Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
Module Name:
Functions to manipulate SSL-tyle principal names and certificates
Jeff Roberts
Jeff Roberts (jroberts) 1-20-1998
created the file
#include <precomp.hxx>
#include <rpcssl.h>
#include <cryptimp.hxx>
#include <CharConv.hxx>
// The prefix lengths do not include the NULL char. Actual strings are one
// character longer. This is generally OK, since these strings are prefixes and
// the NULL char gets overwritten.
const RPC_CHAR MSSTD_PREFIX[] = RPC_T("msstd:");
const RPC_CHAR FULLPATH_PREFIX[] = RPC_T("fullsic:");
DWORD AddComponentName( RPC_CHAR * * pBuffer, unsigned long * pBufferLength, unsigned long * pCursor, CERT_NAME_BLOB * Name );
DWORD RpcCertMatchPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR PrincipalName[] );
DWORD MatchFullPathPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR EncodedPrincipalName[] );
DWORD CompareRdnElement( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, DWORD dwGetNameStringType, void *pvGetNameStringTypePara, RPC_CHAR PrincipalName[], BOOL CaseSensitive );
DWORD MarkPrincipalNameComponents( RPC_CHAR * PrincipalName, unsigned * pCount );
PCCERT_CONTEXT FindMatchingCertificate( HCERTSTORE Store, RPC_CHAR * SubjectName, RPC_CHAR * IssuerName );
DWORD MatchMsPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR EncodedPrincipalName[] );
DWORD DecodeEscapedString( RPC_CHAR * Source, RPC_CHAR * Destination );
DWORD FindIssuerContext( PCCERT_CONTEXT * pContext, HCERTSTORE * pStore, BOOL * pfFreeStore );
RPC_CHAR * EndOfRfc1779Name( RPC_CHAR * Name );
unsigned Int4StrLen( unsigned long * String );
RPC_CHAR * __cdecl RpcpStringReverse ( RPC_CHAR * string ) { RPC_CHAR *start = string; RPC_CHAR *left = string; RPC_CHAR ch;
// Find end of string.
while (*(++string)) ;
// Move the the last non-NULL character.
while (left < string) { ch = *left; *(left++) = *string; *(string--) = ch; }
return(start); }
DWORD RpcCertMatchPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR PrincipalName[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine
<Context> is a CryptoAPI 2.0 context
<PrincipalName> is a principal name prefixed with either "msstd:" or "fullsic:"
Return Value:
0 if successful, otherwise an error
--*/ { DWORD Status = 0;
if (!LoadCrypt32Imports()) { return GetLastError(); }
if (0 == RpcpStringNCompare(PrincipalName, MSSTD_PREFIX, MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH)) { Status = MatchMsPrincipalName(Context, PrincipalName + MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH); } else if (0 == RpcpStringNCompare(PrincipalName, FULLPATH_PREFIX, FULLPATH_PREFIX_LENGTH)) { Status = MatchFullPathPrincipalName(Context, PrincipalName + FULLPATH_PREFIX_LENGTH); } else { RTL_SOFT_ASSERT( 0 && "RPC: principal name is in incorrect format" ); Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return Status; }
DWORD MatchMsPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR EncodedPrincipalName[] ) { PCERT_NAME_INFO Subject = 0; DWORD Status = 0; RPC_CHAR * PrincipalName = 0;
// It's time to decode the principal name.
// The encoding is just a matter of extra backslashes when the
// principal name contains our metacharacters. Decoding will
// always make the string smaller.
// Don't forget that RpcpStringLength returns the length of the string
// excluding the terminating NULL and we need to alloca space for it.
