Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Module Name:
The main header for an Novell 2000 Miniport driver.
Sean Selitrennikoff
Architecturally, there is an assumption in this driver that we are on a little endian machine.
Revision History:
#ifndef _NE2000SFT_
#define _NE2000SFT_
// This macro is used along with the flags to selectively
// turn on debugging.
#if DBG
#define IF_NE2000DEBUG(f) if (Ne2000DebugFlag & (f))
extern ULONG Ne2000DebugFlag;
#define NE2000_DEBUG_LOUD 0x00000001 // debugging info
#define NE2000_DEBUG_VERY_LOUD 0x00000002 // excessive debugging info
#define NE2000_DEBUG_LOG 0x00000004 // enable Ne2000Log
#define NE2000_DEBUG_CHECK_DUP_SENDS 0x00000008 // check for duplicate sends
#define NE2000_DEBUG_TRACK_PACKET_LENS 0x00000010 // track directed packet lens
#define NE2000_DEBUG_WORKAROUND1 0x00000020 // drop DFR/DIS packets
#define NE2000_DEBUG_CARD_BAD 0x00000040 // dump data if CARD_BAD
#define NE2000_DEBUG_CARD_TESTS 0x00000080 // print reason for failing
// Macro for deciding whether to print a lot of debugging information.
#define IF_LOUD(A) IF_NE2000DEBUG( NE2000_DEBUG_LOUD ) { A }
// Whether to use the Ne2000Log buffer to record a trace of the driver.
#define IF_LOG(A) IF_NE2000DEBUG( NE2000_DEBUG_LOG ) { A }
extern VOID Ne2000Log(UCHAR);
// Whether to do loud init failure
#define IF_INIT(A) A
// Whether to do loud card test failures
#define IF_TEST(A) IF_NE2000DEBUG( NE2000_DEBUG_CARD_TESTS ) { A }
// This is not a debug build, so make everything quiet.
#define IF_LOUD(A)
#define IF_VERY_LOUD(A)
#define IF_LOG(A)
#define IF_INIT(A)
#define IF_TEST(A)
// Adapter->NumBuffers
// controls the number of transmit buffers on the packet.
// Choices are 1 through 12.
// Create a macro for moving memory from place to place. Makes
// the code more readable and portable in case we ever support
// a shared memory Ne2000 adapter.
#define NE2000_MOVE_MEM(dest,src,size) NdisMoveMemory(dest,src,size)
// The status of transmit buffers.
typedef enum { EMPTY = 0x00, FULL = 0x02 } BUFFER_STATUS;
// Type of an interrupt.
typedef enum { RECEIVE = 0x01, TRANSMIT = 0x02, OVERFLOW = 0x04, COUNTER = 0x08, UNKNOWN = 0x10 } INTERRUPT_TYPE;
// Result of Ne2000IndicatePacket().
// Size of the ethernet header
#define NE2000_HEADER_SIZE 14
// Size of the ethernet address
#define NE2000_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS 6
// Number of bytes allowed in a lookahead (max)
#define NE2000_MAX_LOOKAHEAD (252 - NE2000_HEADER_SIZE)
// Maximum number of transmit buffers on the card.
#define MAX_XMIT_BUFS 12
// Definition of a transmit buffer.
typedef UINT XMIT_BUF;
// Number of 256-byte buffers in a transmit buffer.
#define BUFS_PER_TX 1
// Size of a single transmit buffer.
#define TX_BUF_SIZE (BUFS_PER_TX*256)
// This structure contains information about the driver
// itself. There is only have one of these structures.
typedef struct _DRIVER_BLOCK {
// NDIS wrapper information.
NDIS_HANDLE NdisMacHandle; // returned from NdisRegisterMac
NDIS_HANDLE NdisWrapperHandle; // returned from NdisInitializeWrapper
// Adapters registered for this Miniport driver.
struct _NE2000_ADAPTER * AdapterQueue;
// This structure contains all the information about a single
// adapter that this driver is controlling.
typedef struct _NE2000_ADAPTER {
// This is the handle given by the wrapper for calling ndis
// functions.
NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle;
// Interrupt object.
// used by DriverBlock->AdapterQueue
struct _NE2000_ADAPTER * NextAdapter;
// This is a count of the number of receives that have been
// indicated in a row. This is used to limit the number
// of sequential receives so that one can periodically check
// for transmit complete interrupts.
ULONG ReceivePacketCount;
// Configuration information
// Number of buffer in this adapter.
UINT NumBuffers;
// Physical address of the IoBaseAddress
PVOID IoBaseAddr;
// Interrupt number this adapter is using.
CHAR InterruptNumber;
// Number of multicast addresses that this adapter is to support.
