#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "windows.h"
HANDLE WaitEvent; HANDLE StartWaitEvent; HANDLE StartTransmitEvent; HANDLE SetBreakEvent; HANDLE ClrBreakEvent; HANDLE hFile; HANDLE IoSemaphore;
DWORD WaitCommThread( LPVOID Trash ) {
Ol.hEvent = WaitEvent; do {
// StartWait Event will get pulsed whenever the user
// asks for a wait.
// Now we wait on the comm event.
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Waiting for comm event\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); if (!WaitCommEvent( hFile, &ReasonSatisfied, &Ol )) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
if (LastError == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
if (!GetOverlappedResult( hFile, &Ol, &Trash2, TRUE )) {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not do the getoverlapped on the wait: %d\n",GetLastError()); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Wait satisfied with mask: %x\n",ReasonSatisfied); printf("Event was%sset\n",((!WaitForSingleObject(WaitEvent,0))?(" "):(" not "))); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not start the wait: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Wait satisfied with mask: %x\n",ReasonSatisfied); printf("Event was%sset\n",((!WaitForSingleObject(WaitEvent,0))?(" "):(" not "))); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} while (TRUE);
return 1;
DWORD TransmitCommThread( LPVOID Trash ) {
do {
// StartWait Event will get pulsed whenever the user
// asks for a wait.
// Now we wait on the comm event.
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Starting transmit\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); if (!TransmitCommChar( hFile, 'a' )) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not initiate the transmit: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
COMSTAT LocalStat;
if (!ClearCommError( hFile, NULL, &LocalStat )) {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not initiate the clear comm error: %d\n",GetLastError()); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Successful transmit - InQueue,OutQueue: %d,%d\n",LocalStat.cbInQue,LocalStat.cbOutQue); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} while (TRUE);
return 1;
DWORD SetBreakThread( LPVOID Trash ) {
do {
// StartBreakEvent will get pulsed whenever the user
// asks for a Set break.
// Now we wait on the comm event.
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Starting Set Break\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); if (!EscapeCommFunction( hFile, SETBREAK )) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Set break failed: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Set escape done\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} while (TRUE);
return 1;
DWORD ClrBreakThread( LPVOID Trash ) {
do {
// StartWait Event will get pulsed whenever the user
// asks for a clr break.
// Now we wait on the comm event.
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Starting clr break\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); if (!EscapeCommFunction( hFile, CLRBREAK )) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not initiate the clr break: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("clr break done\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} while (TRUE);
return 1;
void main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
char *MyPort = "COM1"; DWORD ValueFromEscape = 0; DWORD CharFunc; DWORD ThreadId; int scanfval;
if (argc > 1) {
MyPort = argv[1];
WaitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if (!WaitEvent) {
printf("Wait Event could not be created\n"); exit(1);
StartWaitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if (!StartWaitEvent) {
printf("StartWait Event could not be created\n"); exit(1);
StartTransmitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if (!StartTransmitEvent) {
printf("StartTransmit Event could not be created\n"); exit(1);
SetBreakEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if (!SetBreakEvent) {
printf("SetBreakEvent could not be created\n"); exit(1);
ClrBreakEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if (!ClrBreakEvent) {
printf("ClrBreakEvent could not be created\n"); exit(1);
IoSemaphore = CreateSemaphore( NULL, 1, 1, NULL );
if (!IoSemaphore) {
printf("IoSemaphore could not be created\n"); exit(1);
printf("We successfully opened the %s port.\n",MyPort);
// We've successfully opened the file. Set the state of
// the comm device. First we get the old values and
// adjust to our own.
if (!GetCommState( hFile, &MyDcb )) {
printf("Couldn't get the comm state: %d\n",GetLastError()); exit(1);
MyDcb.BaudRate = 19200; MyDcb.ByteSize = 8; MyDcb.Parity = NOPARITY; MyDcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; MyDcb.EvtChar = 'a';
NewTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0; NewTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; NewTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; NewTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; NewTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 30000; // 30 seconds for immediate char;
if (!SetCommState( hFile, &MyDcb )) {
printf("Couldn't set the comm state: %d\n",GetLastError()); exit(1);
if (!SetCommTimeouts( hFile, &NewTimeouts )) {
printf("Couldn't set the comm timeouts: %d\n",GetLastError()); exit(1);
} else {
printf("Could not open the comm port: %d\n",GetLastError());
// Create the thread that will wait for the
// comm events.
if (!CreateThread( NULL, 0, WaitCommThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId )) {
printf("Could not create the wait thread.\n"); exit(1);
// Create the thread that will wait for the
// comm events.
if (!CreateThread( NULL, 0, TransmitCommThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId )) {
printf("Could not create the transmit thread.\n"); exit(1);
if (!CreateThread( NULL, 0, SetBreakThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId )) {
printf("Could not create the transmit thread.\n"); exit(1);
if (!CreateThread( NULL, 0, ClrBreakThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId )) {
printf("Could not create the transmit thread.\n"); exit(1);
do {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("^z=END 1=GETCOMMMASK 2=WAITCOMMEVENT\n" " 3=SETCOMMMASK (Will prompt for mask)\n" " 4=TRANSMITIMMEDIATE\n" " 5=SETBREAK 6=CLRBREAK:");
if ((scanfval = scanf("%d",&CharFunc)) != EOF) {
if (scanfval != 1) {
printf("Invalid input\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); continue;
if ((CharFunc >= 1) && (CharFunc <= 6)) {
switch (CharFunc) { case 1: {
DWORD OldMask = 0;
if (GetCommMask( hFile, &OldMask )) {
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("CurrentMask = %x\n",OldMask); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); DWORD ErrorWord = 0;
if (ClearCommError( hFile, &ErrorWord, NULL )) {
if (ErrorWord) {
printf("We had an error word of: %x\n",ErrorWord);
} else {
printf("No error word value on bad getmask call\n");
} else {
printf("Could not call clear comm error: %d\n",GetLastError());
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Error from GetMask: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} case 2: {
if (!SetEvent(StartWaitEvent)) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not set StartWaitEvent: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} break;
} case 3: {
DWORD NewMask = 0;
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("%.8x EV_RXCHAR %.8x EV_RXFLAG\n" "%.8x EV_TXEMPTY %.8x EV_CTS \n" "%.8x EV_DSR %.8x EV_RLSD \n" "%.8x EV_BREAK %.8x EV_ERR \n" "%.8x EV_RING %.8x EV_PERR \n" "%.8x EV_RX80FULL %.8x EV_EVENT1\n" "%.8x EV_EVENT2 \n", EV_RXCHAR ,EV_RXFLAG, EV_TXEMPTY ,EV_CTS, EV_DSR ,EV_RLSD, EV_BREAK ,EV_ERR, EV_RING ,EV_PERR, EV_RX80FULL ,EV_EVENT1, EV_EVENT2);
if ((scanfval = scanf("%x",&NewMask)) != EOF) {
if (scanfval != 1) {
printf("Invalid input\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); continue;
printf("Using New mask of: %x\n",NewMask); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
if (!SetCommMask( hFile, NewMask )) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("SetCommMask unsuccessful: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} else {
printf("All done\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); exit(1);
case 4: {
if (!SetEvent(StartTransmitEvent)) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not set StartTransmitEvent: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} break;
case 5: {
if (!SetEvent(SetBreakEvent)) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not set SetBreakEvent: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} break;
case 6: {
if (!SetEvent(ClrBreakEvent)) {
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
WaitForSingleObject(IoSemaphore,-1); printf("Could not set ClrBreakEvt: %d\n",LastError); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL);
} break;
} else {
printf("All done\n"); ReleaseSemaphore(IoSemaphore,1,NULL); break;
} while (TRUE);