Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Header for random helpers functions.
Mario Goertzel [MarioGo]
Revision History:
MarioGo 02-11-95 Bits 'n pieces
#ifndef __MISC_HXX
#define __MISC_HXX
#include <memapi.hxx>
#include <list.hxx>
// This is the new W2K server principal name prefix; to form a full SPN
// you construct a string of the form "RPCSS/machine". For W2K RTM such
// a string will simply be mapped to HOST (ie local system account) but
// doing it this way gives us more flexibility for the future.
extern ORSTATUS StartListeningIfNecessary(); extern RPC_STATUS CopyMyOrBindings(DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOrBindings, DWORD64* pdwBindingsID); extern void PushCurrentBindings(); extern RPC_STATUS ComputeNewResolverBindings(void);
extern BOOL AllocateId(ID* pID);
extern error_status_t ResolveClientOXID( handle_t hClient, OXID *poxidServer, DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaServerBindings, LONG fApartment, USHORT wProtseqId, WCHAR *pMachineName, OXID_INFO *poxidInfo, MID *pDestinationMid, BOOL fUnsecure, USHORT wAuthnSvc, unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfo, BOOL *pIsLocalOxid, unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char **pucMarshaledTargetInfo, USHORT *pusAuthnSvc);
// Magic constants used in rpc security callback code:
// CRpcSecurityCallback
// This class represents a single rpc security callback for a single calling
// thread.
class CRpcSecurityCallback : public CListElement { public: // Ctor
CRpcSecurityCallback(handle_t hRpc, DWORD dwRegisteredThreadId) { _usAuthSvc = INITIAL_NON_AUTHNSVC_VALUE; // anything but a valid RPC_C_AUTHN_xxx value
_dwThreadId = dwRegisteredThreadId; _hRpcBindingHandle = hRpc; // this is just a numeric copy! I am assuming that no two
// binding handles will ever have the same value
_ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength = 0; _pMarshaledTargetInfo = NULL; } ~CRpcSecurityCallback();
DWORD GetRegisteredThreadId() { return _dwThreadId; }; void SetAuthSvc(USHORT usAuthSvc) { _usAuthSvc = usAuthSvc; }; void SetMarshaledTargetInfo(unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfo); BOOL WasAuthSvcSet() { return _usAuthSvc != INITIAL_NON_AUTHNSVC_VALUE; }; USHORT GetAuthSvcResult() { return _usAuthSvc; }; ORSTATUS GetMarshaledTargetInfo(unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char **MarshaledTargetInfo); handle_t RegisteredHandle() { return _hRpcBindingHandle; };
private: DWORD _dwThreadId; handle_t _hRpcBindingHandle; USHORT _usAuthSvc; unsigned long _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength; unsigned char *_pMarshaledTargetInfo; };
// Class for registering/receiving/storing rpc security
// callback information; see bug 406902
class CRpcSecurityCallbackManager { public:
// ctor
CRpcSecurityCallbackManager(ORSTATUS& status) { _plistlock = new CSharedLock(status); if (!_plistlock) status = OR_NOMEM; }; ~CRpcSecurityCallbackManager() {};
// Registration function; a thread calls this before making an rpc call
BOOL RegisterForRpcAuthSvcCallBack(handle_t hRpc);
// Retrieval function; a thread calls this after making the rpc call
BOOL GetSecurityContextDetailsAndTurnOffCallback(handle_t hRpc, USHORT* pusAuthSvc, unsigned long *pulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char **pucMarshaledTargetInfo); private:
// Function to just turn off the callback
BOOL TurnOffCallback(handle_t hRpc);
// Static callback function; has same signature as
// RPC_SECURITY_CALLBACK_FN which is defined in rpcdce.h
static void RPC_ENTRY RpcSecurityCallbackFunction(void* pvContext);
// Helper function for storing results
void StoreCallbackResult(USHORT usAuthSvc); void StoreMarshaledTargetInfo(unsigned long ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength, unsigned char *pMarshaledTargetInfo);
CList _CallbackList; // list for holding the callbacks
CSharedLock* _plistlock; // the lock
// external defn of the single instance of this class
extern CRpcSecurityCallbackManager* gpCRpcSecurityCallbackMgr;
// CUserPingSetCount
// Holds the current # of ping sets per SID
class CUserPingSetCount : public CListElement { public: // Ctor
CUserPingSetCount(ORSTATUS &status, PSID pSid) { status = OR_OK; _dwCount = 0; _pSid = NULL; // NULL pSid is for unsecure user.
if (pSid) { status = OR_NOMEM; DWORD dwLenSid = GetLengthSid(pSid); _pSid = (PSID*)new BYTE[dwLenSid]; if (_pSid) { BOOL b = CopySid(dwLenSid, _pSid, pSid); ASSERT(b == TRUE); if (b) { status = OR_OK; } } } } ~CUserPingSetCount() { if (_pSid) delete []_pSid; } void Increment() { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&_dwCount); } void Decrement() { InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&_dwCount); } DWORD GetCount() { return _dwCount;} BOOL IsEqual (PSID pSid) { if (pSid && _pSid) return EqualSid(pSid, _pSid); else return (pSid == _pSid); } private: DWORD _dwCount; PSID _pSid; };
// Mgr object for CUserPingSetCount
class CPingSetQuotaManager { public:
// ctor
CPingSetQuotaManager(ORSTATUS& status) { _plistlock = new CSharedLock(status); if (!_plistlock) status = OR_NOMEM; }; ~CPingSetQuotaManager() { delete _plistlock; } void SetPerUserPingSetQuota(DWORD dwQuota); BOOL ManageQuotaForUser(PSID pSid, BOOL fAlloc); BOOL IsUserQuotaExceeded (PSID pSid); private:
CList _UserPingSetCountList; // list for holding the callbacks
CSharedLock* _plistlock; // the lock
static DWORD _dwPerUserPingSetQuota; };
extern CPingSetQuotaManager* gpPingSetQuotaManager;
// CRandomNumberGenerator -- class for handling rc4 random # generation. Guts
// of this are shamelessly stolen from UuidCreate.
class CRandomNumberGenerator { public: CRandomNumberGenerator(); ~CRandomNumberGenerator();
// Initialize is not threadsafe
BOOL Initialize();
// GenerateRandomNumber is not threadsafe
HRESULT GenerateRandomNumber(PVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulBufSize); private: void* _rc4SafeCtx; };
extern CRandomNumberGenerator gRNG;
// Memory allocation
// Inside of the object exporter, new and delete go to PrivMemAlloc.
inline void* __cdecl operator new(size_t cbSize) { return PrivMemAlloc(cbSize); }
inline void* __cdecl operator new(size_t cbSize, size_t cbExtra) { return PrivMemAlloc(cbSize + cbExtra); }
inline void __cdecl operator delete(void *pvMem) { PrivMemFree(pvMem); }
#endif // __MISC_HXX