UINT MulticastListMax;
// The type of bus that this adapter is running on. Either ISA or
// MCA.
UCHAR BusType;
// InterruptMode is whether the interrupt is latched or level sensitive
// Current status of the interrupt mask
BOOLEAN InterruptsEnabled;
// Type of ne2000 card.
UINT CardType;
// Address of the memory window.
ULONG AttributeMemoryAddress; ULONG AttributeMemorySize;
// Transmit information.
// The next available empty transmit buffer.
XMIT_BUF NextBufToFill;
// The next full transmit buffer waiting to transmitted. This
// is valid only if CurBufXmitting is -1
XMIT_BUF NextBufToXmit;
// This transmit buffer that is currently transmitting. If none,
// then the value is -1.
XMIT_BUF CurBufXmitting;
// TRUE if a transmit has been started, and have not received the
// corresponding transmit complete interrupt.
BOOLEAN TransmitInterruptPending;
// TRUE if a receive buffer overflow occurs while a
// transmit complete interrupt was pending.
BOOLEAN OverflowRestartXmitDpc;
// The current status of each transmit buffer.
// Used to map packets to transmit buffers and visa-versa.
// The length of each packet in the Packets list.
// The first packet we have pending.
// The tail of the pending queue.
// The address of the start of the transmit buffer space.
PUCHAR XmitStart;
// The address of the start of the receive buffer space.
PUCHAR PageStart;
// The address of the end of the receive buffer space.
PUCHAR PageStop;
// Status of the last transmit.
UCHAR XmitStatus;
// The value to write to the adapter for the start of
// the transmit buffer space.
UCHAR NicXmitStart;
// The value to write to the adapter for the start of
// the receive buffer space.
UCHAR NicPageStart;
// The value to write to the adapter for the end of
// the receive buffer space.
UCHAR NicPageStop;
// Receive information
// The value to write to the adapter for the next receive
// buffer that is free.
UCHAR NicNextPacket;
// The next receive buffer that will be filled.
UCHAR Current;
// Total length of a received packet.
UINT PacketLen;
// Operational information.
// Mapped address of the base io port.
// InterruptStatus tracks interrupt sources that still need to be serviced,
// it is the logical OR of all card interrupts that have been received and not
// processed and cleared. (see also INTERRUPT_TYPE definition in ne2000.h)
UCHAR InterruptStatus;
// The ethernet address currently in use.
// The ethernet address that is burned into the adapter.
UCHAR PermanentAddress[NE2000_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS];
// The adapter space address of the start of on board memory.
// The number of K on the adapter.
ULONG RamSize;
// The current packet filter in use.
ULONG PacketFilter;
// TRUE if a receive buffer overflow occured.
BOOLEAN BufferOverflow;
// TRUE if the driver needs to call NdisMEthIndicateReceiveComplete
BOOLEAN IndicateReceiveDone;
// TRUE if this is an NE2000 in an eight bit slot.
BOOLEAN EightBitSlot;
// Statistics used by Set/QueryInformation.
ULONG FramesXmitGood; // Good Frames Transmitted
ULONG FramesRcvGood; // Good Frames Received
ULONG FramesXmitBad; // Bad Frames Transmitted
ULONG FramesXmitOneCollision; // Frames Transmitted with one collision
ULONG FramesXmitManyCollisions; // Frames Transmitted with > 1 collision
ULONG FrameAlignmentErrors; // FAE errors counted
ULONG CrcErrors; // CRC errors counted
ULONG MissedPackets; // missed packet counted
// Reset information.
UCHAR NicMulticastRegs[8]; // contents of card multicast registers
UCHAR NicReceiveConfig; // contents of NIC RCR
UCHAR NicInterruptMask; // contents of NIC IMR
// The lookahead buffer size in use.
ULONG MaxLookAhead;
// These are for the current packet being indicated.
// The NIC appended header. Used to find corrupted receive packets.
UCHAR PacketHeader[4];
// Ne2000 address of the beginning of the packet.
PUCHAR PacketHeaderLoc;
// Lookahead buffer
// List of multicast addresses in use.
// Given a MiniportContextHandle return the PNE2000_ADAPTER
// it represents.
// Given a pointer to a NE2000_ADAPTER return the
// proper MiniportContextHandle.
// Macros to extract high and low bytes of a word.
#define MSB(Value) ((UCHAR)((((ULONG)Value) >> 8) & 0xff))
#define LSB(Value) ((UCHAR)(((ULONG)Value) & 0xff))
// What we map into the reserved section of a packet.
// Cannot be more than 8 bytes (see ASSERT in ne2000.c).
typedef struct _MINIPORT_RESERVED { PNDIS_PACKET Next; // used to link in the queues (4 bytes)
// Retrieve the MINIPORT_RESERVED structure from a packet.
