| read.c - 1-22-99 - add missing IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(oldIrql) to CompleteRead(). Error introduced after V3.23. kpb 1-18-99 - adjust VS timeout settings., take out some old #ifdef's. kpb. 3-23-98 - adjust VS so we have minimum per-character timeout value to compensate for vs networking. 3-04-98 Beef up synch locks with isr service routine(blue-screens on MP systems). kpb. 3-04-98 Take out data move from inter-character timer processing - kpb. 9-22-97 V1.16 - add check to avoid crash on modem detection. Copyright 1993-98 Comtrol Corporation. All rights reserved. |--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "precomp.h"
// #define TESTING_READ 1
//--- local funcs
VOID SerialCancelCurrentRead(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp);
Routine Description: This is the dispatch routine for reading. It validates the parameters for the read request and if all is ok then it places the request on the work queue. Arguments: DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for this device Irp - Pointer to the IRP for the current request Return Value: If the io is zero length then it will return STATUS_SUCCESS, otherwise this routine will return the status returned by the actual start read routine. *************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SerialRead( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN acceptingIRPs;
acceptingIRPs = SerialIRPPrologue(extension);
if (acceptingIRPs == FALSE) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; SerialCompleteRequest(extension, Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; };
if (extension->DeviceType == DEV_BOARD) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; SerialCompleteRequest (extension, Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; };
ExtTrace1(extension,D_Ioctl,"Read Start Len:%d", IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->Parameters.Read.Length);
if (extension->ErrorWord) { if (SerialCompleteIfError( DeviceObject, Irp ) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Ioctl,"ErrSet!"); return STATUS_CANCELLED; } }
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0L;
// If this is a zero length read then we are already done.
if (IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->Parameters.Read.Length) { // Put the read on the queue so that we can
// process it when our previous reads are done.
++extension->rec_packets; Status = SerialStartOrQueue( extension, Irp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, SerialStartRead ); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Ioctl, " ,PENDING"); } else { ExtTrace1(extension,D_Ioctl,"Read Return Status:%d",Status); }
return Status; } else { // Nothing to do, return success
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SerialCompleteRequest(extension, Irp, 0);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
Routine Description: This routine is used to start off any read. It initializes the Iostatus fields of the irp. It will set up any timers that are used to control the read. It will attempt to complete the read from data already in the interrupt buffer. If the read can be completed quickly it will start off another if necessary. Arguments: Extension - Simply a pointer to the serial device extension. Return Value: This routine will return the status of the first read irp. This is useful in that if we have a read that can complete right away (AND there had been nothing in the queue before it) the read could return SUCCESS and the application won't have to do a wait. *************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SerialStartRead( IN PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension ) { PIRP newIrp; KIRQL oldIrql; KIRQL controlIrql;
BOOLEAN returnWithWhatsPresent; BOOLEAN os2ssreturn; BOOLEAN crunchDownToOne; BOOLEAN useTotalTimer; BOOLEAN useIntervalTimer;
ULONG multiplierVal; ULONG constantVal;
BOOLEAN setFirstStatus = FALSE; NTSTATUS firstStatus;
do { Extension->NumberNeededForRead = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Extension->CurrentReadIrp) ->Parameters.Read.Length;
// Calculate the timeout value needed for the
// request. Note that the values stored in the
// timeout record are in milliseconds.
useTotalTimer = FALSE; returnWithWhatsPresent = FALSE; os2ssreturn = FALSE; crunchDownToOne = FALSE; useIntervalTimer = FALSE;
// Always initialize the timer objects so that the
// completion code can tell when it attempts to
// cancel the timers whether the timers had ever
// been set.
KeInitializeTimer(&Extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer); KeInitializeTimer(&Extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer);
// We get the *current* timeout values to use for timing
// this read.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock, &controlIrql);
timeoutsForIrp = Extension->Timeouts;
KeReleaseSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock, controlIrql);
// Calculate the interval timeout for the read.
if (timeoutsForIrp.ReadIntervalTimeout && (timeoutsForIrp.ReadIntervalTimeout != MAXULONG)) { useIntervalTimer = TRUE; Extension->IntervalTime.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64( timeoutsForIrp.ReadIntervalTimeout, 10000 ); #ifdef S_VS
// if they are using a per-character timeout of less
// than 100ms, then change it to 100ms due to possible
// network latencies.
if (Extension->IntervalTime.QuadPart < (10000 * 100)) { ExtTrace(Extension,D_Ioctl,"Adjust mintime");
Extension->IntervalTime.QuadPart = (10000 * 100); } #endif
if (Extension->IntervalTime.QuadPart >= Extension->CutOverAmount.QuadPart) {
Extension->IntervalTimeToUse = &Extension->LongIntervalAmount;
} else {
Extension->IntervalTimeToUse = &Extension->ShortIntervalAmount;
} }
if (timeoutsForIrp.ReadIntervalTimeout == MAXULONG) { // We need to do special return quickly stuff here.
