// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999
// File: sysinc.h
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
File : sysinc.h
Description :
This file includes all of the system include files necessary for a specific version of the runtime. In addition, it defines some system dependent debugging options.
***** If you are adding are changing something for a specific ***** ***** system you MUST 1) make the change for all the defined ***** ***** systems and 2) add a comment if needed in the template for ***** ***** future systems. *****
History :
mikemon 08-01-91 Created. mikemon 10-31-91 Moved system dependent stuff from util.hxx to here. mariogo 10-19-94 Order conquered chaos and the world rejoiced
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __SYSINC_H__
#define __SYSINC_H__
// Some system indepentent macros
#ifndef DEBUGRPC
#define INTERNAL_FUNCTION static
#define INTERNAL_VARIABLE static
#endif // ! DEBUGRPC
// The following functions are can be implemented as macros
// or functions for system type.
// extern void *
// RpcpFarAllocate (
// IN unsigned int Length
// );
// extern void
// RpcpFarFree (
// IN void * Object
// );
// extern int
// RpcpStringCompare (
// IN RPC_CHAR * FirstString,
// IN RPC_CHAR * SecondString
// );
// extern int
// RpcpStringNCompare (
// IN RPC_CHAR * FirstString,
// IN RPC_CHAR * SecondString,
// IN unsigned int Length
// );
// extern RPC_CHAR *
// RpcpStringCopy (
// OUT RPC_CHAR * Destination,
// IN RPC_CHAR * Source
// );
// extern RPC_CHAR *
// RpcpStringCat (
// OUT RPC_CHAR * Destination,
// );
// extern int
// RpcpStringLength (
// IN RPC_CHAR * WideCharString
// );
// extern void
// RpcpMemoryMove (
// OUT void * Destination,
// IN void * Source,
// IN unsigned int Length
// );
// extern void *
// RpcpMemoryCopy (
// OUT void * Destination,
// IN void * Source,
// IN unsigned int Length
// );
// extern void *
// RpcpMemorySet (
// OUT void * Buffer,
// IN unsigned char Value,
// IN unsigned int Length
// );
// extern char *
// RpcpItoa(
// IN int Value,
// OUT char *Buffer,
// IN int Radix);
// extern int
// RpcpStringPrintfA(
// OUT char *Buffer,
// IN char *Format,
// ...);
// extern void
// PrintToDebugger(
// IN char *Format,
// ...);
// extern void
// RpcpBreakPoint(
// );
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
extern void GlobalMutexRequestExternal(void); extern void GlobalMutexClearExternal(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#if DBG
#define DEBUGRPC
#if DBG
#undef ASSERT
#define ASSERT( exp ) \
if (!(exp)) { RtlAssert( #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL ); DebugBreak(); } #endif
#define NO_RETURN { ASSERT(0); }
#define ASSUME(exp) ASSERT(exp)
#define FORCE_INLINE inline
#define NO_VTABLE __declspec(novtable)
#define NO_VTABLE
// flag to preallocate the events on some critical sections
#define PREALLOCATE_EVENT_MASK 0x80000000 // Defined only in dll\resource.c
#define RPC_CONST_CHAR(character) ((RPC_CHAR) L##character)
#define RPC_CONST_STRING(string) ((const RPC_CHAR *) L##string)
#define RPC_CONST_SSTRING(string) RPC_CONST_STRING(string)
#define RPC_STRING_LITERAL(string) ((RPC_CHAR *) L##string)
#define RPC_T(string) (L##string)
#define UNUSED(_x_) ((void)(_x_))
#if DBG
#define ASSERT_VALID(c) ((c)->AssertValid())
#define ASSERT_VALID1(c, p1) ((c)->AssertValid(p1))
#define RpcpFarAllocate(Length) \
((void *) new char[Length])
#define RpcpFarFree(Object) \
(delete Object)
#define RpcpStringSCompare(FirstString, SecondString) \
lstrcmp((const wchar_t *) FirstString, (const wchar_t *) SecondString)
#define RpcpStringCompare(FirstString, SecondString) \
_wcsicmp((const wchar_t *) FirstString, (const wchar_t *) SecondString)
#define RpcpStringNCompare(FirstString, SecondString, Length) \
