Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains utility functions that are shared across NLS's code modules, but are not necessarily part of any of the existing code modules.
Private APIs found in this file: NlsGetCacheUpdateCount
External Routines found in this file: IsValidSeparatorString IsValidGroupingString IsValidCalendarType IsValidCalendarTypeStr GetUserInfo GetPreComposedChar GetCompositeChars InsertPreComposedForm InsertFullWidthPreComposedForm InsertCompositeForm NlsConvertIntegerToString NlsConvertIntegerToHexStringW NlsConvertStringToIntegerW NlsStrLenW NlsStrEqualW NlsStrNEqualW GetStringTableEntry NlsIsDll Revision History:
05-31-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nls.h"
#include "nlssafe.h"
// NlsGetCacheUpdateCount
// Returns the current cache update count. The cache update count is
// updated whenever the HKCU\Control Panel\International settings are
// modified. This count allows the caller to see if the cache has been
// updated since the last time this function was called.
// This private api is needed by the Complex Script Language Pack
// (CSLPK) to enable it to quickly see if the international section of
// the registry has been modified.
ULONG WINAPI NlsGetCacheUpdateCount(void) { return (pNlsUserInfo->ulCacheUpdateCount); }
// IsValidSeparatorString
// Returns TRUE if the given string is valid. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
// A valid string is one that does NOT contain any code points between
// L'0' and L'9', and does NOT have a length greater than the maximum.
// NOTE: The string must be a null terminated string.
// 10-12-93 JulieB Created.
BOOL IsValidSeparatorString( LPCWSTR pString, ULONG MaxLength, BOOL fCheckZeroLen) { ULONG Length; // string length
LPWSTR pCur; // ptr to current position in string
// Search down the string to see if the chars are valid.
// Save the length of the string.
pCur = (LPWSTR)pString; while (*pCur) { if ((*pCur >= NLS_CHAR_ZERO) && (*pCur <= NLS_CHAR_NINE)) { //
// String is NOT valid.
return (FALSE); } pCur++; } Length = (ULONG)(pCur - (LPWSTR)pString);
// Make sure the length is not greater than the maximum allowed.
// Also, check for 0 length string (if appropriate).
if ((Length >= MaxLength) || ((fCheckZeroLen) && (Length == 0))) { //
// String is NOT valid.
return (FALSE); }
// String is valid.
return (TRUE); }
// IsValidGroupingString
// Returns TRUE if the given string is valid. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
// A valid string is one that begins and ends with a number between
// L'0' and L'9', alternates between a number and a semicolon, and does
// NOT have a length greater than the maximum.
// (eg. 3;2;0 or 3;0 or 0 or 3)
// NOTE: The string must be a null terminated string.
// 01-05-98 JulieB Created.
BOOL IsValidGroupingString( LPCWSTR pString, ULONG MaxLength, BOOL fCheckZeroLen) { ULONG Length; // string length
LPWSTR pCur; // ptr to current position in string
// Search down the string to see if the chars are valid.
// Save the length of the string.
pCur = (LPWSTR)pString; while (*pCur) { if ((*pCur < NLS_CHAR_ZERO) || (*pCur > NLS_CHAR_NINE)) { //
// String is NOT valid.
return (FALSE); } pCur++;
if (*pCur) { if ((*pCur != NLS_CHAR_SEMICOLON) || (*(pCur + 1) == 0)) { //
// String is NOT valid.
return (FALSE); } pCur++; } } Length = (ULONG)(pCur - (LPWSTR)pString);
// Make sure the length is not greater than the maximum allowed.
// Also, check for 0 length string (if appropriate).
if ((Length >= MaxLength) || ((fCheckZeroLen) && (Length == 0))) { //
// String is NOT valid.
return (FALSE); }
// String is valid.
return (TRUE); }
// IsValidCalendarType
// Returns the pointer to the optional calendar structure if the given
// calendar type is valid for the given locale. Otherwise, it returns
// NULL.
// 10-12-93 JulieB Created.
LPWORD IsValidCalendarType( PLOC_HASH pHashN, CALID CalId) { LPWORD pOptCal; // ptr to list of optional calendars
LPWORD pEndOptCal; // ptr to end of list of optional calendars
// Make sure the Cal Id is not zero, since that may be in the
// optional calendar section (meaning no optional calendars).
if (CalId == 0) { return (NULL); }
// Search down the list of optional calendars.
pOptCal = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->IOptionalCal; pEndOptCal = (LPWORD)(pHashN->pLocaleHdr) + pHashN->pLocaleHdr->SDayName1; while (pOptCal < pEndOptCal) { //
// Check the calendar ids.
if (CalId == ((POPT_CAL)pOptCal)->CalId) { //
// Calendar id is valid for the given locale.
return (pOptCal); }
// Increment to the next optional calendar.
pOptCal += ((POPT_CAL)pOptCal)->Offset; }
// Calendar id is NOT valid if this point is reached.
return (NULL); }
// IsValidCalendarTypeStr
// Converts the calendar string to an integer and validates the calendar
// id for the given locale. It return a pointer to the optional calendar
// structure, or null if the calendar id was invalid.
