// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// rpcisapi.cxx
// IIS ISAPI extension part of the RPC proxy over HTTP.
// Exports:
// BOOL WINAPI GetExtensionVersion( HSE_VERSION_INFO *pVer )
// Returns the version of the spec that this server was built with.
// This function does all of the work.
// Includes:
#include <sysinc.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <rpcdcep.h>
#include <rpcerrp.h>
#include <httpfilt.h>
#include <httpext.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <ecblist.h>
#include <filter.h>
#include <olist.h>
#include <server.h>
#include <RpcIsapi.h>
#include <registry.h>
#include <StrSafe.h>
// Globals:
extern SERVER_INFO *g_pServerInfo; extern BOOL g_fIsIIS6;
// GetExtensionVersion()
BOOL WINAPI GetExtensionVersion( HSE_VERSION_INFO *pVer ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = StringCchCopyNA (pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, sizeof(pVer->lpszExtensionDesc), EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, sizeof(EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION) );
// this cannot fail as the strings are constant
// if the filter data structures are not initialized yet, initialize them
if (g_pServerInfo == NULL) { if (InitializeGlobalDataStructures(FALSE /* IsFromFilter */) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } }
LogEventStartupSuccess (fIsIISInCompatibilityMode ? "5" : "6");
return TRUE; }
// ReplyToClient()
BOOL ReplyToClient( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, const char *pBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize, DWORD *pdwStatus ) { DWORD dwFlags = (HSE_IO_SYNC | HSE_IO_NODELAY);
if (!pECB->WriteClient(pECB->ConnID, (char *)pBuffer, pdwSize, dwFlags)) { *pdwStatus = GetLastError(); #ifdef DBG_ERROR
DbgPrint("ReplyToClient(): failed: %d\n",*pdwStatus); #endif
return FALSE; }
*pdwStatus = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Sends a reply to the client with the given error code as error.
pECB - extension control block RpcStatus - error code to be returned to client
Return Value:
Return value appropriate for return to IIS (i.e. HSE_STATUS_*)
--*/ { // size is the error string + 20 space for the error code
char Buffer[sizeof(ServerErrorString) + 20]; ULONG Size; ULONG Status; BOOL Result; HRESULT hr;
hr = StringCbPrintfA (Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), ServerErrorString, RpcStatus );
// this should never fail as the strings are constant
Size = strlen(Buffer); Result = ReplyToClient ( pECB, Buffer, &Size, &Status );
return Status; }
// ParseQueryString()
// The query string is in the format:
// <Index_of_pOverlapped>
// Where the index is in ASCII Hex. The index is read and converted back
// to a DWORD then used to locate the SERVER_OVERLAPPED. If its found,
// return TRUE, else return FALSE.
// NOTE: "&" is the parameter separator if multiple parameters are passed.
BOOL ParseQueryString( unsigned char *pszQuery, SERVER_OVERLAPPED **ppOverlapped, DWORD *pdwStatus ) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
pszQuery = AnsiHexToDWORD(pszQuery,&dwIndex,pdwStatus); if (!pszQuery) { return FALSE; }
*ppOverlapped = GetOverlapped(dwIndex); if (*ppOverlapped == NULL) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ParseHTTP2QueryString ( IN char *Query, IN OUT USHORT *ServerAddressBuffer, IN ULONG ServerAddressBufferLength, IN OUT USHORT *ServerPortBuffer, IN ULONG ServerPortBufferLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses an HTTP2 format query string into a server address and server port.
Query - the raw query string as received by the extension ServerAddressBuffer - the buffer where the server address will be stored. Undefined upon failure. Upon success it will be 0 terminated. ServerAddressBufferLengh - the length of ServerAddressBuffer in unicode chars. ServerPortBuffer - the buffer where the server port will be stored. Undefined upon failure. Upon success it will be 0 terminated. ServerPortBufferLengh - the length of ServerAddressBuffer in unicode chars.
Return Value:
non-zero for success and 0 for failure.
