// File: serial.cxx
// Contents: serialization support
// Classes: Serializer
// Functions: Helper class for serialization which holds
// serialization state like MES handles, position
// in buffer, stream etc. Provides a virtual
// buffer for operation but is created from and
// commited back to an IStream object.
// History: 24-Jan-98 vinaykr Created
// 17-Aug-98 vinaykr Made every method inline
// and non-COM class.
#ifndef __SERIAL_HXX
#define __SERIAL_HXX
#include <rpc.h>
#include <midles.h>
#include <actstrm.hxx>
#include <buffer.h>
#include <serializ.h>
#include <ole2int.h>
// Flag used to signal the in-proc case for Serialization header marshalling
extern GUID gProcessGuid;
typedef struct _SSerializationHeader { DWORD dwSize; void* pvMarshalPtr; } SerializationHeader;
class Serializer { public:
inline ~Serializer() { // Free MES handle
if (_handle!=0) MesHandleFree(_handle);
// If we have a stream free it
if (_pStream) { _pIBuff->Release(); _pStream->Release(); }
// If original stream is different free it
if ((_pOriginalStream) && (_pOriginalStream != _pStream)) _pOriginalStream->Release(); }
inline Serializer() { _bufSize=0; _operationSize=0; _buffer = 0; _nWritten = 0; _position = 0; _start = 0; _pStream = NULL; _pOriginalStream = NULL; _pIBuff = NULL; _handle = 0; _clRefs = 1; }
inline Serializer(DWORD dwMaxDestCtx, DWORD dwCurrCtx, DWORD dwMarshalFlags) { this->Serializer::Serializer(); _dwMaxDestCtx = dwMaxDestCtx; _dwCurrentDestCtx = dwCurrCtx; _dwMarshalFlags = dwMarshalFlags; }
inline ULONG Serializer::Release(void) { Win4Assert((_clRefs != 0) && "Serializer::Release");
ULONG ulRefs = InterlockedDecrement(&_clRefs); if (ulRefs == 0) { delete this; }
return ulRefs; }
/***************************************************************************/ /** Initializes state based on stream for serialization **/ /** Assumes that we know the limits of our operation before hand if we **/ /** writing out to the stream. **/ /** Note that it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the **/ /** variable pMarshalPtr is only passed during in process marshalling **/ /** otherwise undefined errors may result. **/ /** Note that when writing pMarshalPtr and dwSize are input parameters **/ /** and while reading they are output.
/***************************************************************************/ inline HRESULT InitStream(IStream *pStream,DWORD &dwSize, DWORD direction, void* &pMarshalPtr) { HRESULT hr; DWORD nRead; _direction = direction; _pOriginalStream = pStream; _pOriginalStream->AddRef();
// Either read or write initial protocol header
if (direction == DIRECTION_READ) { SerializationHeader hdr; DWORD dwFlag;
// There was a slight security hole here, on both 32 and 64 bit,
// because we could deference arbitrary pointers if we read them
// out of a malicious objref.
// For the in-proc marshal case, we'll solve this by writing out the
// in-proc serialization flag, followed by the process' secret guid
// as 'authentication', followed by the actual CObjectContext pointer,
// -mfeingol 2/28/2002
// Read the size
if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Read(&hdr.dwSize, sizeof (hdr.dwSize), &nRead)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr;
// Read the flag
if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Read(&dwFlag, sizeof (dwFlag), &nRead)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; // Determine if the stream comes from in-proc or out-of-proc
if (dwFlag == INTERNAL_SERIALIZATION_FLAG) { // Inproc case: there's a guid, then a pointer in the stream
GUID guidGuess = GUID_NULL; if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Read(&guidGuess, sizeof (guidGuess), &nRead)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr;
Win4Assert (gProcessGuid != GUID_NULL); if (guidGuess != gProcessGuid) return E_UNEXPECTED; // Now we know that there's a real pointer in the stream
if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Read(&hdr.pvMarshalPtr, sizeof (hdr.pvMarshalPtr), &nRead)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; } else { // Out of proc case; the DWORD we read is just a NULL placeholder
hdr.pvMarshalPtr = NULL; } pMarshalPtr = hdr.pvMarshalPtr; if (hdr.pvMarshalPtr) { _operationSize = hdr.dwSize; } else { BYTE *pSrc = (BYTE*) &hdr.dwSize; _operationSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i<(sizeof(DWORD)/sizeof(BYTE)); i++) { _operationSize |= ((((DWORD)(*pSrc++)) & 0xFF) << (i*8)); } } dwSize = _operationSize; } else { _operationSize = dwSize; SerializationHeader hdr; hdr.pvMarshalPtr = pMarshalPtr; if (pMarshalPtr) { hdr.dwSize = dwSize; } else { BYTE *pDst = (BYTE*) &hdr.dwSize; for (int i = 0; i<(sizeof(DWORD)/sizeof(BYTE)); i++) { *pDst++ = (BYTE)((dwSize>>(i*8)) & 0xFF); } }
if (pMarshalPtr) { // Inproc case: write the size DWORD, the flag, the process' secret guid GUID, then the ptr
