Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
Module Name:
This is the client side NSI service support layer. These functions provide for binding to the locator or other name server.
Steven Zeck (stevez) 03/04/92
#include <nsi.h>
#ifndef NTENV
#include <netcons.h>
#include <neterr.h>
#include <server.h>
#include <access.h>
#include <regapi.h>
#include <mailslot.h>
#include <wksta.h>
#ifndef USHORT
#define USHORT unsigned short
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmserver.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "startsvc.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifndef NTENV
#include "locquery.h"
extern "C" { unsigned long RPC_ENTRY I_GetDefaultEntrySyntax( ); }
void RpcNsLmDiscard(void);
#ifndef NTENV
unsigned short BroadcastAQuery(unsigned long Query, char __RPC_FAR * Buffer, unsigned short Count);
#ifdef NTENV
#define LOCALLOCATOR "\\\\."
#if defined(DOS) && !defined(WIN)
extern int _NsAllocatorInitialized; extern __RPC_API NsAllocatorSetup();
{ if (!_NsAllocatorInitialized) NsAllocatorSetup(); }
#else // DOS only
#endif // DOS only
unsigned char * NsiStringBinding;
enum { BindingReadRegistry = 0, BindingNotYetTried, BindingContinueRegistry, BindingFound, #ifndef NTENV
BindingBackupFirst, BindingBackup, BindToBackupViaBC, BindToAnyViaBC #endif
#define NilOffset (-1)
typedef struct { unsigned char *ProtoSeq; unsigned char *NetworkAddress; unsigned char *Endpoint;
HKEY RegHandle; unsigned int NumberServers; int AddressOffset; void *Buffer; char *ServerList; int State; int NextState;
DWORD GblBindId = 0;
#define MAX_SERVER_NAME 20
static RPC_LOCATOR_BIND_CONTEXT near BindSearch;
WIDE_STRING *DefaultName; long DefaultSyntax = RPC_C_NS_SYNTAX_DCE; int fSyntaxDefaultsLoaded;
#ifndef NTENV
char __RPC_FAR * MailslotName = "\\\\*\\mailslot\\Resp_s"; char __RPC_FAR * LocalMS = "\\mailslot\\Resp_c";
#define RESPONSETIME 4096L
unsigned char * RegGetString( IN void * RegHandle, IN char * KeyName )
Routine Description:
Get a string from the registery.
KeyName - name of key to lookup.
pointer to the allocated string, or Nil if not found
--*/ { char Buffer[300]; DWORD BufferLength = sizeof(Buffer); DWORD Type;
#ifdef NTENV
if (RegQueryValueExA((HKEY)RegHandle, KeyName, 0, &Type, (unsigned char far*)Buffer, &BufferLength)) #else
if (RegQueryValueA((HKEY)RegHandle, KeyName, (char far*)Buffer, &BufferLength))
return(CopyString(Buffer)); }
static RPC_STATUS Bind(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *NsiClntBinding )
Routine Description:
Bind to the locator server
--*/ { RPC_STATUS status; unsigned char AddressBuffer[100];
status = RpcStringFreeA(&NsiStringBinding); ASSERT(!status);
// Get the next path componet from the NetworkAddress field.
// Conponets are ; delimited fields.
ASSERT(BindSearch.AddressOffset >= 0);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(AddressBuffer); BindSearch.AddressOffset++, i++) {
AddressBuffer[i] = BindSearch.NetworkAddress[BindSearch.AddressOffset];
if (BindSearch.NetworkAddress[BindSearch.AddressOffset] == ';') {
// If there are two ;; in a row, then pass through the ;
// as a literal instead of a path seperator.
if (BindSearch.NetworkAddress[BindSearch.AddressOffset] == ';') continue;
AddressBuffer[i] = 0; break; }
if (BindSearch.NetworkAddress[BindSearch.AddressOffset] == 0) { BindSearch.AddressOffset = NilOffset; break; } }
status = RpcStringBindingComposeA(0, BindSearch.ProtoSeq, AddressBuffer, BindSearch.Endpoint, 0, &NsiStringBinding);
if (status) return(status);
return (RpcBindingFromStringBindingA(NsiStringBinding, NsiClntBinding)); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY I_NsClientBindSearch(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *NsiClntBinding, DWORD *BindId ) /*++
Routine Description: The function binds to the locator, first it tries to bind to a local machine, then it attempts to bind to the domain controller. Arguments: BindingSearchContext - context of search for the locator.