// 10-19-93 JulieB Created.
LPWORD IsValidCalendarTypeStr( PLOC_HASH pHashN, LPCWSTR pCalStr) { UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // value string
CALID CalNum; // calendar id
// Convert the string to an integer value.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, pCalStr); if (RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 10, &CalNum)) { return (NULL); }
// Validate the calendar id and return the pointer to the
// optional calendar structure.
return (IsValidCalendarType(pHashN, CalNum)); }
// GetCPFileNameFromRegistry
// Gets the name of the code page file from the registry. If pResultBuf
// or Size == 0, then just return true if it exists in the registry, but
// don't return the actual value.
// 05-31-2002 ShawnSte Created.
BOOL GetCPFileNameFromRegistry( UINT CodePage, LPWSTR pResultBuf, UINT Size) { // Working things.
WCHAR pTmpBuf[MAX_SMALL_BUF_LEN]; // temp buffer
PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION pKeyValueFull; // ptr to query info
BYTE pStatic[MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO]; // ptr to static buffer
// Convert value to unicode string.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NlsConvertIntegerToString( CodePage, 10, 0, pTmpBuf, MAX_SMALL_BUF_LEN ))) { // Didn't work. (Don't bother closing key though, its used globally)
return (FALSE); }
// Open hCodePageKey, return false if it fails
// Query the registry value for that code page.
pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic; if ( NO_ERROR != QueryRegValue( hCodePageKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) ) { // Didn't work. (Don't bother closing key though, its used globally)
return (FALSE); }
// Make sure there is data with this value.
if (GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull)[0] == 0) { // Nope, no file name for this code page. (Not installed).
return (FALSE); }
// It worked, see if that's all they wanted.
if (!pResultBuf || Size == 0) { // Caller didn't want the name, just to know if it was there
return (TRUE); }
// Now we have to copy the name to their buffer for them.
if ( FAILED(StringCchCopyW(pResultBuf, Size, GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull)))) { // Couldn't make the string right, so fail
return (FALSE); }
// Yea, it worked
return (TRUE); }
// GetUserInfoFromRegistry
// Gets the information from the registry for the given value entry.
// 06-11-98 JulieB Created.
BOOL GetUserInfoFromRegistry( LPWSTR pValue, LPWSTR pOutput, size_t cchOutput, LCID Locale) { PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION pKeyValueFull; // ptr to query info
BYTE pStatic[MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO]; // ptr to static buffer
HANDLE hKey = NULL; // handle to intl key
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Open the Control Panel International registry key.
// Initialize the output string.
*pOutput = 0;
// Check to be sure the current user is running in the given locale.
if (Locale) { if (NO_ERROR == QueryRegValue( hKey, L"Locale", &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL )) { UINT uiLocale; if (NlsConvertStringToIntegerW(GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull), 16, -1, &uiLocale) && uiLocale != Locale) { CLOSE_REG_KEY(hKey); return FALSE; } } }
// Query the registry value.
rc = QueryRegValue( hKey, pValue, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL );
// Close the registry key.
// If the query failed or if the output buffer is not large enough,
// then return failure.
if ((rc != NO_ERROR) || (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > (MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { return (FALSE); }
// Save the string in pOutput.
if(FAILED(StringCchCopyW(pOutput, cchOutput, GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull)))) { return (FALSE); }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// GetUserInfo
// Gets the information from the registry for the given locale and user
// value entry.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
BOOL GetUserInfo( LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, SIZE_T CacheOffset, LPWSTR pValue, LPWSTR pOutput, size_t cchOutput, BOOL fCheckNull) { LCID UserLocale; HRESULT hr; // return val for string copy
LPWSTR pCacheString;
// Check if the current thread/process is impersonating
// or running in the context of a user other than the
// interactive one.
if (NT_SUCCESS( NlsGetCurrentUserNlsInfo( Locale, LCType, pValue, pOutput, cchOutput, FALSE ))) { //
// See if we need to check for a null string.
if ((fCheckNull) && (*pOutput == 0)) { return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
// Running in the same security context as the logged-on user.
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsNlsProcessCache); if (pNlsUserInfo->ulCacheUpdateCount != pServerNlsUserInfo->ulCacheUpdateCount) { //
// The cache content is out of date. Server has the latest copy of the cache, call server to update the
// the cache.
