Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
Module Name:
This is the server side NSI service support layer. These are wrappers which call the name service provider.
Steven Zeck (stevez) 03/04/92
#include <nsi.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingExportW( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax, IN unsigned short * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle, OPTIONAL IN RPC_BINDING_VECTOR * BindingVector, OPTIONAL IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Place a server interface and objects in the name service data base.
EntryNameSyntax - This value describes the type/format of the EntryName.
EntryName - Name that this export will be stored in. This is just a token that is passed on the the Name Server.
RpcIfHandle - The interface that is being exported.
BindingVector - A list of StringBindings to export that are associated with this interface.
ObjectVector - A list of objects that are associated with this interface and Entry Name
Bind(), RpcBindingToStringBinding(), nsi_binding_export()
{ RPC_STATUS status; UNSIGNED16 NsiStatus; NSI_SERVER_BINDING_VECTOR_T *NsiVector = 0; WIDE_STRING *StringBindingW; RT_CHAR * StringBinding = 0; RT_CHAR * DynamicEndpoint = 0; unsigned int Index; unsigned int VectorSize = 0; NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T NilIfOnWire, __RPC_FAR *IfPtr;
if (RpcIfHandle == NULL) { IfPtr = &NilIfOnWire; memset(IfPtr, 0, sizeof(NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T)); } else { IfPtr = (NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T __RPC_FAR *) &((PRPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE)RpcIfHandle)->InterfaceId; }
if (status = I_NsServerBindSearch()) return(status);
if (! EntryNameSyntax) EntryNameSyntax = DefaultSyntax;
if (BindingVector && BindingVector->Count && RpcIfHandle) { VectorSize = (unsigned int) BindingVector->Count;
NsiVector = (NSI_SERVER_BINDING_VECTOR_T *) I_RpcAllocate((unsigned int) ( sizeof(NSI_SERVER_BINDING_VECTOR_T) + sizeof(unsigned short *) * VectorSize));
if (!NsiVector) return(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
NsiVector->count = 0; }
// Copy the vector of binding handles into a vector of string bindinds
// that are wide character.
for (Index = 0; Index < VectorSize; Index++) {
if (!BindingVector->BindingH[Index]) continue;
// Turn the private runtime data structure into a StringBinding.
#ifdef NTENV
status = I_RpcBindingToStaticStringBindingW(BindingVector->BindingH[Index], &StringBinding);
// call to remove the dynamic part from the binding
// and give the string binding.
status = RpcBindingToStringBinding(BindingVector->BindingH[Index], &StringBinding); #endif
if (status) goto ErrorExit;
StringBindingW = new WIDE_STRING (StringBinding);
if (!StringBindingW || StringBindingW->OutOfMemory()) { status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit; }
NsiVector->string[NsiVector->count++] = &(*StringBindingW);
I_RpcFree(StringBindingW); // Free memory without destuctor
#ifndef NTENV
I_RpcFree(StringBinding); // Free the non unicode string
RpcTryExcept { nsi_binding_export( NsiSvrBinding, EntryNameSyntax, EntryName, IfPtr, NsiVector, (NSI_UUID_VECTOR_P_T) ObjectVector, &NsiStatus );
} RpcExcept(1) { NsiStatus = MapException(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept
status = NsiMapStatus(NsiStatus);
ErrorExit: // Return memory allocated for nsi vector.
if (NsiVector) for (Index = 0; Index < NsiVector->count; Index++) I_RpcFree(NsiVector->string[Index]);
if (NsiVector) I_RpcFree(NsiVector);
return(NsiMapStatus(NsiStatus)); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingUnexportW( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax OPTIONAL, IN unsigned short * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle OPTIONAL, IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Remove a server interface and objects in the name service data base.
EntryNameSyntax - This value describes the type/format of the EntryName.
EntryName - Name that this export will be stored in. This is just a token that is passed on the the Name Server.
RpcIfHandle - The interface that is being unexported.
ObjectVector - A list of objects that are associated with this interface and Entry Name
Bind(), nsi_binding_unexport()
{ RPC_STATUS status; UNSIGNED16 NsiStatus; NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T NilIfOnWire, __RPC_FAR *IfPtr;
if (RpcIfHandle == NULL) { IfPtr = &NilIfOnWire; memset(IfPtr, 0, sizeof(NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T)); } else { IfPtr = (NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T __RPC_FAR *) &((PRPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE)RpcIfHandle)->InterfaceId; }
if (status = I_NsServerBindSearch()) return(status);
if (! EntryNameSyntax) EntryNameSyntax = DefaultSyntax;
RpcTryExcept { nsi_binding_unexport(NsiSvrBinding, EntryNameSyntax, EntryName, IfPtr, (NSI_UUID_VECTOR_P_T) ObjectVector, &NsiStatus); } RpcExcept(1) { NsiStatus = MapException(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept
return(NsiMapStatus(NsiStatus)); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingExportA( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax, IN unsigned char * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle, IN RPC_BINDING_VECTOR * BindingVector, OPTIONAL IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This is an ASCII wrapper to the UNICODE version of the API. It converts all char * -> short * strings and calls the UNICODE version.
{ WIDE_STRING EntryNameW(EntryName);
if (EntryNameW.OutOfMemory()) return(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return(RpcNsBindingExportW(EntryNameSyntax, &EntryNameW, RpcIfHandle, BindingVector, ObjectVector)); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingUnexportA( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax, IN unsigned char * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle, IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This is an ASCII wrapper to the UNICODE version of the API. It converts all char * -> short * strings and calls the UNICODE version.
{ WIDE_STRING EntryNameW(EntryName);
if (EntryNameW.OutOfMemory()) return(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return(RpcNsBindingUnexportW(EntryNameSyntax, &EntryNameW, RpcIfHandle, ObjectVector)); }
#ifdef NTENV
Function: The Binding Vector corresponding to this Server is discovered using InqBindings, And is cached along with the EntryName and RpcIfHandle in the same Process.
When a PnP event occurs resulting in addition/deletion of the bindings Corresponding changes are made to the Name Service database. (added or deleted)
Notice that this can not be called from a process that is not a server. The Exports have to be done from the server itself if it has to be PnP aware
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingExportPnPW( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax, IN unsigned short * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle, OPTIONAL IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL )
status = RpcServerInqBindings(&BindingVec); // InqBindings to get the binding vector
if (status != RPC_S_OK) return status;
status = RpcNsBindingExportW(EntryNameSyntax, EntryName, RpcIfHandle, BindingVec, ObjectVector ); if (status != RPC_S_OK) return status;
// only if this is valid, other invalid cases will all be caught before
if (RpcIfHandle) status = I_RpcNsInterfaceExported(EntryNameSyntax, EntryName, (RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *)RpcIfHandle);
return status;
// going to cache for bindings exported to the locator
// (only if the prev. export succeeded)
Removes all the bindings corresponding to this particular server from the Name Service database. It also removes it from the cache that is maintained for the EntryName/InterfaceId combination.
Notice that this can not be called from a process that is not a server. The Unexports have to be done from the server itself if it has to be PnP aware
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingUnexportPnPW( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax OPTIONAL, IN unsigned short * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle OPTIONAL, IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL ) { RPC_STATUS status = RPC_S_OK; status = RpcNsBindingUnexportW(EntryNameSyntax, EntryName, RpcIfHandle, ObjectVector);
if (status != RPC_S_OK) return status;
if (RpcIfHandle) status = I_RpcNsInterfaceUnexported(EntryNameSyntax, EntryName, (RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE *)RpcIfHandle); // once it has got removed, remove it from the cache as well.
return status; }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingExportPnPA( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax, IN unsigned char * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle, OPTIONAL IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL )
{ WIDE_STRING EntryNameW(EntryName);
if (EntryNameW.OutOfMemory()) return(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return(RpcNsBindingExportPnPW(EntryNameSyntax, &EntryNameW, RpcIfHandle, ObjectVector));
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNsBindingUnexportPnPA( IN unsigned long EntryNameSyntax OPTIONAL, IN unsigned char * EntryName, IN RPC_IF_HANDLE RpcIfHandle OPTIONAL, IN UUID_VECTOR * ObjectVector OPTIONAL ) { WIDE_STRING EntryNameW(EntryName);
if (EntryNameW.OutOfMemory()) return(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return(RpcNsBindingUnexportPnPW(EntryNameSyntax, &EntryNameW, RpcIfHandle, ObjectVector)); } #endif