// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: illeg.cxx
// Contents: Illegitimate tests
#include "headers.cxx"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "winio.hxx"
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#else // war of the slashes
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "illeg.hxx"
void i_storage(void) { WStorage *pwstg; IStorage *pstg, *pstg2; WStorage *pw1; IStream *pstm;
IllResult("StgCreateDocfile with NULL ppstg", StgCreateDocfile(NULL, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, NULL)); IllResult("StgCreateDocfile with non-zero reserved", StgCreateDocfile(NULL, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), 1, &pstg)); IllResult("StgCreateDocfile with illegal permissions", StgCreateDocfile(NULL, 0, 0, &pstg));
int fd; fd = _creat(OlecsOut(DRTDF), _S_IREAD); if (fd<0) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Unable to create file '%s'\n", OlecsOut(DRTDF)); _close(fd); IllResult("StgCreateDocfile with STGM_WRITE over read-only file", StgCreateDocfile(DRTDF, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, &pstg)); _chmod(OlecsOut(DRTDF), _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
WStgCreateDocfile(DRTDF, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE)|STGM_CREATE, 0, &pw1); pw1->Commit(0); pw1->Unwrap();
IllResult("StgOpenStorage with NULL ppstg", StgOpenStorage(DRTDF, NULL, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), NULL, 0, NULL)); IllResult("StgOpenStorage with NULL name", StgOpenStorage(NULL, NULL, STGP(WSTG_READWRITE), NULL, 0, &pstg)); IllResult("StgOpenStorage with illegal permissions", StgOpenStorage(DRTDF, NULL, 0xffffffff, NULL, 0, &pstg)); IllResult("StgOpenStorage with non-zero reserved", StgOpenStorage(DRTDF, NULL, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), NULL, 1, &pstg));
fd = _creat(OlecsOut(DRTDF), _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); if (fd<0) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Unable to create file '%s'\n", OlecsOut(DRTDF)); _close(fd);
#if WIN32 != 300
IllResult("StgOpenStorage on non-docfile", StgOpenStorage(DRTDF, NULL, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), NULL, 0, &pstg)); #endif
DECLARE_OLESTR(ocsNoName, "NoName"); WStgCreateDocfile(DRTDF, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE) | STGM_CREATE, 0, &pwstg); pstg = pwstg->GetI(); IllResult("OpenStream that doesn't exist", pstg->OpenStream(ocsNoName, 0, STMP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, &pstm)); IllResult("OpenStorage that doesn't exist", pstg->OpenStorage(ocsNoName, NULL, STGP(STGM_READWRITE), NULL, 0, &pstg2)); pwstg->Unwrap(); }
#define STREAMSIZE 128
void i_stream(void) { WStorage *pwstg; WStream *pwstm; IStream *pstm; BYTE bBuffer[STREAMSIZE]; ULONG cbRead; LARGE_INTEGER liSeek; ULARGE_INTEGER uliSize;
DECLARE_OLESTR(ocsStream, "Stream"); WStgCreateDocfile(DRTDF, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, &pwstg); pwstg->CreateStream(ocsStream, STMP(STGM_READ), 0, 0, &pwstm); pstm = pwstm->GetI(); IllResult("Read with NULL buffer", pstm->Read(NULL, STREAMSIZE, NULL)); fExitOnFail = FALSE; pwstm->Read(bBuffer, STREAMSIZE, &cbRead); fExitOnFail = TRUE; if (cbRead != 0) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Read %lu bytes on zero-length stream\n", cbRead);
IllResult("Write with NULL buffer", pstm->Write(NULL, STREAMSIZE, NULL)); IllResult("Write on read-only stream", pstm->Write(bBuffer, STREAMSIZE, NULL));
LISet32(liSeek, 0); IllResult("Seek with invalid origin", pstm->Seek(liSeek, (DWORD)(~STREAM_SEEK_SET), NULL)); #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4245)
// LISet32 in objbase.h has a bug that issues warning for negative values
LISet32(liSeek, (ULONG) -1); #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default:4245)
IllResult("Seek before beginning", pstm->Seek(liSeek, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL));
ULISet32(uliSize, STREAMSIZE); IllResult("SetSize on read-only stream", pstm->SetSize(uliSize)); pwstm->Unwrap(); pwstg->Unwrap(); }
void i_enum(void) { WStorage *pwstg; IStorage *pstg; IEnumSTATSTG *penm; WStgCreateDocfile(DRTDF, ROOTP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, &pwstg); pstg = pwstg->GetI(); IllResult("EnumElements with NULL ppenm", pstg->EnumElements(0, NULL, 0, NULL)); IllResult("EnumElements with non-zero reserved1", pstg->EnumElements(1, NULL, 0, &penm)); IllResult("EnumElements with non-zero reserved2", pstg->EnumElements(0, (void *)1, 0, &penm)); IllResult("EnumElements with non-zero reserved3", pstg->EnumElements(0, NULL, 1, &penm)); pwstg->Unwrap(); }