// 1) If both constant and multiplier are
// 0 then we return immediately with whatever
// we've got, even if it was zero.
// 2) If constant and multiplier are not MAXULONG
// then return immediately if any characters
// are present, but if nothing is there, then
// use the timeouts as specified.
// 3) If multiplier is MAXULONG then do as in
// "2" but return when the first character
// arrives.
if (!timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant && !timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier) { returnWithWhatsPresent = TRUE;
} else if ((timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant != MAXULONG) && (timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier != MAXULONG)) {
useTotalTimer = TRUE; os2ssreturn = TRUE; multiplierVal = timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; constantVal = timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant;
} else if ((timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant != MAXULONG) && (timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier == MAXULONG)) { useTotalTimer = TRUE; os2ssreturn = TRUE; crunchDownToOne = TRUE; multiplierVal = 0; constantVal = timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; } } else { // If both the multiplier and the constant are
// zero then don't do any total timeout processing.
if (timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier || timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant) {
// We have some timer values to calculate.
useTotalTimer = TRUE; multiplierVal = timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; constantVal = timeoutsForIrp.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; } }
if (useTotalTimer) { totalTime.QuadPart = ((LONGLONG)(UInt32x32To64( Extension->NumberNeededForRead, multiplierVal ) + constantVal)) ; #ifdef S_VS
if (totalTime.QuadPart < 50) { totalTime.QuadPart = 50; // limit to a minimum of 50ms timeout
} #endif
totalTime.QuadPart *= -10000; }
// Move any data in the interrupt buffer to the user buffer.
// Try to satisfy the current read irp.
// Use spinlock so a purge will not cause problems.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock, &controlIrql);
// Move the data from the host side buffer to the user buffer
// This is the "first" move so assign CountOnLastRead
Extension->CountOnLastRead = SerialGetCharsFromIntBuffer(Extension);
// Init the timeout flag
Extension->ReadByIsr = 0;
// See if we have any cause to return immediately.
if (returnWithWhatsPresent || (!Extension->NumberNeededForRead) || (os2ssreturn && Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information)) { // We got all we needed for this read.
KeReleaseSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock, controlIrql);
if (Extension->TraceOptions) { if (Extension->TraceOptions & 1) // event tracing
{ ExtTrace1(Extension,D_Read,"Immed. Read Done, size:%d", Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information);
// dump data into the trace buffer in a hex or ascii dump format
TraceDump(Extension, Extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, 0); } else if (Extension->TraceOptions & 2) // trace input data
{ TracePut( Extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information); } } #endif
Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!setFirstStatus) { firstStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; setFirstStatus = TRUE; } } else // not return with what we have
{ MyKdPrint(D_Read,("Read Pending\n"))
// The irp may go under control of the isr.
// Initialize the reference count
// We need to see if this irp should be canceled.
if (Extension->CurrentReadIrp->Cancel) { IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(oldIrql);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock, controlIrql);
Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED;
Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
if (!setFirstStatus) { firstStatus = STATUS_CANCELLED; setFirstStatus = TRUE; }
} else { // If we are supposed to crunch the read down to
// one character, then update the read length
// in the irp and truncate the number needed for
// read down to one. Note that if we are doing
// this crunching, then the information must be
// zero (or we would have completed above) and
// the number needed for the read must still be
// equal to the read length.
if (crunchDownToOne) { Extension->NumberNeededForRead = 1;
IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Extension->CurrentReadIrp )->Parameters.Read.Length = 1; }
// Is this irp complete?
if (Extension->NumberNeededForRead) { // The irp isn't complete, the ISR or timeout
// will start the completion routines and
// invoke this code again to finish.
