// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1995.
// File: stmtsts.cxx
// Contents: storage base tests basically pertaining to IStream interface
// Functions:
// History: 28-June-1996 NarindK Created.
// 27-Mar-97 SCousens conversionified
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "init.hxx"
// externs
extern BOOL g_fDoLargeSeekAndWrite; extern BOOL g_fUseStdBlk; extern USHORT ausSIZE_ARRAY[];
#define SECTORSIZE 512
#define SMALL_OBJ_SIZE 4096
// Test: STMTEST_100
// Synopsis: Creates a root docfile with a random name.
// Creates an IStream in the root docfile and writes and CRCs a
// random number of bytes then releases the IStream. The root
// is then committed and released. The root docfile and child IStream
// are then instantiated. CRC's are compared to verify.
// A random offset is chosen within the child IStream and a random number
// of bytes are written to the IStream, taking care *NOT* to grow the
// length of the IStream. The IStream and root are then released.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// History: 28-June-1996 NarindK Created.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: LSCHANGE.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : LegitStreamChange test
// New Name of test : STMTEST_100
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-100
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-100
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-100
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-100
HRESULT STMTEST_100(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; ULONG cb = 0; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; ULONG culRandomPos = 0; ULONG culRemWritten = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE; LARGE_INTEGER liStreamPos; ULONG cRandomMinSize = 10; ULONG cRandomMaxSize = 100; DWCRCSTM dwMemCRC; DWCRCSTM dwActCRC;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_100 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt stream change operations")) );
// Initialize CRC values to zero
dwMemCRC.dwCRCSum = dwActCRC.dwCRCSum = 0;
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_100, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi); if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cb, cRandomMinSize, cRandomMaxSize);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, cb, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size 1 to cb using
// GenerateRandomString function.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString(pdgu, cb, cb, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, cb, &culWritten);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Calculate the CRC for stream name and data
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateInMemoryCRCForStm( pvsnRootNewChildStream, ptcsBuffer, cb, &dwMemCRC);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateInMemoryCRCForStm")) ; }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."))); } }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Release root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Open root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->OpenRoot( NULL, dwRootMode, NULL, 0);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")) ;
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Open stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Open( NULL, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE , 0);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Open")) ;
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Open completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Open unsuccessful,hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Read and verify
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = ReadAndCalculateDiskCRCForStm(pvsnRootNewChildStream,&dwActCRC);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ReadAndCalculateDiskCRCForStm function successful.")));
if(dwActCRC.dwCRCSum == dwMemCRC.dwCRCSum) { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("CRC's for pvsnNewChildStream match.")));
} else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("CRC's for pvsnNewChildStream don't match.")));
fPass = FALSE; } } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("ReadAndCalculateDiskCRCForStm not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// If it is ok till now, then all the bytes were written correctly into
// stream and read correctly from there, so choose any postion b/w 1 and
// culWritten - number of bytes written and therafter read.
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandomPos, 1, culWritten);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Now seek to this position
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liStreamPos, culRandomPos);
// Position the stream header to the postion from begining
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ;
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Now write into this part of stream with random data w/o growing the
// stream
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culWritten - culRandomPos, culWritten - culRandomPos, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culWritten - culRandomPos, &culRemWritten);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Check length of stream not grown if stream written to correctly.
if(S_OK == hr) { if(culRemWritten == culWritten - culRandomPos) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Stream data changed okay w/o changing stream len."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Stream data change not okay."))); fPass = FALSE; } }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Release root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_100 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_100 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr) ); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if(NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_100 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_101
// Synopsis: The test creates a root docfile and a child IStream. A random
// number of bytes are written to the IStream and then the IStream
// is cloned.
// From 1 to 5 times, either the ORIGINAL or CLONE IStream is
// randomly chosen as the operation target. The current seek
// pointer positions of both IStreams are saved. There is then a
// 33% chance each that the target stream will be used for a
// seek, write, or read operation. Next, the stream that was
// *NOT* the target IStream is seeked upon to determine the
// current pointer position. Verify that the *non target*
// IStream pointer hasn't changed. Repeat.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// History: 28-June-1996 NarindK Created.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: LSCLONE.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : LegitStreamClone test
// New Name of test : STMTEST_101
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-101
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-101
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-101
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-101
HRESULT STMTEST_101(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; ULONG cb = 0; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE; BOOL fFindSeekPosition = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER liStreamPos; ULONG culRandIOBytes = 0; ULONG culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; LPSTREAM pIStreamClone = NULL; ULONG ulCurPosition[2]; ULONG ulOldPosition[2]; ULONG culRandomVar = 0; ULONG culRandomPos = 0; ULONG culRandomCommit = 0; ULONG cStreamInUse = 0; ULONG cStreamNotInUse = 0; ULONG cOpInUse = 0; ULONG ulRef = 0; LPSTREAM pIStream[2]; ULARGE_INTEGER uli;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_101 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt stream clone operations")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_101, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu); if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream between 4L, and MIN_SIZE * 1.5
// (range taken from old test).
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cb, 4, (ULONG) (MIN_SIZE * 1.5));
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, cb, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { culBytesLeftToWrite = cb;
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Loop to write new IStream in RAND_IO size chunks unless size
// remaining to write is less than RAND_IO, then write the remaining bytes
while((S_OK == hr) && (0 != culBytesLeftToWrite)) { if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random number of bytes to write b/w RAND_IO_MIN ,
// RAND_IO_MAX (range taken from old test).
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandIOBytes, RAND_IO_MIN, RAND_IO_MAX);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } } if(culBytesLeftToWrite > culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToWrite = culBytesLeftToWrite - culRandIOBytes; } else { culRandIOBytes = culBytesLeftToWrite; culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size 1 to cb using
// GenerateRandomString function.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culRandIOBytes, culRandIOBytes, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; } }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Now seek to the current stream to end of stream
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Position the stream header to the postion from begining
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurPosition[ORIGINAL] = ULIGetLow(uli);
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Clone the stream
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Clone(&pIStreamClone);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Clone")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Clone completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Clone not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
//clone IStream should really already be positioned to the end since
//the original IStream was there. The seek below simply ensures
//this plus gets the seek position into the Clone current position
//array element
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Position the stream header to the postion from begining
hr = pIStreamClone->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ;
ulCurPosition[CLONE] = ULIGetLow(uli);
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Copy the ulCurPosition array to ulOldPosition array. Now in a loop,
// in a random fashion, select either the original stream or Clone stream,
// do either seek, read or write operation on it. Check that the unused
// stream's seek pointer hasn't changed. Update the ulOldPosition array
// with ulCurPostion araay and repeat the loop random number of times.