{ if (!NT_SUCCESS(CsrBasepNlsGetUserInfo(pNlsUserInfo, sizeof(NLS_USER_INFO)))) { RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsNlsProcessCache); //
// The call to client failed, try to get the data from table.
return (FALSE); } } //
// If the call to server side succeeds, now we garantee that we have a complete
// cache data, that is copied from the server side cache. It will have the same
// ulCacheUpdateCount in the time when the call to server side happens.
// We are in critical section here to check UserLocale to make sure that LCID and the data are in sync.
UserLocale = pNlsUserInfo->UserLocaleId;
// Check to be sure cached user locale is the same as the given locale.
if (Locale != UserLocale) { RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsNlsProcessCache); return (FALSE); } pCacheString = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)pNlsUserInfo + CacheOffset); hr = StringCchCopyW(pOutput, MAX_REG_VAL_SIZE, pCacheString); RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsNlsProcessCache); //
// Make sure the cache is valid.
// Also, check for an invalid entry. An invalid entry is marked
// with NLS_INVALID_INFO_CHAR in the first position of the string
// array.
if (FAILED(hr) || (*pOutput == NLS_INVALID_INFO_CHAR)) { //
// The cache is invalid, so try getting the information directly
// from the registry.
return (GetUserInfoFromRegistry(pValue, pOutput, cchOutput, Locale)); }
// See if we need to check for a null string.
if ((fCheckNull) && (*pOutput == 0)) { return (FALSE); }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// GetPreComposedChar
// Gets the precomposed character form of a given base character and
// nonspacing character. If there is no precomposed form for the given
// character, it returns 0.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
WCHAR FASTCALL GetPreComposedChar( WCHAR wcNonSp, WCHAR wcBase) { PCOMP_INFO pComp; // ptr to composite information
WORD BSOff = 0; // offset of base char in grid
WORD NSOff = 0; // offset of nonspace char in grid
int Index; // index into grid
// Store the ptr to the composite information. No need to check if
// it's a NULL pointer since all tables in the Unicode file are
// constructed during initialization.
pComp = pTblPtrs->pComposite;
// Traverse 8:4:4 table for Base character offset.
BSOff = TRAVERSE_844_W(pComp->pBase, wcBase); if (!BSOff) { return (0); }
// Traverse 8:4:4 table for NonSpace character offset.
NSOff = TRAVERSE_844_W(pComp->pNonSp, wcNonSp); if (!NSOff) { return (0); }
// Get wide character value out of 2D grid.
// If there is no precomposed character at the location in the
// grid, it will return 0.
Index = (BSOff - 1) * pComp->NumNonSp + (NSOff - 1); return ((pComp->pGrid)[Index]); }
// GetCompositeChars
// Gets the composite characters of a given wide character. If the
// composite form is found, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
BOOL FASTCALL GetCompositeChars( WCHAR wch, WCHAR *pNonSp, WCHAR *pBase) { PPRECOMP pPreComp; // ptr to precomposed information
// Store the ptr to the precomposed information. No need to check if
// it's a NULL pointer since all tables in the Unicode file are
// constructed during initialization.
pPreComp = pTblPtrs->pPreComposed;
// Traverse 8:4:4 table for base and nonspace character translation.
TRAVERSE_844_D(pPreComp, wch, *pNonSp, *pBase);
// Return success if found. Otherwise, error.
return ((*pNonSp) && (*pBase)); }
// InsertPreComposedForm
// Gets the precomposed form of a given wide character string, places it in
// the given wide character, and returns the number of composite characters
// used to form the precomposed form. If there is no precomposed form for
// the given character, nothing is written into pPreComp and it returns 1
// for the number of characters used.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
int FASTCALL InsertPreComposedForm( LPCWSTR pWCStr, LPWSTR pEndWCStr, LPWSTR pPreComp) { WCHAR wch; // precomposed character
LPWSTR pPos; // ptr to position in string
// If no precomposed form can be found, return 1 character used
// (base character).
if (((pWCStr + 1) >= pEndWCStr) || (!(wch = GetPreComposedChar(*(pWCStr + 1), *pWCStr)))) { return (1); }
// Get the precomposed character from the given wide character string.
// Must check for multiple nonspacing characters for the same
// precomposed character.
*pPreComp = wch; pPos = (LPWSTR)pWCStr + 2; while ((pPos < pEndWCStr) && (wch = GetPreComposedChar(*pPos, *pPreComp))) { *pPreComp = wch; pPos++; }
// Return the number of characters used to form the precomposed
// character.
return ((int)(pPos - (LPWSTR)pWCStr)); }
// InsertFullWidthPreComposedForm
// Gets the full width precomposed form of a given wide character string,
// places it in the given wide character, and returns the number of
// composite characters used to form the precomposed form. If there is
// no precomposed form for the given character, only the full width conversion
// of the first code point is written into pPreComp and it returns 1 for
// the number of characters used.