_wcsnicmp((const wchar_t*) FirstString, (const wchar_t *) SecondString, \ (size_t) Length)
// always compares ASCII
#define RpcpStringCompareA(FirstString, SecondString) \
_stricmp((const char *) FirstString, (const char *) SecondString)
#define RpcpStringNCompareA(FirstString, SecondString, Size) \
_strnicmp((const char *) FirstString, (const char *) SecondString, Size)
#define RpcpStringCompareInt(FirstString, SecondString) \
(CompareStringW(LOCALE_US, NORM_IGNORECASE, \ (const wchar_t *) FirstString, -1, (const wchar_t *) SecondString, -1) != CSTR_EQUAL)
#define RpcpStringCompareIntA(FirstString, SecondString) \
(CompareStringA(LOCALE_US, NORM_IGNORECASE, \ FirstString, -1, SecondString, -1) != CSTR_EQUAL)
#define RpcpStringCopy(Destination, Source) \
wcscpy((wchar_t *) Destination, (const wchar_t *) Source)
#define RpcpStringNCopy(DestinationString, SourceString, Length) \
wcsncpy((wchar_t *) DestinationString, (wchar_t *) SourceString, Length)
#define RpcpStringCat(Destination, Source) \
wcscat((wchar_t *) Destination, (const wchar_t *) Source)
#define RpcpStringLength(String) \
wcslen((const wchar_t *) String)
#define RpcpStrStr(String1, String2) \
wcsstr((const wchar_t *) String1, (const wchar_t *) String2)
#define RpcpStringLengthA(String) \
#define RpcpStringToLower(String) \
#define RpcpMemoryCompare(FirstBuffer, SecondBuffer, Length) \
memcmp(FirstBuffer, SecondBuffer, Length)
#define RpcpMemoryCopy(Destination, Source, Length) \
RtlCopyMemory(Destination, Source, Length)
#define RpcpMemoryMove(Destination, Source, Length) \
RtlMoveMemory(Destination, Source, Length)
#define RpcpMemorySet(Buffer, Value, Length) \
RtlFillMemory(Buffer, Length, Value)
#if defined(TYPE_ALIGNMENT)
#define TYPE_ALIGNMENT(x) __alignof(x)
void RpcpRaiseException ( IN long exception );
RPC_CHAR * __cdecl RpcpStringReverse (RPC_CHAR *string); void * I_RpcBCacheAllocate (IN unsigned int size); void I_RpcBCacheFree (IN void * obj);
void I_RpcDoCellUnitTest(IN OUT void *p);
// some test hook definitions
typedef enum tagSystemFunction001Commands { sf001cHttpSetInChannelTarget, sf001cHttpSetOutChannelTarget, sf001cIgnoreCorruptionAsserts } SystemFunction001Commands;
#ifdef STATS
void I_RpcGetStats(DWORD *pdwStat1, DWORD *pdwStat2, DWORD *pdwStat3, DWORD *pdwStat4); #endif
#define RpcpItoa(Value, Buffer, Radix) \
_itoa(Value, Buffer, Radix)
#define RpcpItow(Value, Buffer, Radix) \
_itow(Value, Buffer, Radix)
#define RpcpCharacter(Buffer, Character) \
wcschr(Buffer, Character)
#define RpcpStringPrintfA sprintf
#define RpcpStringConcatenate(FirstString, SecondString) \
wcscat(FirstString, (const wchar_t *) SecondString)
LONG I_RpcSetNDRSlot( IN void *NewSlot );
void * I_RpcGetNDRSlot( void );
long NDRCCopyContextHandle ( IN void *SourceBinding, OUT void **DestinationBinding );
BOOL CheckVerificationTrailer ( IN void *BufferStart, IN void *BufferEnd, IN void *RpcMessage );
#if defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#define ANSI_strtol strtol
#define PrintToConsole printf /* Use only in test applications */
#if defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
// uncomment this to disable locator support for IA64 or amd64
//#define APPLETALK_ON
//#define NETBIOS_ON
//#define NCADG_MQ_ON
//#define SPX_ON
//#define IPX_ON
//#define NETBIOS_ON
//#define NCADG_MQ_ON
#define SPX_ON
//#define IPX_ON
#if !defined(SPX_ON) && !defined(IPX_ON)
#define SPX_IPX_OFF
#define PrintToDebugger DbgPrint
#define RpcpBreakPoint() DebugBreak()
// ASSERT defined by system
extern BOOL ValidateError( IN unsigned int Status, IN unsigned int Count, IN const int ErrorList[]);
// The syntax of VALIDATE is the following:
// VALIDATE (ErrorCode)
// {
// List of allowed errors
// The code will assert on a checked build if ErrorCode is not in the list.
