// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1995.
// File: snbtests.cxx
// Contents: storage base tests basically pertaining to String Name
// Block (SNB) and STGM_PRIORITY mode.
// Functions:
// History: 26-July-1996 Jiminli Created.
// 27-Mar-97 SCousens Conversionified
// BUGBUG: right now no snb params for nss apis.
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "init.hxx"
// Test: SNBTEST_100
// Synopsis: The created root docfile is instantiated and traversed and the
// child objects found are selected at random for inclusion in an
// snbExclude structure. The docfile is commit and released. Then
// the docfile is now re-instantiated with the just built SNB passed
// in, indicating that the objects found in the SNB should be
// returned as empty IStorages or zero length IStreams. The root
// docfile is then traversed and each object returned that matches
// a name in the SNB is verified to determine that it's empty or
// zero length.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 1-Aug-1996 JiminLi Created.
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: LLNORM.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : LegitLimitedInstNormal Test
// New Name of test : SNBTEST_100
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:1-3 /dfstm:0-3 /t:SNBTEST-100
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /dfStgMode:dirReadWriteShEx /logloc:2
// /traceloc:2 /labmode
// b. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:3-5 /dfstm:8-10 /t:SNBTEST-100
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /dfStgMode:xactReadWriteShEx /logloc:2
// /traceloc:2 /labmode
// c. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:1-3 /dfstm:6-9 /t:SNBTEST-100
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /dfStgMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// /logloc:2 /traceloc:2 /labmode
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: SNBTEST-100 NO - not supported in nss
HRESULT SNBTEST_100(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; LPTSTR pRootDocFileName = NULL; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; DWORD dwStgMode = 0; SNB snbNamesToExclude = NULL; SNB snbDelIndex = NULL;
// Not for 2phase. Bail.
if (DoingDistrib ()) { return S_OK; }
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_100 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1,TEXT("Attempt legitimate SNB tests on a docfile")));
// Create the new ChanceDocFile tree that would consist of chance nodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestChanceDF = new ChanceDF(); if(NULL == pTestChanceDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams(argc, argv);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode(); dwStgMode = pTestChanceDF->GetStgMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for SNBTEST_100, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Create the VirtualDocFile tree from the ChanceDocFile tree created in
// the previous step. The VirtualDocFile tree consists of VirtualCtrNodes
// and VirtualStmNodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestVirtualDF = new VirtualDF(); if(NULL == pTestVirtualDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF(pTestChanceDF, &pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - successfully created."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs( pVirtualDFRoot, STGC_DEFAULT, NODE_EXC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs")) ; }
// Commit root.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // Release root and all open IStorages/IStreams pointers under it
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude param = NULL
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->OpenRoot( NULL, dwRootMode, NULL, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); } // exclude up to MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE names
if (S_OK == hr) { snbNamesToExclude = (OLECHAR **) new OLECHAR[sizeof(OLECHAR *) * MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE];
if (NULL == snbNamesToExclude) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { *snbNamesToExclude = NULL; } }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and randomly select names to exclude upon
// re-instantiation
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, FALSE, TRUE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); } // Since no actual operations on child storages and streams, only need
// commit and release root storage.
