// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// All rights reserved.
// File: stgwrap.cxx
// Contents: Wrap the StgOpen/Create apis
// This is to permit nssfile and conversion testing
// and to test the new Stg*Ex apis
// using the same codebase as the docfile tests with
// minimal changes to that codebase.
// Functions: StgInitStgFormatWrapper
// mStgCreateDocfile
// mStgOpenStorage
// Notes: -Only do this fancy stuff if we are not doing
// vanilla docfile testing (ie _OLE_NSS_ is defd)
// -Hook StgOpen/Create only if _OLE_NSS_ is defd
// *and* _HOOK_STGAPI_ is defd also.
// NOTE: To turn on nss/cnv functionality you must add
// in daytona.mk
// History: SCousens 24-Feb-97 Created
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Debug object declaration
/* only do this fancy stuff if we are not doing vanilla docfile testing */
#ifdef _OLE_NSS_
// This is a global variable. We can do this because it controls
// the state for this entire process. No process will be mixing
// nssfile tests with conversion tests or any other combination.
// Doing it this way gives instant access at various times in the
// tests without rewriting anything.
// Setting of this variable will be done by passing a parameter
// on the commandline to start the process, and calling the init
// function below.
// internal functions
BOOL StgCheckRegistry (void); BOOL StgCheckVolumeInformation (void);
// Function: StgInitStgFormatWrapper (multiple)
// Synopsis: Set the following global variables:
// g_uCreateType - type of storage to create
// g_uOpenType - type of storage to open
// 1. Check the cmdline, set open and create modes
// (default, nssfile, docfile)
// 2. Check the registry.
// If NSS not set and want it, spew
// 3. Check disk sub storage type.
// If !NTFS and want it, spew
// Return: TRUE if no issues
// FALSE if nss set and not NTFS disk,
BOOL StgInitStgFormatWrapper (int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
// check cmdline for open and create and sector size switches.
CBaseCmdlineObj CCreateDF (OLESTR("CreateAs"), OLESTR("Create doc/nss/flat file"), OLESTR("default")); CBaseCmdlineObj COpenDF (OLESTR("OpenAs"), OLESTR("Open doc/nss/flat file"), OLESTR("default")); CBaseCmdlineObj CSectorSize (OLESTR("SectorSize"), OLESTR("Sector size"), OLESTR("default"));
CBaseCmdlineObj *CArgList[] = { &CCreateDF, &COpenDF, &CSectorSize } ;
CCmdline CCmdlineArgs(argc, argv);
if (CMDLINE_NO_ERROR != CCmdlineArgs.QueryError()) { hr = E_FAIL ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (CMDLINE_NO_ERROR != CCmdlineArgs.Parse( CArgList, ( sizeof(CArgList) / sizeof(CArgList[0]) ), FALSE)) { hr = E_FAIL ; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { // look for Create
// default as docfile
if (TRUE == CCreateDF.IsFound ()) { if (NULL == _olestricmp (CCreateDF.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_NSSFILE))) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_NSSFILE; } else if (NULL == _olestricmp (CCreateDF.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_DOCFILE))) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_DOCFILE; } else if (NULL == _olestricmp (CCreateDF.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_FLATFILE))) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; } }
// look for Open
// default as docfile
if (TRUE == COpenDF.IsFound ()) { if (NULL == _olestricmp (COpenDF.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_NSSFILE))) { g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_NSSFILE; } else if (NULL == _olestricmp (COpenDF.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_DOCFILE))) { g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_DOCFILE; } else if (NULL == _olestricmp (COpenDF.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_FLATFILE))) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; } }
// look for Sector size
if (TRUE == CSectorSize.IsFound ()) { if (NULL == _olestricmp (CSectorSize.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_DEFAULT))) { g_ulSectorSize = DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; } else if (NULL == _olestricmp (CSectorSize.GetValue (), OLESTR(SZ_LARGE))) { g_ulSectorSize = LARGE_SECTOR_SIZE; } } }
// Now check the registry for spewage reasons
StgCheckRegistry ();
// finally, is the disk sub-system compatible with NSS
if (FALSE == StgCheckVolumeInformation ()) { fRet = FALSE; }
return fRet; }
BOOL StgInitStgFormatWrapper (TCHAR *pCreateType, TCHAR *pOpenType) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; if (0 == _tcscmp(pCreateType, TSZ_NSSFILE)) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_NSSFILE; } else if (0 == _tcscmp(pCreateType, TSZ_DOCFILE)) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_DOCFILE; } else if (0 == _tcscmp(pCreateType, TSZ_FLATFILE)) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; }
if (0 == _tcscmp(pOpenType, TSZ_NSSFILE)) { g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_NSSFILE; } else if (0 == _tcscmp(pOpenType, TSZ_DOCFILE)) { g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_DOCFILE; } else if (0 == _tcscmp(pOpenType, TSZ_FLATFILE)) { g_uCreateType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; g_uOpenType = TSTTYPE_FLATFILE; }
// Now check the registry, and override where necessary
StgCheckRegistry ();
// finally, is the disk sub-system compatible with NSS
if (FALSE == StgCheckVolumeInformation ()) { fRet = FALSE; }
return fRet; }
// Function: StgCheckRegistryFor
// Synopsis: Check the registry to see if OLE will create nssfiles.