// 11-04-93 JulieB Created.
int FASTCALL InsertFullWidthPreComposedForm( LPCWSTR pWCStr, LPWSTR pEndWCStr, LPWSTR pPreComp, PCASE pCase) { WCHAR wch; // nonspace character
LPWSTR pPos; // ptr to position in string
// Get the case (if necessary).
*pPreComp = (pCase) ? GET_LOWER_UPPER_CASE(pCase, *pWCStr) : *pWCStr;
// Get the full width.
*pPreComp = GET_FULL_WIDTH(pTblPtrs->pFullWidth, *pPreComp);
if ((pPos = ((LPWSTR)pWCStr + 1)) >= pEndWCStr) { return (1); }
while (pPos < pEndWCStr) { wch = (pCase) ? GET_LOWER_UPPER_CASE(pCase, *pPos) : *pPos; wch = GET_FULL_WIDTH(pTblPtrs->pFullWidth, wch); if (wch = GetPreComposedChar(wch, *pPreComp)) { *pPreComp = wch; pPos++; } else { break; } }
// Return the number of characters used to form the precomposed
// character.
return ((int)(pPos - (LPWSTR)pWCStr)); }
// InsertCompositeForm
// Gets the composite form of a given wide character, places it in the
// wide character string, and returns the number of characters written.
// If there is no composite form for the given character, the wide character
// string is not touched. It will return 1 for the number of characters
// written, since the base character was already written.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
int FASTCALL InsertCompositeForm( LPWSTR pWCStr, LPWSTR pEndWCStr) { WCHAR Base; // base character
WCHAR NonSp; // non space character
int wcCount = 0; // number of wide characters written
LPWSTR pEndComp; // ptr to end of composite form
int ctr; // loop counter
// If no composite form can be found, return 1 for the base
// character that was already written.
if (!GetCompositeChars(*pWCStr, &NonSp, &Base)) { return (1); }
// Get the composite characters and write them to the pWCStr
// buffer. Must check for multiple breakdowns of the precomposed
// character into more than 2 characters (multiple nonspacing
// characters).
pEndComp = pWCStr; do { //
// Make sure pWCStr is big enough to hold the nonspacing
// character.
if (pEndComp < (pEndWCStr - 1)) { //
// Addition of next breakdown of nonspacing characters
// are to be added right after the base character. So,
// move all nonspacing characters ahead one position
// to make room for the next nonspacing character.
pEndComp++; for (ctr = 0; ctr < wcCount; ctr++) { *(pEndComp - ctr) = *(pEndComp - (ctr + 1)); }
// Fill in the new base form and the new nonspacing character.
*pWCStr = Base; *(pWCStr + 1) = NonSp; wcCount++; } else { //
// Make sure we don't get into an infinite loop if the
// destination buffer isn't large enough.
break; } } while (GetCompositeChars(*pWCStr, &NonSp, &Base));
// Return number of wide characters written. Add 1 to include the
// base character.
return (wcCount + 1); }
// NlsConvertIntegerToString
// This routine converts an integer to a Unicode string.
// 11-15-96 JulieB Created.
ULONG NlsConvertIntegerToString( UINT Value, UINT Base, UINT Padding, LPWSTR pResultBuf, UINT Size) { UNICODE_STRING ObString; // value string
UINT ctr; // loop counter
LPWSTR pBufPtr; // ptr to result buffer
WCHAR pTmpBuf[MAX_PATH_LEN]; // ptr to temp buffer
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Set up the Unicode string structure.
ObString.Length = (USHORT)(Size * sizeof(WCHAR)); ObString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(Size * sizeof(WCHAR)); ObString.Buffer = pTmpBuf;
// Get the value as a string.
if (rc = RtlIntegerToUnicodeString(Value, Base, &ObString)) { return (rc); }
// Pad the string with the appropriate number of zeros.
pBufPtr = pResultBuf; for (ctr = GET_WC_COUNT(ObString.Length); ctr < Padding; ctr++, pBufPtr++, Size--) { if( Size < 1 ) { return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); }
*pBufPtr = NLS_CHAR_ZERO; }
if(FAILED(StringCchCopyW(pBufPtr, Size, ObString.Buffer))) { return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); }
// NlsConvertIntegerToHexStringW
// Convert an integer value to an Unicode null-terminated string WITH
// leading zeros. E.g. 0x409 with Width 5 will be converted to L"0409".
// This function is faster than NlsConvertIntegerToString(), but it
// only supports hex numbers.
// Parameters:
// Value The number to be converted.
// UpperCase If TRUE, the hex digit will be uppercase.
// Str The buffer for the converted Unicode string.
// Width The character count of the buffer. The value should be the total
// heximal digit number plus one for null-terminiated.
// E.g. if the value is from 0x0000 - 0xffff, the Width should be 5.