// Commit root.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude set to our SNB of names
// to exclude
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Open(NULL, dwRootMode, snbNamesToExclude, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and check names returned against names
// in exclude block
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != *snbNamesToExclude)) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, FALSE, FALSE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs( pVirtualDFRoot, STGC_DEFAULT, NODE_EXC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs")) ; }
// Commit root.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release root and all open IStorages/IStreams pointers under it
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_100 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_100 failed, hr = 0x%lx."), hr) ); }
// Cleanup
// Get the name of file, will be used later to delete the file
if(NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { pRootDocFileName= new TCHAR[_tcslen( pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName())+1];
if (NULL != pRootDocFileName) { _tcscpy(pRootDocFileName, pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName()); } }
// Delete Chance docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestChanceDF) { hr2 = pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceDocFileTree( pTestChanceDF->GetChanceDFRoot());
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestChanceDF; pTestChanceDF = NULL; }
// Delete Virtual docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestVirtualDF) { hr2 = pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualDocFileTree(pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestVirtualDF; pTestVirtualDF = NULL; }
// Free SNB
if (NULL != snbNamesToExclude) { snbDelIndex = snbNamesToExclude;
while (NULL != *snbDelIndex) { delete [] *snbDelIndex; *snbDelIndex = NULL; snbDelIndex++; }
delete [] snbNamesToExclude; snbNamesToExclude = NULL; }
// Delete the docfile on disk
if((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != pRootDocFileName)) { if(FALSE == DeleteFile(pRootDocFileName)) { hr2 = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("DeleteFile")) ; } }
// Delete temp strings
if(NULL != pRootDocFileName) { delete pRootDocFileName; pRootDocFileName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_100 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: SNBTEST_101
// Synopsis: The created root docfile is instantiated and traversed and the
// child objects found are selected at random for inclusion in an
// snbExclude structure. 50% of the time, a bogus name is placed in
// the snbExclude block instead. The test should verify that the
// valid names were properly zeroed out, and that the bogus names in
// the SNB block are ignored, i.e. don't cause an error.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 30-July-1996 JiminLi Created.
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: ILNORM.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : IllegitLimitedInstNormal Test
// New Name of test : SNBTEST_101
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:1-3 /dfstm:0-3 /t:SNBTEST-101
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /logloc:2 /traceloc:2 /labmode
// b. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:3-5 /dfstm:8-10 /t:SNBTEST-101
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /logloc:2 /traceloc:2 /labmode
// c. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:1-3 /dfstm:6-9 /t:SNBTEST-101
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /logloc:2 /traceloc:2 /labmode
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: SNBTEST-101 NO - not supported in nss
HRESULT SNBTEST_101(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; LPTSTR pRootDocFileName = NULL; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; DWORD dwStgMode = 0; SNB snbNamesToExclude = NULL; SNB snbDelIndex = NULL;
// Not for 2phase. Bail.
if (DoingDistrib ()) { return S_OK; }
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_101 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1,TEXT("Attempt illegitimate SNB tests on a docfile")));
// Create the new ChanceDocFile tree that would consist of chance nodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestChanceDF = new ChanceDF(); if(NULL == pTestChanceDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams(argc, argv);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode(); dwStgMode = pTestChanceDF->GetStgMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for SNBTEST_101, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Create the VirtualDocFile tree from the ChanceDocFile tree created in
// the previous step. The VirtualDocFile tree consists of VirtualCtrNodes
// and VirtualStmNodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestVirtualDF = new VirtualDF(); if(NULL == pTestVirtualDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF(pTestChanceDF, &pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - successfully created."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs( pVirtualDFRoot, STGC_DEFAULT, NODE_EXC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs")) ; }
// Commit root.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // Release root and all open IStorages/IStreams pointers under it
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude param = NULL
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->OpenRoot( NULL, dwRootMode, NULL, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); } // exclude up to MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE names
if (S_OK == hr) { snbNamesToExclude = (OLECHAR **) new OLECHAR[sizeof(OLECHAR *) * MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE];
if (NULL == snbNamesToExclude) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { *snbNamesToExclude = NULL; } }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and randomly select names to exclude upon
// re-instantiation
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, TRUE, TRUE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); } // Since no actual operations on child storages and streams, only need
// commit and release root storage.