PrincipalName = (RPC_CHAR *) _alloca(sizeof(RPC_CHAR) * (RpcpStringLength(EncodedPrincipalName)+1));
Status = DecodeEscapedString(EncodedPrincipalName, PrincipalName); if (Status) { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, Status, EEInfoDLMatchMsPrincipalName10);
return Status; }
if (RpcpCharacter((const RPC_SCHAR *) PrincipalName, '@')) { // Compare the principal name to the certificate subject's
// email-address RDN attribute.
return CompareRdnElement(Context, CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE, NULL, PrincipalName, TRUE); } else { // Compare the principal name to the certificate subject's
// common-name RDN attribute.
return CompareRdnElement(Context, CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE, szOID_COMMON_NAME, PrincipalName, FALSE); }
ASSERT( 0 ); }
DWORD CompareRdnElement( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, DWORD dwGetNameStringType, void *pvGetNameStringTypePara, RPC_CHAR PrincipalName[], BOOL CaseSensitive ) { //
// Decode the certificate's Subject field so we can see its attributes.
DWORD Status = 0;
RPC_CHAR * pPrincipalName;
DWORD NameSize = CertGetNameStringW(Context, dwGetNameStringType, 0, // dwFlags
pvGetNameStringTypePara, // pvTypePara
NULL, 0); if (NameSize > 1) { pPrincipalName = (RPC_CHAR *) _alloca( sizeof(wchar_t) * NameSize );
NameSize = CertGetNameStringW(Context, dwGetNameStringType, 0, pvGetNameStringTypePara, pPrincipalName, NameSize); ASSERT(NameSize > 1); } else { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, EEInfoDLCompareRdnElement10, GetLastError());
// Now compare the cetificate info to the principal name.
if (CaseSensitive) { if (0 != RpcpStringSCompare(PrincipalName, pPrincipalName)) { return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } } else { if (0 != RpcpStringCompareInt(PrincipalName, pPrincipalName)) { return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } }
return 0; }
DWORD DecodeEscapedString( RPC_CHAR * Source, RPC_CHAR * Destination ) { for (;;) { if (*Source == '\\') { if(Source[1] != '<' && Source[1] != '*') { Source++; } if (!*Source) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Destination = *Source; } else { *Destination = *Source; if (!*Source) { return 0; } }
++Source; ++Destination; } }
DWORD MatchFullPathPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR EncodedPrincipalName[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
<Context> is a CryptoAPI 2.0 context
<PrincipalName> is a principal name with no prefix
It can be in several forms:
- complete and explicit, e.g.
"\<CA>\<Name>" "\<CA>\<SA1>\<SA2>\<Name>"
- wildcard in the subject-name position:
- no CA specified
"Name" - This is equivalent to "\*\<Name>" "\<Name>" - same
Return Value:
0 if all components were successfully validated ERROR_NO_TOP_LEVEL_AUTHORITY if the top cert isn't in the CA store
Some other error if something failed.
--*/ { DWORD Status = 0; DWORD ReturnedStatus = 0; HCERTSTORE Store = Context->hCertStore; unsigned PrincipalNameLength; RPC_CHAR * CopyOfPrincipalName = 0;
if (!*EncodedPrincipalName) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
PrincipalNameLength = RpcpStringLength(EncodedPrincipalName);
// If the name doesn't begin with a backslash, then treat it as "\*\subjectname".
if (EncodedPrincipalName[0] != '\\') { CopyOfPrincipalName = (RPC_CHAR *) _alloca( (5 + PrincipalNameLength + 2) * sizeof(RPC_CHAR));
RpcpStringCopy(CopyOfPrincipalName, RPC_CONST_STRING("\\*\\<")); RpcpStringCat(CopyOfPrincipalName, EncodedPrincipalName); RpcpStringCat(CopyOfPrincipalName, RPC_CONST_STRING(">"));
return MatchFullPathPrincipalName( Context, CopyOfPrincipalName ); }
// Form is "\<CA>\<Name>". More precisely, the name looks like a
// file system path, where each element of the path
// is either
// "*"
// or
// '<' plus an RFC1779 name plus '>'
unsigned idx; unsigned ComponentCount; RPC_CHAR ** Components = 0; RPC_CHAR * Cursor;
CopyOfPrincipalName = (RPC_CHAR *) _alloca( (PrincipalNameLength + 2) * sizeof(RPC_CHAR));
RpcpStringCopy(CopyOfPrincipalName, EncodedPrincipalName);
// Sizing pass. Count the number of path elements and separate them by '\0'.