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random variations for while loop
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandomVar, 1, 5);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; }
// Also fill up stream pointer array
pIStream[0] = pvsnRootNewChildStream->GetIStreamPointer(); pIStream[1] = pIStreamClone; } while ((S_OK == hr) && (culRandomVar--)) { //save current seek pointer positions
ulOldPosition[ORIGINAL] = ulCurPosition[ORIGINAL]; ulOldPosition[CLONE] = ulCurPosition[CLONE];
// pick an IStream to use (either ORIGINAL or CLONE) then
// decide whether to seek on it, write it, or read it
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cStreamInUse, ORIGINAL, CLONE);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; }
//pick an operation to do on the stream (either SEEK, WRITE, READ)
if(S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cOpInUse, SEEK, READ);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { //Seek to a random position in stream
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandomPos, 0, culWritten);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; }
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liStreamPos, culRandomPos);
// Position stream header to the postion from begining
hr = pIStream[cStreamInUse]->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek not successful."))); } } }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("cOpInUse %d on cStreamInUse %d"), cOpInUse, cStreamInUse)); switch(cOpInUse) { case SEEK: { ulCurPosition[cStreamInUse] = ULIGetLow(uli); fFindSeekPosition = FALSE; break; }
case WRITE: { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, 0, STM_BUFLEN, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ;
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pIStream[cStreamInUse]->Write( ptcsBuffer, _tcslen(ptcsBuffer), NULL); } fFindSeekPosition = TRUE; break; }
case READ: { ptcsBuffer = new TCHAR [STM_BUFLEN];
if (ptcsBuffer == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if(S_OK == hr) { // Initialize buffer
memset(ptcsBuffer, '\0', STM_BUFLEN); hr = pIStream[cStreamInUse]->Read( ptcsBuffer, STM_BUFLEN, NULL); } fFindSeekPosition = TRUE; break; } }
if(S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("cOpInUse %d on cStreamInUse %d failed, hr = 0x%lx"), cOpInUse, cStreamInUse, hr));
fPass = FALSE;
// Break out of while loop
break; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("cOpInUse %d on cStreamInUse %d passed. "), cOpInUse, cStreamInUse)); } }
// Determine current seek position if above operation might have change
// it on the stream operated upon by seeking on it.
if((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fFindSeekPosition)) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pIStream[cStreamInUse]->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; if(S_OK == hr) { ulCurPosition[cStreamInUse] = ULIGetLow(uli);
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful."))); } }
// Determine the seek pointer of the stream that was NOT operated upon
// hasn't changed.
if(S_OK == hr) { cStreamNotInUse = (cStreamInUse == ORIGINAL) ? CLONE : ORIGINAL;
memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pIStream[cStreamNotInUse]->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; if(S_OK == hr) { ulCurPosition[cStreamNotInUse] = ULIGetLow(uli);
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek not successful."))); } }
if((S_OK == hr) && (ulCurPosition[cStreamNotInUse] == ulOldPosition[cStreamNotInUse])) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Old & new seek ptr for unused stream same as exp."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Old & new seek ptr for unused stream different unexp"))); fPass = FALSE; break; }
// Commit the root storage half of time.
if(S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandomCommit, 1, 100);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if((S_OK == hr) && (culRandomCommit > 50)) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit not successful.")));
fPass = FALSE; break; } } }
// Release original stream
if (NULL != pvsnRootNewChildStream) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful."))); } }
// Release Clone stream
if (NULL != pIStreamClone) { ulRef = pIStreamClone->Release(); DH_ASSERT(0 == ulRef);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Close unsuccessful."))); } }
// Release root
if (NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful."))); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_101 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_101 failed.")) ); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if(NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_101 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_102
// Synopsis: Create a root docfile with a child IStream. Write a random number
// of bytes to the IStream and commit the root docfile. Do the same
// with a child IStorage inside of the root docfile.
// The root docfile is instantiated and the IStream is instantiated.
// MAX_SIZE_ARRAY SetSize calls are made on the IStream, the size for
// the setsize is a random ulong. After each setsize, there is a 50%
// chance that change will be immediately commited.After all setsizes are
// complete, the IStream is released, the root docfile is commited
// and then the root docfile is deleted.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// History: 1-July-1996 NarindK Created.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: LSETSIZE.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : LegitStreamSetSize test
// New Name of test : STMTEST_102
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// d. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /stdblock
// e. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /stdblock
// f. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-102
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /stdblock
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-102
HRESULT STMTEST_102(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualCtrNode *pvcnRootNewChildStorage= NULL; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; VirtualStmNode *pvsnChildStgNewChildStm= NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStgName = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; LPTSTR pChildStgNewChildStmName= NULL; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; ULONG ulThisSetSize = 0; ULONG culRandIOBytes = 0; ULONG culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; ULONG culRandomCommit = 0; ULONG culArrayIndex = 0; ULONG i = 0; ULONG j = 0; VirtualCtrNode *pvcnInUse = NULL; VirtualStmNode *pvsnInUse = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liStreamPos; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; ULARGE_INTEGER uliCopy; ULARGE_INTEGER uliSet;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_102 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt stream SetSize operations")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_102, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Generate a random name for child IStorage
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStgName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
// ----------- flatfile change ---------------
if(!StorageIsFlat()) { // ----------- flatfile change ---------------
// Adds a new storage to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStorage( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStgName, pTestChanceDF->GetStgMode()| STGM_CREATE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvcnRootNewChildStorage);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStorage")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::AddStorage completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::AddStorage not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } } // ----------- flatfile change ---------------
} else { pvcnRootNewChildStorage = pVirtualDFRoot; } // ----------- flatfile change ---------------
// Create a stream inside this child storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName( pdgu, MINLENGTH, MAXLENGTH, &pChildStgNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pvcnRootNewChildStorage, pChildStgNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnChildStgNewChildStm);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream between 0L, and MIN_SIZE * 1.5
// (range taken from old test).
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culBytesLeftToWrite, 0,(ULONG)(MIN_SIZE * 1.5));
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Loop to write new IStream in RAND_IO size chunks unless size
// remaining to write is less than RAND_IO, then write the remaining bytes
while((S_OK == hr) && (0 != culBytesLeftToWrite)) { culRandIOBytes = RAND_IO_MIN;
if(culBytesLeftToWrite > culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToWrite = culBytesLeftToWrite - culRandIOBytes; } else { culRandIOBytes = culBytesLeftToWrite; culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size culRandomBytes
// using GenerateRandomString function.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culRandIOBytes, culRandIOBytes, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; } }
// Now seek to the start of this stream
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Position the stream header to the postion from begining
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful."))); } }
//Copy this stream pvsnRootNewChildStream to pvsnChildStgNewChildStm
if(S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliCopy, ULONG_MAX);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->CopyTo( pvsnChildStgNewChildStm, uliCopy, 0, 0);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::CopyTo")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::CopyTo completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::CopyTo not successful."))); } }
// Commit child storage. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pvcnRootNewChildStorage->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit couldn't complete successfully."))); } }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit couldn't complete successfully."))); } }
//do MAX_SIZE_ARRAY setsize calls on just created IStreams. Size
//to use in SetSize call for each iteration through the loop is
//a random ulong.
if(S_OK == hr) { for (j=0; j <= 1; j++) { if (j == 0) { pvsnInUse = pvsnRootNewChildStream; pvcnInUse = pVirtualDFRoot; } else { pvsnInUse = pvsnChildStgNewChildStm; pvcnInUse = pvcnRootNewChildStorage; }
for(i=0; i<=MAX_SIZE_ARRAY; i++) { if(TRUE == g_fUseStdBlk) { // Pick up a random array element.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culArrayIndex, 0, MAX_SIZE_ARRAY);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { ulThisSetSize= ausSIZE_ARRAY[culArrayIndex]; } } else { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&ulThisSetSize, 0, MIN_SIZE * 3);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliSet, ulThisSetSize);
hr = pvsnInUse->SetSize(uliSet);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Commit the storage in use, half of time.
if(S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandomCommit, 1, 100);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if((S_OK == hr) && (culRandomCommit > 50)) { hr = pvcnInUse->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit not successful, hr =0x%lx"), hr)); } }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Position the stream header to the end of stream
hr = pvsnInUse->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr = 0x%lx."), hr)); } }
if(S_OK != hr) { break; } } } }
// Release root's child stream
if (NULL != pvsnRootNewChildStream) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful."))); } }
// Release child stg's child stream
if (NULL != pvsnChildStgNewChildStm) { hr = pvsnChildStgNewChildStm->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful."))); } }
// Commit child storage. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pvcnRootNewChildStorage->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit couldn't complete successfully."))); } }
// ----------- flatfile change ---------------
if(!StorageIsFlat()) { // ----------- flatfile change ---------------
// Release child storage
if (NULL != pvcnRootNewChildStorage) { hr = pvcnRootNewChildStorage->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful."))); } } // ----------- flatfile change ---------------
} // ----------- flatfile change ---------------
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit couldn't complete successfully."))); } }
// Release root
if (NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful."))); } }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_102 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_102 failed.")) ); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if(NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
if(NULL != pChildStgNewChildStmName) { delete pChildStgNewChildStmName; pChildStgNewChildStmName = NULL; }
if(NULL != pRootNewChildStgName) { delete pRootNewChildStgName; pRootNewChildStgName = NULL; }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_102 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_103
// Synopsis: The test create a root docfile with a child IStream. Writes and
// CRCs a random number of bytes to the IStream in random block
// size chunks, or if the /stdblock (use size array) option is
// specified in cmdline, then in random block size from
// ausSIZE_ARRAY[] chunks, then releases the IStream. The root
// docfile is then committed and released.
// The root docfile is instantiated and the IStream is instantiated.
// The IStream is read in same random block size chunks as written,
// and CRCs are compared to verify. The stream and the root docfile
// are then released and the root file is deleted.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 2. Old name of test(s) : LegitStreamRead LegitStreamWrite tests
// New Name of test(s) : STMTEST_103
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// d. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /stdblock
// e. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /stdblock
// f. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-103
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /stdblock
// History: Jiminli 08-July-96 Created
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-103
HRESULT STMTEST_103(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; ULONG culRead = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; ULONG culRandIOBytes = 0; ULONG culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; ULONG culBytesLeftToRead = 0; ULONG tmpBytes = 0; ULONG culArrayIndex = 0; ULONG cStartIndex = 6; DWCRCSTM *dwMemCRC = NULL; DWCRCSTM *dwActCRC = NULL; ULONG numofchunks = 0; ULONG index = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_103 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt stream Read operations")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_103, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } } if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream between 0L, and MIN_SIZE * 2
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culBytesLeftToWrite, 0, MIN_SIZE * 2);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Record for later use.
culBytesLeftToRead = culBytesLeftToWrite; tmpBytes = culBytesLeftToWrite; }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (TRUE == g_fUseStdBlk) { // Pick up a random array element. Choosing cStartIndex of the
// array (with random blocks) as 6 because do not want to write
// byte by byte or in too small chunks a large docfile.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culArrayIndex, cStartIndex, MAX_SIZE_ARRAY);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { culRandIOBytes = ausSIZE_ARRAY[culArrayIndex]; } } else { // Generate random number of bytes to write per chunk b/w
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandIOBytes, RAND_IO_MIN, RAND_IO_MAX);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } } }
// Calculate how many chunks be written, i.e how many CRC's be calculated
if (S_OK == hr) { if (0 == culRandIOBytes) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { while (0 != culBytesLeftToWrite) { numofchunks++;
if (culBytesLeftToWrite >= culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToWrite -= culRandIOBytes; } else { culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; } } } }
if (S_OK == hr) { culBytesLeftToWrite = tmpBytes;
tmpBytes = culRandIOBytes; }
// Allocate memory
if (S_OK == hr) { dwMemCRC = new DWCRCSTM[numofchunks]; dwActCRC = new DWCRCSTM[numofchunks];
if ((NULL == dwMemCRC) || (NULL == dwActCRC)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// Initilize each CRC to zero
if (S_OK == hr) { for (index=0; index<numofchunks; index++) { (*(dwMemCRC + index)).dwCRCSum = 0; (*(dwActCRC + index)).dwCRCSum = 0; } }
// Loop to write new IStream in RAND_IO size chunks unless size
// remaining to write is less than RAND_IO, then write the remaining bytes
index = 0;
while ((S_OK == hr) && (0 != culBytesLeftToWrite)) { if (culBytesLeftToWrite > culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToWrite = culBytesLeftToWrite - culRandIOBytes; } else { culRandIOBytes = culBytesLeftToWrite; culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size culRandIOBytes
// using GenerateRandomString function.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culRandIOBytes, culRandIOBytes, &ptcsBuffer); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten); }
if(S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Calculate the CRC for stream name and data
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateInMemoryCRCForStm( pvsnRootNewChildStream, ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, (dwMemCRC+index)); }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
index++; }
// Log while loop result
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("While loop - GenrateRandomName/IStream::Write,CRC")); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write completed successfully."))); }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtulaStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successfully, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Release root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Open root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->OpenRoot( NULL, dwRootMode, NULL, 0); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Open wasn't successfully, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Open stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Open( NULL, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE , 0);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Open")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Open completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Open wasn't successfully, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Read and verify
index = 0;
culRandIOBytes = tmpBytes;
while ((S_OK == hr) && (0 != culBytesLeftToRead)) {
if (culBytesLeftToRead > culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToRead = culBytesLeftToRead - culRandIOBytes; } else { culRandIOBytes = culBytesLeftToRead; culBytesLeftToRead = 0; }
// Allocate a buffer of required size
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsBuffer = new TCHAR [culRandIOBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsBuffer, '\0', culRandIOBytes*sizeof(TCHAR));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Read function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Calculate the CRC for stream name and data
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateInMemoryCRCForStm( pvsnRootNewChildStream, ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, (dwActCRC+index));
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateInMemoryCRCForStm")); }
// Compare corresponding dwMemCRC and dwActCRC and verify
if (S_OK == hr) { if ( (*(dwActCRC+index)).dwCRCSum != (*(dwMemCRC+index)).dwCRCSum ) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("CRC's for pvsnNewChildStream don't match. "))); fPass = FALSE; break; } }
// Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
index++; }
// Log results of while loop
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("While loop - GenrateRandomName/IStream::Write,CRC")); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write completed successfully."))); }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (TRUE == fPass) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("CRC's for pvsnNewChildStream all matched."))); } }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release Root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_103 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_103 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if (NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
if (NULL != dwMemCRC) { delete []dwMemCRC; dwMemCRC = NULL; }
if (NULL != dwActCRC) { delete []dwActCRC; dwActCRC = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_103 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_104
// Synopsis: Create a root docfile and an IStream in that. Write to IStream.
// The test seeks to the end of the IStream to determine the size
// and then makes 4 seek passes through the IStream:
// 1) Seek cumulative offset from STREAM_SEEK_SET (beginning)
// to end, then rewind IStream to beginning
// 2) Seek relative offset from STREAM_SEEK_CUR (current)
// to end, then seek IStream to end
// 3) Seek negative cumulative offset from STREAM_SEEK_END (end)
// to beginning, then seek IStream to end
// 4) Seek negative relative offset from STREAM_SEEK_CUR (current)
// to beginning
// 5) Perform several random large offset seeks from
// STREAM_SEEK_SET (beginning)
// 6) Attempt to write one byte at the current position in stream
// The root docfile and stream are then releases and root docfile
// deleted
// Note: It is an error to seek before beginning of stream (tested
// in part 4, but it is not an error to seek past end of stream.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// History: 2-July-1996 NarindK Created.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: LSSEEK.CXX
// 2. Old name of test : LegitStreamSeek test
// New Name of test : STMTEST_104
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /labmode
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /labmode
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /labmode
// d. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /labmode /stdblock
// e. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /labmode /stdblock
// f. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /labmode /stdblock
// g. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx /labmode /stdblock /lgseekwrite
// h. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx /labmode /stdblock /lgseekwrite
// i. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-104
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW /labmode /stdblock /lgseekwrite
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-104
HRESULT STMTEST_104(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; ULONG culRandIOBytes = 0; ULONG culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; ULONG ulStreamSize = 0; LONG lSeekThisTime = 0; ULONG cArrayIndex = 0; ULONG ulCurrentPosition = 0; ULONG cNumVars = 0; ULONG cMinVars = 5; ULONG cMaxVars = 10; BOOL fPass = TRUE; LARGE_INTEGER liStreamPos; LARGE_INTEGER liSeekThisTime; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; DH_FUNCENTRY(NULL, DH_LVL_DFLIB, _TEXT("STMTEST_104"));
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_104 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt stream Seek operations")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_104, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu); if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream between 0L, and MIN_SIZE * 1.5
// (range taken from old test).