// Commit root.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude set to our SNB of names
// to exclude
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Open(NULL, dwRootMode, snbNamesToExclude, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and check names returned against names
// in exclude block
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != *snbNamesToExclude)) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, TRUE, FALSE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs( pVirtualDFRoot, STGC_DEFAULT, NODE_EXC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCommitAllOpenStgs")) ; }
// Commit root.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release root and all open IStorages/IStreams pointers under it
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_101 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_101 failed, hr = 0x%lx."), hr) ); }
// Cleanup
// Get the name of file, will be used later to delete the file
if(NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { pRootDocFileName= new TCHAR[_tcslen( pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName())+1];
if (NULL != pRootDocFileName) { _tcscpy(pRootDocFileName, pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName()); } }
// Delete Chance docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestChanceDF) { hr2 = pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceDocFileTree( pTestChanceDF->GetChanceDFRoot());
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestChanceDF; pTestChanceDF = NULL; }
// Delete Virtual docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestVirtualDF) { hr2 = pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualDocFileTree(pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestVirtualDF; pTestVirtualDF = NULL; }
// Free SNB
if (NULL != snbNamesToExclude) { snbDelIndex = snbNamesToExclude;
while (NULL != *snbDelIndex) { delete [] *snbDelIndex; *snbDelIndex = NULL; snbDelIndex++; }
delete [] snbNamesToExclude; snbNamesToExclude = NULL; }
// Delete the docfile on disk
if((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != pRootDocFileName)) { if(FALSE == DeleteFile(pRootDocFileName)) { hr2 = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("DeleteFile")) ; } }
// Delete temp strings
if(NULL != pRootDocFileName) { delete pRootDocFileName; pRootDocFileName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_101 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: SNBTEST_102
// Synopsis: The created root docfile is instantiated with STGM_PRIORITY
// specified and then it is traversed and the child objects found
// are selected at random for inclusion in an snbExclude structure.
// Then the docfile is now re-instantiated using the just built SNB
// and the original root IStorage passed as pstgPriority parameter.
// This effectively removes the PRIORITY classification of this
// docfile while excluding the possibility of an opening of the root
// docfile by another process. The SNB that was passed in indicates
// that the objects found in the SNB should be returned as empty
// IStorages or zero length IStreams. The root docfile is then
// traversed and each object returned that matches a name in the SNB
// is verified to determine that it's empty or zero length.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 1-Aug-1996 JiminLi Created.
// Notes: This test runs in DIRECT mode only since DIRECT is the only
// valid mode for a root instantiation with STGM_PRIORITY specified.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: LLPRIOR.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : LegitLimitedInstPriority Test
// New Name of test : SNBTEST_102
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:3-5 /dfstm:6-8 /t:SNBTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /dfStgMode:dirReadWriteShEx /logloc:2
// /traceloc:2 /labmode
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: SNBTEST-102 NO - not supported in nss
HRESULT SNBTEST_102(int argc, char* argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualCopyDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualCopyDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; LPTSTR pRootDocFileName = NULL; LPTSTR pRootCopyDocFileName = NULL; LPSTORAGE pStgRootDF = NULL; LPSTORAGE pStgRootCopyDF = NULL; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; DWORD dwStgMode = 0; SNB snbNamesToExclude = NULL; SNB snbDelIndex = NULL; // Not for 2phase. Bail.
if (DoingDistrib ()) { return S_OK; }
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_102 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1,TEXT("Attempt legitimate SNB tests on a docfile")));
// Create the new ChanceDocFile tree that would consist of chance nodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestChanceDF = new ChanceDF(); if(NULL == pTestChanceDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams(argc, argv);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode(); dwStgMode = pTestChanceDF->GetStgMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for SNBTEST_102, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Create the VirtualDocFile tree from the ChanceDocFile tree created in
// the previous step. The VirtualDocFile tree consists of VirtualCtrNodes
// and VirtualStmNodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestVirtualDF = new VirtualDF(); if(NULL == pTestVirtualDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF(pTestChanceDF, &pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - successfully created."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Get the name of file, will be used later to delete the file
if(NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { pRootDocFileName = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pTestVirtualDF ->GetDocFileName())+1];
if (NULL != pRootDocFileName) { _tcscpy(pRootDocFileName, pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName()); } }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; }
// Release root and all open IStorages/IStreams pointers under it
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude param = NULL
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Open( NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_DIRECT | STGM_PRIORITY, NULL, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { pStgRootDF = pVirtualDFRoot->GetIStoragePointer();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pStgRootDF); }
// exclude up to MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE names
if (S_OK == hr) { snbNamesToExclude = (OLECHAR **) new OLECHAR[sizeof(OLECHAR *) * MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE];
if (NULL == snbNamesToExclude) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*snbNamesToExclude = NULL; }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and randomly select names to exclude upon
// re-instantiation
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, FALSE, TRUE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); }
// Generate a copy of the original docfile
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->CopyVirtualDocFileTree( pVirtualDFRoot, NEW_STGSTM, &pVirtualCopyDFRoot);
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pVirtualCopyDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualDF::CopyVirtualDocFileTree")); }
// Create a new VirtualDF tree
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestVirtualCopyDF = new VirtualDF();
if(NULL == pTestVirtualCopyDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } // instantiate root docfile with snbExclude set to our SNB of names
// to exclude and also pass in previous opening of this root docfile
// as parameter pstgPriority.