#define RESERVED(Packet) ((PMINIPORT_RESERVED)((Packet)->MiniportReserved))
// Procedures which log errors.
typedef enum _NE2000_PROC_ID { cardReset, cardCopyDownPacket, cardCopyDownBuffer, cardCopyUp } NE2000_PROC_ID;
// Special error log codes.
#define NE2000_ERRMSG_CARD_SETUP (ULONG)0x01
// Declarations for functions in ne2000.c.
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000SetInformation( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext, IN NDIS_OID Oid, IN PVOID InformationBuffer, IN ULONG InformationBufferLength, OUT PULONG BytesRead, OUT PULONG BytesNeeded );
VOID Ne2000Halt( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
VOID Ne2000Shutdown( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000RegisterAdapter( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter, IN NDIS_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle, IN BOOLEAN ConfigError, IN ULONG ConfigErrorValue );
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000Initialize( OUT PNDIS_STATUS OpenErrorStatus, OUT PUINT SelectedMediumIndex, IN PNDIS_MEDIUM MediumArray, IN UINT MediumArraySize, IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle, IN NDIS_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle );
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000TransferData( OUT PNDIS_PACKET Packet, OUT PUINT BytesTransferred, IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext, IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportReceiveContext, IN UINT ByteOffset, IN UINT BytesToTransfer );
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000Send( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext, IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet, IN UINT Flags );
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000Reset( OUT PBOOLEAN AddressingReset, IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
NDIS_STATUS Ne2000QueryInformation( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext, IN NDIS_OID Oid, IN PVOID InformationBuffer, IN ULONG InformationBufferLength, OUT PULONG BytesWritten, OUT PULONG BytesNeeded );
VOID Ne2000Halt( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
VOID OctogmetusceratorRevisited( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
NDIS_STATUS DispatchSetPacketFilter( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
NDIS_STATUS DispatchSetMulticastAddressList( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
// Interrup.c
VOID Ne2000EnableInterrupt( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
VOID Ne2000DisableInterrupt( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
VOID Ne2000Isr( OUT PBOOLEAN InterruptRecognized, OUT PBOOLEAN QueueDpc, IN PVOID Context );
VOID Ne2000HandleInterrupt( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext );
BOOLEAN Ne2000PacketOK( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
VOID Ne2000XmitDpc( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN Ne2000RcvDpc( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
// Declarations of functions in card.c.
BOOLEAN CardCheckParameters( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN CardInitialize( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN CardReadEthernetAddress( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN CardSetup( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
VOID CardStop( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN CardTest( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN CardReset( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN CardCopyDownPacket( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter, IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet, OUT UINT * Length );
BOOLEAN CardCopyDown( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter, IN PUCHAR TargetBuffer, IN PUCHAR SourceBuffer, IN UINT Length );
BOOLEAN CardCopyUp( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter, IN PUCHAR Target, IN PUCHAR Source, IN UINT Length );
ULONG CardComputeCrc( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN UINT Length );
VOID CardGetPacketCrc( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN UINT Length, OUT UCHAR Crc[4] );
VOID CardGetMulticastBit( IN UCHAR Address[NE2000_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS], OUT UCHAR * Byte, OUT UCHAR * Value );
VOID CardFillMulticastRegs( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
VOID CardSetBoundary( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
VOID CardStartXmit( IN PNE2000_ADAPTER Adapter );
BOOLEAN SyncCardStop( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardGetXmitStatus( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardGetCurrent( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardSetReceiveConfig( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardSetAllMulticast( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardCopyMulticastRegs( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardSetInterruptMask( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardAcknowledgeOverflow( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardUpdateCounters( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
BOOLEAN SyncCardHandleOverflow( IN PVOID SynchronizeContext );
Routine Description:
Determines the type of the interrupt on the card. The order of importance is overflow, then transmit complete, then receive. Counter MSB is handled first since it is simple.
Adapter - pointer to the adapter block
InterruptStatus - Current Interrupt Status.
Return Value:
The type of the interrupt
--*/ #define CARD_GET_INTERRUPT_TYPE(_A, _I) \
(_I & ISR_COUNTER) ? \ COUNTER : \ (_I & ISR_OVERFLOW ) ? \ SyncCardUpdateCounters(_A), OVERFLOW : \ (_I & (ISR_XMIT|ISR_XMIT_ERR)) ? \ TRANSMIT : \ (_I & ISR_RCV) ? \ RECEIVE : \ (_I & ISR_RCV_ERR) ? \ SyncCardUpdateCounters(_A), RECEIVE : \ UNKNOWN
#endif // NE2000SFT