// Return:
// TRUE if successful. FALSE if the width is not big enough to hold the converted string.
BOOL FASTCALL NlsConvertIntegerToHexStringW(UINT Value, BOOL UpperCase, PWSTR Str, UINT CharCount) { int Digit; PWSTR p;
if(Str == NULL) { return (FALSE); } p = Str + CharCount - 1; *p-- = L'\0'; while (p >= Str) { Digit = Value & 0xf; if (Digit < 10) { Digit = Digit + L'0'; } else { Digit = Digit - 10 + (UpperCase ? L'A' : L'a'); } *p-- = (WCHAR)Digit; Value >>= 4; }
if (Value > 0) { //
// There are still digit remaining.
return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
// NlsConvertStringToIntegerW
// Parameters:
// Str the hex string to be converted.
// Base base
// CharCount
// the character count of the string (excluding the terminiated-null, if any).
// If the value is -1, this function assumes that
// Str is a null-terminated string.
// Result the pointer to the result.
// Result:
// TRUE if the operation is successful. FALSE if there is non-hex
// character in the string.
BOOL FASTCALL NlsConvertStringToIntegerW(PWSTR Str, UINT Base, int CharCount, UINT* Result) { int i; WCHAR Digit; WCHAR c;
if (Str == NULL || Result == NULL) { return (FALSE); } *Result = 0;
if (CharCount == -1) { while (c = *Str) { c = *Str; if (c >= L'0' && c <= L'9') { Digit = c - L'0'; } else if(Base == 16) { if (c >= L'A' && c <= L'F') { Digit = c - L'A' + 10; } else if (c >= L'a' && c <= L'f') { Digit = c - L'a' + 10; } else { return (FALSE); } } else { return (FALSE); }
if (Base == 16) { *Result = (*Result << 4) | Digit; } else { *Result = *Result*10 + Digit; }
Str++; } } else { for (i=0; i< CharCount; i++) { c = *Str++; if (c >= L'0' && c <= L'9') { Digit = c - L'0'; } else if(Base == 16) { if (c >= L'A' && c <= L'F') { Digit = c - L'A' + 10; } else if (c >= L'a' && c <= L'f') { Digit = c - L'a' + 10; } else { return (FALSE); } } else { return (FALSE); }
if (Base == 16) { *Result = (*Result << 4) | Digit; } else { *Result = *Result*10 + Digit; } } } return (TRUE); }
// NlsStrLenW
// This routine returns the length of the given wide character string.
// The length does NOT include the null terminator.
// NOTE: This routine is here to avoid any dependencies on other DLLs
// during initialization.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
int FASTCALL NlsStrLenW( LPCWSTR pwsz) { LPCWSTR pwszStart = pwsz; // ptr to beginning of string
loop: if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done; if (*pwsz) pwsz++; else goto done;
goto loop;
done: return ((int)(pwsz - pwszStart)); }
// NlsStrEqualW
// This routine compares two strings to see if they are exactly identical.
// It returns 1 if they are identical, 0 if they are different.
// NOTE: This routine is here to avoid any dependencies on other DLLs
// during initialization.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
int FASTCALL NlsStrEqualW( LPCWSTR pwszFirst, LPCWSTR pwszSecond) { loop: if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++;
goto loop;
error: //
// Return error.
return (0); }
// NlsStrNEqualW
// This routine compares two strings to see if they are exactly identical
// for the count of characters given.
// It returns 1 if they are identical, 0 if they are different.
// NOTE: This routine is here to avoid any dependencies on other DLLs
// during initialization.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
int FASTCALL NlsStrNEqualW( LPCWSTR pwszFirst, LPCWSTR pwszSecond, int Count) { loop: if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
if (Count == 0) return (1); if (*pwszFirst != *pwszSecond) goto error; if (!*pwszFirst) return (1); pwszFirst++; pwszSecond++; Count--;
goto loop;
error: //
// Return error.
return (0); }
// GetDefaultSortkeySize
ULONG GetDefaultSortkeySize( PLARGE_INTEGER pSize) { *pSize = pTblPtrs->DefaultSortkeySize; return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// GetLinguistLangSize
ULONG GetLinguistLangSize( PLARGE_INTEGER pSize) { *pSize = pTblPtrs->LinguistLangSize; return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// ValidateLocale
// Internal routine, called from server. Validates that a locale is
// present in the registry. This code comes from IsValidLocale, but
// does not check the internal data to prevent recursive calls to the
// server.
WCHAR pTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; // temp buffer
UNICODE_STRING ObUnicodeStr; // registry data value string
DWORD Data; // registry data value
LPWSTR pData; // ptr to registry data
BOOL bResult = FALSE; // result value
// Invalid Locale Check.
if (IS_INVALID_LOCALE(Locale)) { return (FALSE); }
// Open the Locale, the Alternate Sorts, and the Language Groups
// registry keys.