#define VALIDATE(_myValueToValidate) \
{ int _myTempValueToValidate = (_myValueToValidate); \ static const int _myValidateArray[] =
#define END_VALIDATE ; \
if (ValidateError(_myTempValueToValidate,\ sizeof(_myValidateArray)/sizeof(int), \ _myValidateArray) == 0) ASSERT(0);}
// The syntax of CORRUPTION_VALIDATE is the following:
// VALIDATE (ErrorCode)
// {
// List of allowed errors
// }
// {
// List of allowed corruption-related errors
// The code will assert on a checked build if ErrorCode is not in the allowed list
// and there is no corruption injection enabled, or corruption injection is enabled
// and the ErrorCode is also not in the corruption-related list.
static const int _myCorruptionValidateArray[] =
if (ValidateError(_myTempValueToValidate,\ sizeof(_myValidateArray)/sizeof(int), \ _myValidateArray) == 0 && \ (!gfRpcVerifierCorruptionExpected || \ ValidateError(_myTempValueToValidate,\ sizeof(_myCorruptionValidateArray)/sizeof(int), \ _myCorruptionValidateArray) == 0 \ ) \ ) ASSERT(0); }
// The syntax of NO_CORRUPTION_VALIDATE is the following:
// {
// List of allowed errors
// The code will assert on a checked build if ErrorCode is not in the list and
// corruption injection is not enabled.
#define NO_CORRUPTION_VALIDATE(_myValueToValidate) \
{ int _myTempValueToValidate = (_myValueToValidate); \ static const int _myValidateArray[] =
if ( \ !gfRpcVerifierCorruptionExpected && \ ValidateError(_myTempValueToValidate,\ sizeof(_myValidateArray)/sizeof(int), \ _myValidateArray) == 0 \ ) ASSERT(0); }
#else // DEBUGRPC
// PrintToDebugger defined only on debug builds...
#define RpcpBreakPoint()
/* Does nothing on retail systems */ #define VALIDATE(_myValueToValidate) { int _bogusarray1[] =
#define END_VALIDATE ; }
#define CORRUPTION_VALIDATE ; } ; { int _bogusarray2[] =
#define NO_CORRUPTION_VALIDATE(_myValueToValidate) { int _bogusarray1[] =
#endif // DEBUGRPC
// List Operations
#define RpcpInitializeListHead(ListHead) InitializeListHead(ListHead)
#define RpcpIsListEmpty(ListHead) IsListEmpty(ListHead)
PLIST_ENTRY RpcpfRemoveHeadList( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead );
#define RpcpRemoveHeadList(ListHead) RemoveHeadList(ListHead)
PLIST_ENTRY RpcpfRemoveTailList( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead );
#define RpcpRemoveTailList(ListHead) RemoveTailList(ListHead)
VOID RpcpfRemoveEntryList( PLIST_ENTRY Entry );
#define RpcpRemoveEntryList(Entry) RemoveEntryList(Entry)
VOID RpcpfInsertTailList( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, PLIST_ENTRY Entry );
#define RpcpInsertTailList(ListHead,Entry) InsertTailList(ListHead,Entry)
VOID RpcpfInsertHeadList( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, PLIST_ENTRY Entry );
#define RpcpInsertHeadList(ListHead,Entry) InsertHeadList(ListHead,Entry)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
// Don't read this part. These are needed to support macros
// used in the past. Please use the supported versions above.
#define PAPI __RPC_FAR
// Some old C++ compiler the runtime once used didn't allocate
// the this pointer before calling the constructor. If you
// have such a compiler now, I'm very sorry for you.
#define ALLOCATE_THIS(class)
#define ALLOCATE_THIS_PLUS(class, amt, errptr, errcode)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define START_C_EXTERN extern "C" {
#define END_C_EXTERN }
#define END_C_EXTERN
// These must always evaluate "con" even on retail systems.
#define EVAL_AND_ASSERT(con) ASSERT(con)
#define EVAL_AND_ASSERT(con) (con)
#define RequestGlobalMutex GlobalMutexRequest
#define ClearGlobalMutex GlobalMutexClear
#define RpcItoa RpcpItoa
// Double check basic stuff.
#if !defined(TRUE) || \
!defined(FALSE) || \ !defined(ASSERT) || \ !defined(VALIDATE) || \ !defined(IN) || \ !defined(OUT) || \ !defined(CONST) || \ !defined(UNALIGNED) || \ !defined(UNUSED)
#error "Some basic macro is not defined"
// External NDR routines that may be used by the runtime.
extern long NdrCheckAsyncPipeStatus( IN char * AsyncHandle, OUT long * pState );
#endif /* __SYSINC_H__ */