// Adjust g_fRegistrySet to whether NSS regvalues are set.
// Return: TRUE if ok
// FALSE if registry not set for NSS files
BOOL StgCheckRegistry (void) { HKEY hKey; LONG lErr; TCHAR tszData[10]; DWORD dwType, dwSize; LPCTSTR ptszRegKey = {TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\OLE")}; LPCTSTR ptszNssRegValue= {TEXT("EnableNtfsStructuredStorage")}; LPCTSTR ptszCnssRegValue= {TEXT("EnableCNSS")};
// get whats in the registry
lErr = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ptszRegKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErr) { dwSize = sizeof (tszData); lErr = RegQueryValueEx (hKey, ptszNssRegValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)tszData, &dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { DH_TRACE ((DH_LVL_DFLIB, TEXT("RegQueryValueEx error; lErr=%#lx"), lErr)); } else { // bit 2 /createas:
if (TCHAR('Y') == tszData[0] || TCHAR('y') == tszData[0]) { g_fRegistryBits |= REG_CREATE_AS; } else if (TCHAR('N') == tszData[0] || TCHAR('n') == tszData[0]) { g_fRegistryBits &= ~REG_CREATE_AS; } // bit 1 /openas:
if (TCHAR('Y') == tszData[1] || TCHAR('y') == tszData[1]) { g_fRegistryBits |= REG_OPEN_AS; } else if (TCHAR('N') == tszData[1] || TCHAR('n') == tszData[1]) { g_fRegistryBits &= ~REG_OPEN_AS; } }
dwSize = sizeof (tszData); tszData[0] = tszData[1] = 0; lErr = RegQueryValueEx (hKey, ptszCnssRegValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)tszData, &dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { DH_TRACE ((DH_LVL_DFLIB, TEXT("RegQueryValueEx error; lErr=%#lx"), lErr)); } else { // bit 3 enable cnss
if (TCHAR('Y') == tszData[0] || TCHAR('y') == tszData[0]) { g_fRegistryBits |= REG_CNSS_ENABLE; } else if (TCHAR('N') == tszData[0] || TCHAR('n') == tszData[0]) { g_fRegistryBits &= ~REG_CNSS_ENABLE; } } RegCloseKey (hKey); } else { DH_TRACE ((DH_LVL_DFLIB, TEXT("RegOpenKeyEx error; lErr=%#lx"), lErr)); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: StgCheckVolumeInformation
// Synopsis: If not doing docfiles, check the disk sub-system.
// If not NTFS, spew
// Return: TRUE if ok
// FALSE if doing nss, disk not ntfs
BOOL StgCheckVolumeInformation (void) { LPTSTR pstrType = TSZ_DOCFILE; TCHAR pFileSystemNameBuffer[10]; DWORD dwFileSystemFlags; BOOL fVolInfo = FALSE; BOOL fNTFS = FALSE;
// if we are forcing an nssfile somewhere, or we
// are going for default of nssfile
if (TSTTYPE_NSSFILE == g_uOpenType || TSTTYPE_NSSFILE == g_uCreateType) { fVolInfo = GetVolumeInformation (NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwFileSystemFlags, pFileSystemNameBuffer, ARRAYSIZE (pFileSystemNameBuffer));
// if we can detect the disk subsystem
if (0 != fVolInfo) { // if not NTFS, 'fix' two flags
if (0 == lstrcmp (pFileSystemNameBuffer, TEXT("NTFS"))) { fNTFS = TRUE; } }
if (FALSE == fNTFS) { DH_TRACE ((DH_LVL_ALWAYS, TEXT("WARNING: Disk subsystem not NTFS! NSS not possible!"))); } } else { fNTFS = TRUE; }
return fNTFS; }
// hook the stgcreatedocfile stgopenstorage apis for debugging purposes -scousens
#ifdef _HOOK_STGAPI_
#undef StgCreateDocfile
#undef StgOpenStorage
// @doc
// @func mStgCreateDocfile |
// Wraps calls to StgCreateDocfile. This is a mechanism
// to conditionally get current code to call the
// StgCreateStorageEx API without changing the existing
// codebase.
// @rdesc returns whatever the called function returned.
// @comm condition set in StgInitStgFormatWrap
// @comm The parameters that differ between the two APIs
// are essentially ignored/defaulted.