// Convert locale value to Unicode string.
if (NlsConvertIntegerToString(Locale, 16, 8, pTmpBuf, MAX_PATH)) { return (FALSE); }
// Query the registry for the value.
pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic1; if (((QueryRegValue( hLocaleKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) == NO_ERROR) || (QueryRegValue( hAltSortsKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) == NO_ERROR)) && (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > 2)) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObUnicodeStr, GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull)); if ((RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&ObUnicodeStr, 16, &Data) == NO_ERROR) && (Data != 0)) { pKeyValueFull = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)pStatic2; if ((QueryRegValue( hLangGroupsKey, ObUnicodeStr.Buffer, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, NULL ) == NO_ERROR) && (pKeyValueFull->DataLength > 2)) { pData = GET_VALUE_DATA_PTR(pKeyValueFull); if ((pData[0] == L'1') && (pData[1] == 0)) { bResult = TRUE; } } } }
// Return the result.
return (TRUE); }
// ValidateLCType
// This routine is called from the server (and also from locale.c) in
// order to get a Registry key name and a field pointer in the NlsInfo
// structure given an LCType.
BOOL ValidateLCType( PNLS_USER_INFO pInfo, LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR *ppwReg, LPWSTR *ppwCache) { switch (LCType) { case ( LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR; *ppwCache = pInfo->iFirstWeek; break; } case ( LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK; *ppwCache = pInfo->iFirstDay; break; } case ( LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_ICALENDARTYPE; *ppwCache = pInfo->iCalType; break; } case ( LOCALE_SLONGDATE ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SLONGDATE; *ppwCache = pInfo->sLongDate; break; } case ( LOCALE_SYEARMONTH ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SYEARMONTH; *ppwCache = pInfo->sYearMonth; break; } case ( LOCALE_S1159 ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_S1159; *ppwCache = pInfo->s1159; break; } case ( LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SNEGATIVESIGN; *ppwCache = pInfo->sNegSign; break; } case ( LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SPOSITIVESIGN; *ppwCache = pInfo->sPosSign; break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGCURR ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_INEGCURR; *ppwCache = pInfo->iNegCurr; break; } case ( LOCALE_ICURRENCY ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_ICURRENCY; *ppwCache = pInfo->iCurrency; break; } case ( LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_ICURRDIGITS; *ppwCache = pInfo->iCurrDigits; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONGROUPING ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SMONGROUPING; *ppwCache = pInfo->sMonGrouping; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP; *ppwCache = pInfo->sMonThouSep; break; } case ( LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SMONDECIMALSEP; *ppwCache = pInfo->sMonDecSep; break; } case ( LOCALE_SCURRENCY ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SCURRENCY; *ppwCache = pInfo->sCurrency; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_IDIGITSUBST; *ppwCache = pInfo->iDigitSubstitution; break; } case ( LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SNATIVEDIGITS; *ppwCache = pInfo->sNativeDigits; break; } case ( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_INEGNUMBER; *ppwCache = pInfo->iNegNumber; break; } case ( LOCALE_ILZERO ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_ILZERO; *ppwCache = pInfo->iLZero; break; } case ( LOCALE_IDIGITS ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_IDIGITS; *ppwCache = pInfo->iDigits; break; } case ( LOCALE_SGROUPING ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SGROUPING; *ppwCache = pInfo->sGrouping; break; } case ( LOCALE_STHOUSAND ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_STHOUSAND; *ppwCache = pInfo->sThousand; break; } case ( LOCALE_SDECIMAL ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SDECIMAL; *ppwCache = pInfo->sDecimal; break; } case ( LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_IPAPERSIZE; *ppwCache = pInfo->iPaperSize; break; } case ( LOCALE_IMEASURE ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_IMEASURE; *ppwCache = pInfo->iMeasure; break; } case ( LOCALE_SLIST ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_SLIST; *ppwCache = pInfo->sList; break; } case ( LOCALE_S2359 ) : { *ppwReg = NLS_VALUE_S2359; *ppwCache = pInfo->s2359; break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
return (TRUE); }
// GetStringTableEntry
// Returns the localized version of the strings for the given resource
// id. It gets the information from the resource file in the language that
// the current user is using.
// The string table contains a series of strings in the following order:
// Language Name
// Country Name
// Language Group Name
// Code Page Name (decimal values converted to hex values)
// Region (Geo) Friendly Name (decimal values converted to hex values)
// Region (Geo) Official Name (decimal values converted to hex values)
// Sorting Names (in order starting with 0, separated by $)
// Each string is separated by $. The final string is terminated with
// a null.
// The sorting names are in order of the sort ids, starting with 0.
// For example,
// "Language$Country$LangGrp$CodePage$Geo1$Geo2$Sort0$Sort1" or
// "Language$Country" or
// "$$LangGrp$CodePage" or
// "$$$CodePage" or
// "$$$$Geo1$Geo2"
// 11-17-00 JulieB Created.
int GetStringTableEntry( UINT ResourceID, LANGID UILangId, LPWSTR pBuffer, int cchBuffer, int WhichString) { HANDLE hFindRes; // handle from find resource
HANDLE hLoadRes; // handle from load resource
LPWSTR pSearch, pSearchEnd; // ptrs to search for correct string
LPWSTR pString; // ptr to final string
int cchCount = 0; // count of characters
// Make sure the buffer is ok.
if ((pBuffer == NULL) || (cchBuffer == 0)) { return (0); }
// Make sure we're not hitting the GEO ID that is out of bounds.
// !!! NOTE !!! This is needed because the East Timor Geo Id
// is out of bounds and wraps to 0x60e7.
if (ResourceID == 0x60e7) { return (0); }
// Set the UI Language Id.
if (UILangId == 0) { UILangId = GetUserDefaultUILanguage(); }
// String Tables are broken up into 16 string segments. Find the
// resource containing the string we want.
if ((!(hFindRes = FindResourceExW( hModule, RT_STRING, (LPWSTR)UlongToPtr((ULONG)(((USHORT)ResourceID >> 4) + 1)), (WORD)UILangId )))) { //
// Could not find resource. Try NEUTRAL language id.
if ((!(hFindRes = FindResourceExW( hModule, RT_STRING, (LPWSTR)UlongToPtr((ULONG)(((USHORT)ResourceID >> 4) + 1)), (WORD)0 )))) { //
// Could not find resource. Return 0.
return (0); } }
// Load the resource.
if (hLoadRes = LoadResource(hModule, hFindRes)) { //
// Lock the resource. Store the found pointer in the given
// pointer.
if (pSearch = (LPWSTR)LockResource(hLoadRes)) { //
// Move past the other strings in this segment.
// (16 strings in a segment -> & 0x0F)
ResourceID &= 0x0F;
// Find the correct string in this segment.
while (TRUE) { cchCount = *((WORD *)pSearch++); if (ResourceID-- == 0) { break; } pSearch += cchCount; }
// Mark the end of the resource string since it is not
// NULL terminated.
pSearchEnd = pSearch + cchCount;
// Get to the appropriate string.
while ((WhichString > 0) && (pSearch < pSearchEnd)) { do { if (*pSearch == RC_STRING_SEPARATOR) { pSearch++; break; } pSearch++;
} while (pSearch < pSearchEnd);
WhichString--; }
// Count the number of characters for this string.
pString = pSearch; cchCount = 0; while ((pSearch < pSearchEnd) && (*pSearch != RC_STRING_SEPARATOR)) { pSearch++; cchCount++; }
// See if there is anything to copy.
if (cchCount > 0) { //
// Don't copy more than the max allowed.
if (cchCount >= cchBuffer) { cchCount = cchBuffer - 1; }
// Copy the string into the buffer and NULL terminate it.
CopyMemory(pBuffer, pString, cchCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); pBuffer[cchCount] = 0;
// Return the number of characters in the string, not
// including the NULL terminator.
return (cchCount); } } }
// Return failure.
return (0); }
// NlsIsDll
// Check if file extension is DLL
#define DLL_SUFFIX_LENGTH 4 // (.XXX)
if (pFileName) { size_t iLen = 0;
if(SUCCEEDED(StringCchLengthW(pFileName, MAX_PATH, &iLen))) { //
// Check DLL extension, save the trouble of calling lstricmpW
// REVIEW: lstricmpW would not be an appropriate function to
// call here anyway, since user locale collation
// semantics != file system collation semantics.
if (iLen > DLL_SUFFIX_LENGTH) { pFileName += iLen - DLL_SUFFIX_LENGTH;
// File names are lower case in setup, so optimize for that
// by putting them first.
if ((pFileName[0] == L'.') && (pFileName[1] == L'd' || pFileName[1] == L'D') && (pFileName[2] == L'l' || pFileName[2] == L'L') && (pFileName[3] == L'l' || pFileName[3] == L'L')) { bIsDll = TRUE; } } } }
return bIsDll; }
// IsCodePointDefined
// Check if the code point is defined.