--*/ { char *ColonPosition; int CharactersConverted;
ColonPosition = _mbschr(Query, ServerAddressAndPortSeparator);
if (ColonPosition == NULL) return FALSE;
CharactersConverted = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, Query, ColonPosition - Query, ServerAddressBuffer, ServerAddressBufferLength );
// did we convert successfully?
if (CharactersConverted == 0) return FALSE;
// do we have space for the terminating null?
if (CharactersConverted + 1 > ServerAddressBufferLength) return FALSE;
// null terminate the server address string. Since we gave the length
// explicitly to MultiByteToWideChar it will not add null for us
ServerAddressBuffer[CharactersConverted] = 0;
CharactersConverted = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, ColonPosition + 1, -1, // have MultiByteToWideChar calculate the length
ServerPortBuffer, ServerPortBufferLength );
// did we convert successfully?
if (CharactersConverted == 0) return FALSE;
// since we had MultiByteToWideChar calculate the string length,
// it has null terminated the resulting string. We're all done.
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetRemoteUserString ( IN EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, OUT char **FinalRemoteUser ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the remote user name from IIS. If anonymous, an empty string will be returned.
pECB - the extension control block given to us by IIS. FinalRemoteUser - on output a pointer to the remote user name allocated by this routine. Muts be freed by caller using MemFree. Undefined on failure.
Return Value:
non-zero for success or 0 for failure/
--*/ { ULONG ActualServerVariableLength; char *TempRemoteUser; BOOL Result;
ActualServerVariableLength = 0; TempRemoteUser = NULL; Result = pECB->GetServerVariable(pECB->ConnID, "REMOTE_USER", TempRemoteUser, &ActualServerVariableLength ); ASSERT(Result == FALSE); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { return FALSE; }
TempRemoteUser = (char *)MemAllocate(ActualServerVariableLength + 1); if (TempRemoteUser == NULL) { return FALSE; }
Result = pECB->GetServerVariable(pECB->ConnID, "REMOTE_USER", TempRemoteUser, &ActualServerVariableLength );
if (Result == FALSE) { MemFree(TempRemoteUser); return FALSE; }
*FinalRemoteUser = TempRemoteUser; return TRUE; }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY I_RpcProxyIsValidMachine ( IN char *pszMachine, IN char *pszDotMachine, IN ULONG dwPortNumber ) { BOOL Result;
Result = HttpProxyIsValidMachine(g_pServerInfo, pszMachine, pszDotMachine, dwPortNumber );
if (Result) return RPC_S_OK; else return RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED; }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY I_RpcProxyGetClientAddress ( IN void *Context, OUT char *Buffer, OUT ULONG *BufferLength ) { BOOL Result; EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB = (EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *) Context;
Result = pECB->GetServerVariable(pECB->ConnID, "REMOTE_ADDR", Buffer, BufferLength );
if (Result) return RPC_S_OK; else return GetLastError(); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY I_RpcProxyGetConnectionTimeout ( OUT ULONG *ConnectionTimeout ) { *ConnectionTimeout = IISConnectionTimeout; return RPC_S_OK; }
const I_RpcProxyCallbackInterface ProxyCallbackInterface = { I_RpcProxyIsValidMachine, I_RpcProxyGetClientAddress, I_RpcProxyGetConnectionTimeout };
// uncomment this to see why connections are being rejected
// by AllowAnonymous
// HttpExtensionProc()
DWORD WINAPI HttpExtensionProc( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB ) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwSize; SERVER_INFO *pServerInfo = g_pServerInfo; SERVER_OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL; HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO HeaderEx; CHAR *pLegacyVerb; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; ULONG VerbLength; USHORT ServerAddress[MaxServerAddressLength]; USHORT ServerPort[MaxServerPortLength]; BOOL Result; ULONG ProxyType; BOOL ConnectionEstablishmentRequest; char EchoResponse[sizeof(EchoResponseHeader2) + 2]; // 2 is for
// the size of the Echo RTS which goes instead of ContentLength
int BytesWritten; ULONG BufferSize; const BYTE *EchoRTS; char ServerVariable[20]; ULONG ActualServerVariableLength; ULONG NumContentLength; BOOL AnonymousConnection; char *RemoteUser = NULL; RPC_CHAR *ActualServerName; DWORD ExtensionProcResult; DWORD HttpStatusCode; char *DestinationEnd; HRESULT hr;
if (g_pServerInfo->dwEnabled == FALSE) { dwSize = sizeof(STATUS_PROXY_DISABLED) - 1; // don't want to count trailing 0.