// The reason of AddRefCount is Ole code just release pStgRootDF once,
// and it's user's responsibility to release all references to it and
// finally set it to NULL.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->AddRefCount(); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::AddRefCount")); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualCopyDFRoot->Open( pStgRootDF, STGM_TRANSACTED | STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE, snbNamesToExclude, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { pStgRootCopyDF = pVirtualCopyDFRoot->GetIStoragePointer();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pStgRootCopyDF); }
// Assocaies a VirtualDF tree with a VirtualCtrNode and its _pstg
// The purpose it later on we can delete the related space taken
// by the copied docfile.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualCopyDF->Associate(pVirtualCopyDFRoot, pStgRootCopyDF);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualCopyDF::Associate")); }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and check names returned against names
// in exclude block
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != *snbNamesToExclude)) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualCopyDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, FALSE, FALSE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); }
// Release the copied root and all open IStorages/IStreams
// pointers under it. Note: now the original VirtualDFRoot is
// not valid any more.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualCopyDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_102 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_102 failed, hr = 0x%lx."), hr) ); }
// Cleanup
// Get the name of file, will be used later to delete the file
if(NULL != pVirtualCopyDFRoot && pTestVirtualCopyDF->GetDocFileName()) { pRootCopyDocFileName = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pTestVirtualCopyDF ->GetDocFileName())+1];
if (NULL != pRootCopyDocFileName) { _tcscpy(pRootCopyDocFileName, pTestVirtualCopyDF->GetDocFileName()); } }
// Delete Chance docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestChanceDF) { hr2 = pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceDocFileTree( pTestChanceDF->GetChanceDFRoot());
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestChanceDF; pTestChanceDF = NULL; }
// Delete Virtual docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestVirtualDF) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualDocFileTree(pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestVirtualDF; pTestVirtualDF = NULL; }
if(NULL != pTestVirtualCopyDF) { hr2 = pTestVirtualCopyDF->DeleteVirtualDocFileTree(pVirtualCopyDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestVirtualCopyDF->DeleteVirtualFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestVirtualCopyDF; pTestVirtualCopyDF = NULL; }
// Free SNB
if (NULL != snbNamesToExclude) { snbDelIndex = snbNamesToExclude;
while (NULL != *snbDelIndex) { delete [] *snbDelIndex; *snbDelIndex = NULL; snbDelIndex++; }
delete [] snbNamesToExclude; snbNamesToExclude = NULL; }
// Delete the docfile on disk
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != pRootDocFileName)) { if(FALSE == DeleteFile(pRootDocFileName)) { hr2 = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("DeleteFile")) ; } } // Delete temp strings
if (NULL != pRootDocFileName) { delete pRootDocFileName; pRootDocFileName = NULL; }
if (NULL != pRootCopyDocFileName) { delete pRootCopyDocFileName; pRootCopyDocFileName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_102 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: SNBTEST_103
// Synopsis: The created root docfile is instantiated with STGM_PRIORITY
// specified and then it is traversed and the child objects found
// are selected at random for inclusion in an snbExclude structure.
