnedLength), (Environment, Source, Destination, ReturnedLength)) INIT_NO_DOWNLEVEL(VOID, NTAPI, RtlAssert, (PVOID FailedAssertion, PVOID FileName, ULONG LineNumber, PCSTR Message), (FailedAssertion, FileName, LineNumber, Message))
// Note:
// actually, ntdll.dll of win2k and winxp implement this function,
// but win9x does not(we use this func on win98 for FusionWin32_msi_installed
// assembly : however win9x does not support unicode at all, so this is just
// a simple version
WCHAR FusionpRtlUpcaseUnicodeChar_DownlevelFallback( IN WCHAR wch) { if (((wch) >= 'a') && ((wch) <= 'z')) return ((wch) - ('a'-'A')); else return wch; } LONG FusionpRtlCompareUnicodeString_DownlevelFallback( IN PCUNICODE_STRING String1, IN PCUNICODE_STRING String2, IN BOOLEAN CaseInSensitive ) { WCHAR c1 = 0; WCHAR c2 = 0;
PCWSTR s1 = String1->Buffer; PCWSTR s2 = String2->Buffer; const LONG n1 = String1->Length; const LONG n2 = String2->Length;
ASSERT_NTC((n1 & 1) == 0); ASSERT_NTC((n2 & 1) == 0); ASSERT_NTC(!(((((ULONG_PTR)s1 & 1) != 0) || (((ULONG_PTR)s2 & 1) != 0)) && (n1 != 0) && (n2 != 0)));
PCWSTR Limit = (PWCHAR)((PCHAR)s1 + (n1 <= n2 ? n1 : n2)); if (CaseInSensitive) { while (s1 < Limit) { c1 = *s1++; c2 = *s2++; if (c1 != c2) {
// Note that this needs to reference the translation table!
c1 = ::FusionpRtlUpcaseUnicodeChar_DownlevelFallback(c1); c2 = ::FusionpRtlUpcaseUnicodeChar_DownlevelFallback(c2); if (c1 != c2) { return (LONG)(c1) - (LONG)(c2); } } }
} else { while (s1 < Limit) { c1 = *s1++; c2 = *s2++; if (c1 != c2) { return (LONG)(c1) - (LONG)(c2); } } }
return n1 - n2; }
// BUGBUG:jonwis:2002-03-14 - The original code here had several bugs, see #577148
ULONG NTAPI FusionpvDbgPrintExWithPrefix_DownlevelFallback(PCSTR Prefix, IN ULONG ComponentId, IN ULONG Level, IN PCSTR Format, va_list arglist) { CHAR Buffer[512]; // same as code in rtl 4/23/2001
const SSIZE_T cb = ::strlen(Prefix); if (cb > (NUMBER_OF(Buffer) - 1)) return (ULONG)STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ::_vsnprintf(Buffer + cb , NUMBER_OF(Buffer) - cb - 1, Format, arglist); Buffer[NUMBER_OF(Buffer) - 1] = 0; ::OutputDebugStringA(Buffer); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI FusionpRtlHashUnicodeString_DownlevelFallback( const UNICODE_STRING *String, BOOLEAN CaseInSensitive, ULONG HashAlgorithm, PULONG HashValue ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG TmpHashValue = 0; ULONG Chars = 0; PCWSTR Buffer = NULL;
if ((String == NULL) || (HashValue == NULL)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; }
Buffer = String->Buffer;
*HashValue = 0; Chars = String->Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
switch (HashAlgorithm) { default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; break;
case HASH_STRING_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT: case HASH_STRING_ALGORITHM_X65599: if (CaseInSensitive) { while (Chars-- != 0) { WCHAR Char = *Buffer++; TmpHashValue = (TmpHashValue * 65599) + ::FusionpRtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(Char); } } else { while (Chars-- != 0) TmpHashValue = (TmpHashValue * 65599) + *Buffer++; }
break; }
*HashValue = TmpHashValue; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Exit: return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI FusionpNtQueryDebugFilterState_DownlevelFallback(ULONG ComponentId, ULONG Level) { return FALSE; // total abuse of NTSTATUS API but it's how NtQueryDebugFilterState is written...
CWin32SimpleLock g_DownlevelPeblock = WIN32_INIT_SIMPLE_LOCK;
VOID NTAPI FusionpRtlAcquirePebLock_DownlevelFallback( ) { g_DownlevelPeblock.Acquire(); }
VOID NTAPI FusionpRtlReleasePebLock_DownlevelFallback( ) { g_DownlevelPeblock.Release(); }
#undef ASSERT
#define ASSERT(x) /* nothing */
#define RTL_VERIFY(exp) ((exp) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define _NTOS_
#undef LOBYTE
#undef HIBYTE
extern "C" { #include "ntrtlp.h"
#define RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar FusionpRtlDowncaseUnicodeChar
#include "rtlfindcharinunicodestring.c"
#include "rtlvalidateunicodestring.c"
} #endif // #if !FUSION_STATIC_NTDLL