BOOL FASTCALL IsSortingCodePointDefined( LPNLSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation, LPCWSTR lpString, INT cchStr ) { PNLSDEFINED pDefinedCodePoints = NULL; LPCWSTR pStringEnd;
// Make sure the appropriate tables are available. If not,
// return an error.
if ((pTblPtrs->pDefinedVersion == NULL) || (pTblPtrs->pSortingTableFileBase == NULL) || (pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey == NULL)) { KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Appropriate Tables (Defined, Base and/or Default) Not Loaded.\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return (FALSE); }
// Get the version.
if (lpVersionInformation != NULL) { UINT idx;
// Buffer size check.
if (lpVersionInformation->dwNLSVersionInfoSize != sizeof(NLSVERSIONINFO)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); return (FALSE); }
if ((lpVersionInformation->dwDefinedVersion == 0L) || (lpVersionInformation->dwDefinedVersion == (pTblPtrs->pDefinedVersion)[0].Version)) { // Use the current version.
// Do nothing here. We let pDefinedCodePoints to be NULL, so that current table is used.
} else { if (lpVersionInformation->dwDefinedVersion < pTblPtrs->NumDefinedVersion) { //
// Not the default version, get the the requested version.
pDefinedCodePoints = (PNLSDEFINED)(pTblPtrs->pSortingTableFileBase + (pTblPtrs->pDefinedVersion)[lpVersionInformation->dwDefinedVersion].dwOffset); } //
// Check if the version requested is valid.
if (pDefinedCodePoints == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); } } }
pStringEnd = lpString + cchStr; //
// Check if we deal with the current version.
if (pDefinedCodePoints == NULL) { //
// Use the default table.
// For each code point verify is they exist
// in the table.
while (lpString < pStringEnd) { //
// Check is the fist script member is defined for this codepoint.
if ((pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey)[*lpString].UW.SM_AW.Script == UNSORTABLE) { //
// Check for the NULL case and formatting characters case. Not
// defined but valid.
if ((*lpString == L'\x0000') || (*lpString == L'\x0640') || ((*lpString >= L'\x180B') && (*lpString <= L'\x180E')) || ((*lpString >= L'\x200C') && (*lpString <= L'\x200F')) || ((*lpString >= L'\x202A') && (*lpString <= L'\x202E')) || ((*lpString >= L'\x206A') && (*lpString <= L'\x206F')) || (*lpString == L'\xFEFF') || (*lpString == L'\xFFF9') || ((*lpString >= L'\xFFFA') && (*lpString <= L'\xFFFD'))) { lpString++; continue; } else { return (FALSE); } }
// Eliminate Private Use characters. They are defined but cannot be considered
// valid.
if ((*lpString >= L'\xE000') && (*lpString <= L'\xF8FF')) { return (FALSE); }
// Eliminate invalid surogates pairs or single surrogates.
if ((*lpString >= L'\xDC00') && (*lpString <= L'\xDFFF')) // Leading low surrogate
{ return (FALSE); } else if ((*lpString >= L'\xD800') && (*lpString <= L'\xDBFF')) // Leading high surrogate
{ if ( ((lpString + 1) < pStringEnd) && // Surrogates not the last character
(*(lpString + 1) >= L'\xDC00') && (*(lpString + 1) <= L'\xDFFF')) // Low surrogate
{ lpString++; // Valid surrogates pair, High followed by a low surrogate. Skip the pair!
} else { return (FALSE); } }
lpString++; } } else { WORD wIndex; BYTE wMod32Val;
while (lpString < pStringEnd) { //
// Compute the modulo 32 of the code point value.
wMod32Val = (BYTE)(*lpString & 0x0000001f); // 0x1fff => 5 bits
// Compute the DWORD index that contain the desired code point.
wIndex = (WORD)(*lpString >> 5); //
// Get the DWORD aligned entry that contain the desired code point.
// Note: We need to get a DWORD aligned value to make sure that we
// that we don't access memory outside the table especially at the
// end of the table.
// Shift the value to retrieve information about code point at the
// position 0.
// Check is the code point is defined or not.
if ((pDefinedCodePoints[wIndex] >> wMod32Val) == 0) { // NOTENOTE YSLin: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+0000 as 1, instead of 0.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+E000-U+F8FF as 0.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+070F as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+0640 as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+180B-U+180E as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+200C-U+200F as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+202A-U+202E as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+206A-U+206F as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+FEFF as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+FFF9 as 1.
// NOTENOTE lguindon: In NLSTrans, make sure that we mark U+FFFA-U+FFFD as 1.
return (FALSE); }
// Eliminate invalid surogates pairs or single surrogates.
if ((*lpString >= L'\xDC00') && (*lpString <= L'\xDFFF')) // Leading low surrogate
{ return (FALSE); } else if ((*lpString >= L'\xD800') && (*lpString <= L'\xDBFF')) // Leading high surrogate
{ if ( ((lpString + 1) < pStringEnd) && // Surrogates not the last character
(*(lpString + 1) >= L'\xDC00') && (*(lpString + 1) <= L'\xDFFF')) // Low surrogate
{ lpString++; // Valid surrogates pair, High followed by a low surrogate. Skip the pair!
} else { return (FALSE); } }
lpString++; } } return (TRUE); }