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culBytesLeftToWrite, 0,(ULONG)(MIN_SIZE * 1.5));
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Loop to write new IStream in RAND_IO size chunks unless size
// remaining to write is less than RAND_IO, then write the remaining bytes
while((S_OK == hr) && (0 != culBytesLeftToWrite)) { culRandIOBytes = RAND_IO_MIN;
if(culBytesLeftToWrite > culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToWrite = culBytesLeftToWrite - culRandIOBytes; } else { culRandIOBytes = culBytesLeftToWrite; culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size culRandomBytes
// using GenerateRandomString function.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culRandIOBytes, culRandIOBytes, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; } }
// Now seek to the end of this stream and determine its size
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Seek to end of stream and determine size of stream
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { ulStreamSize = ULIGetLow(uli);
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// loop through the entire IStream, each time seeking relative to the
// beginning of the IStream (STREAM_SEEK_SET). The amount to add to
// the offset from the beginning is a random number or a random array
// element of ausSIZE_ARRAY if command line option specifies that.
memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
while ((ulCurrentPosition < ulStreamSize) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = GetRandomSeekOffset(&lSeekThisTime, pdgi);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GetRandomSeekOffset")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liSeekThisTime, lSeekThisTime); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liSeekThisTime, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); } }
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Current position is now %lu"), ulCurrentPosition));
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli);
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// loop through the entire IStream, each time seeking relative to the
// current seek pointer (STREAM_SEEK_CUR). The distance to seek is a
// random ushort.
lSeekThisTime = 0;
memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
while ((ulCurrentPosition < ulStreamSize) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = GetRandomSeekOffset(&lSeekThisTime, pdgi);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GetRandomSeekOffset")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liSeekThisTime, lSeekThisTime);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liSeekThisTime, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli);
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ; } }
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Current position is now %lu"), ulCurrentPosition));
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Seek to the end of Stream. Then we would seek negative cumulative
// offset from the STREAM_SEEK_END.
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// loop through the entire IStream, each time seeking relative to the
// end of the IStream (STREAM_SEEK_END). The amount to add to
// the offset from the end is a random ushort
lSeekThisTime = 0;
memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); while ((ulCurrentPosition != 0) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = GetRandomSeekOffset(&lSeekThisTime, pdgi);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GetRandomSeekOffset")) ;
// if generated seek offset would cause a seek to before beginning
// of file, ensure that it won't do that by enforcing to seek to
// the beginnining.
if(S_OK == hr) { if(lSeekThisTime > (LONG) ulStreamSize) { lSeekThisTime = (LONG) ulStreamSize; }
// Unary minus opeartion is applied to seek offset to cause a neg
// seek opeartion
LISet32(liSeekThisTime, -lSeekThisTime);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liSeekThisTime, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); } }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
//loop through the entire IStream, each time seeking relative to the
//current seek pointer (STREAM_SEEK_CUR). The distance to seek is a
//random ushort or a random block size chosen from ausSIZE_ARRAY[].
//This loop seeks in a negative direction.
lSeekThisTime = 0;
memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); while ((ulCurrentPosition != 0) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = GetRandomSeekOffset(&lSeekThisTime, pdgi);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GetRandomSeekOffset")) ;
// if generated seek offset would cause a seek to before beginning
// of file, ensure that it won't do that by enforcing to seek to
// the beginnining.
if(S_OK == hr) { if(lSeekThisTime > (LONG) ulCurrentPosition) { lSeekThisTime = (LONG) ulCurrentPosition; }
// Unary minus operation is applied to seek offset to cause a neg
// seek opeartion
LISet32(liSeekThisTime, -lSeekThisTime);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liSeekThisTime, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); } }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if(S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); memset(&uli, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Peform random number of seeks before beginning of the stream.
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random number of variations to be done.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cNumVars, cMinVars, cMaxVars);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { while((cNumVars--) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = GetRandomSeekOffset(&lSeekThisTime, pdgi);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GetRandomSeekOffset")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { // Unary minus operation is applied to seek offset to cause a
// negative seek opeartion
LISet32(liSeekThisTime, -lSeekThisTime);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liSeekThisTime, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli); ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli);
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek to pos - %ld on IStream should have failed."), lSeekThisTime));
fPass = FALSE; break; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek pos -%ld on IStream failed as exp, hr=0x%lx."), lSeekThisTime, hr));
hr = S_OK; } } } }
// Now perform large offset seeks on IStream and the try to write 1 byte
// at the last offset if g_fDoLargeSeekAndWrite is set.
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random number of variations to be done.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cNumVars, cMinVars, cMaxVars);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { while((cNumVars--) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = GetRandomSeekOffset(&lSeekThisTime, pdgi);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GetRandomSeekOffset")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liSeekThisTime, lSeekThisTime);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek( liSeekThisTime, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli); ulCurrentPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); } } } if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Now atempt to write
LPTSTR ptszSample = TEXT("Test");
if((TRUE == g_fDoLargeSeekAndWrite) && (S_OK == hr)) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptszSample, 1, NULL);
if((S_OK == hr) || (STG_E_MEDIUMFULL == hr) || (STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY == hr)) { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt to write 1 byte at offset %lu, hr = 0x%lx"), ulCurrentPosition, hr));
hr = S_OK; } else { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt to write 1 byte ar offset %lu, hr = 0x%lx"), ulCurrentPosition, hr)); } }
// Release root's child stream
if (NULL != pvsnRootNewChildStream) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Release root
if (NULL != pVirtualDFRoot) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_104 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_104 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr) ); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if(NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_104 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_105
// Synopsis: The test create a root docfile with a child IStream. Write a
// random number of bytes to the IStream and commit the root
// docfile.
// The test seeks to a position before the end of the IStream,
// SetSizes() the IStream to a size less than the current seek
// pointer position. The root docfile is committed. Verify that
// the seek pointer didn't change during the SetSize() call. Now
// write 0 bytes at the current seek pointer position(which is
// beyond the end of the IStream). The seek pointer still should
// not move and no error should occur. Finally, seek to the end of
// the IStream and verify the correct IStream size, then stream and
// the root docfile are released and the root file is deleted upon
// success.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File(s): LSETSIZA.CXX
// 2. Old name of test(s) : LegitStreamSetSizeAbandon test
// New Name of test(s) : STMTEST_105
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-105
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-105
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-105
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// History: Jiminli 16-July-96 Created
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-105
HRESULT STMTEST_105(int argc, char *argv[]) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; ULONG culWritten = 0; ULONG culRead = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; ULONG culRandIOBytes = 0; ULONG ulRandOffset = 0; ULONG ulOriginalPosition = 0; ULONG ulNewPosition = 0; ULONG ulSizeParam = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; ULARGE_INTEGER uliOffset; LARGE_INTEGER liStreamPos; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_105 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt SetSize using the IStream interface.")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_105, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi); if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream between 4L, and MIN_SIZE * 1.5
// (from old test)
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culBytesLeftToWrite,4L,(ULONG)(MIN_SIZE * 1.5));
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random number of bytes to write per chunk b/w
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandIOBytes, RAND_IO_MIN, RAND_IO_MAX);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } } // Loop to write new IStream in culRandIOBytes size chunks unless size
// remaining to write is less than culRandIOBytes, then write the
// remaining bytes. CRC is not important for this test, so no check for it.