Status = MarkPrincipalNameComponents( CopyOfPrincipalName, &ComponentCount ); if (Status) { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, Status, EEInfoDLMatchFullPathPrincipalName10);
return Status; }
ASSERT(ComponentCount >= 1);
// If the ComponentCount is 1 then the principal name was of the form "\<Name>".
// After marking the name's components it should be of the form "\0\0Name\0".
// This means that to handle it it is enough to call MatchFullPathPrincipalName
// passing in CopyOfPrincipalName+2 which will be "Name\0".
if (ComponentCount == 1) { return MatchFullPathPrincipalName( Context, CopyOfPrincipalName + 2 ); }
// Init the component array. The 0'th element of the array points to
// the last component of the principal name (i.e., the client's subject name).
Components = (RPC_CHAR **) _alloca( sizeof(RPC_CHAR *) * ComponentCount );
Cursor = CopyOfPrincipalName; idx = ComponentCount-1; do { while (!*Cursor) { ++Cursor; }
ASSERT( Cursor < CopyOfPrincipalName+PrincipalNameLength );
Components[idx] = Cursor;
Cursor += RpcpStringLength( Cursor ); } while ( idx-- > 0 );
// Verify the principal name of all certs except the top authority one.
PCCERT_CONTEXT NewContext = 0;
for (idx=0; idx < ComponentCount-1; ++idx) { if (NewContext) { CertFreeCertificateContext( NewContext ); }
NewContext = FindMatchingCertificate( Store, Components[idx], Components[idx+1] ); if (!NewContext) { Status = GetLastError();
if (Status == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { ReturnedStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { ReturnedStatus = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, ReturnedStatus, EEInfoDLMatchFullPathPrincipalName20, Status);
return ReturnedStatus; } }
ASSERT(NewContext != NULL);
// Look for the top-level authority certificate in the CA and ROOT stores,
// matching the last remaining principal name component.
CaStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, 0, 0, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, RPC_CONST_STRING("CA") ); if (!CaStore) { Status = GetLastError(); RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, Status, EEInfoDLMatchFullPathPrincipalName30);
CertFreeCertificateContext( NewContext ); return Status; }
RootStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, 0, 0, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, RPC_CONST_STRING("ROOT") ); if (!RootStore) { Status = GetLastError(); RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, Status, EEInfoDLMatchFullPathPrincipalName40);
CertCloseStore( CaStore, 0 ); CertFreeCertificateContext( NewContext ); return Status; }
// Use Context instead of Components[] for the issuer name
// so that the self-signed cert that we look for
// is always the one that matches the Context we have.
// Otherwise we'd be wrong about strings with a wildcard as top-level authority.
// CertFindCertificateInStore should always continue to search in the same store.
// For example, if the CERT_CONTEXT Parent has been retrieved from CaStore then the
// next call to CertFindCertificateInStore can't search in RootStore.
// Thus, we need to remember in which cert store we had been searching and only continue
// in that store.
BOOL SearchingInRootStore = TRUE;
while (1) { if (SearchingInRootStore) { Parent = CertFindCertificateInStore( RootStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, // no flags
CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME, // exact match
&NewContext->pCertInfo->Issuer, Parent ); }
if (!Parent || SearchingInRootStore == FALSE) { Parent = CertFindCertificateInStore( CaStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, // no flags
CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME, // exact match
&NewContext->pCertInfo->Issuer, Parent ); SearchingInRootStore = FALSE; }
if (!Parent) { goto finish; }
if (CertCompareCertificateName( X509_ASN_ENCODING, & Parent->pCertInfo->Issuer, &Context->pCertInfo->Issuer )) { goto finish; } }
CertCloseStore( CaStore, 0 ); CertCloseStore( RootStore, 0 ); CertFreeCertificateContext( NewContext );
if (!Parent) { Status = GetLastError(); if (Status == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { ReturnedStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { ReturnedStatus = SEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITY; }
RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, ReturnedStatus, EEInfoDLMatchFullPathPrincipalName50, Status);
return ReturnedStatus; }
CertFreeCertificateContext( Parent );
return 0; }
PCCERT_CONTEXT FindMatchingCertificate( HCERTSTORE Store, RPC_CHAR * SubjectName, RPC_CHAR * IssuerName ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT Context = 0; CERT_NAME_BLOB * IssuerBlob = 0; CERT_NAME_BLOB * SubjectBlob = 0;
ASSERT( IssuerName[0] != '*' || SubjectName[0] != '*' );
// Make an issuer blob, if necessary.