HRESULT mStgCreateDocfile(const OLECHAR FAR* pwcsName, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved, IStorage FAR * FAR *ppstgOpen) { HRESULT hr; // With 1795 changes to "dwReserved" Parameter to -> version number,
// sector size (allowed is 512, 4096 only) and reserved parameter as
// typedef struct tagSTGOPTIONS
// {
// USHORT usVersion; // Version 1
// USHORT reserved; // must be 0 for padding
// ULONG ulSectorSize; // docfile header sector size (512)
STGOPTIONS stgOptions; stgOptions.usVersion = 1; stgOptions.reserved = (USHORT)reserved; // Take from function arg
stgOptions.ulSectorSize = g_ulSectorSize;
// If default, use old api
if (TSTTYPE_DEFAULT == g_uCreateType) { hr = StgCreateDocfile (pwcsName, grfMode, reserved, ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgCreateDocfile; mode=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, hr)); } // force docfile with StgCreateStorageEx (STGFMT_DOCFILE)
else if (TSTTYPE_DOCFILE == g_uCreateType) { hr = StgCreateStorageEx (pwcsName, grfMode, STGFMT_DOCFILE, //force it to be a docfile
0, &stgOptions, (void*)reserved, IID_IStorage, (void**)ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgCreateStorageEx (df); mode=%#lx; sectorsize=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, g_ulSectorSize,hr)); } // force flatfile with StgCreateStorageEx (STGFMT_FILE)
else if (TSTTYPE_FLATFILE == g_uCreateType) { hr = StgCreateStorageEx (pwcsName, grfMode, STGFMT_FILE, //force it to be a flatfile
0, &stgOptions, (void*)reserved, IID_IStorage, (void**)ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgCreateStorageEx (df); mode=%#lx; sectorsize=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, g_ulSectorSize,hr)); } // else try force nssfile with StgCreateStorageEx ()
else { hr = StgCreateStorageEx (pwcsName, grfMode, STGFMT_GENERIC, //force it to be a nssfile (if possible)
0, &stgOptions, (void*)reserved, IID_IStorage, (void**)ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgCreateStorageEx (df); mode=%#lx; hr=%#lx, sectorsize=%#lx"), grfMode, hr, g_ulSectorSize)); } return (hr); }
// @doc
// @func mStgOpenStorage |
// Wraps calls to StgOpenStorage. This is a mechanism
// to conditionally get current code to call the
// StgOpenStorageEx API without changing the existing
// codebase.
// @rdesc returns whatever the called function returned.
// @comm condition set in StgInitStgFormatWrap
// @comm The parameters that differ between the two APIs
// are essentially ignored/defaulted.
HRESULT mStgOpenStorage (const OLECHAR FAR* pwcsName, IStorage FAR *pstgPriority, DWORD grfMode, SNB snbExclude, DWORD reserved, IStorage FAR * FAR *ppstgOpen) { HRESULT hr;
// If default, or we have snbs or priority stgs, use old api
if (TSTTYPE_DEFAULT == g_uOpenType || NULL != pstgPriority || NULL != snbExclude) { hr = StgOpenStorage (pwcsName, pstgPriority, grfMode, snbExclude, reserved, ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgOpenStorage; mode=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, hr)); } // Force docfile with StgOpenStorageEx (STGFMT_DOCFILE)
else if (TSTTYPE_DOCFILE == g_uOpenType) { hr = StgOpenStorageEx (pwcsName, grfMode, STGFMT_DOCFILE, //force it to be a docfile
0, NULL, // (void*)reserved -> STGOPTIONS*, BUGBUG
(void*)reserved, IID_IStorage, (void**)ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgOpenStorageEx (df); mode=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, hr)); } // Force flatfile with StgOpenStorageEx (STGFMT_FILE)
else if (TSTTYPE_FLATFILE == g_uOpenType) { hr = StgOpenStorageEx (pwcsName, grfMode, STGFMT_FILE, //force it to be a flatfile
0, NULL, // (void*)reserved -> STGOPTIONS*, BUGBUG
(void*)reserved, IID_IStorage, (void**)ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgOpenStorageEx (df); mode=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, hr)); } // else try force nssfile with StgOpenStorageEx ()
else { hr = StgOpenStorageEx (pwcsName, grfMode, STGFMT_GENERIC, //force it to be a nssfile (if possible)
0, NULL, // (void*)reserved -> STGOPTIONS*, BUGBUG
(void*)reserved, IID_IStorage, (void**)ppstgOpen); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_STGAPI, TEXT("StgOpenStorageEx(nss); mode=%#lx; hr=%#lx"), grfMode, hr)); } return (hr); } #endif /* _HOOK_STGAPI_ */
#endif /* _OLE_NSS_ */