Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
Module Name:
Debugger Extension Api for interpretting atapi structures
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "ideport.h"
const LARGE_INTEGER Magic10000 = {0xe219652c, 0xd1b71758}; #define SHIFT10000 13
#define Convert100nsToMilliseconds(LARGE_INTEGER) ( \
RtlExtendedMagicDivide( (LARGE_INTEGER), Magic10000, SHIFT10000 ) \ )
VOID AtapiDumpPdoExtension( IN ULONG64 PdoExtAddr, IN ULONG Detail, IN ULONG Depth );
VOID AtapiDumpFdoExtension( IN ULONG64 FdoExtAddr, IN ULONG Detail, IN ULONG Depth );
VOID DumpPdoState( IN ULONG Depth, IN ULONG State );
VOID DumpFdoState( IN ULONG Depth, IN ULONG State );
VOID DumpCommandLog( IN ULONG Depth, IN ULONG64 SrbDataAddr ); #else
#define DumpCommandLog(a, b)
VOID DumpIdentifyData( IN ULONG Depth, IN PIDENTIFY_DATA IdData );
PUCHAR DMR_Reason[] = { "", "Enum Failed", "Reported Missing", "Too Many Timeout", "Killed PDO", "Replaced By User" };
#define MAX_PDO_STATES 16
#define MAX_FDO_STATES 3
Routine Description:
Dumps the pdo extension for a given device object, or dumps the given pdo extension
args - string containing the address of the device object or device extension
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 devObjAddr = 0; ULONG64 detail = 0;
if (GetExpressionEx(args, &devObjAddr, &args)) { GetExpressionEx(args, &detail, &args); }
if (devObjAddr){ CSHORT objType = GetUSHORTField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Type");
if (objType == IO_TYPE_DEVICE){ ULONG64 pdoExtAddr;
pdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (pdoExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ AtapiDumpPdoExtension(pdoExtAddr, (ULONG)detail, 0); } } else { dprintf("Error: 0x%08p is not a device object\n", devObjAddr); } } else { dprintf("\n usage: !atapikd.pdoext <atapi pdo> \n\n"); } return S_OK; }
VOID AtapiDumpPdoExtension( IN ULONG64 PdoExtAddr, IN ULONG Detail, IN ULONG Depth ) { UCHAR scsiDeviceType; ULONG pdoState; ULONG luFlags; ULONG64 attacheePdo; ULONG64 idleCounterAddr; ULONG64 srbDataAddr; ULONG devicePowerState, systemPowerState; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("\nATAPI physical device extension at address 0x%08p\n\n", PdoExtAddr);
scsiDeviceType = GetUCHARField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "ScsiDeviceType"); pdoState = (ULONG)GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "PdoState"); luFlags = (ULONG)GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "LuFlags"); attacheePdo = GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "AttacheePdo"); idleCounterAddr = GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "IdleCounter"); srbDataAddr = GetFieldAddr(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "SrbData"); devicePowerState = (ULONG)GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "DevicePowerState"); systemPowerState = (ULONG)GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "SystemPowerState"); if ((scsiDeviceType != BAD_VALUE) && (pdoState != BAD_VALUE) && (luFlags != BAD_VALUE) && (attacheePdo != BAD_VALUE) && (idleCounterAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (srbDataAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (devicePowerState != BAD_VALUE) && (systemPowerState != BAD_VALUE)){
ULONG idlecount; if ((scsiDeviceType >= 0) && (scsiDeviceType <= 9)) { xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("SCSI Device Type : %s\n", DeviceType[scsiDeviceType]); } else { xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("Connected to Unknown Device\n"); }
DumpPdoState(Depth, pdoState);
dprintf("\n"); DumpFlags(Depth, "LU Flags", luFlags, LuFlags);
xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("PowerState (D%d, S%d)\n", devicePowerState-1, systemPowerState-1);
if (idleCounterAddr){ ULONG resultLen = 0; ReadMemory(idleCounterAddr, &idlecount, sizeof(ULONG), &resultLen); if (resultLen != sizeof(ULONG)){ idlecount = 0; } } else { idlecount = 0; } xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("IdleCounter 0x%08x\n", idlecount);
xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("SrbData: (use ' dt atapi!_SRB_DATA %08p ')\n", srbDataAddr); dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("(for more info, use ' dt atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION %08p ')\n", PdoExtAddr); #ifdef LOG_DEADMEAT_EVENT
{ ULONG deadmeatReason; deadmeatReason = (ULONG)GetULONGField(PdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "DeadmeatRecord.Reason"); if ((deadmeatReason != BAD_VALUE) && (deadmeatReason > 0) && (deadmeatReason < sizeof(DMR_Reason)/sizeof(PUCHAR))){ dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth, "Deadmeat Record: \n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "Reason : %s\n", DMR_Reason[deadmeatReason]); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("(for more info, use ' dt -r atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION %08p ')\n", PdoExtAddr); } } #endif
DumpCommandLog(Depth, srbDataAddr); #endif
} dprintf("\n");
VOID DumpPdoState(IN ULONG Depth, IN ULONG State) { int inx, statebit, count;
count = 0; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("PDO State (0x%08x): \n", State); if (State & 0x80000000) { xdprintf(Depth+1, "Initialized "); count++; }
for (inx = 0; inx < MAX_PDO_STATES; inx++) { statebit = (1 << inx); if (State & statebit) { xdprintf(Depth+1, "%s ", PdoState[inx]); count++; if ((count % 2) == 0) { dprintf("\n"); } } }
dprintf("\n"); }
Routine Description:
Dumps the fdo extension for a given device object, or dumps the given fdo extension
args - string containing the address of the device object or device extension
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 devObjAddr = 0; ULONG64 detail = 0;
ReloadSymbols("atapi.sys"); if (GetExpressionEx(args, &devObjAddr, &args)) { GetExpressionEx(args, &detail, &args); }
if (devObjAddr){ CSHORT objType = GetUSHORTField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Type");
if (objType == IO_TYPE_DEVICE){ ULONG64 fdoExtAddr;
fdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (fdoExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ AtapiDumpFdoExtension(fdoExtAddr, (ULONG)detail, 0); } } else { dprintf("Error: 0x%08p is not a device object\n", devObjAddr); } } else { dprintf("\n usage: !atapikd.pdoext <atapi pdo> \n\n"); }
return S_OK; }
Routine Description:
Dumps the Miniport device extension at the given address
args - string containing the address of the miniport extension
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 hwDevExtAddr; ULONG Depth = 1;
GetExpressionEx(args, &hwDevExtAddr, &args); if (hwDevExtAddr){ ULONG64 deviceFlagsArrayAddr; ULONG64 lastLunArrayAddr; ULONG64 timeoutCountArrayAddr; ULONG64 numberOfCylindersArrayAddr; ULONG64 numberOHeadsArrayAddr; ULONG64 sectorsPerTrackArrayAddr; ULONG64 maxBlockTransferArrayAddr; ULONG64 identifyDataArrayAddr; deviceFlagsArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DeviceFlags"); lastLunArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "LastLun"); timeoutCountArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "TimeoutCount"); numberOfCylindersArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "NumberOfCylinders"); numberOHeadsArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "NumberOfHeads"); sectorsPerTrackArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "SectorsPerTrack"); maxBlockTransferArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "MaximumBlockXfer"); identifyDataArrayAddr = GetFieldAddr(hwDevExtAddr, "atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IdentifyData");
