// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: readwrit.c
// This file contains functions associated with handling Read and Write requests
#include "pch.h"
NTSTATUS ParForwardToReverse( IN PPDO_EXTENSION Pdx ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine flips the bus from Forward to Reverse direction.
Pdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
// Do a quick check to see if we are where we want to be.
// Happy punt if everything is ok.
if( Pdx->Connected && ( Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE || Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_XFER) ) {
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParForwardToReverse - already in reverse mode\n"); return Status; }
if (Pdx->Connected) { if (Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE && Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_REVERSE_XFER) { if (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].ProtocolFamily == arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].ProtocolFamily) {
// Protocol Families match and we are in Fwd. Exit Fwd to cleanup the state
// machine, fifo, etc. We will call EnterReverse later to
// actually bus flip. Also only do this if in safe mode
if ( (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnExitForward) ) { Status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnExitForward(Pdx); } } else {
// Protocol Families don't match...need to terminate from the forward mode
if (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnDisconnect) { afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnDisconnect (Pdx); } if ((Pdx->ForwardInterfaceAddress != DEFAULT_ECP_CHANNEL) && (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress)) Pdx->SetForwardAddress = TRUE; } } }
if( (!Pdx->Connected) && (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnConnect) ) {
// If we are still connected the protocol families match...
Status = arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnConnect(Pdx, FALSE);
// Makes the assumption that the connected address is always 0
if ((NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress) && (Pdx->ReverseInterfaceAddress != DEFAULT_ECP_CHANNEL)) { Pdx->SetReverseAddress = TRUE; } }
// Set the channel address if we need to.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Pdx->SetReverseAddress && (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress)) {
Status = arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress ( Pdx, Pdx->ReverseInterfaceAddress); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Pdx->SetReverseAddress = FALSE; else Pdx->SetReverseAddress = TRUE; }
// Do we need to reverse?
if ( (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && ((Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE) && (Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_REVERSE_XFER)) ) { if ((arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnEnterReverse)) Status = arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnEnterReverse(Pdx); }
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParForwardToReverse - exit w/status=%x\n",Status);
return Status; }
Routine Description: This method determines if the dot4 peripheral has any data ready to send to the host.
Arguments: Pdx - Supplies the device EXTENSION.
Return Value: TRUE - Either the peripheral has data FALSE - No data --*/ { NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN justAcquiredPort = FALSE;
if( Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_TERMINATE && Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE && Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_REVERSE_XFER && Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_FORWARD_IDLE && Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_FORWARD_XFER ) {
// unexpected phase - no idea what to do here - pretend that
// there is no data avail and return
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - unexpected CurrentPhase %x\n",Pdx->CurrentPhase); PptAssertMsg("ParHaveReadData - unexpected CurrentPhase",FALSE); return FALSE; } if( PHASE_TERMINATE == Pdx->CurrentPhase ) {
// we're not currently talking with the peripheral and we
// likely don't have access to the port - try to acquire the
// port and establish communication with the peripheral so
// that we can check if the peripheral has data for us
// CurrentPhase indicates !Connected - do a check for consistency
PptAssert( !Pdx->Connected ); DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_TERMINATE\n");
if( !Pdx->bAllocated ) {
// we don't have the port - try to acquire port
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_TERMINATE - don't have port\n");
status = PptAcquirePortViaIoctl( Pdx->Fdo, NULL );
if( STATUS_SUCCESS == status ) {
// we now have the port
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_TERMINATE - port acquired\n");
// note that we have just now acquired the port so
// that we can release the port below if we are unable
// to establish communication with the peripheral
justAcquiredPort = TRUE;
Pdx->bAllocated = TRUE;
} else {
// we couldn't get the port - bail out
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_TERMINATE - don't have port - acquire failed\n"); return FALSE;
} // endif !Pdx->bAllocated
// we now have the port - try to negotiate into a forward
// mode since we believe that the check for periph data
// avail is more robust in forward modes
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_TERMINATE - we have the port - try to Connect\n");
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - try to Connect - calling ParReverseToForward\n");
// ParReverseToForward:
// 1) tries to negotiate the peripheral into the forward mode
// specified by a combination of the device specific
// Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol and the driver global afpForward
// array.
// 2) sets up our internal state machine, Pdx->CurrentPhase
// 3) as a side effect - sets Pdx->SetForwardAddress if we
// need to use a non-Zero ECP (or EPP) address.
status = ParReverseToForward( Pdx );
if( STATUS_SUCCESS == status ) {
// We are in communication with the peripheral
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - connected - ParReverseToForward SUCCESS\n");
// Set the channel address if we need to - use the side effect from ParReverseToForward here
if( Pdx->SetForwardAddress ) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - connected - try to set Forward Address\n"); if( afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress ) { status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress ( Pdx, Pdx->ForwardInterfaceAddress ); if( STATUS_SUCCESS == status ) {
// success - set flag to indicate that we don't need to set the address again
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - connected - set Forward Address - SUCCESS\n"); Pdx->SetForwardAddress = FALSE;
} else {
// couldn't set address - clean up and bail out - report no peripheral data avail
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - connected - set Forward Address - FAIL\n"); Pdx->SetForwardAddress = TRUE;
// Return peripheral to quiescent state
// (Compatibility Mode Forward Idle) and set
// our state machine accordingly
ParTerminate( Pdx );
// if we just acquired the port in this function then give
// up the port, otherwise keep it for now
if( justAcquiredPort ) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - set address failed - giving up port\n"); ParFreePort( Pdx ); } return FALSE;
} }
} else { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - connected - no need to set Forward Address\n"); }
} else {
// unable to establish communication with peripheral
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - we have the port - try to Connect - ParReverseToForward FAILED\n");
// if we just acquired the port in this function then give
// up the port, otherwise keep it for now
if( justAcquiredPort ) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - connect failed - giving up port\n"); ParFreePort( Pdx ); } return FALSE; }
// we're communicating with the peripheral - fall through to below to check for data avail
} // endif PHASE_TERMINATE == CurrentPhase
if( Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE || Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_XFER ) {
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_REVERSE_*\n");
if( arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnHaveReadData ) {
if( arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnHaveReadData( Pdx ) ) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_REVERSE_* - we have data\n"); return TRUE; }
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_REVERSE_* - no data - flip bus to forward\n");
// Don't have data. This could be a fluke. Let's flip the bus
// and try again in Fwd mode since some peripherals reportedly
// have broken firmware that does not properly signal that
// they have data avail when in some reverse modes.
ParReverseToForward( Pdx );
if( Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_FORWARD_IDLE || Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_FORWARD_XFER ) {
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_FORWARD_*\n");
if( afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].ProtocolFamily == FAMILY_BECP || afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].Protocol & ECP_HW_NOIRQ || afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].Protocol & ECP_HW_IRQ) {
if( PptEcpHwHaveReadData( Pdx ) ) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_FORWARD_* - ECP HW - have data\n"); return TRUE; }
// Hmmm. No data. Is the chip stuck?
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_FORWARD_* - ECP HW - no data\n"); return FALSE;
} else {
if( afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].Protocol & ECP_SW ) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - PHASE_FORWARD_* - ECP SW - checking for data\n"); return ParEcpHaveReadData( Pdx ); }
} }
// We got here because the protocol doesn't support peeking.
// - pretend there is data avail
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParHaveReadData - exit - returning TRUE\n"); return TRUE; }
Routine Description: This method was intended to ping the device, but it is currently a NOOP.
Arguments: Pdx - Supplies the device EXTENSION.
Return Value: none --*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
return NtStatus; }
Routine Description:
This is the dispatch routine for READ and WRITE requests.
DeviceObject - Supplies the device object.
Irp - Supplies the I/O request packet.
Return Value:
STATUS_PENDING - Request pending - a worker thread will carry out the request at PASSIVE_LEVEL IRQL
STATUS_SUCCESS - Success - asked for a read or write of length zero.
STATUS_DELETE_PENDING - This device object is being deleted.
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); Pdx = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// bail out if a delete is pending for this device object
if(Pdx->DeviceStateFlags & PPT_DEVICE_DELETE_PENDING) { return P4CompleteRequest( Irp, STATUS_DELETE_PENDING, Irp->IoStatus.Information ); } //
// bail out if a remove is pending for our ParPort device object
if(Pdx->DeviceStateFlags & PAR_DEVICE_PORT_REMOVE_PENDING) { return P4CompleteRequest( Irp, STATUS_DELETE_PENDING, Irp->IoStatus.Information ); }
// bail out if device has been removed
if(Pdx->DeviceStateFlags & (PPT_DEVICE_REMOVED|PPT_DEVICE_SURPRISE_REMOVED) ) { return P4CompleteRequest( Irp, STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED, Irp->IoStatus.Information ); }
// Note that checks of the Write IRP parameters also handles Read IRPs
// because the Write and Read structures are identical in the
// IO_STACK_LOCATION.Parameters union
// bail out on nonzero offset
if( (IrpSp->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset.HighPart != 0) || (IrpSp->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset.LowPart != 0) ) { return P4CompleteRequest( Irp, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, Irp->IoStatus.Information ); }
// immediately succeed read or write request of length zero
if (IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length == 0) { return P4CompleteRequest( Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS, Irp->IoStatus.Information ); }
// Request appears to be valid, queue it for our worker thread to handle at
// PASSIVE_LEVEL IRQL and wake up the thread to do the work
{ KIRQL OldIrql;
// make sure IRP isn't cancelled out from under us
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock(&OldIrql); if (Irp->Cancel) { // IRP has been cancelled, bail out
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(OldIrql); return STATUS_CANCELLED; } else { BOOLEAN needToSignalSemaphore = (IsListEmpty( &Pdx->WorkQueue ) && !KeReadStateSemaphore( &Pdx->RequestSemaphore )) ? TRUE : FALSE;
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4054 4055 )
IoSetCancelRoutine(Irp, ParCancelRequest); #pragma warning( pop )
IoMarkIrpPending(Irp); InsertTailList(&Pdx->WorkQueue, &Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(OldIrql); if( needToSignalSemaphore ) { KeReleaseSemaphore(&Pdx->RequestSemaphore, 0, 1, FALSE); } return STATUS_PENDING; } } }
NTSTATUS ParRead( IN PPDO_EXTENSION Pdx, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG NumBytesToRead, OUT PULONG NumBytesRead ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PUCHAR lpsBufPtr = (PUCHAR)Buffer; // Pointer to buffer cast to desired data type
ULONG Bytes = 0;
*NumBytesRead = Bytes;
// only do this if we are in safe mode
if ( Pdx->ModeSafety == SAFE_MODE ) {
if (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnReadShadow) { Queue *pQueue; pQueue = &(Pdx->ShadowBuffer);
arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnReadShadow( pQueue, lpsBufPtr, NumBytesToRead, &Bytes ); NumBytesToRead -= Bytes; *NumBytesRead += Bytes; lpsBufPtr += Bytes; if ( 0 == NumBytesToRead ) {
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ((!Queue_IsEmpty(pQueue)) && (TRUE == Pdx->P12843DL.bEventActive) ) { KeSetEvent(Pdx->P12843DL.Event, 0, FALSE); } goto ParRead_ExitLabel; } }
if (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnHaveReadData) { if (!arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnHaveReadData(Pdx)) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParRead - periph doesn't have data - give cycles to someone else\n"); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto ParRead_ExitLabel; } } }
// Go ahead and flip the bus if need be. The proc will just make sure we're properly
// connected and pointing in the right direction.
Status = ParForwardToReverse( Pdx );
// The read mode will vary depending upon the currently negotiated mode.
// Default: Nibble
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Pdx->fnRead || arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnRead) { //
// Do the read...
if(Pdx->fnRead) { Status = ((PPROTOCOL_READ_ROUTINE)Pdx->fnRead)( Pdx, (PVOID)lpsBufPtr, NumBytesToRead, &Bytes ); } else { Status = arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnRead( Pdx, (PVOID)lpsBufPtr, NumBytesToRead, &Bytes ); } *NumBytesRead += Bytes; NumBytesToRead -= Bytes; #if DVRH_SHOW_BYTE_LOG
{ ULONG i=0; DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"Parallel:Read: "); for (i=0; i<*NumBytesRead; ++i) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT," %02x",((PUCHAR)lpsBufPtr)[i]); } DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"\n"); } #endif
} else { // If you are here, you've got a bug somewhere else
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParRead - you're hosed man - no fnRead\n"); PptAssertMsg("ParRead - don't have a fnRead! Can't Read!\n",FALSE); } } else { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParRead - Bus Flip Forward->Reverse FAILED - can't read\n"); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine implements a READ request with the extension's current irp.
Pdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
--*/ { PIRP Irp = Pdx->CurrentOpIrp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); ULONG bytesRead; NTSTATUS status;
status = ParRead( Pdx, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length, &bytesRead );
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; Irp->IoStatus.Information = bytesRead;
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParReadIrp - status = %x, bytesRead=%d\n", status, bytesRead);
return; }
NTSTATUS ParReverseToForward( IN PPDO_EXTENSION Pdx ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine flips the bus from Reverse to Forward direction.
Pdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
// dvdr
if (Pdx->Connected) { // Do a quick check to see if we are where we want to be.
// Happy punt if everything is ok.
if( Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_FORWARD_IDLE || Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_FORWARD_XFER ) {
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParReverseToForward: Already in Fwd. Exit STATUS_SUCCESS\n"); return Status;
} else {
if (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].ProtocolFamily != arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].ProtocolFamily) {
// Protocol Families don't match...need to terminate from the forward mode
if (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnDisconnect) { arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnDisconnect (Pdx); }
if ((Pdx->ReverseInterfaceAddress != DEFAULT_ECP_CHANNEL) && (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress)) { Pdx->SetReverseAddress = TRUE; }
} else if((Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE) || (Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_XFER)) {
if ( (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnExitReverse) ) { Status = arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnExitReverse(Pdx); }
} else {
// We are in a screwy state.
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParReverseToForward: We're lost! Unknown state - Gonna start spewing!\n"); Status = STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT; // I picked a RetVal from thin air!
} } }
// Yes, we still want to check for connection since we might have
// terminated in the previous code block!
if (!Pdx->Connected && afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnConnect) {
Status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnConnect( Pdx, FALSE ); //
// Makes the assumption that the connected address is always 0
if ((NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && (Pdx->ForwardInterfaceAddress != DEFAULT_ECP_CHANNEL)) { Pdx->SetForwardAddress = TRUE; } }
// Do we need to enter a forward mode?
if ( (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && (Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_FORWARD_IDLE) && (Pdx->CurrentPhase != PHASE_FORWARD_XFER) && (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnEnterForward) ) { Status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnEnterForward(Pdx); }
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParReverseToForward - exit w/status= %x\n", Status);
return Status; }
DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParSetFwdAddress: Start: Channel [%x]\n", Pdx->ForwardInterfaceAddress); if (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress) { Status = ParReverseToForward(Pdx); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParSetFwdAddress: FAIL. Couldn't flip the bus for Set ECP/EPP Channel failed.\n"); goto ParSetFwdAddress_ExitLabel; } Status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress ( Pdx, Pdx->ForwardInterfaceAddress); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Pdx->SetForwardAddress = FALSE; } else { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParSetFwdAddress: FAIL. Set ECP/EPP Channel failed.\n"); goto ParSetFwdAddress_ExitLabel; } } else { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDE,"ParSetFwdAddress: FAIL. Protocol doesn't support SetECP/EPP Channel\n"); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto ParSetFwdAddress_ExitLabel; }
ParSetFwdAddress_ExitLabel: return Status; }
VOID ParTerminate( IN PPDO_EXTENSION Pdx ) { if (!Pdx->Connected) { return; }
if (Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE || Pdx->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_XFER) {
if (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].ProtocolFamily != arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].ProtocolFamily) {
if (arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnDisconnect) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParTerminate: Calling arpReverse.fnDisconnect\r\n"); arpReverse[Pdx->IdxReverseProtocol].fnDisconnect (Pdx); }
return; } ParReverseToForward(Pdx); }
if (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnDisconnect) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"ParTerminate: Calling afpForward.fnDisconnect\r\n"); afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnDisconnect (Pdx); } }
// The routine which performs the write varies depending upon the currently
// negotiated mode. Start I/O moves the IRP into the Pdx (CurrentOpIrp)
// Default mode: Centronics
// Go ahead and flip the bus if need be. The proc will just make sure we're properly
// connected and pointing in the right direction.
Status = ParReverseToForward( Pdx );
// only do this if we are in safe mode
if ( Pdx->ModeSafety == SAFE_MODE ) {
// Set the channel address if we need to.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Pdx->SetForwardAddress && (afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress)) { Status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnSetInterfaceAddress ( Pdx, Pdx->ForwardInterfaceAddress); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Pdx->SetForwardAddress = FALSE; else Pdx->SetForwardAddress = TRUE; } }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
if (Pdx->fnWrite || afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnWrite) { *NumBytesWritten = 0;
{ ULONG i=0; DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"Parallel:Write: "); for (i=0; i<NumBytesToWrite; ++i) { DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT," %02x",*((PUCHAR)Buffer+i)); } DD((PCE)Pdx,DDT,"\n"); } #endif
if( Pdx->fnWrite) { Status = ((PPROTOCOL_WRITE_ROUTINE)Pdx->fnWrite)(Pdx, Buffer, NumBytesToWrite, NumBytesWritten); } else { Status = afpForward[Pdx->IdxForwardProtocol].fnWrite(Pdx, Buffer, NumBytesToWrite, NumBytesWritten); } } } return Status; }
VOID ParWriteIrp( IN PPDO_EXTENSION Pdx ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine implements a WRITE request with the extension's current irp.
Pdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
--*/ { PIRP Irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp; ULONG NumBytesWritten = 0;
Irp = Pdx->CurrentOpIrp; IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
Irp->IoStatus.Status = ParWrite(Pdx, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length, &NumBytesWritten);
Irp->IoStatus.Information = NumBytesWritten; }