ReplyToClient(pECB,STATUS_PROXY_DISABLED, &dwSize, &dwStatus); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
if (g_pServerInfo->AllowAnonymous == FALSE) { // if we are not allowing anonymous connections, check that a secure
// channel and authentication are used
// assume anonymous for now
AnonymousConnection = TRUE;
ActualServerVariableLength = sizeof(ServerVariable);
Result = pECB->GetServerVariable(pECB->ConnID, "HTTPS", ServerVariable, &ActualServerVariableLength );
if (!Result) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
if (RpcpStringCompareIntA(ServerVariable, "on") == 0) { Result = GetRemoteUserString (pECB, &RemoteUser ); if (!Result) { #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
DbgPrint("Connection rejected getting the remote user failed\n"); #endif // #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// if non-empty string, it is authenticated
if (RemoteUser[0] != 0) { AnonymousConnection = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
DbgPrint("Connection rejected because user could not be retrieved\n"); #endif // #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
DbgPrint("Connection accepted for user %s\n", RemoteUser); #endif // #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
} } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
DbgPrint("Connection rejected because it is not SSL\n"); #endif // #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS
// if empty string, it is not authenticated
if (AnonymousConnection) { dwSize = sizeof(AnonymousAccessNotAllowedString) - 1; // don't want to count trailing 0.
ReplyToClient(pECB, AnonymousAccessNotAllowedString, &dwSize, &dwStatus); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = dwStatus; goto AbortAndExit; } }
if (g_fIsIIS6) { pLegacyVerb = RPC_CONNECT; } else { pLegacyVerb = POST_STR; }
VerbLength = strlen(pECB->lpszMethod); ConnectionEstablishmentRequest = FALSE;
// get the verb and depending on that we will determine our course of
// action
if ((VerbLength == InChannelEstablishmentMethodLength) && (lstrcmpi(pECB->lpszMethod, InChannelEstablishmentMethod) == 0)) { ConnectionEstablishmentRequest = TRUE; ProxyType = RPC_PROXY_CONNECTION_TYPE_IN_PROXY; } else if ((VerbLength == OutChannelEstablishmentMethodLength) && (lstrcmpi(pECB->lpszMethod, OutChannelEstablishmentMethod) == 0)) { ConnectionEstablishmentRequest = TRUE; ProxyType = RPC_PROXY_CONNECTION_TYPE_OUT_PROXY; }
if (ConnectionEstablishmentRequest) { // check if this is echo request or a true connection
// establishment
ActualServerVariableLength = sizeof(ServerVariable);
Result = pECB->GetServerVariable(pECB->ConnID, "CONTENT_LENGTH", ServerVariable, &ActualServerVariableLength );
if (!Result) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
NumContentLength = atol(ServerVariable); if (NumContentLength <= MaxEchoRequestSize) { // too small for a channel. Must be an echo
EchoRTS = GetEchoRTS(&BufferSize);
// Echo back the RTS packet + headers
hr = StringCbPrintfExA(EchoResponse, sizeof(EchoResponse), &DestinationEnd, // ppszDestEnd
NULL, // pcbRemaining
0, // Flags
EchoResponseHeader2, BufferSize );
if (FAILED(hr)) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// calculate the number of bytes written as the
// distance from the end of the written buffer to the
// beginning
BytesWritten = DestinationEnd - EchoResponse;
// send back headers
dwSize = sizeof(HeaderEx); dwFlags = 0; memset(&HeaderEx, 0, dwSize); HeaderEx.fKeepConn = TRUE; HeaderEx.pszStatus = EchoResponseHeader1; HeaderEx.cchStatus = sizeof(EchoResponseHeader1); HeaderEx.pszHeader = EchoResponse; HeaderEx.cchHeader = BytesWritten; Result = pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX, &HeaderEx, &dwSize, &dwFlags); if (!Result) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// send back Echo RTS
dwSize = BufferSize; dwFlags = 0; Result = pECB->WriteClient(pECB->ConnID, (char *)EchoRTS, &dwSize, dwFlags); if (!Result) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
return HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { // a channel
Result = ParseHTTP2QueryString ( pECB->lpszQueryString, ServerAddress, sizeof(ServerAddress) / sizeof(ServerAddress[0]), ServerPort, sizeof(ServerPort) / sizeof(ServerPort[0]) );
if (Result == FALSE) { dwSize = sizeof(CannotParseQueryString) - 1; // don't want to count trailing 0.