if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(&hdr.dwSize, sizeof (hdr.dwSize), &_nWritten)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(&dwFlag, sizeof (dwFlag), &_nWritten)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(&gProcessGuid, sizeof (gProcessGuid), &_nWritten)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(&pMarshalPtr, sizeof (pMarshalPtr), &_nWritten)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; } else { DWORD dwFlag = 0; // Out of proc case: write the DWORD and a blank DWORD for the NULL pointer
if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(&hdr.dwSize, sizeof (hdr.dwSize), &_nWritten)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr;
if ((hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(&dwFlag, sizeof (dwFlag), &_nWritten)) != S_OK) return SUCCEEDED (hr) ? E_UNEXPECTED : hr; } }
if (!_operationSize) { if (!pMarshalPtr) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return S_OK; }
// See if given stream supports IBuffer otherwise create one that does
IBuffer *pibuff; if (_pOriginalStream->QueryInterface(IID_IBuffer, (void**)&pibuff)!=S_OK) { // allocate more in case alignment needed
_bufSize = _operationSize + 8; _pStream = new ActivationStream(_bufSize); if (_pStream==NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = _pStream->QueryInterface(IID_IBuffer, (void**)&_pIBuff); ASSERT(hr==S_OK); pibuff = _pIBuff; }
do // Loop until we get right buffer
{ // Invariant is that pibuff must exist by the time we get here
ASSERT(pibuff != 0);
// Set up our buffer appropriately
if (direction == DIRECTION_READ) { if (pibuff->GetBuffer(&_bufSize, &_buffer)!=S_OK) return E_FAIL; if (_bufSize < _operationSize) return E_FAIL; } else if (direction == DIRECTION_WRITE) { if (pibuff->GetOrCreateBuffer(_operationSize+GetSize(), &_bufSize, &_buffer)!=S_OK) return E_FAIL; }
if(((LONG_PTR)_buffer)&0x7) { // If buffer is not 8 byte aligned, do it
if (pibuff != _pIBuff) { // Only get here if we are still using original
ASSERT(_pIBuff == 0); // So release it and create a new aligned one
pibuff->Release(); _bufSize = _operationSize + 8; _pStream = new ActivationStream(_bufSize); if (_pStream==NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = _pStream->QueryInterface(IID_IBuffer, (void**)&_pIBuff); ASSERT(hr==S_OK); pibuff = _pIBuff; //Continue loop
} else { // Got a buffer which we can align
ASSERT(_pIBuff != 0); pibuff = 0; //Signal end of loop
// Align buffer
_start = (DWORD)(8-(((DWORD_PTR)_buffer)&7)); } } else { // We have an original good one
_pIBuff = pibuff; pibuff = 0; } } while (pibuff);
ASSERT(_pIBuff!=0); // Set position for next operations and set up
// internal state correctly
hr = _pIBuff->SetPosition(_bufSize, _start); ASSERT(hr == S_OK); _bufSize -= _start; _buffer += _start; _position = 0;
if (direction==DIRECTION_READ) { if ((_pStream) && (_pOriginalStream != _pStream)) { //If what we have is not the original one then we
//need to copy data into aligned address from original
DWORD nOver=0; do { if ((hr=_pOriginalStream->Read(_buffer+nOver, _operationSize-nOver, &nRead))!= S_OK) return hr; nOver += nRead; } while (nOver<_operationSize); _pOriginalStream->Release(); _pOriginalStream = 0; // Don't need original any longer
} else _pStream = _pOriginalStream; // Set operating to original
ASSERT(_pStream!=0); // Create decoding handle for MES operations
MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate((char*)_buffer, _bufSize, &_handle); if (_handle == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { _nWritten = 0; // Check if we are still using the orignal stream
if (_pStream == 0) _pStream = _pOriginalStream; // Create encoding handle for MES operations
MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate((char*)_buffer, _bufSize, &_nWritten, &_handle); if (_handle == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ /** Sets stream and state for further serialization operations **/ /** Assumes that a stream supporting IBuffer is provided. **/ /***************************************************************************/ inline HRESULT SetStream(IStream *pStream,DWORD dwOpSize, DWORD direction) { // Set up internal state
_direction = direction; _pOriginalStream = 0; _pStream = pStream; _operationSize = dwOpSize; _pStream->AddRef();
// Assume IBuffer exists otherwise fail
if (_pStream->QueryInterface(IID_IBuffer, (void**)&_pIBuff)!=S_OK) return E_FAIL; if (_pIBuff->GetBuffer(&_bufSize, &_buffer)!=S_OK) return E_FAIL; if (_bufSize < _operationSize) return E_FAIL;
// Set up MES handles
if (direction==DIRECTION_READ) MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate((char*)_buffer, _bufSize, &_handle); else MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate((char*)_buffer, _bufSize, &_nWritten, &_handle);
if (_handle == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