Returns: RPC_S_OK, RPC_S_NO_BINDINGS, RPC_S_CANNOT_BIND, RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES rewritten to make it multi-thread capable. ushaji, Mar 98
--*/ { long status; #ifndef NTENV
unsigned short cbSI; #define SERVER_INFO struct server_info_0
#define ServerName(p) ((struct server_info_0 *)p)->sv0_name
unsigned short Count = 1; QUERYLOCATORREPLY Reply, __RPC_FAR * QueryReply; #else
#define ServerName(p) ((SERVER_INFO_100 *)p)->sv100_name
INIT_DOS_ALLOCATOR_IF_NECESSARY; RequestGlobalMutex(); switch (BindSearch.State) { case BindingReadRegistry: if (BindSearch.RegHandle) { status = RegCloseKey(BindSearch.RegHandle); ASSERT(!status); BindSearch.RegHandle = 0; delete BindSearch.NetworkAddress; delete BindSearch.ProtoSeq; delete BindSearch.Endpoint; } memset(&BindSearch, 0, sizeof(RPC_LOCATOR_BIND_CONTEXT)); // We store the binding information on the name service in
// the registry. Get the information into BindingHandle.
#ifdef NTENV
status = RegOpenKeyExA(RPC_REG_ROOT, REG_NSI, 0L, KEY_READ, &BindSearch.RegHandle); #else
status = RegOpenKeyA(RPC_REG_ROOT, REG_NSI, &BindSearch.RegHandle); #endif
if (status) { status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } BindSearch.ProtoSeq = RegGetString((void *) BindSearch.RegHandle, "Protocol"); BindSearch.NetworkAddress = RegGetString((void *) BindSearch.RegHandle, "NetworkAddress"); BindSearch.Endpoint = RegGetString((void *) BindSearch.RegHandle, "Endpoint"); GetDefaultEntrys((void *) BindSearch.RegHandle); if (!BindSearch.ProtoSeq || !BindSearch.Endpoint) { status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } #ifdef NTENV
if ( (BindSearch.NetworkAddress == NULL) || (BindSearch.NetworkAddress[0] == '\0') || (!strncmp((char *) BindSearch.NetworkAddress, LOCALLOCATOR, strlen(LOCALLOCATOR))) ) { StartServiceIfNecessary(); } #endif
status = Bind(NsiClntBinding); if (status == RPC_S_OK) { BindSearch.State = BindingNotYetTried; GblBindId++; BindSearch.NextState = BindingContinueRegistry; } break; case BindingNotYetTried: case BindingFound: status = RpcBindingFromStringBindingA(NsiStringBinding, NsiClntBinding); break; case BindingContinueRegistry: if (BindSearch.AddressOffset != NilOffset) { status = Bind(NsiClntBinding); if (status == RPC_S_OK) { BindSearch.State = BindingNotYetTried; GblBindId++; } break; } #ifdef NTENV
status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; #else
if (BindSearch.NetworkAddress) delete BindSearch.NetworkAddress; // Don't search the Net if we aren't looking for the locator.
if (strcmp((char *)BindSearch.Endpoint, "\\pipe\\locator")) { status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } BindSearch.NetworkAddress = new unsigned char [MAX_SERVER_NAME]; // second, try the domain controller
if (NetGetDCName(0, 0, (char far *) BindSearch.NetworkAddress, MAX_SERVER_NAME)) { status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } BindSearch.AddressOffset = 0; status = Bind(NsiClntBinding); if (status == RPC_S_OK) { GblBindId++; BindSearch.State = BindingNotYetTried; BindSearch.NextState = BindingBackupFirst; break; } break; case BindingBackupFirst: BindSearch.NumberServers = 0; // third, try all the member servers. First get the # of bytes
// needed to hold all the names, then retrive them.
