Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#******************************************************************** #** Microsoft Windows ** #** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 - 1993 ** #********************************************************************
# Put the name of the compiler here CC = cl
# uncomment the following line for debug build DBG_FLAGS = -DDBG=1 -DDEVL=1 -Zi LDBG_FLAGS = /DEBUG /map:0
# uncomment the following line for retail build #DBG_FLAGS = -DNDEBUG #LDBG_FLAGS =
# Put compiler specific flags on the first line CFLAGS = -c -nologo $(DBG_FLAGS) -Zle -W4 $(BYTE_ORDER)\ -MTd $(U_OPTS)
# Put the name and path of the linker here. LINKER = link.exe
# Put linker specific flags here. LFLAGS = /nologo $(LDBG_FLAGS) /nologo
# CRTDIR is the location of the C runtime header files CRTDIR =
# REFDIR is the location of refstg obj files REFDIR = ..\..\obj
# OBJDIR is the location of the object files OBJDIR = obj
# OSINC is the location of any operating system specific header files. # This reference implementation doesn't require any in its # unmodified form. OSINC =
# The reference implementation needs a C runtime library # for DEBUG, use msvcrtd.lib , for retail, use msvcrt.lib # $(LIBC) is defined in commk.msc !INCLUDE ..\..\commk.msc EXELIBS = $(LIBC) $(REFDIR)\refstg.lib kernel32.lib
TEST_CXX=.\refilb.cxx\ .\time.cxx\ .\reftest.cxx
default: "$(OBJDIR)" reftest
#clear all the files then build clean: clobber $(OBJDIR)\reftest.exe
# clear all the files clobber: -@erase "$(OBJDIR)\*.obj" -@erase "$(OBJDIR)\*.exe" -@erase "$(OBJDIR)\*.dll" -@erase "$(OBJDIR)\*.lib" -@erase "$(OBJDIR)\*.map" -@erase "$(OBJDIR)\*.exp"
# make the directory if it does not exist "$(OBJDIR)": @if not exist "$(OBJDIR)\$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OBJDIR)"
reftest: $(OBJDIR)\reftest.exe
$(OBJDIR)\reftest.exe: "$(OBJDIR)" $(TEST_OBJS) $(LINKER) @<<$*.lnk $(TEST_LFLAGS) $(TEST_OBJS: = ^ ) $(EXELIBS: = ^ ) /OUT:$*.exe <<NOKEEP
.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) /Fo$(OBJDIR)\ $<
.cxx{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) /Fo$(OBJDIR)\ $< !include depend.msc