// Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
// Module Name:
// users.c
// Abstract:
// This file contains dialog to show the users dialog of the
// euroconv.exe utility.
// Revision History:
// 2001-07-30 lguindon Created.
// Includes Files.
#include "euroconv.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "util.h"
// Globals.
CHAR gszProfileNT[] = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList"; CHAR gszProfileVal[] = "ProfileImagePath";
// UsersDialogProc
// Message handler function for the Users dialog.
INT_PTR CALLBACK UsersDialogProc(HWND hWndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwFileSize; DWORD dwActual; LPVOID pFileBuffer; CHAR szEulaPath[MAX_PATH];
switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HWND hwndInc = GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_INCLUDED); HWND hwndExc = GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_EXCLUDED); RECT Rect; LV_COLUMN Column;
// Create a column for the Inclusion list view.
GetClientRect(hwndInc, &Rect); Column.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; Column.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; Column.cx = Rect.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL); Column.pszText = NULL; Column.cchTextMax = 0; Column.iSubItem = 0; ListView_InsertColumn(hwndInc, 0, &Column);
// Create a column for the Exclusion list view.
GetClientRect(hwndExc, &Rect); Column.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; Column.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; Column.cx = Rect.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL); Column.pszText = NULL; Column.cchTextMax = 0; Column.iSubItem = 0; ListView_InsertColumn(hwndExc, 0, &Column); //
// Fill out both list
ListUsersInfo(hWndDlg); return 0; } case WM_COMMAND: { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: { EndDialog(hWndDlg, ERROR_SUCCESS); return (1); } case IDCANCEL: { EndDialog(hWndDlg, ERROR_SUCCESS); return (1); } } break; } case WM_CLOSE: { EndDialog(hWndDlg, ERROR_SUCCESS); return (1); } }
return 0; }
// UsersDialog
// Display the Users dialog.
BOOL UsersDialog(HWND hDlg) { INT_PTR Status;
Status = DialogBox( NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_USERS), hDlg, UsersDialogProc);
return (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// ListUsersInfo
// List users and locale information in the appropriate List Box.
void ListUsersInfo(HWND hDlg) { HWND hwndInc = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INCLUDED); HWND hwndExc = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EXCLUDED); //
// List users based on registry entries.
ListUsersInfoFromRegistry(hDlg); //
// List users using a method valid only for Windows NT based on
// user profiles.
if (!IsWindows9x()) { ListUsersInfoFromFile(hDlg); } //
// Verify if the inclusion is empty.
if(!ListView_GetItemCount(hwndInc)) { //
// Add the empty item ot the list.
AddToList(hwndInc, NULL, (LCID)0); } //
// Verify if the exclusion is empty.
if(!ListView_GetItemCount(hwndExc)) { //
// Add the empty item ot the list.
AddToList(hwndExc, NULL, (LCID)0); } }
// ListUsersInfoFromFile
// List users and locale information in the appropriate List Box.
void ListUsersInfoFromFile(HWND hDlg) { LCID locale; PEURO_EXCEPTION pInfo; HWND hwndInc = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INCLUDED); HWND hwndExc = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EXCLUDED); //
// Proceed with all users if requested.
if (gbAll) { CHAR docFolder[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CHAR userFileData[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CHAR searchPattern[MAX_PATH] = {0}; WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; HANDLE hList;
// Get Documents and Settings folder
if (!GetDocumentAndSettingsFolder(docFolder)) { return; }
// Append a wildcard after the directory path to find
// out all files/folders under it.
//strcpy(searchPattern, docFolder);
//strcat(searchPattern, "\\*.*");
StringCbCopy(searchPattern, MAX_PATH, docFolder); StringCbCatA(searchPattern, MAX_PATH, "\\*.*"); //
// List all files/folder under the profile directory
hList = FindFirstFile(searchPattern, &fileData); if (hList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return; }
// Search through the Documents and settings folder for users.
do { //
// Check if it's a directory
if (fileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { //
// Build a full path for the User data file.
//strcpy(userFileData, docFolder);
//strcat(userFileData, "\\");
//strcat(userFileData, fileData.cFileName);
//strcat(userFileData, "\\NTUSER.DAT");
StringCbCopy(userFileData, MAX_PATH, docFolder); StringCbCatA(userFileData, MAX_PATH, "\\"); StringCbCatA(userFileData, MAX_PATH, fileData.cFileName); StringCbCatA(userFileData, MAX_PATH, "\\NTUSER.DAT");
// Check if the file is associated to a valid user and
// get user locale from the user data file.
if (IsValidUserDataFile(userFileData) && (locale = GetLocaleFromFile(userFileData))) { //
// Search for an exception and to the proper list.
if ((pInfo = GetLocaleOverrideInfo(locale)) != NULL) { //
// Add item to the inclusion list
AddToList(hwndInc, CharUpper(fileData.cFileName), locale); } else { //
// Add item to the exclusion list
AddToList(hwndExc, CharUpper(fileData.cFileName), locale); } } } } while(FindNextFile(hList, &fileData)); //
// Close handle.
FindClose(hList); } }
// ListUsersInfo
// List users and locale information in the appropriate List Box.
void ListUsersInfoFromRegistry(HWND hDlg) { LCID locale; PEURO_EXCEPTION pInfo; HWND hwndInc = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INCLUDED); HWND hwndExc = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EXCLUDED); CHAR strUser[REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH] = {0}; DWORD dwUser = REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH; //
// Proceed with all users if requested.
if (gbAll) { DWORD dwKeyLength, dwKeyIndex = 0; CHAR szKey[REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH]; // this should be dynamic.
HKEY hKey; DWORD lRet; LPSTR endPtr;
// Go through all users for registry settings.
for (;;) { dwKeyLength = REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH; lRet = RegEnumKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, dwKeyIndex, szKey, &dwKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (lRet == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { lRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } else if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Open the registry
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Get user locale
if (locale = GetLocaleFromRegistry(hKey)) { //
// Get user name.
if ((_stricmp(szKey, ".DEFAULT") == 0) || (_stricmp(szKey, "Default User") == 0)) { //strcpy(strUser, "DEFAULT USER");
StringCbCopy(strUser, ARRAYSIZE(strUser), "DEFAULT USER"); } else { GetUserNameFromRegistry(szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), strUser, ARRAYSIZE(strUser)); } //
// Search for an exception and to the proper list.
if ((pInfo = GetLocaleOverrideInfo(locale)) != NULL) { //
// Add item to the inclusion list
AddToList(hwndInc, strUser, locale); } else { //
// Add item to the inclusion list
AddToList(hwndExc, strUser, locale); } }
// Close handle
RegCloseKey(hKey); } } else { break; }
// Next keys
++dwKeyIndex; } } else { //
// Get user locale.
locale = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// Get user name.
GetUserName(strUser, &dwUser); //
// Search for an exception and to the proper list.
if ((pInfo = GetLocaleOverrideInfo(locale)) != NULL) { //
// Add item to the inclusion list
AddToList(hwndInc, strUser, locale); } else { //
// Add item to the exclusion list
AddToList(hwndExc, strUser, locale); } } }
// AddToList
// Generate an entry add to a specific list.
void AddToList(HWND hDlg, LPSTR user, LCID locale) { LV_ITEM Item; LVFINDINFO findInfo; CHAR strItem[MAX_PATH]; CHAR strLocale[MAX_PATH] = {0};
// Get the locale name
GetLocaleInfo(locale, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, strLocale, MAX_PATH); //
// Create the string.
if (user) { //sprintf(strItem, "%s - %s", user, strLocale);
StringCchPrintf(strItem, MAX_PATH, "%s - %s", user, strLocale); } else { LoadString(ghInstance, IDS_EMPTY, strItem, MAX_PATH); }
// Create a find structure.
findInfo.flags = LVFI_PARTIAL; findInfo.psz = user; findInfo.lParam = 0; findInfo.vkDirection = 0; //
// Before adding the string, checks if already there.
if (ListView_FindItem(hDlg, -1, &findInfo) < 0) { //
// Create the list item to be inserted.
Item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE; Item.iItem = 0; Item.iSubItem = 0; Item.state = 0; Item.stateMask = LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; Item.pszText = strItem; Item.cchTextMax = 0; Item.iImage = 0; Item.lParam = 0;
// Insert the item into the list view.
ListView_InsertItem(hDlg, &Item); } }
// GetUserNameFromRegistry
// Get user name.
void GetUserNameFromRegistry(LPSTR strKey, int cbKey, LPSTR name, int cbname) { CHAR strUserKey[REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH]; CHAR strProfilePath[REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH] = {0}; DWORD dwPath = REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH; LPSTR ptrName = NULL; HKEY hKey; //
// Process different on each platform.
if (IsWindows9x()) { //
// Use the key name directly.
//strcpy(name, strKey);
StringCbCopy(name, cbKey, strKey); //
// Uppercase
CharUpper(name); return; } else { //
// Form the registry path.
//sprintf(strUserKey, "%s\\%s", gszProfileNT, strKey);
StringCchPrintf(strUserKey, ARRAYSIZE(strUserKey), "%s\\%s", gszProfileNT, strKey);
// Open the registry key previously formed.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strUserKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Query the value
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, gszProfileVal, NULL, NULL, strProfilePath, &dwPath) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ptrName = strrchr(strProfilePath, '\\')) { ptrName++; } } } //
// Return the name.
if (ptrName) { CharUpper(ptrName); //strcpy(name, ptrName);
StringCbCopy(name, cbname, ptrName); } else { //strcpy(name, strKey);
StringCbCopy(name, cbname, strKey); } } }