NetServerEnum2(0, 0, 0, 0, (USHORT *) &BindSearch.NumberServers, (USHORT *) &BindSearch.NumberServers, SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL, 0); cbSI = (BindSearch.NumberServers+2) * sizeof(SERVER_INFO); BindSearch.Buffer = new char [cbSI]; BindSearch.ServerList = (char *) BindSearch.Buffer; if (!BindSearch.ServerList) { status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; break; } if (NetServerEnum2(0, 0, (char far *)BindSearch.ServerList, cbSI, (USHORT *) &BindSearch.NumberServers, (USHORT *) &BindSearch.NumberServers, SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL, 0)) { delete BindSearch.Buffer; status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } case BindingBackup: if (BindSearch.NumberServers == 0) { delete BindSearch.Buffer; BindSearch.Buffer = new char [sizeof(QUERYLOCATORREPLY) * MAXLOCATORSTOTRY]; if (BindSearch.Buffer == NULL) { status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } BindSearch.ServerList = (char *)BindSearch.Buffer; BindSearch.NumberServers = BroadcastAQuery( QUERY_DC_LOCATOR, (char __RPC_FAR *)BindSearch.Buffer, MAXLOCATORSTOTRY ); } else { BindSearch.NumberServers--; BindSearch.NetworkAddress[0] = '\\'; BindSearch.NetworkAddress[1] = '\\'; strcpy((char far *)BindSearch.NetworkAddress+2, ServerName(BindSearch.ServerList)); BindSearch.ServerList += sizeof(SERVER_INFO); BindSearch.AddressOffset = 0; status = Bind(NsiClntBinding); if (status == RPC_S_OK) { GblBindId++; BindSearch.NextState = BindSearch.State; BindSearch.State = BindingNotYetTried; } break; } case BindToBackupViaBC: if (BindSearch.NumberServers == 0) { //The buffer is already setup, use it for next phase
BindSearch.NumberServers = BroadcastAQuery( QUERY_ANY_LOCATOR, (char __RPC_FAR *)BindSearch.Buffer, MAXLOCATORSTOTRY ); BindSearch.State = BindToAnyViaBC; BindSearch.ServerList = (char *) BindSearch.Buffer; } else { BindSearch.NumberServers--; QueryReply = (QUERYLOCATORREPLY __RPC_FAR *) BindSearch.ServerList; UnicodeToAscii(QueryReply->SenderName); strcpy((char __RPC_FAR *) BindSearch.NetworkAddress, (char __RPC_FAR *)QueryReply->SenderName); BindSearch.ServerList = (char __RPC_FAR *)(QueryReply+1); BindSearch.AddressOffset = 0; status = Bind(NsiClntBinding);
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { GblBindId++; BindSearch.NextState = BindSearch.State; BindSearch.State = BindingNotYetTried; } break; } //In the If case - we intentionally fall through to the
//BindAny state.
case BindToAnyViaBC: if (BindSearch.NumberServers == 0) { delete BindSearch.Buffer; status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } else { BindSearch.NumberServers--; QueryReply = (QUERYLOCATORREPLY __RPC_FAR *) BindSearch.ServerList; UnicodeToAscii(QueryReply->SenderName); strcpy((char __RPC_FAR *) BindSearch.NetworkAddress, (char __RPC_FAR *)QueryReply->SenderName); BindSearch.ServerList = (char __RPC_FAR *)(QueryReply+1); BindSearch.AddressOffset = 0; status = Bind(NsiClntBinding);
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { GblBindId++; BindSearch.NextState = BindSearch.State; BindSearch.State = BindingNotYetTried; } } break; #endif
default: ASSERT(!"Bad Search State"); BindSearch.State = BindingReadRegistry; status = RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; break; } *BindId = GblBindId; ClearGlobalMutex(); return(status); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY I_NsBindingFoundBogus(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *NsiClntBinding, DWORD BindId ) { long status;
if (*NsiClntBinding) { status = RpcBindingFree(NsiClntBinding); ASSERT(!status); } *NsiClntBinding = NULL;
switch (BindSearch.State) { case BindingNotYetTried: if (BindId == GblBindId) BindSearch.State = BindSearch.NextState; break; case BindingFound: if (BindId == GblBindId) BindSearch.State = BindingReadRegistry; break; default: break; }
ClearGlobalMutex(); return(RPC_S_OK); }
void RPC_ENTRY I_NsClientBindDone(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *NsiClntBinding, DWORD BindId ) /*++
Routine Description:
The function cleans up after binding to the locator.
