Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. // StructureWapperHelpers.h
  2. //
  3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. //***************************************************************************
  5. //
  6. // judyp May 1999
  7. //
  8. //***************************************************************************
  9. #if !defined(AFX_STRUCTUREWAPPERHELPERS_H__A349C060_ED4F_11D2_804A_009027345EE2__INCLUDED_)
  10. #define AFX_STRUCTUREWAPPERHELPERS_H__A349C060_ED4F_11D2_804A_009027345EE2__INCLUDED_
  11. #if _MSC_VER > 1000
  12. #pragma once
  13. #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
  14. void LogFileModeOut(t_ostream &ros, ULONG LogFileMode);
  15. void EnableFlagsOut(t_ostream &ros, ULONG EnableFlags);
  16. void WnodeFlagsOut(t_ostream &ros, ULONG WnodeFlags);
  17. void GUIDOut(t_ostream &ros, GUID Guid);
  18. void LARGE_INTEGEROut(t_ostream &ros, LARGE_INTEGER Large);
  19. void InitializeTCHARVar(t_string &rtsValue , void *pVar);
  20. void InitializeEnumVar(t_string &rtsValue , void *pVar);
  21. void InitializeHandleVar(t_string &rtsValue , void *pVar);
  22. void InitializeULONGVar(t_string &rtsValue , void *pVar, bool bHex = false);
  23. void InitializeLONGVar(t_string &rtsValue , void *pVar);
  24. void InitializeGUIDVar(t_string &rtsValue , void *pVar);
  25. t_istream &GetALine(t_istream &ris,TCHAR *tcBuffer, int nBufferSize);
  26. t_ostream &PutALine(t_ostream &ros,const TCHAR *tcBuffer, int nBufferSize = -1);
  27. t_istream &GetAChar(t_istream &ris,TCHAR &tc);
  28. t_ostream &PutAULONGVar(t_ostream &ros, ULONG ul, bool bHex = false);
  29. t_ostream &PutALONGVar(t_ostream &ros, LONG l, bool bHex = false);
  30. t_ostream &PutADWORDVar(t_ostream &ros, DWORD dw);
  31. t_ostream &PutAULONG64Var(t_ostream &ros, ULONG64 ul64);
  32. BOOL wGUIDFromString(LPCTSTR lpsz, LPGUID pguid);
  33. int case_insensitive_compare(t_string &r1, t_string &r2);
  34. int case_insensitive_compare(TCHAR *p, t_string &r2);
  35. int case_insensitive_compare(t_string &r1,TCHAR *p );
  36. int case_insensitive_compare(TCHAR *p1,TCHAR *p2);
  37. #endif // !defined(AFX_STRUCTUREWAPPERHELPERS_H__A349C060_ED4F_11D2_804A_009027345EE2__INCLUDED_)