// Gets MES handle
inline HRESULT GetSerializationHandle(void *pHandle) { *((handle_t*) pHandle) = _handle; return S_OK; }
// Gets MES handle for sizing operations
inline HRESULT GetSizingHandle(void *pHandle) { char dummy[30], *dummybuff; unsigned long encodedSize; handle_t handle; dummybuff = (char*)(((LONG_PTR)(&dummy[7])) & ~7); MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate(dummybuff, 100, &encodedSize, (handle_t*)pHandle); if ( (*(handle_t*)pHandle) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; }
//Signals end of operations on this object and commits
//operations to stream
inline HRESULT Commit() { // If we are not using original and we are writing,
// then we need to copy
if ((_pOriginalStream) && (_pOriginalStream != _pStream)) { ASSERT(_direction==DIRECTION_WRITE); HRESULT hr; do { _nWritten = 0; hr = _pOriginalStream->Write(_buffer, _operationSize, &_nWritten); if (hr != S_OK) break; _operationSize -= _nWritten; _buffer += _nWritten; } while (_operationSize);
return hr; } else return _pIBuff->SetPosition(_bufSize, _operationSize); }
inline HRESULT SetPosition(DWORD dwPos) { RPC_STATUS rpcStat; // Sets position in buffer and creates appropriate MES handle
HRESULT hr = _pIBuff->SetPosition(_bufSize, dwPos); if (hr!=S_OK) return hr; MesHandleFree(_handle); _handle = NULL; if (_direction == DIRECTION_READ) rpcStat = MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate((char*)(_buffer+dwPos), _bufSize, &_handle); else { _nWritten = 0; rpcStat = MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate((char*)(_buffer+dwPos), _bufSize, &_nWritten, &_handle); } if (rpcStat != RPC_S_OK) { if ( HRESULT_FACILITY(rpcStat) == FACILITY_RPC ) return rpcStat; else return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcStat); }
if (_handle == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
_position = dwPos; return S_OK; }
// Gets current position in buffer
inline HRESULT GetPosition(DWORD *pdwPos) { *pdwPos = _position; return S_OK; }
// Increment current position by specified amount in buffer
inline HRESULT IncrementPosition(DWORD dwInc) { return SetPosition(_position+dwInc); }
// Get buffers underlying stream object
inline HRESULT GetStream(IStream **ppStream) { _pStream->AddRef(); *ppStream = _pStream; return S_OK; }
// Get a copy of this object
inline HRESULT GetCopy(Serializer **ppSer) {
HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; IStream *pNewStream; if (_pStream) { ASSERT(_direction==DIRECTION_READ); //No need for any other case right now
hr = _pIBuff->SetPosition(_bufSize, 0); ASSERT(hr==S_OK); if (_pOriginalStream) // Still using original so clone
{ ASSERT(_start==0); ASSERT(_pStream==_pOriginalStream); hr = _pIBuff->SetCopyAlignment(8); ASSERT(hr==S_OK); hr = _pStream->Clone(&pNewStream); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; } else { pNewStream = _pStream; }
Serializer *ser = new Serializer(_dwMaxDestCtx, _dwCurrentDestCtx, _dwMarshalFlags);
if (ser==NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = ser->SetStream(pNewStream, _operationSize, _direction); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit_point;
hr = ser->SetPosition(_position); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit_point;
hr = _pIBuff->SetPosition(_bufSize, _position); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit_point;
*ppSer = ser;
exit_point: if (pNewStream != _pStream) pNewStream->Release();
if (FAILED(hr)) { ser->Release(); *ppSer = NULL; } }
return hr; }
// Write provided buffer into our buffer at current position
// and advance position
inline HRESULT Write(BYTE *buff, DWORD nBytes) { if(nBytes > (_bufSize - _position)) return E_FAIL; memcpy(_buffer+_position,buff, (size_t) nBytes); IncrementPosition(nBytes); return S_OK; }
// Copy into provided Serializer our data at given position and length
inline HRESULT CopyTo(Serializer *pSer, DWORD dwPos, DWORD nBytes) { if(nBytes > (_bufSize - dwPos) ) return E_FAIL; return pSer->Write(_buffer+dwPos, nBytes); }
// return buffer starting at current position
inline HRESULT GetBufferAtCurrent(BYTE **ppBuff) { *ppBuff = _buffer+_position; return S_OK; }
inline void GetMaxDestCtx(OUT DWORD *pdwDestCtx) { *pdwDestCtx = _dwMaxDestCtx; }
inline void GetCurrDestCtx(OUT DWORD *pdwDestCtx) { *pdwDestCtx = _dwCurrentDestCtx; }
inline void GetMarshalFlags(OUT DWORD *pdwMarshalFlags) { *pdwMarshalFlags = _dwMarshalFlags; }
static inline DWORD GetSize() { // fixed initialization length
return sizeof(SerializationHeader); }
private: IStream *_pStream; IStream *_pOriginalStream; IBuffer *_pIBuff; BYTE *_buffer; DWORD _nWritten; DWORD _bufSize; DWORD _operationSize; handle_t _handle; LONG _clRefs; DWORD _direction; DWORD _position; DWORD _start; DWORD _dwMaxDestCtx; DWORD _dwCurrentDestCtx; DWORD _dwMarshalFlags; };
#endif //__SERIAL_HXX__