if ((deviceFlagsArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (lastLunArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (timeoutCountArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (numberOfCylindersArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (numberOHeadsArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (sectorsPerTrackArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (maxBlockTransferArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (identifyDataArrayAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG deviceFlagsArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG lastLunArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG timeoutCountArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG numberOfCylindersArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG numberOfHeadsArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG sectorsPerTrackArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; UCHAR maxBlockTransferArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; IDENTIFY_DATA identifyDataArray[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG resultLen; BOOLEAN ok; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("\nATAPI Miniport Device Extension at address 0x%08p\n\n", hwDevExtAddr);
* Read in arrays of info for child LUNs */ ok = TRUE; if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(deviceFlagsArrayAddr, (PVOID)deviceFlagsArray, sizeof(deviceFlagsArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(lastLunArrayAddr, (PVOID)lastLunArray, sizeof(lastLunArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(timeoutCountArrayAddr, (PVOID)timeoutCountArray, sizeof(timeoutCountArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(numberOfCylindersArrayAddr, (PVOID)numberOfCylindersArray, sizeof(numberOfCylindersArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(numberOHeadsArrayAddr, (PVOID)numberOfHeadsArray, sizeof(numberOfHeadsArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(sectorsPerTrackArrayAddr, (PVOID)sectorsPerTrackArray, sizeof(sectorsPerTrackArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(maxBlockTransferArrayAddr, (PVOID)maxBlockTransferArray, sizeof(maxBlockTransferArray), &resultLen); if (ok) ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(identifyDataArrayAddr, (PVOID)identifyDataArray, sizeof(identifyDataArray), &resultLen); if (ok){ ULONG i;
* Display details for each device */ dprintf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < (MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE); i++) { if (deviceFlagsArray[i] & DFLAGS_DEVICE_PRESENT){
xdprintf(Depth, "Device %d Details:\n", i); DumpFlags(Depth+1, "Device Flags", deviceFlagsArray[i], DevFlags);
xdprintf(Depth+1, "TimeoutCount %u, LastLun %u, MaxBlockXfer 0x%02x\n", timeoutCountArray[i], lastLunArray[i], maxBlockTransferArray[i]);
xdprintf(Depth+1, "NumCylinders 0x%08x, NumHeads 0x%08x, SectorsPerTrack 0x%08x\n", numberOfCylindersArray[i], numberOfHeadsArray[i], sectorsPerTrackArray[i]);
* Display DeviceParameters info */ dprintf("\n"); if (IsPtr64()){ xdprintf(Depth+1, "(cannot display DeviceParameters[] info for 64-bit)\n"); } else { /*
* DeviceParameters[] is an array of embedded structs. * Reading this in an architecture-agnostic way would be tricky, * so we punt and only do it for 32-bit target and 32-bit debug extension. */ #ifdef _X86_
HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION hwDevExt; ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(hwDevExtAddr, (PVOID)&hwDevExt, sizeof(hwDevExt), &resultLen); if (ok){ #define IsInitXferMode(a) ((a == 0x7fffffff) ? -1 : a)
xdprintf(Depth+1, "Device Parameters Summary :\n"); xdprintf(Depth+2, "PioReadCommand 0x%02x, PioWriteCommand 0x%02x\n", hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].IdePioReadCommand, hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].IdePioWriteCommand); xdprintf(Depth+2, "IdeFlushCommand 0x%02x, MaxBytePerPioInterrupt %u\n", hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].IdeFlushCommand, hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].MaxBytePerPioInterrupt); xdprintf(Depth+2, "BestPioMode %d, BestSwDMAMode %d\n", IsInitXferMode(hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].BestPioMode), IsInitXferMode(hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].BestSwDmaMode)); xdprintf(Depth+2, "BestMwDMAMode %d, BestUDMAMode %d\n", IsInitXferMode(hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].BestMwDmaMode), IsInitXferMode(hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].BestUDmaMode)); xdprintf(Depth+2, "TMSupported 0x%08x, TMCurrent 0x%08x\n", hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].TransferModeSupported, hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].TransferModeCurrent); xdprintf(Depth+2, "TMMask 0x%08x, TMSelected 0x%08x\n", hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].TransferModeMask, hwDevExt.DeviceParameters[i].TransferModeSelected); } else { dprintf("\n failed to read HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION at 0x%08p\n", hwDevExtAddr); } #else
xdprintf(Depth+1, "(64-bit debug extension cannot display DeviceParameters[] info)\n"); #endif
* Display Identify Data */ dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("Identify Data Summary :\n"); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("Word 1,3,6 (C-0x%04x, H-0x%04x, S-0x%04x) \n", identifyDataArray[i].NumCylinders, identifyDataArray[i].NumHeads, identifyDataArray[i].NumSectorsPerTrack); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("Word 54,55,56 (C-0x%04x, H-0x%04x, S-0x%04x) \n", identifyDataArray[i].NumberOfCurrentCylinders, identifyDataArray[i].NumberOfCurrentHeads, identifyDataArray[i].CurrentSectorsPerTrack); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("CurrentSectorCapacity 0x%08x, UserAddressableSectors 0x%08x\n", identifyDataArray[i].CurrentSectorCapacity, identifyDataArray[i].UserAddressableSectors); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("Capabilities(word 49) 0x%04x, UDMASup 0x%02x, UDMAActive 0x%02x\n", identifyDataArray[i].Capabilities, identifyDataArray[i].UltraDMASupport, identifyDataArray[i].UltraDMAActive); dprintf("\n"); } else { xdprintf(Depth, "Device %d not present\n", i); } } } else { dprintf("\n ReadMemory failed to read one of the arrays from HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION @ 0x%08p\n", hwDevExtAddr); } } dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("(for more info, use ' dt atapi!_HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION %08p ')\n", hwDevExtAddr); } else { dprintf("\n usage: !atapikd.miniext <PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION> \n\n"); } dprintf("\n"); return S_OK; }
VOID AtapiDumpFdoExtension(IN ULONG64 FdoExtAddr, IN ULONG Detail, IN ULONG Depth) { ULONG devicePowerState, systemPowerState; ULONG flags, srbFlags, fdoState; ULONG64 interruptDataAddr; ULONG64 ideResourceAddr; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("\nATAPI Functional Device Extension @ 0x%08p\n\n", FdoExtAddr);
devicePowerState = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "DevicePowerState"); systemPowerState = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "SystemPowerState"); flags = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "Flags"); srbFlags = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "SrbFlags"); fdoState = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "FdoState"); interruptDataAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "InterruptData"); ideResourceAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "IdeResource"); if ((devicePowerState != BAD_VALUE) && (systemPowerState != BAD_VALUE) && (flags != BAD_VALUE) && (srbFlags != BAD_VALUE) && (fdoState != BAD_VALUE) && (interruptDataAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (ideResourceAddr != BAD_VALUE)){
ULONG interruptFlags, interruptMode, interruptLevel; BOOLEAN primaryDiskClaimed, secondaryDiskClaimed; xdprintf(Depth+1, "Power State (D%d, S%d)\n", devicePowerState-1, systemPowerState-1);
DumpFlags(Depth+1, "Port Flags", flags, PortFlags); DumpFlags(Depth+1, "SRB Flags", srbFlags, SrbFlags);
DumpFdoState(Depth+1, fdoState);
* Display interrupt data */ dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "Interrupt Data: \n"); interruptFlags = (ULONG)GetULONGField(interruptDataAddr, "atapi!_INTERRUPT_DATA", "InterruptFlags"); if (interruptFlags != BAD_VALUE){ DumpFlags(Depth+2, "Port Flags", interruptFlags, PortFlags); } xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("(for more info, use ' dt atapi!_INTERRUPT_DATA %08p ')\n", interruptDataAddr);
* Display IDE_RESOURCE info */ dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, " IDE Resources: \n"); interruptMode = (ULONG)GetULONGField(ideResourceAddr, "atapi!_IDE_RESOURCE", "InterruptMode"); interruptLevel = (ULONG)GetULONGField(ideResourceAddr, "atapi!_IDE_RESOURCE", "InterruptLevel"); primaryDiskClaimed = (BOOLEAN)GetUCHARField(ideResourceAddr, "atapi!_IDE_RESOURCE", "AtdiskPrimaryClaimed"); secondaryDiskClaimed = (BOOLEAN)GetUCHARField(ideResourceAddr, "atapi!_IDE_RESOURCE", "AtdiskSecondaryClaimed"); if ((interruptMode != BAD_VALUE) && (interruptLevel != BAD_VALUE) && (primaryDiskClaimed != BAD_VALUE) && (secondaryDiskClaimed != BAD_VALUE)){ xdprintf(Depth+2, "Interrupt Mode : %s \n", interruptMode ? "Latched" : "Level Sensitive"); xdprintf(Depth+2, "Interrupt Level 0x%x\n", interruptLevel); xdprintf(Depth+2, "Primary Disk %s.\n", primaryDiskClaimed ? "Claimed" : "Not Claimed"); xdprintf(Depth+2, "Secondary Disk %s.\n", secondaryDiskClaimed ? "Claimed" : "Not Claimed"); } xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("(for more info use ' dt atapi!_IDE_RESOURCE %08p ')\n", ideResourceAddr); }
dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("(for more info, use ' dt atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION %08p ')\n", FdoExtAddr); dprintf("\n"); }
VOID DumpFdoState(IN ULONG Depth, IN ULONG State) { int inx, count;
count = 0; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("FDO State (0x%08x): \n", State); for (inx = 0; inx < MAX_FDO_STATES; inx++) {
if (State & (1<<inx)) { xdprintf(Depth+1, "%s ", FdoState[inx]); } }
dprintf("\n"); }
VOID ShowCommandLog(ULONG Depth, PCOMMAND_LOG CmdLogEntry, ULONG LogNumber) { if ((CmdLogEntry->FinalTaskFile.bCommandReg & IDE_STATUS_ERROR) || (CmdLogEntry->Cdb[0] == SCSIOP_REQUEST_SENSE)){ xdprintf(Depth, "Log[%03d]: Cmd(%02x), SrbSts(%02x), Sts(%02x), BmStat(%02x), Sense(%02x/%02x/%02x)", LogNumber, CmdLogEntry->Cdb[0], CmdLogEntry->SrbStatus, CmdLogEntry->FinalTaskFile.bCommandReg, CmdLogEntry->BmStatus, CmdLogEntry->SenseData[0], CmdLogEntry->SenseData[1], CmdLogEntry->SenseData[2]); } else { xdprintf(Depth, "Log[%03d]: Cmd(%02x), SrbSts(%02x), Sts(%02x), BmStat(%02x)", LogNumber, CmdLogEntry->Cdb[0], CmdLogEntry->SrbStatus, CmdLogEntry->FinalTaskFile.bCommandReg, CmdLogEntry->BmStatus); }
// For pass through commands print out the command register
if (CmdLogEntry->Cdb[0] == 0xc8){ xdprintf(Depth, "CmdR(%02x)", CmdLogEntry->Cdb[7]); } dprintf("\n"); } */
// Get the local (to the debugger) timezone bias
Result = GetTimeZoneInformation(&TimeZoneInfo); if (Result == 0xffffffff) { pszTz = L"UTC"; } else { //
// Bias is in minutes, convert to 100ns units
TzBias = (ULONGLONG)TimeZoneInfo.Bias * 60 * 10000000; switch (Result) { case TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN: pszTz = L"unknown"; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: pszTz = TimeZoneInfo.StandardName; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: pszTz = TimeZoneInfo.DaylightName; break; }
Time.QuadPart -= TzBias; }
RtlTimeToTimeFields(&Time, &TimeFields);
sprintf(Buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", TimeFields.Hour, TimeFields.Minute, TimeFields.Second, TimeFields.Milliseconds);
VOID ShowCommandLog( ULONG Depth, PCOMMAND_LOG CmdLogEntry, ULONG LogNumber ) { LARGE_INTEGER timeDiff; CHAR startTime[256] = {0}; ULONG sector;
sector = (CmdLogEntry->Cdb[5] | CmdLogEntry->Cdb[4] << 8 | CmdLogEntry->Cdb[3] << 16 | CmdLogEntry->Cdb[2] << 24);
FileTimeToString(CmdLogEntry->StartTime, startTime);
dprintf ("%02x %02x %02x %08x %s ", CmdLogEntry->Cdb[0], CmdLogEntry->SrbStatus, CmdLogEntry->FinalTaskFile.bCommandReg, sector, startTime );
if (CmdLogEntry->EndTime.QuadPart >= CmdLogEntry->StartTime.QuadPart) {
timeDiff.QuadPart = CmdLogEntry->EndTime.QuadPart - CmdLogEntry->StartTime.QuadPart;
timeDiff = Convert100nsToMilliseconds( timeDiff);
dprintf ("(%4d ms)", timeDiff.LowPart );
dprintf("\n"); }
VOID DumpCommandLog(IN ULONG Depth, IN ULONG64 SrbDataAddr) { ULONG64 cmdLogAddr; ULONG cmdLogIndex; dprintf("\n");
cmdLogAddr = GetULONGField(SrbDataAddr, "atapi!_SRB_DATA", "IdeCommandLog"); cmdLogIndex = (ULONG)GetULONGField(SrbDataAddr, "atapi!_SRB_DATA", "IdeCommandLogIndex");
if ((cmdLogAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (cmdLogIndex != BAD_VALUE)){ UCHAR cmdLogBlock[MAX_COMMAND_LOG_ENTRIES*sizeof(COMMAND_LOG)]; ULONG resultLen; BOOLEAN ok; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("Command Log Summary at %p\n\n", cmdLogAddr);
ok = (BOOLEAN)ReadMemory(cmdLogAddr, (PVOID)cmdLogBlock, sizeof(cmdLogBlock), &resultLen); if (ok){ PCOMMAND_LOG cmdLog = (PCOMMAND_LOG)cmdLogBlock; ULONG logIndex, logNumber;
* Print the log in temporal order, starting at the correct point in the circular log buffer. */ xdprintf(Depth+1, "Log Srb Ata \n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "Offset Cmd Status Status Lba Time Stamp\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "------ --- ------ ------ --- ---- -----\n");
logNumber = 0; for (logIndex=cmdLogIndex+1; logIndex< MAX_COMMAND_LOG_ENTRIES; logIndex++, logNumber++) {
xdprintf(Depth+1,"+%04x : ", logIndex*GetTypeSize("atapi!_COMMAND_LOG") );
ShowCommandLog(Depth+1, &cmdLog[logIndex], logNumber); } for (logIndex=0; logIndex <= cmdLogIndex; logIndex++, logNumber++) {
xdprintf(Depth+1,"+%04x : ", logIndex*GetTypeSize("atapi!_COMMAND_LOG") );
ShowCommandLog(Depth+1, &cmdLog[logIndex], logNumber); } } else { dprintf("\n Error reading command log at address 0x%08p\n", cmdLogAddr); } } } #endif
* * USAGE: !atapikd.findirp {pdo|fdo} [specificIrp] */ DECLARE_API(findirp) { ULONG64 devObjAddr = 0; ULONG64 specificIrpAddr = 0;
* Make sure that the output buffers don't overflow by limiting the length of the input buffer that we process. */
if (GetExpressionEx(args, &devObjAddr, &args)) { GetExpressionEx(args, &specificIrpAddr, &args); }
if (devObjAddr){ if (IsAtapiPdo(devObjAddr)){ /*
* Find the Irp or dump all Irps * If specificIrpAddr is NULL, FindIrpInPdo will dump all Irps. */ FindIrpInPdo(1, devObjAddr, specificIrpAddr, TRUE); } else if (IsAtapiFdo(devObjAddr)){ /*
* Find the Irp or dump all Irps * If specificIrpAddr is NULL, FindIrpInFdo will dump all Irps. */ FindIrpInFdo(1, devObjAddr, specificIrpAddr); } else { dprintf("\n error: %08p is not an ATAPI Fdo or Pdo\n"); } } else { dprintf("\n USAGE: !atapikd.findirp <pdo|fdo> [irp]\n"); } return S_OK; }
BOOLEAN IsAtapiPdo(ULONG64 DevObjAddr) { ULONG64 devExtAddr; BOOLEAN isPdo = FALSE; devExtAddr = GetULONGField(DevObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (devExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 attacheeDevObj = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "AttacheeDeviceObject"); if (attacheeDevObj == (ULONG64)NULL){ // BUGBUG FINISH
isPdo = TRUE; } } return isPdo; }
BOOLEAN IsAtapiFdo(ULONG64 DevObjAddr) { ULONG64 devExtAddr; BOOLEAN isFdo = FALSE; devExtAddr = GetULONGField(DevObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (devExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 attacheeDevObj = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "AttacheeDeviceObject"); if (attacheeDevObj){ // BUGBUG FINISH
isFdo = TRUE; } } return isFdo; }
* FindIrpInPdo * * If IrpAddr is NULL, dump all IRPs. Otherwise, find only the given Irp. */ BOOLEAN FindIrpInPdo(ULONG Depth, ULONG64 PdoAddr, ULONG64 IrpAddr, BOOLEAN SearchParent) { ULONG64 currentIrp; ULONG64 pdoExtAddr; ULONG64 deviceQueueAddr; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("Searching Atapi Pdo %08p ...\n", PdoAddr); currentIrp = GetULONGField(PdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "CurrentIrp"); if (currentIrp && (!IrpAddr || (currentIrp == IrpAddr))){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- CurrentIrp of Pdo %08p = %08p\n", PdoAddr, currentIrp); } deviceQueueAddr = GetFieldAddr(PdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceQueue"); if (deviceQueueAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 devQueueListHeadAddr = GetFieldAddr(deviceQueueAddr, "nt!