// File: tmain.cxx
// Contents: entry point common for all test drivers.
#include <pch.cxx>
#include <tstmain.hxx>
#include <regmain.hxx>
BOOL fQuiet = 0; // turn tracing on/off
DWORD gInitFlag; // current COINT flag used on main thread.
LPSTR pszInitFlag[2] = {"ApartmentThreaded", "MultiThreaded"};
// global statistics counters
LONG gCountAttempts = 0; // # of tests attempted
LONG gCountPassed = 0; // # of tests passed
LONG gCountFailed = 0; // # of tests failed
void InitStatistics(); void PrintStatistics();
// Function: DriverMain
// Synopsis: Entry point to EXE
// Returns: TRUE
// History: 21-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
// Parses parameters, sets the threading model, initializes OLE,
// runs the test, Uninitializes OLE, reports PASSED/FAILED.
int _cdecl DriverMain(int argc, char **argv, char *pszTestName, LPFNTEST pfnTest) { char *pszAppName = *argv;
// default to running both single-thread and multi-thread
int iStart = 0; int iEnd = 2;
// process the command line args
if (argc > 1) { for (int i=argc; i>0; i--, argv++) { if (!_strnicmp(*argv, "-r", 2)) { // register class information
RegistrySetup(pszAppName); return 0; } else if (!_strnicmp(*argv, "-q", 2)) { // quiet output
fQuiet = TRUE; } else if (!_strnicmp(*argv, "-s", 2)) { // just run single-threaded
iStart = 0; iEnd = 1; } else if (!_strnicmp(*argv, "-m", 2)) { // just run multi-threaded
iStart = 1; iEnd = 2; } } }
// run the tests.
for (int i=iStart; i<iEnd; i++) { InitStatistics();
WriteProfileStringA("OleSrv", "ThreadMode", pszInitFlag[i]);
printf ("Starting %s Test with %s threading model\n", pszTestName, pszInitFlag[i]);
gInitFlag = dwInitFlag[i]; SCODE sc = CoInitializeEx(NULL, gInitFlag);
if (sc != S_OK) { printf("CoInitializeEx Failed with %lx\n", sc); DebugBreak(); return 1; }
BOOL fRslt = (pfnTest)();
if (fRslt) printf("%s Tests PASSED\n", pszTestName); else printf("%s Tests FAILED\n", pszTestName);
CoUninitialize(); }
return 0; }
// Function: TestResult
// Synopsis: prints test results
// History: 21-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
BOOL TestResult(BOOL RetVal, LPSTR pszTestName) { gCountAttempts++;
if (RetVal == TRUE) { printf ("PASSED: %s\n", pszTestName); gCountPassed++; } else { printf ("FAILED: %s\n", pszTestName); gCountFailed++; }
return RetVal; }
// Function: InitStatistics
// Synopsis: Initializes run statistics
// History: 21-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
void InitStatistics() { gCountAttempts = 0; gCountPassed = 0; gCountFailed = 0; }
// Function: PrintStatistics
// Synopsis: Prints run statistics
// History: 21-Nov-92 Rickhi Created
void PrintStatistics() { printf("\nTEST STATISTICS -- Attempted:%d Passed:%d Failed:%d\n\n", gCountAttempts, gCountPassed, gCountFailed); }