while ((S_OK == hr) && (0 != culBytesLeftToWrite)) { if (culBytesLeftToWrite > culRandIOBytes) { culBytesLeftToWrite = culBytesLeftToWrite - culRandIOBytes; } else { culRandIOBytes = culBytesLeftToWrite; culBytesLeftToWrite = 0; }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size culRandIOBytes
// using GenerateRandomString function.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culRandIOBytes, culRandIOBytes, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; } } // Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Seek to the end of stream
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(&liStreamPos, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulOriginalPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed Ok. EndofStream = %lu"), ulOriginalPosition)); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not Ok, hr=0x%lx. EndofStream = %lu"), hr, ulOriginalPosition)); }
// Seeking to a negative value from end
if (S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&ulRandOffset, 1L, ulOriginalPosition / 2);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek to end of IStream - %lu bytes"), ulRandOffset)); } } if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liOffset, (- (LONG)ulRandOffset));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liOffset, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulOriginalPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed Ok. New seek ptr=%lu"), ulOriginalPosition)); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek wasn't Ok, hr=0x%lx. New seek ptr=%lu"), hr, ulOriginalPosition)); }
// Generate number of bytes less than current seek pointer to
// SetSize the stream to.
if (S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&ulRandOffset, 1L, ulOriginalPosition / 2);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Random offset(i.e. new size of stream) = %lu bytes"), ulRandOffset)); } }
if (S_OK == hr) { ulSizeParam = ulOriginalPosition - ulRandOffset;
ULISet32(uliOffset, ulSizeParam);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->SetSize(uliOffset);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize")) ; } if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize completed successfully. Size=%lu"), ulSizeParam)); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx, Size=%lu"), hr, ulSizeParam)); }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Get current seek pointer, should be same as ulOriginalPosition
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulNewPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully. Seek ptr=%lu"), ulNewPosition)); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not Ok, hr=0x%lx, seek ptr=%lu"), hr, ulNewPosition)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (ulOriginalPosition != ulNewPosition) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::SetSize changed seek ptr position.")));
fPass = FALSE; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Ok, VirtualCtrNode::SetSize not change seek ptr."))); } }
// Tset 0 byte write beyond end of IStream, shouldn't move seek pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, 0, 0, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, 0, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Get current seek pointer, should be same as ulOriginalPosition
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulNewPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully. Seek ptr=%lu"), ulNewPosition)); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not Ok, hr=0x%lx, Seek ptr=%lu"), hr, ulNewPosition)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (ulOriginalPosition != ulNewPosition) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("0 byte write changed seek pointer position.")));
fPass = FALSE; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Ok, 0 byte write not change seek pointer position."))); } }
// Verify correct end of IStream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liStreamPos, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulNewPosition = ULIGetLow(uli); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully. EndofStm=%lu"), ulNewPosition)); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek not Ok, hr=0x%lx, EndofStm=%lu"), hr, ulNewPosition)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (ulSizeParam != ulNewPosition) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek to end is not same position as SetSize().")));
fPass = FALSE; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Ok, Seek to end is the same position as SetSize()."))); } }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release Root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_105 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_105 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if (NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_105 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_106
// Synopsis: The test create a root docfile with a child IStream. 3 random
// SECTORSIZE byte blocks are generated and the CRC is computed.
// The data is written to the IStream. then the IStream is
// rewound and read back, and the CRC returned from the read is
// compared with the CRC when written. The seek pointer is changed
// to an offset somewhere in the first sector, but not the first
// or last byte. A SECTORSIZE block of the in-memory buffer is
// changed starting at the same offset used for the seek. The CRC
// is computed for the entire memory buffer. The block is written
// to the IStream, the IStream is rewound, read, and the CRCs are
// again compared. Finally, the root docfile is committed and the
// read/CRC compare is repeated. Then stream and the root docfile
// are released and the root file is deleted upon success.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File(s): LSECTSPN.CXX
// 2. Old name of test(s) : LegitStreamSectorSpan test
// New Name of test(s) : STMTEST_106
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-106
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-106
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-106
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// History: Jiminli 18-July-96 Created
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-106
HRESULT STMTEST_106(int argc, char *argv[]) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; LPTSTR ptTempBuf1 = NULL; LPTSTR ptTempBuf2 = NULL; LPBYTE ptcsBuffer = NULL; LPBYTE ptcsDataBuffer = NULL; ULONG culNumBytes = 0; ULONG culWritten = 0; ULONG ulRandOffset = 0; ULONG culRead = 0; ULONG index1 = 0; ULONG index2 = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; DWORD dwBufCRC = 0; DWORD dwActCRC = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE; LARGE_INTEGER liZero; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; ULONG ulOriginalPosition = 0;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_106 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt SectorSpan using the Stm interface.")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_106, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Generate three sectors worth of random bytes and compute CRC
// then write the bytes to the IStream, rewind IStream, then read
// back the data and compare CRCs to ensure valid write/read
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate a random string of size culNumBytes
culNumBytes = SECTORSIZE * 3;
hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culNumBytes, culNumBytes, &ptTempBuf1);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; } if (S_OK == hr) { // Let ptcsBuffer point to temporary buffer(for purpose of
// type casting, because IStream:Seek proceeds by BYTE)
ptcsBuffer = (LPBYTE)ptTempBuf1;
hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwBufCRC);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateCRCForDataBuffer")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Allocate required space
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsDataBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsDataBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsDataBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
while (culNumBytes--) { ptcsDataBuffer[index1] = ptcsBuffer[index1]; index1++; }
culNumBytes = SECTORSIZE * 3; } // delete temp buffer (ptcsBuffer and ptTempBuf1 point to the same memory)
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; ptTempBuf1 = NULL; }
if (S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liZero, 0L);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwActCRC);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateCRCForDataBuffer")); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream write/read mismatch before change, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream write/read matched before change."))); } } // Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; } // Pick a random offset somewhere in the first sector, but not the first
// or last byte. Seek to the new position. Starting at the same offset in
// the in-memory buffer, replace 1 SECTORSIZE block with new random data.
// After the replace, re-compute the CRC for the entire buffer.