_KDEVICE_QUEUE", "DeviceListHead"); if (devQueueListHeadAddr != BAD_VALUE){ if (IrpAddr){ if (FindIrpInDeviceQueue(devQueueListHeadAddr, IrpAddr)){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- Irp %08p is in DeviceQueue of Pdo %08p\n", IrpAddr, PdoAddr); } } else { DumpIrpDeviceQueue(Depth+1, "Pdo Irp Queue", devQueueListHeadAddr); } } } pdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(PdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (pdoExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 pendingIrp = GetULONGField(pdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "PendingRequest"); ULONG64 busyIrp = GetULONGField(pdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "BusyRequest"); ULONG64 abortSrbAddr = GetULONGField(pdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "AbortSrb"); if (pendingIrp && (!IrpAddr || (pendingIrp == IrpAddr))){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- PendingRequest of Pdo %08p = %08p\n", PdoAddr, pendingIrp); found = TRUE; } if (busyIrp && (!IrpAddr || (busyIrp == IrpAddr))){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- BusyRequest of Pdo %08p = %08p\n", PdoAddr, busyIrp); found = TRUE; }
if (abortSrbAddr && (abortSrbAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 origRequestIrpAddr = GetULONGField(abortSrbAddr, "atapi!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "OriginalRequest"); if (origRequestIrpAddr && (!IrpAddr || (origRequestIrpAddr == IrpAddr))){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- AbortSrb %08p of Pdo %08p has OriginalRequest Irp %08p\n", abortSrbAddr, PdoAddr, origRequestIrpAddr); } } if (SearchParent){ ULONG64 fdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(pdoExtAddr, "atapi!_PDO_EXTENSION", "ParentDeviceExtension"); if (fdoExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 fdoAddr = GetULONGField(fdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "DeviceObject"); if (FindIrpInFdo(Depth+1, fdoAddr, IrpAddr)){ found = TRUE; } } } }
return found; }
* FindIrpInFdo * * If IrpAddr is NULL, dump all IRPs. Otherwise, find only the given Irp. */ BOOLEAN FindIrpInFdo(ULONG Depth, ULONG64 FdoAddr, ULONG64 IrpAddr) { ULONG64 fdoExtAddr; ULONG64 currentIrp; ULONG64 deviceQueueAddr; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("Searching Atapi Fdo %08p ...\n", FdoAddr);
deviceQueueAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceQueue"); if (deviceQueueAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 devQueueListHeadAddr = GetFieldAddr(deviceQueueAddr, "nt!_KDEVICE_QUEUE", "DeviceListHead"); if (devQueueListHeadAddr != BAD_VALUE){ if (IrpAddr){ if (FindIrpInDeviceQueue(devQueueListHeadAddr, IrpAddr)){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- Irp %08p is in DeviceQueue of Fdo %08p\n", IrpAddr, FdoAddr); } } else { DumpIrpDeviceQueue(Depth+1, "Fdo Irp Queue", devQueueListHeadAddr); } } }
currentIrp = GetULONGField(FdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "CurrentIrp"); if (currentIrp && (!IrpAddr || (currentIrp == IrpAddr))){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- CurrentIrp of Fdo %08p = %08p\n", FdoAddr, currentIrp); }
fdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(FdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (fdoExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 resetSrbAddr = GetULONGField(fdoExtAddr, "atapi!_FDO_EXTENSION", "ResetSrb"); if (resetSrbAddr && (resetSrbAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 origRequestIrpAddr = GetULONGField(resetSrbAddr, "atapi!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "OriginalRequest"); if (origRequestIrpAddr && (!IrpAddr || (origRequestIrpAddr == IrpAddr))){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("- ResetSrb %08p of Fdo %08p has OriginalRequest Irp %08p\n", resetSrbAddr, FdoAddr, origRequestIrpAddr); found = TRUE; } } }
return found; }