// 50% of the time, a bogus name is placed in the snbExclude block
// instead. The docfile is then re-instantiated using the just built
// SNB and the original root IStorage passed as pstgPriority
// parameter. The root docfile is then traversed and the test should
// verify that the valid names were properly zeroed out, and that
// the bogus names in the SNB block are ignored, i.e. do not cause
// an error.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 3-Aug-1996 JiminLi Created.
// Notes: This test runs in DIRECT mode only since DIRECT is the only
// valid mode for a root instantiation with STGM_PRIORITY specified.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: ILPRIOR.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : IllegitLimitedInstPriority Test
// New Name of test : SNBTEST_103
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:0 /dfdepth:1-2 /dfstg:3-5 /dfstm:6-8 /t:SNBTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /dfStgMode:dirReadWriteShEx /logloc:2
// /traceloc:2 /labmode
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: SNBTEST-103 NO - not supported in nss
HRESULT SNBTEST_103(int argc, char* argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualCopyDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualCopyDFRoot = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualChildStg = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; LPTSTR pRootDocFileName = NULL; LPTSTR pRootCopyDocFileName = NULL; LPSTORAGE pStgRootDF = NULL; LPSTORAGE pStgChild = NULL; LPSTORAGE pStgRootCopyDF = NULL; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; DWORD dwStgMode = 0; SNB snbNamesToExclude = NULL; SNB snbDelIndex = NULL; // Not for 2phase. Bail.
if (DoingDistrib ()) { return S_OK; }
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_103 started.")) ); DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt legitimate STGM_PRIORITY related test on a docfile")));
// Create the new ChanceDocFile tree that would consist of chance nodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestChanceDF = new ChanceDF(); if(NULL == pTestChanceDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams(argc, argv);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->CreateFromParams")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode(); dwStgMode = pTestChanceDF->GetStgMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for SNBTEST_103, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Create the VirtualDocFile tree from the ChanceDocFile tree created in
// the previous step. The VirtualDocFile tree consists of VirtualCtrNodes
// and VirtualStmNodes.
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestVirtualDF = new VirtualDF(); if(NULL == pTestVirtualDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF(pTestChanceDF, &pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->GenerateVirtualDF")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - successfully created."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("DocFile - CreateFromParams - failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Get the name of file, will be used later to delete the file
if(NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { pRootDocFileName = new TCHAR[_tcslen( pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName())+1];
if (NULL != pRootDocFileName) { _tcscpy(pRootDocFileName, pTestVirtualDF->GetDocFileName()); } }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; }
// Get the first child storage pointer for later illegitmate test,
if (S_OK == hr) { pVirtualChildStg = pVirtualDFRoot->GetFirstChildVirtualCtrNode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pVirtualChildStg);
pStgChild = pVirtualChildStg->GetIStoragePointer(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pStgChild); } // Release root and all open IStorages/IStreams pointers under it
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude param = NULL, and also
// STGM_PRIORITY is set in grfMode.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->OpenRoot( NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_DIRECT | STGM_PRIORITY, NULL, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { pStgRootDF = pVirtualDFRoot->GetIStoragePointer();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pStgRootDF); } // exclude up to MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE names
if (S_OK == hr) { snbNamesToExclude = (OLECHAR **) new OLECHAR[sizeof(OLECHAR *) * MAX_NAMES_TO_EXCLUDE];
if (NULL == snbNamesToExclude) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { *snbNamesToExclude = NULL; } }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and randomly select names to exclude upon
// re-instantiation. The sixth param == TRUE shows that this is an
// illegit test, i.e. 50% chance we will add bogus names into SNB.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, TRUE, TRUE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); } // Generate a copy of the original docfile
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualDF->CopyVirtualDocFileTree( pVirtualDFRoot, NEW_STGSTM, &pVirtualCopyDFRoot);
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pVirtualCopyDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualDF::CopyVirtualDocFileTree")); }
// Create a new VirtualDF tree
if (S_OK == hr) { pTestVirtualCopyDF = new VirtualDF();
if(NULL == pTestVirtualCopyDF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// instantiate root docfile with snbExclude set to our SNB of names
// to exclude and also pass in previous opening of this root docfile
// as parameter pstgPriority.