{ long status; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
switch (BindSearch.State) { case BindingFound: break;
case BindingReadRegistry: break;
case BindingNotYetTried: if (BindId == GblBindId) { BindSearch.State = BindingFound;
if (BindSearch.RegHandle) { status = RegCloseKey(BindSearch.RegHandle); ASSERT(!status); BindSearch.RegHandle = 0; delete BindSearch.NetworkAddress; delete BindSearch.ProtoSeq; delete BindSearch.Endpoint; } } break;
case BindingContinueRegistry: if (BindId == GblBindId) { BindSearch.State = BindingReadRegistry; if (BindSearch.RegHandle) { status = RegCloseKey(BindSearch.RegHandle); ASSERT(!status); BindSearch.RegHandle = 0; delete BindSearch.NetworkAddress; delete BindSearch.ProtoSeq; delete BindSearch.Endpoint; } } break;
#ifndef NTENV
case BindToAnyViaBC: case BindToBackupViaBC: case BindingBackup: delete BindSearch.Buffer;
case BindingBackupFirst:
status = RegSetValue(BindSearch.RegHandle, "NetworkAddress", REG_SZ, (LPSTR) BindSearch.NetworkAddress, strlen((CONST_CHAR *)BindSearch.NetworkAddress) + 1);
BindSearch.State = BindingFound; ASSERT(!status); break; #endif
default: ASSERT(!"Bad State - \n"); }
#if defined(DOS) && !defined(WIN)
// Unloaded the big fat lanman stuff now that we are done searching.
RpcStatus = RpcBindingFree(NsiClntBinding);
ClearGlobalMutex(); // ASSERT(!RpcStatus);
unsigned long RPC_ENTRY I_GetDefaultEntrySyntax( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the runtime DLL when it needs to know the default syntax. Currently this is used only by RpcBindingInqEntry().
Return Value:
the entry syntax
--*/ { return (unsigned long) DefaultSyntax; }
#ifndef NTENV
unsigned short BroadcastAQuery( unsigned long Type, char __RPC_FAR * Buffer, unsigned short Count ) {
unsigned short Err; unsigned MSHandle; unsigned short Returned, NextSize, NextPri, Avail; unsigned short RetCount = 0; QUERYLOCATOR Query; unsigned long TimeRemaining = RESPONSETIME; wksta_info_10 __RPC_FAR * Wkio10; char __RPC_FAR * pBuf; unsigned short __RPC_FAR * pUZ; //First try and get the computer name
Err = NetWkstaGetInfo( 0L, 10, (char __RPC_FAR *) 0L, 0, &Avail);
ASSERT(Err == NERR_BufTooSmall);
Wkio10 = (wksta_info_10 __RPC_FAR *) new char [Avail];
if (Wkio10 == 0L) { return 0; }
Err = NetWkstaGetInfo( 0L, 10, (char __RPC_FAR *) Wkio10, Avail, &Avail );
//Format the Query!
Query.MessageType = Type; Query.SenderOsType= OS_WIN31DOS;
for (pBuf = &Wkio10->wki10_computername[0],pUZ = &Query.RequesterName[0]; *pBuf !=0; pBuf++, pUZ++) *pUZ = *pBuf;
*pUZ = 0;
Err = DosMakeMailslot( LocalMS, sizeof(QUERYLOCATORREPLY), 0, &MSHandle );
if (Err != NERR_Success) { return 0; }
Err = DosWriteMailslot( MailslotName, (char __RPC_FAR *) &Query, sizeof(Query), 0, //Priority
2, //Class
0 //Timeout
if (Err != NERR_Success) goto CleanupAndExit;
//Now sit in a loop and wait
while ((TimeRemaining) && (RetCount < Count)) {
Err = DosReadMailslot( MSHandle, Buffer, &Returned, &NextSize, &NextPri, TimeRemaining );
if (Err == NERR_Success) { ASSERT (Returned == sizeof(QUERYLOCATORREPLY)); Buffer += sizeof(QUERYLOCATORREPLY); RetCount ++; TimeRemaining >> 1; continue; }
} //end of while ReadMS
CleanupAndExit: DosDeleteMailslot(MSHandle); return (RetCount);
} #endif