ReplyToClient(pECB, CannotParseQueryString, &dwSize, &dwStatus); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = dwStatus; goto AbortAndExit; }
if (g_pServerInfo->RpcNewHttpProxyChannel) { // get the remote user (if not available yet) and call
// the redirector dll
if (RemoteUser == NULL) { Result = GetRemoteUserString (pECB, &RemoteUser ); if (Result == FALSE) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; } }
RpcStatus = g_pServerInfo->RpcNewHttpProxyChannel ( ServerAddress, ServerPort, RemoteUser, &ActualServerName );
if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; } } else ActualServerName = ServerAddress;
RpcStatus = I_RpcProxyNewConnection ( ProxyType, ActualServerName, ServerPort, pECB, (I_RpcProxyCallbackInterface *)&ProxyCallbackInterface );
if (g_pServerInfo->RpcNewHttpProxyChannel && (ActualServerName != ServerAddress)) { // get the remote user and call the redirector dll
ASSERT(g_pServerInfo->RpcHttpProxyFreeString); g_pServerInfo->RpcHttpProxyFreeString(ActualServerName); }
if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { ReplyToClientWithStatus(pECB, RpcStatus); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_CONNECTION_OK; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; goto AbortAndExit; }
#if DBG
DbgPrint("RPCPROXY: %d: Connection type %d to %S:%S\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), ProxyType, ServerAddress, ServerPort); #endif
HttpStatusCode = STATUS_CONNECTION_OK; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_PENDING; goto AbortAndExit; } }
// The RPC request must be a post (or RPC_CONNECT for 6.0):
if (_mbsicmp(pECB->lpszMethod,pLegacyVerb)) { dwSize = sizeof(STATUS_MUST_BE_POST_STR) - 1; // don't want to count trailing 0.
ReplyToClient(pECB,STATUS_MUST_BE_POST_STR,&dwSize,&dwStatus); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_CONNECTION_OK; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; goto AbortAndExit; }
// Make sure there is no data from the initial BIND in the ECB data buffer:
// ASSERT(pECB->cbTotalBytes == 0);
// Get the connect parameters:
if (!ParseQueryString(pECB->lpszQueryString,&pOverlapped,&dwStatus)) { dwSize = sizeof(STATUS_POST_BAD_FORMAT_STR) - 1; // don't want to count trailing 0.
ReplyToClient(pECB,STATUS_POST_BAD_FORMAT_STR,&dwSize,&dwStatus); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_CONNECTION_OK; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; goto AbortAndExit; }
pOverlapped->pECB = pECB;
// Add the new ECB to the Active ECB List:
if (!AddToECBList(g_pServerInfo->pActiveECBList,pECB)) { #ifdef DBG_ERROR
DbgPrint("HttpExtensionProc(): AddToECBList() failed\n"); #endif
FreeOverlapped(pOverlapped); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// Submit the first client async read:
if (!StartAsyncClientRead(pECB,pOverlapped->pConn,&dwStatus)) { #ifdef DBG_ERROR
DbgPrint("HttpExtensionProc(): StartAsyncClientRead() failed %d\n",dwStatus); #endif
FreeOverlapped(pOverlapped); CleanupECB(pECB); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// Post the first server read on the new socket:
if (!SubmitNewRead(pServerInfo,pOverlapped,&dwStatus)) { #ifdef DBG_ERROR
DbgPrint("HttpExtensionProc(): SubmitNewRead() failed %d\n",dwStatus); #endif
FreeOverlapped(pOverlapped); CleanupECB(pECB); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// Make sure the server receive thread is up and running:
if (!CheckStartReceiveThread(g_pServerInfo,&dwStatus)) { #ifdef DBG_ERROR
DbgPrint("HttpExtensionProc(): CheckStartReceiveThread() failed %d\n",dwStatus); #endif
FreeOverlapped(pOverlapped); CleanupECB(pECB); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
// Send back connection Ok to client, and also set fKeepConn to FALSE.
dwSize = sizeof(HeaderEx); dwFlags = 0; memset(&HeaderEx,0,dwSize); HeaderEx.fKeepConn = FALSE; if (!pECB->ServerSupportFunction(pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX, &HeaderEx, &dwSize, &dwFlags)) { #ifdef DBG_ERROR
DbgPrint("HttpExtensionProc(): SSF(HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX) failed %d\n",dwStatus); #endif
FreeOverlapped(pOverlapped); CleanupECB(pECB); HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; goto AbortAndExit; }
HttpStatusCode = STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; ExtensionProcResult = HSE_STATUS_PENDING; // fall through
AbortAndExit: if (RemoteUser) MemFree(RemoteUser);
pECB->dwHttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode;
return ExtensionProcResult; }