Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
This file contains the common functions that are helpful in notifying OneStop of logon/logoff events.
Gopal Parupudi <GopalP>
a. This is being used in senslogn.dll on NT5. b. It is also being used in sens.dll on NT4 and Win9x.
Revision History:
GopalP 4/29/1998 Start.
#include <mobsyncp.h>
#include "onestop.hxx"
HRESULT SensNotifyOneStop( HANDLE hToken, TCHAR *pCommandLine, BOOL bSync ) { TCHAR szCommandLine[256]; DWORD dwLastError; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
dwLastError = 0;
// CreateProcess* APIs require an editable buffer for command-line parameter
HRESULT hr = StringCchCopy(szCommandLine, 256, pCommandLine); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// Fill in the STARTUPINFO structure.
memset(&si, 0x0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.lpReserved = NULL; si.lpTitle = NULL; si.lpDesktop = NULL; si.dwX = 0x0; si.dwY = 0x0; si.dwXSize = 0x0; si.dwYSize = 0x0; si.dwFlags = 0x0; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; si.lpReserved2 = NULL; si.cbReserved2 = 0;
LogMessage((SENSLOGN "[%d] Launching OneStop...\n", GetTickCount())); if (CreateProcessAsUser( hToken, // Handle to the Token of the logged-on user
NULL, // Name of the executable module
szCommandLine, // Command-line string
NULL, // Security attributes
NULL, // Thread security attributes
FALSE, // Don't inherit handles
0, // Creation flags
NULL, // New environment block
NULL, // Current directory name
&si, // Startup info
&ProcessInformation // Process information
)) { //
// Wait until the process terminates
if (bSync) { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "[%d] Waiting for OneStop to return...\n", GetTickCount())); WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE); LogMessage((SENSLOGN "[%d] OneStop returned successfully.\n", GetTickCount())); }
CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread);
return S_OK; } else { dwLastError = GetLastError(); SensPrintToDebugger(SENS_DBG, (SENSLOGN "SensNotifyOneStop() - CreateProcessXXX() " "failed with 0x%x\n", dwLastError)); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); }
LogMessage((SENSLOGN "[%d] Successfully notified OneStop.\n", GetTickCount()));
return S_OK; }
BOOL IsAutoSyncEnabled( HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwMask ) { HKEY hKeyAutoSync; LONG lResult; BOOL bEnabled; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwAutoSyncFlags; DWORD cbData; LPBYTE lpbData;
hKeyAutoSync = NULL; lResult = 0; bEnabled = FALSE; dwType = 0x0; dwAutoSyncFlags = 0x0; cbData = 0x0; lpbData = NULL;
// Open AutoSync sub-key for this machine.
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Handle of the open Key
AUTOSYNC_KEY, // Name of the sub-key
0, // Reserved (MBZ)
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, // Security access mask
&hKeyAutoSync // Address of the handle of new key
); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SensPrintToDebugger(SENS_DBG, (SENSLOGN "RegOpenKeyEx(AUTOSYNC) failed with 0x%x\n", lResult)); goto Cleanup; }
// Query the Flags value
lpbData = (LPBYTE) &dwAutoSyncFlags; cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyAutoSync, // Handle of the sub-key
AUTOSYNC_FLAGS, // Name of the Value
NULL, // Reserved (MBZ)
&dwType, // Address of the type of the Value
lpbData, // Address of the data of the Value
&cbData // Address of size of data of the Value
); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "RegQueryValueEx(AUTOSYNC_FLAGS) failed with 0x%x\n", lResult)); goto Cleanup; } ASSERT(dwType == REG_DWORD);
// Check to see if the Mask bit is set
if (dwMask == AUTOSYNC_ON_STARTSHELL) { if ( (dwAutoSyncFlags & AUTOSYNC_LAN_LOGON) || (dwAutoSyncFlags & AUTOSYNC_WAN_LOGON)) { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "AutoSync is enabled for StartShell\n")); bEnabled = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } else { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "AutoSync is NOT enabled for Logon\n")); } } else if (dwMask == AUTOSYNC_ON_LOGOFF) { if ( (dwAutoSyncFlags & AUTOSYNC_LAN_LOGOFF) || (dwAutoSyncFlags & AUTOSYNC_WAN_LOGOFF)) { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "AutoSync is enabled for Logoff\n")); bEnabled = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } else { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "AutoSync is NOT enabled for Logoff\n")); } } else if (dwMask == AUTOSYNC_ON_SCHEDULE) { if (dwAutoSyncFlags != NULL) { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "AutoSync is enabled for Schedule\n")); bEnabled = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } else { LogMessage((SENSLOGN "AutoSync is NOT enabled for Schedule\n")); } }
// Autosync is not enabled.
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
if (hKeyAutoSync) { RegCloseKey(hKeyAutoSync); } return bEnabled; }