if (S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&ulRandOffset, 1, (SECTORSIZE - 1));
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek to position of the first SECTOR: %lu"), (ULONG)ulRandOffset)); } } if (S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liOffset, ulRandOffset);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek")) ;
ulOriginalPosition = ULIGetLow(uli);
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seekpos = %lu"), ulOriginalPosition)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate a random string of size SECTORSIZE
hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, SECTORSIZE, SECTORSIZE, &ptTempBuf2);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; } if (S_OK == hr) { // Let ptcsBuffer point to the temporary buffer(for purpose of
// typecasting, because IStream::Seek proceeds by BYTE)
ptcsBuffer = (LPBYTE)ptTempBuf2;
// Change the memory buffer ptcsDataBuffer
culNumBytes = SECTORSIZE; index1 = ulRandOffset; index2 = 0;
while (culNumBytes--) { ptcsDataBuffer[index1++] = ptcsBuffer[index2++]; }
culNumBytes = SECTORSIZE * 3;
// Calculate CRC for the changed buffer
hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsDataBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwBufCRC);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateCRCForDataBuffer")); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, SECTORSIZE, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // delete temp buffer (ptcsBuffer and ptTempBuf2 point to the same memory)
if ( NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; ptTempBuf2 = NULL; }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(&liZero, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwActCRC);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateCRCForDataBuffer")); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream write/read mismatch after change, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); fPass = FALSE; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream write/read matched after change."))); } }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if ( NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(&liZero, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read function not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwActCRC);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CalculateCRCForDataBuffer")); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream write/read mismatch after commit, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream write/read matched after commit."))); } } // Delete temp buffers
if (NULL != ptcsDataBuffer) { delete []ptcsDataBuffer; ptcsDataBuffer = NULL; } if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release Root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_106 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_106 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if (NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_106 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_107
// Synopsis: The test create a root docfile with a child IStream. Then perform
// various illegitimate operating using the IStream interface. The
// stream and the root docfile are then released and the root file
// is deleted upon success.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File(s): ISNORM.CXX
// 2. Old name of test(s) : IllegitStreamNorm test
// New Name of test(s) : STMTEST_107
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-107
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-107
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-107
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// History: Jiminli 14-July-96 Created
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-107
HRESULT STMTEST_107(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr1 = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream0 = NULL; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream1 = NULL; LPSTREAM pstm0 = NULL; LPSTREAM pstm1 = NULL; LPSTREAM pCloneStm = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName0 = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName1 = NULL; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; ULONG culRead = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; ULONG culRandIOBytes = 0; ULONG ulRef = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE; ULARGE_INTEGER uliCopy; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; LARGE_INTEGER liZero;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_107 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt illegitimate operations on IStream.")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_107, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi); if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName( pdgu, MINLENGTH, MAXLENGTH, &pRootNewChildStmName0);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName0, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream0);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddFirstStream")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode0::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode0::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Generate random number of bytes to write to stream b/w
if (S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culRandIOBytes, RAND_IO_MIN, RAND_IO_MAX);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Call Virtual::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For our test
// purposes, we generate a random string of size culRandIOBytes using
// GenerateRandomString function.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culRandIOBytes, culRandIOBytes, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->Write( ptcsBuffer, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Adds another new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName( pdgu, MINLENGTH, MAXLENGTH, &pRootNewChildStmName1);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName1, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream1);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddSecondStream")) ; }
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode1::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode1::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // Pass NULL pv to read call, should fail
if (S_OK == hr) { pstm0 = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->GetIStreamPointer(); pstm1 = pvsnRootNewChildStream1->GetIStreamPointer();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pstm0); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pstm1); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr1 = pstm0->Read( NULL, culRandIOBytes, &culRead);
if (STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER != hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Read should return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); fPass = FALSE; } else { // Reset hr value for other tests
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Read failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
hr1 = S_OK; } }
// coverage for bug# 143546
// commented out to avoid av'ing;
// we should activate it when bug it's fixed
if (S_OK == hr) { const char *szDummy = "foo"; // readonly
// make stream nonempty
HRESULT hr2 = pstm0->Write(szDummy, strlen(szDummy), &culWritten); DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("IStream::Write"));
if (S_OK == hr2) { LARGE_INTEGER li; LISet32(li, 0L); hr2 = pstm0->Seek(li, SEEK_SET,NULL); DH_HRCHECK(hr2, TEXT("IStream::Seek SEEK_SET")); }
if(S_OK == hr2) { hr1 = pstm0->Read((void*)szDummy, strlen(szDummy), &culRead); if (STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER != hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_ERROR, TEXT("Read should return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER when in buffer is readonly, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); fPass = FALSE; } else { // Reset hr value for other tests
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Read failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
hr1 = S_OK; } }
if(S_OK == hr2) { // restore empty stream
ULARGE_INTEGER uli; LISet32(uli, 0L); hr = pstm1->SetSize(uli); DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::SetSize 0")); } }
// Pass NULL pv to write call, should fail
if (S_OK == hr) { hr1 = pstm1->Write( NULL, culRandIOBytes, &culWritten);
if (STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER != hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Write should return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); fPass = FALSE; } else { // Reset hr value for other tests
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Write failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
hr1 = S_OK; } }
// Pass NULL ppstm to clone call, should fail
if (S_OK == hr) { hr1 = pstm0->Clone( NULL);
if (STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER != hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Clone should have failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
fPass = FALSE; } else { // Reset hr value for other tests
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Clone failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
hr1 = S_OK; } } // Pass NULL pstm to CopyTo call, should fail
if(S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliCopy, culRandIOBytes);
hr1 = pstm0->CopyTo(NULL, uliCopy, NULL, NULL);
if (STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER != hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("CopyTo should have failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); fPass = FALSE; } else { // Reset hr value for other tests
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("CopyTo failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
hr1 = S_OK; } }
// Pass 'cb' > length of stream to CopyTo(), should pass
if (S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliCopy, ULONG_MAX);
hr1 = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->CopyTo( pvsnRootNewChildStream1, uliCopy, NULL, NULL);
if (S_OK == hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::CopyTo completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::CopyTo not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); } }
// Release Stream1
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream1->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode1::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode1::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Pass 'cb' > length of stream to CopyTo() w/dest Clone() of Istream,
// should pass
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liZero, 0L);
hr1 = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
DH_HRCHECK(hr1, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; if (S_OK == hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::Seek function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::Seek function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->Clone(&pCloneStm);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Clone")); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Clone function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Clone function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pstm0->CopyTo(pCloneStm, uliCopy, NULL, NULL); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::CopyTo completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::CopyTo not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Pass 'cb' > length of stream to CopyTo() w/dest Clone() of IStream,
// and seek pointer in source stream past end of file, should pass
// This also tests seek function in case of seeking past end of stream
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liOffset, culRandIOBytes);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->Seek(liOffset, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("IStream::Seek")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::Seeking past the end of stream successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::Seek past end of stream not Ok, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pstm0->CopyTo(pCloneStm, uliCopy, NULL, NULL); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::CopyTo completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream0::CopyTo not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Pass invalid dwOrigin(from old test) to seek call, should fail
if (S_OK == hr) { hr1 = pstm0->Seek( liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET | STREAM_SEEK_CUR | STREAM_SEEK_END, NULL);
if (STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION != hr1) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek should have failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr1)); fPass = FALSE; } else { // Reset hr value for other tests
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Seek failed as expected, hr=0x%lx."), hr1));
hr1 = S_OK; } }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
//Release streams
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream0->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode0::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode0::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release Clone stream
if (NULL != pCloneStm) { ulRef = pCloneStm->Release();
DH_ASSERT(0 == ulRef); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream1::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream1::Close unsuccessful."))); } // Release Root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_107 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_107 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if (NULL != pRootNewChildStmName0) { delete pRootNewChildStmName0; pRootNewChildStmName0 = NULL; }
if (NULL != pRootNewChildStmName1) { delete pRootNewChildStmName1; pRootNewChildStmName1 = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_107 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_108
// Synopsis: The test create a root docfile with an IStream inside of it.
// A random block small object size block is generated and the CRC
// is computed. The data is written to the IStream. The IStream is
// rewound and read back. The CRC returned from the read is compared
// with the CRC computed during generation. A new random block bigger
// larger than small object size is generated at a random offset
// in the data buffer, and then the block is written to the IStream
// at that offset. This has the effect of transforming the small
// object into a regular object. The IStream is then rewound, read,
// and the read/write CRCs are compared. After a commit of the root
// docfile, the rewind, read, CRC compare is repeated. A random
// small object size is then chosen and the IStream is SetSized
// back to that size. The CRC is computed for the in-memory data
// buffer up to the new size. The IStream is rewound, read back,
// and CRC'd. The read/write CRCs are again compared to verify
// that the shrink back to small object size retained the correct
// data. After the root docfile is committed, we rewind, read,
// and compare read/write CRCs again. From 10 to 20 small objects
// are processed this way.
// Then stream and the root docfile are released and the root file
// is deleted upon success.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File(s): LSSMALLO.CXX
// 2. Old name of test(s) : LegitStreamSmallObjects test
// New Name of test(s) : STMTEST_108
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-108
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-108
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-108
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// History: Jiminli 23-July-96 Created
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-108
HRESULT STMTEST_108(int argc, char *argv[]) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; LPTSTR ptTempBuf1 = NULL; LPTSTR ptTempBuf2 = NULL; LPBYTE ptcsBuffer = NULL; LPBYTE ptcsReadBuffer = NULL; LPBYTE ptChangeBuf = NULL; USHORT cusNumSmallObjects = 0; USHORT cusMinSmallObjects = 10; USHORT cusMaxSmallObjects = 20; ULONG culNumBytes = 0; ULONG culIOBytes = 0; ULONG culWritten = 0; ULONG ulRandOffset = 0; ULONG culRead = 0; ULONG index = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; DWORD dwBufCRC = 0; DWORD dwActCRC = 0; BOOL fPass = TRUE; LARGE_INTEGER liZero; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; ULARGE_INTEGER uliOffset;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_108 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt IStream operations on small objects.")) );
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_108, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi) ; if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, 0, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random # of small objects for test between
// cusMinSmallObjects and cusMaxSmallObjects
usErr = pdgi->Generate( &cusNumSmallObjects, cusMinSmallObjects, cusMaxSmallObjects);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } } if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Random # of small objects to test is: %d"), cusNumSmallObjects)); }
// Loop for testing each small object
while ((cusNumSmallObjects--) && (S_OK == hr)) { // Pick a random size for this small object, generate data to
// write in memory, compute CRC for databuffer, and write it.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culIOBytes, 0L, SMALL_OBJ_SIZE);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; }
if (S_OK == hr) { culNumBytes = SMALL_OBJ_SIZE * 4 + 1;
hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culNumBytes, culNumBytes, &ptTempBuf1); } if (S_OK == hr) { // Let ptcsBuffer point to temporary buffer(for purpose of
// type casting, because IStream:Seek proceeds by BYTE)
ptcsBuffer = (LPBYTE)ptTempBuf1; culNumBytes = culIOBytes;
hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwBufCRC); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } if (S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liZero, 0L); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// read all data in the IStream(SMALL_OBJ_SIZE * 4) and compute CRC.
// We attempt to read SMALL_OBJ_SIZE * 4 instead of the number of bytes
// actually written so we catch the case of extra data pegged onto the
// end of the stream. IStream::Read() returns the number of bytes
// actually read, which in this case should be culIOBytes. Next,
// compare r/w CRCs.
if (S_OK == hr) { culNumBytes = SMALL_OBJ_SIZE * 4; ptcsReadBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsReadBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsReadBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsReadBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// culRead is the actual number of bytes read from IStream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsReadBuffer, culRead, &dwActCRC); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Small object w/r mismatch before grow, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } } // Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsReadBuffer) { delete []ptcsReadBuffer; ptcsReadBuffer = NULL; } // Pick a random offset somewhere in the small object to begin changing
// data at. Position the IStream pointer to this location. Generate a
// random number of bytes into the in-memory buffer starting at this
// position, we generate enough new bytes to replace some that were
// already in the IStream and to expand the IStream beyond small object
// size.
if (S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&ulRandOffset, 0L, culIOBytes);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } } // Seek to the random offset
if(S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liOffset, ulRandOffset); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx"), hr)); }
// Generate random nubmer of bytes to grow
if(S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate( &culIOBytes, SMALL_OBJ_SIZE+1, SMALL_OBJ_SIZE*3);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { culNumBytes = culIOBytes;
hr = GenerateRandomString( pdgu, culNumBytes, culNumBytes, &ptTempBuf2); }
if (S_OK == hr) { ptChangeBuf = (LPBYTE)ptTempBuf2;
for (index = 0; index < culIOBytes; index++) { ptcsBuffer[ulRandOffset+index] = ptChangeBuf[index]; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Calculate the new length of the object, and compute CRC for the
// whole buffer
culNumBytes = culIOBytes + ulRandOffset;
hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwBufCRC); }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Write growing data from seek pointer
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptChangeBuf, culIOBytes, &culWritten); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Write wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liZero, 0L); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } // Read back the entire IStream, compute the CRC, and compare r/w CRCs
// Commit the root docfile and repeat this step
if (S_OK == hr) { culNumBytes = SMALL_OBJ_SIZE * 4; ptcsReadBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsReadBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsReadBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsReadBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// culRead is the actual number of bytes read from IStream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsReadBuffer, culRead, &dwActCRC); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Small object w/r mismatch after grow, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } } // Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsReadBuffer) { delete []ptcsReadBuffer; ptcsReadBuffer = NULL; }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(&liZero, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsReadBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsReadBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsReadBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsReadBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsReadBuffer, culRead, &dwActCRC); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream w/r mismatch after grow/commit, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } } // Delete temp buffers
if (NULL != ptcsReadBuffer) { delete []ptcsReadBuffer; ptcsReadBuffer = NULL; }
// Pick a random small object size to set the IStream to. Shrink the
// IStream with SetSize. Compute the CRC for the in-memory data buffer
// up to the new size of the IStream.
if(S_OK == hr) { usErr = pdgi->Generate(&culIOBytes, 1L, SMALL_OBJ_SIZE);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliOffset, culIOBytes); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->SetSize(uliOffset); } if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx"), hr)); } if (S_OK == hr) { culNumBytes = culIOBytes;
hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsBuffer, culNumBytes, &dwBufCRC); }
// Seek to beginning of IStream we just shrank, read the whole thing
// back, compute CRC, and compare r/w CRCs. Finally, commit the root
// docfile and repeat this step.
if (S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liZero, 0L); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } if (S_OK == hr) { culNumBytes = SMALL_OBJ_SIZE * 4; ptcsReadBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsReadBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsReadBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsReadBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// culRead is the actual number of bytes read from IStream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsReadBuffer, culRead, &dwActCRC); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Small object w/r mismatch after shrink, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } } // Delete temp buffer
if (NULL != ptcsReadBuffer) { delete []ptcsReadBuffer; ptcsReadBuffer = NULL; }
// Commit root. BUGBUG: Use random modes
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { memset(&liZero, 0, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { ptcsReadBuffer = new BYTE[culNumBytes];
if (NULL == ptcsReadBuffer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (S_OK == hr) { memset(ptcsReadBuffer, '\0', culNumBytes * sizeof(BYTE));
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Read( ptcsReadBuffer, culNumBytes, &culRead); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Read wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CalculateCRCForDataBuffer( (LPTSTR)ptcsReadBuffer, culRead, &dwActCRC); }
// Compare CRCs
if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwBufCRC != dwActCRC) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream w/r mismatch after shrink/commit,hr=0x%lx"), hr));
fPass = FALSE; } } // Delete temp buffers
// ptcsBuffer and ptTempBuf1 point to the same memory chunk
// ptChangeBuf and ptTempBuf2 point to the same memory chunk
if (NULL != ptcsReadBuffer) { delete []ptcsReadBuffer; ptcsReadBuffer = NULL; }
if (NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete []ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; ptTempBuf1 = NULL; }
if (NULL != ptTempBuf1) { delete []ptTempBuf1; ptTempBuf1 = NULL; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
if (NULL != ptTempBuf2) { delete []ptTempBuf2; ptTempBuf2 = NULL; ptChangeBuf = NULL; }
// Reset IStream for next iteration of the loop
if (S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliOffset, 0L); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->SetSize(uliOffset); } if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::SetSize unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx"), hr)); } if (S_OK == hr) { LISet32(liOffset, 0L); hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Seek(liOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); }
if (S_OK != hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Seek unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx"), hr)); } if ((S_OK != hr) || (TRUE != fPass)) { break; } }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// Release Root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close(); }
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_108 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_108 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Delete strings
if (NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_108 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }
// Test: STMTEST_109
// Synopsis: Creates a root docfile with a random name. Creates an IStream in
// the root docfile and writes random number of bytes. ILockRegion,
// IUnlockRegion and Stat operations are attempted on stream.
// The IStream and root are then released.
// Arguments:[argc]
// [argv]
// Returns: HRESULT
// Notes: This test runs in direct, transacted, and transacted deny write
// modes
// History: 13-Aug-1996 NarindK Created.
// New Test Notes:
// 1. Old File: -part of common.cxx-
// 2. Old name of test :
// New Name of test : STMTEST_109
// 3. To run the test, do the following at command prompt.
// a. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-109
// /dfRootMode:dirReadWriteShEx
// b. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-109
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShEx
// c. stgbase /seed:2 /dfdepth:0-0 /dfstg:0-0 /dfstm:0-0 /t:STMTEST-109
// /dfRootMode:xactReadWriteShDenyW
// BUGNOTE: Conversion: STMTEST-109
HRESULT STMTEST_109(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ChanceDF *pTestChanceDF = NULL; VirtualDF *pTestVirtualDF = NULL; VirtualCtrNode *pVirtualDFRoot = NULL; DG_STRING *pdgu = NULL; DG_INTEGER *pdgi = NULL; USHORT usErr = 0; VirtualStmNode *pvsnRootNewChildStream = NULL; LPTSTR pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; ULONG cb = 0; LPTSTR ptcsBuffer = NULL; ULONG culWritten = 0; DWORD dwRootMode = 0; ULONG cRandomMinSize = 10; ULONG cRandomMaxSize = 100; BOOL fPass = TRUE; LPMALLOC pMalloc = NULL; STATSTG statStg; ULARGE_INTEGER uliOffset; ULARGE_INTEGER uliBytes;
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_109 started.")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Attempt stm LockRegion/UnLockRegion/Stat ops")));
// Create our ChanceDF and VirtualDF
hr = CreateTestDocfile (argc, argv, &pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF);
// if creating the docfile - bail here
if (NULL != pTestChanceDF && DoingCreate ()) { UINT ulSeed = pTestChanceDF->GetSeed (); CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, FALSE); return (HRESULT)ulSeed; }
if (S_OK == hr) { dwRootMode = pTestChanceDF->GetRootMode();
DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Run Mode for STMTEST_109, Access mode: %lx"), dwRootMode)); }
// Get DG_STRING object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgu = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenUnicode(); DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgu) ; if(NULL == pdgu) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Get DG_INTEGER object pointer
if (S_OK == hr) { pdgi = pTestVirtualDF->GetDataGenInteger();
DH_ASSERT(NULL != pdgi); if(NULL == pdgi) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Adds a new stream to the root storage.
if(S_OK == hr) { // Generate random name for stream
hr = GenerateRandomName(pdgu,MINLENGTH,MAXLENGTH,&pRootNewChildStmName);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomName")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Generate random size for stream.
usErr = pdgi->Generate(&cb, cRandomMinSize, cRandomMaxSize);
if (DG_RC_SUCCESS != usErr) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = AddStream( pTestVirtualDF, pVirtualDFRoot, pRootNewChildStmName, cb, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pvsnRootNewChildStream);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("AddStream")) ;
if(S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::AddStream not successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Call VirtualStmNode::Write to create random bytes in the stream. For
// our test purposes, we generate a random string of size 1 to cb using
// GenerateRandomString function.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = GenerateRandomString(pdgu, cb, cb, &ptcsBuffer);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("GenerateRandomString")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Write( ptcsBuffer, cb, &culWritten);
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::Write function wasn't successful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Attemp IStream::LockRegion. Ole's implementation doesn't have this
// function implemented and returns STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION for the call.
if (S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliOffset, 0); ULISet32(uliBytes, 20);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->LockRegion( uliOffset, uliBytes, LOCK_WRITE); // Check STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION returned as expected.
if (STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::LockRegion return STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION as exp")));
hr = S_OK; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::LockRegion didn't return hr as exp, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Attempt IStream::Stat and check the locks supported.
// First get pMalloc that would be used to free up the name string from
if ( S_OK == hr ) { hr = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &pMalloc);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("CoGetMalloc")) ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { statStg.pwcsName = NULL; hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Stat(&statStg, STATFLAG_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Stat")) ; }
// Check that locks suupported are zero.
if (S_OK == hr) { if(0 == statStg.grfLocksSupported) { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Locks supported zero as exp."))); } else { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Locks supported not zero as exp.")));
hr = E_FAIL; } } // Release resources
if (( NULL != statStg.pwcsName) && ( NULL != pMalloc)) { pMalloc->Free(statStg.pwcsName); statStg.pwcsName = NULL; }
// Attempt IStream::UnlockRegion. Ole's implementation doesn't have this
// function implemented and returns STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION for the call.
if (S_OK == hr) { ULISet32(uliOffset, 0); ULISet32(uliBytes, 20);
hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->UnlockRegion( uliOffset, uliBytes, LOCK_WRITE);
// Check STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION returned as expected.
if (STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStm::UnlockRegion return STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION as exp")));
hr = S_OK; } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("IStream::UnlockRegion didn't return hr as exp, hr=0x%lx."), hr));
hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Attempt IStream::Stat again and check the locks supported.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Stat(&statStg, STATFLAG_DEFAULT);
DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Stat")) ; }
// Check that locks suupported are zero.
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_ASSERT(statStg.type == STGTY_STREAM);
if(0 == statStg.grfLocksSupported) { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Locks supported zero as exp."))); } else { DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Locks supported not zero as exp.")));
fPass = FALSE; } }
// Release resources
if ((NULL != statStg.pwcsName) && (NULL != pMalloc)) { pMalloc->Free(statStg.pwcsName); statStg.pwcsName = NULL; }
// Release stream
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pvsnRootNewChildStream->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualStmNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."))); } }
// Commit root.
if(S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Commit unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// Release root
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pVirtualDFRoot->Close();
if (S_OK == hr) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close completed successfully."))); } else { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("VirtualCtrNode::Close unsuccessful, hr=0x%lx."), hr)); } }
// if everything goes well, log test as passed else failed.
if ((S_OK == hr) && (TRUE == fPass)) { DH_LOG((LOG_PASS, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_109 passed.")) ); } else { DH_LOG((LOG_FAIL, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_109 failed, hr=0x%lx."), hr) ); // test failed. make it look like it failed.
hr = FirstError (hr, E_FAIL); }
// Cleanup
CleanupTestDocfile (&pVirtualDFRoot, &pTestVirtualDF, &pTestChanceDF, S_OK == hr);
// Release pMalloc
if(NULL != pMalloc) { pMalloc->Release(); pMalloc = NULL; }
// Delete strings
if(NULL != pRootNewChildStmName) { delete pRootNewChildStmName; pRootNewChildStmName = NULL; }
// Delete temp buffer
if(NULL != ptcsBuffer) { delete [] ptcsBuffer; ptcsBuffer = NULL; }
// Stop logging the test
DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("Test variation STMTEST_109 finished")) ); DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("--------------------------------------------")) );
return hr; }