Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the Translation Cache, where Intel code is translated into native code. Author:
Dave Hastings (daveh) creation-date 26-Jul-1995
Revision History:
24-Aug-1999 [askhalid] copied from 32-bit wx86 directory and make work for 64bit.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntldr.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define _WX86CPUAPI_
#include "wx86.h"
#include "wx86nt.h"
#include "wx86cpu.h"
#include "cpuassrt.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "tc.h"
#include "entrypt.h"
#include "mrsw.h"
#include "cpunotif.h"
#include "cpumain.h"
#include "instr.h"
#include "threadst.h"
#include "frag.h"
#include "atomic.h"
#include <coded.h>
#if MIPS
#define DBG_FILL_VALUE 0x73737373 // an illegal instruction
#define DBG_FILL_VALUE 0x01110111
extern DWORD EPSequence; #endif
// Descriptor for a range of the Translation Cache.
typedef struct _CacheInfo { PBYTE StartAddress; // base address for the cache
LONGLONG MaxSize; // max size of the cache (in bytes)
LONGLONG MinCommit; // min amount that can be committed (bytes)
LONGLONG NextIndex; // next free address in the cache
LONGLONG CommitIndex; // next uncommitted address in the cache
LONGLONG ChunkSize; // amount to commit by
ULONG LastCommitTime; // time of last commit
// Pointers to the start and end of the function prolog for StartTranslatedCode
extern CHAR StartTranslatedCode[]; extern CHAR StartTranslatedCodePrologEnd[];
ULONG TranslationCacheTimestamp = 1; CACHEINFO DynCache; // Descriptor for dynamically allocated TC
RUNTIME_FUNCTION DynCacheFunctionTable; BOOL fTCInitialized; extern DWORD TranslationCacheFlags;
BOOL InitializeTranslationCache( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Per-process initialization for the Translation Cache.
. Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; ULONGLONG pNewAllocation; ULONGLONG RegionSize; LONG PrologSize;
// Initialize non-zero fields in the CACHEINFO
DynCache.MaxSize = CpuCacheReserve; DynCache.MinCommit = CpuCacheCommit; DynCache.ChunkSize = CpuCacheChunkSize;
// Reserve DynCache.MaxSize bytes of memory.
RegionSize = DynCache.MaxSize; Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &(PVOID)DynCache.StartAddress, 0, (ULONGLONG *)&DynCache.MaxSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return FALSE; }
// Commit enough memory to store the function prolog.
pNewAllocation = (ULONGLONG)DynCache.StartAddress; Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &(PVOID)pNewAllocation, 0, &DynCache.MinCommit, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Commit failed. Free the reserve and bail.
ErrorFreeReserve: RegionSize = 0; NtFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &(PVOID)DynCache.StartAddress, &RegionSize, MEM_RELEASE );
return FALSE; } #if DBG
// Fill the TC with a unique illegal value, so we can distinguish
// old code from new code and detect overwrites.
RtlFillMemoryUlong(DynCache.StartAddress, DynCache.MinCommit, DBG_FILL_VALUE); #endif
// Copy the prolog from StartTranslatedCode into the start of the cache.
PrologSize = (LONG)(StartTranslatedCodePrologEnd - StartTranslatedCode); CPUASSERT(PrologSize >= 0 && PrologSize < MAX_PROLOG_SIZE); RtlCopyMemory(DynCache.StartAddress, StartTranslatedCode, PrologSize);
// Notify the exception unwinder that this memory is going to contain
// executable code.
DynCacheFunctionTable.BeginAddress = (UINT_PTR)DynCache.StartAddress; DynCacheFunctionTable.EndAddress = (UINT_PTR)(DynCache.StartAddress + DynCache.MaxSize); DynCacheFunctionTable.ExceptionHandler = NULL; DynCacheFunctionTable.HandlerData = NULL; DynCacheFunctionTable.PrologEndAddress = (UINT_PTR)(DynCache.StartAddress + MAX_PROLOG_SIZE); if (RtlAddFunctionTable(&DynCacheFunctionTable, 1) == FALSE) { goto ErrorFreeReserve; }
// Adjust the DynCache.StartAddress up by MAX_PROLOG_SIZE so cache
// flushes don't erase it.
DynCache.StartAddress += MAX_PROLOG_SIZE;
fTCInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; }
PCHAR AllocateFromCache( PCACHEINFO Cache, ULONG Size ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate space within a Translation Cache. If there is insufficient space, the allocation will fail.
Cache - Data about the cache Size - Size of the allocation request, in bytes Return Value:
Pointer to DWORD-aligned memory of 'Size' bytes. NULL if insufficient space.