// First we passed in the substorage pointer as pstgPriority parameter,
// it is closed, so it should fail.
#ifdef _MAC
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("!!!!!!!!Opening a VirtualCtrNode with invalid substorage ptr. skipped")) );
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Open( pStgChild, dwRootMode, snbNamesToExclude, 0); if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); hr = S_OK; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open should have failed."))); hr = E_FAIL; } } #endif //_MAC
// Now we passed in correct storage pointer and have illegimate
// SNB test. The reason of AddRefCount is Ole code just release
// pStgRootDF once, and it's user's responsibility to release all
// references to it and finally set it to NULL.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->AddRefCount();
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::AddRefCount")); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualCopyDFRoot->Open( pStgRootDF, STGM_TRANSACTED | STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE, snbNamesToExclude, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { pStgRootCopyDF = pVirtualCopyDFRoot->GetIStoragePointer();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pStgRootCopyDF); }
// Assocaies a VirtualDF tree with a VirtualCtrNode and its _pstg
// The purpose it later on we can delete the related space taken
// by the copied docfile.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pTestVirtualCopyDF->Associate(pVirtualCopyDFRoot, pStgRootCopyDF);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("pTestVirtualCopyDF::Associate")); }
// Traverse docfile(one level) and check names returned against names
// in exclude block
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != *snbNamesToExclude)) { hr = TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB( pVirtualCopyDFRoot, pdgi, pdgu, dwStgMode, snbNamesToExclude, FALSE, FALSE);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("TraverseDocfileAndWriteOrReadSNB")); }
// Release the copied root and all open IStorages/IStreams
// pointers under it. Note: now the original VirtualDFRoot is
// not valid any more.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms( pVirtualCopyDFRoot, NODE_INC_TOPSTG);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms completed Ok."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ParseVirtualDFAndCloseOpenStgsStms not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_103 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_103 failed, hr = 0x%lx."), hr) ); }
// Cleanup
// Get the name of file, will be used later to delete the file
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != pVirtualCopyDFRoot)) { pRootCopyDocFileName = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pTestVirtualCopyDF ->GetDocFileName())+1];
if (NULL != pRootCopyDocFileName) { _tcscpy(pRootCopyDocFileName, pTestVirtualCopyDF->GetDocFileName()); } }
// Delete Chance docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestChanceDF) { hr2 = pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceDocFileTree( pTestChanceDF->GetChanceDFRoot());
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestChanceDF->DeleteChanceFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestChanceDF; pTestChanceDF = NULL; }
// Delete Virtual docfile tree
if(NULL != pTestVirtualDF) { hr2 = pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualDocFileTree(pVirtualDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestVirtualDF->DeleteVirtualFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestVirtualDF; pTestVirtualDF = NULL; }
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != pTestVirtualCopyDF)) { hr2 = pTestVirtualCopyDF->DeleteVirtualDocFileTree(pVirtualCopyDFRoot);
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("pTestVirtualCopyDF->DeleteVirtualFileDocTree")) ;
delete pTestVirtualCopyDF; pTestVirtualCopyDF = NULL; }
// Free SNB
if (NULL != snbNamesToExclude) { snbDelIndex = snbNamesToExclude;
while (NULL != *snbDelIndex) { delete [] *snbDelIndex; *snbDelIndex = NULL; snbDelIndex++; }
delete [] snbNamesToExclude; snbNamesToExclude = NULL; }
// Delete the docfile on disk
if ((S_OK == hr) && (NULL != pRootDocFileName)) { if(FALSE == DeleteFile(pRootDocFileName)) { hr2 = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("DeleteFile")) ; } } // Delete temp strings
if (NULL != pRootDocFileName) { delete pRootDocFileName; pRootDocFileName = NULL; }
if (NULL != pRootCopyDocFileName) { delete pRootCopyDocFileName; pRootCopyDocFileName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation SNBTEST_103 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }