// File name: HLP_SITE.cxx
// Implementation file for CSimpleSite
// Functions:
// See SITE.H for class definition
// Copyright (c) 1992 - 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <headers.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "hlp_iocs.hxx"
#include "hlp_ias.hxx"
#include "hlp_app.hxx"
#include "hlp_site.hxx"
#include "hlp_doc.hxx"
// CSimpleSite::Create
// Purpose:
// Creation routine for CSimpleSite
// Parameters:
// CSimpleDoc FAR *lpDoc - Pointer to CSimpleDoc
// Return Value:
// None
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// IStorage::CreateStorage OLE API
// assert C Runtime
// Comments:
CSimpleSite FAR * CSimpleSite::Create(CSimpleDoc FAR *lpDoc, INT iIter) { CSimpleSite FAR * lpTemp = new CSimpleSite(lpDoc);
if (!lpTemp) return NULL;
OLECHAR szTempName[128]; swprintf(szTempName, L"Object %d", iIter);
// create a sub-storage for the object
HRESULT hErr = lpDoc->m_lpStorage->CreateStorage( szTempName, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_TRANSACTED | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, &lpTemp->m_lpObjStorage);
assert(hErr == NOERROR);
if (hErr != NOERROR) { delete lpTemp; return NULL; }
// we will add one ref count on our Site. later when we want to destroy
// the Site object we will release this ref count. when the Site's ref
// count goes to 0, it will be deleted.
return lpTemp; }
// CSimpleSite::CSimpleSite
// Purpose:
// Constructor for CSimpleSite
// Parameters:
// CSimpleDoc FAR *lpDoc - Pointer to CSimpleDoc
// Return Value:
// None
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// Comments:
#pragma warning(disable : 4355) // turn off this warning. This warning
// tells us that we are passing this in
// an initializer, before "this" is through
// initializing. This is ok, because
// we just store the ptr in the other
// constructors
CSimpleSite::CSimpleSite (CSimpleDoc FAR *lpDoc) : m_OleClientSite(this), m_AdviseSink(this) // m_OleInPlaceSite(this)
#pragma warning (default : 4355) // Turn the warning back on
{ // remember the pointer to the doc
m_lpDoc = lpDoc;
// clear the reference count
m_nCount = 0;
m_dwDrawAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; m_lpOleObject = NULL; m_lpInPlaceObject = NULL; m_hwndIPObj = NULL; m_fInPlaceActive = FALSE; m_fObjectOpen = FALSE;
// CSimpleSite::~CSimpleSite
// Purpose:
// Destructor for CSimpleSite
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// None
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// IOleObject::Release Object
// IStorage::Release OLE API
// Comments:
CSimpleSite::~CSimpleSite () { DEBUGOUT (L"In CSimpleSite's Destructor \r\n");
if (m_lpOleObject) m_lpOleObject->Release();
if (m_lpObjStorage) m_lpObjStorage->Release(); }
// CSimpleSite::CloseOleObject
// Purpose:
// Call IOleObject::Close on the object of the CSimpleSite
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// None
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// IOleObject::QueryInterface Object
// IOleObject::Close Object
// IOleInPlaceObject::UIDeactivate Object
// IOleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate Object
// IOleInPlaceObject::Release Object
// Comments:
void CSimpleSite::CloseOleObject (void) { LPOLEINPLACEOBJECT lpObject; LPVIEWOBJECT lpViewObject = NULL;
DEBUGOUT (L"In CSimpleSite::CloseOleObject \r\n");
if (m_lpOleObject) { if (m_fInPlaceActive) { m_lpOleObject->QueryInterface(IID_IOleInPlaceObject, (LPVOID FAR *)&lpObject); lpObject->UIDeactivate(); // don't need to worry about inside-out because the object
// is going away.
lpObject->InPlaceDeactivate(); lpObject->Release(); }
m_lpOleObject->Close(OLECLOSE_NOSAVE); }
//Make sure Heap is proper before leaving the routine
// CSimpleSite::UnloadOleObject
// Purpose:
// Close and release all pointers to the object of the CSimpleSite
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// None
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// CSimpleSite::CloseOleObject SITE.cxx
// IOleObject::QueryInterface Object
// IViewObject::SetAdvise Object
// IViewObject::Release Object
// IStorage::Release OLE API
// Comments:
void CSimpleSite::UnloadOleObject (void) { DEBUGOUT (L"In CSimpleSite::UnloadOleObject \r\n"); HEAPVALIDATE();
if (m_lpOleObject) { LPVIEWOBJECT lpViewObject; CloseOleObject(); // ensure object is closed; NOP if already closed
m_lpOleObject->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject, (LPVOID FAR *)&lpViewObject);
if (lpViewObject) { // Remove the view advise
lpViewObject->SetAdvise(m_dwDrawAspect, 0, NULL); lpViewObject->Release(); }
m_lpOleObject->Release(); m_lpOleObject = NULL; }
// CSimpleSite::QueryInterface
// Purpose:
// Used for interface negotiation of the container Site.
// Parameters:
// REFIID riid - A reference to the interface that is
// being queried.
// LPVOID FAR* ppvObj - An out parameter to return a pointer to
// the interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK - The interface is supported.
// S_FALSE - The interface is not supported
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// ResultFromScode OLE API
// CSimpleSite::AddRef OBJ.cxx
// COleClientSite::AddRef IOCS.cxx
// CAdviseSink::AddRef IAS.cxx
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CSimpleSite::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { DEBUGOUT(L"In CSimpleSite::QueryInterface\r\n");
HEAPVALIDATE(); *ppvObj = NULL; // must set out pointer parameters to NULL
if ( riid == IID_IUnknown) { AddRef(); *ppvObj = this; return ResultFromScode(S_OK); }
if ( riid == IID_IOleClientSite) { m_OleClientSite.AddRef(); *ppvObj = &m_OleClientSite; return ResultFromScode(S_OK); }
if ( riid == IID_IAdviseSink) { m_AdviseSink.AddRef(); *ppvObj = &m_AdviseSink; return ResultFromScode(S_OK); }
#if 0
if ( riid == IID_IOleInPlaceSite) { m_OleInPlaceSite.AddRef(); *ppvObj = &m_OleInPlaceSite; return ResultFromScode(S_OK); } #endif
// Not a supported interface
HEAPVALIDATE(); return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); }
// CSimpleSite::AddRef
// Purpose:
// Increments the reference count of the container Site.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// ULONG - The new reference count of the site.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSimpleSite::AddRef() { DEBUGOUT(L"In CSimpleSite::AddRef\r\n");
return ++m_nCount; }
// CSimpleSite::Release
// Purpose:
// Decrements the reference count of the container Site
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// ULONG - The new reference count of the Site.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSimpleSite::Release() { DEBUGOUT(L"In CSimpleSite::Release\r\n");
if (--m_nCount == 0) { delete this; return 0; } HEAPVALIDATE(); return m_nCount; }
// CSimpleSite::InitObject
// Purpose:
// Used to initialize a newly create object (can't be done in the
// constructor).
// Parameters:
// BOOL fCreateNew - TRUE if insert NEW object
// FALSE if create object FROM FILE
// Return Value:
// None
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// IOleObject::SetHostNames Object
// IOleObject::QueryInterface Object
// IViewObject2::GetExtent Object
// IOleObject::DoVerb Object
// IViewObject::SetAdvise Object
// IViewObject::Release Object
// GetClientRect Windows API
// OleSetContainedObject OLE API
// Comments:
void CSimpleSite::InitObject(BOOL fCreateNew) { LPVIEWOBJECT2 lpViewObject2; RECT rect;
// Set a View Advise
m_lpOleObject->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2,(LPVOID FAR *)&lpViewObject2); lpViewObject2->SetAdvise(m_dwDrawAspect, ADVF_PRIMEFIRST, &m_AdviseSink);
// get the initial size of the object
lpViewObject2->GetExtent(m_dwDrawAspect, -1 /*lindex*/, NULL /*ptd*/, &m_sizel); GetObjRect(&rect); // get the rectangle of the object in pixels
// give the object the name of the container app/document
m_lpOleObject->SetHostNames(L"Simple Application", L"Simple OLE 2.0 In-Place Container");
// inform object handler/DLL object that it is used in the embedding container's context
OleSetContainedObject(m_lpOleObject, TRUE);
if (fCreateNew) { // force new object to save to guarantee valid object in our storage.
// OLE 1.0 objects may close w/o saving. this is NOT necessary if the
// object is created FROM FILE; its data in storage is already valid.
// we only want to DoVerb(SHOW) if this is an InsertNew object.
// we should NOT DoVerb(SHOW) if the object is created FromFile.
m_lpOleObject->DoVerb( OLEIVERB_SHOW, NULL, &m_OleClientSite, -1, m_lpDoc->m_hDocWnd, &rect); } }
// CSimpleSite::PaintObj
// Purpose:
// Paints the object
// Parameters:
// HDC hDC - Device context of the document window
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// IOleObject::QueryInterface Object
// IViewObject::GetColorSet Object
// IViewObject::Release Object
// SetMapMode Windows API
// LPtoDP Windows API
// CreateHatchBrush Windows API
// SelectObject Windows API
// DeleteObject Windows API
// CreatePalette Windows API
// SelectPalette Windows API
// RealizePalette Windows API
// OleStdFree OUTLUI Function
// OleDraw OLE API
// Comments:
void CSimpleSite::PaintObj(HDC hDC) { RECT rect;
// need to check to make sure there is a valid object
// available. This is needed if there is a paint msg
// between the time that CSimpleSite is instantiated
// and OleUIInsertObject returns.
if (!m_lpOleObject) return;
// convert it to pixels
// get a pointer to IViewObject
m_lpOleObject->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject,(LPVOID FAR *) &lpView);
// draw the object
OleDraw(m_lpOleObject, m_dwDrawAspect, hDC, &rect); #if 0
// if the object is open, draw a hatch rect.
if (m_fObjectOpen) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateHatchBrush ( HS_BDIAGONAL, RGB(0,0,0) ); HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectObject (hDC, hBrush); SetROP2(hDC, R2_MASKPEN); Rectangle (hDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush); } #endif
// if a view pointer was successfully returned, it needs to be released.
if (lpView) lpView->Release(); }
#define HIMETRIC_PER_INCH 2540 // number HIMETRIC units per inch
#define PTS_PER_INCH 72 // number points (font size) per inch
#define MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(x,ppli) MulDiv(HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, (x), (ppli))
#define MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(x,ppli) MulDiv((ppli), (x), HIMETRIC_PER_INCH)
STDAPI_(int) XformWidthInHimetricToPixels(HDC hDC, int iWidthInHiMetric) { int iXppli; //Pixels per logical inch along width
int iWidthInPix; BOOL fSystemDC=FALSE;
if (NULL==hDC) { hDC=GetDC(NULL); fSystemDC=TRUE; }
iXppli = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
//We got logical HIMETRIC along the display, convert them to pixel units
iWidthInPix = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(iWidthInHiMetric, iXppli);
if (fSystemDC) ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
return iWidthInPix; }
STDAPI_(int) XformHeightInHimetricToPixels(HDC hDC, int iHeightInHiMetric) { int iYppli; //Pixels per logical inch along height
int iHeightInPix; BOOL fSystemDC=FALSE;
if (NULL==hDC) { hDC=GetDC(NULL); fSystemDC=TRUE; }
iYppli = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
//* We got logical HIMETRIC along the display, convert them to pixel units
iHeightInPix = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(iHeightInHiMetric, iYppli);
if (fSystemDC) ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
return iHeightInPix; }
// CSimpleSite::GetObjRect
// Purpose:
// Retrieves the rect of the object in pixels
// Parameters:
// LPRECT lpRect - Rect structure filled with object's rect in pixels
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// XformWidthInHimetricToPixels OUTLUI Function
// XformHeightInHimetricToPixels OUTLUI Function
// Comments:
void CSimpleSite::GetObjRect(LPRECT lpRect) { // convert it to pixels
lpRect->left = lpRect->top = 0; lpRect->right = XformWidthInHimetricToPixels(NULL,(int)m_sizel.cx); lpRect->bottom = XformHeightInHimetricToPixels(NULL,(int)m_sizel.cy); }