--*/ { PBYTE Address;
// Ensure parameters and cache state are acceptable
CPUASSERTMSG((Cache->NextIndex & 3)==0, "Cache not DWORD aligned"); CPUASSERTMSG(Cache->NextIndex == 0 || *(DWORD *)&Cache->StartAddress[Cache->NextIndex-4] != DBG_FILL_VALUE, "Cache Corrupted"); CPUASSERT(Cache->NextIndex == Cache->CommitIndex || *(DWORD *)&Cache->StartAddress[Cache->NextIndex] == DBG_FILL_VALUE);
if ((Cache->NextIndex + Size) >= Cache->MaxSize) { //
// Not enough space in the cache.
return FALSE; }
Address = &Cache->StartAddress[Cache->NextIndex]; Cache->NextIndex += Size;
if (Cache->NextIndex > Cache->CommitIndex) { //
// Need to commit more of the cache
LONGLONG RegionSize; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID pAllocation; ULONG CommitTime = NtGetTickCount();
if (Cache->LastCommitTime) { if ((CommitTime-Cache->LastCommitTime) < CpuCacheGrowTicks) { //
// Commits are happening too frequently. Bump up the size of
// each commit.
if (Cache->ChunkSize < CpuCacheChunkMax) { Cache->ChunkSize *= 2; } } else if ((CommitTime-Cache->LastCommitTime) > CpuCacheShrinkTicks) { //
// Commits are happening too slowly. Reduce the size of each
// Commit.
if (Cache->ChunkSize > CpuCacheChunkMin) { Cache->ChunkSize /= 2; } } }
RegionSize = Cache->ChunkSize; if (RegionSize < Size) { //
// The commit size is smaller than the requested allocation.
// Commit enough to satisfy the allocation plus one more like it.
RegionSize = Size*2; } if (RegionSize+Cache->CommitIndex >= Cache->MaxSize) { //
// The ChunkSize is larger than the remaining free space in the
// cache. Use whatever space is left.
RegionSize = Cache->MaxSize - Cache->CommitIndex; } pAllocation = &Cache->StartAddress[Cache->CommitIndex];
Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pAllocation, 0, &RegionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Commit failed. Caller may flush the caches in order to
// force success (as the static cache has no commit).
return NULL; }
CPUASSERT((pAllocation == (&Cache->StartAddress[Cache->CommitIndex]))) #if DBG
// Fill the TC with a unique illegal value, so we can distinguish
// old code from new code and detect overwrites.
RtlFillMemoryUlong(&Cache->StartAddress[Cache->CommitIndex], RegionSize, DBG_FILL_VALUE ); #endif
Cache->CommitIndex += RegionSize; Cache->LastCommitTime = CommitTime;
return Address; }
VOID FlushCache( PCACHEINFO Cache ) /*++
Routine Description:
Flush out a Translation Cache.
Cache - cache to flush Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; ULONGLONG RegionSize; PVOID pAllocation;
// Only decommit pages if the current commit size is >= the size
// we want to shrink to. It may not be that big if somebody called
// CpuFlushInstructionCache() before the commit got too big.
if (Cache->CommitIndex > Cache->MinCommit) { Cache->LastCommitTime = NtGetTickCount();
RegionSize = Cache->CommitIndex - Cache->MinCommit; pAllocation = &Cache->StartAddress[Cache->MinCommit]; Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pAllocation, &RegionSize, MEM_DECOMMIT); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { LOGPRINT((ERRORLOG, "NtFreeVM(%x, %x) failed %x\n", &Cache->StartAddress[Cache->MinCommit], Cache->CommitIndex - Cache->MinCommit, Status)); ProxyDebugBreak(); } CPUASSERTMSG(NT_SUCCESS(Status), "Failed to decommit TranslationCache chunk");
Cache->CommitIndex = Cache->MinCommit; }
#if DBG
// Fill the Cache with a unique illegal value, so we can
// distinguish old code from new code and detect overwrites.
RtlFillMemoryUlong(Cache->StartAddress, Cache->CommitIndex, DBG_FILL_VALUE); #endif
Cache->NextIndex = 0; }
PCHAR AllocateTranslationCache( ULONG Size ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate space within the Translation Cache. If there is insufficient space, the cache will be flushed. Allocations are guaranteed to succeed.
Size - Size of the allocation request, in bytes Return Value:
Pointer to DWORD-aligned memory of 'Size' bytes. Always non-NULL.
--*/ { PCHAR Address;
// Check parameters
CPUASSERT(Size <= CpuCacheReserve); CPUASSERTMSG((Size & 3) == 0, "Requested allocation size DWORD-aligned")
// Make sure there is only one thread with access to the translation
// cache.
CPUASSERT( (MrswTC.Counters.WriterCount > 0 && MrswTC.WriterThreadId == ProxyGetCurrentThreadId()) || (MrswEP.Counters.WriterCount > 0 && MrswEP.WriterThreadId == ProxyGetCurrentThreadId()) );
// Try to allocate from the cache
Address = AllocateFromCache(&DynCache, Size); if (!Address) { //
// Translation cache is full - time to flush Translation Cache
// (Both Dyn and Stat caches go at once).