if (IssuerName[0] != '*') { unsigned long BlobSize = INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH;
IssuerBlob = (CERT_NAME_BLOB *) _alloca( sizeof(CERT_NAME_BLOB)+INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH );
IssuerBlob->cbData = INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; IssuerBlob->pbData = (unsigned char *) (IssuerBlob+1);
if (! CertStrToNameT( X509_ASN_ENCODING, IssuerName, 0, // no format restrictions
NULL, // reserved, MBZ
IssuerBlob->pbData, &IssuerBlob->cbData, NULL // would point to first invalid character
)) { BlobSize = IssuerBlob->cbData;
IssuerBlob = (CERT_NAME_BLOB *) _alloca( sizeof(CERT_NAME_BLOB)+BlobSize );
IssuerBlob->cbData = BlobSize; IssuerBlob->pbData = (unsigned char *) (IssuerBlob+1);
if (! CertStrToNameT( X509_ASN_ENCODING, IssuerName, 0, // no format restrictions
NULL, // reserved, MBZ
IssuerBlob->pbData, &IssuerBlob->cbData, NULL // would point to first invalid character
)) { return 0; } } }
// Make a subject blob, if necessary.
if (SubjectName[0] != '*') { unsigned long BlobSize = INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH;
SubjectBlob = (CERT_NAME_BLOB *) _alloca( sizeof(CERT_NAME_BLOB)+INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH );
SubjectBlob->cbData = INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; SubjectBlob->pbData = (unsigned char *) (SubjectBlob+1);
if (! CertStrToNameT( X509_ASN_ENCODING, SubjectName, 0, // no format restrictions
NULL, // reserved, MBZ
SubjectBlob->pbData, &SubjectBlob->cbData, NULL // would point to first invalid character
)) { BlobSize = SubjectBlob->cbData;
SubjectBlob = (CERT_NAME_BLOB *) _alloca( sizeof(CERT_NAME_BLOB)+BlobSize );
SubjectBlob->cbData = BlobSize; SubjectBlob->pbData = (unsigned char *) (SubjectBlob+1);
if (! CertStrToNameT( X509_ASN_ENCODING, SubjectName, 0, // no format restrictions
NULL, // reserved, MBZ
SubjectBlob->pbData, &SubjectBlob->cbData, NULL // would point to first invalid character
)) { return 0; } } }
// Search for a certificate.
if (SubjectName[0] == '*') { //
// Search by issuer only.
Context = CertFindCertificateInStore( Store, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, // no flags
CERT_FIND_ISSUER_NAME, // exact match
IssuerBlob, NULL // previous context in search
); return Context; } else if (IssuerName[0] == '*') { //
// Search by subject only.
Context = CertFindCertificateInStore( Store, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, // no flags
CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME, // exact match
SubjectBlob, NULL // previous context in search
); return Context; } else { //
// Search by both. The primary search is by subject,
// on the theory that most subject names are distinct and
// most issuer names are not.