// Total supervisory read time.
if (useTotalTimer) { SERIAL_SET_REFERENCE( Extension->CurrentReadIrp, SERIAL_REF_TOTAL_TIMER );
// Start off the total timer
KeSetTimer( &Extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, totalTime, &Extension->TotalReadTimeoutDpc ); }
// Inter-character timer
if(useIntervalTimer) { SERIAL_SET_REFERENCE( Extension->CurrentReadIrp, SERIAL_REF_INT_TIMER );
KeQuerySystemTime( &Extension->LastReadTime );
KeSetTimer( &Extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, *Extension->IntervalTimeToUse, &Extension->IntervalReadTimeoutDpc ); }
IoMarkIrpPending(Extension->CurrentReadIrp); IoSetCancelRoutine( Extension->CurrentReadIrp, SerialCancelCurrentRead );
SERIAL_SET_REFERENCE(Extension->CurrentReadIrp, SERIAL_REF_ISR); // tell ISR to complete it.
Extension->ReadPending = TRUE;
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(oldIrql); KeReleaseSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock, controlIrql);
if (!setFirstStatus) { firstStatus = STATUS_PENDING; }
return firstStatus;
} else {
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(oldIrql); KeReleaseSpinLock(&Extension->ControlLock,controlIrql); Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (!setFirstStatus) {
firstStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; setFirstStatus = TRUE; } } // irp not complete
} // not canceled
} // not return with what we have
// The current irp is complete, try to get another one.
SerialGetNextIrp( &Extension->CurrentReadIrp, &Extension->ReadQueue, &newIrp, TRUE, Extension );
} while (newIrp);
return firstStatus;
trace_read_data - used to trace completion of read irp. |------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void trace_read_data(PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension) {
if (extension->TraceOptions & 1) // event tracing
{ ExtTrace3(extension,D_Read,"Pend. Read Done, size:%d [%d %d]", extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, extension->RxQ.QPut, extension->RxQ.QGet);
// dump data into the trace buffer in a hex or ascii dump format
TraceDump(extension, extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, 0); } else if (extension->TraceOptions & 2) // trace input data
{ TracePut( extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information); } }
Routine Description: This routine is merely used to complete any read that ended up being used by the Isr. It assumes that the status and the information fields of the irp are already correctly filled in. Arguments: Dpc - Not Used. DeferredContext - Really points to the device extension. SystemContext1 - Not Used. SystemContext2 - Not Used. Return Value: None. ***************************************************************************/ VOID SerialCompleteRead( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemContext1, IN PVOID SystemContext2 ) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension = DeferredContext; KIRQL oldIrql;
if (extension->TraceOptions) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read,"Read Complete"); trace_read_data(extension); } #endif
// check that we haven't been canceled by a timeout
// fix for the semaphores
if (extension->CurrentReadIrp != NULL) {
// Don't allow the ISR to complete this IRP
extension->ReadPending = FALSE;
// Indicate to the interval timer that the read has completed.
// The interval timer dpc can be lurking in some DPC queue.
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, NULL, oldIrql, STATUS_SUCCESS, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_ISR ); } else { IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(oldIrql); } #ifdef TESTING_READ
MyKdPrint(D_Read,("Complete Read!")) #endif
Routine Description: This routine is used to cancel the current read. Arguments: DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object for this device Irp - Pointer to the IRP to be canceled. Return Value: None. ****************************************************************************/ VOID SerialCancelCurrentRead( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp ) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// Indicate to the interval timer that the read has encountered a cancel.
// The interval timer dpc can be lurking in some DPC queue.
extension->CountOnLastRead = SERIAL_COMPLETE_READ_CANCEL; extension->ReadPending = FALSE; SERIAL_CLEAR_REFERENCE(extension->CurrentReadIrp, SERIAL_REF_ISR);
if (extension->TraceOptions) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read,"Cancel Read"); trace_read_data(extension); }
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, SerialGrabReadFromIsr, Irp->CancelIrql, STATUS_CANCELLED, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_CANCEL ); }
Routine Description: This routine is used to complete a read because its total timer has expired. Arguments: Dpc - Not Used. DeferredContext - Really points to the device extension. SystemContext1 - Not Used. SystemContext2 - Not Used. Return Value: None. |------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID SerialReadTimeout( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemContext1, IN PVOID SystemContext2 ) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension = DeferredContext; KIRQL oldIrql;
MyKdPrint(D_Read,("\n[Read Timeout!]\n")) MyKdPrint(D_Read,("Read Wanted, len:%ld \n", extension->debug_ul1)) MyKdPrint(D_Read,("Read, Got:%ld, Immed:%d readpen:%d\n", extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, extension->debug_ul2, extension->ReadPending)) MyKdPrint(D_Read,("Read Left, NNFR:%ld\n", extension->NumberNeededForRead)) KdBreakPoint(); #endif
if (extension->TraceOptions) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read,"Rd-Total Timeout"); trace_read_data(extension); }
// Indicate to the interval timer that the read has completed
// due to total timeout.