DumpAllocFailure(); #endif
FlushTranslationCache(0, 0xffffffff); Address = AllocateFromCache(&DynCache, Size); CPUASSERT(Address); // Alloc from cache after a flush
return Address; }
VOID FreeUnusedTranslationCache( PCHAR StartOfFree ) /*++
Routine Description:
After allocating from the TranlsationCache, a caller can free the tail- end of the last allocation.
StartOfFree -- address of first unused byte in the last allocation Return Value:
--*/ { CPUASSERT(StartOfFree > (PCHAR)DynCache.StartAddress && StartOfFree < (PCHAR)DynCache.StartAddress + DynCache.NextIndex);
DynCache.NextIndex = StartOfFree - DynCache.StartAddress; }
VOID FlushTranslationCache( PVOID IntelAddr, DWORD IntelLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Indicates that a range of Intel memory has changed and that any native code in the cache which corresponds to that Intel memory is stale and needs to be flushed.
The caller *must* have the EP write lock before calling. This routine locks the TC for write, then unlocks the TC when done.
IntelAddr = 0, IntelLength = 0xffffffff guarantees the entire cache is flushed.
IntelAddr -- Intel address of the start of the range to flush IntelLength -- Length (in bytes) of memory to flush Return Value:
--*/ { if (IntelLength == 0xffffffff || IsIntelRangeInCache(IntelAddr, IntelLength)) {
// Tell active readers to bail out of the Translation Cache, then
// get the TC write lock. The MrswWriterEnter() call will block
// until the last active reader leaves the cache.
InterlockedIncrement(&ProcessCpuNotify); MrswWriterEnter(&MrswTC); InterlockedDecrement(&ProcessCpuNotify);
// Bump the timestamp
TranslationCacheTimestamp++; #ifdef CODEGEN_PROFILE
// Write the contents of the translation cache and entrypoints to
// disk.
DumpCodeDescriptions(TRUE); EPSequence = 0; #endif
// Flush the per-process data structures. Per-thread data structures
// should be flushed in the CpuSimulate() loop by examining the
// value of TranslationCacheTimestamp.
FlushEntrypoints(); FlushIndirControlTransferTable(); FlushCallstack(cpu); FlushCache(&DynCache); TranslationCacheFlags = 0;
// Allow other threads to become TC readers again.
MrswWriterExit(&MrswTC); } }
VOID CpuFlushInstructionCache( PVOID IntelAddr, DWORD IntelLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Indicates that a range of Intel memory has changed and that any native code in the cache which corresponds to that Intel memory is stale and needs to be flushed.
IntelAddr = 0, IntelLength = 0xffffffff guarantees the entire cache is flushed.
IntelAddr -- Intel address of the start of the range to flush IntelLength -- Length (in bytes) of memory to flush Return Value:
--*/ { if (!fTCInitialized) { // we may be called before the CpuProcessInit() has been run if
// a Dll is mapped because of a forwarder from one Dll to another.
return; }
MrswWriterEnter(&MrswEP); FlushTranslationCache(IntelAddr, IntelLength); MrswWriterExit(&MrswEP); }
VOID CpuStallExecutionInThisProcess( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get all threads out of the Translation Cache and into a state where their x86 register sets are accessible via the Get/SetReg APIs. The caller is guaranteed to call CpuResumeExecutionInThisProcess() a short time after calling this API.
None. Return Value:
None. This API may wait for a long time if there are many threads, but it is guaranteed to return.
--*/ { //
// Prevent additional threads from compiling code.
// Tell active readers to bail out of the Translation Cache, then
// get the TC write lock. The MrswWriterEnter() call will block
// until the last active reader leaves the cache.
InterlockedIncrement(&ProcessCpuNotify); MrswWriterEnter(&MrswTC); InterlockedDecrement(&ProcessCpuNotify); }
VOID CpuResumeExecutionInThisProcess( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allow threads to start running inside the Translation Cache again.
None. Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Allow other threads to become EP and TC writers again.
MrswWriterExit(&MrswEP); MrswWriterExit(&MrswTC); }
BOOL AddressInTranslationCache( DWORD Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines if a RISC address is within the bounds of the Translation Cache.
Address -- Address to examine Return Value:
TRUE if Address is within the Translation Cache FALSE if not.
--*/ { PBYTE ptr = (PBYTE)Address;
if ( ((ptr >= DynCache.StartAddress) && (ptr <= DynCache.StartAddress+DynCache.NextIndex)) ) { ASSERTPtrInTC(ptr); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
#if DBG
Routine Description:
(Checked-build-only). CPUASSERTs if a particular native address pointer does not point into the Translation Cache.
ptr - native pointer in question Return Value:
none - either asserts or returns
--*/ { // Verify pointer is DWORD aligned.
CPUASSERT(((LONGLONG)ptr & 3) == 0);
if ( (((PBYTE)ptr >= DynCache.StartAddress) && ((PBYTE)ptr <= DynCache.StartAddress+DynCache.NextIndex)) ) { // Verify the pointer points into allocated space in the cache
CPUASSERTMSG(FALSE, "Pointer is not within a Translation Cache"); } #endif