// Context starts of as NULL and we pass previous context to
// CertFindCertificateInStore in order to advance to the next
// and free the privious one.
while (1) { Context = CertFindCertificateInStore( Store, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, // no flags
CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME, // exact match
SubjectBlob, Context // previous context in search
); if (!Context) { return Context; }
if (CertCompareCertificateName( X509_ASN_ENCODING, &Context->pCertInfo->Issuer, IssuerBlob )) { return Context; } } }
ASSERT( 0 && "should never get here" ); }
DWORD MarkPrincipalNameComponents( RPC_CHAR * PrincipalName, unsigned * pCount ) { RPC_CHAR * Cursor; unsigned ComponentCount;
ComponentCount = 0; Cursor = PrincipalName; do { ++ComponentCount;
if ( *Cursor != '\\' ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*Cursor = '\0'; ++Cursor;
if (*Cursor == '*') { ++Cursor; } else if (*Cursor == '<') { *Cursor = '\0'; ++Cursor;
Cursor = EndOfRfc1779Name( Cursor ); if (*Cursor != '>') { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*Cursor = '\0'; ++Cursor; } else { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } while ( *Cursor );
*pCount = ComponentCount;
return 0; }
RPC_CHAR * EndOfRfc1779Name( RPC_CHAR * Name ) { unsigned Quotes = 0;
for ( ; *Name; ++Name) { if (*Name == '>') { if (0 == (Quotes % 2)) { return Name; } } else if (*Name == '\\') { ++Name; } else if (*Name == '"') { ++Quotes; } }
return Name; }
RPC_STATUS RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, DWORD Flags, RPC_CHAR ** pBuffer ) { THREAD *Thread; DWORD Status = 0;
Thread = ThreadSelf(); if (Thread) { RpcpPurgeEEInfoFromThreadIfNecessary(Thread); }
if (!LoadCrypt32Imports()) { return GetLastError(); }
if (Flags & RPC_C_FULL_CERT_CHAIN) { RPC_CHAR * Buffer; unsigned long Cursor = 0; unsigned long BufferLength = INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; HCERTSTORE Store = Context->hCertStore; BOOL fFreeStore = FALSE;
Buffer = new RPC_CHAR[BufferLength]; if (!Buffer) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
PCCERT_CONTEXT Node = Context; do { Status = AddComponentName( &Buffer, &BufferLength, &Cursor, &Node->pCertInfo->Subject ); if (Status) { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, Status, EEInfoDLRpcCertGeneratePrincipalName10);
return Status; }
// Load the next certificate.
if (OldNode == Context) { OldNode = NULL; }
if (CertCompareCertificateName( X509_ASN_ENCODING, &Node->pCertInfo->Subject, &Node->pCertInfo->Issuer )) { if (OldNode != NULL) { CertFreeCertificateContext( OldNode ); } break; }
CERT_NAME_BLOB *Issuer; if (OldNode) { Issuer = &OldNode->pCertInfo->Issuer; } else { Issuer = &Context->pCertInfo->Issuer; }
Node = CertFindCertificateInStore( Store, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, // no flags
CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME, // exact match
Issuer, OldNode // previous context in search
); if (!Node) { //
// Take the top-level CA name from the current node's issuer field.
Status = AddComponentName( &Buffer, &BufferLength, &Cursor, Issuer ); if (Status) { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, Status, EEInfoDLRpcCertGeneratePrincipalName20); return Status; } } } while ( Node );
if (Cursor+FULLPATH_PREFIX_LENGTH+1 > BufferLength) { DWORD LongerBufferLength = BufferLength+FULLPATH_PREFIX_LENGTH+1; RPC_CHAR * LongerBuffer = new RPC_CHAR[LongerBufferLength]; if (!LongerBuffer) { delete [] Buffer; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
RpcpStringNCopy( LongerBuffer, Buffer, BufferLength );
delete [] Buffer;
Buffer = LongerBuffer; BufferLength = LongerBufferLength; }
RpcpStringCopy( Buffer+Cursor,FULLPATH_PREFIX ); RpcpStringReverse( Buffer+Cursor ); RpcpStringReverse( Buffer );
*pBuffer = Buffer; return 0; } else {
RPC_CHAR * outputName;
DWORD NameSize = CertGetNameStringW(Context, CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pvTypePara
NULL, 0);
if (NameSize > 1) { outputName = new RPC_CHAR[ NameSize + MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH ]; if (!outputName) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
RpcpStringCopy(outputName, MSSTD_PREFIX); NameSize = CertGetNameStringW(Context, CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE, 0, NULL, outputName + MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH, NameSize);
ASSERT(NameSize > 1); } else { NameSize = CertGetNameStringW(Context, CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE, 0, szOID_COMMON_NAME, NULL, 0); if (NameSize > 1) { outputName = new RPC_CHAR[ NameSize + MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH ];
if (!outputName) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } RpcpStringCopy(outputName, MSSTD_PREFIX); NameSize = CertGetNameString(Context, CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE, 0, szOID_COMMON_NAME, outputName + MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH, NameSize); ASSERT(NameSize > 1); } else { RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, EEInfoDLRpcCertGeneratePrincipalName30, GetLastError());
return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } *pBuffer = outputName;
return 0; }
ASSERT( 0 && "never reach here" ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
DWORD AddComponentName( RPC_CHAR * * pBuffer, unsigned long * pBufferLength, unsigned long * pCursor, CERT_NAME_BLOB * Name ) { (*pBuffer)[(*pCursor)++] = '>';
DWORD Length = *pBufferLength - *pCursor;
Length = CertNameToStrT( X509_ASN_ENCODING, Name, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, *pBuffer + *pCursor, Length );
if (Length >= *pBufferLength - *pCursor) { DWORD LongerBufferLength = 2 * *pBufferLength + Length; RPC_CHAR * LongerBuffer = new RPC_CHAR[LongerBufferLength]; if (!LongerBuffer) { delete *pBuffer; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
RpcpStringNCopy( LongerBuffer, *pBuffer, *pBufferLength );
delete *pBuffer;
*pBuffer = LongerBuffer; *pBufferLength = LongerBufferLength;
Length = *pBufferLength - *pCursor;
Length = CertNameToStrT( X509_ASN_ENCODING, Name, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, *pBuffer + *pCursor, Length ); }
RpcpStringReverse(*pBuffer + *pCursor); *pCursor += Length-1; // write over the '\0'
(*pBuffer)[(*pCursor)++] = '<'; (*pBuffer)[(*pCursor)++] = '\\';
return 0; }
unsigned Int4StrLen( unsigned long * String ) { unsigned long * Cursor = String;
while (*Cursor) { ++Cursor; }
return (unsigned) (Cursor - String); }
HMODULE Crypt32Handle = 0; struct CRYPT32_FUNCTION_TABLE CFT;
BOOL LoadCrypt32Imports() { if (0 == Crypt32Handle) { RequestGlobalMutex();
if (Crypt32Handle) { goto Cleanup; }
Crypt32Handle = LoadLibrary(RPC_CONST_SSTRING("crypt32.dll")); if (!Crypt32Handle) { goto Cleanup; }
FARPROC * ppProc = (FARPROC *) &CFT;
*ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertOpenStore"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertCloseStore"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertFindCertificateInStore"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertFreeCertificateContext"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertCompareCertificateName"); #ifdef UNICODE
*ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertStrToNameW"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertNameToStrW"); #else
*ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertStrToNameA"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertNameToStrA"); #endif
*ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertFindRDNAttr"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CryptDecodeObject");
*ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertGetCertificateChain"); *ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertFreeCertificateChain"); #endif
*ppProc++ = GetProcAddress(Crypt32Handle, "CertGetNameStringW");
ppProc = (FARPROC *) &CFT;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CRYPT32_FUNCTION_TABLE)/sizeof(FARPROC); i++) { if (*ppProc++ == 0) { FreeLibrary(Crypt32Handle); Crypt32Handle = 0; goto Cleanup; } } ClearGlobalMutex(); }
return TRUE;
Cleanup: ClearGlobalMutex(); return FALSE; }
DWORD RpcCertVerifyContext( IN PCERT_CONTEXT Context, IN DWORD CapabilityFlags ) { DWORD s = 0; HCERTSTORE CaStore = 0; PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT Chain = 0;
// Windows 2000 checked only the CA store, so we should check it also.
CaStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, 0, 0, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER, RPC_CONST_STRING("CA") ); if (!CaStore) { s = GetLastError(); RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, s, EEInfoDLRpcCertVerifyContext10);
goto Cleanup; }
// Build a certificate chain from the single certificate we have.
CERT_CHAIN_PARA ChainParameters;
ChainParameters.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_CHAIN_PARA); ChainParameters.RequestedUsage.dwType = USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND; ChainParameters.RequestedUsage.Usage.cUsageIdentifier = 0;
if (!CertGetCertificateChain( NULL, // use default chain engine
Context, NULL, // match against current time
CaStore, // aditional store to search
&ChainParameters, 0, // no special flags
0, // reserved, MBZ
&Chain )) { s = GetLastError(); RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, s, EEInfoDLRpcCertVerifyContext20);
goto Cleanup; }
// Verify the chain.
PolicyParameters.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA); PolicyParameters.dwFlags = 0; PolicyParameters.pvExtraPolicyPara = 0;
PolicyStatus.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS);
if (!CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy( CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE, Chain, &PolicyParameters, &PolicyStatus)) { s = GetLastError(); RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, s, EEInfoDLRpcCertVerifyContext30);
goto Cleanup; }
if (PolicyStatus.dwError) { s = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; RpcpErrorAddRecord(EEInfoGCSecurityProvider, s, EEInfoDLRpcCertVerifyContext40, GetLastError());
goto Cleanup; }
// Certificate verification succeeded.
s = 0;
if (Chain) { CertFreeCertificateChain( Chain ); }
if (CaStore) { CertCloseStore( CaStore, 0 ); }
return s; }
RPC_STATUS ValidateSchannelPrincipalName( IN RPC_CHAR * EncodedName ) //
// Does a quick syntactic check of an SSL principal name.
// The name should not be modified in any way.
// It should begin either with "msstd:" or "fullsic:".
// If msstd, then any non-enpty name will do.
// If fullsic, it should be a series of RFC1179 names, each surrounded
// by angle brackets, and separated by backslashes. We check this by cloning
// the string and marking the components.
{ #define MAX_SSL_SPN_LENGTH 8000
if (0 == RpcpStringNCompare(EncodedName, MSSTD_PREFIX, MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH)) { if (EncodedName[MSSTD_PREFIX_LENGTH] == 0) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if (0 == RpcpStringNCompare(EncodedName, FULLPATH_PREFIX, FULLPATH_PREFIX_LENGTH)) { RPC_STATUS Status; size_t Length; unsigned ComponentCount; RPC_CHAR * PrincipalName; RPC_CHAR * EncodedPrincipalName;
Length = RpcpStringLength( EncodedName ); if (Length > MAX_SSL_SPN_LENGTH) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
PrincipalName = (RPC_CHAR *) _alloca(sizeof(RPC_CHAR) * (Length+1));
Status = DecodeEscapedString(EncodedName, PrincipalName); if (Status) { return Status; }
Status = MarkPrincipalNameComponents( PrincipalName + FULLPATH_PREFIX_LENGTH, &ComponentCount ); if (Status) { return Status; }
if (ComponentCount < 1) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return RPC_S_OK; }
RPC_STATUS I_RpcTransCertMatchPrincipalName( PCCERT_CONTEXT Context, RPC_CHAR PrincipalName[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verifies that the passed in context match the passed in principal name and frees the certificate.
Context - certificate context.
PrincipalName - a principal name prefixed with either "msstd:" or "fullsic:" Return Value:
--*/ { RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
RpcStatus = RpcCertMatchPrincipalName(Context, PrincipalName);
if (RpcStatus == ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY) RpcStatus = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; else if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) RpcStatus = RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED;
return RpcStatus; }