// The interval timer dpc can be lurking in some DPC queue.
extension->CountOnLastRead = SERIAL_COMPLETE_READ_TOTAL;
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, SerialGrabReadFromIsr, oldIrql, STATUS_TIMEOUT, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_TOTAL_TIMER ); }
Routine Description: This routine is used timeout the request if the time between characters exceed the interval time. A global is kept in the device extension that records the count of characters read the last the last time this routine was invoked (This dpc will resubmit the timer if the count has changed). If the count has not changed then this routine will attempt to complete the irp. Note the special case of the last count being zero. The timer isn't really in effect until the first character is read. Arguments: Dpc - Not Used. DeferredContext - Really points to the device extension. SystemContext1 - Not Used. SystemContext2 - Not Used. Return Value: None. |------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID SerialIntervalReadTimeout( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemContext1, IN PVOID SystemContext2 ) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension = DeferredContext; KIRQL oldIrql; #if 0
KIRQL controlIrql; #endif
ExtTrace3(extension,D_Read,"RIT, amnt:%d [%d %d]", extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, extension->RxQ.QPut, extension->RxQ.QGet); #endif
if (extension->CountOnLastRead == SERIAL_COMPLETE_READ_TOTAL) { #ifdef TIMEOUT_TRACING
if (extension->TraceOptions) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read,"Interv. Complete Total"); trace_read_data(extension); } #endif
// The total timer has fired, try to complete.
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, SerialGrabReadFromIsr, oldIrql, STATUS_TIMEOUT, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_INT_TIMER );
} else if (extension->CountOnLastRead == SERIAL_COMPLETE_READ_COMPLETE) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read," Rd Timeout, Complete"); #ifdef TRACE_PORT
if (extension->TraceOptions) { trace_read_data(extension); } #endif
// The regular completion routine has been called, try to complete.
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, SerialGrabReadFromIsr, oldIrql, STATUS_SUCCESS, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_INT_TIMER );
} else if (extension->CountOnLastRead == SERIAL_COMPLETE_READ_CANCEL) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read,"Rd Timeout, Cancel"); #ifdef TRACE_PORT
if (extension->TraceOptions) { trace_read_data(extension); } #endif
// The cancel read routine has been called, try to complete.
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, SerialGrabReadFromIsr, oldIrql, STATUS_CANCELLED, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_INT_TIMER );
} else if (extension->CountOnLastRead || extension->ReadByIsr) { //
// Check on Interval Timeouts.
// As we come back to this routine we will compare the current time
// to the "last" time. If the difference is larger than the
// interval requested by the user, time out the request.
// If the ISR has read in any more characters, resubmit the timer.
if(extension->ReadByIsr) { // Something was placed in the system side buffer by the ISR
// Init for resubmitted timeout
extension->ReadByIsr = 0;
#if 0
This is bad news, the ISR moves data from the que to the user IRP buffer, if we do it here we have a nasty time-consuming contention issue. There is no good reason to do the move here, take it out. ----------*/ KeAcquireSpinLock(&extension->ControlLock,&controlIrql);
// Move the chars to the user buffer
isr code calls this routine also, the extension->ReadPending is the mechanism to control access(Two SerialGetCharsFromIntBuffer() calls at same time.) kpb ----------*/ extension->CountOnLastRead |= SerialGetCharsFromIntBuffer(extension);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&extension->ControlLock,controlIrql); #endif
// Save off the "last" time something was read.
KeQuerySystemTime( &extension->LastReadTime ); #ifdef TRACE_TICK_DEBUG
ExtTrace(extension,D_Read," Resubmit(new chars)"); #endif
// Resubmit the timer
KeSetTimer( &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, *extension->IntervalTimeToUse, &extension->IntervalReadTimeoutDpc );
// Allow the ISR to complete this IRP
} else { // The timer fired but nothing was in the interrupt buffer.
// Characters have been read previously, so check time interval
LARGE_INTEGER currentTime;
KeQuerySystemTime( ¤tTime ); if ((currentTime.QuadPart - extension->LastReadTime.QuadPart) >= extension->IntervalTime.QuadPart) { ExtTrace(extension,D_Read,"RIT Timeout"); #ifdef TRACE_PORT
if (extension->TraceOptions) { trace_read_data(extension); } #endif
// No characters read in the interval time, kill this read.
SerialTryToCompleteCurrent( extension, SerialGrabReadFromIsr, oldIrql, STATUS_TIMEOUT, &extension->CurrentReadIrp, &extension->ReadQueue, &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, &extension->ReadRequestTotalTimer, SerialStartRead, SerialGetNextIrp, SERIAL_REF_INT_TIMER ); } else { #ifdef TRACE_TICK_DEBUG
// The timer fired but the interval time has not
// been exceeded, resubmit the timer
ExtTrace(extension,D_Read," Resubmit"); #endif
KeSetTimer( &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, *extension->IntervalTimeToUse, &extension->IntervalReadTimeoutDpc );
ExtTrace(extension,D_Read," No data, Resubmit."); #endif
// Allow the ISR to complete this IRP
} } } else { // No characters have been read yet, so just resubmit the timeout.
KeSetTimer( &extension->ReadRequestIntervalTimer, *extension->IntervalTimeToUse, &extension->IntervalReadTimeoutDpc );
ExtTrace(extension,D_Read," No data A, Resubmit."); #endif
} }
SerialGrabReadFromIsr - Take back the read packet from the ISR by reseting ReadPending flag in extension. Need to use a sync with isr/timer routine to avoid contention in multiprocessor environments.
Called from sync routine or with timer spinlock held.
App - Can set ReadPending to give read-irp handling to the ISR without syncing to ISR. ISR - Can reset ReadPending to give read-irp handling back to app-time.
If App wants to grab control of read-irp handling back from ISR, then it must sync-up with the isr/timer routine which has control. |-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN SerialGrabReadFromIsr(PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension) { Extension->ReadPending = FALSE; SERIAL_CLEAR_REFERENCE(Extension->CurrentReadIrp, SERIAL_REF_ISR); return FALSE; }
Routine Description: This routine is used to copy any characters out of the interrupt buffer into the users buffer. It will be reading values that are updated with the ISR but this is safe since this value is only decremented by synchronization routines. Arguments: Extension - A pointer to the device extension. Return Value: The number of characters that were copied into the user buffer. |-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG SerialGetCharsFromIntBuffer(PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension) { LONG RxCount; LONG WrapCount = 0L;
// See how much data we have in RxBuf (host-side buffer)
// RxCount signed here for buffer wrap testing
RxCount = q_count(&Extension->RxQ);
// Check for a zero count in RxBuf
if (RxCount == 0) return 0L;
// Send back only as much as the application asked for...
// RxCount unsigned here (will always be positive at this point)
if (Extension->NumberNeededForRead < (ULONG)RxCount) RxCount = Extension->NumberNeededForRead;
// Check for a buffer wrap
WrapCount = q_room_get_till_wrap(&Extension->RxQ); if (RxCount > WrapCount) // wrap is required
{ // RtlMoveMemory(
memcpy( (PUCHAR)(Extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) + Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, Extension->RxQ.QBase + Extension->RxQ.QGet, WrapCount);
// RtlMoveMemory(
memcpy( (PUCHAR)(Extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) + Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information + WrapCount, Extension->RxQ.QBase, RxCount - WrapCount); } else //--- single move ok
{ // RtlMoveMemory(
memcpy( (PUCHAR)(Extension->CurrentReadIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) + Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information, Extension->RxQ.QBase + Extension->RxQ.QGet, RxCount); } // Update host side buffer ptrs
Extension->RxQ.QGet = (Extension->RxQ.QGet + RxCount) % Extension->RxQ.QSize; Extension->CurrentReadIrp->IoStatus.Information += RxCount; Extension->NumberNeededForRead -= RxCount;
return RxCount; }